j!p kite Lcth exclude frcmaUpartidp - to -it paiJk c E-e 4 tbf Ul iwentj year axxi thai th tLoosaitda cf democrats who lav lm re mow J are dishonc?. inc3rb!c, Bat oar rarr w not tofom plain of tilt violation f f?run pledge, or Ue pr aoi- ' ijg uncultivated, and Taluabh? mineral ro "i a Yf o-jf political fricn-t, lot to invoke ' j,?urccj rvtua'mng undevelope4, r tlnJ want tU Irntbdnin-anl rainotic of all panic j a to riHnuUte enterprise and re- 1 C3oUaHcn of I ha: moral q-aeVic.w . , . .... , . " , i ' ' ' ward labor. Although many of our renders, which it involve, Ana loo ervpjuence m ..... vbkh bt Wfn surh a rwnlcnt, if it i oar immediate vicmrty, objected to the snail tc fancboooi vy tu apprntaxion oi tLe Am.-ricw pvoplc If jt do not meet ith "public rebuke arI cm feci ait I'm, will rot the high anj exalted oee of the presi- thaTl lc faactioool by tb approbation of! deney kreafier be ,abt by ambition av tyrants through u ;rrA-nm, to bo cicmvd il palliate!, after the object of their ambi- 'rioohaj been frin. h.T abtffrfugaand pre- taricatioaf And what will U the efft of fuch cottrw ofrec-hng, if oiKtionJbj f be approbation of tie "American tph-, np- ca public aud private tnorabj ? These que- 'lion aj worthr of the :riuu reflection not onlr of the moral auJ virtuous, belt of all frinU cf popular intitoti ns. The rcan or pretext which may bo pnt firth oo fte part cf the frien J of General Taylor to excuse the gn ti jbitiou of LU pled"!!, of which lui bu b.-en guilty, cannot arail cither him or them; n-r, if hw incx pcricooe and incapacity in ciil air hare VotnpelKvl hlui to submit Limelf to the con trol of tlK? unwruptilotw m-?r by wUira be i lumran W, In and out of the cabinet, (not intn-irn to say that all of his cabinet are T thu c'Mivcter.) will that avail hiin. The eVentj of tae Crt three months of his ad mini ?iain !- thit the phxJpes wh'ch Were maie by him, and in hu behalf, before his election, hare been broken; that hi 7t tiom irai g tinnl hy f,tL prrtcHcrs, ami Attt ii it a Jxtm-l trim tt grcul majority oj Lhr 'A. mxfricttn jyjJ?. We rpoak in pbin language, boeaae we LeHere th caas of truth, the prejtorvation cf paUic m rx and republican ioftitution, ud the Welfare of the comtry, demaiJ it. HWtlN'M I MiVnl. T9 THE EDirOSS !.D FTBLISHEIS OF TOE OITE5 5TITES. M. Vattemarc wbues to place in the tuenon Iitry; which is nuw being f jrmoJ in the City Hall at lri 1 fallcUn f iiarrieaa .Vwt fAtn. Vorti ta tXf City f Pr, LJr iue Joi BXAum or the United ' States. J!yAt 1X19" He well thank' all editors arx publishers to send to tie " Itunton 'Iailr lleo" ( the hi: . . r.i . 1 1 i i ' rollectton ) a ct py of Iheir pap'r publtsheil j oa the Fourth . f Julv. 1 -".. with a opt of each ixmi weekly and weekly which they iujj iuf luno the Lrt week in July. I'r'r poLl'heJ in t4ber Aruerienn nation, anJ old or rare Dw.p-r, will al.o be tbantfutlr rveeirej. Acknwlelments will l-s maJ through the lte of all d.uati.ns r"eiel. &sT rotors wuj pfc-a-s " copy the at-vre . and bear it in tuiudun Independence liv. C.illU LIN A REPUBLICAN- Ulrtcoluton. 11. C Kill DA V, JINK i-J, "iM'.i roa cx)Nur-v, (WIT. CRKF.N W. CALDWF.LL C'hcnp literature, Cheaper Still. The tnterprUsng publisher of the M-othly FYrtodkals Lc eub!rd u, by UcoruuijT their agent, toi.ffcr term so favor able a, to induce hun-lmh not hitherto in- lu ltd in our list of nu.L-sv Tilers, to futron io the Carolina Republican, while at the aamc time, they procure a three hlUr Maga t ia of the bigfKMt literary merit, at a rrluc tii of alust oce-third of tbe subscription price. We therefore proprx to furnish tie (Vra!ina Republican for one year, anl a ubrriptoQ to one of the Monthlies, for $3,50 ; or to clubs of t'irer or more, we will give three cor ie of !ie FTibl"Man and three of