uihoull be.trlorerd to Otmpea at th Lj junc ture I So, So I Let CtLXwiXL, aad re rcnucxx DOtootACT, and integrity, and coat at an boccsty, be the watch wouls, against DxxtxxT, and a Baxkc?t uw, and a winding bank, and a hifc protective tariff, aaJ i JfET ana U Uaiol lroTiLsra, and In ternal ImrrmaeoU by the General Gown ct&l,aa.laa irrwpocjit! "mUmi" no to mitt c!J explod.-d rVJraUra by didite. should be U fleeted.- Bat, if wen qaire ia Deberry ' past tutory for bis " faith: ful pablie tert iees" which -give tim Che dis tinction of a "firm and conahtent whig," we i!u!I thai ibis whigg-rjr is only aaothejr nirae fr fedora lata. It will be seen tbat hi devotion to this newlr baptised no-party whiggery b established bj referring to bis "long and faithful public ivrviccs" in the tiiao is a tod, an old m&lin wLo, it u i f fJemUswt which " entitle bim to "'Biufi, posKKKS CCl las ull quiir-- .ft i'j:ko be oceapjes. tbaa be destroyed. The second planting anouJd.lixe place n July. i : . "- Tut ScicmEic Examiner. We ao knowledge the receipt of s -monthly with the above tide. It embraces tbe whole subject of Animal Magnetism, and contains much other scientific matter. It is published by Samuel B. Smith, at No. 293, Broadway, JNe.w xerk. The price is Terr low -only 50 coots a year in advance. Tba Uhnl party cow cCllng it If Whig, pilEclj f ?ofcs o friac?jV; bat no one wba 3js atctiaa ia the cvur of fti -! tertcU, cia LvU that a atrcnowi effort, . tiscigH a turvrloa $jtcra cf political chi canery, i now Uig made to mint all that tLxa pf f4oral cicasunrs which Late been so aisay rvpultiicJ by the people. These Sfri&cip!J pj.'itkun?, by mean cf do farrj rvJar and rb to merceries cf a!l fxt.v&s sacrecdtJ in rLcng Tajbr, as rreuJcaf, under the ccst.-l of a federal 3cd aU!;u n cabal; and now, to sc!a!n lltm (cot At'rt, fcr be is a mere t.-d in thtir baa CCS ret fonca ttjv lieu in rriccij! and filing a But.1. , 3nj tab far djvotioa t.. that pirtr, L, ac. rxfHw nam, a protective tariff wan. i iyrihwiJ,! Caa ropoWicaa, whether they hare Loon whiij or d.'tnvraN, look with faror upon old I)nkrup:-law feiJeralism, thmigh it wear an aumol name. and will they fail to ad minister a proper rebuke to effrontery so shameless as covertly to acknowledge tbe principle cf tbat odious party, while they be rcrardd'aa the NVIar of the txtrtv in K the Tee Dee coontry Iark, reader, you are referred, by litsu-tlsan advocate, to his " lopg and uitbful public services," to enable you to arrive at bis political character. Now what were lbe public services ? Let his aai forra jiuppnrt of all the old federal measarea, bw votes in favor of a high protective tariff, tltch fleeced the south for the benefit of northern capitalist, and bis vote fur the Bankrupt law recorded, on the journal of Congress, answer tba question. Von will there learn whit the "Argus" means by bis " Icrg and fiithful services," and what DcWrrv, Lisa sell", in Lit letter cf acceptance, racan by th "leading principles of the whig . ' 4J,4"' :aoi rwi, luire rrfr Thtx.., to indicate hh t.rcsent iw,li. i3a:c4 IVlcrrr : bv ciIL from LU .. ? . . . i- . , . ; - - ' i "cai rpinions we are piatoi 10 uh ranK lou :rta6t, tbis eld wemcut piliik-ba ? ' f i r,. r,,,, . furt, h ti better aJriJ to ilTr rur. , .l t- . . l " . . . ie ppie ia;o nis uppuri, aa open avowal than any other tberexild bare itarted f federalism U avuiJe-J. whil hi, Innr. Financial Report. The committee of Finance to whom was referred the settlement wifh, 3Iaj. 31. H WTibwn, Trustee .of Catajpiba sConnty, report as follows vix Ballance for ornior years 1 1 435,31 1-2 Received Stray Money 64 1-2 rrom superior uonrt UlerK lax -. ees &c A J)rom Clerk & Master of Equity Tax fees: IIor.DRN'e Dollar 31aoazixe, Still ap- 1 From Qouny Court C&rk Tax for Finns. S. m Q " Aa a v V Mvn a y aai vi a a a 118 03 14 00 38 75 Xheilue of AaTertisliir. iWe clip the following from the " Caroli na 8103" to sbbjr.onj readers how tinus to improve, tbowci it is difficult to con ceive how tke improvement can be afforded, without an increase in the price. Peterson's Lady's National, for Au- Ct, bas appeared. A fair friend expresses self highly pleased with its contents. I From A. II.. , Shuford former Sheriff for Taxes tfue for the year 1847. 