'r '"r - wX -T - . .... ,V- ..... 'iX? f SL? the ciuu:Rirrfii!cn ras ism. Far cvric copj,ir mcniUif.ia altn, $13 FJr owe cony, erne year, in a J ranee, I j?3 Yo chl of tbrcr, p?r aniuiii. ;' - To clu of tnor tlutt lUrre, in td- r Tan, catli It3 In all e.M, n!vcre jnjmcnt if not j ruU 3 iJranor, each frttbacriLcr I wiH he cKarrU $!!) V O K T n V From t'. D !lar Newspaper. tiii: iioau A.VbPtx:c. D Y Urn C 1 . - J ' A trrcat frcm Lc Bioantiy Kcl Ir s p i: f li.!.', IS if ui i iv v ji It' t , Tl.v c!.ui't th 4' ujt r- free, A ! : i n UuLum, I all tltal v.tf iujj v. Vf !.tr. tik f rr. There riK-I a wi!l !!, il! Ii-iw it ltnl tin nntjtn, V ! rw lu'triiiuriii iiin fell ; A rj.i!e in a jirKti, Il Ktinrjl.il f.i tt t'r.Ii in, Ats l .a mi lau.l u tu rc. A inTiv cbM 1 and (! .-. Fivf.4 in the Mimim r II. w hkf m jjiu pint It .Cevr4 h f-'T'' tl ; Jlit c!jitrt.d willuti tin Lk N rf . It .-tv a fury llwvre, J .-rt 9 - --f urn- l! dark . H tft; a.r. CoiiNin Sallv Dillnnl. t-M A curt ir. N -r'h C-i.iua. A tt-'.'!V fr-i!. f Thcioi r.'t", an 1 tl ., .- . t!. - v i:r? ? May ,! j Ka-o "r vt..r!i;j , an I u. p tUicm-'ii of i-irv, 4n it hi I''fi it! Irtune, ' i.r U I. I tm!:.r v. y t t'-rxi tnvIl iu bc-il d uitri .ii, it .n n- r U f Ik n ui to K 4 bvd t pr eti'o t.i dir fu!. inarketl an r..jbciou4 an .itj!r a r.i-tv wilful, Vibnt dalirvMi latr rv it. I tludU, a m re r v ; an, i urv ha.4 t !d tu U;"j vmr du'y to pa-t c!d tu n; on-- .li'X'kin- t- I n. I. nl fel::i . :'. 4 tk !a,n "ur a ap: It-.''"". m oun:. I Jut a will h.'ar from 1 ! wirn- l-in TTm. ti or three n. r fli:niu d aril d. j .1 ti' ?.u-I he I. I htard the ti o. an l did not sv t!ie t.!t atiftli r tint b iwN-n t!i rur, bat ?i lu't know wl. -inufc tir: - nd a third, tlti o wa very Jrairk, and ou!Ju't .-ay 1 1 iji a!it t!f -kriintn i'. .- -r ''A I -rry. g-Mith r.i:i, t hat-1 upifl V i:r tii-' iilU the tiipi Ji?vr the wi?n- jit rxamiru'd. It.Tri""S gvutb.Mn-n. ilt''tli. r fnm ti.iapprehcn-i-n n m pirt. IIa-1 I.kn .wn an I d u w, t!nf i hid a uifa in astcn lanve wh a ntid i ! all tU. rircmti-.tanci-s if I lit rtv, an I v. Ii ri a1! to make him lf ;! arly un ! rt." ! I v the 'Uit and j'l tr, I h uM u it l ig have tnjul nj t u 0'tr tim and pi: i t u--. l uiO f.rward .Mr. II rrt. an I ! mv-tu. S- (: id .o th.- tti:tuM, 1 fat, h:;fTv cm, a , t t.c r;. ..... d. aud U.k lus oath with ari air ( 7 jv.. 11. ifr;. we tii!i yu to t H all a b nl the riot that liJf'titd the otlivr day at t'lj t Kh' ; rt.-1 a. a rvl deal f tinn b.. a!n-!v li"cri , ixtrd in ciretitnl -cu- tion, we n o-j o-ta'4 n i", aa 1 Ml I if a:n t to- a i-xp.r. it a ..,it.;-. ". Ad..n I v inr? th lanrvcr a In in wink, aid at th jtame lim. clearing I i threat 1 ljp'a:n K:Vc, be g"u a treat, a:; 1 r-nMin SaUv Ibliiirl, cim.' over to iUi b.oit- and av.-d ru.' if i:n wife, she U; ii J I t-u i Coiii: Sally IUiian! that mv n x jrty, t iu a b-w ! 1i3-l I reh of tl.c ll a u::i?iv in l!:e hip, and lhr b: swamp w u ep, f r t!i- re h ; i U.'cn a b.o of raio Lately ; Lnr h s .vcr, i: hr, rtt'iri Sally Pilhard, my wife tamit g-v WrII, ciimu Sally PiSiiard tfw n iil if M h tu ut p T I td 1 (ou.in Sally l;U'arI that ttc wa4 foreman of th rrap. auI i!e crap wa, mart!y inthegra-s; tut hownu trr a it was she, cousm :u!ly. lUIiird, M xa ut In th " name f cr-MiKicn Jknsc, Mr 1 1 arri ; what da you mean bv this ri i V ' f'apfain Uicc.be gin a treat, aa 1 c.i:in Sally IKlIiard came ever t.i t i:r l.of.,- and x,J nir if mv wife he moat p I til on:in Sallv iHlliard f'1 p Stop, ir. if y ou rlea ; we don't want t.i bear antthing atmt ic ianiin ai.y i ilarl an I ymir wife tell us about the !lht at llio." "J Wi H, I w ill, Mr. if will let to. ".. 