WASHINGTON, Not. So'lh, 1646 Editor of the Charleston Mercury : Permit me, thro igh vrur ro umng, li draw the nUention of ihe Planters of vnor Wfeta lo Via cultivation of the . Beir Gra a pUnt indigenous to the South, from the fibres of which can be rade Hemp CujI to -l hi1 tie i Manilla or Sis 'l. The increasing demand fir these- articles is ro great thai the importation arc ool equal to rr.eet ? y u will, therefore, perceive the nrres6ily of having a home ar'iclps '( upply the d iaand. TV ficts exhibited l-'nw, will show i he imprirtance of f: Uqar Cwrcu ihe PI inters o: II. o South Carolina aidtho whole Sou'h. ' ' "SEW YORK, Nov. 7ih. We ccrtamlv think that there h no jUPBion but thai trps article will favorably confparo with Sisal i if rap, and command O pnep nearly equal it, and very p rsstble it nwy be preferred from its, t'Jler tex ture' Th great and increa-in.: d m md for Sisal and maniila Hemp, b .ft wlm-h crticle thus sample so rioarlv resemble, Ktv 'K'ioult'1 consider as. every indncemen' tn the ex pijS.vc production of it. wherever it Can be raised to advantage. 'We ahull brt haapy to receive ?n sam ples, .you thing it probab's ou rosy !': us ill' the Spring as an cprrinr-:f i: d Wiiijf'ndeavor to promote your onjeet to ti; rxfeiH of cur power. P F'"-. Prres paid for Sisal, l 35 pt tv 2240ibf. . Manilla, K0 " " teisg-icr?;!! r..ii2rs ' frotn SI 25 o 135 " 6Sa,Hl!a " 140 to 150 ' PHIL A DELPHI A, Nov, 18. 'Si :-! nave a g. d opinion in regard lo irtf.-ouliivH' icn nf -Manilla Hemp nt th South, and should like to knot-. where the ampie cam from you sent me a rhort tim ago, in order as far cs in my power t Aid its growth.' Extract from Gov. Call of Florida. The "Bar Grass" mav be prepared lor CJse it 'any season, and if the planter had n sufficient crop he might employ the wine year in its prepura'ion without siutamins env loss from its depreciation or destruc tion, by recntinr g too long un the ground Bix months growth will give a plant of good use, and tne Hemp made fro u uucl o plant wiiJ be a 5 long end posr-.es qune fis much strength as that made from grea ter ae. But it wilt have fewer leavos, nd will therefore produce less fibre. I thiak it a fair estimate, that the "Boar Grass" atter i is well rooted nnd in good growth. Kill produce thrtcfull crops every tttentyfovr months. ' Tn-ivi' will ' require planting but once in on ordinary lire time, and toitk but lit tle cultivation" wit) ront ije io p- dn: its abundant crop? ofSff er six tons per a ere li preparation .for maruet is as simple end trpedifiousn its production -s aha:i clttiit. 'I'hu hav been sviciently tested. After b aling the le ives and putting ih-m Up in small .bundles of a conven'ent sic - for oe purpose, I hiv pt1 them through on tudihary tPodri Sogir mill, dipping theii tn wa or at each passage until I th-unlu-.'ni ti!er m b-en rem.jV'd, leaving th- finr '- perTectly chnsed, uuimpaired and r:adv for uwe. From the success of tbi, -xpp(rimM!t, am satisfied, that with e ? ;ich ert a-id bailers which would no Cost more tlinn one Muu?ped and fiHv dol t-:f-, that t;u hands iid a p ur of oiti!ej ma pn;re r f u- at aiJtBe or fix tons of Hemp per day." I :!otibt 'mi' o inn- this will boc.m on of thi.grei ;iap!es or he South, and add another production from which the pi jirer will der te increased wealth. Fio.n the pncps above and the facra nin n iTi, r. is hm rvaMiable to suppose, fha' the Hemp from the Hr Grass will yield a ulf:h greater amount in ovonev to lh" producer of Mii itmcI rhan any ote.p-sfa-e Hfticle of the 8 u'h. F-om Minill eai l miiu;nrturpd R.