the choice of the rerioical, for the aru of ten dUaifT wUkh u just vm thint Ls lmn iXe m rtilm-j trttt at th frr.irr ratr. TllC, Allti-SIavery Standard, i produces nine fkeins per kindle jcr day. ome time iae, iL'm Abolition fire-brand j Although the Rowan Factory appears to reached oar office ; and, although we regnrd- : bw doing a flourishing business; and, doubt ed iu circulation in tie north, as a carse t loss, upon the present investment which, is, tLe LVum, aad felt iudignant at iti apjxr- i perLap?s not one tliird of the originaJ cost, aiuw ia the Sooth, yet a little reflection cm- the profits are large; yet we have no idea vicccxl o that it can do no harm here. The j that it will eventually be able to compete pxrrl f f it,' bj Southern relers, would with thc driven by water power. The hire f a eject dlrectlj lie reverse of that in- j trxpen of tlie? propelling power alone, over tended by Che puUwhcr. It would hxid to by aside oar nojitieal differences, and ii ea. a baavl of bribers, (1 resiu north- ira encroach men ta opoi S.thcrn rigbtj. IXnil Kond Convcnlfon nt ScliIltirj In aixhcr olumn, will U ftanl the procxa.ng 01 wj iy, pnv janvj bj the Svcrvtanc. tf w;ne a rpec- j he Utor ia th Coo re u tiro, atJ, although enly Lmker-Ao; wcinnot aay llai we did not del an ia'rrt ia tbj result. 1 In copr.wnxtldi , every jcr re fleeting ; QaliVntot Western C'rrtfna, n? ar ful ly Wtu-IUu of the 15 dated condition of the bet portion of North "Carolina. We liave 1-wkcd with pain npon productive lands ly- 1 1' ; p;j we p!an cf relief deviled by our Legislature, wo still Loped that such light raigbt be irown npon the subject by "the Contention, w T au a " cur-gc ur alinet disheartened ciUens to look forward to a period cloe at hand, when all Ibo impedi- i i it r l . . firta ((J rmr pnrperitj will be rci , auJ fertilo bu I i v i n rcmoved ; ills will n H"' bafcsnd golden grain i to a profitable market; when our innumerable ore banks will dirrorro their immense trea- C O ur; and rhen Western Carolina will awake to life and active enterprise, cheered by the son of the husbandman as he con temj'Ltci hj increasing prosperity, and trains Li children to a life of industry, in a land of peace and plenty. No one could have been in tlc cotctrtKin, and bvard the peecbes of Mesprs.. (iraham, Kllis, Swain, Clemmons, and other talented sons of North Carolina, of all political par ties, and afterwards supposed that the bane of party spirit ever could operate, to any ex tent, against a measure of such magnitude, and iuJcnded to benefit all alike The members of tire Convention went to wrirk like men in earnest ; and, if a correct inference is to bo drawn from the ppirit manifested in their proceedings, thesngninc will regard the sueecs of tbe Central Rail IIwl pnjert rss a matter no longer to be questioned. There may, however, be fonui- j dable obstacles in th way ; and men should refiett long and seriously, before they at- tempt to impede th only plan which ha ; cver bcCa offered, and which, if n iectod. m.iv never be offered again, to famish a cheap , , - , mirkct to Western Carolina. Democrats, in some sections, by opposing tlw work, may give color to the allegstion of Federalism, that tbe Republican party is hostile to kll impn.venents; anl, on tle other hand, Fitleralists, by a similar course, u"T endeavor to place democrats m a fLe J 1 f pIl5on 1Jnt lI,? fading democrats in this state, m well as all overt ho union, recog nize cot only the power, but the duty of each state to construct improvements within her borders, for the general welfare, this mcaure never can properly be made a par ty question, unl.s unfortunately, political aLu- creep into its ir.anageiiier.t ; and, r . . . i in i i i -i i tlicrtlire. uo one .should t? held resiHn.sibIe. . . .... . , . in a j-'iit K-U Knse, tor tas views on this Subject. The pnvtlingH are now U.fre tlc ptib Y.r, miA the reader can form his own esti- j niafe of the pr.pcct of success. Froiu time to liiii- or a we gather information, we d.al! lav it licf.