1 " ' 1 x i . .1. ; r. o ivn t. !I, ..r, I'aj f.in Hice be gin " ' i- I .su Silly h.'.liard L came ' ' ' :r ' i at. I ue it mv wife T " i aj:;a Witncs., d v n. rrnt 'i n tt VOL. II. NO. 17. - t r;,yi,. Wc rent to kV.tr aW.it Uk; f-!it tin.I -nr inut not Timccctl ititli tliis impertinent story. Dj jou know mijrthi un kWit lliu mat'er lcfuro U? eurt T. 117. -To be tire I li. j Chnpi. Well, on and tell it, acJ noth- IlVrt. -Well, CapiaialUcJ, ITs gin a Itrcat J Vyi. This b intolerable. May it please : tUcVnut, I move that this' witness hi cmn- J r.iitteJ fvr ciutcajpt lc scetiis to be triHing 1 tt!!i f!i! ",,r. .i 'i, . u .,jMy-" ' t! . rr. Wi?ncs, yon src 'tDw lfrc n ' ct-.rt ff j i-t'icf. aim unl d. r-I into cuit r. ,. After deliberating. Mr. At- t r:i y, i f the ourt Ls i.f opiiii ii that vc tniy saw umc iv feiuu i uc fliun-.v i . . . . .. i on in L: own wav. FnTCttl, Mr. Harri, with your try, but ?tiek to tlvc point. IIVHrj Yei, gcutleuK'U. noil, Capt. Uii'. be gin a treat, and cousin Sally lil li.ird i . Hue over to our houe and axed ; in. if in; wil.? .di in-mt go? I told couiu S.i!ly Ptlli ird that my wife she was rMirly, ( r. i:"g a U nr h. Lid the rheumatics in the j b:pt and the big swamp was up; but how-, iurvi r, a it w.ih d.o, ctiuin Sally Milliard my wif.- !ic inout p. Well cousin Sally Ii:iirl then ax. l i:ie if M -km? he moot gi ''. I told cou.-in Sully Pilliard, as how M.se be wa fr'tr.an d t!.e crap, and the craj ri :nartly in tho gras but howsoinover, a ;! wai -h ituin Sally Milliard, Mose h in . it g S they goes together, Mose tuy uift an I c uin Sally Idliarl, and they; c-rue t the tig .swamp, and it was up, as 1 wa ,c!lin you; but U-ing a- there was a 1 g aer-.ss the bi swamp, cousin Sally Id barl and M"., like genteel f 'Iks, tb.-y wa!kel the l"ir. Ami limit all I Litjc tir jiyht. An eofatie lover down cast thiu appends to hit tend- r hearted lhi!eii.ta for a parting -irmhttrPWklX I'J o.TpuTsacJ'by me; if yea do not intantaneoUHly place thine alabaster lip" t. mine, and eiirapiuio my im iii i'.l by imprinting angelic ieiisa- t: :is of divine b!ii. ujin th-e indispensa ble members of the hum-in phyioguouiyf a:i 1 kin Hy omdesLviul to allow me to take my d. j.iriure from tin. ever Us ting sublimity e.f thy thriee gluii lavsemv ! Xuney faintJ. For the Ilepublican. TIIK SA nilATII, No. Mu. Kmtvr : In continuing this subject wc would no- ticc that one gre-.t object of .Jehovah, in all hi dealing with men, i to manifest him- . If. and eivc to them correct views of his character an 1 will. This is designed to leal t'lem to exercise right feeling and pursue a riht couix' of en duct toward hiui, theui svdvi s, aivl one arvithcr. Six d.is may work be dne, but the seventh day is the Sabbath nf rest, a holy convocation, or public assembling. "Ye hall d no work; it h the Sabbath of the hml' Uv -21. !. They whi devote the Sabbath to worldly business, art showing, by their conduct, that they da not wi.-h to bear tbe voice "of Je havah, or have him instruct them. This N t!i? civ- r.i:!i all jrsns who for purp .