Jsaita t JYr ".W.v.UlJn bow d'rcot- - li tlj lJ:n:'c rcpalHcan party c5cU 4d by a. o-in, oallii" fWl'wf'OQ, of iu hsJrs ! IJiJ-Vu hxnredaod aataiafd It his party, B.-atoo, fjt yielding to & ;s:IIir iciaeuca, U nut only rcpuJutcJ It tl" $uis he 111 so ably represented Lot, few exception , the wh.Ie democratic t ; I Fom the Baligh Standard. j J LETTER : FROM, Mb. EDWARDS, r Wo tike pleasure in laying before our read ers tie following letkr from the iloo. Wel doa N. Edwards, of Warren, addressed to the Editor of .thia paper; on the subject of Internal IxnroTemcnti . and. in relation to tba , Salisbury Conrcntioa. The friends of Iutcnul Improvements were very anxious, j M we know, - that 3Ir.: Edwards should be V: -1 W. M1-"1 8Ksburj- and we feel confident cw; "K'ur.ir.ca t;a as ons nnwway ion-1 n wi rthj jr:r la Lild so eoaspicanua a position la the KoaaciU cf lie nation. " We Jariu lb r atration of crcry candid . r4.Ir,"LStlr hi be a whig or aLaiocrat, to tiS ikriou-i coajMrr:oQ of the view's. T: fUIeral, now the wh?gp-rty, has never Lt tU nsalxw. It rrpaJIating tlcm when lj Btii war jwa the eonieilntioa ; lut alcacii every dfxuon from ths democratic party" hxt nri'tel frun a departure from correct principlca ia parrult of aclf prcao tioo.'ofUa deluding and leading astray the . too eoaSdlcg friends of an a firing dema- fae. ThaJ hate many, very many tree rvpUieaaj, Vcoc uacoosciousTy, drawn into the federal whig rank. ,To these we appeal. We know the folly of offering arguments to federalist. The more beautiful! r the demo-' trills faith U shown to accord with the con atitation, tie more obnoxious it appear in their ere ; and, therefore, we desire to say cotLIog to tLm But we respectfully, and acTioualy, and kindly cJl upon the rrpubU caaa inthe federal raiJcs to , tale up the aoljret of. poJitle rcao lie. creed of this party that Lu been deceit bg them, call to fcltJ the r2edgrs and promises of Uencral Tajlor, ecotetnp!te their ahsmeful riola tico mi dligTmceful to the republic, and then, la a spirit of pa it tociaxn, abandon the associa tica with the false-hearted drtaaes that voc!d lca-1 them an-1 the country to rain. Cipt Grtes. W. CaliyreH at Lnn- onl l hare'a:tn.l.l txm uejvu i nti contrul. Uoiumnt apabhia ouoly Utter would be out of plcO siWLi for lUelf . r -1 ; LL letter addiewed to the Sheriff of Lincoln I if .OmXUAIlY.,;;:i:v. . - i - a w,vuaHB on xnoay,iaezza,n -A CountT.ia -D.u nation .mnct W Mra. MART AM"4 vn RVniXdR. ;fi f I vtZy ; ' : ' ' j, ; r ' jLcroj Springs;- Esq., in the 33d year of her I U . ; .CMEAIR -STORE m,:MEijB"K.. r C. & D. JFRONEBERGEK, J. W. LOWE: 51 WoId respectfully call the alteotioa of the people of Cleaveland iaad h aarrounng eomttiea and districts, to Uwir , , , , r", -..; -V,';. S40 hirit'aV We hate delayed our paper tit week, to notice the political mcttin held at Lcohcarit'f Ma iter groend. i Who we arrircd, the cctufany was on the e!d cf parade. About 2 o'clock, the foea tanag la dlsmkscd, Gen. Daniel Seagk a repablieaa of tried ijtejrity, arvc and, In a few well conceited remarks, declar ed LImjrjf a candidate fir the cflce cf fnicr Court Clerk, lie was fallowed by Vardry JIcDee, , a whig;, who now h'lli the oe. Weoire to make no re . curks to applaud the one, or t!lpange the Cther, presaauog that their pulitkal acntu raeaM, at well as their npectire elaiius to tie.coe, aresuiently known to the ruters. Thi aaxlottit ... whi expectants lookcil arocuid ia taia & Geo. IXvkerT wh had prcTjjujIy heralded his coming ; and alter eexxrteotrly wait jo a rcascmble time for the chatcpioo of Kederalrm. Capt. Green W. C!dwall, the Iodemtdent IiaUien Candi dale f Cngre,Mde a cnt pwetf i to the DeiAocrsia to rally to the u ' 1'orL.lR 3IOCXT. June. 9 1 3Iy DeaB fc'ta: I had the pleasure to re ceive tiie day be lore yesterday your esteemed letter of the 5th instant. You are pleased 10 a me toattend the bahsbury ConrenUon, anu iniorm nic that "it is the wish of rnr !