r :t r 1 1 r ,i. V. i - - A -orv 0, Vf.y 1 1 r. .": 1 - i 71 TL f blowing errfl frrm la Standard, U Us read wsthtnub iartrre- ' ' . - t ;Njub Raixtou, July.25, ISia. Mr. IlVkti : f bv trsnjiIaieU Into En;;ih, aV I herewith v : T you fr pabMeatin, mj j l30, with ocr U foaled iu blood, and !J KanLerV" kt; r .tva Poland. If yti , f, rich the deadef oursousand dusjh ' iViak it w 11 trove ia-Lireatjo tyo-ar rva.1- f lert iskeJ them to help us, wc received -r, fJaa- "pr9 ihcw. I and it toyoa notlung from llirtu but " rVrwii I bJW." lciif I har ,hcnamunJ with you nat is all we Lvi forour LWJ. AnJ wW Vr yrtr jit,aal Iwjw yi hire always rt;rv"l the mmt frieodly feeling far my " " Yocr haTutle arrrant, jno. r.03K)io.vn. on kwiatkow- ski. C." . . lUrrinn, February 2-1, HI9. ; lr liti Sox : I ui toy jrn in my trutIo haaJ to ia farm you that I aw " r ueJ l . thb prrjefil dar '.tunki be to (v-J for LU tairc and pidnce in all my - I hare cro-tioe.l wrilin, but u i lsrw mh-:l I aen4't!ni letter, Mr. :.r. U-re kl tkit SUt4Hf North ; Cx r. :m wu tn'jenr a, 'yon -wtos) ! yr.r.eocJ.-rf I-?-wi Ktt tA tie by merchant JeW.-jm thj City of - 'Warsaw. Voa aay the tvko yoa did not aX!rs this VrtUnr.to ma iru yuur fi-ar that OBf- fTod 7JTemat', would punish mi - f r sodIn Toa ti oar army in 130; bat, r74kar chifjJ 1t born ponishci alrca- -tij,.' I wa" :ar!y thrrw months ia chains r.t i uadrr hcvy guorJ ; but I pnircvl that J Milyamt too to the .Military School in Kaiith ia If 25, befre the Krindutioa it J2D mod by the tniienco of friend I jnejear. ,?Iany aaf-rtaate fv.hirs, hiw &ree. ar t.Tl wnanm ti ! in .Inn. oa acrMint of tho'r a. ns an 1 f.r dU. rcJ ruaJ.oop httle band ever mnce we oid:oc to our " rl Kmrx-ror.- touch-nl ur-.rt the I-thinu,. The IWtimore W tk yoa for lot, ua'we rrnl vur I nJ Jcnci I otupany hare been very un Uucr. Wa cooU htrJJr b-Ucre, nntil Vour ' f"rtu,4?- c fr Par of c5- I... e i . ' rnv Iiava snifii-rvu nirtre or fnm sirk. iuivm4 oa, luima were araTni lao free r?ple f America -froe aa l happy nn dx the open heat ens. I rejoiced at the 1 Icoimls svews. It bathed my wrinkled checks ia tears, and tLoce who Ibteacd to me rcadisg it reiaaiacd ia gloomy silcnco. . Yoa say that after niaaytrouUe. two years iaprUjoacnt ia Austria,' an J peril by land taaa you found protectioa in the lan l of WatlU.-StiTOX. WxSJU.Norux I That great . aoao m not only iL Father of your adopt ed, couaay, bat we feel hers thai ho is the Fuihir f all the woril. His h:t-ry u fr- Udita to Em md in oa houses, an ler wn. i f : : . I..,, i. ' J VA SP VP 44 tCWiM aaji4 f lire ia oar hearts, a ad the world ha begun la f.xirw him, saying, " there ia America r3op!j Iitc withut Kmp.rri, King, anl , JYir.cr. aad wbr da w want thm here " It scorns to me that a kind ProTileoee pn- , tv!1. kra,; ia ailraace, that an? lanl tf Wahiotra as a refuge for our unfortunate ,aoo, when, he sent Kosciusko and others to . Sv-.h, t ia crtjIng the yoke f llaglldi pow-; tr. " i s - I w3 rirw yotny reaton for not anwcr- , ia yoar Letter immedia'.clr. By the I'kvse of our Mel Kmperor" all oaim-jnicatioa 1 is forbiliets with the PolUbTexilcs in Aui.r- ic, aahMs our letters pris the Kmperr, ,' arj-1 y how gxxl an J kin.1 he it V u ; but I brr&jre I waU erer appear to praise tb it ty- rss.l aad write fahtc letters, I determined to wait r better time. And now, when eve ry thing is fhangwd here, I write. Th is ty- , raat Nicholas hxs acatchl the iodnu from , their ther J lrca.sU, an-1 sent them away, . ao that thsy may forget that they arc JU.rn Pole. He has prohibited our laag-aag, ; aooua?U our school, forced our dtughters , to curry his soldiers, aad carried away all j our aacienl relics to iUwia. lie ut. , ua aJr barg Lum, and filled our cities, , toams, tillage, aad house with his cruel soldier ; an i now he forces us to call him M pxd tiiiCTj and he thinks w will "n f