I V r l r i c V ! 4 -if r tltr 1 V HOTEL' ' ' ' - CHARLESTON, S. C. ? 'i. , tti htiointiifKing yCtor-tst . .... . m -- mmK t loratM up ia cournry. tt.t UJ aoj rorii we r.Uf the ' " Hii t Ji r)- ukrw ike Esub l III f ,l-a el the .Tor. Im whre he feKapiv , k-. m f at le cpSrt rejair. nIi rerjtn)itg , L4 We tU t enur lie e j'f of Lis viiws. rvx.vvay xeoro.- . N.O Tf AN" AWAY nc, WilLm J. C ii. Jjint, liifty ta rWry cnn r M J j, AUtere.ewUilU.of'Aprill!, .- - ... f t . ,. ,, .- , - , c d'trisl-wji ctxn? I ;fnj buby htir. W s b-f V-rJ,--'w 35oc 3S ycs C. t iSl )A of HO jooojrh" !w frxir iWth arc Urji rwj twMlrd QtrJ If tor t Ti rnam4 baU krowa coil trts lut- 1 i tr f-M i!. cr CIra vcU ntf tx C. nJ Ukra ta Atbni, by Aiwfrr fv;, crj Itcvtrft A h h4 &-irr liiioTlV; ber Mr. DiilyV in CSce UtJ cj ar jr. fv m. in all pfotU1lj, making bi Uck to .Narth Caroiio. He Ua brii i rartnJ,of OlldDCID oITetrd for tb rtcovrry I U negtt. ktj:oj xcJirji cxnouxs , t . An coin Coutvy ' TlU ?ar prnnally tparrJ leunaid (. tnj, Wfurv U tol)cnbcr i Justice of ' t,'i Ttaea rr aid Conijr, an J maJa oatli t- J9 f-rru' 'of1 Law,' il.ai I.e'hcIJ'a t ore nrTtfCX Mtonrlh-f bffaW Covniy f r 43T.OO, ia Uottb 24;hof JuU IS4S.OQ which nots iU'ttt if a rrt'Jii bui tha HiU Mat-(l6n, for 912. AUo an. cil.tr rrtdii fur $30.00 p)toui iL Ui of Ja.ia 1SI7. And orva other crrdii fur $30. . tia I4:n OcVbr 1819. which note mil. ' UfJof I iKcrrfor all proa arthare oy lot m f r.ftj irom Dojrinf nr trading aaiC tV -ot. .T.v. t 30 k. - - i v ctib . i L JJ h UclotMrr, 1819. Sworn bf..re LCONAHO MURRAY. "M. - 30, 1813. . . SEtr STAGE ZJXE. i i n voceritfned rearect- fDira:acma tbe travethor jnathe, that h Iiaa la km Lbe contract fen carrying the BMti,atwYolbM ul ace and 1 YoekviUe, A. aod that h haa placed oa the la a CCwtfiwtaM TITO 1IOR5E HACK. ;a It aa a Kta 5-weekly ILe, teaviex Liacolntoo tt fl o'clock. A. M .'ooTueadayvaod TKarvday,; raJ fatammf; oQ SVedneada ya to4 Fridays, ar rif w2 at P. M.- TiareiJara yoomeylax between Liscolaten 24 YorkTii:a will i that th far aa low; ad thai ample prrpa rat too hate Lceo uc'e to grs-4r aaarr conJcrtah!. aaaaalHBk ..fl tnJcftl Taarta, JAME3 WEI.W, Oct.SlSt. - . - ' tr . TJIC DOLLAR iE WaP ATE R, IaUUa4 .Dr a II C. AT riJIUDELPHIA. PA-. Ia iharrry lsawkly TaauJ awafafet puh tS4 la l."aul Mttra. . . Ij v, ftvav ia aJvavaai wuh taw rvaa ia rn v fjfaa f pnltaakip er atariaia. aoJ V now oly ia lb c3kareAett ( iL Lib " j of Ua at airnc,ba a.'rraJy acatml a carru laUMt and l3portan aaWo Mknoet wrrklj Lsi.'.f ew(ria th LTtdo,anJ irly Lu ,' ai?5e eaay 4hef iMrUaaaad prira Uich v I ih Caitad buic. Pnee (ar amgU aaUcrt- tft ea'y Oo DmUw pet afiaoaa. - . r THIRTY ROM A NOES 'FOR '2. . "tTTMlCH U all iMt H aArd per aonom, k J V tA gwaxat papT tut the woiUJ. w krh will I- 4kJ C-a fca weak ta) January, lilS undar tia titis f ,: ' i - , HIE SEATS OF THE WORLD. It 'wiSeoatata lrty eoaaaaaui w tW tat vaiea U and iaurtttmg fioanaacw veawkas et praaeat ayf . tVe Ar-"raai, poU. " - , t A ismx ectasia will be the famocM novel of , no n cut MACAfKi: lv cnula.nd. 2) C. If. Jat fbymjja tb erlteatd aothoe of - - Lii Mt LaawUa." aaj Cila tanrv.. A Jir Dumas' UL a-aJ heat prodoe II T. GEliNl THE50N'OP ATHOS. 'i r ,n.LiJ eipwaaiy far tha .Vnea cJU HV-af --r'r-.a cf l!ia bsl fiaolata of lb a age, 7Xjm4, h'i-4i, E. ' t . Oat apav ariUaat perrati at to r5Ta any Je M.Usl Lm of lb ffraat atovo af raaJmg thaf ita r .ri m?j ctajn na will otwiaia t kl ttwf fau)y t ' ; -5t t ba a whU hbrary of rradmx. I W tar U aaiaagiaw iaaliatH y. AO aajb- Nra w trail lb - yiar h eVoary la,-""-" ca im;; af DICK'cl auperti ated a f.'rfl of , ". " . -11- . p p are a f Lkh la Tuo JXn. T3Ml-Ta DaUara par arfoco.mrcrtiy . ia aJrukcav. 