-re our reader. j Rowan Faetory. The Rowan ! Fjctory at isali.sbun was built and pui in ', ojra'i'-n by a Company; but it has, fallen ( into the hands of Maxwell Chambers, now j sole proprietor. j The business in msnaed chiefly by Mr. J. i. Ca'm, Agent, under w1ksc superin : ten-WtH-e all the various branches arc succcsss- fully cotidtictni!. Tliere are U000 spindles, and TO looms in constant operation ; and the numler of hands j cmployeil, male and female, is 120. The ' Machinery is propelled by a Steam Kngine, . of oO Horse-power, which consumes from 5 1 to G load of Wol per day. Not less than 00 Rarreis of Il'iur are used in Starch ; and 1000 Rales of Cotton are worked up in a ! ycar! j TIjc Cloth which Weighs 3 yards to the pound, and appear to be of an excellent quality, is made of No 14 and 15 Yarn; it is called 4-4 Sheetings. Resides applying the home demand, there were shipped, in five months, in tho Northern M.irket, 240,000 yards of Clo Ji, and 0,400 pounds of Batts. A spinning frame in this Factory, mode bv the Matteawan Company of New York, ajd above tha wear and tear of Machinery, canoo;, at present, be less than from $10 to 15 . j.- an,ount;n in r. to a L . ' f- - - . 1 c sum, not lessi than from $3,000 to 4,000 ; no inconsiderable item in the annual expen A ienitirp man ousht tn be cautious "how enters the Loom rooms of Rowan 1 actory. It rrqiiirvii firm nerves to sustain the fire of more than a hondr d bright eyes, all levelled at him at onco. " "We only took a -c-r-p. GREEN W. CALDWELL, The INDEPENDENT CANDI DATE for Congress, in tHisTDis trictv will address his - fellow citizens, at . . - -. -Dallas, Gaston county, July 4th, : Iconhardt's Muster ground, Lincoln, July 6th, Maj. .Lowe's, July 7th. The above arc the only ap pointments that will be afforded him in Lincoln and Gaston. He will be glad to meet his friends and fellow citizens, at the above places. We sincerely hope that the abofc call may be attended ta bj every voter in the district who maj see it ; and particularly by every democrat in Lincoln. There never was a time, perhaps, when the occasion required more active exertion on the part of the re publican voters., Rouse np, then, democrats, and rtin!ain yottf ground in Lincoln. We sometimes hear Whigs boasting that Lincoln is destined to become a Whig county. Do you- believe it, democrats ? Do you think it possible ? Will you suniit to it ? No, no, no ! is the enthusiastic response. Rut, to prevent it, you must not slumber. Some of you are scarcely aware how stealthi ly Whiggcry is endeavoring to steal a march on you. Turn out, then, turn out ! Repair to the places appointed, and the brave Capt. Caldwell will tell you something that, while It astonishes, will nerve every one of you to make greater exertions than ever in the good old cause. Never through supineness, let a political battle be lost in .Lincoln. Never, under whatever specious pretense, allow a Whig to triumph, that ho may laugh at your folly, and his brethren all t nrround make merry over your defeat I Listen not to the siren song of no-party- whiggery, until, caught in the jaiare they have so carefully prcjred, you become the subjects of their triumphant and heartless ridicule. Remember how they proclaimed taylor to lie a no-jntrty caudidutey and how they wheedled many houest republicans to support him ; and then turned round and laughed in their faces, while they rejoiced over what they called a Whig victory ! Do not be caught napping again turn out and hear Caldwell bring 3-our