.- .A 4 4 l 1 ;t . Mr. Uentou. . ll u ic:rixt.o ea to cJUucc at 7veh cf thl cra?!on, delivered at Jcf ft rj-a CUf , rwgnrricg the daia go- rue ia Trrr icnler.ee. lie CanTallT avoid ra ne Car.loily avoid iIKirxJ, prove that Mr. Ladbonn's any dtscuioa cf hit rigbl to- disobey the may be attribute J to the action JftrotaJcf kU Lecture, and with equal j init House of Delegate Rich " waUJQ he at oii thdacaei.u of thi pria- ; quirtr. to attribute the rcsulutipcs adopts by the j Tiie Dead Comixo to Lite. Almost people of Acroaiac and the ' kgialalure cf every newspaper wo pick np tht-ooiitcs from Miv"iri and other s'avebolding States to Cincinnati, or St, Louis, contain a paragraph Mr. Calhoun "a tnaiemcnt in the Senate; for relating to ati ocenrence riniilartotiie fol tbe argutneut u.scd by Mr. Denton would, j lowing. Either tbo inhabitants cf those if ijund, pivva that Mr. CalbonnVmovenieiit cities ro'usl be in a singular hurrY'to bury of the Vir- ! ren!o or the newspapers are remarkably Lh- , fertile in t hnuird dpi cc&Liiact ia the rwdutiom pf that b "y. The general Cat c re of hi pox h how te toirka f di-!r:pty, a:J lh. hand cf a trick-tr ii wn in it av!im:et detail. Wc tan entertain repect fr a man ni matter KcV mlai'L'J lie uih be, h:n he clhib- la a n u.... . 1. .. .... I .1 .f their inventions. A most singular affair occarrodn the side of the Will, near Mount Adams, on J hursuay after tionn. An elderly lady, tQr LOOK AT THIS ! prf . fi n .1 e ,t , i. . t, . (W . rl , wlm had but the uay previous fwliowea .to the paltry 1 wt tltuc? at (jreensburg, est- .1 . , , r . , . , . : . -Si 1. .1 e . the grave her uuoanJ. was taken tTtth tiie ra'rvianJ e un?v, lVnii"jIvntna. the cituens fe , , , . , -. . . -,i . ' . J 1. Fame mnladv, cholera, on the fjllovinj icorn- 1 '.boat n5.nct ti Hart v. r;ve tho old i.-n- . ' ' . . Jnr bU rroukl. Iut whn wc k.1 one lie Mr. Il.tiUu, Jccr;in pnndpUs which he baa lin u.uin.2vl aud trcj.LtrvHi'ly xail Iwg neo wl hate .aeriSkt"! ui-.icU iu uv LtLaing hri, yet rrfiia to tale hU position fairly trait t foi iut and en : 4ori.-2 to jtiAxifv hioi lf, cot by address iath rcajua anl jaJgnjcnt, but the pre judice and pia bo d jec i.f forvnIc 1 - 1 w pul l, LVIi- . , , . , . , .. , 1 j- . . iiij, aim cro mc s'iiio; w iuj sun. suj was ciumiM in i.m girnien 01 usam rcauy 10 l .wers l in her Ixst resim placo. Par- !-Z - 1 "): ' , ' ,, 1 .,w " . proceeding to the placa froul whence it came, t tlforefure so well prepared to repress faction ? fcce a I.ng tune, and when an atUini.t wai , '.. . . , . - . , . ' ! m. . -A .. i. M IJi-r iriOlluS WJ lueVils-lH-V.ui iuc limes ituuina iuk lut ent linen? j : 1 ?! t i-.,: t ... ..m. uat glvt-ji fr hii bjfirj chx'tiou " n All eplightend, sagacious, and caadid ma, see that the period has arrived vrhen Slave ry ougbt not to be. defended, and . eannot protected -by the? power or influence of tiie' Federal Gevernmenr, as it Las been hereto fore protected and defended against the le gitimate, constitutional efforts to continue it within the $taie-where it is sanctioned by Constitutions and Laws. It is equally ap parent that the withdrawal of that protection and defence will rouse the spirit of faction and sedition. W hat other 1 party than the Whig party has fully adopted as its basis the inalienable rights of many and; is" there fore so well qualiiied to divorce, the Federal G'ovcrnmout from Slavery ? What other par ty Ins so implicitly adopted the principle of the absolute supremacy ot tae laws, anu is an atU injit was made to remove him, unJcr Tien. IIarrin. tbc 'resident in diguantly spurned tiie inti mation. It ha-i iv Hiaiaed f r ' Old Zack," the Cabin?t-rM President, to do what none ! cf Li j redcc-s r." wouM do, having surron- uenru hiiuv.lt to lh'e who hive rvrr 4vru of U-.rrowed tlmence n "v' U l c lu,ra . teriftrl rr rvlL-ve hbf 1? Pf',' : .V-f r-.nally, our ' no party' ; O-Jact from raVr UU.