5,-wciuaa coaJwi3 be aact ta muj i J ordte. f tx Crts. , . ...... .,. . .. f 10 . Ee!i inWnkf w3 Va entltted ta a cf y U tha S ij.irc Prvaalafi Etai5. "" , " " .WtlUAKS DROTIIF.R5, TjaW, lCSJaaaBifttt,Nc Yk. ( M- A D WINTER fashons. aBwaBaiwaajwjwaBaMNWawa' . THE inhabitant of. Lit.hiJoo, and;ii vi e'lo'tj, anJ aH'otnera'.wIiu tieire Lv.eiwf ihifiy VnaJe at the Iiurtcst bcticc, arc respect fjllvrtttited raH 0 i -s - ile t ikUtrboi'M i kM.lrJ U:twea Mr. Mot H..cl aid Jacob IU:um.ui' k'orr. wb.re tocy kiiif cmiouc lu cairj a Uje . ( to all i'a varwua bricur. " 1 1 Triir rxpvrienrr, aud Ukt- auccea that 'haa LiUi Uj uuMTid Hhmf e!Krtt iu p4i-ac tuliy utf Ihtui ui ,a) that I he eW thc.r a.nt. mests. frill be ertal ta tnat vt any taikr in W e icm CarwUia, aod cut iulcriur tu the. beet city work. ,. t. -,. , j , 1 hej irmlc all. boili old and ynunjr, to call &d CJm;oe tin ltvl Kail and "V inter CITY FASHIONS, thich bate at teen receiied; anj from Vrhich, it la Itupt-U. rach wtll Ur Uu Iw alccl autuc ihinj uiuU t hi taate. They Hatttr thcmaelfea that their plain work MilJ U ioiurrasiJl their bosiutis uil ooexceucu. anJ their FASHIONABLE URl!s3 COATS. rtt;uirin; paliecce.carc, and lale, i!J bo anch aa tu cciicr credit upuu Die mechanical kt)l ol L.tcolntoo. While, how-erer, thcr lt contiumrcc of the favor of thrir trK-n!, an J folic it the pat ronage of'Uie puthc. they brjf lrac tu return their thanka for tbe liberal auj.jiurt hvr ivforv ealetMkd to Uivm. , Aa prosrpt aeiien ia peceaaarj to iMCeu in bust pie y will aim to make puiuiuaJity t!flra walchwurd, in the caccuikmj' cl' a.l their work. (Cr TKRMS iuU aa cinnol be ot!er than aat factory. ' Country proJuce taken in payment ; but Cajyt tluaya in ilvmauJ. TLa Public lluinbla Srtantr, .MooKE & conn. UncoJoton, Oct 0, li-W. tl" CAIwUIAGK MAKING. AU,rjU McCOY. ; KKAR THE CAST END OF LIXCOLXTOX. X. C. leare. roprtlullyKtu lufurut lua Inenda anC lite poUic generally, tnat he alill cualiauea tu carry ua ti3 Cili HUGE J7.fA7.VC IWSIXESS. at hia old I'Jn l, oppnsite Mr. Daniel Shuford thrt e ,tjare from the Cuori-Iooe. Having prorkii-d himelt with a stoek of SUPERIOR MATLKULS. he it at all times prepared to manufacture new and to do all kinJa of , REPAIRING and Till M MING, at a aMjrt rubier, and in a neat, elegant, and substantial mi oner. , F He mU vaibrace tl.isoccasioo to say, that, thankful to the public, for the liberal patronage hilfterto received, he has been encuvrayed to make e&ar's to extend his buinr?w ; "and he would reepectf oily inform persunn at a tlistance, woo may need any article ic his line, that il they will apply to bun by letter, or otherwise, l will take ureal pleasure in attending to lher ardera ; or, if deajivd, preiuua to contract, he will furniah bil.'s of col which wiM ho a low as csa poaaibly be sflorded for gl work. He hope to secure a liberal patrunape, by close application to buaincs and a determina tion to plea re. To aeeummoda t h enttomern, h will take all kuMia ol country prvdocn lor work ; and, Aa a little Ca, now and theri. Is rcliahed by the urat vf ineii." I.C Will he particutirly happy to find his pal rona r parous eiwuh lu lavor him with a lit tle rf tt ; anj he w,; he extremely (ratcful whenever he may receive it. AONER McCOY. October 5, 113. if MiW CSTADI.I4IIMCNT. nAVinVKiaSii9 WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER. KEFAlKER; &c. , Ac. LIXC0LNT0X, X. C. .TJ J riCTrt tir o.Trra LI a. tiu acivicea la Ut r .i : j .i. i Afj, alV?"5 Viuuie cHuii a iu the a- KVI V'S'v ,,ur hne,auring ll-e puh TT rrf-f. lie tialwoik ciiUutlrd to hia rara wui ba aieculed in title ami firiith eqsally m well aa if arol tt the otigir.al Kinihr in tjvvrpoot or London, lie mil keep cunaui.llj on Land an autrtmrnt of M-ATt If E, ICEY1. rilAIJf";, t '. Amo-GOLD PE.N. Cy atuiVal Uoxrt and Jcwcby a!ao icpairrd at sfecrt noiire. . Prota a dVsif a to arremroodate, with atiict at lenuon Ut buiura,h tiuau to lutrtt a gtuaioua I a'.ronaca- q3 Cfajntry produce tAca in exchange. aptaa,tcj 5, ISIS. tf ST.iTE