-pe, O'Hou Bagging, and a very fine summer clh. . H viiig eximmd cl n,p'y the "fibrou- texiuie ot-the Be.v Grfiss, I h:d it t" be U'er mail w rr v.anu n ur csi-at. t is av to cu-tivat- sinple in it pre para lion, and !e fxi.ive to rnanutactor: h n the irdmar Hemp. Not onl h Vf xTiired it, r.ui the m : e.xtPiisivo , p ttei8 and tint utaetuiei m IJoi.-n-N-w 1fik and Philadelphia have protn.unc t! it fq'Mi to nlail!a aijd S -a, and re readv Slid wtihng.to give a price equal o rnt of th" hd:-v a'tir-les for if. xou will th-ie fore see that a mathet is already awaiting the f-ffofk) ot fie planter. I have given my nttentfon to this KUoW-t for this vear pail, in the h pes ihit n v -t fort- vyib a he-'i'v Co-ojwraMon on the part O' ih p'-anuirw 8ulri, lrori seeing ihr -d-Vaotaes hev wnutd derive in oie pariiruthr thiit ol makiDg theo.clveu indepen Ar t of other sources for Bayg-cg and Bale Bop?. ' ": ' laid sir, Very respectfully, Vcuf nbedien' frvan, DiiViD MYERLE. Later frees the Army, .. We Ir ve dar (roni lUao Santiago, as Ifite bp i he 11th inU T"ey. liOwefr, rnntain nott-ing Vftery CrMI interett. Snlnllo i- m the ndisvrhd poppesBion of a 'portion f our tmopp, ttnder Gen Worth Our senilis hadJiseoverr d about 3000 Mesican cavalry, only 20 mi?es from Raltillo. Gen. Wool has been ordered by Gen. Tavjor to tike ptiisesM f,n of Pcrras, a!ii(,a!l town seventy miles north eat from Satnllo Gen Tatlor having been advised of the call for raore troops, ha8 'esolved to g;irrinn all the pots. towns &c- on ttie Ime of pperatto?i o Tampiro. lie him elf vai a ho m i nareti for Victoria, at fi ich place, ii la z:k I' a' f-mta Anna ha 10. COO choice troops. T: e p t seesion f thi ci iv if regrth'd as ind!ppns-ihr. lo secure a continuous line of eorn.-piirieation preparatory to aurk upon Bsn Lu'. Potoai. After taking Victoria, tt i n posed that he will a t until rpinforpd from Tampieo, ien he will proceed sjaii!i San hum Potoai. lhe Mexican have succpede-.l in in-lo-emg to-rie i-.f our army to d-s-ri. by ihe pro mse of large rpvardh', prompt un. &,'. rni.or tmd reachrd Sm?o go. n.a SiX. iv Ifnitpd S.ales' wngoni. vttti provisions, -ier,p, Sic., tor our army, bad been cap iwrnd between Cao-srg" and ?ler. r3 Ifl-iiiterT. It e. fc- .-or oteavi.rt , U enUf . to hold a .-on? r.--ttton with Doi t r IV ilnon, i f 'vol. YA .Mds 'st fvtiLfF. He arr.ved here t!,e K.iiixS, p Ainrna. n Miulay V'ta:n; ,atJ i o ;o of tr:e Ins' person from vHMitify tiaviug left there on Hii- 23'h tslt. S:rkfoS8 w aha"!:; " th ramp, aid ihe wotinchd. tjt'fieraliy peak!r5, were rapidly recoerini;. (Jen. Butler was among those whose con alpeepp as -po-ii iow . Gen. U ont. with at'out 1200 men, ws at Siltil I, whire he found very con.firiabIe quar ters By the way. a good story is told of old Rough and Restdy,1 who accom pamed G n ral Worth's Bi igatle to rSalullo, tn ponnePtion with tie march into that place. A tney approsphed within a few