- or turn away 1 n- d.nt iny havo b m hiiuelt. o are j rrvn Uoi an hon mWa contempt- !I,e (,cn' " fn' Mr. Tt,ntnnfW;. tK.i tl,.r . w . ;.!., dt-mi Li jii.l niient an 1 ku J f-ihn, if nw what vfzs the astoniahrm nt of bclrdd the supposed dceiu-cd pitting in an upright p"b"tiin, p-.!e auJ haggard, presen ting a pe'ure beyond' the p.)WrTrofd-j:?ption. It' wa- evident that she h;l hen- klxtring un K rthc influeuceof narcotics, whicli caused requires (roveriiniont shall combine both these prin ciples .in its action avoiding on the one hand any concessions to Slavery beyond the let ter of th3 Constitution, and on the other, intemperate zeal, which appeals from con- , From the Ilaleigh ndanf. -. FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. :V- ' Clingman,(w.) No Opposition. UberoKee,u vjv 5Iaconi , : 000 Haywood, 000 Buncombe, 11&4." Henderson, 000 , Riiteford, 000' Burke, 000 McDowell, 000 Yancy, ,000' Cleaveland, 000 Caldwell, 000 Pasquotank, -24 J Perquimans, - 203 Camden. 92 000 SECOND DISTRICT ItrcJdd:trut cf Ir. Ca!u un. ocrasinol t-y Wi4 nu!Iiicati.Hi ikrtrinoi and by hi op pVMtitim to ItVncrrJ Jack on. Mr." Ik nton aeixea opno tUU jn;pp..I fjct and trust his caavff to iL He Laj rea.4.n ! know prvn- ' ally th value af ticaervl .lackm'a fneinl- . bip, aa-1 ol'rrw ro h tbroufMy appnt iatcn ! the effort oftlit g-eat man' h.tility. lie feared lh 1 lan t inm iwne when he a. alive; aal to that he ha pad away for ever, be do-e wba! he wu lid n-t l ive direil to do if CTtn a hli-r oral I be hennl fn.m ; that old tr.in'i tcnb. Mr. Benton' f.ar fur GctxnJ Jackcn n vj a b h-vmie fear. It xrtAJ Lixn in 4L ptimc a CsJTereut raau fmui wbat hU early lif? pr niW I. an l u t ha: m year nave rra.t.M. liar, Miiee tiut controlling taSai net; exi-t.i n lon.i r, daj by dar th origCn.il d- f..rmiy of Mr. Itcotoo'i character rTCid it-- !f, anJ aniid-t the docay of hL inWlt-v?, tl e blaek pa in of hU heart, cLccn-l for a Ma.u, n w aUnd rcTealcd. prcHnlnnir hU con luet, di recting hia actions and su pping liim t.f : tha hurvl wn in I. is Utter daj. IIl ptwh at Jv'J.'Tyn city wa nothing but an a.'Ucpt tconncet the .!ijnri ( inpr.ruie irt:ii Mr. Calhonj, in ordcrf-dm th mein ery f Aadrrw Jck-n into th pli?ieal arrna to prostrate 3Ir. Calhoun, and al ng with Mr. Calh uq the pnoc'ple a r'txl by tha MUHiri Leiduture. The wht h ci no rnt U t'tat of a demagu fully -n-iMe of the character of hi cud jet. W.'ut nt it ters it if tho Mi-i"ori rluti.-n wcr? in -K-l-W after tho of Mr. CJlw-jn . Vul J ih it ftet impair their trth ? W..uM it in any way ehaag Mr. IientoV obligation t- o?y tWm? oppe Mr. I'alhm hil written thaoo rcl(iu a fro;u U'giuniig to rn I, woU tb-at eireuai-.'.arc chtog? th prinei- lh ?y ein'.aia ? Sardy n Why , t!i-n. IhU aiiul: upna Mr. CdhHi'i' eonieney.' Djea th? public acta of th S uh farnini ivtiatr atf.trt the cntitQtionl;ty or jat- i tew of th Vilnj-t JVjtU er in anv mm .her aS.t Mr. B'nto.V oWi tion to ..!.v iiaitruction of th blr wirch elected nia ? Clearly not. An I after arI Mr. B.n toa prJTe nothing bat that t!i-. Atvoin w re- na?dy he cvor pac?sxl any, to a fet of yp";;- cck'r.. Sha le (.f Washington ! how shamefully i thi- man adi.iii;;.-' rinz the government of the early Presidents," in whuse fnottep he promise 1 to walk ! Pat Contra. By wav of contrast, we apt;nd the fIlowiiigfroii the Valley r'Henti.) Spirit, Ulu:ratiiig " U1 lr?autitu!ly'' the ojnTiti'n of 14 no thirty" principles: " Ol Tit AG K. Jeneral Tu v lor. tl le pitri f,' 'the s'cn 1 Wa liington,' ha? re nioitl fnm t!ie t ofS.c at (Jrvcntihtir, t.e lattur of a man who I xt Iih life in 5 'ht iiini who h;is charge of the interests cf scores of imunrtal beings, all of whom constantly need the waU-uful care of- the most judieiuus parer.t! The Teaehcr is rep'tnsible toa considera ble extent for the Jysi?al improvement of pupil.. He is to watch tlnir health i guard the 111 from accidents and lcirm, and ' direct them in sneh cjurs -s and in'such pr.r- ing th latth of his c e.mtry, and anpoinfed sul,;J a w,u l, st acc"rd true and prop r a p. master at Cbamber.dmrg, au Kngli.