J -Lr'fAi-mZy TTHlara Johnson D . C-! I r n i J W 0!rne; S- IacscI Colcstia, George Barn C Means. - . Url!, W OJ.A. W. Burfcu.T.T. ShJe, JohtTP. Anthony, R. E. JoLnjWn, Wm.. R. Ed- i-a I SLnvr ILfvJ.'noa.' Kit:: ward. Ta Wwre a''MtmUer Messrs. P. S. Kl-lkr, V. A. McBeo, W. Williamson. -0 rrur Tootltll. Williamson, Wm. I Lander, T. J. Eeclc. naa y i f wnrafi'ir . n. 'Alexander, Ucni. i S. Jobnnon, and Col. A. Mot. Il was then Resolved, That tbe proceed iojs of tkU meeting bo published in the ran adrsnQ 3II?clcII, Dr." James , Saturday evening tie 2Cd inst. B. S. JOHNSON, C7mV T. J. ECCLXS, Stc'ry. JcLn 3! leer;. ' Lcrjosr, Gmcral Clarke. 1 " ' - ' j ' i Ll-A-UrtnQ MircbeiJ, Pr. James ;cn,T, jctti r Fiuky. v - appointment We agree w!di the Times, Tbe beds and bed Jin f cannot te excelled ? of this City, that lit. Miller "deserved", a I and. the table 13 abundantly furnished: with better office than this: but eren this Email I tbe best. of surh TroYisLma aa the srann . cbanoe at tbe public crib ?f somewhat eirpeI fords ? V' - . . J --. j nor . to an j thine: which Messrs.. Bamnger, I Jbe-atables are commodious and well ai- oamj, ,or auaie , nave vet lnvvmca tol lenaed. . They, we understand, woold like to go io - Tbetroprietoirassinres tirf rrablic tbat. cpain:LutoneoftbcwinavormaTnot.iustas wbile be will thankfully exert, himself to 111. a a r W- 1 - . il .. " . iuo -loiieij in iiasoingion, as 11 isiermca renaer sausiacaon to tnose who may patron by the 2ew York Express, should chance to ixe him, his charges will be exceedingly HLD 4- Jojrfb 31 Bos?c; A C Mc R C Purjcar, Tyre Gkan, Josh 'Co:-. " - A G Carter, Jcia MeH-r:'. - Oxamia.l I! CLrutua. ; Airi. Jtha W Thoiox, Jonio L Iythnul 0 Li5b, TUiw Wil- n, tR'tant:t I, Iiannert X&a Ilill, Jwha F Palalcxtcr, A Km;. '4 " - f "."- - ioclirm Thomw R WbccUr, W M Elthscn. Jca L LescVurc. " Oxnerii CMa Grates, JcLn Kerr, Georg- VniIirav3. ,r' Gm!'vrr Joha A Gilmer. L Sa!a, I FOUelL ' teruUpSJovL. Worth, II B KUa-Ct. Olartia Y U-k v - CXMtw N A Sodoun, J J JacLsoo, .TaeHalL Alvnamrt Wm A Covington, Col- John ' r,r of Ku tcOT The following answers will be re quired to be sworn to by thoe giving in tbfir Taxable thtJ year. NotuWr of Town lots and location. Valuation of Tuwa property. NoqUt of acres of Imd. Valuation f Iitil. White Pulls Black IV11, Free BLick Polls. Stud 1 lor' and Jack. lice f-er tH-a. n. Anjounl i.f Interval recvived. ' IKvideui aaJ Prufiu IXntLiU, Ibvcun.,, and Lawyers. Salaries anJ Fees. IUrs Cents, 1 raw. Standard. CONGRESSIONAL, DISTRICTS. Tlic fvl lowing are the Congressional Dis tricts of this State, as they stand under the atuous iuynermander of lS4t- 47. Fir Dtsrict. Burke, IcDbwell, Yancy, Cleaveland, Caldwell, moderate. June, 22. xceedingly 28 lm. Cherokee, Maon, II aj wood, Buncombe, Henderson, Rutherford. Abe, Wilkes, Furry, Davie. Second District. Rowan, Iredell, Catawba, sr. J W Hols' fict-! Tfnllm-w Oru$t CVIwalLdVr Jones, orrwJ, C Y Job nson. v inrie-lRo5a Tucker, W W IUJer, B B Suiitb. GnmriHe Jala S llitoo, Robert Gil Fucj. Tb raas Miller. FmnliimJchn D Ilavlios, HlwarJ W ToIke, Allen Perry. Ilarrr AlcxanJeT IIakius Wrlion S Klvasds, Peter Datu. ' XcrCit- T J Person, A Harem, ?amric! CaJtcrt. mhUrA Joyacr, L II B Whiuker, ''RvddiJX Plttman. 1 A oaA 'Dr. Drake, Sinjuel General Crcoh.tw. ,"- Tprcm?