-... ..... ... . inenus at iiaieigb that 1 should do so." I feel Cattervd by the estimate tLteed br yourscires ana iLem on my poor efforts in the cause or Internal Improrcnieut, and re gret touch that it is out of inr power to comply with solicitations froui sources so highly talced. If cirtctcstatcta rcraiitfcd they would of thcmvlvea command my pre sence, indepctMlantly of the strong luduce tacnta for going growing out of the deep in terest I take in the great work (the Central, Kail Rood,) to promote which the Conten tion is to awmtle. I learn with no little surprise that some of the friends of this work entertain fears of its failure. My own convictions of its wisdom and justice, on the contrary, inspire me with the strongest hopes It is demand ed by the most urgent State necessities iocreaie of competition, and increase of prices. 7-Commenial, Agricultural, and Political, and I doubt if our whole legislative history were searched, a measure fraught with more good to the people of the State could be found. The wealth of the State its relative. political strrngth and importance the riches, happiuca, and prosperity of the peo ple are, in my opiuion, inseparably connec ted with If. Besides, tuo pcodIo of the ... ' i ot are arexued to a proper sense of their wauta as well as their nrhts. and I am en- tircly persuaded that there will be f uud in the East enough of public spirit and of a cnso cf justice to second their efforts. 'J hcj arc in want of markets for the valuable products of their lich lands in want of chan nel fcr trausportation and their claims are too strong and just to be longer postponed without an utter disregard of the teachings ot suUom and the Icsauns of experience. Bui should my eipcetations prove fallaci ous scd the work fail, or some other be not tptrtlily avthoriztil, which shall combine ail ita advantages by urdringusa more united Mnll Editor : :The friends of Silas WiLU.iiis,E3q., request that he pc announced as a candidate for the ofice of : iLINCOLNTOX. MALE -; " . TLc,Trnsteea of the ''iintSoInton Male Aca- d em r tike pleasure in anouncin?. to the citi- uouniy ujun eier oi utcaveiana county, xens oi lincoin bounty, and to parents and at the ensuing election. ' J " :-' - I guardians generally, that they hare procured J MANY CITIZENS. J Uie services of Silas C-Lindsley, A. M, and T7T q . -. . n former professor at the Caldwell Institute, m MR.fc LDiToai The fnenda of Gen. G reensborou eh, N. C-, to take charge of the Ilniliel dearie, request that he be an- AcAomvnAn r-r, fuj'u nounccd, as acandidate fortheofficeof Scpe- tne r.nl.li. . nh ;Li ifj CALICOS, at all prices: FRENCH lUSLINS, much lower than ever, a large quanti-: RfOlt Court CLUtK of Lincoln County, at fied w perform evdry function neceskry for 7 of them ; Plain, Black, Colored, mxd striped PCHAS, Jheap, as can nnd KEWf SEA SONABLEf AND DESIRABLE STOCK, OF MERCHANDIZE, Ht their well known stand, in the town of Shelby which have been aelected with care and wuh a view of the accommodation of all who may favor tLena with their patronage. -v, T-.-.":- ' hteiiMitment Consists of a variety of ' 1 CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTING S; ever Variety of pattern and color of ; 'J the enuin election AV e are an- the fer instruction of youth, they need only re- n any establishment in this section ; a superior article -lXSS s to his character whicisweU known all qualities; T WEE'D ; CASSIMERES, KENT, , JE ANS, TURKEY Red, Brown authorized to J I .v. OUSbWOK Ullllj oo O KUtUCI tA" I O O ' ' , . ' i r . d-f "- O f date for re-election to the office of County perienced in every departments of learning J and Half-Hose; Ladies' fine Mitts and Gloves, and a vanety of Mens . Gloves, &c. &c. vwm v- i utugut. m me scnoois oi our oountrv. as a in North Carolina M a man of H.a rmifc Sheetings, and Shirtings ; Bleached, do uSwiss, Check, :and Jaconet Muslins ; . Bobmet nounco Robert Williamson, as a candi- morals and strictest piety, as a teacher ex- j Lawns; Laces, Edgings, and insertions Irish Linnens ; Linnenand gotten Uiapers ; iloee rSABEERT IS01. , A lot of uperir CRA.N'BERKV IRON from remMe, for mI at the LINCOLN FAC TORY. This Iron is acknowledge ta he fir preferable to ar.y other manufactured in the country. - June 20. 