. ' ' - 4 . . ' '.......:...' ' . . - -.. - . -i . -. v. - -.v " . - - t" 1 '-0 hJ'ji. Jfcfi , iiJLiiM R.bert Morris IIose Compiny had .go more into detail, and analyzo the causes cent calumnieshis resn.lt is alike a lesson " . lnitAttlniv Oct. 012 n. m. 4y lri(.ir hne from the paspoe of agisting ' of oar jnccess, and the eocsenaeneea of oar and an admonition. - v.. -T r PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION.. jja t inching-tho r5f when the m1trinmrh. Nt- Tomorrow we hojJe t5 w V;nV Frxfsot rUZkffXb.--!Jd r- bcTl wer b-mNn off the cirri. ir anWkrn TlierhiraJelphii Tiracar.of Wedncsdsjidctulsof the great vicjrViriiicaTbecn tiUxKtnJ. G'rra riot nnd -firt. Zttu'arv I --,un rf l,f tf, .,frL ttlionri hff ih ' ronin thtis announecs thfe rcsalt in the't aehieVo'd lx the dcmocnicv of Ptnusvlvania. crirttl omf, iZa. ThU lus .hn bo of tb nut ctc:?Io drp$ ia tira!ecCfr fvr the ci'j an-i cintj - of jiilfWtlHi. .Ia'.tL city, hcrAf.rr, Ccs ia'iorI aui city coancnon ,Kte Itrtr jui$tj nrrrudt-rt 1 to tha whi j but . a uixtfitcvi por Ivod tibi tkair purt bax ieg nofoinjued an irxlepo&dcnt ticket, run ciag thollco. Jotd J mm tmjor, in op. , . yjtRdtTu to Chrtj 1 Gilio, h n'ikir nouj ace, doiu.xrt dctcnaid to thr.iir "ticr itrtijth in.aU of Jwdtf J1?" anl h jn-L'ptuJcnt cKhn"Ut dcclmto t.j e&e anr noaiirutu far tli'-s oncers. Tot ths hvri5kj rod lire other oiict, Invnf a.$ lira o2ik--f t!w rw," iherp V Wef IT&e licke? t!: " II ! an I II-jJt," thj tlra KTAUc," n't 6Mire A wrjcm." rThcw were alio ihirr eun?jr tkket. Uir I lie Iegi.i!hiref tlr. csnhi:ci f r cnl eonj(MtfItCTrt and ia the trov firing eus irpcxrt tliriipot we lure ti.fl a ni t enit ia contest. Na returns haijjjct Utsa re- " 1 " r PutLiCiiiniA, 1 o'e'ik a. tn. - 'At 11 cfOc a terrible tx hrtk.,oat in Sovttiruk, U.teo tlr I Wit ami bitr. It or iyottjd la aa aiitik -a ths tlthfii- " IlcttJri LJch Ua gnrjil rwtt cf t'ie uj t - dioohite f . emr cJoml ppuU'-n. The w tiUj ctJ tr tbe ru b, .i t 12 b"lk t! i?tite HtKUB U!l nrtf m . - draw oat th Crvmm, nhj wre xa ou lh. apt ia fTTl bombers. rjJIUiOtLTUlA, o'c!o.k a. m. The pale jloa is still riug-.n. sni io coeapunus f mi iury h.ve jat ma c': . ed to tha sect f tL rit. It u i&p bW to gut in the Ttciuiij bf the riot to Mx-ruiu ' aaj rarucuUr . .ruiLAOCLTUiA, 2 1-2, a. ni. The retorns cume iu n lor ihox it will La imfooaitfe fr rue to furwaxd to jou th? tt4e cf the ct and Count ia time for this aborning' ta. m Jultn A. (JjtuUe, tbe dtoocratic CiD-li-dilo Ujt caaal couiiu'ueuotier, will tTC atai S,(XX) cujorit in 11uLdcIjhLi citj aitd count. lo the tit ymper the rote it rcry d se. Cilf in, thgjyibrwfci txndtdate, is duU ku chcteJ wtjor 1 small uiajri. Atljrj romttj. Kcturus frtan AHoga T of ike vote fur can! cvmtuiwkionvr, ia- I dieau Uut Ilcnrr M. Fuller, tU. wh g c-u ! Ldab?, will iwl Ii4ve over 1,0 JO majority. Gts. Trtora majoirt in Allegany cvumr was SS2K SJfjtkW romn-'g The D.-moeratji hare made ewwkLrrahle aioa, FuIKr, the wbig candidate, has a ttuall msjurify far raai comtutMiower. Taylor's jjriry tu 131). Ltc&tr eomMtj. Fuller's majority in IatMatrr evunty is al-ut 3f500. Tsjlur's xujj-mt wm 5,3lU.tMMi. lliLnjis, Or- 10, Hip. The dfUHKratie candidate fr slteriff U cU ecttd ia Phjtadcl) Via ty one tWiraftd rm lcr!t. Craiutlc, for canal c n.tumi ncr, i tehcrrd lo he ekefed by m larg tuajoniy. a h 3, fwliVi was cut ty (liera.Y and tubn' citr: earrk-l off the aomrntos ino InTauit-nHi?l:i Wfaj'TESDlfr. Obt.' KS -b VIoftr a, tn. I It was a ftrrwsrJ restored to theenmpaby J : Victory! victory Hs'our &ty rtiwniornmg. bT John hoc and aomc other wa'ciiinan 1 hj elecM'wi yeateraay in: tms ciry and conn of that disrrict. Th,i ho? of the Diligsnt Fire 0ipaQy was hacked with knires at as ti be uselfl. . Tbe btc IImo bell at?iin "ty terminated in- a glnrious victory for the democracy. Tlw'wVathcr wa-fairt the day ploaint, the sua, bright, aad tnnmpU am ctre thJ hicnal fr the asseinhliB? of tho i questionable and overwhelming. military, hut up' to eighi o'clock a suS jieiit .As we write this tha election of Iloa. frc3 had t mustered in the. State-house 'Jne1. wic (dein.'ia annouueed as major yard to wirraat tln-ir ging thwn V tha j of this whig city. mtd of riot.