.4 HI . ; i - m --!-, - ..,-. V - ; - j' ' ' si ' - CAROfXVA REPUBLICAN.' -am. " "" " " " "' ' inst., at MliTifleTet)n.V0Protr,ctc diarr - - a u ..f; L. .. - r it: libera . r ; ... cn. i,cM'.f . . 'ifViffiuaiUiitwf.' -IHTJng attached himself tol "W iriUliUB iiuuwiiM vumwii' nam A&crsroentof the Lord's Sapper administered -r mr' wsn, li th mIon of "The Cabinat.", heng'Jthe;, oVw: aai " sealing -Ednej, i Lai.. Whin he either, jifno: whoiff.pWious to alloutof th& wiintrj reached us WweekJuH after onr paper had (ranib- or.trcacheroualr, ttrayed the people, come If 'PI UJC grjeiw. .jituieuon uc ovu: iuy imv'-' . .w - him into the Jkana or tba UjJJ men! Ti'iUJ.ka'nQAriiinatlT called aropnl hitn FRIDAY. JUNK 29, 184a . Anc?imrLuo -We return thk5 t4 Qnr kWrWlV and TceJ frauful fjS 1 ' '. . . .... I ', Hhoold iLr not me lot tic J4iUuf U oct ucrptKir lti. f Our prirate pnrrHpootfenta 2iIl re- - ' reiTe csrij aiwnurz. ' Jto hiih aoconJing'to be 'files fit Uio'urch -cif which he bad ttccntlf .become roemDcr. 1 To Lis mother, Whoee illoesa at CoIumbU, L'amrrotcd Ijer horn aJtenduiz him, he aent Uxoicmg other taUinoiea of his affection, the! Suiro 1 1 two. W Iem tha! the negroj led of Mecalcnburg' Superior . .-,.. . . m . - v : . .. .i ll" - e . . . " k- tt . xrlTi x-. . it - rT Va cx'fcnted lst Fri4J. We bare hoard J Ju'p by Gen; Tayjorf JiU J.respe5taWe hrhiff who knoVs'ijfen. Bdney,- cooten4 ott he ia peculiarly "dwtingaisuea over others for honesty, capacity and" fidelity 2" Tf-h-w ! ,1 Jamea "W. "Orsbone, ' of Charlotte, has been appointed superintendent of the Branch Mxnt, to supcrseae uoi. Aiexanaer wno aa$ ibeen removed. Is not this beautiful con-l Tswtency '? . No removals for opinions sake ! jWljere ia the charge of dishonesty, incapaci ty, or infidelity, made against Col. Alexan4 fnt L ' i. f i :l "Via. i xney aare jioc msuxt mis cuuiujuiu ny . by . bnntftue ich a cnarge : and yet, Dy nisi ki i it . i !tji j u : - l.pJ Ji j i ih rvrnt .w-itba went down, tofa1 ren UP despair, contenUng himselftifwcanly at insinuations against the honor - i t r. k? . icJ. i. x i. e - rnow, wnu a siient voie, wuicu i?commonijrui a geuuewuu wuu iftit lmjhp uj. ujjuer wUi tlw piinority ! Why, the sraerk-facedjccbaracter for "honesty, capacity, and ndelv tier not mt an earth again. h bad an LWnf h.t. hai drj mfry. ibej wojiWWi,oncsf but mo8t probably treacherous, been IIH poaed performed ianexecutive dnty onedaTCef wonu; awase ine next jnorninr to nwt inai she Ld made an agregioua mistake ; pat the ufi:r uau uj ue rucuusiucrcu, anu arrsuigru to suit the views "of one or "another of " the jCabinet " Again he would Jnaksvan ap- poiniment to omd or one map, ana una inext day that another bad received the com- Thus has Gen. Taylor, possibly mission : I of their'critical acumen, standard of' qualification' hypocritically J I vowed the paternity 4?nHbtless thbugit. lities anorueu iuem one as an'; administrative OiC simporiDff nuecn of England is as efficient m . T 1 UJ a w ?Tt - i: .1. : ii.i KfTL. I 11 I 'olk was a- creat : maS L i Elevated iini v I jrAlthoughive disar. -l- , in uimn. TnUtUM X. - - E Tf . A VWV v-- - j-j --c. -jf TIT-f T . 3 1 P' ..'3.- i: ,J'i . yjo ;w "vv r "vAVAsu?! eutuuara ior nis froiae. . wua -t i r,i w,Tftnfii '.aime wia, ieariess.ana oonscienuous. Me for the nrisjdfefulness. in ihev- pf his duties HeJ was a iaost nnjj i citiaenIIe was a most :yjgilan44 i iaeaxucDB uagci Hysv,i uto wfi-uiMi ' iiCTerj uuu vuciuat w.uie,t-uiu t.