55 Interest on notes ewt standing. 3& 20 raaaitah bonk min. aa anti cxjjtitutbn man, ia short be it "hLntlSl iih all theo!d Cedcral tkct;uiet ; aa I, hence, his election t m earnestly dere.J, by the jwty now re .. Mating to stratagem to revive federalism in all its odiooa frtas, . Why tbe frdcralist oppose Capt. r t r t .- v.A.-c-irau ne is a rrputiic-n, r,f , fuim the name? We think not. We tU J.fTcncuan Kh.x4, becane be wv, and Wieve tliat the eye. of the people are open stIU cppred to a h.gh tariff, an -U United to fh, npirtJ Mcn humbug; and that, a.ic Ikak, because ha is devoted to a though a few rniy still be deceived, and Uxt eooatrnctioQ of the ccnstitn:ion be- ; mn3C aayobey the party call at the expense mcu urf oi preserring ue nguts , cf their c?n5iences. yet the mass of the hon-! THE MOUNTAIN BANMER. We always open this liberal, independent, racy wuie sheet with pleasure. It never fails to come freighted with an agreeable variety ; and we almost foxcire its wbigeery for tbe pointed wit and quiet humor sprink led over its columns. If he docs sometimes return the slang of those beneath him, he does it so gracefully as not to compromise his d)gnity. LxndMiUcm Ilrpubiioin. s Thank you, Mr. HrpuUican, yours is on ly one among many such notices that we have received, but which our modesty has heretofore prevented ns from republishing, and wc only lay aside oar modesty in this in tUaiee in order to avail ourselves of the op portunity to make our exouae for returning the slang that is sometimes thrown at us. It is always an unpleasant job to us, and we never jrsort to it asjlongas there are any other available means; but there are characters that nothing else will affect, and it has been our misfortune to meet with more than one such since we established our paper, and ra ther than " the fool, should be wise in his own conceit" we have thought it advisable to "answer him according to his folly." In return wc can assure our readers . that the Rnmbtu-an is well worth its subscription price, dignified in its tone, and no doubt con scientious in its principles, though political ly different from ours. Mountain Banner. We-copy the above, because we desire the Total 2750 49 Receipts and Disbursements for the year commencing the 19th April, 1848, to 10th July 1840. Ballance on hand 1485 17 1265 32 $300, has been taken out for the purpose of purchasing a Tract of land for the Poor Hovse, before settlement. All of which was respectfully transmitted to the County Court and confirmed. O. J. WILLKIE, A. n. SIIUFORD JONAS BOST July ICth, 1849 inci connn ,RD, j Financial Committee. c f the South, and cr ped to Badger's schemes ; rer ublican, of .11 narties. wi!1 ou:etlv rr-! &mMnj editor of tbe Banner to be ap- ..L I . t i t ... ' J w.uj Donocrocrs 10 aooiwa surcy u u ir to the Lillet hr em th first Thtir!:ir territcfK-leaue be voted arrinat the ;n atlMl JT, ,.i ,M,;rrK. .UirJ;nw ; think ,l readcr8 oftheRepub- , t t X-naruri Uf, WLieU lcberTT Supported, h; r...,l.mn,l.rt n.i ihrir miuknuu. ' and if elected, will do it aio. when the I r i . r !;,;.;,n. , ilics are much more congenial to our taste, - , preciated as he deserves, and because we think it will graify the readers of the Repub lican. These exchanges of agreeable civil- federalists attempt to revive it because be am VXD tus cucvtrt i.x Mexico, and rts fasea to join those who gave " aid an corn tort to the eoetay" because be is aware cf li political wicidness of tie ''eabiaet," and will keep a sham eve cn all their mnr- en'-beeaa., in a word, be is a watchful, ; PuU:9 to st in security. They should faithfal, tried, and true democratic rerubli- I "crt th1"' tJ the utm nd ro" ot f up a majority that will discourage any r t t .j luture attempt, on me pan oi leacraiisni, Jaliyt frvccKD rallv . Tarn cut, dca ... t . ' to ret control of Liocoln by any such means. mu. turn out I arul r rin with T-nn tt lh n J J , . 