t "J frcrx .Vera Crux. Iii LI itsi, b fpck- of hi forao trvwf Mubil IVint, in the Koral Hritljt fll fteamrr Clyde. Jleijiplaiiirf li t Wl f hi j treatment on thc Tcswrl, the tm 01 t&e net oil aii canto's cc inaoieuoe cf the pCcytii. etc. Amor lb Lsvnrr were Mir3 Iiihop an. Scnr Ivhsd, Val- j j - ' . , . r - " , If. There a a company commanded L one C'barro, wbrn the robbers respect very much, as I am told. When 1 bare reached mjjour uey cud, I maj give an acount of him. A . A. fi-TTnt ! vialit. Iwniarvl I.Kmann. sctnt i rf tf. Ilrta. IU f mac to ''hurtid.- Se. I r'"J5 r.k.. f-.- r:. K. f diy f -1 n - - i .. tf- " cl i i-m ! To ujt a icconl. iblc to ay (Vruparing tie !mriul. ami pri vate nnctice aloot; there arc ten less cases ! I r t 1 . .1 . .... 1 . .. ami i'ur icsa ucatiu io-uaj iuu iuliv uv The Cholera. TLc report of (he Broad of Health is much more favorable tc-day, tnwM compared with yestcr- t he cases and II lu the death. however, includes no report r . l i . i 1 I 1 I . contain orbih-iaffmatinn that may r rore "" T , U,,,UT' :L..rz. L . U hether anv more ex6s or deaths Ijsvc oc- i . f .t etinvd at thot institutions we are not a templet! to trnJate it f -r Ihcir frutu. lUitorlii CortViiponJcnce'of the Patrb. PuIItlcal STtxutW cMciico New Her- jcjtcntij cIaticarT I Iacj rtV : cxtM f.r the Ileturn . cf ?ou AftnA iVtlknt Ilercw a;I h j iarjirTr.D Kcxcital or .Mexican War. Ciutcrnmrat-m-cJUbner.C'rtii, w yofk Courir he fr Ttlaco Art i Annaton- . ! .prr rrf OnIf-Apparvnt S- . ,.b( v- tMean-f ncivuue. Cu the tlwL niUUtAicsanJ.lexiC Iioi- ........ t . "i lr, Ac. VrJLt Cart, J one 10, 1S49 r Iv unwulrn to fee the war between t lie ! CAROLINA REPUBLICAN. afncoluton, it, e. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1849, ron CONGRESS, CAPT. GREEN W. CALDWELL. A J" Ci .I7r. 207i u. . .i i . u'..i r . . think that foreign povernnient. what for tign pveminent he dHs not tell u, but e cp rbr rn I.--Ijit to rccupr niv-! prolobiy he alludes to r.nlan.f wouiu not rUiHV iv unwiiiin- io foe me war i-eiween uie . w:h mailed, however, if required, ! 1 S tl our carncsi leisure. m Lsir The press upon our eolu'Ain's coni- pels us to omit our notice of Capt. Cald well's address, at Capt Ueldermaii's Muster Ground. ZSr Tlie European News is highly im portant. There is every indication of a general War: Cc3r Thanks. -Our heart overflows with tbankfalness, for the constantly increas ing evidences we weekly receive of the pub lic approbation: We cannot firrd time to answer all letters, nor to forward receipts promptly for every remittance, but the pro ter credit is riven in every instance. Ke- Ihoa thnc trratJ of in mr i rvcedinr ctiis- I nitctl Mates and .Mexico rencwetl, an ik. Tbvhitwn pohtir is h!n itai ht they would aid the Mexicans in regain fpcciS axt whk'h it hx4 L'ltherto prcsc6: f ion i f the We-ttrh Pacific Coast. kii, i&i ci u'na w i orcrrin who ciou-i j - "-.., n't.. ......v. , l'ublic ccfiii:?. A n Rid' LT t" R a tl .St'icfLTY. A 3Iectingof 1 M. - V..t - . . . . i irl.ttih in Air Nmn-f nrvnnt tint tr. Krom tL. mf .rn Li-h I hv l-n 1 Ul fwlin-exL'in- Utwen the Americns the farmers of Catawba, will taie place in ruire from person we!! versrd in nl foreigner, owes its origin to Hincthing cf tLis or.f.rftinate ctuntry, a- : else lhan Mexican inhiKV, with English i.A to aS the Zin fumnr wortftT ot a oeiier uu tLit th fnrlurh'al rnrtr. Laving r.ever 1 A correspondent at Mazatlan of the New it appears ! tucvuragv-tncut, for he says: the Court House, in Newton, on Tuesday next, fof the purpose offormkig on Agri cultural Society. " An adjourned meeting of tic Lincoln Ag- . .n I I il I. . f r-..r- I. . m I OrK'arn I'irsiriine. who rnisxil the ' aJ.