-f moroiU Wnthnfflt. we TAiHMlthnr'ihe forefiret his duty to shis country Aand to 5n its frncc. but to no nuroose r thethe great democratic; party, ? o :OKtent . . i .1 nfiM.H ever, uccu umucu t t,w . vitviwn;4M . lashed.wy as tnougn ey weM . , W-Twrnvlrinn s and no PrAid, tnnn!na r , hrpnt prprv p bone 1U ' tllft ISl. . " J . .1 ri. . .v fetherless." friendIess5 Pauper Brat's" body Iface of his foes. . And what " a history does I W e tnen aaminisierea a reouAewuu juiiics:o wuiui,aijiiuu r. j : seventy, tnougn noi as uarsuiy ucujaf cruelty deserved; and, m a hasty articie,.con-jJumh bf ia inmistrationaro L immortal t clusively showed that the complaint of thej-We read I: them in the tribute I universal! : little ragged urchin, against the FederaI2paid to the skill, the ability, and the profound J was weilSw,:iaom or "is ' publio acts; f; irom? jiareaj I- l4b, to March, :In. war, that ad verity, though not as harshly as :rfefn4 Mri ,;y v.L - i-i.u.-iLU lEx.jresjident.PoLK is dead, but the ,tr clusively j Managers of the Girard College, ffounded, and accorded with the lamentations' :!".JWJy 3 I ' . . administration illuminated our flag withi new i !of the thousands of widows and orphans whogiories. Tin finance it elevated our Jiredifl , uau ntu. aTtv niu cvcitngFe necn cast rjcniiess udou tue vum uuii-jinn rnifipmed nnrimm m meimian Di,a hereafter have a legitimate claim to. ! I "tier of the world bv the' explosion of theconflict with a distant enemy. ?; In Diploma Of Mr, Osborne we know little. He is fUnited States Bank bubble, the net measure! was progressive, intrepid,and :irholty r- ' .... r a r it -i i -i M i j . ich the Watch,t -t i ivmi w same Arye storiej,- wbkh We gite no cre-f P- Jwre", of tincinnati, arrcsteu a lew EnglUh maxim is, that "The Queen can tk-noe, trftifetixig a bruJal aopoe as !TiDgGr-5 cpartanr.urg ; ana aution f-fSJ0 no wrong," and she is not accountable forffan estimable gentleman in private life, but is 'Jalen pUj, hst have rccrired no autLentiVr n ng f'n l m his possession, he washer actions :-but her ministers are fold re L5iponsiiie io ine rovernmeni. j.ne nresi aidant of the United States, is a- ur jubi. :: cjjt ? . . !.:;r: tit rtieft the responsibility of his eminent posits Th ritl.na f IJnroln Ttintr. ar re-lfc"-" "V" 6. . IOi viraru vonege, iuejr nave uui,uu ?w;th a character unscath(d by calumnV and i' ' Lihim inrlinrln allir Hiomnnrilii fiw trta fnifTifiilrfl Kfrinpn Tl Prvrtla whn ia -v Vw ITMrioiiI ttlJ I r 1 .. T.. 1...Jl,1. 1. . . . t 1 ' .1.1 ' arwctfullj invited to attend at the Curtf:. , V , v. f ZZ " 7 77 , . , 7 . 7 lrajr w 1 ' fe untainted by suspicion,, iiuwrj.iaj. pew 1 loose, in l-jncolnton, on cfcuroay,tbe oUtbgj . - , -. ,. - , jaj ' E.r . J - , ijr: 4: ' J - - I an influcnM fatal tt li ronntatinn and diR-ri!nF th anti-Snnfhpm Spnntir fFnin VnhFti-i. ..,cv,- l,a5?imuressive fmndeur Of his . administration. iberty ToleJi " . " . T T f .. . 7 H" 7. Ki,u6 wllw Trt-" ' ; :7 .k. i'jjC t ' . t. c?tcd jianicur. If any thing worthy f Hcommit ted to jail, after having addresaed-a oU'tppears ia tba Charlotte ppcrs, wef mecUng to exculpate himself. j 'hl,alX by fl' before bur readers. Catawbla Sntio. We stopped to ject, a Tr days ago, at thce oclebraud miueralF 'J'prlcg, and wtre happy o find that ourl trimly 11 xxn tot, hl made anp! prbrioc tr the comforUt!e entertainment x hU! riaitora, during the wann cnhcaltby aeaon If a ociIi.U reception, and kind aoKcitode in an agreeable Luuily, ran aJd .to the enjoy-l 2nt, a few weeks at Catawba would pua Terr pleasantly. We take oc H caaiony howevtr, td caution Ue acnitire who .l-Vi 1 v . ' ' . . i el wuli iwis mwj, urwt un, iwuc ui s the winning sxaUes aad bright eyes to 11 cocountertd ia'the toisiediate oetghborhood. . f TvxULkU HorC4LS TO THE MEMORY oA J J . i ' n i l r 1 T goi tne i?eaerai party, oi wuicu ine varea.v . . i ,i v . t.Mmtht " t 1 --it w mv, ms uiuvaiii.y,o. gxnaustry, j.i,viuuicau iucinoua nonorj partisan. His appointment to ofiioe onlyledging, by their avoidance of the only issueSagainst the. foo at home and tho foe abroad. elected bv theK'serves to illnstrate the 'oroscriptive spirit ofMiW nn hin H;nnf t.h -insrira of the al.It stood between the people and the cfforW L " ... -f' " I J .... I- -. v : : v. i llegations against whiggery, and the managereamele JJstemS Mr;PoLK .C . . M 1 I It Vi fill 4I.A If AntiKliA line. ,iL-ru- antvlW'amhn. ! for the approaching ocltibraUon of our a-Ifi , , - 5j twnal Anniversary. A inecUng of the citi-l?, ., A . J' . .II BcntOll, Badger, and !:zcns win do ncki me same evening, at tue&J , El i,. , , ji i- , . , , Pacxnowledge allegiance to none but theH Court bouse, t early candl-light.toconcludeFt . , f5 Jt . & - , A. H 1, 'r.t Keakest of their number, whom they use asl Pgrandixement, yl The American confederated republic has the arrangements'. XT. n. ALEXANDER. B. S. JOHNSON. CALEB MOTZ. T. J. Eecxts, S c'ry. Cholera Ozone. A .new theory has been started with res-rj poet to the cause of Cholera. Slavery. The General assembly of Missouri having instructed Col. Benton to resign his seat in the U. S. Senate, he has appealed to the people to sustain him injiis refusal to comply; and, in a speech of great length, he boldly adopts Know no president of intelligence 'and firm-lfii.' 4, XT ,1 S r . , , , sthe views of the free soilers of the North and ncss We segsat that a public meeting bo ld ia LiAcolntoo ; that prcli(ausry atp U p taken; and that all our citistva, both in town J , -- . in readiness to engage in Ike funeral obse quies whenever the arrange menu shall hart Veen coco pie ted." i Llncolntqn I'rniale ScmtV This iastitaltoa will fe-oprn on 'the 1st ofj J uly. Wt ar happy to ae that the worth t the teacher is appreciated ; and that thd ensuing arstoioQ is about to commence under tarorabie arcpicev W th.iak we are doing' a aerrioe la young ldj at a distance, by ioriting their i tent ion to the Iinoolntoo Seminary. We are aure they can pua the tim Lre with both pleasure and profit Kxrellent water, a pure atmotpherr, shady jcrotea, gn.J health producing ry cheeks i ana IU Lrsi of mttrart nnnht ts Tw I ... . , v . I Tlx a t iLt Arinrur -tinilM iV mm f Mr. liydstj, will al re-cpen on the ltj j . O use ymmt v j the prospect for a School of the first order! of its clasa, is quite fiattering. Mnrrrrra to Sfjiix. Mr. Graham de-l eliniag to accept the Spantah mUs.ioo, Hon. D. 3L rUrringer w appointed ; and, we' leam, he has sjguifed hts acocpUncc. Tna SMALL rpx. W leaxn- with great pleasure, that tluslWhma disease Lw, in a! grtat measure, subsided at Grreusboroogh ; and thai the busing of the rbce is grad j ustiy rtviTiog. SvrxxMt Comr.-zJhc summer term, of.i the Surrtme Court, commenced at Raleigh.t v" Jim ir-sL. mere werr - eight admiasions to SjfcxL Court, and eight to County Court practice. Oct. Tuomaa J. Prusc; a pvnuine re publican, of Northamr ton County, ha taken! the field for Congress, against the late feder-J a xa ember, Mr. Outlaw, ra the ninth dis trict. THr LATX iXCMOpT I olk. e e, byCthe atmosphere becomes impregnated with a ia Fapars, ait, by an impube which seem.pcrnicious gas called ozcn,e, which is produc4 io move xu pa tool x ncarts, cxtcnsife ar-,LJ by the rge of electrical currente from rangcoestJ are being made to pay the laj.t Lx,jDta through the air, and is recognised pabUC tribute of nsapect to th,e picmory ofTfaiainly by a peculiarly dissgrceable smell. ('th4 iUustriouj dead. chemiste teach that this unknown substance, 2 cH4ealled oxnne. is decomposed bv certain com-ii. n a voring to win over all the elements of dis- i .... 