-h- , 1,,.V!,!C:I d-'yc 'pmmts. In order to this, it man who mtv.-I a-iint his couu:rv iu her H n trJ hat he jxisess som.' correct knowie ie 01 auitomy and phvsrdesv. He teiuporaiy su-peuion of the animal fuiic- j siituted authority to violence and sedition, tions She was stripped of Ler shroud ; It has always seemed to me that the Whig and is now in a fair way of recovery. party, through its long and often dishearten- jug trials, was acquiring the liriunessy the' RFspoxsiniLlTY OF A Telvciieu. Teach- ! consistency cud the decipline neceseary to crs, for the time U-ing, arc irtA'roim-azj!, and ' enable it to conduct the country safely if the resiNnibility of one parent can scarce through this emergency. I agree, there in e.sjimated, who "will undertake to calcu- ! fore,- most cordially with you in your opinion late the wt-i-ht of raponsibilitv lvstin on ! of the importance of inculcating Us pnuci Ashe, Wilkes, Sarry,- Davie, Rowan, Iredell, Catawba, J. P. Caldwell. (W.) 000 1447 837 000 737 000 000 Null. (D 000' 000 60$ 000! 000' coo 000' Bertie, Hertford,' Crates, ' CIiQwan, Martin, CuJTituck, I. ' 9 . 9ut- niaj. I SG3 328 178 Kin . 5I&-, . jnj., sol 3- 4VJ ,500. ,. mj. 430 , 354 , Tj. ; 25 272 mi. ' f,0 ?S01 mil 210" .i 3071 . 3795: ' '00(0 0000, . ; S071 , N w 724 '.:-: ,:' v - .4.Y wo oooo 0000' . last war vrith Gr.at Britain." t iima. it to fit: N'oth- th-. This cv . ' i n'v c!.; the .n mi rt oi tuiportiug guerriiixs ofice e;i:i I -at this cie. " Ilom'v, capicitv, and ful.ditv ."' l'vn Auurieans in a M'laJsiii.a- r . rii-.i'v in iiv:.ii i.wri . c th J.kI nr lr .f Iti-i' i'n t ... .) ii'iu i r :.: . i -n-.- .ici .rn :! ytu.h mii.ir funa'e in 1 ing b ( -re the Tivl t alniinis tntion cauu into p wcr. A7 h,.i jwl AV corrc-5";'Ui- t'anii-hes a .s I fi.tl tli;..i is lio! c in tii. o!u:ia o5.rtNj bv .Mr. Wi anl th Mis iri reflation cjl bv Mr. Jaeks, (a maab-?r of the Mmri L"gi"'J"-, Wl"? tVamJ iibse.pjent to tbj redu'i ns Jcxl hf Mr Calhoun ia the S.-nat of tlr t'ni'el S'jtU in February, 1S47. Uu Mr. Jkc arm aren that bj not in"j-n-! bv Mr. Calh'Xto, hot tlaal be framed hi res l ri u and prcsotJtc! them to th? S-inVi f Mi-s n H ia accjrdioe with pledge which he hJ ptUicly raad-5 to his e n:itt-nt. An 1 be iles, Missouri U tio'. the rnly State of t"ie Swth which baa pas.l jdn.ilar resolution. Nearly every slave-hol liug Stato hx pdvl aocb resolution. ,Mot of ihni copied in part the very word uied by Virginia who led offoo this q-a-tnn. Many cuntU-s ia i Virginia, along with tbedmnty of Aecom jo, " v rtsyovlfrl to the action of our L'slafurvs It breom nec-sary then tn tre? the his , Icrj cf tb? irginia restdations a lp. 1 on 20:b Jinairy, i9, after a Img and cscit izx debate. The rs!uMons, it will ca . rtmerabered, rcait:rmii certain re-a-jlatioQ relative to th Wilmt Privio, Mds)a the 8th of March, l"i47. by the legislature, adding to th-m resolutions re lative to th I H strict of Columbia, and a re jIatioo rcairing th G-venir to convi-ne the Lcgishiturcif the Wilr2?t IVn'o should b pn:Zikl diiriog i?s varation. Tt H"4u tona of 8th March thu r-atTirmcd wer d-fawn op oo the ICth of Fcbnnry. 1;I7, lax dy after tlx poAsa,? of the Wi'.mo Ptotisi in the !loae of H-jrcequtiv! at tached! to the three million bill, and were e Scire J to tin IIoom of Ilehrit. by L-wis The pr M.-rip'ive emrw of the a Irnini-itra-tion, in the faec of his own solemn ph-ds, is doing irrofur.ible injury t the iVMen. We judjc t"r.ni tlK- irre-itibl cfT-ct which such a preerd.ng is caleu!at'd to j.rxluc; up:i a f r e a g n rou-, a s-imero e-.p!c. We judj.