mile ot n, they were n et by a courier from the Alcaide or chief governor of the city. ho presented to the General a very formidable looking despatch. A halt -'as called, and the General's interpreter was or deredto g've a translation -fthe document' 1 open-d with an expiifiula ion of t tie in justice of the war on ihe part of tne Ame rican allegp! ihot it " h ,intecu iel for ihe purpose of coiiquesi, raptne and ;lun- dr prtreeted aam-t Ki lurther advance f tne General' foices thienend him with the ie rib tion fiat most lollow, and but itie (iene.al stopped the translator m t'te mtddie ot a sentence, wuh "Are you th-ouaht sift'" 'No,' a the reply, "I .av- out teml half of it, yet J" O. I'll ttcar no more of n," said the General: March !" He ordered ihe hup- ier t tofi she advance, and again the column : in motion. T-e number of men fit for 3Cttv duiv at Monterey m he present time is anowt 1 000 Ot these, -ne reguneni s quatierd in the city the remainder are encamped at the Walnut Bpnegs From the representation which Doctor Wilson makes to us. Gen Tavic anno, advance with his force from oali!o to Sun Luis Potoi. 'J'tie Mexicans in their retreat, performed the march at a cjeai sacrifice of Iih-: the Anoncanf cannot 2c complish it first, because hr enemy would let the ati r mrt of ihe tanks and ihu tleprtv them of tht necti-ssry ele ment of exi tence; tiexi. because they cou'd fintl 't piovisions on toe way a distance 25u mdes, and hecane i amount ttai moat ab-o.ute irppwitnity tn convey the nc-eaiy fnsigp ami previs'oiH ver tte monn ainn in the line tndica ed. Tliete wj.uld seem to he no probability ihen that a j'.iicuon run be fo fined with lite two ningf ofiiiir Btmv at San I, urn Pop.fi tt-e imp marphing fti-m Tnipipo, v olhpr from Vl.-n-etey nd Sdtill w tiich report has beci! saying i to he ;he n-ovement. A report encuhited along the Ro t 'rarde tha' t 'ina Anna tiad chliergr d (ien. Ta lor to meet t m witti 3 '0U0 men, in pitched battle, between Sun lis Potogi an Saltt'lo. Rinoti and Reativ replie-i. thai so soon he wnuld hav' 1 0.000 fh cient men under his command, he would meet him any w here, whatever .right b the strength of his fotees. A few days brfore Doctor Wilson Iff Monterey an express arttvpd iheie frot Gen. U ool, at Mtinriota. It not his prp-eni purpose to join Ge n Taylor. In this decision he is guided l y the mstrne lion or anvice of t e la'ter. Col. Hamey and t it. dragoons are at t't ihna. into which .hs? osrdied w.Mtiooi fing a gun. In def d, the were cordially wclcocied. & got Iroua ihe antliont:et a decent "Mow ow' nu the harg ifl. k The regular armr at Moiiterr conduct tnen.srivrr wni reai order vnd rrguiaroj inn Mi.'always, wrh the volunteer?. They and the Mrxicsr too often get m'o diffr rtjlt-p.. and i-onnciiief tellow. On lheds bfto't- Irtcu r l-f tt;e cn p, ti e bo.'y of a tiicmhei t1,a L u:snlle Legion was fcur.d in a position wtitch showed that lo t.3ii heen violently murdered. Ul comrade hurtcd him,, and the pett day. the Dcetor tieard, wt tn lie re-i.e-1 t'aoiarp". ihey' eallird out anil killed - vc sl .Vcxeai.