3- .- . . .i wit was an era in tne wona iXTogreBSi is o:v, - 7"f 7 4" Startled' I all Europe byits triamphsilflt . rf" Paniw TJrat.ss." Wp, would frladlv let theT j . . i ..Ii - j..1i.m;4. J! r 0J convmcea mewona oi.me uuraojuiy uurs suffering little object of their vengence es-gUnion. y. It turned the hopes of all mankind cape; but, like the Egyptians in reference tojjfto5 the power and the purity of 7purinstitu. i the children of Israel, the Watch'-mew con-l"0"8-. i . : '-V v ' F IV. at. x il a 1 JYIWii aVlIaaUi3b 114(U uiliuv Va HVl -Sl tmue to beat it with many stnpes, rcgardingdcep 6regretr the ' sudden -decease of iMr.i.. ii as me source oi mucu unusiues, yet t"eypOLK; if we have to ? thank .ITOvklenceil ' will not let il go." fgfor anything, it is that he lived to seet.hial-. - . . ... Il l: . . 1 VI. -1 1.- 1S-11- k.-lJl. The Watch-men falsely acuse us ot bav-Maaminisiraiion oui, an uiaa uo uuauj: )woi - . . Kiuie views oi ine iree soiiers oi tne iNortu ana; i " j r rsi i. i -'" . -r L- j trfa South, thus eode J'og changed ou, g.ouud We W not dwh her interest ; but the country is at the mer fc r :-. .v,i a . ci . It is said thatf ', 3 . . ? . .. iMCord to unite on him for the Presidency inl flaw ivh 1. 1 . r . Irirli Kifnra htfrh H..wn t Aimkaite angel, weep r 'H1852' e Badger, he broadly claims that It is high time the people, the ' tmeB0083 has the Pwe? to legislate upon the sovcreiL-na of the country, should arouse and3DJe avorv i ww9 we winding - - r T L. . u . ii nr . ii r t : . . ... ,j ri ii . .. ... . ... . every patriotic republican, whether he hasLJ 7 perwnii MDumenu men, are againsiine in so; nor did we ever, use the- terms attribu-p, .. nnnntl.'. . i . r t ..i. x.-i.-.j015 couniry" tea to us. we only met ine ifue tcuuereuti subject, able chenA-i: inclusion that it is,' i -litUtion of slavirv. nl xrnin.t its intrn.lurtinn . - - j . . beretotore been a whig or a democrat, toESinto places in which it does not exist. If there Caldwell at Dallas. accomoanvK'" no ery in Missouri to day, I should oppose pounds of sulphur: and from this hvwth-lfi.- t j .-.i. t.- trlU comng if there wai to Capt. Hclderman's. The " Cabinet'Htates, Aa there is none ... . . . . . ., ...... I.lfomia.I am ao-ainal aridin H . 7 ., f iu ooqld oat vote for such a measure. ymcrai, wsery, anu me msfusajun wMigi Fe(Jeral chucklng 0VeJ eiicii me i rue state oi mo case, CapL Caldwell is a republican who has no conceal men ts. His natriotiam none doubts. bod, aa oaone in exbtencc. A New Yorkghs deTOlkm gouth nQne qncsl wnter says that the sulphcr cure has been1?.