jegrt oar name fjeever. But ootwithstaa- diag all this, oar coon try hour has not p. ed ysk He employ tiftcea thousand spi- , to watch oar movements ; but io spite of his mema and aaeaking palace, we hare WMr0a -Communication with the Hungarians an ! we w sending our yoang men daily to thiir a- sisUacS. I hope stilf to see the day when I , aall ttnhiry my pasty sworJ, and wash it ia the blood of oar ppres-rs. We are . sworn to vengeance. Old and young. wotea ami children, all arc preparing for the om- f t, aad before many years you shall hear. Whea your country calls you, yoa mast re- , tarn Tell the brave young Americans not j to let dliUace frighten them from our sides . bat kt Uia pre as a trotherly Lan J ; arl . if they should fall in our defence, oar daugh will Lfial-a their farca, plant tl jwers ipoa them, anl sprinkle them with their trait, waring M the winds that blow on th topi of the trees carry my sorrow to their native land." Yoa aT vou have settled in North Caro- Haa,"aa4 thai yoa enjoy the nrne privilege1 . M American cttiaeas do. We are r from i thai here. We are nothing but poof slaves. ' ' ;Yca say thai in America the people have j different -aocictie and denominations, and that every one worships Go! in bis own! way aad speaks what be pUaAes, Very dif ferent with a. We are afraid f oar had- ows." We are forced to the establihel ; Chorea, la pray for oar " gnwl Kmperor" v aad his faily. Bat I lore yoa lor one thing, my boy, thai you preferred a home aaaoo foreigners rather than submit to the '' tljs poue yok. Ilera the chaio alwajs jin- ges in oar ears : but we trust that God will yet lara His holy face cpoa as that by his perwtA or cattered sons may return to their ol i fathers, an l the atroog t throne on earth b shakcti to pieces.' Yoa knoc that when : aver- aay " natiofl- has arragll f.w liberty, . weLare faught for them and left them free ; there is no spot oa the earth where Polish tkl hat not been spUt. And , what have w rrceiveJ la rttaraf Nothbg butfpod wishes. Ivi at the French. When they wanted toa to fight for tbom, we went. From thj beginning, ia tie Utile of Jeana, Ma rcog, Wagrarn, AuatcrLitavLelpaie, Dres Jcn we vtre with them, and with them alike in victory and death.? We stood by them to the Lwt at Waterloo, "and even to the end at Sl Helena we were by him ; but when in . . - . it i i tn,T !tng now? Figbfin, t taeiojadres like fool, and the world among laughing at them lp to our btet tUUa from Hungary, by our ocrrt a-lricei. th?re were ten tliousand f our countrymen under General Ilcm, IVniUn.ki, anJymm Kadxiwcu, ijcn. Dora, hoi rcoirct fur hi bravery, a diamond ta ken out from the Hungarian crwn. J tuat end t!u lcttt r. Though in your early years yoa ranikheil from nic, yon are always on my mind, lloturn to inc. This old hooe shall be open to ymi, and shall be yours; and you will find enough fur yourself, your wiCvnitd th j rek' If you will c.ie, kand hara tut fuotWy fr rour Toyagi', let me ki)OWrid I will scna It to you. AuJ tiirn. renting on the luakj u ruler the shade of tire old tnv, we will surnniu J you, and listen to yj-Hir history and your troubles among for- cijrucrs. Vour aff'TTionate Fa! her, JACOB KWIATKOWSKI. The Hrst.mrt "c" of Sola rd ay last contain th fallowing extract from the let ter adlrl ti a young gentleman of that place, by Job a A. Frvaiwr, dated I'anama, June 11, IIIK " I.ath, desoLati-m and destruction hiv- . , ; died ' to-day. WhiUt I am writing, I can hear the natives woeping and wailing iu a d-ren ' places f r the lo-w of some relative or friend. ' Th? cholera U carrving many poor devils to ' their long and Final resting place. No doubt it will be represented in the State that thre is but little fickness here 1 in order to induce California emigrants to I take this rjute. You nisy ret a-urel it is not true, an I I whM n-t a-Jij? any one tt attempt il during th sickly soArfort, which ts aUut jK.