-vd with th4 S-inU Anois, i t order, Mexican territory on his way to California, ! ncultural Society, will be luld, in Lancolu with their orabinol strength t-i overthrow f after stating that there arc 3U,000 Mexicans i tou, on Tuesday of Superior Court. i V j, . . t.n::.ra:.... nn.l t,i..., I t " nn tlwir av tn Cjilifomi-i amitil anil ofTuvr- ! "V WJ 4 JUI4lf.llia-l'U t v- vvuuu 4 v'l - - the pii afterwarJs. ' cd, ( fomc of them with the avowed purjiofsc The goremment of Ilcrrcra, even although f of taking p-wsessian of it.) js: itdsnot oS-rr grcit guarantees, becau-e f "Tlierv i a inaniAt dipition on the Liking in all the requisite energy, U sufh- i part of Mexico to haVe another fuss with cientjy ati.Uct.ry, and the Prridcnl isgtn- ' niind my prediction we thall be trolly" beloved. ina.4mtieh as hi- noble and l with her ag-iin in Jess than two years, honorable sentiments have sufficol to win the imprest mi is that it will grow out of esteem even of those who entertain opinion ; I,C difficulties now promising to ofriginate ( rrrowite to his own. Put the? virtue and : 'n California. ; thu prvbitr are not sufficient to satisfy the exigencies of the ccntrv, and the excessive IIO,OZt TO TIIEJIEJIOIIY OF JAJIE K, POIIt. A public meeting will be held," ill the Court House, in Lincoln ton, on Tuesday of Superior Court, for the parpo. of affording the people an opportunity publicly to ex press their sorrow for tiie death of the de ceased patriot and Statesman, James K. Polk. A Meeting for the same purpose, will be held in Dallas, ou Tuesday of Gaston Superior Court. we could get' hot a scrape of a pen, nor even a connected verbal account. In this dilem ma, we could pve nothing but the impres aions made upon? tts by those we casually heard gpeak of it; arfd, consequently, our no tice was so short as noty it seems, to be well understood. The v?ord lt disptiVagement," used by us, had no reference whatever indi vidually' to our friend, B. S. Johnsbny Esq We were too fully sensible of his capacityj from both: inclination and ability, to render his house attractive to th'ose who seek his hospitality. No one knows better how to entertain his guests than Mr. Johnson ; and it would give us mucbr pain; if ho or any other respectable person should suppose that we would intentionally misrepresent a citizen so highly valued by the community in which he1 resides. We differ with him m politics, and could not be brought to support a candi date of his party for a political office, yet we respect Llm as a man, and regard him as the worthy head of an estimable family. We have heard worthy citizens, in whose judgment we have much confidence; say that the celebration was Conducted in a spiritless manner; and that the audience was disap pointment, in the oration which was deliver ed in a style to destroy its effect, if even the matter had been prepared with sufficient ability fof so important an occa'siorf.' Tfcfese are the subjects of the "disparagements" and have been almost forcibly drawn from The Duty; of DcraTocrats; J Oeorge MvDallas, "writing" upon the djit j, of democrats, says : ' l ; L J u It is scarcely posible t uW language too e. cisive iu'enilemnaTion of those, who professing attach ment to' the democratic party, sotl.lenlv iii claim the pirincipe3 and can Jul atea of that partjf I and form, ih order td oppose and defeat it, a coati tion wita its a'voweJ ad'v'e'rsaries.' A course like th's for any purpose, strikes' at the erv root of par ty integritj, opens a wide field and endless oppor tunities for management and treachery, and suhjects the real and Known wilt of the constituency of a majority to be annulled." The letter from wnicn tms was exiracteu, written while he was Vice president of the United. States, is now in our possession, and open to the inspection of any true democrat district, and ask honest ! republicans, whetlier' they