OFXORTIt CJlItOUXA. GaSToX CotJNTV. Superior Court of Luc Full Ttrm, 1818. Nancy L.Carroll 1 r. Edition fi.r a Dlvrte. ILW. Carroll. S IT appearing to the satisfaction cf the Court that the defendant in tf.iscse ia n4 an in. babUtct ofthtaState: It U erdcrrd therefore, that puUiclk be made for threo nxnths in the Carolina Republican and Lincoln Conner, giting notice to the said II. V. Carroll, thai nuat ar.d appear before the Judge of cur Superior Court ol I.tw, at the Couri'lloore Jo DaiUa, on Ibe 4ih Xooday after, the 4ih A.'ou day tu March next, tltca and there, lo answer, or demur to, the aileatioa contained iri p!ain liil'a petition j otherwise, the ,san.c t i! re ta kenroncaao, aod a decree 'made accordingly. iiftes, Janes QuSnn, Clerk of cur aaid CtHirt. , at ofBce, th AiU Mooday after the 4ih Mon day in September, in. the 7dJ year of Ameri ca a Independence, A. I). It LHL . . . 1. w -JAMES QUINN, Clerk.' $.n rf A!FREsas0prLYj;i; if. 510ItB MICHALi A Kc. now rtcett in rpatiti opening, at Lueir o uj: i , in ., 4 - LrxcoLsroX. . ,A pDoral ftPboriinfrt of . . FALl. AM). tinter To which tbry invite llic attention of buyers. Ilan relctl'd thvif 'f-tuck with core, and pnretre!f f.'ieir gfttMld upon as favorath terms aathry can be iXlainc!. lliey confidently aa mrc their Iriemlss and'the public' in peneral, that they ran afford to sell as low as any other store in tin country. v( i , . Witn a iew to aico-TimoJato all uno.may fa or them with a ealllhey haeeiKleavortd to rei"l r llu-if essoifuient Complete. H..,,t., 1613. r tf noLDR.d Dollar, magazlnk, Coiitaiuiii 01 paes of reading mailer ! At tne alomlitti low price of ' one dollar per unnum ! or tut copies Jurjite o)f- uut. S BT contains at least one-third more read ing matter than any similar -publication n the United .States, and is decidedly the largest. hinptt, and ml ditab'e Majrazine eer publUhed i. Ihh or any other'enunt ry The contents of lloUen'a liollar Magazine will ci.iiat of TuUt, oy$, Sketchet and Tianshi tions, (mm the pens of some of our first authors, including a tciisof well wrought and spir ited sketches i.Iustraiive of haideots con nected with the history of the Union; arrange ment having; been made to elucidate some uaeful 11 fetor ical Reminiscence' in every tale produced. The other uual features of a first clara Magazine will be lncorj orated iu tlie DOLLAR," which, with its vatt capacity Gl pa pes will enable the publrsher lo avail himaeit of many of the heal writers on lhe other aide of the Atlantic he bcin pledged to render Holden Dollar Magazine the best as well us the cheapest, litciary enterprise ever urulertaken. Wio will not tubtcribe 7 Among' the writers of ackuow lodged la Ken I m this country wlio are already t imaged for tho ' Doliai AJagn zue," are those ut .Major Al. Al. Noah, C 1 llngg, (Harry Franco of" the Knickerbocker,) Rutu W. (Jriswold, lh Coiibtable, T. W. Meiirhan, author of the 'Revolutionary Sketch es,' lxi:eniJs .f the Thirteen Colonies.' and together with the name, of many others of our moot d.stiiignished authors who will fur nih occasional notices peculiar lo ihts Aiaj azinc. , Lach ouinbcr will contain a lung and ll.or ouh review of the principal topics of the I mouth, interspersed with anecdotes, oddities and poasip upon tarious subjects, which can not tail of proving instructive as well as a i:uing. Trns-ftU be served op monthly by oae of the beat humorous authors of the day, aod will be a featuro alone worth more than ihc auhfcriptiqu price, la the course of the volume, alliclta w ill be giv u freiu the pens ot- nearly all the following Luropean authors viz : Doughs Jerold, Gilbert Abbott A'iier.k et, Goodwin llormly, Wni. Howttt, b'. C Hall, V. W. Thackery, Win llarrteoti .tusvirth Maik Lemon, Win, Carle ton, Thos. Miller, J. U. I'laiiche, Martin i'.trqniiar 'J upper, Al- Ired 1 ennyaon, Lbcncxer Liiiol, Ch-is. AJckay