1819 tf. 29 G B O E B I E IS 1 TS.J NEW GOODS AT SI m gRwTf.T. YANCY COUNTY, THE ubecriberahTe jut received fresh, and well eleeted supply of cheap seasonable goods, at their store in Yancy county. BOLT ING CLOTHE, of a superior quality, constantly kept on hand, for sale low. L, D. GUILDS & W. B. SMITH. ASIIEV1LLE MALE ACAD- 1st CssReadin& Writing, Spcl prrr ling, the rudimenst of Geography, and Arithmetic, per session of five smbpsss a w . I . . "ill'iLi exercises oi mis iniuiuuon win oe professor in the Caldwell Institution, for many years, indeed, as having spent his life in the aucessful instruction of youth. .Mr. :XjndsJy Las charge of the female Academy in this place also: and suitable4 assistants will be provided by him in both Academies. For health, chcarmess of board, and the morality of its citizens, Lincolnton is notsur- BROWN SUGARS, of different qualities and prices j COFFEE, a good article, passed, and scarcely equalled by any location an(3 a heavv stock of it on hand: LOAF SUGAR : Rice and Molasses : Salt, by the sack in me otate. or bushel ; Peppers, Spices, and Ginger : Tobacco, Candy, and a-supenor lot oi 1J1AH. ju iub scuwi will ix; uiu;ui every uraiicii of learning, necessary to prepare students for college. The terms of the School are cheaper than at any of the neigboring viliages, and board can , be procured either at public or private houses, at from seven to eight dollars per month. The exercises of the school will commence the first Monday of July next. The prices of the school, as established by the Trustees are as follows ; DJR UGS. MEDICINES, J1J$D , DYE-STUFFS. faints, of every kind ; Carolina and-Spanish Indigo; Madder, Prussian Bine, antl f Venetian Red; Epsom and Glauber Salts ; Caster Oil, Nutmegs. and Mace; Moffats Pills and Bitters; Peter's Brandreth's, Gordon's, and Cooke's Pills ; Indeli Die Ink ; Number ;y Sands' Sarsaparilla; Bear's, Maccassar, and Antique Oil; White-Lead, No. 1,- bythe Keg, or 100 lbs. . .-. . . ' 1 ' i , . ,.., ,., taeircacruMu frvcop.es wumh can only i yPrth Carolina t lets tr man than aaHy triatsrhj by the elect i? r.f true Jra- ocrals to cS.. As he roceeded in tU la cid expamof taoderofekralwhfggrry, we wrr com thaa ever ioiprcssed with the ispcruacv f a pcactaal attendaace at the poils cf entry rrpubUcaa wh deairw to ave tLe taatltatMCf of the exxntry pnr7erTrd in tbfir purity ; aaJ, jadr.g from the patriot- io fceliag awakened in the h carta of those pcop.c and aaviug the siuking fortunes of the State, I shall rrgard North Carolina as doomed. The raue of Internal Improve mint will be a!tuot indcfinitelr postponed a deep consumption will seise upon her n t vital interesta, and many now on the stage of life will live to deplore the humilia ting sji.xrtae.le the raages of decay may pre arut. This may bo oonidervd an over wrought picture. I raont devoutly pray it oar be ao, but I hare mr fears it is too true; and having hem it would be unbecoming ' n l to express them. Already our popula- tt n, wraatn, iaoor, enierpnie are all Jeave- hcr none 'or the inCandt- i nf wcatn, iaoor, enterpnie are ail leave ulipral a ot or mJW g,,"l clime or riehc , ail. fir in these we yield the palm to non irrrt cf I a J r 1 I other not to escape oueroua taxation, fo la cf any other State, and they flee to States where taiea are four-fold compared to or B.it beottue the mean are wanting to subdue tL rich boonties of nature, with ! which we arc so abundantly blessed, to the use of man. Among tUe?e means, few are . 