belong to the vrhl'g or the IemoCratid prfrty,' to say if it be not b -politic d Outrage , which throws the inexperienced' ilbueralisin of; lbnner days entirely itf ttct shaia t r V ' ; Remember that Lincoln,' old jnepuUican us ; but we have " a few more of the same sort left," and they shall be forth -coming, if there should be an urgent demand for them, by those whom they most concern. r6vrii mid Country. So far as we have had intercourse with ANOTHER REMOVAL. . trj.l riAtniv .f th. lVi,b.nt l.;.h silnifwt We learn by a telegraphic despatch, re-' degtnerotes into weakness have placi-,1 him ceive-I yesterday, that in. M. Martin, K., ia such a pItn thit his rm-tuics take a.l- ua 'cu appointed Puxeiverof Public Mn vaatag.? of it an a pivrcrful weapon witb ! CJ for Charleston District, in the place of i which to attack him. As there is no armv, Mair William Laval, removed. ail th.v wh.i harp Ulon. J tn it fHt .sV. 'c are not surprised at this removal, lira a ehan ia order to resume their pro- ' tnou?u we na' ,vcn to the President of the people of Lincolu and the surrounding fesMon. 1 u,lw states aim ms lea-nog irienus counties, we have found them honest, fru- anv credit for truth, tn their oft repeated, , i i . n i 4i i -, tr . .i . i C-d and industrious, liberal m their judg- and even official assertions, that no removals . ,. would be made by this Administration, ex- mcnt, and distinguished for "a clear discern- ccpt for misconduct and dis.ualification, mcnt of true merit, and a proper npprecia- Charleston might well be surprised at the ; tion of character. They ind'al?e in no ilh- Genral Santa Anna, whoc j.rrUnj in the "Republic is alwavs suSekntly pwerfulf ap rar entertaio the dnna of selling up on this circutastanr tn return to pircr, which, in the opinion of many; he will ue eved in doing, and perhaps in a short time." Ua ttu lltb mat. positive c riers were :, t 1 r .1 i "i uncharitable spirit ? i - .. 1 it u soconclasive an prrxxuro nf the hoi- :. i . . .-.,.. m l Iowness of this applicaUon of such a rule, to such a public jwt u -Jlx8 otncfr. c remark upn the case, because , - nor do they exercise an If a few of the iiihab- I I I .1 : 1-' ' itinla rt Mm tnirn rF mnll fnnsiiirniinn permit na vJ todepvrt until the Inir-of- . . , , . . , ' . e , , , war Vera Crat had left the rt Som I ar ,tsc" could Dot produce men mean have formed and expressed erroneous opm- .- .v:. t ..U..J. cnuh to calumniate him first and then ;m,a, rofliiinc upon tha worthy ppoplo of revolatioii ki Kn s-...-.! ; claim his expulsion on the ground that he 4, , A, , . : . niuiauoa lias occo eomiiwrjrvxl Mr th An- I . . . . . fc ... the eouutrv. thev do tlmin much iniiKtico fcxa.xii-.tJ ml r.l, t . j nau no eaiuniiiateU ; a proeeetlint? wluch, - J v CMtu, andothcM inaist she pm to Mn. ... . ,rt . i , We arc &ttisfied that a peffectlr irood under- Gen. Taylor' boasted announcement, which ; standing exists between thSsc who toil iu the threatens to infest our Republic with a race country aud their fair dealing friends in of informers as detestable and mischievous town as that which swarmed around the thrones . ..." . ... , . of TiUrius and lXm.itian. Maior K-ival's Llke a11 othcr villages, L.ncolnton con- Tolojcii, where it is expected General Santa Anna will diexabark. It is aaid.that the Ctaain Lint-Geueral of this State consulted the Supreme Government concerning the the maancr he should rrcvive General Santa Antra, sarposins the ease of his arrival on 1HIM I'll , .. ........... :... r v. II i 11 1 thcsvsh.rcsaad I am ivoml tlsU the frplr ! flUJ,,u,onN nd his taitntul UiscUarge ot . - uo WUum oc a. oiemisu . " 1 iic amies oi nisomce. are tvvona ait uucs- : on tne iairlameoi anv communitv : and oe- .r..... . J ' cf the Uovernmimi was " t. icrW l.Ito with the honors due to a General." o i-iiT-Toi iaai uc I ore long a revolution wUI , . . - . " . J , , " v i tfo rlrlth.mt " but thi- we hone is Vrrvriro iV- ; f.