9 j polls yoar rrpuUicao whig neighbors; for there are many who, tntdr owe pretens? cr antb'r, have been ueomtl to thesupportof f.dr4Um, and who are nrw standing ready to naite with the patriots of the country to ; rtbuke the digraccfal system of cooceal KCLt, adpUl by tbe aristocratic cnemiea of wxx gujooo-a coastitalion as it was bequeath- ... . ... - . ... .. - , ! with the democracy of Lun coin ton, is exert- d L ai It our fathenL Com from voar ! workshop- fmia your farms frcm your Cctcrws fro a your mines frca your em- Tjw..i t Bkitrvr t. ? I Ant k& al, aa J let Iicc;n cocntj once more t , , . , , ' . . . saow fcerseit wi cilual ct c-xxl ou lanioo- , ... , . cd repeblkaa democracy. ricD ixoh CauroR-xiA- The amcaot of Gold known to have been shipped from Calikraia, is $4 C9,7SS. Tbe Federal Candidate. From the Wale borough ' Argus," a pa per which advocates the electkn of federal -ills to office, we clip tha following; CasttTa W hut th nm of t& IU. C Dv6t t " kt CoJJ4i of the taiAiC Dicnrt, and call upon ;1 gad md trm mimhf of ilW pan? U by U col- era. TV character of ifco CoortLKa by whtrh V m l ba oointUoi h a o o her lsTti. tf wo dd tv. ihmk ib Mlcnioa lb ba oboVI bo aio. Bat ko eta wrf aol a rMM4 it 1 Wtv ia o o-nJ of the 0a nov ia w&ich tt Coauoo ht ajaiucd iulf I rrrj SM4 ia t DtMrWt koow CJmouJ lorr to be a put apct cntit. atvl a firoi and roosjorrat Waif oo 9t bri. BioV bra IvPf M faiiblal fMlx r mttilo bim to to ro faidod ao tbo fia-rfo of Iho forty io iho Teo Dm CuQotrv f b la oo fin.cf a bo la coma f Mtb aaJ Lb Ibo inmbtoJ aiao tbat wore lAo y 10 iooto bo ia ra I Wo cfiaiuUu or friooda throvf Vt Ibo bo!o tMoto aro Ibo int powa taft bth afTnfo bao takra to oor Di fakt ; sad a tboaa to atl op about for tbo ooeovaU m b. bka aJKMborCioeiaoaloa, haa )oA bto aVraja at lLo rati of bio coaauy txi come ltSj k aoo that lb Ropabiio coco to m bana. ia coatotfaooico of bio oofwrooa ai any rata. It Vmbrnttj aJ t JctsT bracoiWtb tbo oraicborJ f tbo Wb p taroi44t ll f Whk Thirl No Eer U aa o!4 Fclenlist prtsented, as the nonparty arAy Candida for oSHoe ; and jxirtf ia lustily called upon to sup port nun, jet not a hint is given of the mea tzxtt to h ad5pte4 by thia no-party wbig jartj. -W shonld think, however, that re- abiicans, after a earef ol scrutiny, can icxrcelj be drawn iato the support of fedrr aljb, x artifce. Wbat part9 appears to be rcferrtd to? It is called scA-, thaoja th"" Argus" u caref ol to conceal li- prifioplca which are to gorera his car.- than the bickerings of party strife, and the Politics ill Lincoln Count)'. personal animosities which arc too often per Although the secret organization of fed- j mitted to grow up in the hearts of politi cralisro, so quietly managed to carry the e- 1 cians. hxtkn against democracy in Lincoln county, I has been exposed, yet it will not do for re I Live lailkcC juc risioies oi our ciuzcus, a icw uiguis past, were excited to an unusual extent ; so much so, that although the live yankee has departed, tho faces of each who witnessed the " delineations" of " Jonathan Plowboy," have not yet resumed their accustomed longevity. The ladies, bless them, were present in l.trg5 numbers ; and although they strove to refrain with all their might, yet the fun nearly conquered their gravity, and some of them came very near laughing aloud ! The gentlemen lost all propriety, and- -r-o-a-r-c-d! Mr. Bowman, as a travelling stage per former, deserves the countenance of those who seek amusement for his very great caro to avoid the utterance of a singlo syllable that could, even by implication, wound the most delccate sensibility. A cotemporary speaks of him as fallows t Mr. Bowman's Entertainments are of an entircly different character from those gener ally traveling through the country. There is nothing in them that