Mexico LiaJLt ? A icSenl gxdxr is lo he FtcJ, and they want bis role to help to carry it oaL Every reflecting tain cm' sec that, aa far mm it m posuible, there is a per- fed scott crgaa;txucfj moots the wli-j ro county; but. cd LicDwclf to tie bamtle poaitioa of party Lack, aod uttered a sentiment which' be koU have known would find no credit drorrgcont the broad extent of out Whole country; and list of all should he hare made tbt" char, who really sett to oar enemies t, Hie "t! taotc9T they mre the wealth r, active and popular Santa Au tre, aider rroooX thcftt D tu "tionf and lead their armies. itniain emj ccrre to get the coctrv! of j If it bo ant satisfaction to our readers to this county ; let the pent aeerttf, can- f biow it,- wc feci proud to fcfom tlem- that uoujjy quietly, j Way did they not UU a county mc:icg and send dcUgtci to wvrLin as it were. Catawba County, faspecton of Conrruloml EJrctwru V-,u t-.. r:..i . t -:i L. J a mi m C .r I. Tfll k J 1 i '"WU. W U-t. lllllUfllllll tV3. fl I "V - cvululfU" J rout,UUB' Yorint's.-essc Gant, W. J. Abernathy th l l e . t . . I . - ' J uu m idling ; ana mi wt are now a iaro- i Jacob ShufonJ s.-Peter Fi Gaston County; . : hipectors of Coasmdoail Election. . . JIannj'a.Christian Eater, Isaac White, Oate'a. Andrew Love, E. B. Wilson S to we's. Isaac Holland, J. D. McLean, Costner's. Andrew Ifoyl, J. II. White", Ilhine'a-raehard Rankin, Daniel Rhyne. zH iJenllSed with Southern interests. lXstrict Ccnrrctinit ? Oh no eha woulj not da It weaf alarm the democrats, ai f the accrct fame woo!d be bhxkeX Tt is cour,- Kowexer, Bxut Us dia-fuJ to tle frank-' ClioIetI. The whole number Cfolcrt Urtl wht-; and the rose wirf not be as ' io -Ncw Vork, up to the 2nd of Julj, J3vxWl as the more hpoerltcxl uppoc, ' J of kch 5G3 proreJ fstaf, iloacst whi- tatut becosie disgusted with c nutul' PWLaielpnia to the same it; and tuxnr f then will join the drta- I J1 was -7 of ch 90 died. wcrfjr to ujtrf this rcpullkaa Cause by f same Kngth of time, in Philadcl rjeio for Cayt. CaMwclL i pU, in 1S32, thu. number of deaths out of What vaa the conduct of the Icadln ! S "10. h!r tttle trrfc than a year aj f HaT- 71,0 eteecJing mildncM of the epidemic icicle obit to aiLJn f ?f Jwr' compami wux itm oi i?.rz, ncer, J. lodcf. I;Lln fbnY inclrnation, with a large family, j John J. Sbufrd's.-J. J. Shuford, J.Shcrill Bolick's. E. jYount, Williant Hanson. Jarret'a Geo. P. Slnrford II. F. Kamsour. . ""j- : i. .1... the dmocrata, they ctmld , : i3o the mrtoftwaa not over 180.000 ptcp a xstin- at a moment's warn- j while tt fwsent the number isovcr 300,000. Uig: Tfcra wai then no Congressman to Tlw jTipnrtwn of the deaths to the cases is elt tat looking to. the Uie el.-ction f.,r 1 to he rerjr small only one to Oorcfaor which, they knew, would Inn-' nJajthere were 23 cscs and iuu-nun. m .jonoav, me -na, oo cacs o v an-J "O Ueatti- The abtvc particulars afe gathered from the ' iVjllar Newspaper." 'The Pre Iiiicoumed. It tWRE lN)LI-.Vtw s. Wcharc re- ceircd the rt nnmlr of a new paper, under thU title, pubhMcd at Afheville, N. C-, by T. W. At kin, ah ornament to the profession. We are euro he will be cnine?rtly nwful ithtu the sphere he has prtribed to him fclf, and hope he will be MisUined. All fight about k bat hU plities. We wish him sucee5. lit the democritie strength, whether thej maj a demonstration or not, their entboi asm was quite apparent; they eonld, there fore, bold meetings and pti resolutions, rc gard?ca cf th feelings tt deai.xTats, jurt to kl their friends know that they were wide awake, rod always ready fur action. Xow, Low tier, they appear to be as