-. -sr.iT i wvond impeach nlnt. He is an old soldier. . tnr "rp"ani , uui mis, we nope u very rare and that before twa montlis he will a-iiu : who ufond wounds and mutilations in ; I" general, more high minded uLtcns, more be in power. i thc scnrcc of w countrv-. He is the father j liberal and fair dealing merchants, more in i'i a imrv lainiiy, ami ne ;s piior. in an- j .ion, and have never len called in question casionally acountry friend, on comingto town, by either political friend or political enemy. , ,, - ... t. , . Ilia tHU-rri.T and respectability are dually ! Tf 111 Wlth B to " i-os era trai set sail . . .i.: i .. .. r r : .t . cn-ler the commai! of IVn Thorna.4 Mann ' e i e .i t i . - , . iariu, furbearanee of te A dm mint rat ion. no hirr ustrious, accommodating; and intelligent rith a crew cf 30 sailors and 25 soldier. - Bv.r wun ue articn oi exc- wci ,lt aud influeDC.. ,,us .-wtawsu raovemcnu in orders ' which Mario carries are atrordine to rumor ' to shoot the three individuals the raornerit ' ther are taken. However, the crneral onini- in--r v . . i ti- ion is, that tf the plan of die Santa Annausts have len favored by a friend with the fol u not mevt with scbess ai Tobasco, it j lowin? cxtract of a ict(er received in Ralti- ii Ci 1 ' V me .rmt more ?rom Iuisiana, which shows an alarm- Hy the lost papers from Orizaba, you will ing destruction of the slaves in that State: ?tet9 that many inlica'aons of an infernal T t io um plot have been dlvcre-1. otIjJ " IRMii or Ascrasiw, Juno 18, 1840. tain information is that 75 or 100 bolguards j "The chIera is sweeping off the black have been distributed ainonjr various assas- i population in rreat numbers. For instance, nus, who were tn murder the civil o Seers ' ir- Duffel has lost 7 negroes, M. Le Black as they came from the college. Furtunately, ! 4t Trij,t 20, Kenncr 24, IXile 40, Minor, mechanics, more well ordered schools; arid more charitable christians, cannot be; found tat ions cast upon ltry, or upon their amoug the degra- cinen avoid. Wc say that no where Wc cive them the does the lovely cheek of woman wear a deep- benefit of thc accusation in its worst from. cr bloom, no where has she a sweeter smile, ChaYlrtok Mercury, 20fA 1 no where a softer Land, no where a more r1tt 1.1 I a-M M oaIiIa mm -mm. . ! . 1 mmi w SV. . rJoS LTlTi ZZ??. I.val U a lVo,ocrat.. They inthe state jandanyimpu caud by new. which the Govemmenl L. I gratato thai occusation by descnb- the ,oPlo of the cou, r,ccivcl ,0 the efft that there will soon! 3. "L,-;5 n?'anV?'in:f , friends in town; originate l'aJtiCXr 1 crrfcMB. nJ two ! m nun mtondU respected : ofstnui ien: dcU wbom Sentl -S u w ranu .ona, who come from Ja- ! r r :.u . i i .1 1 ' hi nl.nt r.rwton t mtMKM tl ' . lHll,vr, U opposite .this place, has lost GO within a week. These are within sight of Our house. Dwn the Iyifourche, Col. Bibb has lost 74, th perpetrauoo of the crime has been pre vented. I hare already informol you that anions the pengers by the Clyde was Sr. D. S. de Iturbide, Mexicar Secretary of legation at Washigton. His return bx cau-k-d many fears, as it appears that affairs of gome iiu portanoe hire caused his journey. It is sail here that the reason of his return Is not krtownj bat I rappMj it relates to the Vr;,i" I 1 , 'Tl: W- At Concord and Charlestown Mas- mn: 1 K'!! thQ d,Uhjr -lusetu) it has also been at 09, which is relative to th PnLwJ a- modest and appropriate deportment. We endorse Iincolnton fur its health, its hones ty, its industry, its piety, its pure democracy, and for every othcr gxd quality she posses ses; but the reader will excuse us, if we stick at