(i U farther tiard, that ?ot t-8 (.tn Try lor led onlfrrd i,pih h:-.ck tn m Pitp, it a strong irpronand, i uiipr Im Lunaree or CaBaro The 4'.m reritiit ni lllmo's !inu ers tucli had V oarciud Iro amyro to Matamoros, ott on the r way to Tan.pno. wire ordered Ivrk. f roiiithly lo take itie jdace of the Kentucky gioi:, or possihlv 'o repel sO'i'.eiliieaieiied attack nCamargo. VVi3t f the mouve. they were oeieat lcut, r.rd-r-d to ceij?terni8i ch from Vlaiamoros. Tne report at Munterey, that (-u A'l-pn-tt-rid been tr ed hy a mdoarv roiri nt Nan Ltis Poiosi, tor l is eorsdeci a' on' terey, and ordered to he Ktio;! bid pz XiCO, A itsrr?' b ;gn- u. the New Organs p ipers, of g e.;ii iiiieiest, and if e! foun ded, ot the first importance. ' It is tint the M'Xictn t'ougrcss has rp'terated the rieciara'iort o! 8 n!a Anna to Gen Tylor, that t:o mgoiuitiuo for peace can i8 en cr" ta ned Wode "Ur troops are on Mex;ean soil and out ship n ter co-jwt. ! te qmret coffirm.'tti n ceitamiv, rd indi -erf seems inprobat ' out n inny be true lor till that, and it . t re i w.-rk enough n be dj?!C The liif auth-'iitir gtinipM of the Mexic . n Conrrss vi! be looked hir with giPat ae-xtety. It lhe propose micIi conditions an are indicated ahove. i c u1' ihev announce to h w rid ihit ihev de sire ihe continuance ot war ai.d will not tiave peace. Let them have w :r ;hrn, to their hearts, c-ntcut." Acd the indications ot 'such a dispositioii Jire already niifncienl to justify our Government in acting a the decollation hnu been fo;roailv inHd'- b M. yico and. all hopes of pccdy peace been efXeetttaSh quer.chet. L06S OF THE U BRIG SOMKRS. He regret to re-ord the I- Si o. ibi brig, which vas Ci nsioeied on ? o ihe bes' helosging to o'ir Gull Squadron. She w.is cap-:Zeri nnd 8-a k in j: hfstvy sq;sli on the 8'h ies. rear V.ra 'riB. Tneie e-c 60 person on ooaid-, ot wuooi nboo' 20 pet ihed, :i.-.d among ihi rn, passed mid shipmen II. .CIetxtsen nnd J. . nit R. Hn son, two ol the most promising . ttj, ei be longing to ihe N!vy. Some of :pp eiew hn escaped by chf.'gtt-g to spar , &c wete taken prisoners by the M s :a; and ate now in Vera Crt.2 The U. S. Sifaner, Goithcr, xra hke .vise losi i ear II' zs Santig on t- e 13 h lost aio Pilot Boil Ariel. We nave no rcom for lurther particulns this wtek. Disaster seem to have attended our Qt-ct e ver eii.ee it anchored m the Gulf. More Troops. The Military CoiDmittee reported a Bill to providp for enlistment and organi ZHt:on of ten Regiments, one ef Dragoons and nine of In'antrv, for the whole term of the war, or for five years, as the term of enlistment. Tt:e troops to be nihjected to the regulations of the Army, and all the officers to be appointed by the President One Af-tstant Yii.jor ia also recommended, for eacn .igi.Tteit; now in get vice, to be ta ken fro ihe Capta ns f the R u eti' jrp(itses vf Volunteers. 'Upon a m p. iiii) to refund it e several Kiics tf e xpniefc incurred by tt em. for ubsntellce and trait'portion of lunte- rs, nil tl cv were mustered in ttie United Siaies er vice. Mr. Brt offered a rpttoloiion. u inch vta adopud. ins-rtiet-itg tte Military Ciini mutpp.to ipport it Bdl. u akn g a general provision on the 8mip-cT. The orth ('arolv a Regiment. W e nre glad to he able tir say tbt o.ert ts now every prospept of ttie p'-edy formawon f the required Rtgiment in our State T e ppople w ere srn;e w hat low to act, bnt if ournpwn is eoT'ect. tteey