whole force to 1 the 1 dhi, and vote for none but democrats not for a -jtrty democrat ; but an upright, consistent, moderate, sensible democrat, who will be faithful toyouriutercsts, and who will lalr to preserve our free institutions in their pristine purity. " r7uL.ro AD. : CONVENTION. ' . Thursday, tbe Hih inst., being the day appointed for the meeting in this pUce of the fnc urit of (tie North Carolina Kait Road, the Delegates ent by the various eoonues imiiediaiely interested in this great work, assembled in the Lutheran Church at 10 o'clock. The Hon. David F. Caldwell called the Contention to order, and nominated (Jul. John D. Hawkins, of Franklin, .as Presi dent protempore, and J. J. Uruiiner and J. Clark, a Secretaries. II. C. Jones, Eq., of Rowan, moved that a Committee of nve be appomttd to nominate permanent ofTieera of the Con vention. Under thit resolution the lresi dent pro tem. appointed C. L. Hinlon of W.ke, II. C. Jones, J. W. Ellif and J. R. Lord, of Rowan, and Rulus Barringrr of ('abarrui. On motion ofH. 4L Jones, the cleletes to this Convention were requested to hand in their namei to the Secretaries, when tlie follow irg counties appeared to be repress ent d : 4 Craven Edward R. Stanly, Calvin B. Dibble, John N. Y?shiHun. Jolintlon Jobn Alcleod. I Take Uillram Unylan, Cbarlea: L. Ilinon, (Jeorge V. Mordecai. Wayne Jamea GriawolJ. Iredell R- J. McDowell. P. B. Cham r 1 it 1 1 1 1 urrr, iitiu wt K'uaciiuuir. .J CArAor7i--Doct. McClanahan. Albert Torrence. .Ilamanee David L. Ray, Sumtiel ox. Orange D. L. Swain, Ex-Gor.t 1f. k. Graham Ex Gov., John U. Kirkland.' Montgomery Samuel H. Chnsuan. Dr. J. M. Worih. AV17 Hanover Alexander McRae, F J H ill. Eli W II, II. j C Worth. tf'ilkesL B Crmichaei.0 A Parker, R F llaeheii. J II Gordon. Guilford John Nl Morehead, R Men denhall, S ( Cafinn, Jetty Shelly, N Men denhall. James Sloan, DP Caldwell. Sam uel Dillon. J. W. Fields, Lindon Swin, Enwr XV. Ogbmn. J Shelton, Wi)m t.oa, 11 W llorton, Abel Gardner, John A Gilmer. Ihnriulph M A Drake. M W Leach. J II Ruts, Jonathan Worth, Alexander 8 Homey, Thomas Rice, John M Rraodtxi. Cabarrut K P Harris, Wm G Means, R Barringer, L S Bingham, Vici..r Barrin ger, J Wineeoff, J B Coleman, (icorge S llouiiou. E R Harris, Jacob Stirewali. W S Harris. Dtnicl Coleman, W F Taylor, Martin Boat, C N White, M 51 Orr, Hen- ry Clack wJder.(rffe Carnbardvfl R tbIon, Caleb Phifer, John M Ldn - T- Davidson Tbales McDonald, 0. T..' Payne; JL ClemmonsrH ' Adams', II R Dasenburry, W R Holw John W Thomas, Charles Moek, P K RounsavjlfKR A King, Wilon MeRaryV M'Pinkston, J M Leach, V Hoover, II mareb,' Addison' March, Spruce M c Ra ry , W S EUi. George M Smith, A Wiseman, J So wen;' V Sowers, John! lledriek, C F low; Franklm Smiih, A lledriek. Grandison Roberts, RKBeall. Jeaie Rankin. ; . . Mecklenburg J W Osburn, A W Steel, S W IJavis. " Oarie Jhon A Llllington, Lemuel Bingham, Rowland Crump, John Foard, B Bailey. W B March. Hubbard Ford. J C Foard, Jos. Halt. A Hall. T M Young, Stephen Douthet. Franklin John D Hawkins, Calvin II Wiley. Caldirellk C Williamson, W W Le noir, R B Bogle. JHexanderX M Bogle. Jno. Lumsdeti, IiatcanC S Brown, D R Bradsharv, J P Wiseman, W Beam; J F Foard, J P Borke. J J Summerell, Dr. Whitehead, P Owens, M L Brown, John Bargcr.R Locke, J II Parker, W Ifalton, IV P Graham. J T Burrtiss, D A Davis, II C Jones, Jacob Correll, Sol. Hall, H L Rob ards, John Vogler, John C Miller, E D Austin, M. S. McKensie, A. M. Henderson, Dr. Sam. Kerr, J. C. McConnaughev, J. O. Cairnes, N. F. Hall, J. B. Todd, J. McColloh, Wm. P. Burke, J. i. Fleming, A. Baker, 0 G. Foard, J. G. Ramsay; S. D. Rankin, Wm. Locke, Jesse P. Wiseman, T. L. Cowan, R. E.'Love, N. Boyden, Alex. Long, Richard Harris, Wm. Heathman, Stephen Frontis, J. B. MeNeely, Sm'l