thc miserable species of ici"y folitic to be found here. With a few honorable excep tions, it u void of the common courtesies of life, of the least spark of liberality. The lth oT July in Lincoln. . We were tiot present in Lincolnton, when ' to correct taste. Bishop polk (Episcopalian) 61, and many ' tbe 4th was celebrated, not approving of the political friends that nothing shall divert us Is he a Democrat? The Lincoln" Courier of April 2Sth, 1849, contains the following: "We believe there is a great deal of un necessary noise made, as regards the remo vals from office, now being made by the new Administration : such was to be expected, and it vfould seem inconsistent in us to con demn a citstom, the observance of which we fully justified four years ago. Oifics in our government is not herditary, and we see no reason when onechange is made, the whole of fice holding community should not be, thoroughly renovated We bfclohg to the dem octratic party, but tnust be excused from dab bling as freely as some of our brethren in its slang and unnecessary venom. We wisli the present Administration success j and we think it Cart arid will get along beticwri tlie two par ties; as well as if it held strickly to cither tch iij or democrat." The above, in the opinion of democrats, Smells strongly of Taylor whiggery, and ful ly justifies any one in asserting that the "Courier" is devoted to the "success"" of the "present Administration," Through the campaign, and sirice, the whig papers' labored bard td cdrivince the people that Taylorism stood " between" the two parties; and this bcticeeniig was tile dri ly issue openly presented by the whigs. If, then, a paper sustaius the only princi ple that the whigs have openly contended for, is it a matter of wonder that it should be classed with these papers that " wish silc ress to tficpreserU Admifiistyalion f" We have exprcsec! oufsclf in accordance with the above; and any one who reports that, and rto niore; asserts A truth too well known, and too freely acknowledged to be called in question. He who goes beyond this, must be a funny fellow who enjoys a joke however low may be the subject upon which it is perpetrated. We beg one friends not to be alarmed at o - our present apparent willingness to stoop to little things beneath their notice. When it is remembered that wc are, in some degree, still under the influence of the exhilcrations of the glorious 4th, the indulgent reader will readily excuse us for shooting one or two small potatoes, especially as they are just now abundant. We take occasion to say that we shall not stoop to the use of low' vulgarisms; nor admit into our paper uy thing offensive to a delecate ear. Cmr readers will surely appreciate our forbearance, and thank us for not soiling our columns with what would prove offensive We, however, assure our others in porportion. The victiuis have no premonitory symptoms. They are taken with a weakness in the legs, and in two hours they are dead !" ft,dtimi,rr Sun. Um WtATIttR AT TI1K NoKTII.. The thermometer iu Boston has been as high as plan of a dinner at a dollar a head, to which from a firm maintainance of our democratic nature. TIw United State frigst JUriMgi, which mutes in this vicinity, arrived at Sarrifir on the 13th. There are not wanting lno ho attribute br remaining thVre tA ihe Jew diiScttlties which many prrm L-HeW hare anseo between Mexico and the UniUsI States. Day after to-morrow I leave for the capi txL We shall sre what mtr treatment will Ve 00 the road, alth'mgb. tira intelline wc now Lave is quite flatwing. siocr, ., time px,f the robbers in this ricioity bare brru with more rigor ihanrrctioa- hight-r than it has been known to rise for twenty years pasL jthe word " exclusive" in our last paper, was only intended to