-' At this tiiiia Sixth atroet, I Tlie whig city councils Ire pr.)hally clcc fVu? Walnut to lVunhard' trvcf, wa tel by a mall majority. thrMipjI with; p?ple cuma'. to see lit j was KIn oi, n-vl frm Lim'axl lo &utli the Kittle of bricks and burkh-it v.is yiuj on. with occiinil inU'nuis4ins. llv half- prt S o'clock th tumult had ceast;l, the rioter trixht: nrnrlj all dip rrsod, and th sc rrmainlng CMild not to dlitinguidHT fnmi the apocttOM with whom they were tuiu ph"L Several perns were woun !el in tbe affray, t( wb-Mn the fllawiug were aluiittcd iotn the h pittal : Jm Rjn-b'V, a miniVrof tin l'.-re-rance IIwc Cumnanr, icceired a hall in hi- V hive aL-io etecteil a Dj.'ni'cratic slieriff, William D-vil. lVjui'cratic county treasurer,' Uanaer Tho- Dm wntic register of wills, Prf Bunting. DjHiocnitic county commissioner, William" Van Oiten. Dim itratu? atJcf.tor,- William- II. Fagan. D.iuocratic clerk county of orphans' court , George ('arpt ntcr. Th'i denrx?ratic senator fnm the county, T1kui:is S. Ferimnt is elected. We have elected tlio eight nieiWri of bfast. lie was cnnveyed to the hmpital, the IIou.sc of Representative from the coun- h-r. lr eeiNiin in a cnttcal cnnluin. tv He lived iff the Tieimty of Droad and Arch trt.. Ltwrrnee Methane, while loi kln out of thv wirvlow of tr hnhj in whh lis Hfcr litHwx struck in the temple with a c'.mnce shor, mnd rvc ived a aevtre wound, which will prnhahly prove ftal m The denyxntic commijssioncrs of Kcn- sinNin arrf eKcred. Tho regular democratic conimisi'ioners of yi ' iyanYjtring are cTcefed.- Tt w!tat greater extent wo hive Kaeceed-C-l we C4mi't at ibis present writing aver, hut such an astounJinir victory it has seldom XVeV fervour readers to lhetctufns .givfcn in the proper cMucfcV. , c v i v 'From yesterday's Baulmbrc Sun. - ' PlIlTUiDELVlIIA, Oet, l61 rem,ryhanta rlectiout--T Ti. rrsult in Phil-uJefyrfiia.-e'ttrfler fni (1 counties, tfv. . It appears4, ot ailing up the official vote thi3 morning, that the Ifu. Joel Jones, the . indjependeiit candidate, is el ected by a majority of 641 . The returns indicate the election of the democratic shf-rifT by about 1,000 majority, which will prob'ibly be the avajge democratic majority in the city aniTcounty. Gamble, the democratic candidate for can al ciunirisfrionefpls undoubtedly electel. The election in" the counties; as far as benrd froin rtofesed off quietly. The fol owirtis he resttit in" a few of them for canal cumi.ssioner, compared with the vote at the least presidential election : Counties. Gamble, (D.) Fuller, W.) Westuiorelauif 2.700 .Alleghany rliHiicsistcr I)'ailphiii Mnnt'y. 1,200 .to 1.500 (?umberlanJ 00 CJisfi.r York 600 A Democratic gain of 300. yirtlmmpfan County. 1,000 800 800? A youn m.lical iod-nt received a ball bjen our Vt in tltis'iuvridian ti rcc rd . rdipTthe- following ''serif querIes troMi an anicie ia w asuiugwu epublid, which per is extretbtfy anxious to know i why the lmocraticrarty is-. organting to overthrow the"prese1it Administration , , I jrr" WhatTtrrtcirs doyoa thereby ' j0. pose toestablish r overthrow ? What pri. cijlt.i 3o?you seek fifcfindicate- by the recon struction of the Democratic party? What measures, do you seek to vindicate ? Is it an object lo oppose President Taylor, because he will not say in advance whether or not lie will Teto the Wilmot Proviso"? Is it an object to opprme President? Taylor because he will n't consent to highar duties oa coal or iron if the people stiy they desire them, an 1 will not trouble Congress on the subject, unles3 the people should jnanifest