t a ! ' ft" ' i- i . CAU0LI2U HEPDBUCIN OS.. " SpuJ pr.'tL's" ort !iou tf aJUpM afncolutoa, Z C FRIDAY, JUSE 1, 1849 aible to improve tlie quality of tLe Yarn and 'cloth prodaccd, fic present arrangement would effect it. ' ,Tlie , liberality, , enterprise, and public spirit of Col. Childs who give the business Jiia pcrscnal attention, need not be referred to by us; they are appreciated, and too well known to require comment. . . Jlr. V. II. Palmer U our (ene- rX Ag-nt mi tleJMjirg plux for pro curio ad rtrtuemetU. and collecting pay- mnt krtfccme- The Kepobhcaa n lor- teiuen present, as well as His Honor, Clcavclantl Superior Court. Tbe' Superior Court of t'learcland County commenced its session ou Monday, the 2st, ulL; aad, although it was the last spring term oa the circuit, and the legal u " u tt J. L. Gladden, W. M Gold, O. W. Ilollaad's W: B. Hames, G. G. Holland's G. B. Palmer. McEntirVi ." Wright'i r. warded eratU to all permanent ad tort Iters. Hrv Palmer1! Ofices are at Xrm York Tribune buildings oppwite Uhm Park.. ,Iakiefp:mS.Vr. corner, of Third . and Chestnut reU. - Ba&ww S. W. corner Fayetto and orth Sxrwi. JbrtamSa 20, Fute Street. M- Editor: The friend of Gen. Daniel Sca-Ic, request that hebean noanced, as a cxdv1k1a1 f.r the oftee of SCPt RioR CoCT CLtaK of Uocoln County, n the cuMiisg election. t3r We are authorised to announce Capt. GXX3 W. CaIDWIXI, a a candidate for Con rm in the 3d Coogrcssiuual dictrict ! vf (lit State. was Jl'bGE Baily, who, we regret to say, slightly IndypoSed, were all wearied with ex cessive labor, yet, encountering the fatigue, they went through with, the docket, closing we believe on Friday. Being busily engaged in cultivating ac quaintances, and a friendly intercourse with the good people of Cleaveland, we witnessed butlittle of the judicial proceedings of the Court. On all sides, however, we could hear encomiums, eipresive of the hih regard en tertained, by th inhabitants, for both the public and private characters of the eminent jurist and rvlined gentleman Judge Baily, and the encrytie, yet courteous prosecutor, B. S. Gaithcr. V"e met a numerous delegation therefrom Lincolnton. The frank, warm-hearted, and eloquent lender our former brother of the quill and rather of the Republican, Mr. Thompson the indefatigable Ouion, Gas ton's faithful solicitor, Mr. Slade', and Lin coln's arrominxlatingClerko; Master in Fqui- Ztemoretl. iur (5ce hx U-en re tnveU to a new building oca the Methodist "Church, where weshali be happy at all times to see our friends. Publication day changed. Kiperience has Uught us that the mail ar- n:mfB'j render it more convenient to . publish oux paper nearer the bvt, than the J. friend Williamson, all of the bar, wr there, first of the week ; an J, thertfore, we shall smed to be at hotne with the people of hereafter Lue on Fri by. Ocavcland who appeared to appreciate them as thev deserve. Iksides these, there were, Special Court in Lincoln . . , '. .' . ... . . t c , from Uncolnton, Merchants, Mechanics, and Count jr.. A Special term of the fcupen- j ' - M ... t- i . ' Gold-Miners, and perhaps others whom we ar Court will commence in uncolnton, on , ... , , , , ovetiooici, or wno overiooacu us, wecaunoi tie third Monday in July next, County Cooit Clerk. We learn that JotXX K- IIokc, U a eandidatc for this of- tell rh'ch. W"e should like to enumerate all the agree- i TMrnn wf met. to lr-srrir ail tnc sub net. He will make a most excellent ofEcor. . . , . , . ,, ,, , , ,v " i jects of interest wc saw, and tell all we heard ; SO The Rail Rcd Convention will be tut this would weary the reader. Bother- bell ia jNklUbury, en the 14th of June next forj Mnt her Baxter and Ship, two young legal gentlemen whom she no doubt proper- Sliclby, the county seat of Cleaver land county, is a beautiful little new village, between two and three roues from " W il son's Springs." ; The public, equare is spa cious, tho buildings well constructed, and the Court-bouse one of the handsomest in the country. The mechanics' are thriving, and the Merchants doing a good business Mr. Hardin is building a new Hotel which, when finished, will afford ample accommoda tions. ' We boarded with Mr. Champion who, though in