apply; those, and those only, who did not choose to pay the dollar, were thc ereludetl persons to whom we refer red. This however, was not the only influ ence which induced us to visit Dallas. Capt. G. W. Caldwell, thc Independent Republi can candidate for Congress, had made ap ap pointment to address the people there on that Kkxtitkt. The Yeoman says : " We learn from a Whig that it is tho intention j day ; and we were glad to embrace the occa of irtany members of that party, after the elect ion, tn get up petitions all over the State, rvUestiogMessrs Clay and Underwood to rvjugri tBeir scats in the United States Sen ale, if, as they believe, the vote of the pW pie goes strongly against emancipation. The peopw ft Kentucky will never be satisfied to be represented Tri the Senate of the Uni ted State By two Southern men with Xorth rrn fritt$tctf Cmrlrsto MrJOiry 2Sdi sion to hear him, and at the same tlme to exchange a friendly greeting with the true hearted republicans of Gaston' TVhen. we returned to Lincolnton, we did all we could to get the proceedings of the celebration, and went so far as to invite a very estimable gentleman who officiated conspic uously to prepare a suitable notice, promising to publish any thing he would furnish; but principles that no system of annoyance de vised by the whigs, whether they wage war upon us personally, aim a blow at our busi ness, or employ degraded instruments which can only excite a derisive smile, shall ever effect our purpose. As far as the Republi can is concerned, we shall pursue the even tenor of our way ; but, in a spirit of kindness, we frankly apprise the whigs of Lincolnton that, although desiring to be a christian, we are mortal, and ready to retalliate any in justic they may do us, individually or col lectively. We preserve our social relations and business distinct from politics, and shall be happy to cultivate a friendly intercourse with all who' pursue a similar course; but let not our politics be dragged into business to our disadvantage, or those who engage, in it, may live to repent it. -"-, Federal Convention5 Fede ral Politicians Federal Scheme. In looking over th'e proceedings of the " Whla Convention" held on the 4th ot July, at Albemarle, Stanly county, for the purpose of nominating a whig candidate for Congress, to' oppose Mr. Caldwell, the Independent Candidate in this district, we search in vain for any declaration of principle to govern their representative, should he, by series gf false pledges, to be j made to the people on" the stump, succeed in getting into Congress. Oh counting noses, iu this far famed con vention, it appeared that seme counties had scut large delegations, embracing most of their leading f nderal office seekers ; that others, (Gaston for instance,) could raise but two, " Dr. J. C. Rudisfll aud Andrew Hoyl ;" and that Lincoln Was not represent ed at all. Andrew Hoyl, Esq., a respectable old gentleman, but a most Jjitter a'nd violent whicr, as most of our readers know, was one of the vice presidents ; and the secretary was Dr. D. AsburyVof Gold-mine notoriety in Gaston, a federalist as well calculated as any we know, to devise a political scheme to de ceive the people; and rule off any of the whig candidates whose appearance in the canvass, might interfere with the leading de signs of the federal paiy. The proceedings of the convention exhibit as much ' shameless political wickedness as can be discovered hi the acts of any similar body, not excepting the Philadelphia Slaughter-house; there they rriurdered Clay; the fath er of ichiggcry iere they have assaWn'oted Littley and Ingram, the cildren of federalism and, they say ', have frightened the stoilt heart ed Dockery, and fun' L'iiri otit at the back door ! Whether he will retire, like Clay seething