Luckey, S. Rothroch, T. A. Krider, T. E, Brown. J. D. Brown. J. S. Myers,-A. J. Fleming. F. N. Luckey, F. M. Henderson, J. II. Coffman, J. W. Ellis, J. B. Lord, S. S. Trott, Wni. II. Smith, C. A. Beard, B. F. Fraley, A. H. Caldwell, J. K. Graham, A. T. Powe, A. Henderson, John I. Shaver, Joel II. Jenkins, William Cranford, J. L. Read, Sam'l Reeves, Samuel Barr, Solomon Peeler. J. S. Johns ton, 31. C. Pendleton, W. R. Wilson. D. F. Caldwell, C. L. Torrence, James Rosenian. J. L. ltcndlcman, J. Clark, J. J. Brunner. Xorfdk, la. Hammond Whitney, E. C. Roberson. Halifax C. L. Iliuton, Hon. J. W. Ellis. On motion it was Resolved, that E. C. Robinson and Hammond Whitney, delegates froin Norfolk and Portsmouth, Ya., be requested to take seats in this Convention. The Committee appointed to nominate officers, after retiring. a few moments, re turned, and recommended. For President, JOHN M. MOREHEAD, of Guildfrod, IVce President Gen. Alex. McRae, of New Hanover, William Boylan, of Wake, Dr. W. R. Holt, of Davidson, Col. Daniel Coleman, of Cabarrus, Col. John McLeod, of Johnston, E. C. Robinson, of Norfolk, Ya. For Secretaries. D. A. Davis, of Salisbury, John N. Washington, of Craven, Albert Torrence, of Chatham, Who were duly elected by the Convention. .On motion of II. C. 'Jones, it was Re solved, that a Committee of 25 be appoint ed by fhe President to prepare business for the action of this Convention. In pursuance of this resolution, the fol lowing persons were appointed: Gen. Alexander McRae, W. Boylan, W. R. Holt, D. Coleman, John McLeod, J. W. Ellis, Gov. Swain, Gov.'.Graham, Jaines W. Osborne, Geo. W. Monjecai, David F. 'Cald well, II. C Jones, Rufus Barringer, James Griswold, John W. Thomas, John D. Hawk- ins, Maj. C. L. Hinton,- F.. J. Hill, Dr. Samuel Holt, J. B. Lord, E. R. Stanly, Dr. McClanahan, Jonathan Worth, It. J. Mc Dowell, J. It. Gordon, John A. Gilmer, William C. 3Ieans; II. Whitney, L. R. Carmichael. On motion of D.. L. Swain, the President and Vice Presidents were added to the com mittee. Jobc, A- Gilmer offered the following Res olutions: Resolved. That the delegates in this con- vetior) bind themselves to raise and pay the sum of five' thousand tiolWrs to the Commis sioners of the North Carolina Rail Road company, fo pay suitable salaries to a General Agent and Engineer, to make the necessary surveys. Aesolved, That the Commisioners afore said for raising the capital stock of said com pany, be requested to employ a suitable En gineer to make survey of the route, also a suitable person as General Agent, to aid them in getting subscriptions of stock and in the formation of the campany - under the provisions of the charter. ' llcsolved, That it shall be the duty of said Agent to travel, visit the citizens most interested in the construction of the road, call public meetings and address the people; also to secure subscriptions to be paid in cash, labor, or materials, in or out of the State. Resolved, That in addition to their expen ses tne said Agent shall be paid for one year s services the sum of and tLe Engineer tbe sum of Resolved, That each person who shall con tribute, to the raising' of the said sum of five thousand dollars, upon the said company being organized, shall hold shares, jn tbe same to the amount paid by him. On motion of John D- Hawkins, hesolced, That the citizens of North Caro lina can carry' out the great scheme of Inter nal Improvement so liberally sanctioned by the last Legislature, in granting the charter to build the Central Rail Road. . James W- Osborne offered the following Resolutions; Resolved, That It shall be the duty of the able Gencrai Cmmitbe to enquire intp .and sre port W the provisions of the charter'gfant ed by ihe'Xeslatu of the Central RiRoa SvH;1:H7;2 