--Jtxnc3 J Battle, Duncan Fcrr3m, Dr. Is ranee. ( Vcirf.t -James C Dutbm, Tltt: EUROPEAN NEWS. TIjc news from Eumpe till continues of the utmost importance. The political af fairs of Europe are wore complicated an J prtcutou? than at any period wuee the overthrow i.f Iuis Phillirrr. The Emi- a iaV miniff -ifodccUriui' bw iuten- Linoiln, fjxsUm, "Meeklenburg, Union, An sou, Third District. Stanly, Cabarrus, Montgomery, Richmond, Moore, rrington. lion to interferrc in the quarn-l between ' Austria and Hungary, in favor of the farmer, i ba produced tho rofoundest sensation in J France. Tbe Russians till advance upon j Europe, although it i said that 30,000 of j them hav stirrcn lerrcd. Too Huuprarians have luet with a series of successes that will greatly encourage tlnnr cau.e and render their ubjapitin by the unitol Iluian and Austrian f-rcos a matter of gnat doubt. The Frankfort Assembly has depoeM.d tbe Repent. Ruia is luujtormg her forces, ana has pretty well succeeded in tranquiliz ing the rarious towns in Rhenish IVussia, but the (icnuan moveoaent is far from be- iug stipprvseiJ. Tlx? Batliani unitel with ti BavamesoT the Palatinate aud the Hes miv, utv inarching on Frankfort with the intention of proclaiming the Republic and conducting the National A.Mcmbly to the fortress of Rastailt. There seems a rroba Stokes, Rsxrkiuham, Guilford. Granville, Caswell, Person. Fourth District. Randolph, Davidson, Fifth District. Orange, Chatham, Sixdi District. Wake, Franklin, Warren, Halifax. Edgecombe, Nasb, Johnston, Cumberland, Robewon, Columbus, Bladen, Brunswick. Seventh District. Nei JNxmpson, Duplin," Onslow, Hanover; Robert . tranrr.E J Hl. 1'. HVjrae Jetncs GriworVL Willi Hall, 1 bililr that the vat twnulation of Baden and Joha AfctrCi, I the Rhciupfalx will unite with the people of I t DuUim 0cn Kenan, J Pearsall, J M j AUiee, and e?tabll.h a republic under the j Fiddlctoa- s ' jrrotection of France. The Austrians, as! '- Xt ll.tMCtT W A Wrig?t, Edward ! ustul, have been eoniniitting the greatest 1 IlaJ, It u Holme. , I eieees iu Ijrhrtrn. Tltoy Lave Icxn badrv wiww-nn raosoo, t-axnee .Morrnv, defeated tr tbe Venetians. ! T . f ' 1 I THE FRENCH IN ROME. f t A correspondent writing from Roue, sav9 ' 4 Ike release of tbe rrench prisoners of war, Wayne, Greene, Iuoir, Jones, Craven, Carteret. Fi'jfith District. Beaufort, Htt, Ilyde, A ashington, Tvrrell, Thomas Buntiae. ,( Oajljtc K B Dodly, Owen Hoggins, J A Avtritt. ' - CartrrrtJ Ramloy, 31 B Robert- aco, Benjamin Lcacraft. sn. CVwrr Riehard N Taykr, Alonxo T Jenkins E R Stanly. - i2rVf Edward Stanly, Wn B Rod rJan, iHrid Frecroan. Lrm&ir Jooa C WaaLington, L C IXs ' tund, Francis Dibble. :Jm9 Calvia Koooce, J II Dclahunt, J, C Bryaa. 1 Vf-J B!tw, G Heyt, Jax Strecter. Jnm Dr. Joha B Bxciwith, Iivid HetLuaAjTia II McCclUrs. ' 3Ir. Osborne then a.Jdrcd tbe conven- tkn In a very earnest and feeling manner. Oa taotiow of Gor. Strain, the f dlowiug resolution were UDaoimously adopted : 7?Wpo that the thanks of this Conven tioa bo tendered to the Itthcraa Congre tion for the nsr? of their Charcb, in wbieh th Contention has held it nioos. FeJfr?t that the thank of this Conven tion be teadcrrl t. the IVesilent and tlw ctbfr OSccn of this bodj, f.c their able ami iEIics.! djchirg of tbe da ties required of Femjlk-nl that the proeeediogof this Conven tion be publuhel in the Carolina Watchman, witi a reue that the other papers in this Stale I ealkl cpmi fa copy tnem. . Got. Swain moved that the Conventi-a do now a.Ijoura " : Tbe Prvfilcnt thn rw. tendered bis thaaksTand after earnctlr arpealin to the Martin, Bertie, Hertford, Northampton, Gates, Xinth DUirici. Chowan, Perquimans, 1 asquotauJc, Camden, Currituck. In the last Congress tbey were represen ted as follows : T. L. Clingman, Nathaniel Boyden, D. M. Barringcr, A. II. Shepherd, A. W. Venable, J. R. J. Daniel. James J. M AKRIBD and tLe sbsopicnt fraternal etcort tbat was I .McKay, R. S. Donne 11, and David Outbw. given tliem, tnat tue r renen bod tbeir swords , ' returned to them, and were conducted into J the town to a collation. Some of them ex- ! j pressed themselves with a good deal of feel- j j tng, ana an were mnpicieiy crcstiijen. uen. J Avexanno shoik hands with most, and they ; wcreeuoraevUny many ot the Italian oruccrs. In a Urt time, (Jenoral Avexanno went with h"is staiT to join them in t he Ctaso, where the French sildiem were eIkctel, and in friendly cnvcrion with crowds of Roman , some of whom wen? offcrins them cinrs. i rome giving bread, and others taking them to dnnk wine. It was d-dightfid t see ( wilh what gd-will arvl aUerity the Roman responded to tlus generous and noble invita tion of the government. The military band played the Marseilles, and then a French man, who lias a gol deal of eloquence and writes for some of the French papers, was re quested by theoCicers to alJress the people from the balcony of the restanrant; and he thanked them, in the mont expressive terms, for the noble conduct shown to hu fellow countrviuen. and he was received with most ( rapturous applause from the people and cries of' Vice IlrpulJiciin ll'muiine frona S the French soldiers in the street. The late I prisoners were then conducted in procession, most of them arm iu arm with Romans, to ' the gates of the city ; but as they passed by ' St. Peters, they went inoftheirown accord At Statesville, on Wednesday, the I3th inst, by the Rev. Mr. Rockwell, Dr. James II Houstov, to Miss Mary Jane Simov- 1 j ton, all of Iredell county, N. C. So, witJi decorum all things carried, : Miss fmTEu'd4 and blush'd and then was j niarried." ' On the 14th inst,, by Jonas Best, Es., ' Mr. Fr.xklin B. WniTXER,to MissS.tRAii A.vx, daughter of Geo. Leonard, all of Ca- tawla ermnty. In Rutherford county, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. M. Webb, Major B. S. Blaxton, to Miss Almixa C. daughter of A. W. Whitesides, Esq. OIIITI'AUV, In Gaston county, (near Dallas, on the 10th inst., Jacob Riiyxe, agol 80 years. In Catawba county, on the I6th inst., Col. Marcus II. Rudicilx, aged 30 years and C roonths. Mil. Editor : The friends ' of Silas Williams, Esq., request that he be announced as a caudidate for the office of Cvnventioa M pet f -rth every efrt m their tW grand altar, knelt down and ,o VouH c,crk of Cleaveland countj introursc with the people togiverjcccss to t w CCT" Jj1 thisrrrat fnterprcic, pn noenced the Con-r ruUlc- JNO. 31. 3I0REIIE.VD, W. . P. A. UAV1SL JXO. N. WAfltIXTTOX. " Strretarir. ' Alb est ToRaiLNCE, rcirA etrjiiprr. REMOVAL OF MIL McRAE. Henry W. .Miller, Esq. of thU City ha been tendered by President Taylor the office of District Attorney for this State, in place of Duncan K. McRae, Eq. removed. The ... Register aks us if this is a cao ct procnp- ' - , . ; I or the Lepublxan. tioQ We answer that Gen. Taj!., befora . 4fh oTJllIf JlcctitlR". this election, distinctly g-ave the jwople to , PsrscaattJ adjoarnmcnt, "a race ling of understand that be wouM remove no wan the eitizc&s of Uaonlntoa was held at th f from effice on account of his opinions. Mr. Cowrt Hoase on Saturday the 9th inst., B ! Meltae has leen removd because he was a R JOHNSON, Kl i ia the chair, and 'T. iVmocrat; therefore, call it what you please, J. EcdrJt, Secretary. v it is another instance of broken pledges and ' Th committee to procure an - crator re- I violated promises. But the tiuwatr of doin pcrtcd tbat their choice tud fallen on Javes ' this thing ought to excite tbe indignation ot A- Ca low ill, whi had accepted tbe ap pciatxacot ; the report was CDAaltaously a- The dinner cnxamitt reprted tbat a din- ntr wtmJd be fumlshol by Squire Johnson, I co lie saza tenat as last year. Toe report was aJ.'pteJ, and the kame committee ap foatrd.t pnxare inbacribers to the Ditoer, tixr Mesixn IL W. Abemathy,T. J. Srtigle, A. A- Rxsmior, Caleb Motx, II. Thonxwn. Oa ' motioo cf Wo. LAnder, Ei:, the f Jbwia getj'Jexsen were appointed a - ( hm cf A rr'jiuexLf Cp i. J. T. AcxaaHer, Aln Alxar.der,Gn. D.Seajle, J-cac Jlooxr, It. II. TcapWtoo, Jchn, Sa- at the ensuiiii; election. 