iu the caldron of bitter disappoint ment, or draw the sword of resistance, re mains to be seed. . ' To show our rea'derswhat the convention did do, and all th"y did, in the way of reso lutions, we copy from the Charlotte Journal the following extract : Tbs, Delegates from the county of Richmond except D. t?. Mclntyre, came into the Convention with ihe underst mdinjf that should any th'ng oc cur, to render their position" unpleasant, ihay re serve the ng'it to withdraw from the Convention. The following preamble and resolutions were of fered and read by Absalogi Myers, Esq,, which Were unariiriionsly. Adopted by the Convention, vii- Whereas, this Convention believes in the repub lican doctiine, that a majority ought to govern, in all assemblies of the people, or their representa tives: And whereas, the basis of voting heretofore adopted in Dis rict Conventions for the selection of represeilta,tives in the Congic&s of the Uni ted States, of allowing blie vote for each member of the House of Commons, is believed lb be unequal and unfair, as a candidate may thereby be, nomi nated by delegate representing a minority of ihe Whigs )f the District. Therefore, Resolved, That a Committee of two Lrhcmbeis from each County, represented in this I i.' 1 iu'' ni r"Ju 'iijveiJiiuii, ic a I'jJOiiiiuu uy Hie i;cii-gaicaui cetu county ; with instructions to report sonic, plan by which the votes given in the selection of a candi date for representative in Congress shall be based as near as possible, on the Whig vote in each' coun ty in the District The attentive, reader will notice that the delegates claiming to represent " the county of Richmond," could have had no instructions from the people to participate in the conven tion and abide the result ; for they reserved " the right to withdraw froni the Con vention." This means, if it means any thing, that if the nominee did not happen to be agreeable to their own peculiar views, they would no submit to the decision of the maiorift ; and while a portion are thus standing out on their reserved rights, the Convention has the audacity to desecrate the tt republican doc trine" which requires " that d majority shall rule" to the vile gsfieiries of Federalism. Like Taylor's pledges whieh were never in tended to be fulfilled, the violation of which has rendered no-party federalism supremely ridiculous, the Convention has used the word "republican" for no other purpose than to practice fraud upon the honest whigs who have been drawn into the federal ranks: The old beaten track of federalism itself; will not answer for this new-born no-par ty federal whiggery. They say that the practice in conventions of allowing one vote for each member of the House of Commons; is believed to be" unequal and unfair ; and then they aprjoiii't ia committee) " with in structions to report some plan" by which they can cheat the people and secure a fed eral triumph ! The following is the "plan" 5 and we submit ittoevery candid reader i n tbe 8 iotcL: 7--: , 3 5 6 0 " 5 .7 ! 4 : ,4t fU,'whiW '''' . ti- Lmcoln'' is not' atlowed to vote at t Anson" is entitled to CalKirrus; - i Gaston, T 1 ; T lecklenburg . Moore,' w-f-- ' iIontgorneryy Richmond, Starrly; :t ;Uuiorr, Now the tei7iiit" beinff comT.Ieei, and'J as one would suppose all arKng'ed, whatdo tbey do ? Do they proceed to yiteT-ot; atia'L "On motion of Mr.