if- Resolved, i That it shall be the'daty of the said committee to inquire into , and report tipon 1 all "iiiatfers'wulchmayv'"bl5' ' reeptn mended for (he speedy .and effectual1 success The above rccolutrons were severally re 'fered to the General committee. V Convention took a recess subject to the eall of the President. - The committee to prepare business, held a public session during the recess of the con tention, and organized by "i calling s Hon. J. W. Ellis to the Chair. The committee" was addressed by John A. Gilmer, Johu More bead, Wm. A. Graham, D. L. Swam, ami J. W. Osborne. ' On motion of Gov. Morehead a sub-com-mittoo of five was appointed, consisting of Gov. Graham, Gov. Swain, and Messrs. Gil mer, Mordecai and Osborne to prepare .Res olutions to be submitted to' the consideration of the convention. At 4 o'clock, the President resumed the Chair, and called the conveniion 0 order, when the Committee reported progress, asked, and obtained leave to sit again.' The following gentlemen being severally called nppn, addressed and Convention, to wit: Gov. Swain, lion. N. Boyden, General Mcllac, Col. McLeod, John W. Thomas, Hammond Whituey and C. B. Dibble. We shall not attempt to give even a synopsis of these speeches, suffice it to say, that they were able, eloquent, and were well calculated to awaken a deep and abiding interest in this great enterprize. . On motion, Convention adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o'clock. . FRIDAY MORNING. During the intermission, of Convention occasioned by the session of t he General Com mittee, the delegates were called to orderby Mr. Rounsaville of Davidson. Dr. Payne of Lexington, in the Chair. Mr. Rounsaville being called for, addressed tb:e meeting until the hour fur the reassembling of the Con vention. Convention met according to adjourn mcnt, the President in the Chair. John A. Lilliirgton of Davie, rBspoiwTed to a call made on him in a very happy and effective manner. The Committee to whom were referred the various Resolutions of yesterday, sub mi ttod through their Chairman, the follow ing Report, to wit; f Resolved, That this Convention heartily commends the spirit in regard to works of internal improvement, which cbaraetezed our last General Assembly, and that its members are especially grantified by the liberal provisions made by that body for the construction of the "North Carolina Rail i Road'' a work of the utmost importance to ! the trade and character if the State and of almost vital interest to that extensive and porductive region lying contiguous tor or within convenient distance of the pros-posed road. Resolved further. That in the opinion of this Convention, while there are- soma de fects in the charter enacted for the con struction of this great work, it is sufficient, upon a fair, just, and reasonable irrterpi-eta-tion, to effect, and to secure to the people of the State, the benefits resulting from it. Resolved further, lhat a subscription ot one million of dollar by individuals being reoui rod before the company can be orga- nizd for the construction of this Rail Road, it L the duty of all patriotic citizens to use their best exertions to raise that amount of subscription ; and the membsrs of this body do agree to urge this . subject upon their respective constituencies, neighborhoods and counties. Resolved furtdver, That an Executive Corn- Committee of three persons be appointed by this Convention to whom all information respecting tlie progress of the subsriptions may be communicated, and who shall sug gest, if need be, from .time to time by ad vertisement in the newspapers or otherwise, such actionan the part of the friends of this enterprise, as may tend to its-early accomplish ment. Resolved further, That the President of this Convention