-cs of gain or pleasure, devote the Sabbath to worldly business or a mnsoment. Their eon- , j-. .1 c: t t:n.JT'ti m ueaviu to uii'an, uc- pirl f.o;n us, we tlesire not a Lu-ow!ed;e (f t!y icay. Thi is the real meaning ? Hence they do not assemble in these places where God is worshipeJ, and where, through the instrumentalities of bis appointment, he makes known bis will. They act out the ..rinciplc not tky will, but mtuc be done. Ikat it ciay be harvest, says one ; grain may bo -M.Qrce, a taan may necel all he has for his family. If it is cut, and is dry; and on the Sabbath it I.ok likely to rain, shall" he not gt it iu and tbs preserve it for bis family ? What saith. Jehovah ? " Iu caring time and j harvest, thou shall rest"." He knew that the , thi- cxvption, an! think that , the exso was so peculiar that tliey miht do ; thai part i f their work ou the Sabbath. tr .1 e . .t , , , . t ; He, therefore, set the matter to rest bv cx- ' . a . p.icitly sayng "At caring tiwc and af harvest thou sbilt nst," as well as other j tinnv. IK5idc, if a man work on the Sab- ba-h. to -c ir hi rrain when if i "-:ng to j ia-re I- cmui-' manner, you vm hui d ' , ,e ... " ' .,v V. V ; r. m. t -" -x 7 . n.'. .-i.. i. . i f h ef Justice Sbaw i.il ; - b:n "and t,!I ubat you know about , cI-k-, ry i-l or cue we, rare or manly act, le wulKea aa wun a smuo Pu pnv w, - - f f rfi , re thp 1 -ht -it llcv w un verse, ro.i;urc it, or even p?nnit ,t .' ins countenance. , anj uu.i- w s , v. jr -i Ly Kcrbf nroDer to 1,1 1 - il n u,c . ' 1 1 . t.. ti.n .-.i.o. nf tln ilip T fnl- nwnion Pi.ruTnn w-'-nsTEP.'s atii)1F to Tiir! i toouffnt proper 10 UV-r. rAIarmcif.lT-fll.p-ntlomcn, U the example ? May not every otliei I u...-,. ...-j, - , ' " " ' A far as to deliver his Captain IJicc, be giu a treat, and coup ,,,0,, at a Ui.tance, travel for the same pur- n r ITlV" " il b. , . , 7 V: , " to them, because the ' ''"-V lhAur.Ar . . . , no, and th'M th U-iwfiU of th S.bbaih " T , von n,-v ?" "Yes. f,Ji ' Mm i developed m the proceed ( !ci. I !orc the witness mav uc r- ' , ""j t''v r , uwuii iv, unm, lunvi. 1w,iJo. lunftion to break bis law. at this scas,in of fearfully, bomo of the rigging got toul at I ed t0 the officer who had him .i .x..i.l l.x n,l ,! ;f Cn;,t i tl mainmast bead, aud it was necessary ! "Why are you keeping .-. . . , i - -i that somo one should go up and rectify it. Uazed at." He was then -"ex i - - e--- u was a - . -.r ; " ' ' '"'"'.'"'. li' ''""" Tm ' "1 mii'iii'ii 'niiiii ' 1."--" jiimii- ' lawjww-Wt MJiiMiwr?.-. ; AS K. NOT II I X Q THAT 13 KOT RiailT SOTliv;; KOTOINa TnI3rWRQNa;cW5oa IJNCOLNTON, N. rain, it is by no'nicans certain that be .will succeed. A tinner with hU product?. Mart in market latn on Saturday Kveuing. Foi, wb.it puqxse? Why fur tho very ' express purpwe of laaking money, by working sercu ays instead ofir. It w xsrUked to;ruakc bargains at bouio in the SabVith, it is" also wickud to travel for ths purpo?5 of inaikin mem. ii jvu "u u j v f.Tsnch 'purposes? Ar? not these cnougn J at a ili.tauci frm the market, and needed I) bit ? Are iu bles-in-i to be set aside the glory of (1 d and the good of tho wr!d t be s;erifleed, that you ma' make mouey ? You are throwing the wlwde weight of y our example in favor of travclingou the Sabbath in prosecution of worldly business. When the example of every man ought to be and that of every consistent mau will be against that practice. An ouskuvku of tiik Sabt.ath. 