together witii occasional articles from Mary llowilt, Mrs. 8. C Hall, Hon. Mrs. Norton Harriet Marliueau, and many fibers our, pre sent space will not allow us lo spetily. Translations of some of the minor Tales of Kugeoe Sue, Alex. Duuias, Geo. Cand, etc., wni bo given, if tree from the peraicuMts in fluence ol many French tale, .aud particular caiu will Ui lakeu Utal iiolUni demoralizing ia iu luuo ever huds a pUco iu Luo pagca oil the Dollar Alagsimc. The publisher has alw made arrangements for a number of tales from ti.e German and J bpaoish. and is confident thai he pocC9ecs fa cilities for their selection unsurpassed by any one in America. Il will bo readily acknowl edged by any one alall conversant with litera luxo iix every form, that Maiden $ Dollar Magazine is the Icrgat, cheajjttl, and lest periodical in tho Wond, and he challenges comparison with any ibli'g pubtuhed in Lune or America, rationed thai the sovereign petple will decide tor th.Mnaelves as regarus tbe merits of the repectv work. lloLOk's Hollar Maoazir will be isMied moiiihly, m Noa. of G-l phges each, printrd on fine paper manufactured express. Iv fur tho work, and of exuu quality, with new and beatifu! type. 7rw. ONt; HOLLA U per annum, payable invaiiahly ia anwiice: .Six Copies for Five Dollar $. or 25 copiea for Twenty Hollars, w hen mailed lo one address. Address. -jol-paid. CHARLES W. HOLD EN, Punliaher of Holden'a Dollar Alvgszine, I'9 Naa,au street, N..Y. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. " ' ' THIRD TEAR. Thin popular acicutilic aud mechanical Journal (which has already attained the largect circulation of any weekly paier of the kii.d iu thewoild.) rom mriued ita Thud Yclume vu Satuiday, September 25ih. . . Kach nurnher of The Sacntife Amer. contains from five tu atven oiiuinal Engravings; a catalogue of Atneru-ai Patent,-aa iasncd f n in the Patent Office rach week ; noiice of the prorcs of all new mechanical and sci ntific inTer.tions ; inrtmctiooa in the various aits aud lrade, with Engaings ; curmti pbiNM)hk-ai and cberuieaf exrimehu; thrt la teat Kail Koad intelligence ia Europe and Atnciica ; ait the difTrrrut jneebanical movement I pubhhed in a series, and , illustrated vith mora than a hundred engra tings, dec-, &c. . Ilia ir. tct a i a4-r that oieritatha patronage of all the otechani;a ard inauulacturt rs throughout the United State, and should be in the bai:d of rerynlbal fVeJa an interest in the advanrament f uarehanical.r,tckauhct iortpfoveiuciita -in this couuiiy. "J . ( i f ... '.'"rv.t ; It ia published in Quarto form, cepveniently ad4cd lo UiudiDg. erui furnished t6 country sub acrihrra at ibejoar price of Tuo Jolfurt a yeer4- OritJJdffar'tn ctcanrt. and the remainder ia aix moulLs: "Addrrca. ru paid.' " . ttt ' u. U.-. I iNN A CO PpUiabars, 153 FuUuu street, Ne-v YtfJk.J 4 v aHicbtuoolt jrac(orl fTrt RE-Proprietors desire Vespcctfap.'V fo'calf riie ; U f Attention of the paMie td the tarioua branch- ew of hasiness succesafally Carried on; at the Lin cola tjottoaacloryhich s'twsiediwujuii' aouth of Linculnton, on the Vorkvilie road, where U crotae the iSomh Fork of Ihe Ctmwba. . w -J NEW ND SAF3 RlDGE baa been; erected .'over the tfver-nesrlyf opposite the. r.actury j .othat peraona Laving hustuesa at inc place, need appirbetiu no. oiincuuy in passiug tnentrraio ac any time?V,'"H . ,Tlre Cotton t'acUirJ. under the wupermteodencc of Mr". JamcM L'oLb,"a sLtlfut nicchanic, 1 ket in constant operation, manufacturing t ,: " rV- . Cotton Yarn, which. cannot be excelled. " CJloth, of a very, superior quuhly. " ' Candle-wick Carpel-Cham, doubled and twiited, 'i Kiwe8.ofullkind.uchu9 ," MACHhNE-ROPES,' , ' U ELI. ItOPES. it HALING-ROPES, . . .UEp:CORps. fcc. &c. . : -- THE BLACK-SMITH SHOP is conducted by HEX, the head mechanic, wno in the umnufacture of MACHINE IRONS, AND EDGED TOOLS, of every variety