-ttin?; in, and whieh will last for 0 some month. IV nut think I am tliscour- agri or even frightened, for I set out with ' a determination to see the " Klephanf," if pxoibb?, and I d not thiuk I shall be dis- I appointcl. Hardship and the climate, how f ever, seem to gree with me, as I am enjoying better health than I have for the lust five year. We will leave here this evening for the land ef promise." ft Ir.m the Spartan. John .11. nnrrrtt, the Aholi tionNt. Ti proog ls, doubileis very nn exrecieOlv io Umtf, aclnecd an uucnvia b!e sjomrieiy in a very shrt inne; what may be the penalty of a la a noioneiy re mains to bs seen ly the award of tne U. The cKarge ualrr which be wa arrested is pumlir!e hv twelre months imprison merti aud SI 000 tins. Rut he may be in dxied under tSe arrest for sny crime of which tli State Attorney may ihmk him self able by competent lesiimonr to con ici the prisoner. There is more than a poibility ll-trrett may be indicted for an ofTenee t'ie penalty nf which is ileath wnh o..l reurfi ioi clergy : anuaisuredly, if eon icto, u the aoolitioniti in the Uuued Stales cannot ovt If this win b the innocent ficitq,, m ne pretend, of unknown incendiaries, who writ to him at almost etery point in t'e Slat, an 1 eha'rge In in with the care and dis ribut on of iheir infamous docu-nenis, why the repetnion of the kin-Jest advice and caaiion ? Why ihe delicate fliuery fir his serticsT Why the tn-gmmcal chiriCter oft porpon of the correspondence addrested to him f They are his friends at leal and appear io know arid appreciate thrir ran. Tne l'oiloing letter fixes w'e thn.l eonrluiely the place of publication f the Brutu and true Carolinian." In the lener are to enclosures addressed to two hijfi.lv valued cii'Zens of this State, containing copies of l)ru:us : 7o J M. Iltrrrtt, j , V mirkrj. CitcitxaTi. My 12. 1849. Dear Sir : Having learned that you are trarrlliojcjo outhCaroIiiia, I uke the lib erty nf req tenting you to drop into some p.t office along your route the enclosed letters. Although comparatively a stran i gr 'o y'". I take this liberty because I wnS toob'ijje a Carolinian whodeaires me lo lake com plan of communication with his friends, which will not by the past roaik reveal his present location. Be kind enough to destroy this when you hsve read it. You will pardon me for not sigiing my name, but'lhat yoa may know I am tobe re'ied upon. I will just name that Mrssra. K. Ilarwood it Co. have sent you fiO to C!u-i bis, S. C. The following letter contained aome twelve io fifieen enclosures addreaaed to various portions of the State, an I contain nf the Bruiua address. It was directed to Charlotte, N. C, and forwarded to Bar ren at tin plaee. Thi i the letter refer red to last week, the band writing of which is probably known to a friend of ours, and which we eapect lo verify soon; and here w wilhadd fur the Uo.fii of Mr. Barrett's eo.-reapaaHlenis ia Cineinnati, Ohio, and 'DaWim. Indiana, thai oar Committee ol Vigiianee will take the necessary .measures to procure tbe real names of thos anony m our gtailaoeo who are to very detrous .-. 'C "A of remaining onVnoirn.. Wf - will ' atrip off iheir inionito. and if "we ein.iJo nn more will Jurid-trm wp in their 4rwe char. aetera la t?e acorn ana conieroni oi.ikb . - J.. . - honorably diwed in erery poriion.or cooatry , lha trnuroo gen niemen nan liar ib most eontmtuoiia niche in , the tvinpte of infamy. The Iter. 8. V. Chase is a genllerotan -compared to htm, . Cincinnati. Oliio, June I5,l8l9.. Mr. BAaRETr Dear Sir; A friend of mine from, Souili Carolina wiltes me to write to some one there. a"hd jet bin t ile ro j ite in some office wit'iio iheSute the letters sceomnavin? tlii. . I thouolit ff sending them to soe one of my friends who resides there, but a they are also ac quainted with hire