31 ANY CITIZENS 3Ir. Editor : The friends of Gen. Daniel Seaglc, request that he be an nounced, as a candidate for tbe office of oUPE bjor Court Clerk of Lincoln County, at tbe ensuing election. cterr riebt-minded roan. For tbe last three or four months, Mr. 3IcRae, ha been confined by sickness, which many of his friends fear msv prove mortal; and he is now absent j We are uthoriz,ed to an nounce I;obKT WlLLUMSOX, a a candi date for re-electiou to the ollice of County Court Clerk. ETERTAINMENT FOR , TRAVELLERS. SAMUEL HART, at tW North, in an extremely weak condi- N the road leading from Salisbury to tion, with the hope of recovering his health. Lineolnton, 16 miles, fipci the former, Gen. Taylor doubtless knew that this afflic tion was opoo him; but bow could it be ex pected that the man who has proscribed some cf bis own soldiers from public office, who stood by him in battle and lost their limbs and their blood under his immediate hotice, - would suspend the axe in this case? We are indignant, but not surprised. Mr. Miller, we learn; has declined this and 33 from the latter place begs leave to inform the public that be .is at alt times, amply provided to accommodate travellers with entartainment equal to any the country affords. His House, almost encircled by a plea sant grove, and supplied with most excellent water, is situated on the right band side of the road leading from Salisbury. LIXCOLXTOX MALE ACADEMY. The Trustees of the Lineolnton Male Aca demy take pleasure in snouncing, to the citi- rens ot .Lincoln County, and to parents and guardians generally, that they have procured the services of Silas C. Lindaley, A. M, and former professor at the CaWwell Institute, in Greensborough, N. C, to take charge of the cademy; and in reconimendinMr. Lindslev to the public, as a teacher, eminently Quali fied to perform evdry function necessary for the instruction of youth, they need only re fer to his character which is well known in iNortti tarouna, as a man of tbe purest morals and strictest piety, as a teacher ex perienced in every departments of learning, taught in the schools of our country, as a professor in the Caldwell Institution,' forJ many years, indeed, as having spent his bfe in the sucessful instruction of youth. JMr. Jiindsly has charge of the female Academy in this place also; and suitable assistants will be provided by him in both Academies. For health, cheapness of board, and the morality of its citizens, Lineolnton is not sur passed, and scarcely equalled by any location in the State. In the school will be taucht every branch of learning, necessary to prepare students for college. 1 be terms of the fechool are cheaper than at any of the neiffborim? vitiates, and board can be procured either at public or private 1 . f ' 1 . 1 !" nouses, at irom seven to eigut aoiiars-per month. The'exercises of the school will eomaieiico the first 3Ionday of July next. The prices of the school, as established by the Trustees arc as follows ; 1st Class Reading, Writing, Spel- ling,.the rudimenst of Geography, and Arithmetic, per session of five months. 