'For the Republican. CUt'KCU (lOYEllNMKNT, No. 4. The ends of Church Government r.re wholly spiritual. Hence, its connexion with the State as in the old world is manifestly wrong. In the republics of antiquity, reli gion was only a part of their political system, and the liead of the State was also the fath er rf the ChurcL. This unnatural counex ion. fatal alike to chritiJnitv and to libertv, which even y et lingers in the old world, has Kn wh-'.l'y repu'liate! in the new. The new Testament view of the Churches, is, that they ure associations founded upon conviction of tlmnith of the lUble anLUBjiiHf Christ; and the united intcrdeiendcncc of Fastors and pcejdo with perfect religious liberty is every where recognized in it. (Questions f Church Government are of- ten argued on the false ground, that the Gov- crning power in Churches to which connex- ion is perfectly' voluntary is of the same character as vrhen it is connected with the civil authority. Nothing can be more falla cious : Iu settling Church Government, there are pre existing laws of Christ, ,m diich cannot be neglected orset aside. The Govern ment of the Church, is, in its pastors, open to formal modifications, aud it is to be con- , ducted with such of the people as shall guard j 1 against abuse, without interfering with the j I riptural exercise of Pastoral duties. V w;i annl- these vi..ws to narlirular . . . r r -j - i cases : 1. As to the ordinatioa of ministers: This power wa.s ucver conveyed by the peo ple it was vested in the ministers alone ; to be exercised on their responsibility to Christ. 2. As to the laws by which the Church is to be governed : Those which arc expli citly contained in the new Testament, are to be executed by the rulers and obeyed by the people. ) o. timer uiscipiinary rcguiatious are uiai j ters of mutual agreement; but aristocratic j iv .it 1..: i . I temieiicKs arc to uc shunned. 4. Power of admission and expulsion rests with the Pastors, as also that of tryiug uu wurthv rvuuts. C Till; PliAYING SAILOR UOV. The Cornelia was a good ship, said one of the West India chaplains of the Ameii- cau Seaman's Fricud Society, but at one time wo feared that she was ou her last voyage. We were but a few days out from New York, when a beverc storm of five days overtook us. I must tell you of a fact of a Connccti- j prisoner fuiiy of murder in thr first dc t sailor boy at the heieht of the storm, i The excitement at this juncture was cut lie was literally a boy, and far better fitted for thumbing Webster's Spelliug Bjok, than furling a sail in a storm. But h ,a mother was a widaw. and where could the caru a Hving ftr himself and mother better than at sea? The slfip was rolling nenlous ion. . 1 was sunuin ucar i fl... niitr nnd hcald him order the boV to (In I it ! He lifted bis cap. and glanced at the - - - " J I :. If . L:. 1 .1. . ! swinging mast, the boiling wrathful seas, and ai the steady determined countenance J , . .. of the mate. He hesitated in silence a uio- cn acroSj lhe dcCk, he pitched down iuto the forecastle. Perhaps he waagonc two minutes, when he return- ed, laid hi band on the ratling and went C., APlilfi 26,- 1S50. ijiTitli a will! - My, eyes iu.owedjum ti!l mi head was dizzy, wher I tiuued :tnd rc i.. nitrated Arith tbe mate f ' sending 'tho -" -aloft lie coul 1 not co.nedown alrvci' V Uy da you send '. 1 1 did it replied the ::ir.t j to save bis life." r We've somelnnes ffon o"cT-lKanl, but'never u -boy. ' Seo 1:'"-wTk.' liU liko a .Fcjuirrel. lie ia in ore trtu'Tjl ; I 'it eoi:.e (l.nvn saie,"l U-O-p-e. : -Aiain I 1 id a fo:ir dlr.mied lay I v.