- friii I.'.e indignant di inirrviati :H if the d-;a vra'ie pres, from the n !.i;i-ns of popular nesting, frjin thj nranly repu diation of the Taylor denioerats. Wo jude from privat eorre-'p ti4ence which i- pouring i:in us Ir-'iii nil limc.'ions. A dent in the State of Mi ? peri in n of th'. ed to on- fU):i of ti. . c isritrv, but per vades th length anl bn-adth of the laird : ' ' The w.;in -f the guillotine (ays hv) jrj'ps rath-T h.ir!i!y on the ears of s nne of tu. lukewarm, an 1 ha a visible -fT-t iu stirring th-uu uji to their du'y. Mr. I'itz Henry Warren and bi coadjutors in the ran are d :ng a p!oriius work f r she cause , of dem vrary. 1 hh ill le m:; h ive l if the year of graee ls.VJ i- n..t !istin ;tiiiied a the year, flti which V. higirery ri-ceivi-1 the most mirk -I nademna:i.n tha! it ever had at th" hln 1-t of the dem x:; aev of this coun t try., Wit h. I it !nn. m:w YiiKlKi;.YFKn. A letter of Thursday of th-s l'uUJelphia le-J r s.iy : i It i a !on while since Gotham was so quiet a it it at present. Solitude ttvin to ' have t ik n up its abode in our midt and paradox as it may appear, one feel lonelier now ia Broadway th.-n he would almost any wh -re else out of the city, Tlu re, morning and cvcTiiuj, in that m ojr.iSeent thoruh- fare, nothing is t le soeu but the hard hst ed. sun laborer or meihanie, going to or re turning froui their day's work nothing heard bat the di--c rduui rattle of the oiuai- busv, or tho les4 m m tous music of an oc ra.d nal ortran crinder. At noon it is al- in t whtlly fraken. Wall .street i. no 1 bvtt.r, and it is no worse even up in the fashionable pr -eincts of I'nion Place, or Wadiington Slllar,. AH is .i!cnce and .so litude. Every body is out of town, lrink iu? water al Saratoga. pzing on Niagara, or rolling anions the breakers at Nahant or t " " It is tate.l elsi'whrre tha: the Astor IIoue, juying a rent of 0,000 a year, his at this time only about twenty-five persons , in it. .iTttna Ot.D m.:st counsel, auviiO, correct, reprove and i cammand. 1'or want if proper attention to I this, many a child has been Svriourj- :nd U-tii-gly ir.jurcd The ter.cher is respmsihle fr the i'clrc- tttof growth of the pupil. This of course implies nnre than mere crowJin of the - a mind with facta contained in tejwt-lxioks. C'tiidreii must l taught how to $tiu'y as woll as what to study; the Cr.-t pi:rt of which is decidedly the more important. In the expressive language of a late writer, "the mind must be waked up; the understanding enlightened, the pereepti; jNiwers of analysis, abstract i ration cultivated: the will controlled, and th-i afT eiions while young and tender led out aft r proper objects. This requires arr e fT rt, k:io;vn oulv U hiof, vrlio has faitl ful ly tried it, afur iMSS'jsinghiniScM'of correct ; ii ws of the pjwers and operations of the hu- j man mind. pies now more zealously and enegeticallv than ever before, and rejoiee thtVt the Snst pcrmaneat administration which the Whig party has called into power bus fully and completely indicated its principles, its wis dom and its patriotism. I am, with great respect, yonr hunvbie servant, WILLIAM 1I.SEVARD. Kespccl to the memory of J. K. VolU. Monday morsiing hist, was devoted by the citizens of t his tou:it to ;ayingrespcet to the memory of .fames K l'olk, late President of j the United States. About 10 o'lock a procession was formed under the direction of the Marshal ami assistants, with the Providence Band in front, then the Masons, Judge Daily and ether citizens, and marched to the Grove near the Presbyterian Church. After the procession had reached the Grove and were s-cattd, an appropriate paryer was offered to the throne of Grcrce, by the Peev. Mr. Wil liams, of the Methodist Church. The Hon. Wiu. Davidson then read the following Cald. maj 000 . TII HID DISTRICT. Cassv Taylor. Caldwell. Deberry. ET.EHTION OP CLERKSL f?im?,,.,m,; nonntvCourt Clerkafi-i re-edected Supor Court Clerk without position. 