11- . L 1, so Tamable aa gM raouau oi imcreommu nicarion good markets. I mean the increase of markets, consequently iocreac of buyers; W e see many of our sister States wh:ch but re- - JI sumed on Mondsv. th 2d da? or July next. J. II. iOK O OOD, Principal. (TJjThe Ruiherfond.on, (harlolte, and Lin cut it ton pspers will cony 4 weeks and forward ac counts to this office. Asheille. June 14. 1649. . 29 tf. ETERTAINMENT FOR TRAVELLERS. in loose j a rtfTr Tcar3 ticce were far behind us in wtalth, p.Twent, Um eooclaaioQ was irresiatable, that ! population Md political power, now throw ing us in the rear; nay, me of our younger sLtU-rt just ficdgx and recently admitted into the sisterhood, leading in the race for these important elements of national greatnes?. ilow curious the fact, that for the ten years, from 1S30 to the Census exhibited an increase of only 1 5,000 or 1 0,000 upon a population of more than 733,00 J in 1830! It is not the least reprehrnsiblo feature in the excitement gotten upon the subject of Internal Improvement, that party spirit is invoked to mingle her baneful influences strugle; and an attempt is made to it will be a rare thin to tee democrats JJ&oola hcrealW Toting fcr whig for any Cm -mil ob j . -i I Tbe rctoraa from Daily's Box, at the Celt election, will rejoice the hearts of dem- cxrxU ; fcr the exposure of whig promises, by fa-Hi- Pjallwcll. tuaU aa uurresaicn that will . b . listing, as will be seen ia the nod! t vied stand that the democrats will take ia Anguat neat : The utxast hamony prevailed, and most an. early hoar. To-morrow Cbpt. Caldwell I mt devoted and patriotic a mm a a i - cw at jieiicrsuA a. . ; The Villi? Cotizrcftftional ConTCntJotl. We learn, with no stir prise, thai little, Ingram, and the indmni .'table rVxkery, with all his "Jirmneaofjmr ycje,' Lare been thrown orer board, and Out Cdaond Pebcrry, of Richmond, has re- ecirtd the whig no ni nation of the self con a'J'.uled dclegxiea." lie ta represented as Ct caly weak, and feeble, and partially deaf, bat a federals tf the deepest, dye. If it were pcsaPJe to elect hia, what a rtj rcacnta tltw La werall taale!' " BaBBBaBaaaasaBaaaaBaBSSsaSkMsaaaMsasaaiSBiaSBaMMBaiMM' 4 ilit cf Jaly La Llncoia Tha naikscal aztiTerury was ccklratca ta tata puct; wit w Lt Ura aaU to procure th partica Ur, frrra which' wi infer tLxl thioiw who xzxzii i da cot dcalrt to giro it. much .p'l'i-ity. Th Udisa, . we know looked - i - 13L it if aaj.I tm the eroaiiors of demtgrsue t in the r!irtiii! nno nf th pmt nrtiIn tl.e State. of the coojny repaired to their homes t Lmo whom ap9 namDered roany of hcr sons, to take j portion against the system, lo make the I pecplc happy and contented at home to promote brotherhood among thera to bring the means of comfort within their reach to impart vigor to their enterprise and value to their labor in fine to make them inde pendent, is the very essence of Democracy at least my faith so teaches me. Despots only maintain the opposite doctrine. And neither f party or the tricks of the can tnapuiacture me into a Whig. I speak not in the spirit of reproach to the party of V higs. You will perceive the hurry in which I have written, that this may go by the morn ing's mail. I should like more time to take a short but hasty view of the financial aspect of the subject of Improvement. . ' While writing, a letter from mj good friend Dr. Watson has. come in, urging me to attend the Convention. As I have not time to answer it, please, offer him my best I i f- J l ; wisncs ana regaruj, un pro uim au op portunity of learning from this why I do not go. " Yott may make what use of thta letter you choose. I aay this, that it may not be sup posed by any one that I am absent from the ConTefttioQ that ray opinions may be with held, V In tastr. truly your friend- . . ,r . . . W. N. EDWARDS. , SAMUEL HART, "kN the road leading from Salisbury to Lincolnton, 10 miles from the former, and 35 from the latter place, begs leave to inform the public that he is, at all times, amply provided to accommodate travellers with entertainment equal to any the country affords. His House, almost encircled by a plea sant grove, and supplied with most excellent water, is situated on the right hand side of the road leading from Salisbury. The beds and bedding cannot be excelled ; and the table is abundantly famished with the beat of such provisions as the season af ford s. Tbe stables are commodious and well at tended. The proprietor assures the public that, while he will thankfully exert himself to render satisfaction to those who may patron ize him, moderate June, 22. 