are unrivalled.. Indeed, the FAMOUS LINCOLN FACTORY AXES havs Jotig b. en esteemed the best in use through out the Western part of the State. All ordera at leuued to, at Ihe shortest n .lite. HOUSE-SHOEING. Refractory horse?, and jnules can, at all times he ehod with safely, bv placing llieiu IN THE rC(CKS, which have been sfeitftrlly eijeeied, with a view to pievtnl the possibility ol ijijury. WOOL CARDING. The proprietors have Mr. La wson Petty in their service, who is a nr&t rale Carder, and at all limes in readiness to card Wool iu a su perior manner, and at slsort notice. Wool Rolls a h ays on hand torsale at the low. rote ol 1-3 cts per tr 3 lbs for one dollar THE BRASS FOUNDRY. in this department, all kinds of Rrass castings are prepared and fitted up for use. MACIIIN E MAN IJ FA'JT UR1NG A N D REPAIRING SHOP. Tho 6brp is well prepared to build .- , tf O OL CA RD1XG MA CHINE S, of the best quality, to execute all kinds cf TUJiXJXG A ft'OOU OU JHOX, and to npair Giist-Mills, Saw-Mills, . Tbushing MacliiiKS ; and to do any other repaiiin' ol the aame nature that may ie desire J. . THE COTTON GIN is realy for use at all times ; and the proprietors will pay the highest price for Seed-cotton. - THE OIL MILL ia in constant operation ; and Lineeed Oil always on hand for aalv. Linseed oil retails at one dol lar, and ia wholesaled by the bartel at .70 cts. per gallou. Cotton seed oil retails at 62 j cts., and is aold by the bar'el at 50 et. per gallon. The hihehl maiket price paidfor Flax-seed.' SJiirMlLEfy SHINGLE FACTORY. All kinds of sawine done at short notice, and ahinglea inanufactuied to urdcr, for ihose wlio lur niah limber. ; SIIOR MAKING. A superior workman always at. hand to make aud mend ahoes. . T II E S TORE. contains an assortment. of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, 4 QUEENS WJllE, and every thingVNe usually included in the m cauiile line, alt laid in ivith .a view to accommo date their friends and patrons. ' All business transacted iif'a spirit of accommo dation. ; ' " Thankful for pi.st favors, tho proprictora pledge their beat exertions to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage hiiheilo extended to them. The highest market cash piices olwaya paidfor Cotton. L. D. CniLDS cj- CO September. 27, 1843. tf ' ' -v--V-v -v--v--v i- 7V TV- vr -7F L. D. GUILDS 4- CO. AND ;, WILLIAM JENKS. having erected an extensive Machine shop, a quar ter of i mile lielow 'Lincoln Factory, are fully prepared to build every deaciiplion of .1 - s f COTTON A N D W OOLEN M AC II I- NERY. .. ' They builJ THRA SHEKS of superior quality, and tbebefcl florae powers now in use . They are the only manufacturers in the fclate of CHILD'S CELEBRATED PUEM UM PATENT HORSE P OIF Ell. New work of every description, and all kinds of , . : REPAIRING ' , ; . c;done at the shortest notice. By superior workmanship at lihcral prices, and on accommodating terms, tbe proprietors hope to merit and seen re the patronage of the public.- September 27, 1848. . tf , ; CLOTH 1XO EATLY&HAIUalf TO -ORDER., . "'- AIIcn Alexander. . BEING iu nceiptcf the latett abhion?, a , t . soon as. they appear, is at -allUinles re pared to execute, work in ii is liac, iwlh.ueel nefs and dLptch. , : '.." lleirfvirra' patrol a je"' by tnodcrate'tclrrns, and a deterrxlriiiiorf to please T'y tcotthrj hrt.ar inents'tastefully, and putting them together in a durable manneri T ;nr", zUic "1Cj C uft; be dxtJ at the-shcrlcst cotjee-t Ltaco.'oton, Sc Jpt,vJi8iS, tfu- 'CrDB"-KKEI EVERY, T WEEK, v" Contatiis the beM articles from the KEn. glirMaVzTneasanthebest w i iters in thia country. fi is 'a compendium of the literature of the "two countries. . Among the novelties, it will contain entire, : aU'tiie expensive English Annuals. "Treatises Jipqii Drawing Horlicul t lure; the Fine Arts, Faions, Dancing, Horse maushipLadiesW vilh,eii.heJlisli-f ineah' -in fact, eviry thing liiat can interest a Jad3 will be found in its columns. Price for a, year,-1. :'J'he' Lady's' lJok and t"ie Lady's Doliar-New?paper,- will be : sent one year lor $3 in advance. a - .A ' Address. Ia A. GOHEY, Xo. J 13 Ctiemut St. rhilet. ' Godey's Lfldvs book, 1 month, 25 ceuls. ; 44 ..