2xi Class Including the above with Engtxsn Grammar, Ueogra- fihy, Arithmetic, Composition and listory per session. 3rd Class Including the above with Algebra, Sun eying, Chemis try, m oral and Natural Philosophy, per session $10 4tii Class Including the above, with Latin, Greek, and the higher branches of Mathematics, per ses sion . $15 00 Contingencies per session 5Q JAS. T. ALEXANDER, H. CANSLER, J. A. RAMSOUR, W. LANDER. D. W. SCHENCK. hap STouwrn wmMY C. & JX FRONEBERGEK ; v; Wan& respectfullj call the attention of the people of ClewelanJ, and the surroBBJingcoantier and distrioU, to their -;. ... ; - ' v-- .'.-V.--,. "2 .."y XEW, SEA SOXABLE. AKD DESIRABLE STO dK- OF MERCEUNDIZE, 9( their weU known stend,in the town of Shelby which htve beta eleetel wim care, and with a view the accoausodatioB of alt who may faror ttem with their patronage , The Assortment Consists of a variety of V'-J S0-. buy goobs. . . CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS; every rariety of pattern and color of CALICOS, at all prices; FRENCH 3IUSLINS, much lower than ever, a large quanti ty of them ; Plain, Black, Colored, and striped ALPACHAS, as cheap as can be" found in any estaMishment in this section ; a superior article of SILK WARP; DRAPDETE, all quaUties; TWEE'D CASSI3IERES, KENT, JEAN'S, TURKEY Red, Brown Sheetings, and Shirtings ; Bleached do ; Swiss, Cheek, and i Jaconet Muslins ; Bobinett Lawns; Laces, Edgings, and insertions ; Irish Linnens : Linnen and Cotten Diapers : Hose and Half-Hose ; Ladies' fine Mitts and Gloves, and a variety of Mens Gloves, &c. : 5K-s TEAS. Nail J BROWN SUGARS, of different qualities and prices : L COFFEE, a cood article. and a heavy stock of it on hand; LOAF SUGAR; Rice and Molasses ; Saltby the sack or bushel; Peppers, Spices, and Ginger: Tobacco, Candy, and a superior lot of TEAS. DRUGS, 3IEDICINES, AND DYE-STUFFS. Paints, of every kind ; Carolina and Spanish Indigo ; Madder, Prussian Blue, and Venetian Red; Epsom and Glauber Salts; Caster Oil, Nutmegs and Mace; MofFats Pills and Bitters; Peter's Brandreth's, Gordon's, and Cooke's PJlls ; Indelible Ink ; Number C bands Sarsapanlla; Bears, Maccassar, and Antique On; White-Lead, No. 1, by tna . Keg, or 100 lbs, 1. ) jBJiewpe BffitDESb' jkashSw issjsysSo . .... $5 00 $$ 00 00 Of Boots and Shoes, this firm always keeps a good stock, having advantages, in pro procuring these articles, which render it an easy matter to compete with their neighbors, not onby in this, but in the adjacent villages. Among the stock is a lot of the finest SILK and FUR HATS, and other qualities down to as low a price as may be desired ; all very eheap, and a lot of Bonnets, of various qualities, with together Leghorn, and Palm,, Hats, of different prices. J y Trustee CHEAP CASH STORE DALLAS . Quick Sales and Small Profits. Tue Nimble Sixpense better than the. slow sitillixo- ROBERT GAIVT. AT the South-east corner of the Public Sqxiare, in. DALLAS, Gaston Coun ty, has reeeiyed his supply of STRIXG G O OD S, embracing a great variety of choice Mer chandize ; among which are Crockery, & Glass Ware. Fine and cheap Plates; Teas, Bowls, Pitchers, Plain and Fluted Glass Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Casters, Salt Cellars, Wine Glasses, Molasses Pitchers &c. &c. Saddles and Saddle-Bags. Broad Cloths, Casimeres, . llain Ycstfngs, Fancy do Calicoes, Ginghams, Plain Ribands, Fancy, do Plain Jlu.dins, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mits, . Hats, Bonnets, Boots & Shoes, Cutlery, Crockery, Hardware, &C C L O C KS L ; . A New Style of Brass Clocks kept constantly on hand. READY MADE CLQTHIXG A . ; ; ' To