his object would be Ie j featejt B, he does not wish them to know of his being here. While you are travel ling in that State I thought it would not be inconvenient for you to accommodate him in this matter." I have sent some also to other persons, with the same request. As he pays the postage on these-packages, il will cost you and them hoihn g hu the trouble f depositing. For his, own rea sons he' desires that rT.ey be dropped into different ffires, and he particularly d sires tsat ymi enrmhi ni deliver-them to any of the person vourself, should you hare them inynur ay. It is unneceary for you to know the object he has in view. You will much o'dige me, and indeed I will lake it as a great favor, if you will not give the slightest hint to any oae of this mailer ; and in your correspcr.dcnce with your friends here, you need nnl allude to it at ali. You need not even acknowledge that you have rereived ihe packages froai me, eseept il be in n letter addressed to myaelf. I hope you will reiirn in better health than you It-Ti ts. 1 an, dear sir, very respectfully yours. 1. S. I was about signing mj nacie, but my friend suggested I had better. not, as by some means this may Oil into other hands. and llius hi friend in C get a hint of his bein here. . You will therefor excufe me for not doing so, ami !. nine. But the llcv. Dr. is. F. Cha.se, who prob ably has no afuniuity with South Carolina whatever, pcornii the auonymous in address ing hiji dear John, aud boldly signs his name, setting the chances at defi-tuce, srobxibly de siring that the "jlMtrcr" of Dr. Curtis should ' bo more widely known- than he,. was likely to be by ordinary means. This champion of! tho " J h alter the signal and disgraceful defeat of Dr. Singar and Dr. Smith, annihi lates Dr. Curtis in the argument and after praying for tho &Jc and body of dear John, gives" the result of the fight, wi:hout touch ing details. The Dr's prayer Las been an swered, for John's Wc, or even vAc. are in I little danger of dainage before next October, j If this empty-headed Levit? who blows ' the horns of the temple, for the people to -listen to his own glorification, is not satisfidd with his honors, we trust the University of Ohio will add to tb.tt of Doctor, the honorary and honorable degree of A. S. - Cincinnati, Ohio, April 30, 1349. iVar John : Ypurs came safe to huiid to day finding us in the mercy of God, all well. I was clad to see your name at the bottom of the Tetter, and was still glader to licar of jour welfare, and I hope in Sole and body. May the Jord Llcfis yon, and if wc meet not in time, uiayVc meet in heaven, O let us try for Ui is. I found your friends well in Dublin, your father seemed well pleased to hear from you and of your welfare, he thought . it a fiao thin and seemetl well satisned. i illiam is working with brother lomniv i and was much pleased to hear from j-ou. The people of Dublin seemed very different towards tne, all seemed glad to see me down my enemies. I could not get off until I gave Dr. Curtis a tan in And ftare him a Jvird nr Your father was prcscntand took quite an interest in xi debate. It was the opiu i on or nnny -e w ia. -Lif-rf ta bard for Dr. Singar, as he could Hot? peak off hand and Curtis is rather a good speaker. The people thought Singtr's written lecture was rej-poc table, but tho mass judg from other things. Curtis had used up Dr. Smith on the evening I git there so bad, I bfi the room ; they reported that I was afraid of him, this you know did not suit me, so I resolved to learn him a lesson and the people thought I did learn him one, which will be one of service to him before he commences another discussion. I never saw such a re-action in the public mind before, the people would have j'u-if(l nut Ottir eyes for ni".. Our little Society is doing well in Dablin, an l their proVcts are flattering for the fu