- " 7 ' 4 mouths, - $1,00. Posb-ige to be paid on all order. , tr ,, GODEY'S LADY'S ROOK By the utianrnions voree of the Preds, pro nounced the best magazine. oLthe day. Line and Mezzotint Engravings and Fashions in ev ery Novt Model Cottages, Knitting, .Netlinc and Crochet-work, beautifully embellished. Price of the work, 3 dols. a year, 2 copies for 5 dols , 3 copies lor 6 dols., 5 popies for 10 dols., and one copy extra-to the Postmaster or other person sending Hie Club, 8 copies for 15 dols.. VI copies tor 2U dols. - ; Any, Postmaster sending dols. and the name of a Subscriber tor the L&dy's Book, may retain the other dollar for his commission. Any per son sending 2 dols., will be entitled to the La dy's Book . one year, and the Lady's Dollar Keswspaper, one year. . Address, L. A. GODEY. No.. nsCiieshul St. Phila. FRO! IPECTUS. OF , , TE CAROLINA REPUBLICAN. THE Subscriber respectfully announces to the inhabitants of kstkun (Jaholisa, and ibe pub lie in geaeral, that, by the astistaiiee of hia friends, he has made ample preparation for the publication of a weekly newspaper, with the above title, n r,IKt.01.ISTONf KORTII CAROLINA. - He will use ihe pret-s, type; and fixtures of the Lincoln Republican, to which he islnotv add ing such new materials as will, by making the of lice complete, prepare him to print a sheet which, in mechanical execution, .will vie with any other paper in the State ; and, having had considerable experience, as a publisher, he flatters himself that close attention to business, will enable him to com inanieate soch interest to his editorial columns as will render the Republican highly attractive to ev ery class of readers. . Whatever abilities he possesses, whatever en ergy he can exert, whatever industry he can em ploy, will be enlisted to merit a liberal patronage; and thus striving to deserve encouragement, he humbly, but confidently submits his enterprise lo the favorable regard of a geneious public Political subjects will be freely discussed ; and while the Republican will be just to all, the editor will firmly advocate the enligbtened principles of free government, embodied in the ever to be cher ished American Constitution, aod sustained by the fathers of" the Republic, Washington. Jclleron, Jackson, Polk, ai d others, including the present sUmdard bearers of Democracy , the patriotic Cass, and the heroic Bctlku. On questions gTowtn, out of the domestic insti tutions of' the countiy, the editor will retolutely stand by the interests of the land ofliis birth, his education, and his choice. Sensible of the tturcat iiK aspect the Abolition question hasasumed, he will earnestly urge the importance of union a lid concert of action in the &outh,in order to preserve the sovereignty of the Stales, and to prevent a dis solution of this hitherto glorious confederation; and, while he is ready to avow a willingness, if ne cessary, to unite with all parties, in defense of our Southern institutions, irrespective of partisan pre dilections, he Will endeavor to prove, beyond a rea sonable doubt, that the couYpIete triumph of Dcm oerat. U3easorcs'oflers : the only safeguard ' to Southern interests, - The Republican will he an ardent, if not an able advocate of universal education, until the means of instruction shall be secured to the child ot every citizen in the Republic, The agricultural, and mining interests of the State, shall b3 promoted as far as the di.ssemina lion of such facts and experiment a j can be col leclcd, will tend to effect the purpose. J he Ldilor believes that equal