that to be their will? Lr it aw object to opposo Gen eral Taylor, because he will consent to th appropriation of the means of the Federal Government to the improvement of our roads and harbors, if the people desire it? Is it an object to -treat down the system of cqaal TIXE REPUBLICiliN. OG" A; Hi MTfi E iaour Ajent tot tha publican at CharfoUa-' N, C. ; ; . - ewnton Hale icadcxay Tut regular .Session of. this iastitution, will cornice on ti)e first of November. ; During thv taif sgion jost "closed, the School was wel tended ; "and it is i confix denlly expected that U -will re-bpeu imder still more favorable ausptccg. . - ' Mr. .LxxDSLTiha Principal, ii; r highly competent and successful teacher;, and, zea lous in the cause of education, he wilt spare no pains still further to elcvato the character -of the institution; and if the number of I iz'ing the officer, and giving afair share of j scholars sboridf increase in proportion to the ; merits of the School, a well qualified : assis. tant will be ppocubd." ? We sincerely hope that parents and guar- th -in to. the .Whigs, after their many years of entire exclusion from alLplaces of honor and consideration of partv;' but ds. it not appear, very singu-j uians wm PPrec. "IT UU'V -larvto the 'cool-headed reader, 4;th at the or- j presented to advance the cause of Jcajrning ; pin shoul j be talking about principle, whn and that each and all "will embrace the" occa it corliaily acknowledges that , its idol has sjon to the foundation of. a; thorough, no jnrHieiples of his own but just concludes - neatSc i the mindn of the preciouk qhar to do thi: or that, if tie popie a est re iff 4 ; ,v- - - m-.f L Ts-k not nmnsln" w R,v tn sn "Oon-.Ta. 1 g"s committed to . their care. Tyo jeannot i an in bi thij;h, while lking on tbe aJ.-jy. The following c-d:red men r j a!s ta ken to the botpi'aT : i. Kuii hill, bu lly hurt, h t in the bick of Lis b;a-l. Charles An Kth-'U, stahbc ia the thih and G.rg.; Tdl't.n, sUldarl in the breast. A ob.red Uy, Jn the euiply f Slieriff 11 r, had three shots extracted frm Lj h . which were rvov ied while pa.ssiug Sixth tu I Lmhurl MrcvtSv A y-ung rain, the son of Captain Wlker, the keeper of a tavern in Scotb, bvhw SutL, wntlvd during Tue.-Iaf uig'.it. A marble 6vl from a iuukct struck a rib, and glancing, inflicted a severe fl.b w und. The matbltf wah cxfrjctcl by Mr. Kix.-r. At alx-ut 0 o'c !; the military, in c u mmtl cf Gv rl Part-rm and Connn lidilco, to.k up tbe line of urireh Ou reaching tlic neeue of riot, the ennpanies werv p o a to command all the ap pnvtrhes t it. Til! liu J of Sen tin ds Werj vitviKl al-Htg Sixth, fn im Pine to Sbipp n, This is the fii-st deiU'K.T.if.c slu-nff since 1723, fleeted in this city and cmnty. We Irive' rea'm, tlwref're, to exult. And such a sheriff as'.Mr. Deal, we nrty wll be proud f. His gl uauie, his excvllett an ilities. bis ncknowleilged pnbity, and his rare capa- State Senator. The b r iugh of E mtorn" ' Hr'8 niouthpiree inquiring what principles conceive how any thoughtfaf parent gives "AlexandT E. Brown, (whig.) 226 ma- ne tobe overtlirown in the eve.it of the sue- to secure to his children the benefits o flow ! rrity-btinga wbigg.o'a of 350. "In South cess of the Deticrats. ' But it asks what ' & seliool so ably eonducd-andithere--' Easfevn Jlnwn has G ..jority-bein-. a, principles do we seek to tablish-? ...We i f b tosfrUXc-:. wmj n nn in -to. : - ADDITION'AT. PA11TATL RETl'RNS. SCIIUYLKILU COUXT. Pottseiflr, OetolH.'r 10. Iijiritie f r bility, wn f r buu an universal couh lence Fuller: 1 .Itsvill , 93 ; Min -mille, 15"! ; tint did every thing to insure us this glon- ; Xam qnn, 99 ; Port Cirbon, 153, Fuller wrlr lnvc a small in ij nty. Ua2 wing and ona d niocnt r bably elected to the legis lature. The vote is very el ise ; pnbably part of each tMrkvt is clecteJ fJuCKS COVXXY. Doyteitoa, Oefober 10. d)yleston town ship: Alabine, whig candidate f r senate, 2 lj r':ty. N-jw II : p-s : L""g, dou-Hjratic can lid ife f r : sn it;. 