'v"-nfVvii-' A ei& ILinovcr. rvi T tt ; fL.ti- kf re-elected County Colin'- Clerk, kni'S;' T$. v . Bunting for the. Superior Cburt.v 'i uoorc.yierxy ana y , jicuee Cuperior Court. LfairfMt. IrGorire B. feetzer l)in' olAVtAd i ovHr Bi M. Cbb Whig,' by 561 v6lesr Gaston i'Capt. Robeftsf has'beett-elocted- eounty court clerk, ovcr.yol. Mpse Hand, TttI1 A rnfno 1t5 Tjwta Tina-liAn S C. V i-V . J" T . .V.V-V- 1(4 Votes.- v , : a r Y i MCCKieiU lias been Lincoln and (D.) Gaston, 1593 828 11G5 Mecklenburg and I'nion, loiS 1410 mai. 522 24 Stanly, 14 Cabarrus, 377 iuoni rv, op vo Richmond, 71 009 Anson, 3591084 Moore, 40G 53S 99 000 ooo 492 533 545 (W.) 432 ooo-eo5 79 000 1S4 1020 525 4425 6622 4425 0000 0000 Taylor's ma 2107 FOURTH DISTRICT. Shepherd1, Clemmons, Shepherd, Keene. '-' , , ,, I Preaniolo and Ilesolution.s prcrared by the ion quick, neu the i ... . , r ., 1 i 4i . 1 , . ,. j Committee appointed for the purpose by the raction and fronrah-, .4. e IX, , , . 1 . ... x ,.' , , ; citizens of Mecklenburg, to be presented cn (W.) Stotos,. 713 R.Tck'm 284 Guil'd 1354 Ran'h, 053 David'n, 71 S 4022 263 i (D.) 873 040 3-21 228 53 Q 2634 949 293 1326; 1145 G92 4405 1315 G23 O ,J . 330 528 o loo The teacher is responsible fr the tornl'i. provtment f his pupils. The proper responsi bility in this respect, it is greatly to ' frril is not often felt. The teacher is to train the moral nature fr the country, the church, and fr imin rt.ility. He cannot be too can-fnl of what h dies, or of th- tenners nn J dNpevitif ;-n he maiiifihts. All these will have a bearing orou the moral character of the child; and irregularities on his p-rrt may pmve the ruin of t'frrse coniiailted to his training. Pternify alone can fully nnfeld the indiK iice and re.jKn.".ibilify of te.a lrMs in re feri'iue to the moral character of their pupils. W ho is MiCicient for the. . II". S. I-jitn,tt, p resell ' the occasion'. , I The citizens of Mecklenburg County j having heard with deep and sincere rouivt of the. sudden and untimdy death of James K. Polk, late President of the United States, who was born in this County have met hure. this day to do honor to departed worth, to pay by public expression, a tribute to one of tiro illustrious dead and to record their regard for his iu;iny public and private vir tues. He died in the full fruition of his fame, earned bv his own intrinsic merit. This ' fame will grow brighter in all time to come; for Iris name is inevitably connected with one of the most eventful epochs in the his- i t( ry of our c uintry. A nation mourns tha j loss of their late chief Magstrate '..he Coun- ty of Meklenburir mo'urus the loss of one of ! her most illustrious sons They sympathise j S. maj. 1388 FIFTH DISTRICT. Tenable. Kerr. Vcnable. Nash. (D.) (W.) (D.) (W.) Granville, Caswell, Person, Orange, Chatham, 881 10:JT 5G9 1437 620 936 2f58 10IG 330mj.319 1G21 mj. 1194 824 4588 .4135 4435 3119 2409 OA I j jt 2G2 43 1200 2409 en. maj Walvf, Fraaklin, WaiTen, Halifax, 153 Yen mj. 710 SIXTH DISTRICT. Daniel. Arrimzton. Daniel. Clarke. body cf the people upon their I Kdgecomb, thing,. A SPECIMEN OF NORTHCHN WHIG-KliV. by the Johnston, with the grec common bereavement in the death of so dis tinguished a citizen, but feeling as they do, thev can with pride, though iu sorrow,- point i to him as oae of the choicest jewels of their ; County. j lid it therefore ResolcrJ, That we the cit- izeus of rdtcklcnbuag Couutv, ia sincerity i Dan. rni. -j a.v...M..wr, -(MepQr.-ains tb 9nf!dcn Mr. loole and untimely death of James' K-Polk, laie ! was 214. President of the United States who was born in our County. 