rights, equal privileges, and i.acAL. Jscffhaoe, aro the birth rigutaot American citize.i: aud, thereforeumil thee are fully secured, he 'will never cease his ef forts to reform. "or amend the constitution of Xorth Carolina. , V bile every attempt o impair the ob ligation of contracts, and the rights of propeity, wilf be resisted, the enjoyment of auy peculiar po litical privileges, on account of the possession of property, will be strenuously opposed. A; Ample space will be reserved for the edification and amusement of the : literary reader ; and the tenderest sentiments will be collected, and the sweetest flowers of . poetry culled for the Ladieu' Department. . '".:.', . Care will be taken' to; insert all the local news, and to disseminate general intelligence ; and mea sures will le adopted to seciiie a ciicuiatidn throughout Western Carolina which will render. tbe Republican one of the most desirable mediums for advertising west of Raleigh. -.The eul-rpiiue conteinplaies the publication of an attractive , . ... . J which will interest the politician, aid the bb dness man, advance the farmer, assist the miner, instruct the youth, cultiate science and morality, .1 muse and please lovely woman iu her leisure moments, promote the interests of all classes, ami contribute something for the gratification of every taste. It will be convenient in size. printed on' good paper, and delivered in Lincolnton, or mailed to subscribers at Three Dollars pcranuum; - If paid within six mouths, a deduction of fifty cent will be made. , if paid ia advance, a deduction of One Dollar. w-ihVbe allowed, which will reduce the price ly t , . Tivo Hollars ,lV?rlV Jt 'Any""-kind of tucichaataole" produce' taken ih pd'iaent. ;y. :- Frorr the Crst number u.ilil after the Presiden tial Erection, single' copies vf?d "be furnished'fyr 37 cents, each. - ' - " t,w-- -C-v $ , ? 43 copies for-. ' . , h Cd ' '"7 do "Lf5, 2.00 v,, 16. do.ir- 4.00 or any number at the same rates. . . . in as much a the terms fur the campaign, sre o low as to alTord little of no' prontlo thepubnshery tbe casu ouabt, invariably va wpahl ia aJvaOCo. ; PROSPECTUS FOR ; 4. -. ! .,: , y, 1 : . ,r.. 1 J .'r.T -'" : ' ) ,s ,-i"i4 Rest and mott popular oj "(h$ Magazines Til E LADIES' K ATI ONAL MAQAWNl 1 'Edited by Mr ii. Ann S. Stephen' - ' . .eBBBaBBBBaaBBBBBaaajaa . . HTMIE Immense aueceaa of this 'Mugaxuia ixf il , 1 1 847, bey ond that of ahyl coteuDporary, tat ' K eertaro tbat it will close the year 1848, wit the targttf circulation in tW United States I? -" As a iauiea Magazine irstandswitAoat a rival, in the taste, nsefulnesa aoiT.neVelty it dit plays, as also in being the un-Woojj af fashion iu ail our Eastern cities,. 4--.-- As a Pictorial Magazine it far exceeds any1-rl valj as tbe richoess and beauty of its illuatraliowa in 1847 prove., It givea more of Sartain'a plA did meizotints. than any-other periodical.'. . I ! New Type wid SplcndidPaper? 'The January ntwnbei, to be ready : on tha fifth? ef December, wilt be in - entirely new' type, audi -with a new and more beautiful style, of paper. lfmt ! Original Stories Mlustraled. i t A' great feature of this .Magazine for 1848 will be the publication of original atoriet, Uluat rated' by oiiginal engravings, an enterprize so coatiy aaV heretofore to have been ventured on only by this periodical. Mrs. Stephens, the greateat of living, leiuaJ authors, haa already written a thrilling lale to be thus illusiiatcd f and others will alao be glv en. 1 'I "' y::-i3ti -'i Print, mtmber for January. I ' We thought, last year, that we bad puu,iahad a January number such as r ever could be aarpaaaad but for January, 1848, we ahall 'iaaua one far ex ceeding it, and inlinite y suparior te any aver seen in America. Ve nave . the plates foe that number, each of which- ia worU the aubacrin lion price. Send and ace I . , 'n'. "-M 1 lie Fery