are at lat i ."u sing ip in ear next. At the ast daten frm Raleigti onlv 2 fMi;. antes bad been re ported as ready -1 from R-wan. and 1 tro;i K'igepon.b. but n i 8 :-et: that a Cum pa y was ready m org mze in (swell and one in v.yr,e Up ber this week fiat one has oe i ratsed in t'abarn.8. and orn in M1 cklenhnrg -both probahU repor ted oelore it is ie. Tee would m-ke MX, ;'iid. doubieisB others w ill be spepdily tormed. E'gepoib raised a fine rompa ny ol onp hundred an5 fituen men at the Regimental niurter ordered for the par pOfie. an? Gen Loins D V ilson. Senator in the pfrsent L gnia ure front the Coun ty, w ; s elected C?,pisin W ell done Edge comb ! she , has effectually silenced ail sneers tins time. Efforts, we c by ihe papers, are making in "Favrttevilk 'o rtse h Cou.pany. and i between 30 and 40 are enrolled The Legislature. 0ing to " the Clinstinas ho.idiya, and the absence r if a number o? Mrmhersonu vitto Wilmington, but little bu- ne&s han neeii Hone in the legislature since our hst. W r oiv in iirmt her oortion of our ptoer, a -kr tcii of the proceedings up to Saturday list ; and we refer nut reJer roan article n nnoiher column headed the tenrite D bites" " In the Senate on yesterday, t$te bill io enclose the Stite Capit J passed it ctcot d readirrjby a m .jurity of ter.; and thcH.'up. . r s. uj, - .. w.- j u--!r. tor bM and rtBTdiferits in relatn to t'u ppoin'mr nt of Fo ld Officer l r ;iu N rn Caioimi Regimen'. A proposition, in i1 h Mr. Rayo-r, t vest th p:wer to ppoinf in fhp (i-.vern r, wn v t-ed down h a Urge Majority. We incltn?" to the r pinton that the flou-e wid p.i" the Senate bill, wit-ell gives the apptinimoni ol t' ese oflieerf to 'he offi-ersand privatex ot the Regiment other ih nk vw ver, that the j Legislature itselt will appoint. ' j I'hp two Houses were etigngd evu , ning it; aponioting Ju'ice- i file I'eace. Raleigh Standard. Trustees ofthcltniversits. The fo lo-v. ', ?. , e i . J , . i . i t oen. r hires, the South Anwricsn rrno- mi' gen'ente h 'Ve been elected I ru, fees i- ol the l!niveit, by the Legislature, to Cade " TePorlcd 10 have sat ed from Spaio fi: vcat-cies v. z; John A. Gilmer, of Guil I w'tb 1000 monarchtsts to conquer the Re lord: D .it! W. ( onrts, d Rockingham; public of Fquador. Joh K .1. ot tJaswell: Wa.ier F. Leak, of I tk .tn,,, r!rn,. n,;i; ...it - Kichunid ; i hu Tias IX. Cameron, ol Urn ls;id, c:;d Gucs Mebaee. vi'Oratigc. . , - i BUI to Review our Rail Roa-.t.A bill g hetoff lb benil , mtioOuceo. we be lieve, bv Mr. Giimer, to revive and rees tabhsh the Rleigti nnd Gaston R- ad. It proposes that ihe Legislature haii prreiide ior a j in' ownersl) p of the Road, between ihi S;ite and ot r"tl Stop hol'i rs it they j .hall ober,heSJ00t:0 to the extenstcn ! of the Road fo'i S .t i Carolina line. mmmmmmmm : Maine. In t! e ( nun sif r and Dan vile diMrtpi upnti ihe 'St!i trial. Charles Maguirt .D-o i:cr:it, w t lecn d a n-m bet of ihe 'uuip House of Repreaentativt 8 by a Majority of twt votes. Atkantas r An Ircr.nr; for a member nf ( mg rem look place recently in Atlanta . Tt'e reu.rns rentier v probable iha' T. V.j Newton, Democrat, is elened, i Massachusitt8. Tne tuo vacan Dia trictp are piobidv tilled- The W h'g tiv ing elected tttpir r-gu.ar eandida.ea Mep-n. Km and Plfiey, if n la ter ami defeated by an alb ged informality in the election. Rowan f'olun'eeis On Thursday of last week. Cr.pt. Lone' 9 ''ompany took up the hne of rtiarcj; -br thep'-'".