17 m ti ntv, b ' i x. a ous victory. Tbe d.Mii cra?ic commissioners of Ken siogoi affrd us al mitter for rej tieing. Sue 18 14 1 be district b n bien wrsL! friu us. We b 'd one more its in-trodac'.iou-our imM rrk Wo cann t gi farth r into p'ltriculars at thii U'e lwmr. Tbu table that flll .ws tlii arfkle will p tint out theex:ict stte of the polls. Tbe telegraph despi'chid' will al.s i show tb-j returns, to.tho Litest b ur, fro.n the interior of the St.rfC. Tn-uf.-rhtW we" sb-tll 1h able to give' in ire dehnite accoiai's. Un til then, lib mtin.; over our tiuumpii of democracy, we a'k all of nur miuers to re- taMi.h. T.WWe republie'tr. pnricipler, demy hcuce forth occupied by the yog.vo- taries of science, qualifyin g them for. future usefulness. ' ;'tr" X: xyr which thS Democratic party have engrafted oiT tho mtionafpolicy so firmly and so wise ly thatt will Tequire something more thun thepaetoleeffiirts of a merfe partisan opposi-1 sequence of the continued' in- the hearts of the American people. They ! dlsPosl -of thedior,h6, nthstand- hive brought prosperity and happiness to I wig, has had to attend Vot ; "Hp .paper as . the nntion, and have effectually removed ' been delayed :a' .4ax.''teyond "too tts'ual. 'UAao -;; the cause of those commercial and financial j 0f publication. 4 f s i p rfv t - H v ; eorrviilsions, which, in the -jlnya .qfr..Wbig i . , ; , -Attf- whig loss of o vote HuckiiiLrh nn, Malone IS 1 'majority,. Harrington, whig gam of, bered ; bnt the assumption that he is 21 Tsnicum whig gain f 70. l'lumread, j object of an orjraniz'od opposition, is top wbig gain of .2. Iiock Iiill, whig gain of oloffs fr consideration. Pos??essnig, -r . m i i legisfation. prostrated tin enterprise ana cn-, Tnv oAwntei?Snfitin- eonhtv j orgies of the people. ; : - ; v . ;t!:U:-a' I Bat the Republic evidently thinks that Jus6 Y1 T V ths-onportioh is directed exclusively against " Presi lent Taylor." As tlW Chief Magis trate of the Union, he is respected ; as a gal- i lant officii-, bis srvice-s are kindly remem- the friv- an l along Lmbird and 8u,th stPii'U, t'ronr jiice iwcr this successful isuj of t battle Fif'h to Sventb Two kV-M pieces were pted in Sixth streets, pointing o rtb an I south, iI a c Mupany of cavalry w is in . readme to act. if nt-cCHsity rvquired it. Iti. . - .......... ' ... i.ii tridg-a.auJ fully authorix.d to fire on the ri.-turs. Crueltus Ppcel, orfa of the election ju 'gei in tbe Six'b WarJ, Siutbwark, wa4 i strut k on the ftnb. a . with a uncut ball i nf mn nncwca mis unoMg an 4 The injury was serious. Toore houses hac ben rvd. Eight o tu- J Jb clored church in L rajojcf ci to military Dare trn orucn-u out, who hare p.ca?.a of the gruo 1, sol l r dlipersvtl ihrj WT"b. Many hare been wooaJcAi, acu sonic arv rvto.ua LtlVuJ. 2 ork cowttfy buabk has BVJ iujj irity. lutL.Dcuau, Ocf, lu. IS 19. P&otylraaia rrpjJU'cs thj orropt re ft bey. Oar Canal cvtmuusi'iacr is ilccted ty 16,000 tuaj..riy. We have cUxtcd tha ladVpeadeot mayor.' the county rmator, scraHr. sWii!T. and crwbatlT rvrit4?r. Wc giit baxable, dmicrai, fr canal otnnjis- sicacr 1,500 vntitj, where lat cur lay Icr Ui 1 U,fXH i&ajoriry. Will this do . .. . - h'usimj'.H Cm ion. the piiiladelpiiiaTiiot?. The fzlhjviiug from f lhiddp'iii Ledr ircs m accooa! H t'yoa tin ua-i-o icie- cf the no fmas the p'v wh-.