ill health, had made every de sirable provision to ensure the comfort of his visitors. His table was well supplied, and the viands served up in a style to invite the appetite. His attentive assistant, Mr. Wm. McSwain, was always at hand to entertain company and discharge the duties of " mine- host," which he did to the satisfaction of all. Wilson's Sprinos, CleavfxandCoun ty, The only things wanting to render these springs a place of the greatest resort in the whole Southern Country, are suitable build inrs and other iiunrovemcnts of which the O a place is su.ceptible ; and then proper attcn tion to the comfort of visitors. For some complaints, the water cannot be excelled. It never fails, we believe, to restore a healthy action to the kidneys. AYe arc unaequaint cd with all the properties of the spriug ; but sulphur is a principle ingredient We saw a piece of silver dropped into it, become black in a few minutes. Our Adrcrtiaenicut. We desire to tall the reader's attention to the new d fertile mots in the Republican. It will I een that the Mer?.''roneb,rgcrsQainns, and Erwin, have determined to take the ly appreciates ; Mr. Edney, the keen-sighted lawyer of the Mountains, came from Ash ville; and Charlotte, the old cradle of free dom, was represented by Col. Alexander Jad ia Shelby, by calling the public alien- j wh0 "ytr. IonS 8fxxl thc tioa to what they can d , and what they are j profession, and, as a man and a abouL When we have more space, we shall gentleman, has been cherished for his agrce deacribe their place of busiociw, and pnv aLU social qualities, Thomas L- Clirjg tcst tic a as examples worthy of imitation. the terror of Badger whiggcry, appear- ed. and was received by his old friends, with Ycoitabixs. We are gltd to hear that . c nmk of highcat consideration and f new potatoes have mads their appearance bet very mirry to say that we have none. "Who can aupplyus? A Covr Wanted. lr any of our friend have a freab Cow to ditpose of, a parehaser may be found, by aa early appli cation at this otEce. respect. His re-electjon to Congress is be yond doubt, whoever may sum up courage to oppose, notwithstanding the federal hos tility excited by his approval of some of the leading principles in the Democratic faith. We regard Cleaveland county as fortu nate in the selection of the officers she has made. Her accomplished solicitor, II . De K. Thank. We return our most grate- . ? i$ dC5Crvedly popular with ful thanks for vhe recent Urge accrons to 1Jrr arka anJ ghcriff. depu. our aubscripUA-list. If any of our new sub- ! tJc n fiithfuland efficW-ni public acribcra have notf received the Republican, j . tnj M grmlcmen, they attract the "V thywill Fhsase give us immediate notice. I est tnj 0f wuo make their ae- - Th ambition of oar young printers is . quajnUQce. In the patriotism and intelligence krned, aad tne liepuuicaa wiu wuunuc lion. Jaines C. Dobbin. It will bo 9een, by the following Card which appears in the North Carolinan, that consid erations of a domestic nature impel this dis tinguished rebublican to decline a noniina tion to Congress. We sincerely hope that his private affairs which now require his at tention, will soon wear an aspect that will enable him to devote his valuable talents to the public service. He cannot well be spared from political life; nor h:w he yet re ceived all the honors that a grateful people desire to confer upon him : A CARD. I deem it proper thus early to announce to my democratic friends who hav been kind enough to express a desire to nouinate me as a candidate for Congress, that cn reflection, there are considerations of a domestic and private character, needless to be obtruded on tho pubb'e, which would constrain me to de cline the nomination, should tbe honor be tendered to me by the approaching Conven tion at Clinton. In pursuing this course, per mit me to express my gratitude to those who manifest a wish again to honor ine with their confidence, and my satisfaction that while no one in the District is more devoted to those political principles we cherish, many can be found who will bring to their support more experience and ability than myself. Very respectfully J. C. DOBBIN. May 15, 1849. led, rapidly to