ture, many of tne old friends spoke of you in kind terms. We commenced the exhibition of the Pa norama in Cottfjc Hall, Sab. evening, and our prospects are flattering, I expect to go cast by the middle of thi month. I saw your epistle to Harwood & Co., this morn ing, your letters arc well received and will do you credit the " Ph" is growing and the meetings are interesting, and your letters tjire much intrrrxt to them. . If you regain your health and do good and get back safely, which I pray you may, the season will, be well spent. I can't say write soon, for I don't know where I shall be. May the hand of heaven direct you in all you do. Yon will rrntrmber the imjrlance of taking due pre caution in matters tefwn you reach your desti nation, ttetone of the press in that quarter t qui but uile Jicry, tAry ferl the charge o niantism. don't kvou, icJto charges tU icires. Ma- J friends send greeting, Ac. S. F. Ciiakk. Thta letter was directed to Barrett, at Ashe ville, and forwarded from tliat place to Green ville, frsajt there to Spartanburg C. H., where Barrett f6ok it out of the Post Office. It seems lo us comment is unnecessary "to point the irresistible conclusion, that Dr.. Chase knew he waa writing to an accredited Abo litionists whose field of labor was South Car olina. We preaent our readers with an ex- tract from, the secret correspondence of Bar- it linnet men. in an honest business 'with honest purposes, are noi ap io neea or usc.ricuiuuuww , ''t, n , that IfoTT-ofc lifirl use such modea ot conceaimenauu ittur- the i nwlies a strong rresuuip.uwi rnis reasons ior survuiuuS .v(.v;. . . matters ; omlonbtcdly he had the key IS 1 Having written 2 Should receive. I would 3 Where you could most 4 Should it be opened. '." 1 Letters to Greenville, Anderson 2 Urge the propriety ot your 3 Safely get them, one.of '0 4 It is the one. containing 1 And Spartaoburg, which 2 Having them forwarded. 3 Them especially may. 4 A letter to the I. Master 1 It is important 3rou 2 To you to sonic point 3 Give j-ou some trouble 4 General, as soon as yon The reader will commence at 1 apd then go through all of them then take ihe first 2 and go through all of them then 3 aud 4 in tho same way, and ho has the": secret ; thourrh it must be confessed that even with this' key our friends here haVnotbceu able to "UndcrslaudT portions of" the correspond ence. We submit to an enlightened public that j the exposition we have made of the actings and doings of Uarret leaves' no moiiat, doubt of bis full jrni't, and that our community stands justified in the eyes of the country iu demanding a legal investigation. It is true we have not given all the evidence m our power, po people of the State are liidign merous and covert assaults made upon them, and that a few more detections will exasper ate them to a degree which will render even a jail a very unsafe place for the incendiary. Reason, argument, law, and even the Con stitution of the country have no effect in staying the bigots, fanantics, and political knaves in their mad career. The decree I 1: i r .i r t j i . , Z KZ In , hl? h 1ost : an i way she can. Each State in the South must make her sovereignty felt, as well as make ' her voice heard, or their institutions perish, j If we cannot meet our foes in the field of j battle, wo have dungeons and scaffolds for j their miscreant agents, and will use them. As this subject is one of deep and pamtul interest to all of us wc shall in another ar ticle tike up some matters collaterally con nected with Barrett's arrest and imprison ment, which will bo found not only interes ting but positively useful to the magistracy of the county. Froin the Sumter Banner. Willow Grove, July 10, 1849. Mr. E litor: An incident ocenred in this neighborhood a feW days since of which I think the public should be advised. There is au Abolition agent for the dissemination