-re our jraphic rv p rt Kft ycfvlay. We'rtsaOlj thw details of the HaIs th point al v'lieh) our actiQtt of ycsterJjy l-rie elT, & cvrrvctio an rrnr, which was tbe'rrrah rspvoala that the aulbiritr, hit'r?2 catrjl it the tuilitary, after trg u trrahhi "of rouaing tlicin at uiidaitit,' wocJ.J,"at Iraa, take eflkeat lu'irt urrj- f - ' .... V.". I veai a ncarrctx oj. urn n-.t. trn umr Bxarchin d iw Sixth ttrcef, tbe supposition w&s aataral Cai thcT would bo potted j aa o be CD094 fffictiTe 1 tut it teems that, in. tAad cf thi th force was marched a fr ! as cairprti floret, when too refam-.nl by mi4 aJfite Umhs uny metimes dec.ivo i.nbard street, bc- lw tb, an I the oH ch.irch cditit; at Fifth and (akiil streets, biro been cn vcrtcd into barracks fir the Uoc of the military. Vilh the eieeynr of several discharges "f fiiv jtum in Moysmt-tising, .ippan-ntiy in truded for m'iisU by the rioters, no dit'iir bance (Kcunvd lat evening. In veiling ibe scene f tbe late disturbance, we found tbe -ri im vicini'y c .a 1 -l jly d.-ttod, tbe rain lavi hal w xt Df Jr;v;Un. tbe rn:crs as wII as the pctator to ilwr h"tn . Mc'htne died at th" hnjipital lat even io about dsric. This makca tbe third Ltal cae. lie liad arrived in this orjtitry but a frw weeks iuce, aud was making prepara tions to return, inten liuj to iort the last of this week. HAi'iy.'oM Cmn. TIIK TIUUAIIMI OrniSciPLE. The result of veatcnliy 'a election cannot but b. grutifying to those who reg,rl princi ple as run mount ti prejudice. 'J be trt Do- uiocracy, hare rained iu supp'irt of thegd tAa JetJeMonian I latfonu, nd tircy now iUb J triuuipbant.yutnni.J.mkingoVwn with ty id contempt op'?! those wh-i prtakrt wiiix -nit LXm icrsti never d rwiw we wereaatitfied that Federali.tm could ft bj suevsaful tic ice in succession ! wag.-l by s mnd principles against c rruptiou and false t henries. LjhI night, after it was ascertained that Jude Juni! ws lectcd mayor, a prceision w is forux d. in Six'h street, by the pjtixens w ho cb-e'ed him, prvcedel by a band of infa ie, and lanterns, au 1 procctletl to tbe resi dence of the Julg in Wos!iingr ni s'rev't, . who received tbe vait oncmrw of people at tho fruit door, when -Mr. AJjiih iufirin.'d him of bis i lec'ion as tbe mayor of hs city, upon which Judgj Jues appeared auJ , said: "Feliiw citizent; I receive thj inM ligcnce of my fleet inu by the citizens of the city of Philadelphia with no coium-m fj?l-fn-. It shours that iJw p.Cef of tfr p-opftf 1 his triumpli over the orginiz-'l spirit of pr- i. as he 32. D yIestowti borough, Long 131, Ma- does, to a large degr:o ths 'affections of his lone 78 being a whig gain of 9 votes. ' countrymen, it is unkinl, unjust, and in ex- Delaware bounty. tremU-bad Cast for the Republic to pre sent bun as a hiit.t, for tha Rliafts of that inv Fuller's majority 402 ; Gen Taylor's do. j dignation which are intended for his.Cabi- find that any thing demanding public ftotiea . transpif edwo shaflvpfier some rctnarka ta' our aiext paper. n. 61 Further commentary. The Pbiladelpfna allc?in' (whig) of W ednesday says i 1 BYft ft is CTtainly a . reasonable - inquiry which is nrnnonn ledf. nnt onlhv the Dt!iilF- in the County the democratic assemoiy ocratic party, but by the people, cf b oth pa TVctv G oods in Jj ic&t ntpn TjiE-Lincoluton Mercian turned frorn Market with ftill jBuppUcs'cf r 1 Fall andTinter We diave ot haaV an ppportuty of fnctingeach 'stoqt: btt;y-' judging from- the most splendid assortments ; of cheap yet elegant seleetioBS, I embracing ? every variety," faid in by those accbrptnodatiDg ' morebaivts, Hok e aud Jlfeted," and .Ranisour and Jenkins, we presunie that the Mcrelran . -r. 1 a Is m I mil uAr fXM otin. a niidates Mr eounry treasurer, cieri. oi . to its e Mitre r. If, on tli3 other hand, .he ; know that puTObasc will there find great orphan court an 1 county commissioner, ap- . will sign it if th3 people desire it," if an ! : ' , ' 11 i-ifin ol.ni-ifF r... .... . lUUUlUiatuia. Aire vauti , -mu,!! M t v pir to be chosen ; but the democratic sheriff, unscrupulous mij u-ity iti Congress p is3 it, I register of wills, aud a idit T, have probdIy ; why seek to veil his intention in mystifica- ' not rc,J on our judgment ; ho bja ten the Uugh and Ready candidates. The ! tion an I doubt ? Such an avoWil would and examine for hiiuself. ho should call ty, showt that when tbe people will, they mud triumph. The election this d.