suit the times and season ; COTTON YARN SEGARS, &o. C & D. Froneberger take this occasion to return their thanks to those who have thus far so liberally patronized them, and to solicit the public favorifor the future, assuring all that, having facilities for purchasing goods, on the most advantageous terms, they, will not allow themselves to be undersold. I ' Shelby, May 23, 1849. . - V, CAKKIAGE MAKINCr. y'ff Firured do In selecting this stock, care has been taken to provide such as can be sold at reduced prices ; and yet such as are durable and good, as weli as fashionable. Having adopted the cash system, which is better for both buyer and teller, he will be satisfi-. cd with small profits; and he reppectfullv invites all who would secure GREAT BARGAINS, to call and examine his GOODS and learn the prices before they purchase elsewhere, Terms Cash, and Cash only. corner; oe kno and george streets, T-his Hotel is situated the most fashionor He part of the City. Tlve Froprietor xrill be pleased to see hisfrieipds and the . travelling public j promising that no ex ertions shall be wanting on hit part ta " vutke their stay agreeable, . ' V PRICES reasonable, ' P. A. HOKE,, Proprietor. JOn W. KDG, Assistant. June8 V . , , 26-- BL AXES far salt at this office: " ISAAC ERWIN, Late of Lineolnton, respectfully begs leave to inform his friends, and the public ia general, that he has located himself in the village of SHELBY, Cleaveland Connty; and that he has mao -preparations to carry on the above business in all itsvyariona branches. , ' ! ' I He will soon have oa hand, and will continue to furnish, in a superior style, all kinds of FAMILY CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGIES, ROCK A WAYS kc. ; r He will endeavor to procure the ery best' materials, not only for fine work, but for the ' manufacture of all kinds of : j .; . ' . ft, Carry-alls and Waggons. either for light or heavy service. His terms shall be low; and, and depending on his customers for supplies, he will be happy to exchange his work, to some extent, for country produce. v. Being determined to exert himself to merit encouragement, ne will thankfully receive all orders for work which he will execute with the utmost dispatch. , AB lands of REPAIRING done at the shortest notice, and al reduced pricesi ' Shelby, May 25, 1849. " i tt . 25 FASHIONABLE TAILORING. ' A. W. & a M. QUINN, ic W ' ; ' Facing te East End of the Court-Hoijsev S H EL B Y , ; - ; ' Respectfttlly inform their frieds and the public that, being ! in the regular ; receipt of ' the latest and most approved FASHIONS they are at all times ready to serve tn08f who ;' may favor them with their patronage. ; s , - ,5J Having taken pains to qualify themelv.es. for the business, by a. careful study of all the1,, most ' - '' ' '. - s . Jl- -'-". - - . APPROVED lMETHOJ)S 01? CUTTING, osdy varying there frOBj, to suit the taste of their customers, they can assure all who "may wish. tahaTe. COATS PANTS, or VESTS made cither in the. most' V " FASHIONABLE and ELEGANT STYLE, orin a PLAIN AND Substaktial.MA1N!;- NERr thait their experienee and skill, and their desire to please, will enable them to arpl entire satisfaction. : , -1':' : . U-'-' i'-l Impelled by a desire to elevate the mechanical skill of the South, they will make" if their study at least to equal, if not to surpass the Northern Work that may be thrown into. " ' our market; and, therefore, they appeal, with confidence to their fellow citizens to sustain tbemv ' . Terms moderate, and punctuality observed in the execution of all orders. - t - ; Shelby, Blay 25, 1849. it ' j :y.; r -