of incendiary publication, whether a Lncal or Travelling agent I cannot determine, amongst us. The facts are these: 0;i Sunday evening last, after an absence of two days and nights, I returned home and was handed by my wife a suspicious looking document, which I Camo very nearly com mitting to the flames without breaking the seal, but on enquiring, found it had been forwarded to me through Mr. Windham by Mr. Elisha Speucer, a gentleman whom I knew incapable of being made an instrument or vehicle for the conveyance of any scurri lous or dirty letters. I opened it aud found a priuted document, over the singature of "A True Caroliniuan," which proposes a deliberate scheme of abolishing slavery in South Carolina, and openly avow3 its.pur .jmu. w, p an fssne- In tne State Elections" on that ground. Early the next (Monday) morning, I rode down to Mr. Spencer's and obtained from him the follow ing statement as to .where this document emanated: He sa-s, "early on tb.3 morning of the 4th inst. I came to my store door and found in my" piazza a letter addressed to Capt. J. D. Ashmorc, Middle Salem, Sumter Dis trict, which struck me immediately as a sus picious matter. On Frid.iy following 1 sent tha same to Capt. A. On Monday he came to my house with the same letter and showed it to me, containing an abolition document signed 'A True Carolinian.' I know not how the said letters came in the piazza of my store. It was not there late the evening before, and was placed there during and under the cover of the night. I saw, neith- V - m tne evening ootoro nor that morning, any stranger passing, nor do I remember any person being at my store who . could possibly have designedly dropped such a doc ment." I have been thus particular, Mr. Editor, in detailing the facts, that our citizens may be aware that there is an icendiary agent in ourruidst. The mail was not resorted to in this instance, but the document was de posited by hand, under the shades of night, in the house or piazza of one of my neigh bors. If this be a travelling agent, as I am very much disposed to doubt, as no trace can be. had of any stanger passing through our neighborhood, this publication may lead to detection. Rev. Thomas R. English informed me that he had a few days since received the same document but I think he said liis came through the mail ; as already stated, the mail was not used in my case, proves the fact at once that the agent is or jias been amongst us. You are at liberty to use this as you may think will best suit the public interest. Very respectfully yours, t . J . DV Asiimore. Oh! What will make a line? hey 4 forbauo that: but we have I , " J I TtfTi Tommy i.. U l.avo ,,r.to.-l : and girls, lalce car i i i.i.. t 4i,f ! have as yet never .r,U ,f th Sh,tP nro indirmant at tho nn. twinges whica Older , Va atax J dejphia, ; the Slat ult., theJ53arori reported ' 39 cases and 12 "deaths for the 24 hours ending at riooa on the 31st ult; c" "At New Yorknhe Iard of Ileal thep0r- Lted 1C9 caseVandriT-aeaxs for the 24 liours At the5 Bucks-counly, 1-Almshouse, there have been 98.deatlis out ont of 160 in mates, during the las nine days! Ov Saturday 'there were 21"deaths including the steward, i At Brooklyn, on Monday, 23. ca. an.j j 12 derths . ; - L: : X thaS'J deat'is. Newark, N. J.,from -Satardavto Ionday,- 17 cases and twelve deatas. At Mulville, N. X 27 'deaths are" reported- ' - At Dayton, Ohio, for 3 days last week, 10 ; 1. deaths, i) ot choiera. "" At Galawar county, lo., tac epidemic prevails f a considerable extent, and, a num ber of deaths have occurred. - At Eaton, Ohio, 30 fkt.il cases during the last two weeks.-? ' ' ' At LouisvilleLast week, 44 deaths, G of cholera. : , -...,. ' : , 1- At New Ilope, Ohio, 39 fatil cases out of a'popnlatlon of 1C0. In Huutinion .town ship, 40 deaths. 