-iy will bo Ion ' rouieiiibeml. Tho executive of th i city m merely the hist.rrent of the law, and n lt c ,lll?,tc Mr. D.al is th : first d jtn th- ffi might have been e inferred upm c indidufc f ,r shvriS who c, icritic ocfed. aitj, r..l -r-"" WCiity yciirs. The dem cratic canal commissioner, Mr. i Gamble, h is been elecvd by a majority rau- gmg from 15,000 to 18,000. Tho House of Representatives is also The Fcnnsylvanian of Wednesday, thus ( democratic this year. Ureal appireut bails with its usual eloquent enthusiasm, b ; change have taken place in the interior glourious rsult : 1 c m'uties ; but those changjs were predicated .r. , . . 1 1 r i ' on the presidential election last fall. Frin Wc knew that . noble old Pennsylvania , .i i . . . i i rr , , . ,. -..it r.i . 'stance, the uemoclats rave gained l.u'JJ in wiuldnotdiippointtbcbopesofthecountry. f c, ... . i, i... -. The result of Yesterday election has prove I . - ..- , . ' defeat of R itbermil, and Kmg.i and -heady ; prepire tha Swith f r a proper rosistiinco to J Z If v n .m'nec for sheriff, is attributable, chiefly, to ; 8UC!i legisL-ttionT- As tho m itter now stands, IC1T CaOOdS lfl UaiWS. tlu fact that a native caudida'e, Mr. Farr. wan and aa every line which tlie Republic utters By advertisements in this paper, jt' wilt in the (fel l, s i that tha combinafhitt of na- J upon tha subject is a species of quibbling ! be seen that the Stores in Dallas have1 been tivcs and wings m favor of Ritu.Tinel wis i unworthy of its nisi tion as exnooenrt of the i -thur.. I pledz myself, however, to carry t ,i nut tho principles wpt - i " i " have elected nrj. 1 thank you t r the enti- t d.ncj vou have thus rep-is; J in me, and I ' d s:rj to aild that I will endeavor to deserve i it. view's of the Administration, we are Wcctl. replenished. have Soulli Carolinian. ' n...i;r.. oitif . : J 'f.rti and South; have declared against the have only restored to that coun- .i .i t e .1.: . .1.1. Uiai me pome"! una touiuiihubjiiu I .. ;j ....... I ..Kf :.. .? l ,... 1H3 with th -ir felIoWcitiz us of ntliL-r btates, J r iy to procure, th.-bleisiW. of t nd .nib ble ency now in power sticpoUj nd equal rights. We fl "-ngton .Never before werv. the rain oubhd the result if this ckctirn cf f 7 ecLt,v?: uncnipahusj Will no dKastcr sh ck the administration ioto their seni.'S ? . Will n rebuke, no reac tion of tbe pop", lar sentiment, however great and h iwover uniform, recall th mi from their blunders arrest their rage of proscription- and make, thein reflect in some degree tbe way of Fifth fCreel to Chestnut, tod out to the M asm oa .laiklio, and soon "after were The cQcmqacaca wma. thit the risers as- ceYtaiaio; that the tuiiitary f rcj;bad retir- the peph, but p-jwer obtained in this .way caaoot be kept. JIjls XederJ.uni should hve learned hni'aiuce, for it has often boen taaght that honesty f'the bet policy. In thia coontrv, tbe UK I'Kl.N ed. reeocoaiericed their lawless acts, and by CIPLE has-fuauifcstcd itself m-st couclu- dajHrhl the ditarbaoccs was raging furious- jsinrly. Jley euld not Ivy votes enough It. twtne cf the rioters lumped tbe fcuc to wake ant bible iiuproioo, and tbe de- ahoat thw Califima Il-mtc, 64 set lire to ?irrii.a to the whig r-uks of few prvtetvlcd th frame fcciklinx; la the fttr of the rpen Dw m -crats, who have been fearing tbe par tpactt bctwtea it aad the dwelling aboye. ! fy c,r rears with profited friradaliip, bat lot etJort-i prcIaU-TQ mJditrs in the vicn- : .ctoal tippmitkm, left no vacuum, andratlicr Jf ommte4 moting, wkn even the fl- ! pntvl . benefit t Ibe canse. Tbe party tuahra wvr pelted with stencs by the ri. cn ni henceCirth hreaibe " freer and d.per," raiH earrjtnx 3 article furniture, jus and its d.hbera:i-os be uo more disturbed by faoes prcaJ:og ia the tacaow the trecua asa fa the spot. They sallied