-v cotir. jlled to look awjy er- f ,v y ovurv i-rmic-.t to eaten a rlmipsc.ot 4 - Uii:' about fiftft'en or twenty minutes be .wVi .i .;..i,t:n lnmlf nn eamuo... u.m rw..w "r sir: I thoucrht'that I might not come down alive, and 1 went to eommit my soul to Hod." ".Where did you learn to pray V 11 At home ; my m -lther wanted me to go to Sabbat U school, and my teacher urged mo to prty to (Ind to keep me; and I do," 4Wht was that in your jacket pocket X" Mv testament, which my teacher gave inc. j I thought il l am pensn, i wouiu nau word of God close to my heart. AWFUL YISITATION. Mr Wilson, a gentleman connected with I III: V'tk." L Ul t . . V f lllv. V Aim , ...r ...... -- f CHimsuay cvcnmi; marneu ya inias jmc, daughter of Mrs. little or (T. west of Four and a-!ialf street ; and retired to bed at 11 o'clock. In the morning; at about seven o'clock, his bride arose and attempted to a- i. i.f i, . .c m-iii! Tho iiar- ticuhus of this sad calamity are variously related iu all circles; but we have taken con siderable piins to ascertain them correctly, and timl the popular reports to be mere con ofi:v,si The nnnallinf eonfirmation of . '(lr:ltb and marriage is perhaps the only cir ......... - c a l t h 1 1 ce ch i c u i a i" d to awaken mere sur prise than every sudden death cxeitos. A coroner's inquest was held yesterday morn ing, and for satisfactory reasons adjourned minuie cir cumstances of the case as can be desirable to the public, until the rendering of a ver dict. The cause of adjourning the jury nmv be wondered at bv many. We are not in formed of it ; but it may not be amiss to j state that of those who have examined the Uly, there were yesterday those who doubt- evl that ueain nau reany lawer. piace. vi uiu or other, taken unintentionally in an over-dose, is by Lome named as the cause ; while others affirm that it was apoplexy. The svnipathies of our people are with the bereaved family. IWifJthifj'on Rrpub. On a full investigation of this distressing caw, says tlm National Intelligencer, by a Coroner's Jury, after hearing the testimo ny of four eminent physicians and a post mortem examination, they returned the ilA lowing verdict ; That the deceased was a nan of intem- PcrfltC hwh an"J cn lvto ,WLKa I 1 1". 1111 V A ,1.- previous to his death, constantly under the influence of ardent spirits, and on the night preceding the morniug of his death hejmani festcd strong symptoms of delirium tremens, and while in that state, about 10 o'clock; at night, he was married and retired to bed about 11 o'clock ; that, after he got in bed, hoi exchanged a few words with his wife and then fell asleep, and was found dead in his bed on Thursday morning about light; and the jury believe, from the evidence, that the deaeased came to death by congestion of the brain and stomach, produced by the habitual use of intoxicating drinks." From the Baltimore Sun. Trial of Prof. J. W. Webster. Charged with the Muiilcr of Pr. George Park man on the 23d November, 1849. Boston ; Sunday, March 31 . .Mr. v.iliioru, me ."yiioi ue-y iui uic iiueiu- ment, closed his speech about half past 7 if rn-a- 1 .1.- 1 14. r. 1 OCIOCh. ou ouiurua ccuihk. aiki iuu, l i. c. A f-. l.;0 i hy permission of the court, the prisioner ad- uresseo. uie jurj wr ;i uui i iiujc. xuc iuii then retired about 8 o'clock, and after being i - .1 .1 . : 1. a a- rri, in consultation about three hours, returned I . . . .. i . .1 : and rendered their vedrict, pronouncing the ! intense and paiufuL. ! fic prisoner, upon hearing the verdict,, sunk back in his chair, with his hands upon thd nUno and hi- f.cn in his hands, and rpraained for the snaee of about ten min- ! utes. After-recovering the shocl he turr l in charge, and me here to be forthwith taken the nnson and locked un tor the uiirlit. Ii: .