- n Tn tnn,.r;nff f rw.U .c n thoroughly tested ; and that it has no sana-f-Ind epcndent Candidate for Congress, he wiuit e appears disposed to turn, renders him ... -r,u .u v;u,ir .. rimaice no fp r kdirea. If he be elected. helSMUiv;ulUH5, p""5u Political DisCUMMioilM. faw' serve his constituents faithfully, and The Hepublican voters of this part of thcL-confer honor op the State that gave him Congressional district, will please bear inXbirth. Having served under Taylr, on the mind that Capt. Green W. Caldwell, tbcSllio Grande, he may, perhaps, know his Independent Candidate, will appear jKweakness and deficiencies, and be prepared t 1 by the Watch-me; and they have not dared A xHpcfiSTCf. V" to unaertase to controveri one argumeut wcjt q "advanced. When they shall have done so,Mthe late we will, if necessary, exhibit the Federal! Ited States, a number i more than equll to: Managers of Uie College in a worse lightllhw majority, who will candidly confess Ahat presented. WegT"-were uieafeu T" i "7 those who supported Geh. Taylor at te election, there are bow in theUni-l than they have yet been have not done so before, but we shall use, -sis is drawn the sulphuric remedy for Cho- l V-.l .1 t era. .loiaing ueunite, nowever, seems loJ.Trjl have be settled in regard to ozone. After much learned dissuasion on the ista have come to the eoncl none , in the Lnitedfltbe term, " robber, it they will nave it so m com.ng ino the United?2ari(J :f Tvossible. attach as much odium to theand . in Iew Mexico or Cal-BJ, r , ' ., -. . . i . . ihotatii TOMv-f aa than rttrl xvtnn thflir inn e 11 10 in use territories, P " '"j "j "it ;the folly, if not the criminality of Col, Ben ton ; and it is not a little amusing to witness jthejr efforts to make political capital out ofi the stand taken by "Old Bullion," whose metomorphosis, preparatory to the summer They offer Benton's unfaithfuless to the constitution as an exouse for Badger's trea son to the South ; thus trying, through Ben ton, to immerse Democracy as deeply In the .mud as Whiggery, under the lead of Badger, i il ai - unong his friends in Qld Uncoln," on theguard against them. . The election, therefore9 .8ieepea m ine m,re 01 Aooiitiomsra, in 1th of July, on wtich dy be wiU addressgof Capt Caldwell, at this juncture, appears!s qowf w lft e? w completely as . . . mm. . . 'ii ii jti trm in inn n v iaivi wi a n s- i :he putlH', at Pallas, Gaston county. Kto be exceedingly appropriate ; and, as thetj1" w wcwtw st wi On 'the Cth, he wfll bo a CapL Ixn- signs of the times are indicative of his suc-Eadium uPn tbe kle wpHshod, good lardt-s Muster Ground, where, we are in-?ce. every voter should embrace the oppor-lTereat and much lamented James K. Polk formed, he will meet and demolish tfentooitv now offered to learn his political KThe intelligent reader will not fall to note the JorXtheanU-republican. antisoutha SvieWi ' wide difference in the effects produced " . -14 . .- .. . .. .... ! -ind anU AMnn qmrmL who took his caseJ Iockcrj is not the man for tho occasion. "e,r TefPeenye parties, Dy tne position - - r- - ' ar, AJ L x J T 1 mi 3 home, daring ih- MrJran war rlnn unfile ia believed to be unsound on the sWrvK-" u ana laager. 4e beTH , 0 , - . : - . ing the patriotic defenders of our rights andgquc8,ion- e ba8 MRttle credit for ' BtrongW OI loe ,er wno na Pwwaly, honor a-a band of robbers; and who, it iajjintcllect, "and even his "firwnessof purposo"'1. 111111 7uose a4 wrm naa not believed, was opposed to the nasMrre of is doubted ; for some of his Uulc friends K.V ,ePn " repuaiatea py a democratic Steele's resoluUons declaring resistance tolege that he will back out yet. after the jrreatK"'SSIure' ana ms conaemnea every rj . .. i i ... northern encroachments upon rights. kP09! and "ls determination, to, try his strengt b On Saturdav. the 7th. instead of beiny at 1 before the people. He is unoucstionablv . x . - s ttu:- x -r i .. Maj. Lowe's as heretofore aunounced, Capt.