- f'harlot'.e. Ihev were eseorteii out ol ; Town by a P rest number of tht ciitX'-ns, and pioeeded n thp av, witn ti e good j wisfiee of all trtiom they leftbrhird. to en- j yjji- mi en i.mmtkmx- w ; Me t p-mntry. May tt-ev return in safeiy j M k ki. rurtFlji al ik. nf . to njoy the distinction whtcit their courage i sno sen saci irjre iiierus. uunauuTy yuui nalt Presentation of a Flag. Last week. on Weiluescst. Misa Luta Vogler pre- eented the Rowan Volunteers, Cpi. appmpriate address, whieh was responded to by apt. Long in a becoming manner on accepting the gtf of patri' tism. It was unfurled over the Company who are to bear it in their dirtan- ant! honorable ser vice and displayed the Star Spangled' emblems of American liberty, with this in fccrtptinn : ROW AN VOLUNTEERS." A A 'arge nuniber .f ppf a:nrs were pres ent on tho interesting occasion. CONGRESS. The mail of last evening brought na no thing r.f pi-y special in'ereKt from M sh ir go n. The President h lettpi tided to ihe resolution ot n qnir fie red b Mr. (iaM Dhv:s el K i. u k , ri reg rd o thp orders issued in ur Mi'tfa? u mniideis in Mexico. Ttie l're:d' r!, iti 0i reply, st.-tif. ti nb ranee, ihbt tte instroctton yivon ijOcii Tny lor. Moo K'irnpv, Aif., were ot.lv mi eh is are rtcoge-Z" hv if.f.- aws of n.niir.t.c. I hre i.s u io- s n eteiv enniti'ii p a ed he stHbitnirerit ol .r--Visional gov 1 1 iniltH in the eo;qt;er d pmvit cCb. The .'ct o (Jen Ke-iriie,, ho ar a- i went to p'abli-h a per m neni ter ritoriul goernn ent, .r d inveft the n h bi-tai-tg ot tin em q red province, with l be. po!.t:cal rub's l 3 ns ..f the United ."Mat , v rtually annex og !he :m , iwd clared l be unauthto zd. Mr Po.kw ex position ot the matter tt brie , irrtnk e.nd ex pitctt. Mr Tbomassp, ot Ky. ahjtfcd a reso lutton d caring it. at when Mexico lniii hve made remuriera'in f-r her 'n debtedneM to us,..tid ackt owbdged ti e Rio Grande as 'he li-und-rv, pe e nht to i e res'oied. Upon tho qu "in n f supen ' dmg the rnieH fo p nsmer this reohi'n.r. the vo;e was .13 ae o noes , to noes i n s vt.te is regardid troi jly indcauve the views t the House upon a propstton !' this character. I;w has been admi t'd into th Union, and ber two Repreei.iative have already 'aken their seats. Her JSenalur had not arrived. Mr. Calhoun, on thf 31st inst., pres ntpd be f rednt!:is ol' Ji.d e i-ut U r, wh .waa p.jiii.o o2d took hi ae&l to tho tkirato. Arrival of flic Cambria. FIFTIEI l;Aifr I.A'llf FM.'M EI ROPB Pi LIDELPHIA. Dec. 18--10, P. !. ! The steamer Cambria arrived nt.IWtoa on WedncPdav etentng, having , f, Ipr. pol on tne 4th instant. The G. b.ought out 70 paBM-i)cp i Botoon. The most prominent puhtic-tl rvevra ia the ohliteraimn by Kt.?i,,, Aus na ai d" Prussia, of tne Republic .f Cracow, tfco last ren.ant ot P.Unl. The Coiion o aiket has be?n very ri cited. Ti.e Manct.eater ifjidr feci in M!il Hl the p,SPj mof,ueni. suported b jneculstora orlv Up 3rd ot 2H.G00 hales be-.ntf uk-n by Spe Uiaur- "li re 1'rulaj Ism a rise u Uire Cig'ttA ol a penny. The Ensbsit por re to Lc