down the' street, anl the rkAert retreating btlere thcra, the Phcrsix was pat in aemoe. (Lose who hare do motive but to rule or rum. To the Dj-n-eracy of this borough Ia a'siort tiae, however, tie rioters rrtum- Ictjred to seduca thexa. the thinks of tho M, cd It E; a TOilsy of Wxts, wtth dis- pi- J&stly dae, Thrj have emphati hire so nobly withstood the various arts" con- J ltW circamstances j and while the and dccrte. Headed by tbe reckless and bad man win now i-ccupics our irubern tton- al chair, and stimulated by promises of fflice ! mibiic sentinient. which they hive so egr fpniii tbo leahrs, I hey exerted them Ives i gion.dy miica'culated, and the great priuci with an emrgy worthy of a gmd cause The f pies which they have grossly violated ? Wc Biouey of the gi-neral givernmrnt was op :n- ' hive fought this battle in the fac of the ly used todefe.it tbe dem icracy ; and ia ! President's victory List fall; in the face of his this city th ; crp ration ptrty resorted ! i tour, whilst the eloqujnoe of his spoech s is toike worst inea&s to avert the doom that has , s'ill resounling in tbe ears of the people ! be fa Hen tbcui. Ilundreils of false votes j an I amid tha panic of the tariff, the alarm of were eolonix. d in our midst, and the most , tlie iron and cual -mm in Allegany, and th? w.atidaLu.- oalitins were firmed. But the other dis'rie's whici have mide aa isue peiple, buniin ritli tbe recollection of the oirthi tariff at this el.cdon. An 1 wait- deceptions t bit liaie been prucficed np n ' alrea ly do we c dice? ? Iir Allegmy, whjre them and, anxious to pr .ve themselves wor-1 Pittsburg is situated. Pittsburg, when tha thy of tire respon-'ihjlity devolved upn th.-in j President delivered bis great tariff spc'i marcbetl Ui (he p ills, and spanie l thi iufam-' w are n-ported have gained about 2.5D0 dn ous leaden an 1 th ir vile schemes by a vote majority ; Lancaster, which was one of the I resnindence, thin explicit and imrerative angularly impressive rnd overpowering. principal stopping-places, anl where tha fa- in3tmctions from his own civernment obli- xuauaeus o lev ens lives, we are saiu to ha-e gained about 2,800 ; in York, whar, he first planted the sole of his f Kt cm enter . - . r j iii7-.ii r .r.. i i r 11.1 1 111... u. 111. 111 ijl. .' . i imm n,T,. -i..mnv. nr --- - - ! . principles to govern him, but the will of the f" in a complete stock, and ,we,dearii; thcjrV ' niijori'y, we must believe he will sign a bill are selling goods unusually low! ' 'jI with the Wilm it Proviso or any kindred re- Mr. Gant, at his cash store, has just open- . stnctmn emWd in its provisions. Wc ed hisew purchases, imd isHingaiW' , are sorry to think so, but the tone of the " , , ' - ' ' . ; ? t - ,.;v above queries, with other dubious giving out j V rcduectf rates. . v " :. 'J of the Republic, forbid any other conclusion. lV"e Iean tijat Hoyfe and Stowe and ' the S other Jlerenants. are also fferinof Tat , nti 0 0.r w . . ( tractions. . (tomnotition is titA Uf of tmA 1 ar. at uytxij! m. - j Some week or ten days ago the New York Courier an 1 Krrpxrer informed the public, in very g:n3ral terms that a probability of war with the United States had been intima ted in France,' as coming frm an influential quarter. Tfie C mrier of Tuesday is more explicit, giving nimas an J particulars, as fallows : e displayed among business men cenerallv. - ' ' - , The Dear and Dumb As j - Mo. Cookb, the talented ins meter in the sign languagjnd the able Superinitendani -"h. "i . of the Deaf and Dumb Assylam at Ra'i- paid IineoInfon a; isit 'this" week, jftndf fa- MM " Wc understand that as long ago as ia voredour citizens with twdiexbibitions,'neti 31 ly last,- 3Ir. Rtxsh, our mmister in Paris, !.