improve. Wood- Our supply i aTtnost exhaust ed. We hope some of our. pairons will re crait our pile at the earliest convenience. SjtXlscmr. We shall be happy to meet cr patrons, at the Rail Rood Contention on j th 14 th. If each will appear at Shaffer a, accompanied by several new subscribers, we shall have something pleasant to communi cate. We are sore our proposition will prove acceptable. To thei friend who shall gecure us the largest list, we shall award a premium; if a lady undertake it, and succeed, j we will do ourselves the honor to wait on her, present her a keepsake, and treasure her zaenroy to inspire our pen in the cause of Southern rights and our gl-ious republic. j ofher citixens, she will favorably compare with any of her sister counties. We subjoin the following list which, it will be seen, by our readers acquainted in that county, comprises men of sterling integrity and liberal views: Grand Jury of Cleaveland County. John Baily, lorrman, William Put man, Chandler Louden, Abraham Martin, Andrew Beam, John Latlimore, John Whisnant, Elisba McBrayr, David Hamrick, Eli Lutx, Barnct Putman, Wm. Holland, Cristopher Conner, Nelson Turner, Thos. M. Hardin, Wm. Hunt, Gilbert Green, T. P. JACKSON, Officer in attendance. Cajcputuw Maj. William J. Clabjc, cf Ralejgn, who so modestly" wear his well merit! laurels aad William R. Laxe, in the 8 tii Dist, Jure been brought out by our j ....r. 'L-lfil rd. ii candidates for Con- grtss. Lincoln Factory- The propm. tor of till Couriahing business place, seem determined to keep the lead, not rtfily in the extent tad variety of their operation, but ia the nrperiority cf the manufactured articles they prod ace. They hare recently secured the aerricee cf Mr. Georg W. Williams, froa CurtirriUa, Mass., whose akih is equal to that ' of the best opera tires ia the great LowtH mil in that state. 3Ir. WmiAm, aa overseer, assisted by Mr: Joha Farrer, frera England, has tkrp of the entire Weaving, Spinning, Dyeing, and Cardls; departaents; that if it war pos- Cleayeland County. The Coun ty olBcers of CIcaveUnd, are, " C. C. Durham, Superior Court Clerk, . S. YThunant, County Court Clerk, J'vrpk Carroll, Sheriff, C. Carpenter, Register, A. It. HomeJy, Treasurer of Public Baildings. J. Ii. Smith, County Treasurer, . It. LoQan, Chairman of the County Court, II. De T. Cabiness. County Solicitor. The following are the Magistrates, ap pointed by the County Court of Cleaveland, to Lake a list of the Taxabies, for the year 1840 rix: Cap. 'Moooey' Company, J. C Phillips, J. B. Harry, J.1 if. Patterson, R. W. Mliot, Jos. Magniss, Eli Luti, J. II." Swafford, W. 31- Elliott, terwards and forward them to us by mail. On one return to Lincolntonwe publish ed a general notice of the meeting, paying merited compliments to Messrs. White, and Lander, and promising to insert the resolu tions in our next number. This notice, we believe, was copied into the Standard, which shows that a deep interest was at that time felt in the proceedings of all public meetings. We heard no more of the matter until, at the Cleaveland court, we met Mr. White who informed us that, not meeting us in Shelby when he first r arrived there, he had entrusted the proceedings to another person, whom he afterwards said he had instructed to furnish us with a copy. This was not done at Shelby ; and when, on our arrival home, we called and respeci fully asked for the proceedings, we were denied permission even to see them, arid 1 told, in so many words, that we should not have them, unless we copied them after they had appeared in public elsewhere : From this, our friends will perceive the importance to us, and to them too, of for warding directly to us by mail, or by the hands of some reliable person, all communi cations intended for this paper. That these proceedings were intended for this paper, will be seen by refering to the last resolu tion which requires them to be inserted in the Republican. The proceedings of the meeting were as follows : MEETING IN GASTON. Agreeable to previous notice, a public meeting was held at the court house at Dallas, in Gaston county, on the 24th ult., when Isaac Holland, Esq. was called to the chair, and James Furguson appointed