-tt l-,,r.. in A r.N,.i- imnlominfs bv UK. v. , AM. '.V., 'iA ...Al.. V I J. ... - - . -i.i i whicli suicide migut oe perpeiraieu;, were carefully put out of his reach. Mr. Cleh nd, one of the witnesses for the defence, has retracted part of his evidenc3 in reference to the day on which he saw Vt Parkman. The Rev. .Mr. Wells convinced hiin that the note wa.3 received on 22nd and uot ou th? 23d of November, as he had tes WHOLE NO. :6,; Lr r fl.'- h : f J" r : , .'j.i.tIe&e Anonymons lcttersKioro so than ' by;" iIt is. further ; stated ,-tliat-Mrs. Ttholles 1 ny lhiu that has occurred during tbii tii.d.-; his written a letteto.oufe-of the jadsjs; in. I eall my GodUo witness, that if it was tha " wbicli. sho retracts er, statement il ai to"Ta?t hour cT my Hfer I. never wro'uj theso leU-1 the jnrv,"' that - it was Dr. -Parkmaa whom diet. v . , , i - , - 4 vPATcrr. -,f"' Vtloey l,?o mnrVi nii;.f .TiiHm Sh;ivr with mnftli , v..... . . " " . I have desired to enter into an explanation cf the net work of circumstances which, - by my peculiar position, the Government has thrown around me; and which, in uine cases out of ten, are completely distorted, and pro bably nine tenths of which eouhj be success fully explained. V - v - All the points of the testinx ny have been placed in the hands of my counsel, by whom my .innocence could have been fairly estab- hshed. Acting entirely by their direction I have sealed my lips during the period of my confinement, tru ' t'aem. ' Thev have sting myself entirely to not deemed it nee- s no. saw. . - - . .V.- t - JaG excitement, until tljejiiry rctarncl.aiia uy one oi;.ni)cuuuwi.-iiiuwjicwi, tVthe court rwnnvahl theVesult of their do has any spark of humanity, I call upon lym;' libations was knowtia-beyond : descrir to. coma- tic.i " Kvery car was opca to hearrtha Ter- has been put inL the papers. :tv!;,v; -Ui-- : , . , rl I Ilim 1U31IUCU. - cessary, m their superior wisdom, LtUis was J 06- ' said in an ironical tone, to bring forth evi- j 10nJ gj' in of onG man by another, with donee to exonerate me from the variety of j provocation, as for th6sake of gain, these arts, iho government has brought , aend as the hiehest offence known; whatever consummate ingenuity could sug- j ' , ffftn-er wa nuniahablo crest airainst me, and I nope it win not nave it... -ii . i I will not allude to many ot the charges, but there is one winch touches me and that is the letter; which has been produced. It is not the first I had read in daily pnn 8 wn.cn nas oeen aismumeu in my aparuueuu. maue reapecuug tucm. BWM"U':,"" f f iis Honor now reviewed tire nature oi that I had, after the disappearance of Dr. j . stantial evidence in general, as appli- -Parknian, purchased aquantity of oxalreaeid, s k , th discovery of, i nxmiffaww otM oou , an d it instantly oct .. , ....... -....x,,, currtPe person. and produced when necccssary. For sever- t e of & that won,d exac. al days Mrs. V cbster had requested me to , na . th(J sion or on the premises purchase some acid for domestic, use, and j J h person. It would be held in as my wife had repeatedly laughed at me . ag , reasQn t0 beliove- that Ue because I had not purchased, it I had born it . the handle, was . id my mmof that afternoon and had gone m- f - - of the crime of kiUi to 1 haver s store, under the Revere House, lim , nc hnU in tho lito . 