could offend the most fastidious. They are entirely free from those vulgarisms which are generally heard in trav eling Concerts, and Exhibitons. But are con ducted with the most perfect order. IX mocrats should not only exert themselves, but they should keep a sharp look out. Other means not more reputable, may be rijorted to. Falsehood mty bo protuulgcd, &aryaiMj may be proposed, mmey may be employed, and even treason tn democracy ray be invoked indeed an instance has been ing himself in the whig cause. Selfish mo tives are ascribed, and tbe cry of no-jxirty ; pottiU is raised ; bu t the true reason is to be a democratic candidate, wheo the coatest is between the federal so l tho republican par bole lr Ia rWt on nfKcrr wLoae noation will ena- .j - Lie him to exert a political influence in the community, rosy already be ranked as a re cruit of the enemy. In the nature of things, the candidate can not always be the choice of each; for no one is so fortunate as not to have had at some period in life some slight difference with a neighbor perhaps as worthy as himself. But, when republican principles are at stake, a reli able democrat will patriotically wave all such considerations, and come warmly op to the support of the democratic candidate, with as much ardor as he would expect from others, were he himself, or bia own bosjm friend, the standard bearer of tbe good cause. Keep a sharp look out, then, democrats, while you raise the rallying cry for your long cherished principles ; and believe noth ing listen to nothing calculated to divert you from the path of duty. You will hear strange revelations, Urge stories will be told you with a view to influence your votes, but pay no regrrd to them, and press for ward to the support of good old fashioned de mocracy whether the candidate pleases you best or not. None now questions the political integrity of tho democatio candi dat none will raiso a doubt as t qualifications- then let "the coming Tictory be achieved by the undivided support of the republican party, ao that all can participate in the glory of the result. Seed Bzatcs. We bear frequent oom- S hunts that Beaos put away for seed, are cstroyod by insects danng. the warm weather in summer, and in the earlf part of autumn. An experienced housekecx who has had it tested, informs us that, if the second crop be raised, gathered, and put away, about the tine cold weather approaches, none will For the Republican. BEAUTY OF CREATION. REFLEC TIONS. What an event was creation ! What an illustrious moment, when globes and worlds sprang to birth radiated by their suns ; when numberless orders of animals and vege tables as yet unknown and boundless in extent, began to peopje the unexplored and newly formed earth. But a moment before, there existed but a fathomless gulf of dark ness, with naught to enliven the solitude, or dispel the universal gloom. A chaos void of light or life canopied the then uninhabited earth. The word of the Mighty Maker was gi ven, and in a moment, from the dust of this mighty new-born sphere sprang millions. Creation, to the believing mind, is no ordinary subject of contemplation. To the believer, it is not only a matter of astonishment and wonder but seems as a support to his belief. Amid such contemplations as these when meditating to himself alone, how often in his solitary haunts, in the green-wood or mos sy hill-side, might man kneel down in the cool silence, and offer up to the Almighty solemn thanks and supplication. In this position where the sun beamed in grandeur through the tree-tops, where some cool clear spring shaded by some mighty oak's leafy coronal, murmured jn a peaceful rivulet along a flowing marge, might he not here in dulge the best of all feelings, thinking on the might of his Maker in transforming an un digested masa into the rural beanties all aroud him. II'is words would 'be clothed with almost super-natural fcrrer, bis thoughts would be turned to one above, not only adoring him for his power, but for bis goodness. July 7th, 184 9. n. P. H. Common School Committee in Catawba County. Pursuant to adjournment the Board of . superintendents ef Common Schools for said county met in the Clerks office. Present, O. P. SHUFORD, Chairman. JOnN COULTER, PETER WARLICK, A. II. SHUFORD, J.