secretary. After the objects of the meeting were fully explained by the chair, on motion the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to draft resolutions for the action of the meeting, viz: Thos. P. McGiH' Jaiue3 31. Hanna, Jonas Deck, O. W. Holland, and 3Iajor Whitesides. In the absence of the committee, the meeting was addressed by James II. White, one of the Representative from this county in the last Legislature; he showed die man ner by which the various schemes involving the state were carried through; and that they were parsed by an injudicious system of log rolling, cumbering sectional appropria tions with the Central rail road, when none, or at least out tew ot . tiicm, coula nave passed alone. He was followed by m. Landr, Esq., who made a very clear and forcible speech against the prin ciple of sadling the people with a large pub lic debt; the countenances of those present showed that he spoke their sentiments, as will be seen by the following resolutions which were reported by the committee, and passed unanimously: Jiesolvcd. That we view with alarm , the steps taken by the last Legislature to involve the citizens of the State in a large public debt, for the sectional and visionary schemes of Internal Improvement, which if progres sed in must be injurious and oppressive to the great body of the people. Resolved, therefore, lhat an additional section ought to be added to the Constitu tion of this State, providing that evtrjT law zine, and we see the publishers Mitend to maprove- upon it by having them engraved and eplored. Godeys Lady's Booh, for June, is out al ready. It leads off with four steel engrav ings' and minor embellishments, in all num bering twenty-four. The library contents, which coyer 140 pages, are of course excel led We notice articles by N. P. Willis, W. Gilmore Simms, 3Irs. E. Ellct, and others. It is in all respects a capital uum ber. Sattai'n's Union Magazine, for the com ing month is a very .showy number, contain ing nine engravings four of which are capi tal specimens of art. The letter press cov ers sixty-four closely printed pages, from such authors as Tucliei man, Willis, Herbert, Sigourney, - Kirkland, Osgood,' and Profes sors Rhodes and Hurt. Petersons Magazine, for June, contains two engravings and fashion plate. The Lumber, we think, does not look so well as usual. ; r Some. It was reported that those ' nnd UucJmot had reached that place j-tlitt tho Romans had risen in favor of the Potp t that the republican government. had fled; and; that the Pope would be compelled jjdfc only to grant an amnesty, but desirable tie-' forms that the Tu scan troops had ch- J n, apd the Sitiliansr beaten ttt'cL V, Raise the ITEoisunicfiit. We tike great pleasure in publishing the follow ing notice, and sincerely hope that North Carolina will be one of the first states to comply with-the requisition. We should be pleased to have the marble taken from one of the quarries in old Lincoln, some of which, we learn, is of fine quality. A friend in forms us that there is marble in Yancy county equal to any in the union. If so, let her furnish the stone; and, that all ma' share the honor with her, let the state pay the expense ; WASHINGTON NATIONAL 3IONU 3IENT. As my former notice may not have been seen very generally throughout the different States, I am instructed to repeat-that the Board of 31anagers of the Washington Na tional Monumeut Society will be pleased to re ceive a block of marble, granite, or any other suitable stone, from every State in the Union, to be placed in an appropriate posi tionfc.in the monument. These blocks should be of the following demensions, viz. four feci long, two feet high, and eighteen inches in depth. As is is intended to place these stones at every landing of the staircase, any substantial material will answer when marble or granite cannot be found. The name ot tne otate iroin wnien it comes It is said that the j tcred Lerhor I all points, haVe -virtually sulmijtci tol the j King of Naples. r " Accounts form India report the tcrmiaai', tion: of the war on the Punjaub. ; J? " Canadian affairs have, been incidentally noticed in Parliament, but the ministry diavo been very guarded in their expressions. A considerable quantity ;'of. American cot ton had just been soId,".i$??e fhfi 'price'Miii ' cdmuciiig. Breadstufls'had declined. 