7ic ;o'tct, That we will dedicate this day, the 30'hofJulv, in commemorating the nub lie and privale virtue; of him of wuom the County may justly point to as onoof her choi cest jewels, and v. ho by his ability r, purity of conduct and efti ;iali levation to the chief Ma-;-i .st racy of this groat great nation, conferred honor on his native County. l!',o!rcd, That Lieutenant E. C. David, son be requested to deliver an address to the citizens of this county on this sad occasion. Jc u jnnncr Jtesnii-al, J hat we deeply ; Sanmson (D.) 927 560 C10 432 G32 272 443 3896 3110 (DO G70 iu 303 787 723 398 (D.) 823 62 4 000 477 792 450 G44 (D.) 89'0 210 000 47 4G7 375 401 burg. B.v Oates, Esq reclcoted county court clerk by about 500 'majority, and J- B. Kerr. Supericr court clerk without any opposition. . v ; llichnifjnd: Wm. B. Cole elected SnpcJ rior court clerk without opposition - Capt. MJ'!. Douglass county court clerk by 1G votbs over AV. W. Graham. ' Vve: ' 5 7 ync John A. Green ro-ele :ted ; fir thd County Court, and W. C Bryan for Su pernor Court. PJ1 : Gre.en.J0C,; Bern. " A3tock G71. . Bryan ; 7 12,. Curtis JI. ; Brogden G65. ' FrankUn. Young Patterson r eelected f for'the County Courtr and Mr Lawrencso for , ; the' Superior Court. PolV: Patterson 548, Davis" Youutr 412. Lawrance 81(5, Jones i2G. " . ,; ; Tnif;e. Janic.r T. , Marriott rs-clccted r'oiuiity iTburt Clerk, and "Richiabud P. Finch re-elect cd for Superior Cbui t.',; , Jtiwrr. A. 0. Turry County Court, and Col John.3iorrison SurHprior. Court. . Ahinuotcc. Maj. i'Fuust." County Court, and Mr. Gragson Superior Court. ,i f ; SuJjcs. lion. John Hill re-elect: d Coun ty Court .Clerk, and Samuel TayHr Superi- or Court. - '-,:: " fhrftfhe. . A. J Stafford, County,i and; John inaekburn buperior Court, h Guilford. Logan County Court, and Cakiweil Superior (Joiirt. i . ........ UrarKic. Gen. J osepJi Alliacn.rwe are gratified to state, has! been re-electad' Coun ty Court Clerii in Orange. 11 ia ! majority ftvfr his WhiflP nwnetit.or. Morris, ik 161. ' J.ow.. N. D. Boogan re-elected c. c. e. : A. :B. Smith re-elected e. e. cu .' Cfhatham. William B. Jylor etectea vJ roiinir fiiirh elei-K' liv a maiontvl ot la Ms votes over N. Av fltea-jlijiifm-, Jjfj,p. jCJl? tlfet A'-i cledted superior couiAcleik, by a majority of t:, . 6 yiites over J It 'A-e if J liompson. CfrifiiviUc. We rcjrret - to state that 8410 0000 0000 ..Tiie following letter wa-s written lion, va . ii. rr.wAnv m rri .. . . .i-., - tation to attend the Whig cch bru'i'-ni of-the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia on the 4th iilt It will be recollected that Mr. Seward is the intimate polttieal frienl of Millard Fdmor Vice President of the Unit d States, nn 1 i ; d mb.'es m re or loss in the con idcr.ee of the administration.- Mr. Sewarl fully phdgcs the Whig party at tho North to the restriction -of .-lav rv platform, and in the concluding paragraph, pretty de cidedly intim ites that the a lministratiou will carry out measures to restrict slavery as much as possible. Are, our Wbigfricnds aware of the coalition between Northern and Southern Wbigery, when tln'y undertake to denounce the LVjmocracy for the Rime thing? jjtit we will n n ueram our irien is irom conuoie wan the wiuow or the Jate rjx-rres- , D inlin tiie letter, -which we give in full fir their j iclcnr, and that a copy of tho above preamble j Onslow pcrn.ai: j ana resolutions De iervvaraea to her as a Gkn'TLKMEX: Vour letter inviting me ! fpcet that the citizens of .i ii.- e .i : nay uit.nc vyouiii ucar to ins jiicuiui , in tn iv f ration or trie re- . . . y. l. a. i: IU' I ' h ilviCUCC U ll. , - -.- - ' s vote in the District in 1S47 A number of scattering votes were cast in tire above counties at the late election! Wake, 28G, to Messrs. Miller, Gales, Ligon, and others, Franklin, .Miller 38, Smith 18. t o i ir:ii i net p... I uu;iaswu, tinier ow, eve. etc. SEVENTH DISTRICT. MeKny. Hall. Ashe (D.) Cumberland, Robes m, Brun:svick, New Hanover, 608 to participate cent A;mivtTarv L. Harrie, ei., of Amelia cmtitv. on th racxt day, tins 17th, and fva--l unaniin m-!y a tb same day two days b.