-It. MOSER, WrM. LONG, WM. P. REINDIIARDT. On motion the following school committees were appointed for the different districts: 1st. Dist. Charles Biles, Daniel Lane and Joeph Willis, 2nd. Dist. Levi Hoover, Daniel Seagle and rpraim Laitz. 3rd. Dist Martin Havner, Jonathon Carpen ter and Maxwell Warlick. 4th. Dist. David Hedick, Michael Carpenter and Daniel Ramsour. 5th. Dist. Christian Beal, Daniel Finger and Ephram Blackburn. Cth. Dist. Aaron Goodson, Charles Beal and Solomon Kcaner. 7th. Diat. Levi Killian, Thomas Thompson and Henry Asbury. 8th. Dist. Isaac Lowe, Edmund Edwards and Henry Howard. 9tb. Dist. Daniel Hayne.c, John Mull and Johu Honey. 10th, Dist. David K. Warlick, Philip Hoover, and Solomon Spigle. 11th. Dist Paul Anthony, Henry Rein hcardt and Andrew Yoder. 12th. Dist. Abel J. Bxerd, James Davis, J ohn Lutz. k 13th. Dist. Nelson Witherppoon, Miles C. Abcrnatby, and'James Campbell. 14th. Dist. George Howard, Crispef Shel ton and Hosca Lincbarger. loth. Dist. Joel B. Huston, Elihu Lock man and W. W. Munday. 16th. Dist A. A, Lutz, Solomon Warlick and Jacob Mostcller. 17th. Dist John Wilfong, Alfred Ramsour and Daniel Leonard. 18th. Dist J. A. Reinhardt, Jacob Lutz and E. P. Coulter. 19th. Dist. David Barringer, Jacob Carpen ter and Elias Smyer. 20ih. Dist. G. P. Ruth, David Edwards and Jesse Walden. 21st Dist Martin Linebarger, J. J. Shu ford and James Smith. 22nd. Dist. Aaron Sherill, Hiram Sherill and Jeptha Sherill. 23rd. Dist John Ward, Israel Whitener and Lawson Sides. 24 th. Dist. Q. J. Willkie, Henry Probst and George Huffman. 25th. Dist Daniel Ruth, H. B. Wither spoon and Alexander Summit. 26th. Dist Geo. S. Little, Burton Craig and David Smith. 27th. Dist T. J. Hamilton, Wilson Har well and Ephraim Kale. 28th. Dist Wm. Litton, John G. Bynuni, Jos. M. Lorance. 29th. Dist Daniel Whisnant, David C Link and Joel Miller. 30th. Dist. Henry Harmon, Peter Wag ner and Joseph Ruth. 31st Dist Fredrick Smith, Eli Sigman and Jacob Isenhower. 32nd. Dist E. Conner, Henderson Sherill Abel H. Sbnford. 33rd. Dist Elijah Huffman, Ellas Heffnor Edmund Lenair. 24th. Dist J. H. Isenhower, Henry Ingold and John Stine'. 35th. Dist Jonas Cline, Jacob Hufman and John Drum. 36 th. Dist. Jacob Little, Henry Strook and Ease bus Hetrick. 37th. Dist n. W. Conner, Osburn Bobin son and Mason Harwell. 38 th. Diat Joseph Moore, John lusher and i Andrew J. Whitner, I 39th? Dist. John Kayler, E. Deal, and Moses Harmon. Ordered by the board tbat Susan Whitc ner," daughter of Henry Whitener, be attach ed to Dist fo, 18. The Board then ad jour nod to meat on Monday of next SuperioCourt. surelv nrosrjeritv ioliaws industry, skill, anil rf W w enterprise, when it calls to its assistance the willing aid of the press. We have had the pleasure to see Messrs. GMJI.D.cv Haw kins at their place of businea, end sreiie happy to hear them say that they regarded a liberal system of advertising as essential to success. Men who thus confidently, but respectfully invite public patronage, are al most sure to deserve it, and always exer thejnsej'es to the utmost to render satis faction. Lot .them Jbe patronized. i Messrs. Editors: We find that our Business has been improving, from the time we commenced advertising in your paper to the present. And we would still use your heet as a medium though which to return our thanks to our friends and customers, for the liberal encouragement received from them ; and to remind them, as well as all others, that' we are still engaged in the same business, and at the same ojd stand, .Cawaa's iinek Row,) where wo may be found at any moment We are striving by industry and strict attention to business to make a few of the dime3 as they are passang, and we ap peal to a liberal community to encourage us in this laudable undertaking. We might give many references, but we deem it usless. We refer ail to our Garments as they are seen upon the backs of our customers. We are in the receipt of the latest fashions. GOULD & HAWKINS, Tailors, July 12, 1849. 