1; No other -news of importanoalo."'our readers.. . The editor of the North-lCarbHhafari,m some comments on the subject of ,NortheiU. and Soul hern newspapers, winds up with the -following sound advice : . " " We must depend mere upon ovrselvcsat ' the south not only in respect to newsna- ; pers, but in respect to every thing elso. "Learn to swim without corks," was the first sentence that arrested our attention in Jacob's Reader, when we couimenccd ttio study of Latin; and it has been present nto' our' mind ever since. Let the South do thns. Let it dispense with the corks, gourds, and wooden nutmegs of the North, and depehd more upon its own energies! and it will ride upon - the waves more, like 'a thing of li To' j than it lias ever yet doneJ This is the sort f of fnon -intercourse' that we inculcate. . Vo .-want to jice our own enterprise stimulattd, . our uwu lHuuoiry I'liwuratcu, uur uhu uie-, i . . .11 . 1 . 1 f I - ' X ciianies rewarueu, ana men tue cry oi mjus- ? tice, or oppression, oi auoitwrn, vi uisuiir ii,, will no longer poison It he giile or stun i miblic car. We desire not to be cut off from " fi : xt -i . i...a. .... ii ... l .i j ' ? tne iiorui, .ouv we uesire o tijuai n, uu even surpass it, in the race cf im prove ment; and this" we can only do by swimming KiCft oiit its, corks. Kolers Caught. -Several months ago in oldgentlemau in the County of Henry, Ii v ing pretty much to himself, wa3. atfcicked in hiskouseby three men who knocked ; him down, tied him, and then took what mou jy he had, amounting, to several hundred dol lars, and made their escape. ' The robbers were pursued and finally. overtaken'iniOcor-"'- gia ana we unacrsmua ai-e now;.saieiy: ongea should be engraved upon it in letters suf-! "l ne ja' tu's County the jail in Henry - rm 1 1 .1 '1 1 mt Miently large to De easily reaa. iniy be laid in the wall in the order of time in which they may be received in this city. GEO. WATTE RSTON, Secretary Wr. N. 31. Society. iBThe papere friendly to this under taking will be pleased to insert the above. i haunc been destroyed by tire. We undclr- 1 . , w. . .... - , . . m , stand they luui trom llockingham Uounty, i. i C, and have for 'ears bepn in the -habit of . committing the most violent depredations in ' the suiTounding country 1 WjO have nit learned their names authorising the borrowing of money, or Mizsisippi The Cholera Singular Fa-, tality. Weleam from the Yazoo Democrat,1 that on the " Short Creek road." about two miles from Yazoo city, a number of persons, all inmates of one house, died with the. cho lera within a few days of each other. A child was buried on Sunday, 9 ult the father whose name was Wiu. B. Spell, died on Tuesday a son, about' 21 years of agOj died on Tuesday morning L3Irs. Spell died on Tuesday evening a daughter, ubout 13 years old died on the same day, as also did there other younger children making 8 persons who died hetween Saturday moru it ft Bautiille Register. The 1th or July. By reference to an other column, it will be seen that " 3Iany citizens" have called a meeting tor the puqiuwj o Mii'pgwri' f tions to celebrate the natal day of the Re public Let all attend the meeting Let ample preparations be made Let the Star3 and SmirES be unfurled to the breeze; Let the loud cannon roar Let the music of glad voices send baclc an echc and for one day, at least, while, as republicans, we mingle together around the festive board, let party ppirit be allayed, party names forgotten, and party prejudices abandoned. Cannot some of our young gallants sug gest a feature, by which the ladies, the orna ments of the world, the sweeteners of life, may be made prominent participants ? Can not each state be represented by a young lady, in a uniform dress decorated with something characteristic, to designate the sovereignty she personates ? Let , North Carolina, for instance, wear a sprig of pine in her hair, and have a piece of gold sus pended by each curl, and a large lump rest ing on her bosom. How attractive she would look ! the issuing of State stocks, whereby a debt ng and luesday