appoint a County Commit tee in each County immediately interested in the construction of the "North Carolina Rail Road" consisting of three members, whose duty it shall be to appoint sub-committees in the various sections of their re spective counties,- to procure subscriptions to tbe capital stock in said Rail Road, and 'to take all other measures which they may deem, necessary to; the promotion of this en terprize. ' Resolved fnrtJicr,- That the Commission ers appointed to reeeive subscriptions be, and they are hereby respectfully solicited to open books of- subscription for the stock , of this Rail Road in the shortest time from this date after due advertise ment at the several places designated in the charter for the sjpace of thirty days; and at the expiration of that time they be in like manner requested to report the seyeral sub sriptions made as well to the chairman of tbe executive committee aforesaid'-., as to John M Morehead, esq-, of Greensbprough, for the information of, the Commissioner? named in tbe. charter, of whom he is one, and tbat ne be reouested as soon as one million ' b dollars." shall be ascertained to have been subscribed, to make known the fact to each one of the General Commission ers, and to. designate a time and place for their meeting to receive the official reports 01 tne 8ub-eommissioner3 as directed in said charter. - ; . .. :- Resolved farther That in tbe event of the stock not being, taken under the first adver tisement, the executive committee, if deem ed expedient, be requested to employ a suit i i thn agent to travel; call . meetings, address t hecopoUeit I and jreeiufecriptions jnandout of the Statej- jf4 jlipfl mfr TbatVsommittee of two "t j i,WnpCapintc jry .the : President 1 ,y to omiuire and reixift "to" this con vcntioii " whether there be any. and' if - any, : what" , -i numocr . oi e.iuuiviauai - can do associarou( io a; subscribe- mo rcsiaue ot thevstock . requirea i co form ihe TOmpanyy provided, there should :) bo raenciency .iuv tue amount returnpq joq. the books " of the commissioners aforeaaadLvJ Resolved further, That ... it 13. ibe pinion : of tins Uonveution, xnat inc. jayrrrcni 01 nvo ; hundred $ thousand Tdollarsi ' rcqyired .to be-: inin fvvMYi;n? to the SGth section will be as 1 well - complied with bylthexecutionfof contracts ior wors aua waiwiao t w - um . amount as bj. the, pay men tof monej S.k 7' RcsotceJ r fnriftcr, .That it is desirably to procure us larger number t stopKnpiuera : ; as possible m said Rail" Road f Company j no. ? j matter how small maJ,ihw,.sete;Sub.': seriptions, if equal to a "single .:slre l-jfttr: 1 Jlesolved further, That in .'brxjer'to aecpra-i'?; modate the terms of payment for stock 0 the :Jl condition and convenience of our fellow ,citi- v; zens generally ,4ho . Board of Dircctorsi of X -thel Rail RoadH&inpany, ought and ;will be expected by ' this convention in letting , contracts for the work and materials of the same, . to . give ; a preicrenee to stocKuoiqcrs , who may offer to become oonUetorsJlqj all cases -where they, propose reasonable . tetms ' to be judged of by.. .the; 8aid'6oar4.irjiUi mb&j aid of the estimates of the JSngincer,; -r p: . The President stated , that the .question woald be upon the adoption of ;Uie, Re- port. - :;., .;;c;:f'-;ri1V-V Mr. Washington of Craven, moved thati it. v .i 1... !. rimmVttns be (considered scri-atim which was concurred t, in.; . tt , - , ..- ' The first Eight Resolution were unani mously adopted. .1 .;,"-' ..iJ ' folWing substitute for" the - OthRcsolution, - to wit: ' ; -' ;' v' :'-'- r'--fAiT Resolved, That in the : opinion 1 of Ihia Convention, the provissions of, tbe 30th kec. of j the charter for the North Carolina' Itail I Road, will be 5 complied wiih ;tn tbol ex-'.