silent as the grate ; lot it is an ominous alienee ; and should th?y Iw aucersful and rvry t Jncota cruntj fr Dtberrji a jell of triunrph will be raited ffhkU will be graii ng to rv publican ears. Aroaw therefuff, democrats, and bring t the wpport f the dsna icratic cause every re puhlkaa rote ia the county. If there he any t!tn xwU mho think t!.e whtg"i hare niprinerpl'; wc command thrm Tnr. Ib.RNtT Xrjrr. This I a new pa per -ttarti'.l at Chtrhnte. Tho mechanical work i Well eicettted, and Mr. llidgrr, the to a careful fVrnsal of fhe blowing prreced. j editor, being a diffusive writer, there will be tags cf a trkt'y meeting, h:th was held in ! no Lack of original matter. It profes.cs to Iinccita, while our I rare roluntrers were cn- i r,;U ; hut, pardon our su.-piciott we daring th harlhtps of war in the er.cmys I think it vjuints a little at free-soil. Keep cocntry. At that Ttrt line, Capt. Caldwell j a l ookout; and if it phall not crentually ad was oo tlx tented EId'' with "oil Zack' ! cate the right of Congress to abolish slave- who, oo cvxaing hnaet threw himself intft lb arms of the? tnnl!ier of his coun'j-y'i defenders, and who is now sweeping from of taa etery demorrat ke can har of. . W hare no fear, hjweTerf that (be Jet ccraey of the coon try will etcr far depart fra d-Jty aJ io luj'pi.rt whig polititbns f.jf lay cZco of poitcU inSaencc, until they shall hare abandoiml their principle and firgntten the following resolutions, po.ed at a whig meeting hell in Iioo!a cn the 12& of Fetruary, IS!": From the Lineolaioo Cmrier. WliiX tttcUil; in Lincoln. A it is neeeswory to uere?:4 ia lLn: ap proaching OcbrnatorUl el-c:in, tht una nimity shall icvud in the hij rank; ani M that Ctl caa beat b-" attained by eletir,g aooie cae inditidaal frn the h ft uf wor thies wh--a names are enrolled ujn fhe troal whig buancr cf lh? td Xortb Sute ; iL 1. .Vjuj-vI, That w? eirdLlly apprte tl4 prpwttio t rakc such seb-etiu by a general Cun Trail. to to ia at the Capitd cm th 22d iaf. 2. TUl the Chairman cfthi wtinf ap fvot 2 dlervtrs to represent the Whis ry in the territories, we jhall nmkc an hon orable retraction. Pecuniarily we wish him success. The Staxwri', puUfc"!ed at CatTille, Geo., has leen greatly inipMreil in typo- : rraphieal appearance. It is a most effective ( democratic to see it so This EXECUTIVE INTtfKrTKEXeE' WlTn TH Pi ELECTION IN THIS DISTRICT. A correspondent at Washington informs us that a gt'dtleman by the name of Ignatus paper, and we are much pleased ' MuJ'i Commissioner of Public Building in wcll.sMstaincd. ! Washingjon City, appointed tothatofHee by The VintKVHXK Mt.cEi.i-.v.Nr. neat little sheet has grown in rise, and has otherwise improved. Friend Grist has our warmest wUhcs f.r bus pmperity. The Mor.vrAt.i1 Hannkr. Wc always open this liberal, indepndent, racy whig sheet rith ph a.ure. It never fails ti ome frctghl- Gcn. Taylor, was present at the recent Whig I Convention in ahington. He is said to ' have bivn on a visit to Mr. Stanly to inform ; him of Mr. Ikirringer's appointment as Min- inter to Spain, and to advise birrt to accept the nomination of fie Contention fur the prtistti. The nlattcr is rimply this. The Executive in Washington City in connection ; with the lea ling politicians of the Whig par . ty there, have sent out a public offuvr, re- t a ceiving puitiie , as an emissary a spc- eti with an agreeable variety; and we almost f orgive iLs whiggrry for the pointed wit anl : cbl messenger to this district, to order things quiet hunt r fpriukled over its columa. ! arigl't, to mollify Mr. Stanlr on, account of ir I J .i,r his.disappe4nfmcut, anil to direct the action th -ts? U ocath him, he does it so gracefully t AS not to compromise his dignity. Jurors drawn In Lincoln Ginty, For Fall Trrra, ISI9. 