-. v, v , j . - -t:I;v,-; 4 wrote to 3Xr. Clayton' our Secretarv of Strife! I ,n the Court house on Tuesday, during the- y that the President of the French Republic 1 recess of the Uourf, ' and the other in the h.id declared, thiatt if France Was to engage in war with any power, it Would be with the United States. The despatch in which this fact was stated bore date the 3d of May ; an 1 on tha 12th of May, M. Poussin made tha peremptory demand on Mr. Clayton, avowe lly un ler instructions from the. French Minister for Foreign Affairs, for satisfaction fir the in ml t offered to tha French g.by Com m inder Carpender. ; "31. Poa.s-sin distinctly claims to have a and said nothing more, in all this cbr- Tbc defeat cf the wbigs in this city is an ' era ia political annaLs. It was brooght about earriaa. The fireraen, hwevvrf wr nio- m m " .1. . v m W'J . . - currcsc t.ju-acs, iaa nw mriaoerw ni '.tj- In the disorgan:ers go y u lha iljoeoix were frced to fly fftm their ' :i,., -f.;4 are sati-Ccd to remain Dem- I KTats r Lyrtmyvt 0wUe TUK VICTOIty IN PENNSYLVA NIA.' We cntioue to receive return of tho election in the KeystontS State. Victory. a decided and rjurfus Tictiry, eoarcMs tho credit is mainly due to the independent men I ing the State, we gain about 500 la fact. of all pirtics, we cennot forbear ongra'ula- w!erever we look, though' un Lr the spall to t,n tn! crls ,','r uu'tc' sUal in I of the ench in'm.-n: fr uu his eloquence .and . fv.r of tbu fa lep?n I at tit'ter. We cannot his jnl i 'nee, he has last grran 1. Tin reac- , U reed ty titjiras sod it turtiinapwa to lie rt the Goud-"iU anl Ilnroix wrc pt laV sertice.' anl rrercated the further spread cf the fire, which, at (Lis time, L.I .caaiaaicatcd to a row rf rourVhoo-, ran ahsg weal fro Sixth street iLu cvcfi' if wki ivtfa til dacaad. . y jS aiy if the iti J pen l.ut council tick t is ; ti n is g n on ; tha ra r.iay is repa Ii ited .a. t .......i. r . i..u . .i ' - . J . r 0 h werer, to pnclaiia that J el J.mes is eleo-! ylvauia ha3 taken place I ted mayor of tho city of PuiUJelp'iLi. f of thy lafv what is naw th T- imch demag gue ai Johuston, Fuller, j m ijority in the Iloaso of R apre in I . others e-ig?r. to JiruUe or to bargsin t Vou!d b-j bo qnesti m at alL W vill. .,.1 .ll ; - - w. . I ..'..! ' . - -C tha dexaocralia baxiacx. W shall bcrtafw fala'Ecatica of factt, and ia the iaxt iada- I xasjerity. - - - - - V ... - , gel him to do and say. Thesa several facts, viewed in connection, are , thought to war rant tha inference" that the French govern m?nt'regirh the datentian oft the Eugenie as an in ialt offered to the French flag ; that saiisraca-m rar mat mmlt was demanded a'-i 1 reftwady tha gnvernmant of the TTaited Stes arfl thit, setting tlTa -dismissarf Presbyterian Church, io the evening off the 6a me day, j lie was accompanied by four of T his pupils two of each jiJexTheir namei are . ff olu orthamptou-Lcra The exhibition in the Court jHWse pa'' highly vinteresting, and Venterfaining, " aaa gave so mapheasuret f jf rally;Jifequeaf tition JH: the church ia theVcvening. . Be'g tinwell, we y ''' were nnable to witness tfie last; but we leara j: that alt who attended were delighted. ; 1 1. ' at th sen. It is glory ttj mga fr one diy Sappuj the om 'read-in il -election of Pena- uin on, ius:fjiaa unimo irtant maaent.: lioois .Nanoleon a quastion of a I miy daam it daato the honor of the Vreneh tentative I mti-ra to prS33ntelthe"djmia.l even ''tn ths t Equestrian Jhh'shinent will perform at ,V y. noffuiaxrs ; Sfore, n v Fridayj the 26th; at l.r. - ' Dallasofl Saturdayy the 27th; sad attIia- t '2 -colntonoa.Mntiday; the 27th of tJiimonflv4-'4r' ' (Ofctobera S We shul l deciiiyrf u is minister entirely out of ths question is' j an uniiop irtant incident,: Loois "Napoleon . . w uou ui euc ifcuuu J ..' uitim to prise ante; the .dsaiin.l even tothaf SxowWa m fmm t"i.-AcnpriTTa I to do sy froa the Verv benaimr " I mountains were coTcred with snow t v ' . i : " ? ! ' i -,; i 9 . - f - 4 ":'

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