-ectition of negotiable ;:bonds1wUV"appHr': seeurity, 'to the amount of $500,000 yitho ;4 individual stockholders, and that , in letting f J but 'central far the coustructionof saiu- rpad, the bids of stocklwhicrs-should ,bo pro;:;? feircd .' when '' offered' 'upon V' tlie' rats with other bidders. 't;t-r-:V;;r'..;-r:-, Which clkiteo! discussion j3of cqnsidprible -interest, in ylk4i, Jiessrs, graham, .Clem- C nions, Gilmer Osborne j ,rhomas, Clarke an Kirkland participated. , li,;it ii'd''ii; On motion of Mr. Davis of SaioWry ; the' convention took a recess until ' tlkree o'clock.- " ; , ; ''vk 'hri? " Afterxoon , Session,; fq 'At the hour appointed tbie weiontrei; assembled and rsumed t4ie consideration of M.r. Cletamou's substitute when Messrs. ' Mordceai, Hill and Boy tony - addreseJ the ; Convention. '- -i'.jr.i.Uli'' Mr. Washington- of Craven explained the . reason which would govern him in the .voto be should give upon the resolution, uiitler e'onsideration. ,. . Mr. Clemmons then withdrew ;.hia ; aub ; sritute, where upon the i-esolatcin a, reor- 'y ted by the Commdttee wtw adopted. . . ..,',.':. A' Mr. Clemmons then, offered his Bubsutate as Ian additional resbl ation to those reportcdi bv1 the eommittee. Mr- Gilmer offered an a- ? urjiw mom, wnicu . was aceepcea. .ur.-, v asn-;; 'i 1 . 1 1 muvuu mat .u.. wq. m uv.rewmuw , ith the amendiaent bo hud on the tqbh . ! wl:ch was carried. --i ; --.t?.; 1 uuiiumji luauiuuuua iviuiuai ujjiun. i Committee wove then uuauimously adptejd,; The President announced to the Convent ; tion that be had rccoived the prwecding ot,,-- Pqbhe Meetings held at Norfolk and PoHt- mtiith, Virgiui a, which onf motio: wpre;. j. reaa. . - - .-. - - 4 4. The following resolution, on motion of ILf ?; C. Jones, was unanimously adopted. y ; ' . Rlsdved, That we reciprocate with muclk. satisfaction the good will manifested by the Jl people of Norfolk and Portsmouth, in sending; , ; j delegations to this Convention, and we hejar- ; tily eoncur in the sentiment' avowed by tat v delegation, that the great scheme of Improre-.r ment now under consideration, is calculated,. , to tmite those communities with the people $ of this State in the stong ties of mutual. , interest and social feeling, and without givv ing any preference to the claims of, th(ise ;, over others, both with in pur Stote and;r; without, .who are regarded a? competftorsjin ;'-;j these interests, we hail with the greatest, rdeasure the advance so handsomelr made on : this occasion towards theestabfisUmeut oC.'; . this union. -f-y rr.-. One motioii of J. A. Lillington. the fol-s lowing resolution was aaopiea: j . .; Resolved, that the Board of General Com- missiohers appointed to sopervise thepponing of Books for Subscription to the Capital Stock of North Carolina Rail Road,"bo rcr ' quested to appoint three or more Comrajs-; ' siopers at or near tne cities 01 xorioiK ana ; Portsmouth, in Va-, and three" Commission- ersifor the Town of Petersburg, and also thr4e forjthe county of Wayne, to receive Subscri.i tions for that purpose ;. Ch In pursuance of the 4th resolution of the - j General Committee, John L Jlorchcad, 4 George W Mordecai and Wra R IIoU were r appbinted therExecutive Committee. ; .v J ilr. Graham offered the following rcsolu- v: Resolved, that three delegates be appoinik 3 ed by ,thi President of this Convention, via -rj1 represent this boxly iii the IUil Road Conl-.T vention;to .be' held at Memphis, .Tennessee in the month of July next, with view to Ihea conitruetion of, i Itail Road from the, 3Iisv A sissippi vallev to the'Pcifie Oceanjji :m v i4b;' Which was ujianimously adbptedand the- iVh ITon J P Kinernf iTeoraria. were aiworfUVt uiglappointcd delegates. 1 a ! i.. j.

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