&he strongest of the whiglings nowin the fielhUIS ier eice, is nursea in tne Dosoms but his strength will avail him nothing in a01 eoeraiisis, aq nis course enaorsed by a contest with the a patriotic Caldwell. fFederal Legislature, by re-election, when, . , r: n , . , kwithout a word upon the subject he could. iuriu Carolina aauSerizca.mave in Arnriri zntn J "I r-oV 7 CkrJru-t E Firsts They supposed . they were votine! to I condemn its" opponents whereas, Taylor has turned a cold shoulder to i'i : i ...ii.j ii..;. it to Polk, and Taylor, and Scott, and all$U .o 0 r . , v V;"t ' SVUV"llVO - ' the other heroes who gave direction to, -andlj Second They supposed they were votiDff': fought the bloody battles of the Mexioanl flor a man who would hhtoibe the Pretidenti war. iyy parry or ine ej-ponew- vj jHiriy vtrn9, f It is evident the Watch-men have pro-f eo- . .r voked a controversy upon a subject whicbgjju th J3xecuti;.k (j;. they do not understand, and which, they can! ii Third They supposed thai Gcin."Taylor'a plainly see, will lead them into a field theylldbstinate refusal to pledge himself "to- carry are afraid to enter with fair argument. Come,, V anJ peculiar piauunu w , meiurrs, jiu gentlemen, show some spirit. Justify thefMied determination to, be rned, by ' . . - cm i Illiberal principles wnereas ine selection oi r f managers of the Girard College Show that! i ultra Whig cabinet, and the ejection of itue espiusiuu m uto umw;u duilbb ijemocrats zrom omoe, proyes mm a very. j-,, .-0,,T-. .. . ... Southern? parade be has made of his 1'. firmness of pUTJi"' rePuSffno nae nitnerto peen h h. ii!. i.i i- . ..rSboiinrf to him hr (ho cfrnnfrocf noi-fir sw;rmanauQnio,tryms strengt "i"a """"fo1-" i"" v -hilat tbe treason of the latter who had closed Caldwell will again meet the stayt-home,e fighting grneTyl, at Cpt. lelvkrman'sj Muster ground. These discussions will be rich ; and not nly rich, but, as far as Capt. Caldwell is concerned, they will be entertaining and in-Shington gives Senator Badger, the m a wmm i lA siLam.I Ia k.BKa. A .aa af n a a a "VW,C- " c v i f Southern sJly of Abolitionism, the control - a .a a . Ti . patno! prcsseu't net?,er ae. sun preservcsof te government patronage.in Nor.tK Cssro-I Vila rwatflrtn in I Via TWmnm)to T?An..ltivamtV,. . . .. I , - iuiwuyg xi is conccaea mat me people ot, th,e rants, or wncmer Dy some tnci of poll ticaJSi Western Reserve." of all parties, were al4 legerdemain, he baa been sbufijed into themost unanimously opposed to Badzer's re- a a otuis uiu iuc ricrsuu iuuucucu kuku. , ,t ... vicvaMXi iu uis sujau. xemocracv repuaiatesf Tirx. CnoLTJLA cooUnoet its. dcaolatiae MBa,.dB a iVa 1 I - 'wu-j a -a aWv VilC VCTSa U 1 carey. Benton and disavows his recently conceived slavery sentiments, whilst Federalism takes Badger to its bosom, and cherishes his trea-J son in, our very midst. Democracy has not only repudiated Ben- ranks of Federalism, which is nr,,. undtrS' v:,: lou oul 11 nas iscanlea van Uuren and .he rij pnttax of aiVm, worming it," of lhe Wcstc WM MptLdSlrand S.!'her Pro"!0,6.t' but Fcde did not reduce thousands to poverty, andjj cast tens of thousands of " Pauper Brats" upon the world, to be fed by the hand of" charity offer some palliation for General Taylor's shameful violation of pledges. lav -a . "a1 solemnly made to a connding people, anas leive us some inkling of the present whij& policy. Never mind whether we are quali-f tfied for our station, or not i fK?o niuirt Tirtfl aconcern you ; unless you desire to shine ass )-i, . i :e- ;: i I 5i r,itra4 ? aaiua. ia Mia Mitiuutiiav viiLir iimiiiwui i. A " J 7 wvy Asva''vMu jand we