'At Sandusky. "Ohio, -amonsr the victims j arc the liev. Mr. Cooper, Ke. Mr. avi, ; and Mr. Koss, one of the publishers of the 31iiTor. At Cincinnatti, during the present sum- mer, 14 physicians have died, 9 of them fell victims to tue cholera. One word to little boys You e of your teeth. felt the severe aches and people have s5 often suffered; and by proper care yem may escape kheni. It is difficult -to make the young sensible of the great value of a good set of teeth, and very many let them decay till they become offensive or entirely lost. Some j are so imprudent as4.o entCif almonds, haale ! nuts, &c, witli them, using them sometimes as a hammer and sometimes as pincers. This i i i i j.. r j t,.t;i . l ougut not.- io ue uunu. nuuui L;i.v.vi n-m ! is impossible to masticate the. food proper y: and thus the foundation is laid for clys pepsia and premature death. Let our ycuug friends be assured then that the.grcat secret in preserving the teeth is to Lerp them clean Begin now and form a habit of washing your teeth gently abut thoroughly once a day with a soft brush or what is perhaps quite as good, with the finger. It may be conve niently done every morning. If the mouth is rinsed after every meal so much the better. This is a matter which ought to claim the particular attention of parents. The first set of teeth should be attended to and kept perfectly clean, for on them, says the dentist, depend the durability and health of t"Se permanent teeth. AUpartsof the animal frame are intimately connected, and if in t he fable of McneniuS Agrippa- it was shown that while the hands were in rebellion and refused to convey food to the lazy stomach, thinking to starve.it, they also and the whole body were, about to perish; it is as easily shown that although the hands might be willing to do their part, yet the stomach would be in poor plight to act on the food if there were no teeth to chew it. The whole frame is knit togethter by joints and bands, and if one part suffer the others suffer with it Thus teaches the old saying "For want of a nail the shoe was lost for want of a shoe the horse was lost, for want of a horse the rider was lost, and all for the want of a horse-shoe nail." A good tooth is worth as much as a horse shoe nail. Mind then, to kep the teeth clean, and the tongue too. Com. Sclioyl Advocate. Western Tuunpikk. lessrs A. II. Shuford and J.J. Ervin, Commissioners, and Engineer, S. M. Fox, charged with the bus-. ines3 of surveying, the route of the Western Turnpike, have arrived here with the object of entering upon the duties of their appoint ment. They propose to view the country from this point to the Georgia lino, and commencing the instrumental survey there about the first September, will return in the direction of this place. It is thought that the work will. occupy .some five or six months. Salisbury Watchman. "Jeff Joiner's Railroad Trip." We find a Slory bearing the above caption in the "Hornet's Nest," where it is published as "Original;" and we dare say it is: for we real it 4n the Western Continent fully two years ago, and "it had 'Original' written over it" , there". It 13 by "3Iax who hails from Ashe County, and it is a pity so clever a writer should be guilty of so mean a trick.- Mountain Banner. SUPERIOR COURTS. The Judges of the Superior Courts will ride the ensuing Fall Circuits, in the follow ing order: 1. Edenton, Judge Bailey. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. aw Newbern, Raleigh, Hillsborough, Wilmington, Salisbury, Morganton, it Manly. Battle. a a u u a Settle. . Diek. Caldwell. Ellis. lial. Register. Burying alive. On the mornining of the 28th ult. a Mr. Schneder, of St. Iouis; living near corner of Carondelet avenue and Lafayette street, it was thought died of cho lera. On the same evening he was taken to one of the cemeteries for burial,' but just,a3 the coffin was about lo be lowered into ? the grave, the friends hearda knocking against the lid of the coffin. The lid was immediate ly removed, and Mr," Schneider1 was found alive.1 He was taken home, and would, it was thought, recover. . ; THE REPUBLICAN.).; FiinjAY;' august ao,40);; 1 Wheat and CoRx.