-forv Mr. Cab bon' nlatin.,denoanr'l by Mr. It-nt-Kj. w?re offered in the Seoat? of th? Unit -I States The resolution otTer-d ly Mr IlarrLe, wer sent to the Virgcia Srn.e f n U acti.v-1, arad in that 11t th .y wer am dial ed by Mr. Suaarl, r f Ricl imorjtl. and tiaallr ' pawxl oo tb 8 th of M arch, 1 1 7. Tha4 it 'til V m-m .v-v:i . t u m,3 my. mttm m lira n uuiv M lull" --vv tb Uoasd of ReptvseaUtirc on tb? 5th of Fcbrqarr, an J the Virginia rvdutioa were wrrwrrd the tlext day, and predated on the lltht befotti Mr. Calhoun tk any action on tb fulject, and although thy were not fin 3 pajed until tbSth of Mairh, tWrwerv Wioid aavl ptablUbeO io tb-'ir oigiraal f rtn aevwig thVprocrtfdirJgl df tho Houe of IX;! cate io the ppew of the dy. Th y were coctaioeil ia our prer cf btb Fcbnnry, 2M7. ThU plain tacc:;ot of Cac'-, kn urn ta t tnt by mm rxrrwn in thi city, OTtribrwi the labortd ert cf Mr. Breton The Axe D own t ion S'LIHI'.':. We arc ir.forme! that Samuel B. Beach. E-q. of Ne Vri:, who was rem ved by the Prt ma-it.-r General on Sa?urdiy, is an old ddier f the war of 1MI2. He was at the bet tie of PIattburg, when he ti taken pn-ner by the british, and while in captivity ".'.ne-vil the kf ruction if his tor.., .m 1 all h- was worth in the w ri 1 by are of th enemy. He wu therefore, a proper nabj -ct fur prooription by the party that gare aid and comfort to the British in IS 12, anl again to the Mexicans in 1846. Can G-n. Taylor a soldier himself know n . i i ii i or the i veam Die anu r . ' o o i ro. - i -.- e i,i -i i i i -i ixesoiuiioiii were couciuau, jj.t. ioawiij . hig cifizer.s of Philadelo. i:a, was received , , .... . , , a tti uua vi ii a v- i c.i a vui ' i nvi life and character of James K. Poik. It ii . -. . i iiii- i i I was wen wntcen ana wen delivered huu cer tainly docs credit to the speaker, although 228 249 123 729 524 G72 436 UD) 411 343 73 18G 190 114 295 148 61 (D.) 839 205 000 305 185 1016 539 150 maj. 000 000 Reid. (D.Y 521 114 000 241 13 45 721 James M. Wiggins, Esq., -bus b?en defeated tf for kClerk in Granvdle. lie was ondof the bsfc ohk-.r:v in the Stiate. I Landis. 928 : James M. Wisriiins 910. Su- nerior Court- Benjamin C. Cooke 1074- Wiiiliam Lynam 28. , Gish-cU. A. Slade - re-elected County Coin-t Clerk, and Thos. J. Brown Sliperior Court Ed"romhe. John Norfleet .re elected County Court Clerk without oppositi m, and Robert H. Pender elected for Superior Court. lloekinaluim. T. B. Wheeler reflected cletie of1 tie eouiir v courts over 3Ir- Ellington no statement of the poll received. Ir ving elected superior court clerk. ,. Randolph. B. F. Hoover c-clectei coun ty crferk poll: Hoover 1801, Liiwrente'254, Biaiir 193. -.William Murdach elected 8 p-erior court clerk poll: Murdach 861, Cra- vane o98, Prake 183, Futral 72 Davidson. C. F. Lowe i-ekctcd iottnty' courj clerk poll. Lawe 11 Go, Wesley 1). W ilson 77. Andrew Hunt re-Oiecwd bu perior court clerk without opposition. rhtrnt. r. K. Armstron re-elected coun ty court clerk poll: Armstrong 10-iO, B. Thompson 766. II. C. Hampton elected superior, court clerk without opposition: ; Jidwubm. Thomas Bagley County (Court Clerk by 190 votes over II. H.'Uobb.;jl, S. Bell. Sunerior Court Clerk bv .84 vote . ' ....... .. ' A over-JJ. Q. Adams.,' ' . i st'&'Vkt wurren. sue oia cierKa re-eiwwu o. Cumberland. - Ducan O. 31 Rao re4eleet. n ityover Hall, 2037 iyj votes Sir. Bryan received when I was so ihtcti'elv augagei in nrses- tiion il duties at C anar.iliag'ia a t prevent me from reuderinga season;dile acknowlcilge- me:.t. I cann t perform that d "ferreil duty without cxpre.