1 Henry Nian, 2 Juha ?hcll, 3 Wm. Irittle,(ofJohn) 4 Paaiel Pellingor, 5 George IlauMour, 7 Jaeib Sane, 9 John D. Ki, 11 David Flunk, George Lit tit 3 I L Thompson, 10 David Cherry, 12 Itobert H. It. 13 Charles Bojts, la that CoQVent'n. f. Thll his KtcellencT ILUAM A. G&attAM hv earnl f r hinitelf allitimal cmSlanoe and esteem fro. his fell jwiu tcn. by the able, digniSed anl patriotic 1 1. 1 . t . . ! It!. ..t '.I i taxnafr tataica te aas oiscaargeu cu ouicioa s bemathvi , UIUlUMl..,ra.i.l " J.blWImon.jr., 15 llr Willi., ko, whila we do1x it to hare b.en incur- ! Johnson, 1G Solomon 1 oder, 1 by tho otveoa-ititiitiocal act of the Iresi-.) IT Washington Dailey, 18 I-awson Dailey, deaf, yet we desire that every facility may 19 1 H inkle, 20 David Helder l iffjrJeil to odr gallant- and invincible j taaQ roliey of or country to continue iL j -. 6. That in or opinion a furthef rrmecu-. lm o ln wrt 11 war it can any longer ua 00 23 ing thereto. ralVtl. is totailr onoeeuMarT. and should b KrtaioatcL That if the obiect of the war t Glry,. Inert we tax that the gl ry of our arms canaok-b btirhtened by further kto rlca over oar a! prwtraie foes. If a Vuioti vUh oar on ft racy be cootcmplaV then that tho licentious and uaoTcnia ilo "popntaoo cf Meaico, are whollr un5t ij bvoat the compeers of the truly free peopU of thb ITnwo. That if the object hc OnestV to take by force thai which right fallj belong to our wtavk and helpless neigh bor, then we protest against it, and insist that the maxim thai mijkt giVa ri-jXt is as x!LertdIub!e to nations as inJividoaK That if Wnishment be th object then, that the 1 ;nrnin itaucaai aave alreaJy. been po&isocu 10 toe : fo!t eavat an! thai a farter, prosecution . .. , cf the war will xrve onlr to maish our-1 llMltJ lrtsy Ij the wattoa e7adon.of tiw blood cf ocr citiamt, the watt of our treasure, ths d.fraagimem a ccr mnwury aifalrs far ths pneat, aavl ht ths odious curse of a heavy naiiotal dti jt tie fature. Ch TMt the lcUfnt of the United $ U tea, when ia hli anaaal tao he charg ed the whig party iih giving "ail and com ' f art t- the eneciy, prostituted his constita ticcal riht to ad Jrtaj Coogrcaa a all aboa- Henry Havner, jr., 22 5 te ph. G. Fisher, Ilobert Ilbckbura, 24 John Shkle, Caleb Mota, 2t Solomon Iludisclj Henry Killion, 23 David Hedick, IJenj. Hull, jr. 30 Jacob Mistier, 31 Joseph Ilofcg, 32 IUey Ilbyne, 33 Anthony Hoi man, 34 O. D. Abemathy, 5 Jesse Wingate, 3(J W. M. IlcinhardU 27 2 Lincoln County Court. The County Court was in session this week, and transacted the business appertain- Inspectors of Elections. Lincoln Countf; co.NuaE&a. J. T. AlexanJcr, Peter Hoke, (.George Coon, ( B.-rry Origg, I M. Hull, Daniel Lutt, ( Elisha Sanders, Jacob Arntx, Catawba ( Lsaae Iwe, Springi ICC. Graham, J. W: Moor IlhoIo'a Keeners Beeli (J Field, CT- CLERKS. A. Alexander, 11. M Jetton, John Z. Falls, Boston. Bess, Max. Warlick, Jonas Ilhyne, E. Goodaon, J. Heldcrman, E. Inwards, W.W.Monday Jonas W. Derr WiUiam-wn, C-L, llontcr. of the Whij; Convention. Mr. Mudd comes ; Into this district for electioneering purposes, Waring ..v HDICT from Gen Taylor as to who hltall be nomitmted, and. all tha while 1 j j . tm . w srs a is enjoying a nne iat oince in w osmngtorr Ctt-. The Administration fears a result in this district, similar to its disastrous defeat in Virginia ; hence the necessity of its inter ference in the elections in North Carolina We were told soma time ago, that the Domo e ratio