Latest' Fashions. .. ' We have aTrancemenls by which wa canexct- ail cbteinporariea in the lateness and beauty of auf fashions. ' For I848.we shaif give, each month, e uli description of the fashions, prepared by acele. brated dress-maker, and written iu a atyle to be understood" by every lady, as well as by the pre- lessibnal-mi liner. j.WliW". ti tr Splendid Novelties, We shall introduce in 1813. several novel tteai iinoiig llietn. descriplions of all the popular d a nets, a ccom pa n Ted ' by eng ra vinga ; alap af depurtmeht which shall k6ep" ihe rub of alt . new fashions in furnitnre,, dec. 'also5 new few ; ceipts i asy fresh styles ol embroidery, netting &c.N in shorty we alia 11. make .the Mafasin, useful lo the family, as well as ornamental to the parlor. ' .. The Bat forth Sex. ';V This "periodical has s tvelf earned repulalfon. of being the best for-the sexVln- faet,tafter all, 01 its literary merit, must a Magi sine stand or fall. Ours is edited by . Airs., Auo 8 Siepherjs, confessedly the, best living romance writer, at home or abroad. v Her" own atorio have no equals. , Tulee of domestic life, of re ol til6)na.ry history andol'tho.fashionabla worlaV fill our pages, culled, with care, and. ait written expressly for 6s. r ' s h 1 .f J All the best wrlers: " Ouf list of contributors is unequalled." Wr giyer a tew namea'.-f-iurs.: J. li. fSigourney, Mrs. E. F. Eliet, Mrsl Frances S. Osgood, Airev Anne P. Dehnies, Alrsl C. AIcDonaJd, Mra. lL. S. Nichols, Mrs. M. S. Dana. T. S. Arlhurr Airs.iA.Al. F. Annan, Mrs. L" J. Pieraon, Mr a.' P; W. R,Carolhere; Mrs. M. IL- Rand, Alias EileQ Ashton, and Mrs. Caroline Slarl wc;.-, .x Magnificent Mezzotints The superior elegance of oul illustration! is acknowledged by ;alI.ttAJoat!c4"1heoiiarai an-' ii ra ved I rohi or ig in a I America n pictures. Waj prefer to give, picture tluLara. beautiful, ne urn iter at what cjst, thaa those .which are in different, however chea'p." 'iXjme'atic Seen aa Scriptural EngratingsV besides illustriiiona of Original 'Pales from our gallery lot Mexxotiola An Astonishing Increase. 7 , 4 :In 1847 our increase so far. exceeded our most sanguine- expectations that for aeverai months, we have been unable to supply back, numbers. .Next year weahaH double our edi tion. Those wlo-desire to, secure early copiea must reiuit at once.' - - ; . ' " Terms. . These arc cfieo per than any other Magtxina ca n offer : T wo dol la rs a year, intsriahly' in advance. To- i aci I itate reniittaticea. wo offer the ol'Howtng terms lo Clubs; , V--- ?,JS fr"4rf 5 00 " y;go; 10 00 30 00 Three copies, Five copies, Seven copiears 1 Sixteen copies, . a. - t iff -a.' ! ; Premiums.' To tlie Postmasleror other person obtaining: a Club of thre or, fivewe wilf send a copyfo' " Tru.-nbtdPa celebrated Picture of ihe Rattle of Bunker Hill," executed on st6el,ofa size to frame and hang tip in the Paf lor. ' For a Club of seven or sixteen, either tliij; picture 0 aa exfrai copy pf the Magazine- ?f2A tut Five Dollar, two copiea of the Magaziat) and fijurof the fcsa turdar Evening' Pot ;vffi Address, post-pa id, the money at our riskv0. CHARLES J. pETERfc50N,f "' ' JCo: 03 Chef uutStreet; Philadelphia, . T7 A, SPLEN DID,, ASSORT Al PNT. now ARRitixp, and orrttezo JOaVf Al : ;CIIEAPERfrirATEViER rm HAJf KFlTf. for the liberal patron re Irith. JL ' eno received,' beg: leave, reepeclfuHy, to r.miounce to their frieudaLand patroor, aod 1 the citizeoa-generalljr.pf; LeneoUi Ge(an4 Cm tawba. andtthaufrowwiingfoTtiAttlhj' have just returned from; Baltimore, Pbilaelphu di New-Y-rk, JwltWan ample fupply it'' : 1 FALLj fiXDt WFJiTMR QQA&J ' including.evcry.tirictr otti Mt ' SERVICEABLE -' 'r Tliey vvifHi K4 gteil -' pride a hd prei$r.?i.' exhibiiwre Uie ir atockj Which focJtidca "th'tf belt atjrf cheapest goods tha- roarket aflbnl-, a wail aa a geatiirayiely AMtifHxl : M .f Vv 12 f i v "t v: r ia