night, lhe illness m most shall be created or increased on the credit ! cases lasted only a few hours. Every m- of the state, shall specify the object for" niate of the house was swept away by the which the money shall be appropriated, and Scourge! On Tuesday morning, several that such law shall embrace no more than citizens of Yazoo city, hearing that no one one such object, which shall be singly and was there to bury the dead, went to the place and rouna tour corpses ana tnre pera- m ctwi fira take effect until if, hMhh iif-s" oi death, all in the same room, Ted to the legal voters at the next general elec- a miserable egal voters at the next general etec- a uusvniuiu t,uuuiy, tsvuiu ren reel square. tion. and be approved of bv a niaioritv of! 1 he effluvia m and about the dwelling was so it it U it ii tt Forbes Fulenwider's " Mom' Origg'a WiWa Hugh's " 'Elliott's u u tt tt t& Below will be found the proceedings of the public meeting in Dallas, on Tuesday of the Gaston Court; and, although we are in no way accountable for the delay in pub lishing them, yet we feel bound- to offer an apology for their late appearance. We were present at the 'meeting, and, at its close, that true ' republican, Isaac Holland, sq., who presided, suggested that the proceedings should be placed ia our hands for prepara tions for the press. But, there being a di versity of opinion upon the subject to which the resolutions refer, we hesitated; Where upon our friend, James II. White, Esq., very properly remarked that, if, ia revising and transcribing; we should inadvertantly alter the phraseology, it might subject us to misconstruction ; and, to relieve us, he very kindly undertook to revise them himself af. the voters at such election. That all money to be raised by the authority of such a law to be applied to the specific object stated in such law, and to no other purpose whatever, except the payment of the debt thereby crea ted or increased. Ihis provision should not extend or apply to any law to raise money for the ordinary purposes of btate Govern ment, or the raising of money to suppress insurrection, or repel invasion, or defend the state in time of war. m , fiesolved, That we, the sitizens of-Gaston county, earnestly recommend to the citizens of the other counties of this state, to co operate with us in carrying out the foregoing resolution. Resolved, That we do not wish to be understood as opposing all Improvements of the State; we are not opposed to any practi- cable scheme or schemes of improvements being carried on by individuals, and we have good reason to believe that there arO many oi our citizens wno are possessed oi capital that would willingly join in any plan that would be useful and profitable but that we deny the justice of taxing one portion of the state for the benefit of another. It was Resolved, That the proceedings of the meeting be published in the Lincoln Courier, Carolina Republican, and 3Iecklen burg Jeffersonian: and the other -papers throughout the state who are opposed to state indebtedness, requested to copy, x ISAAC HOLLAND, Chm'n. noxious and sickening, as. to make it difficult to render any relief to the living, or to bury the dead. All however, that could be done, under the circumstances, was performed. St. Louis. 3Iay 18, 1849. iTerrilte Conflagration One-half of ' St. SiOuia in Ast&-Twcty-&veitSleantboiiiJi - turned. The past twenty-four hours have been. a. sad iand sorrowful era in the history of Si Jjouis. At an early hour yesterday momma, a fire broke out in the heart of our city), which is yet scarcely extinguished, although neany oue-naii oi tne city is in ruins, mciuu ing a large portion of the great businesi sections. : Among the property destroyed are fivp banking houses, all the insurance omces, and! twenty -so; veil steamboats that were envelo ped in flames before they could be removed The i Telegraph office was also destnyyed. " ,M On board of some of the boats were largi numbers of emigrants, many of whom - weri barely able to escape with their lives. Ihi j dition to which the cholera is daily carrying ! off its scores of victims. " Verily our city" i.4 doomed to pass through a terrible ordeal. The heat from the burning boats fired thq stored along the Levcc, i communicating at Louis streat, in the very heart, of the busi ness portion of the city. The i.flames soon enveloped all the buildings extending along the .Levee tor three quarters of a mile, Jcay ing nearly every building in ruins. it would be impossible to convey to yot) During Gen. Jackson's presidency the name of a successor to Gen 3Jiller, collector of Salem, was sent to tbe Senate. 