office-holders in Waslnrtor City tliose piwerless pcrsiins who had been do prived of ofhee by this no-party President, had 5CRt forth and Edict that this district must be carried for Democracy. Such a ridiculous story, no body believed. Now wc have the actual presence of a messenger from Gen. Taylor a public officer at that to direct the Whigs of this district as to who shall be their Candidate for Congress.. Tle nomination of Mr. Stanly is not by the Whigs of tho district, but by Gen.' Taylor seated in the white House in Washington City. We were told all along that Mr. Stan ly hail positively reruseiT to be a candidate for Congress. Why this sudden change ? The edict had gono forth, and the minions of the administration must yield to-the di rection of the politicians about the White House. We doubt if there ever was a more direct interference of the Executive with the freedom of the ballot-box, than the interfer ence now being exerted in this distriet to save it from the hands of the Democracyv Does General Taylor suppose the people of this district incompetent to select a proper men to represent them in Congress.? Must lib imperial ukaso be law for the free peo ple of this district ? Yet such, are the as sumptions intimated by sanding a special messenger on the electioneering mission. Will we submit to this indignity? Shall the reeking corruption of Taylor's Admin istration be permitted to exert an influence in this district ? We are willing to leave it to the decision, of the people. They will teach these wire-pullers a lesson, by sending to Congress a rerrescntaxiTC, wno win oppose - . v a a this corrupt Kxecutive. e nave neam 01 nothins? since the days of Louis Philippe and the corruption of Guixot, that equalled 1 1 this attempt The r renen maignanuy over threw that dynasty and have stamped it with ignominy. The present case is a sun gra Fof the Carolina Republican. Newton July 4, 1849. 'Mr. Editor : A very large nundxrr of the patriotic citizens of this, and sefjaeefrt counties, assembled in the village of New ton, for the purpose celebrating the 73 anni versary of our 'National Independence, pay ing that tribute of respect due to our noble acccfi)rs " the master spirits of their age" for their daring valor, exalted patriotism and immortal deeds. The people, the whole people of the country seemed to be here from the most robust farmer, to the fairest of tho fair. Every ere fceewved fc brie&ten 1 with the fire of patriotism-; and every pule f 10 ucai ijunrr ana projrwy, oit oeroiaing j the nrfc.'etrt of our liberties, as it poeredhign in fhe air, and the stars and sfripes floated ! toward the sky, the heart stiring drum and the marhal strains of musie that were Waft- i ed on the gentle, breezes and the splendid I parade of Cavalry. All met piarchcd in I regular rroeesafon to tlie grove dcot th I Court House gentlemen and halves ladies intelliaer and refined- void of tbut affected . inixksty and false delicacy, that withholds- i" 1 1 . 1 K1.UIT irom aucuuin" ceieorauons or tnis kmd j but influenced by the same motives that actuated the " fair virgins and grave matrons of Trenton to strew flowers alone the pathway of the father of our country deep, abiding, heartfelt gratitude to our great and reverand ancestors, who purchased our liberty with tho best blood that ever flowed in purple veius. A prayer of thanks-giving, holy and' patri otic, was offered np to a thcone of grace by Rev. M. S, SWord. After which the Declaration of Independence that master piece of work of great rain Js, was. read by .Mr- E. A. Warlick. Mr. S. 