7, . , . ., ; the murdered person, as ncia in mo iaio and made the purchase, and-waitecf until the : 1 ,1 i l i i ! i i 'enp.e. v Lamonage nourjy ommuuss came uy, ana, lumped into it wun the nunaic. T.T.i homo and gave the" bundle to my wife, and when, afterwards, I heard so much said a bout the bundle, it flashed on m' mind in a moment that this must be the bundle. It was to this bundle, and not to any document, that I refered in tho direction-to my wife.; As regards the nitrate f copper, in the usual lectures, weeolin-2 my arrest I had occasion lor toe use ot cncmicai agents in producing changes on various subjects- among others on gases. I prepared a large quantity ot oxahd gas. A gallon jar filled with gas in order to produce changes from a great heat being applied to the jar, the gas was drawn through water. As to the nitridj nf mnnpr arillP,T nn tb floor of tho. labora- tory, it was spilled.aeeidently from the quan, fUU, which had been adduced by the govern -tity used in my laboratory between the day ment and the defence, and instructed the of Dr. Parkman's disappearance and my jury upon the principles oftfie law applica. Aiirn Ofwoef I mrrJif rr rr nvnloinin A O variety of circumstances, which have been uisiorieu. xuy euuusei nave pipaseu me iu keep calm. My very calmness has been made to declare against me; but my trust has been in my God and my own iiiBGeeiaee, In regard to money I must say a word, i : i a i nr.. i i. ,i x The money which I paid Pr. Parkman on the tho afternoon of Friday, Nov. 23, I had savea up irom lime to lime arui sept iu a tninV in mv IinncA in r"iirn nrirlorfxiinfnrtli- j nately no one ever saw me take it out, there- fore "I can only give my word that such is I tha fnt Si'0r.i v-ore nrrn iH still fnts . , a . a . who were in the habit of being in my labora- inH whrt in nrw mv flnnr.-itiis. therefore i 'v,.uUv. u ... , u. v.. ...j -r , ! I prepared every thing for my own use with ! nn, r,nn l,r..la' I h it IS therpflSOn. t PTlSlli- ! . - . .. -r i , ...j ...a ".a ....... . j ded persons from am laboratory. i As regards my whereabouts from the i rn- i.,.imft ,iLT,nMrina TTina put into my counsels band satisfactory in- ! was apparent in the cotraetion of tho rau.1 formation, which will account for every day ' cles above the mouth The court came' in and every hour. I never was absent from five minutes afterwards. The clerk of the home. As to being seen by Mr. Saunder- court then said (addressing the jury) Mr. son, I was at home every evening. Onp ' Foreman," have you agreed upon your ver- thin? that has been omitted by my counsel, was, that on Friday, the day on vdiich the j tt, 1 .1 .-t.t V alleged murder was said to have been com- J' J .i mitted. I bad nurchasfid Ilmnbolt'a now work, Cosmas, and while waiting fr the . j 1 . "--s omnibus, I steppad into Righam's to take a-mutton chop, and in hurrying out to the omnibus, had forgotten my book; but after mv arrest, 1 remembered my place where 1 had left it, and mentioned it to my counsel. They had sent to Brigham's, and the book had been found. The Professor here sat down, but almost instantly arose aud said.J I will say one word more. I have felt ! very much distressed by the pryJuclron of " JT.Q 55 FIU W T if E U Sucll BLANK3. it OP' EVKltY BfiSCllH - . , J. .. -- ''i t ----1- . . . 'tion. PAMi?nLi.Ts,4 CincurARsy; . II anq- -1 iTilvaiV?, liiBixs, icnpftflj executed ; at the CawlinaMejiriUlieaujKC. -;.- . Advertwcrstcats conspicuonRljp inserted At OTia'dolLtrpcr squaro fortfco first" insertion . 4 Vod.tweiity-.lvo cools for cwh eontinuancc.