-l-Theprinter,at! thi time, stands in'need of these necessary articles. , . ' Who cah spare some in payment for (dues to this office?" "' - ' AGENT AT. CHARLOTTE A? Hi MW Esqf, h'as kindly con ent Ad, rtiscments to this paper. -';Frtmv thi arf ranmeut we anticipate "a large accession to our ii. r Cannot Mecklenburg give tis; five uuutireu tn0ra ndditinnnl subscribers tratonr .Uh.HOC.lATy,; DOLUIR NEWSP.tPH I ..J V0 WI,I:d?y Wn to merit it; g Mux Grove'V ost -office, Cabarrus county, uas pecn aiscontvVued, and a new office, called " Oak'awn," eablishcd "at the . house'- o'4,E..r4RlIarris. ; - Mr iuTris' :js 'the-- Post,Iastcr ' - " .Hgf INTERNAL; IMPROVEMENTS; , Gov. Ivjii jr hapu Wished -letter, tail of interesting facts, and- forcibly advocating the construction of thb Central Rail Road which, it is believed, has been killed by the . ! action of! the j Plank Road Company, in con- juctiori with ! the Governor, professedly mo of its strongest advocates. ' " ' DAGtfERROTYPE VMINATUES Mr. SLmiley, one of the best operat jrs that have ever been in this place, is now staying at the public house of .Mrs. -Mo txf for the purpose of taking the, Dagucrrotype of those who .mayxtesire itv We took occasion to examine some of the efforts of his skill to which, either from his new, method of preparing Chemicals,4 from the iuse of. the improved, process, or he ka.3 succeeded in imparting nat ural;; cm plexion. The coloring of , the whole picture is much niore brilliant than, a0y;we have seen in the-state, j- Indeedj we are not Inclined to estimate Jthem. bclpwthose prpduced by t lie celebrated, Rpot in- Philadelphuvi.-r As ie always warrants' his h'fcenesscs,. and takes them either jndoudy or fairtwcathrfr, wc advis$ our readers . to call,, examine ,! is specimen, and hear his termsVwhich, are GX- ceedingly low. . lie will remain . in town a few days' longer, - .vfi .4 JBSiy We i invite attention to the !adrer- tisement of our friend,- .Thpma3 . Trotler, Charlotte, dealer in Jewelry -&c His cujl lection embraces every variety in his line; of tne Jatess styles, ana ai rcpacea prices. - (?0 AC II ESTA BLIS HMENT." ; Those who wish to. puschase Carriages 6f any kind, should call on OvERM.VN and Trotter") Charlotte, before making chofee When in! their establishment, our at tehuop was arrested by a splendid family carriaae for J. A. Young, Esq., and another of suia ler demessWs, but not less beaut: fulf r Dr. Andrews. The work of Messrs. Oerma i and Tro'ter will favorably compara with the best of northern manufacture. ', -V MARBLE FOR THE MQNUMEN'T. A letter has been received from Fayette ville acc4tiug the proposition of the citizens . of Lincolnton, which was to send a Block qf Xilneoln County 3I(u bIo to be dressed for the " Washington Monument now building. meeting was held in this place last nigh j and appropriate committees appointed to ac complish ?the object. ELECTION RETURNS,1 1 IN GASTON. ' CONGRESS. - 35 -. 3 - " .-" ,---" 63 "40 v ' 151 ' " iuHVr-? - 242 -::--48 'v:: 114 ;c 99 25 . : : C71 " ' "160 "v "i .- ' 511 - - - L Rhines's,'! Mauney'gyf Stowe's, Oates', v Costncr's x -- Majority & C. Clerk, j -Cb.jp. Clerk. -CO o Cu Rhine's, Mauney's Sandifer's Uates , Costner's COUNTY COULiT CLERK OF CATAW- i. For Gwrge Setzcr, Deni., 561." 1 1 ".B. M.iCoDb, Whig," 25. . C 1 ' ' Democratic jnaj. 536.. ; r A small Congressional vote was polled in. Catawba. Fall returns have not yet reach d W ? We hope, however, to be &ble to 48 46 61 26 1 108 59 139 M ,194vw '87 ;,U9 H6 An .or 88 ,-79 f- 77 ''44'. 69 48 -'477 "304 vr 450 -;:308 - X ; j .-4 fv w4 4- f i 1 .1 1 :1 4 Mi -4 Sa"-:-' "1raav