'A, Boyd, was then call i-d upon for an address, who 'rose and delivered an oration patriotic, eloquent, and beautiful. To attempt to give an abre viation, would destroy the grand structure of the whole; sufSec it to say, that his pithy sentences, beautiful fgtir?, k1 lofty Mcasj were received as the honey of Ilybhinn bees. ter outrage free people are llrccted to Smd a' certain Representative to congress," & an order is brought from the highest au thority by an official personage." Will they submit to this mandate ? The future shall tell. We only want them to know the fact, and they can act for themselves Kttcbeme Republican. ECXOGY ON FX-PRESIDEST POLK The non. Georoe M. Dallas has been, ehosen, aftd1 has consented, to pronounce the eulo- ginm upon the life and character of Mr. 1 olk, before the Democratic citizens of 1 Philadelphia, tho are about making a suita ble demonstration of respect to the memory 01 me aistinjmished deceaseds OJABi STORE yJTJ SHMILIB '.4 C: & D. FRONEBERGE1T, WoaUrespectfolfv' caff tae attentiba of tk people of Cleaveland,: and the surrounding coontiesf and' district, to their " ',.'..'...'-- NEW, SEASONABLE, AND DESIRABLE STOCJk OF MERCHANDIZE, at their Well knawn stand, in the town of Shelby which) hwve been selected with care, and with a view of (be acceaModatio of H who may favor their with their patronage The Assortment Consists of a variety of BMY GOODS; What the- Wmos Think of it. We team from a personal friend of Senator Man- gum, that that distinguished gentleman has addressed a letter to .Mr. rawing, deprecating the extent to which the removals from office CLOTHS, CAS3IMERES, and VESTINGS: every, variety of pattern'aml color of CALICOS, at all prices: FRENCH MUSLINS, much lower than ever, a large quanti ty of them ; Plain, Bkick, Colored, and striped ALPACnAS, as cheap as can bo fouhd i.i.iji 1 ' ii - . i.-i .fOTT tr tit inn. t.t -r. r-r-nT?i in auy esutuiisaiiieui iu mis section ; a superior arueie ui oxajjcv Jiivr; jJiur usuxsu. all qualities; TWEE D CASSIMEKES, KEXT, JJffANS, i TUKKEr Red, Brown Sheetings, and Shirtings: Bleached do: Swiss, CheclL and Jaconet Muslins : ;Bobinett is carried, and admonishinc the'Secretarv of Lawns: Laces. Irrrrwrs. and insertions : Irish Linnens ; Linncnand Cotten Dianers : Hose- . 1 . . . ... - 1 . ' --'- ' - tue interior that this is not the entertainment and Kalt-Hose ; Ladiesr fine luitts and Uloves, and a variety Of Mens Gloves- &c. &c. to wnich we were invited. We are dispos ed to credit tbe statea-civf fron our pereonal knowledge of the mngnaniaiity of Mf. Man goi and has- aversion to the party doctrine ot rewards and punishments, on the naked ground of political opinions. But Mr. Man- gum is more of a statesman than a politician, and does not feel the hungry pressure upon tlve departments )VanhiHf(on C6rrepn- ctence oflte N Y. HcraM. GR O C E R I E: S From the Wilmington Chronicle. SNUFF AND BEAUTY OR THE. BEAUTIES OF SNUFF.. Now blt&wl U tfvy vJu) Jirst cried "HotdT enowjh N nre toe'U (Sp fn tfat vile trasR e&fltd Snuff?' SriEXSEaEAriE MODERNIZED. Snuff and Beauty ! What an anomalous conjunction I And not exactly a new one. We reineinberthat Dean Swift, in his not very pleasant pom of "A Lady's Dressing Room," (albeit he had a pleasant subject,), inventories Snuff as one of the articles whieh. was revealed to tae astonished view of Stre phron wJaikt making his furtive visit to that doinestio mncium sanctorum. So should some Strephron. of our day, in an unauthori zed exploration of rnystiq haunts, chance to. discover srgOs-of that pungent powdei known-, as. SrHiff, he iflray for consolation bethink himself that its presence in so inapt a place