shall probably employ so ine of our lei-l tsure moments in dissecting' some of your femr?ite lnoilKmt.Inna iiicr. fnr flio gmnwnuinB it will afford oar readers European IVews. The European intelligence is highly im- portant. A Storaa seems gathering in ft ranee itome still resists the re-instate-, ment of the temporal power of tke Pope the war continues to rage in Den stark the slave to old fashioned, anti-war, ; blue light f Federusm and all its rotten heresies. . ' r j I "And thou hast tried them vhicK way 0tfv" v 'care apostles, 'and- are'- 'andluiUnmd ! tkem LI AILS!" Rev- xL 2j 'f , 1 4 ; 1 I From the Fayetteville Observer. ' w TTTTirnfioTmty Vii WAnmrr it. y-v I We had the pleasure of attendin e the i! ' 1 Annual Commencement of this Institution, i' -4 1 held last week, and weTe exceedingly jnrati-i : Med with the Exercises, which from Lraio : last, were highly creditable to all concerned. - jThere was manifest, as far as We had an op ! i . . 1 . ... . 1 1iL.l ! I J ' ! I portunity ox ODservaiion, a neauaiui moral innuence, as cneenng to tne unnsnan parent ait thedisplay of literary and intellectual isa ai " - - ' "nrovement was to the patriot; H It was pleasant to see what a eoneours I ' T ofecitizens, especially what an unusual, if not 4 ? ifnnrrtrH(?rvtii nnmtwr of tW aAtreit. of llaa I . 1 daiughters of North Carolina, , honored .th "X '; ' ' ocbassion with their presenee.' ' ; j '- . On Monday evening, the An9ai tsenao I was preached by the Rev. C. F. M.' Pexms, J brave Hungarians are still victorious ? but the Russia aire marching a numerous wyVfifc' fstained , "i . war!1-! v. . m i ,-' .... --.- , :J . ii , to crush, them. A general uropem war Tuesday evemn a inunb-ofi $J appeals, m.e.vi.table. A large nwubex of the! Imembers of the freshjuian Clas drcd &i " - ins ii is ia a starvrng coaoition ; ana j?atnerEurations as ioiiowsi .ivi.-,v i Mathew is on his.way to America. R f William IX Baumesj, .loaepjV A. Manning, U tortuous way to power, wit, a view to con-U impediment which it would L dif-fi , f7' 1 vert thU glorious union of sovereign statcsfW, tv. i 1 .embrace to her Badgers, her Clays, herl W alUVtUB V VI VI VViiJVt aUU VKIAAMMVU. UU Ct CI ,1 11.11 . 0 a . . " - . oto an opDresaive consolidated. aristecraev.V. . iu - a f jviiamers, ox., since Abolitionism has be l i Sri . ...-....- . f wimfl an nHu a rf tha n-l.; Tn in.;,ai:. n-'Tcruru aa 'rresponsiDie cao.net wno.tcient to accomplish the object, Dy applying - " ; " " v "X") . i WouM mak a "rAt. m" .n ;rw-V,k lad, ..;r. Mfr .ill e raxxi auoi tne Bomb, men 11 wrl" nr.r iK- aVK.,;r. Ktt i,- :.! Sf all parties, reflect seriously upon these! I fof fat offices. It was whispered at the time i&i and hone8t republicans, whatever may the vrvek ending cn the 17th, thirteen casea1 wire rtpected, six of which proved fatal. M Ia Krw York, the uat week, the number, eTda frora CU lera, rtported from th Urffi; Ub' QU Hnuneot, whether he be a whi u m m aJ encouragpg. W democrat. Poor old Gen would make a " cat's tent president to "pull wool" over the eyesjCbuying up th of the people. The latest intelligence from. WashingtonVrthat Bajia M Edney. apologixing for the! Ihave hitherto been their polical predilec- trulv .larmlnM mwmwm fA Af f.l ... ii i i i. V?. i i J Stions, will not be lonrr in arriving at the con iihuuv utn kufuim ui mcu ut ijus icicuic, lcinieaxi i ' o o - tM- ? 