-Ing my conviction of the truthfulness and justice of the views of the resposibilities of the Whig party which you have exhibited. Experience his shown tint the cv.meils of that party lead to domestic prosperity,! while they are imbued with national niodera- : EIGTH DISTRICT. in our opinion it was h'igh-wraught. After the eulry was concluded the pro cession returned and wa dismissed. Citurlotte Journal. tin and magnanimity opening a tield of But there political action of t.W; acti of base proscription against flictbetwwn Human Slavery and the Demo- men win bte ri-krd their livci iu buttle for their country? Or U he so completely under thi cmtnd of th; caHnet that be cannot prevent thera? Uuforfunate, indeed, fir his future fame, that he ever consented to be President of tbs Unite-J States. WahiMjion Union. j A cpreless coiopnitnr lately dissolve! the Extraordinary Vegetables. Mr. J. A. Sadler on on 3 of his lots this year raised a tomato weighing two pounds and a is now j ,IAI.F. hitherto i "ow if anv man cm beat this beet, it unexplored by jiarties, and measurably un- v;n be a beater ( beeter.) We saw him weigh a beet takeu from his garden, which weigh ed 14 pounds , and he has lots more that will weigh from 8 to 12 pounds. The 14ib beet measures 31 jncues in circumference. 1 JIvntft'i A'tfii. i a y trodd.'n by state-men. The inevitable con- cratie principles of Free Government, long repress si, has broken forth at last. The policy of aloIihir.g Slavery in th' Federal Di-tricf, and of proliibiti ng it iu the Federal Territories, Ins excited a debate which per vaded the Union and disturbs and t nds to disorganize all existing parties and combina tion.. Intemperate real on either side of the deba'o threatens, the subversion of the Men dying make their wills but wives Escape a work so sad ; Whyshould they make whatall thsir lives The geu tie dames have had ? Wayne, Greene, Lenoir, Jones, Craven, Carteret, Beaufort, Pitt, Hyde, Washington, Tyrrell, Don. maj Dannell. (W.) 268 258 258 167 503 368 846 547 416 330 " 332 Lane. (D.) 86G S14 361 143 528 318 466 414 267 146 101 Stanly. (W.) 291 270 210 009 0001 . 888 702 445 336 -673 Irtne. 1078 mj.- 30 3004,1 8-27 0090 0000 McKay's majority overall, 1868 major- j ed Superior court clerk and John 31Lau; .nn re.eiecteu county court cierK. , , Robeson, lha old clerks re-elected 7.;' '--xj'f rt'tmpicm iseamen eieerea county counv v cieriv ny ooy vote$ over x'aison. : Bidden. V'o6ten Superior court county court clerk bv 171 votes over Moln roe. W 437 i .UcmjdwtU Uounly - v icara tnat Vt? V-c 182 ones, Esq., has been elected bupenor courc- i clerk lover Messrs;rUickson ' and ooon K anu ? v that & P. Dooly has been elected ; county 000 000 618 606 246 188 688 over 4293 3924 0000 0000 Aiirt;TiarTr liv txar 1 00 VOtCS. whoso Federalism is so virulent as to render .- ! him fthnovinna ren to bis oyvn partT.r Burlce. Joseph V., erreo aas veeu eietj. ted clerk of tlte urr u Clsan-lmd. - Silas Williams f. has. vawva avv---' :G9 Ifltjican. James EI, Kerr elected; conn Uoion by transjMcing two Iettenj, whereby Government and the dissolution pfttbe Un tbe Uoid Sutct became the Untied States. ' ion itself. ; "A ha," said the farmer to his corn. "Qb Btxid the corn to ths faxmcr In the ubofe Counties of. Wayne, Greene, Lenoir, Beaufort, Pitt, and Washington, Lane, bis made a clear gain, compared with I the voce tor uim and JJonnell, ol 41o. Iiut rah for Lane ! i NIXTn DISTRICT. f Biggs. Outlaw. Person. Oatlaw. (D.) (W.) (D-) (WO Northampton, 380 435 - 631 46S ty court clerk over John IL TIardiey H . 1 VrufJl VIVVVU WUJV.V over Stokes and Johnston. 7 v iller 3 ; ' ? ., o been Oba- Clerk, Prospect of Cottox Crop. The foUoW ing is n.extrACt froraa letter of a highly m-: tilligent gentleman in the. central portian of . . Tn r.m. Arrn 3fA. tllffi deflCienCT IU tflO ". .u vui. j rt .. - : - crop.iriU bcyondjbc cculatiao. - ,i::J - v