-', f hXr All letters to tlie.Editormust Le"postU- paid, to rcccire attention ', . - v. ;i, tcra. fcmca the tnar coramencea a icuer ; uas l-cen receivea.irora uus very --h, - r t tbU tniai the nsoncr - ajrain took his sat. having evidently maao a uecp im-. . i.a -0f- i his manner. j !,nni - rn - TTT.R JTTIY RT JUSTICE SnATT. : n " -" , - then arose to deliver marking that be had continue the proceedings charge in tho case nature of the principles ings were such a ' would not require him to occupy their atfen j tion a much longer time. The first thing to bo considered was t lie nituro oiP the dioini-f-eide, in tho different points in which it was. remarked by the law. The destruction I of a human being by violent means, un I der any circumstances, by ouother human ! being, was regarded in'the eyes of tho law i as homicide. If the death had been caused . bv accident, then the law required no pun- I deatb Jf thfl Bajcr had good j J- f fcar 0f dancerous personal shment to bo inflicted upon tno one wuo , ' tQ commit the deed, the law held : ' J ,fi , 0,i M11p the act iustifiablo r 1 1 int' l .1 w . uuv VM . .. ; , , . Vv rlfvit.h. It a man should siay anouier uuuw u- , 11 1 ll . ,1 a.. A . f:rtrv win it. a beat of blood. , h , notonorate . the j punishment; yet it holds the of- J J mHiffated by the nature.. gaiJ provocation vhich caused tli offenee to be Committed. . ' m. h fi- dence-has iniro- jl uiiW) .1.. duced in tue w5Siimouy, iuum w wudiuch-u by the jury; and if it should give rise "to a reasonable" doubt in the mluds'of the jury, that doubt should be given in favor of th? prisoner. i A to the counts of (he indicim nt, tno eourt hold the principles of the law to be as argued by the Attorney General. 'Tho last count charging that death was , means unknown to the grand V fonuded on the acknowledged . 17. anJ should be considered , P V The burden of prov- 'Jr haJ committed thoV: with violence and motive,, lay upon' crime the covernment. I lltS Honor ttlCO rCTiewea l eviueucu tO 1116 eVlUCUV. X1C UlvlSVV tno wuivoa to the jury wun an jnjuucuuu, upu n TTToinrn wpn uvi'.rv ciruuiiiBuiuwi w ; the prisoner and the government, j His Honor occupied two aid a half boors j fa the delivery of his charge, and the jurJ retired to form their vetdict at uiue o clock precisely. j op Tn JURY. -THE VERDICT i f - At 20 minutes before 11 o'clock, precise- ly, there was a movement before tbe door of the Supreme Court room. 'Presently a ' nuniUfr OI ffenUCHien Came Ui.ttwyug . f -- 0 i i the prisopr, a number of members of tbe ,, Dar. TM1D11C men, CiClKViuuu, . b , x . ' . . r. . lery was crowded to Gcs. atom, uvo . ff. x, r Wnhstu1 tama 111 miBUtCS aiier. jrr01CB3(Jr lx.wav xaa.v, - , i,- a m charge of the , constahby and took his scat , m tuedocic ms appew-u n uu. tu vpnf. a serious cteicctod lies', wuicu . j . . , . it. diet. Mr. ryan, iu iuju, Wwu sent. The clerk said W . iVeDSter nam ; up your right hand, ino prisoner .ac.i . i rni and looked steadily and micnuy upou...'- j reman of the jury. J ue cierx meu saiu - . . MM , . . . . , i ai .ri j Mr. foreman looK upon tnc pnsoiicr, auu prisoner look .upon tho jury.' Professor Webster still maintained lusjtjxed ana.in- ! tentiooic upon iuo,tw r' ! tinued Wbat do you say rcmau Is trie prisoner at iu- vw guilty ? GnitTa: w,c3 the idemA response. The bind of Webster, which, bad hither- to been, held erect, now fill to. tho bar in 1. 1' - . . ... ' , , . :u.i.,i front ot him witu a ueau s.. u:a , lost all muscular action,. auA Ois ueau axJf.,