23 lm. GIRLS WANTED, AT THE LINCOLN FACTORY. A reectslte laniilj. haying a nuratwr ofindus trious dugblrs, willing to engage in m constsnt and profilab e employment, will find a good situa tion at the Lincoln rat lory. The pioprtotors will furnish a comforisble house and a food garden lor their accommodation. A family, of this descriti.n, lo whom such a sit us lion is desirable, would do well u make ime diste applirauon. Notice. ALL persons indented lo JONAS R.UISOUR, by note or otherwise, are requested to make I xy met to the rui-scriber. on or Iwfore the 1st day of July. Those who fsil to pay, msy expect to Cod I heir notes in the. hsnjs of an officer. A. H. SHUFORD, Agent. June t. 26 6w. months 2nd Class Including the above with English Grammar, Geogra- f hy, Arithmetic, Composition and listory per session. - 3rd Class Including the above with Algebra, Surveying, Chemis try, moral and Natural Philosophy, per session $10 4th Class Including the above, with Latin, Greek, and the higher branches of Mathamatics, per ses sion - $15 Contingencies per session JAS. T. ALEXANDER, H. CANSLER, J. A. RAMSOUR, V. LANDER, D. W. SCIIENCK. $5 00 $8 00 00 00 50 Of Boots and Shoes, this firm always keeps a good stock, Having advantages, in pro-? ' procuring these articles, which render it an easy matter to compete with their neighbors, i' not only in this, but in the adjacent villages. Among the stocj: ' is a lot of the finest ? SILK and FUR HATS, and other qualities down to as low a price as may be desired; all very cheap, and a lot of Bonnets, of various qualities, with together Leghorn, and - Palm, Hats, of different prices. . ' -' - ' 1 Trustees CHEAP CASH STORE IN DALLAS. Quick Sales, and Small, Profits. 1 Tue Nimble Sixpense better than the slow shilling. . ROBERT GA1VT. AT the South-east corner of the Public Square, in DALLAS, Gaston Coun ty, has received his supply of SPRING GOODS, embracing a- great variety of choice Mer- his charges will be exceedingly chandize; among which are . ZBHm&mXEEEISHZZmi c was all bet. like tha e-Hn irr.ln. thy wrt nr.UVij farled. Nolleaiisg it La rcr pc xtt t jJ, we chooa not to repeat dj-anj-ciJSU wf bare heard. m st RR. P. Ia. YOUIYT, Respectfully informs the citizens of Catawba County, that he has located himself at his Mother's, G miles North- ; cast of Newton, where he will attend to tho various duties of his profession. He hopes Ceo in close attention to hia business, and a moderate rate of char- ccs, to merit and receive a liberal J share of patronage. July 1, 1848. A CARD. S DRs l A.'SIICFORD, I Z Respectfully informs the puolio that ! Z be has located at Beaties Ford, ' Z where he hopes to merit and receive j Z a share of the public patronage, Z Da. ' S., has attended two full ; Z courses of Medical Lectures in tPhila Z delphia, and reoeiveJ the degree of Z Doctor of Modicino the past Winter. Z BtautU Ford, Jane 7th, 1B43. Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mits, Hats, Bonnets, Boots & Shoes, Cutlery, Crockery, Hardware, Broad Cloths, Casimeres, Ilain Vestings, 'Fancy do Calicoes, Ginghams, Plain Ribands, Fancy, do Plain Muslins, Figured do To selecting this stock, care has been taken to provide such as can be sold at reduced prices; and yet such as are" durable and good, as well as fashionable. Having adopted the cash1 system, which !s better for both buyer and seller, he will be satisfi ed with small profits; and he respectfully , invites all who .would. -fiecrareJ- GREAT BARGAINS, to call and examine his GOODS and learn the prices before they purchase elsewhere, Terms Casii, and Cash only. corner oe kino and george streets, CHARLESTON. S. C. ThU Hotel is situated in the most fashiona ble part of the City. The Proprietor will be pleased to see his friends and the travelling public, promising that, no ex ertions shall be tcanting o his part to make their stay agreeable. , . PRICES reasonable. F. A. HOKE, Proprietor, JOflN W. KING, Assistant June 8 '" - 26 Job Printings NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. . T Every quality of BLANKS, Icrpt constantly ' on hand,r : ' Crockery. & Glass Warei- Fine and cheap Plates: Teas, Bowls, Pitchers, Plain and Fluted Glass Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Casters, Salt Cellars, Wine Glasses, Molasses Pitchers &c &Q- Saddles and Saddle-Bags. A New Style of Brass Clocks kept constantly on hand. READY MADE CLOTHING, - ' To suit the times and season ; COTTON YARN, SUGARS, &e. C & D. Fronebcrger take this occasion to return their thanks to those who ha,ve" thuaT far so liberally patronized them, and to solicit the public favor for the future, 'assuring all that, having facilities for purchasing goods, on the most advantageous terms, they will5" not allow themselves to be undersold! ; Shelby, May 23, 1849. - ' - ;Y viu-;' ' CARRIAGE MAKING.' ISAAC EltWIN, Late of Lincolnton, respectfully begs leave to inform his friends, and the public in general, that he has located himself in the village of - I ; , , . i T SHELBY, Cleaveland County ; . ........ . and that he has made preparations to carry on the . above business in all its various . branches. . I : , He will soon have on hand, and will continue to furnish, in a superior style, all kinds of FAMILY CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, , BUG GLES, . ROCKA WAYS dc . A : j . ' : ... YLq will endeavor to procure the very best materials, not only for fine work, bat for the . manufacture of all kinds of V ; V ' - ' A Carry-alls and yY9't:;fK$ eayxjBervice.. -. either fr Iirrit nr hei ... -m-m-w -- ' . . 3 . . . . . ' : m K tf. "; m ills terms shall be low;. and, and depending on his customers tor supplies, he "will bo happy to exchange his work, to some extent, for country produce.. V f 3 - Being determinod to exert himself to merit encouragement, he will thankfully receive all ' orders for work which he will execute with the utmost dispatch. i'Y'fj.'r";".' " All kinds of REPAIRING done at the shortest notice j. and at reduced prices. ' Shelby, May 25, 1849.. ' . ;"';'-t'S FASHIONABLE TAILORING. A, W. & S. M. 0UINN, I FAdNa the East End of the Court-House.' ; : SHELBY, , i .Respectfully inform their friends and thejmblio that, being in. the regular receipt of the latest and most approved FASHIONS, they are at all times ready to serve those who ; may favor, them with their patronage, ; . ' 5 ; , , ' - " ''. , Having taken pains to qualify themselves for the business, by a careful study of all the' most , ' f: : ?. -.- t-'T: (r'K&)- ' ' ' - - t ( V- APPROVED METHODS OF CUTTING, , . , - only varying ihcrefrotn to suit the taste of their customers, thy can assure all who may wish to have COATS, PANTS, or VESTS, made either in the most - '- FASHIONABLE and ELEGANT STYLE, orina PLAIN AND Substantial MAA NER, that their experience and ekill, and their desire to please, will enable them to afford entire satisfaction.'-.- -t -J Ui-lls--' Twk 1 - A ;-.N5.Ai-iSt.-' ' ' v "5". Impelled by a desire to elevate the mechanical skill of the South, they will . make ; it their study at least to equal, if not to surpass the. Northern Work that may be thrown init our market; and, therefore, they appeal, with confidence to their fellow citizens to sustain them . Terms moderate," and punctuaUty observed in the execution of all orders. 1 - Shelby, May 20, lo4y, : . r, -i:l.;;. 25-