22vol5. Salisbury, N. a CHEAP STOAE INHELBY. " C. & D. FliONEBERGER INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. fggp" A Meeting will be held at the house of Thomas Cloninger Esq., in Catawba County, (four miles East of the Horse Ford.) on Saturday, the 28th inst, for tho purpose of taking into consideration tbe necessity of building a bridge accross the Catawba River, and for other improvement purposes. All persons who feel an interest in the great work are requested to attend. Many citizens. In Cleaveland County, July 2d, by Rev. J. L. Shufcrd, Maj. M. G. Webber, to Miss Sarah L. Smith, all of that county. OBITUARY. In Salisbury, on the 7th inst, of Teeth ing and Cholera Infantum, Thomas Dews, infant son of Rev. Stephen and Martha D. Frontis, aged 7 months. . " Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, When what we now deplore, Shall rise in full immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more." Also, in that place, on the 10th inst., af ter a protracted illness of 7. niontlB, Mrs. Martha D. Frontis, wife of the Rev. Stephan Fronds, and daughter of our esteem ed townsman Thomas Dews, in the 39th year of her age.. In Rowan Co., on the 27th ultimo, Miss T Amanda Luckey, daughter of Samuel Lackey. At his residence in Statesville, on the 1st inst., General James McClelland, Attor ney at Law. Aged about 40 years. Mr. Editor: The friends of Gen. Daniel Seagle, request that he be an nounced, as a candidate for the office of Supe rior Court Clerk of Lincoln County, at the ensuing election. Mr. Editor : The friends of Silas Williams, Esq., request that he be announced as a candidate for the office of County Court Clerk of Cleaveland county, at the ensuing election. ;i MANY CITIZENS. We are authorized to an nounce Robert Williamson, as a candi date for re-election to the office of County Court Clerk. fjH We are authorized and requested to announce Jacob Hull, Esq., of Catawba, as a candidate to represent the 2nd Congressional District in this State, in the Congress of the United States, in oppo sition to Joseph P. Caldwell. Many Democrats of Catawba, Notice. A N election will be held at the several Elee tn precineta in the County of Catawba", on tbefirst Thursday in August next, for alvlember to represent the secon I Congrebsional District of North Carolina in the next Congress of the Uni ted States. Also, at the same time, an election will be held at the several election precincts of the County of Gaston, foifa Member to represent the third Con gressional District of North Carolina in the next Congress of the United States. Also, at the same time, an election will be held at th several election precinct of Lincoln County, for a Member to represent the third Congressional District of North Carolina in the next Congress of the Uaited States ; and also for Cieiks of the County and Superior Courts of Law, for said Coqntj J. W. LOWE Shtr iff of Lincoln County. Jnly loth, 1849. 32 Iw. Return the Book. TAKEN cut of the Office of Opt. J. F. Hoke, a copy of the Revised Statute, marked " Hoke" 'on the back. Any one returning said' book will very much oblige A. W. BURTON. July, 20. 32 tf Worild respectfully cf the attention of the peo ple of Cleaveland, and the surrounding countiiMi and tlKiinats, to their . - AA'ir, SEASONABLE, AND DE SIR ABLE STO OK OFMEli CHAX DJZE, . : Rt 'their well known stnnil, in the town of Shelby which huve bej selected wish care, and with a view to the. accommodation of all who fiiaWaor teem with their parrohage. 