-Mclhtyre,' tho' seyeral delegates were requested tp"' retire "J anil then, after working tire wires While, the . delegates are brought together ; i.nd 1 to thor" amusement a"rid dismay of every -honest whig in' the convention, if there were any therej an1 old broken' dowri federal hack, riam( d Edm und '- Dfterry; whom the people found out and dis-V carded long ago, is put in nomination, and' the convciftion pledges itself 1 0 support) hint 1 " . ;; -b '- L- : Ifow cautiously have they mi n aged the,'' ma.tjter,' so as not to alarm the eoi le I They s do! not let at whisper leak out j they keep i' theit principles closely i wrapped up in ; the p raantlc of whiggery; They say r ot a word about the Mexican war which thy so. bitter-J ly denounced only a few months pince j and this same I d tools by 3 oft Honestl they dare not tell the people that Edmund D berry is one of the o which thousands and thousands toiling republicans, were defrauded and manyl of; them ruined, by aristocratic federal shttr pers.throujrh the instrumentality of thoBAN'K- ' a ' j htPT Uly, for which this same Edmund i Debcrry voted. They keep all this and much more, very quiet now; bnt, should DeBerry it Deselected, they will soon show t icir hands: ; The nomination of this old federalist,', thus !, disturbing liis retirement and try jig to take V him to Washington, when it is eaid, ho is. old an'd frail, and so deaf that he c annot com prIierid the c'oufse of business, makes it evi dent that the 'federal managers of 'old Zack " hatve soifte grand' Jteecing scheme : n embryo ) and that they wish to get back ilfto Cfongress a sufficient number Of their oid (cols to effect their object; . ; ' Remember, rea'ofcr, that this Uonvcntiori has published no political creed has avow-' ed no principles, keeping" them all 'concealed from tlie voters; Vtit we call upon the-' peo- pk to arouse ; we warn them now to beware' lc&t they are rhade the dupes of the most ' corrupt set of politicians that 'has ever yet' appeared in this republic. Edinmid tfiierry ! yes, EdmhidDcOerry, who, in the notable exfra session p f Congress, aided in swindling the lurd-workirjg industri ous part of the population! oat of im'llionsy isTidw p'fcHOrited by this no-parjty federal clique; ag a suitable person to represent this district in Congtes I j If tlie lionest voter; cither whig -or dcniV' ocrat, who desires to inform himself in this matter, will turn to the passage of the odious' swindling Bankrupt Law which took place in the IIou.se of Representatives in Congress, on Wednesday, August 18, 1841, he will t , 1 ' r t 7 .! ml ' " i wia ine name 01 ucoerry tn ine omr- mative, and that of Green Wi CAldweli in the negative. If any one que slidns thi s we shall publish the yeas and nays in our next paper. It is to be found on the 350th page of the Congressional Globe in which were published tile Debates and Proceeding of that Congress. ' F i Arouse, democrats of Lincoln, i rouse and look around you ! If any of you ! lave beeti deceived by the high tariff, high bahking, anti-war party who first denoune:d James K. Polk, Zack Taylor, and the heioed of the the war, and then turned round at d made a tool of the bloodiest of them all, n w is " tho tune to rebuke them. Now is thej time to show your contempt for those, who. jiehi meetings at home to vilify and denounce your brave volunteers whilst your brothers sbns, and relations were shedding tl eir blood and enduring hunger and fatigut on ,the battle field with " old Zack" who, tickled by: the mere name of president, while others exercise the prerogatives',' has shamefully violated all his no-party promises, jam suf-. war upon all who delight to bear the name. of democratic republican. j Here, in Lincoln where ife Ime a ma-. jonty, if we exert buraelves, .we will, doubt less, be told thafc we should be moderate -that the ichigihaxe.no principles that they, care abont ; but let us not be gammoned in A this way. , Why have they nominated De berry, the old federal 13ank-rupt lawj voter, td oppose the patriotic Caldwell who forsook hU bomb, his interest, and his ease, to defend hid eountrps flag which bad 'betir inslultcd by

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