openpd. Indian Cem 56. a 68n. per qrt-r. American Flur haJ a.lvuiicei our thiUing per barrel in Liverpool closing ihe 3d mst witti a downward tendency. Ireland is ehjoyine o.ore tranqoility antf Landlords h4Ve adopu d ctErirnt and sue eeful mearti e .'or the relief of the pe . wt.i. v- kaft Lit i lain ia Oldl Vli liiv rocks at Dundirk Bay. Belgium has opened her ports until the 1st October, 1847. and has prohibited tho exi rt if fod. The Pope hits authorized the people ef Rome io organise their own local police- sn immense concession, TtitQ.em of Portugrl is ina crttieaT Ps,t,on. The rebellion ,s very general . " and it is supposed ahe will be compelled; to abdicate. Frrs . tr.MiMe have broken out in India. I he British are preparing for new corw qo st . England has protested against io occupa- tion ol Crtcow. Parlia ment is to rnept on the 19ofJanu afV e , , , , , I wr ve of the Hoyad family of rraneo Imved ed l (Thidera.. (D-mhtlnl) Tn pbigue it extendini! westward, 14u0 peroO having d'ed.of it at Bagdad Cholera ha t appeal t n in -ain Spintsh paper call vn France aad Kn- eland U establish a monaichy in Mexxo t. avc that couiriy , from falling inl .! . -a "oion. " " - 'X -r T.ieir Kaus. .Major Van liue;;, o oi the Fx presi J . . . I I - . 'T 1 neni, scieu as am to miprai I iyi-rat the ,:f Mftnf,r,. . jnutir , -.,in.,u'. . ('lay's son i Lieuti nant Colonel of a "regi ment ot Kentucky Volunteers. - D-twe4 U ebstc snn is csptom o a company .f" ' nillnir. k . . t... -,...n. ; . ' , new regiment of Mounted riflemen. OCT Mr. A. R. aIo.ntq.i-MEhs' having re signed as ngent ol thp S. (J. Rnd Road in thii pL.ce, and volunteered in the Richland Company, Mr C. J. B Ihn lias been ap p-intd his successor. nr B.iltti hta long been connected with th'' Rail Roid, nd from hi integrity, industry and accommo dating d.speMfion. will nek'- most effici ent officpr in the agency i-igned h'mr Columbia Banner. f)tath of Senator 'harrow of Louisia- ! no. Tup Hon. Alexander H-rrow , fit na' . tor (ti n. L'-'-'i'ona, dinj st Biuorr, ua. the 39'fi oil., at 5 o'ci ck. fro-u an at1 nek ot bilious cto.lie. In co nst sp ence of UV9 melaticholy even, bm utile was -'orje ia -eitticr hrancii'ort'iingrews on ihe 30 h The funeral took pbee on thp 3ls" and . .Ah u,,ual;y large. Nothing of in erest tranpird in Congrps, winch has reached us afitr that dat' "The Washington Union assert that fhG: books of th rre,..-nrerf lhUoi?ed iti ps, hikiw that the exf'enditures of our (iovrn metit forth- nine rnon'h er.dmg -ept. 3(t 1846, (at wh cntirne the wr had brrn rnr0 rrdon nearly five tnontns,) were about. $27.000 000, and th ti during thv? 8imO' months t'thear I -44 year or p-ai o 'he ipne lh" tioverniripet v rm. 24,0 '0 V00, ss shown by effi-ia repott-."- Preeipiee Department. When ou standi oti pie iie wot- ri v ung lady, (says th Alrwev K loketbock r,) la) remember nnd put your arm around her waist to pre eiit her becoming riitxy. L-die who have tried, sav there i im antidote in iho world t sileomparabb-wtih it. lr.de-d a young ladv cl our .icquauiiance any 'h it, under Mich circumstaies, she cuid Uok down Niagara for h"urH d not exi"ri' ' .th-. firi riisag.reeabi9 denttoo wha'.e'- ' Q,ccr tsa't l

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