4 The Assortment Consists of a variety of II K 1 G O 0 D S. cloths; cassimeres. anvi t-ttat. INGS; every variety of pattern and color of CALICOS, at all prices: FRENCH MUS LINS, much lower than ever, a largaquanti ty of theni: Plain, Black, Colored, and strik ed ALPACHAS, as cheap as can ijc found in any establishment in this section'; a sure- riorarticle of SILK WARP; DRAP DETE, all qualities; TWEE'D CASSIMERES, KENT. JEANS, TURKEY ReiL Brown Sheetings,: and 'Shirtings; Bleached -do; Swiss, Check, and Jaconet Muslins; Bob inett Lawns; Laces, Edgings, and insertions; Irish Linnens; Linnen and Cotten Diapers; Hose and Half-Hose; Ladios'Jne 'Mitts and Gloves, and a variety of Mens XJlov.ea, &c Ut 1 V KJ It 1 Hi tS .. BROWN SUGARS, of different qualities . and priees COFFEE, a good article, and a heavy stock of it on hand; LOAF SU GAR; Rice aad 3Iolasses; Salt, by the sack or bushel ; Peppers, Spices, and .Ginger : Tobacco, Candy, and a superior lot of TEAS. D2UGS MEDICINES, AND DYE-STUFFS. Paints, ef every kind ; Carolina and Span ish Indigo; Madder, Prussian Blue, and Venetian lied; JbJpsoni and Glauber Salts; Caster Oil, Nutmegs and Mace ; Moffats Pills and Bitters ; Peter's Brandreth's, Gordon's, and Cooke's Pills ; Indeliole Ink ; Number 6; Sands' ' Sarsaparil la; Bear's, Maccassar, and Antique Oil; White-Lead, No. I, by the Keg, or 100 lba. . V BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, AND BON NETS. ' Of Boota and Shoes, this firm always keeps a good stock having advantages, in pro-procuring theso articles, which render it an easy matter tbo compete with their neighbors, riot only in this, but in the adja cent villages. Among tho slock is a lot of the finest SILK and FUR HATS, and other .qualities down to as low a price as may be desired ; all very cheap, and a lot of Bonnets, of various qualities, together with Leghorn, and Palm Hats, of different pri ces. - . Crockery, & Glass Ware Fine and cheap Plates: Teas. Bowls. Pitchers, Plain and Fluted Glass Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Casters, Salt 6ellars. Wine Glasses, Molasses Pitchers &c.;cic. Saddles and Saddle-Bags. CLOCKS . A New Style of Brass .Clocks kept con stantly on hand. READY MADE CLOTHING, To suit the times and season ; COTTON YARN, SEGrARS, &c C & D. Froneberger take this occasion to return their thanks to those who have thus far so liberally patronized them,' and to soli cifc the public favor for the future, assuring all that, having facilities fqr purchasing goods, on the most advantageous terms, they, will not allow themselves to be under sold. Shelby, May 23, 1849: FASHIONABLE TAYL0RING. A. W. & S. M. QUINN, Facing the East End of the Court house, v IN SHELBY. Respectfully inform their friends and the public that, being in tho regular receipt of the latest and most approved FASHIONS, they are at all times ready to serve those who may favor them with their patronage. Having taken pains to qualify themselves for the business, by a careful study of all the most APPROVED METHODS OF CUTTING, only varying therefrom to suit the taste of their customers, they can assure all who may wish to have COATS, PANTS, or VESTS, made either in the most . FASHIONABLE AND ELEGANT STYLE, orin.a PLAIN AND Substantial MANNER, that their experience and skill, and their desire to please, will enable them to afford entire satisfaction. Impelled by a desire to elevate tha me chanical skill; of the South, they will make it their study? atf least to equal, if not to sur pass the Northern Work that may be thrown into our market; and, therefore, they appeal, with confidence to. their fellow citizens to sustain them' ! Terms moderate, and punctuality observed in the execution of all orders. Shelby, May 25,; 1849. 25 tf SHINGLES WANTED. A liberal price will be paid at LINCOLN FACTORY, for a quantity of Shingles. Those made of HEART timber would be prefered. , 1 July 20 1849 i 32 tf COTTON YARN IN YANCY COUNTY. Cotton Yarn at Wholesale and retail,' al ways kept on hand At the Store of SMTHf & CHILDS in. Yancy county, July 20, ; $2rr-tf. A I Reed Maker; - Constant employment will be given to a Reed Maker, at Lincoln Factory, tv- July 20, T p ' ' 32 tf.