3Ir.SiIs- J hy telegraph any adequate idea of the extent "i goeuaiw, Hi-ui 0f the lire. The .Republican office, with all its extensive materials, machinery, &c, is a heap Of ruins. The Organ, Reveille, and Enquirer offices, have all shared the same fate; ; ;"- fT-'i In the burnt districts were the most exten sive business houses of the city, and they had a largeamount'of stock on hand, and very lit tle was saved. ""- The lose is estimated at $5, 000,000 y the amount of insurance unknown J J. FEftauso.v, sec ry. The Periodicals. The monthlies that we receive, have all come to hand. We cannot do better than insert the notices of the Dollar, Newspaper : THE 3IAGAZLNES. to the President, and asked him if he knew who was to be superseded by the nomi nation. No said Gen. Jackson; all I know is that it is one James 31iller. When Mr. Silsbee informed him that it was Gen. James Miller, the officer who conducted himself so gallantly in the last war and bore honorable scars, Gen. Jackson replied with empnasix, that ne snouia not be touched, and the new nomination, was at once revoked 3Ir. Haife, collector of plattsburg, N. Y., has just been removed by President Tay lor. He performed valuable services in the war of 1812, was shot through the lungs and disabled from active employment. When Gen. Harrison came in an attempt , was made to remove him, but it was fustrated by Gen. Scott protesting to the president against it ; and the veteran Haife has been retained to become a victim of .these "no-party times. -Mostim Post. "' ,' , Graham's Maqazine, for June, is a spright ly number, very handsomely embellished wi th seven different illustrations.- The Waiting Lat Panama is a richly comic thing, in which there is much truth, with some necessary exaggeration. W. G. Simms contributes a s4ory4 to the present number. The Birds of America is a pretty additiou; to the 3Iaga- Ltitest Foreign News. By the arrival of the bteamship Canada, at Halifax on the 14th instant, we have seven day's letter intelligence from Europe. Official notice of the intervention) of Rus sia in. Hungary has been received at Paris. The number of men placed at the disposal of Austria js 80,000. Another account States the number to be ,X$0,000,- - The Hungarians have beaten the Aus trians, and have almos driven them out of the country. I he greatest alarm prevails at Vienna. The King of Prussia has definitively re fused the imperial crown. The war in Schleswi cxntinnancithere was no prospect of peace. ' '" 3Iore troons Wete in : leave France fori Geo. William Trousdale, the democrat io candidate for Governor in Tennessee. , ha L'V been m four wars and seen his country's flag . '- I victorious in thirteen battles. He parties, r. " Yx 'in rlia Tniin nrawa iin7t Ham TaaVnam ' r at the battle of New Orleans; engaged In tho : Florida war, and fought on the battle ; fields. of Contreras, Churubusco , and 31olina Pel. itey, and was also at the storming of Chapul- tepee. ' He is a firm democrat and is worth jr the support of the party in Tennessee. ". ;- -r '' '.iirjuvrt John FArris ban boen nnnoioted DOStmaS- U tir at. TimrntuuKnn Tntt ' V1C6 WallacerC' Law. removed " Mr. I&r& "is country f a bravely n the war-WJ" HXCAJW uu joss f one of his arms by cannon ball at the bafc.; 4 t ft nf Kiipna Vufta. ji wuiae mis uisquaiiv e8him'--takes away the "esentialprereqtii- sites'i ' : ' r1 . ; ... . .! . 11 A MEBICAK E-VTEKPBI8E. At the tina - the American army left Mexico; in - J ' jastj 'noi a ainglecitiieii'g. hjthiso'.existeu U BrownstiHe, (the site of Fort Brown,) oppo site 3Iatamoras, where now stands a town of 2,000 lfihsbitaats. . T ' - . ' - v r " iS? 4Wbai tables are most used through out the' world ?' Veep-tables t&-tallei, XtA ( X t ' v ' " "' ' ' - - X' ' - X. - ' " -X '.fi-O 3- 1 f