is not a peculiarity of these latter times- nor of these happy United States. Nevertheless we cay again,. Now blessed be she who first cried "Hold enough L No more we'll dip ixt that voTq tiashx call ed tmff." ' This will serve asintroductory to tfie fol lowing : A correspondent of the Wadesborough Ariuj who dates from Monroe, N. C., says: Among the many vices of our country, and useless and pernicious habits, I deem that of eating snuff not the least; and no de structive is it to both the beauty and health of the ladies of our country- I thank the power of the Press should be brought to bear against it : and every other moral engine that will hate a tendency effectually to suppress it. The ladies of Monroe and its vicinity, have made a move in the matter; and I think their example is worthy of imitation. An Auti SuufF Society has-been formed by them, and the following is their plecTge : - ' 'Believing, as we do, that the practice of taking snufff' has become ap, excessive and dangerous- habit, destructive of beauty pernicious and ruinous to- health : There fore, we do pledge ourselves as ladies, to abstain entirely from the use of it, and in every prudent way exert our inflluence in persuading others to abandon its use. Signed by at least a score 01 lacues.. April, 1849.. ' From the Pennsylvania To the Taylor Democrats. Mr. Lip pard hands us the following letter, elicited hj his recent able and withering expose of tho present administration. Thousands who were misled by the no party professions of General Taylor, now see how utterly selfish he is. The letter of Mr. Lippard has been very generally published, and justly praised by the Republican press : Knoxville, Crawford County, Georgia, Jane 2,1840 Mr. LirPAtiD r Sir 1 In. my last Union,. I notfoed a letter from you, addressed to President Taylor, which breathes naught but a spirit of unal loyed patriotism. Like you, I, as well" as thousands of democrats of Georgia, were in duced to give the "Hero of Buena Vista"' my support, by the syren song of "no party.!' I have a letter in- my hands from Genefral, Taylor, which utterly repudiates the entire political creed of the wing party proper. And upon the strength of the declarations therein contained, I not only voted for him, but advocated his election publicly in nearly every county in the State. And now, how deep and poignant must, be my regret, when I see him ahrinking from- the lofty import of his pledges, and suffering himself to be made the mere tool of a bevy of irom out political hacks. 'Do you not think he richly merits a castigation from the democrats who supported him ? Answer this, and believe me to be truly your co-laborer. Very respectfully, &e.f J. C C. BLACKBURN, M. D. George Ljtpard, Esq. A Lady and 'Gentleman carried over the Falls of Niagara.' Miss De Forrt-st. daughter, of one of the most respec table citizens of Buffalo, fell into the stream at the Hogsback, on Friday last, and was. drowned, together wun a young mere nam named Addington, who had plunged in. to save her. -They were both arried.oyex. the Fall. Ies3 TEAfJ. Ml J BROWN SUGARS,, of different qualities and prices ; COFFEE, a good article, and a heavy stock of it on hand; LOAF SUGAR ; Rice and Molasses ; Salt, by the sack or bushel ; Peppers Spices,, and GingeB:. Tobacco, Candy, and "a superior lot of TEAS. DRUGS, JUEDICINES, AND DYE-STUFFS. Paints, of every kind ; Carolina and Spanish Indigo ; Madder, Prussian Blue, and Venetian Red; Epsom and Glauber Salts; Caster Oil, Nutmegs' and Mace; Moffats Pill and Bitters; Peter's Brandreth's, Gordon's, and Cooke's Pills ; Indelible Ink ; Number O ; Sands' Sarsaparilla; Bear's, Maccassar, and Antique Oil; White-Lead, No. 1, by tbu Keg, or 100 lbs. r i , mmw sukdh immsmw Of Boots and Shoes, this firm always keeps a good stock, having advantages, in pro procuring these articles, which render it an easy matter to compete with their neighbors-, not only in this, but in the adjacent villages. Among tho stock is a lot of the finest SILK and FUR HATS, and other qualities down to as low a price as may be desired ; all very cheap, and a lot of Bonnets, of various qualities, with together Leghorn, and Palm, Hats, of different prices., Crockery, & Glass Ware. Fine and cheap. Plates ; Teas, Bowls, Pitchers, Plain and Fluted Glass Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Cuetcrs, Salt Cellars, Wine Glasses,, Molasses Pitchers &c. &C. , Saddles and Saddle-Bags, CLOCKS . A New Style of Brass Clocks kept constantly on hand. BEADY JLIDE CLOTHING, ' To suit the times and season ; COTTON YARN, SEGARS, &c. C & D. Froneberger take this occasion to return their- thanks to those who have thus; far so liberally patronized them, and to solicit the public favor for the future, assuring all that, having facilities for purchasing goods,, on the most advantageous terms, , they, will not allow, themselves, to be undersold. Shelby, May 23; 1849.. ' " ' CARRIAGE MAIONGL ISAAC ERWIN, Late of Lincolnton, respectfully begs- leave to inform, his friends, and the public lib general, that he has located himself in the village of '. SHELBY, Cleaveland County ; and that he has made preparations to carry on the above business in all its various branches. He will soon- have on hand, and will continue to furnish, in a superior style, all kinds of FAMILY CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGIEsl ' ROCK A WAYS Sc. : He will endeavor to procure the very best materials, not only for fine work, but for the- manufacture of ail kinds of ' m Carry-all& and WaggonSa either for light or heavy service. ' Ilia terms shall be low; and, and depending-on Bis customers for supplies,, he will .be happy to exchange his-work, to some extent, for country produce; v V Being determined to exert himself to merit encouragement, he will thankful! v Tfxmxro nil' orders for. work which, he will execute with the utmost dispatch J -- 1 ii 1 . -i .-r T3i w-k a tit Tn 1 . . 1 - ' - JBsatr Ail Kinds or Jvuir ALJKiii done at the shortest notice, and at reduced prices Shelby, May 25, 1849. . t , 25 FASHIONABLE TAILORING. A. W. & S. M. QUINN, j Facing the East End of the Court-IIouse, S H E L B YV i Respectfully inform their friends and the publio that,, being inv, the regular receipt of the latest and most approved FASHIONS,, they afe at alii times ready to serve those who may favor them with their patronage.. " : v Having taken, pains to qualify themselyes for the business, by a careful study Of all the; most 1" ! " APPRQ,VvED METHODS OF CUTTING, only yarying' therefrom to suit the taste of their customers, .'they can assure all who may wish to have COATS, PAOTS, or VESTS, made either in. thermos ' ! F, A3HIONABLE,and ELEGANT STYLE, or in a PLAINS ; ADSubstanttal MAXl NER, that tiieir experience and skill,, and their desire to.please, will enable them to afford entire satisfaction. ;- ---.,y-.---,f---y"r-,''- ImpeQediby. a desire to elevate the. meohaaical skill' of, the South, they will makeit their study, at least to equal, if not to surpass the Northern Work that may be thrown info our market; and, therefore, they appeal, with confidence to their fellow citizens tosustain theiu; . . Terms moderate, and punctuality all orders,, " Shelby, May 25,, 1849.. - t tf - " ?