1 ..a aa'' .a ''. g, orarepubli-Xout that, in the event of Badger's election,! T l?son' uiat tao Wety Ot oou.thern ngbtsJ aiaa ' si , j i y a . a .v -w-v a lucrative appointment. reUU3 ampn 01 me Aem. Poor old Gen. Taylor who.lt he would receWe tjrirtaT Scocxaa.Ia ta jTtrtisexr;at,Vif bf.be honest, is entirely, incompetent toft These prombes, like the pledges of General i c ct 0 papers, it is stated thai a Quar jjtba task hp. undertook, has abandoned thertTaylor, have not all been kept; b.t to;getj tCElsatrr tkktt test t lintota crmntv. ihei'reims of rovernment to unscrupulous FedeJirid of Rlnev vhriM imnortanity had brcAmJ r" rrsb, djw tie fourth part r4 120,000 Jral .bplitwn demagogues, who are lip, qQ way Esikenfng, Badger has secured him the Cot "e tlt.4 twa tcKcmcd that tht favorite of JJ responsible to the goTertign people of theyiulship at Pernambuco, in. Brazil, removing, Kadaua Fortune, is a rvry timab!e young Ji Union. At first he undertook to 'meddle alto, make room for him, a naturalized citizen,1 maa a lew milea from Iowa. little with g.vennental affairs; but findingYthns " killing two birds with one stonerati- ocratic Republican party. TIjc . aUabury-Wtchmaii. Our amiable friends of the Watchman, feeling a little belligerent some .time ago, ihallenged us to combat, by a fierce attack; upon a little fugutive piece which was copied! Riots in city has been fill rint n mnn cr ttn firomaTi nffnrrrir1 vtri tnUAJKittrelL Leigh R.-Waddell. bloodshed and the loss of life. It topk VMM 5'' fA-1 GeaiM3I debvered the Annual Address j last sabbath. . I lu. t -ii:-. 1.1 ! . mmwmwmmmKgi.imm aVrWaaajs-aMnajaaji waa Education, vhieh. he treated, in. tha -vt From the Pennsyl vanian. Icclear, forcible, and eloquent - manner for V J v On Tuesday we announced the death of which 1 he is so eniinentl-f t: &tingmshed. . S -ar T-T- -T . -a ... LlSmm I - 4 aa. 1 ' .' a.t' " - , SJ ABIES iv. roLK, late President of the lJni-lThe Address- wiil o course De,puDii8nea. Pted States. . 1 hough recent intellegence ledAnd will be read by att who, Iwow; and ap. . us to apprehend the event, we yet hoped thatlf prpeiaite" the highly urfeJh?cuacJtriTiaa ot U he might be sparer to his eountry 1 Mr.lltheautho ' V'kihM-' i' " J T Polk was conipajatively a young man when : I .. At 12 o'ejock-, tbflL; Aiociation i0f..tt8 :'l la-. , he died. He may be said to '.nave literallv4l Alumni was called to 02der.bT rt Presidt. 3 1 worn himself oat in oflSce. He pave nnWo.v Morehead-in the Cniversity Iibrar everything for his country. The early drawnJlRocmT Seoeal graduates wera adraitte ta V saw him a$ bjs dak midnight often foi.inSmeiabecsnijt. . " ; ;4y y ;" - ri - J f f "v him'at hig-Staiiiea, He labored at hit: past? It appeanirg- from the report of the - Trcb--. V': with all the sincerityof a chrisuan, and 43008 that ' thferwai iOn nbont $5 W . i all the seal of a .'iiairiolHiscaHnet; werelCthe: tTwteaxj: ltt:MXW&-ppmn&i to -.' startled at his profound andlogi- tke 3 ff Caldwell " Monttment,'' it was-jdeter- i- freequently i cal viewsof the various great .Questions thatYmined .to solicit further subscriptiona: in or- 1 came up before bis administration! for ; ad-Yder to -obtain $1000, OT, more. -with which' ; v Madication. , We have often heard them rex-Ksnm it., was, hoped that a suitable memorial .11. .w r nawjw nuaication. t We have oi ten heard them ex-it sum it., was, nopea .mat a suitaDie memorial 'J ti-j into our columns, by our foreman, in our (press their admiration of nis remarkable abirXmightWerec monjfc. -t - ....... i.- - . . i jif'" .f-..-'v : 'i.r:, ..-.--' J I ' ', .1..., :-. ----.in-:': . ' . .. "Zr ri .... J I -

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