KIN- -tf. TV Tilt; PUBLIC GOOD SHOULD EVE2 BE tRfcFERKED TO PRIVATE ADVANTAGE.' Volume 3. es5fNA,' Saturday, April 3, 1847. , Number 32. ., j0mmA;wm0m , , , - t V ' . xy. Xix v ; a S PRIJfTED AXD PUBLISHED WEEKLY, T " THOMAS J. ECCLLS. Tsaxfl. Two dollars per annum. payable in j,nce ; i2 50 if payment bp delayed 3 inonths. "tJo subscription received for less than a year. CjT0 CLUBS. Thn papers will he sent to any one Post otTuvo for and ?vcn to any di rections, for Si 0, if p:id in sdvacrc. Advertisements will ! eansjdcuoiirly inserted, at fl 00 pet quare (12 linos) for the first, and 2 cents for each mihsequeut insertion. j3No communication attended to unless the 'stage is paid. Lincoln Business Director a. .Court Officers Superior Court F. A. Iloke, clerk. Equity Wm. Williamson, clerk."' County court Robert Wiiliam eon, dark. Each of those tikes in the Couil House. W. Lander, Solicitor, law --- .1... .. . f . "square. B S Johnson, Sheriff. L I 'lothroek. Town Constable. V UegUrer, J. T. Alexander; Count v Sur veyor, John Z. Falls; County Processioner ! .mbrce Coatner. Trustee, J Kamsour. "V Treasurer of Public BuildingsD. W. I jischenck. Committee of Finance J, T. Alexan der. Bcnj. Sumner. John F. Phifer. . Building Committee J. Ramsnur, Peter uuimey, John F. 'Phifer, and H Cansler. Lawyers Haywood W.Guion, n.a;n st. pe door east. L. E. Thompson, main st. mst, ad squares - W. Lander.main st. east, 2d square. V. A. McBee, and W. Wil liamson, offices at McBee's building, main t. 2d square, east. .Physicians S. P. Simpson, main street, est. I). V. Schenck, (nd Apothecary, V" st. two doors east. Elim Caldwell), 6 doors east. Z Butt, offi fie'e opposite McLean's hotel. A. ilnmsour, rmin st. west. jlerckunts-H 8 Johnson, north on square west corner, J. A Kamsoti'r. on square, north wast corner. C. C. Henderson, on square, (post attic ) south. J. Kamsour Son, main st., 0 doors west. Johnson k , Heed, ou squnre,s(iuth west corner main st. Academic Male, B. Sumner; Ftrnule, under the charge of Mr. Sumner also; resi dence main st. 5th corner south vasi of the vCOUrt ho yac- - Hotels Mrs Motz, s. w. corner of main st. and square Wm. Slade, main st. 2d corner east of square. A. A. McLanc, 2d corner, west, on main st. B. S. Johnston, north west, on square. Grocirs G. Presne!!, main st. 4 doors cast of square. Wm. K. hd wards, south v 2tt of sqtiaro. James Cobb, south east corner of Main and Academy street. Tailors Daiiey & jSeale, tuain st. one ooor west of square. Allen Alexander, m square, b. l.y w. side. Moore it CoLb. en square, norui west cnrr.f.'. Watch Maker and Jeweller Charles W m i A t m .I.-, of A rsnc-t Saddle and Harness Makers J.T. Al exander, main st. 2d corner easto( square, ti. M. 6c F. J. Jetton, on square, north b3 west. J. A. Jetton, south west on square. Printers T. J. Kceles, Courier oflice 5 doors north of court house, Island Ford road. Booh Binder F. A. Hoke, main st. on -iu square west ol court house. Coach Factories Samuel Lander,tnain st. east, on 2d square from Court House. Abner McKoy, nviinst. east, on 3d square. Sr P. Simpson, street north of main, and n. . of court house. Isaac Erwin, min st., west, on 2d square. A. &; U. Garner, on Blacksmiths Jaccb Rush, main st. 5th corner east of court house. M.Jacobs, main st., east end. A. JJela in, main st. near east end. J. Bysanper, back st. notth west of public square. J. W. Pay sour, west snd. Cabinet Make rs ThotnasDews & Sou, main st. east, cn 4th square. Caren'ers, $c Dmiei Shuford. main sf., east, Gth corner from square. James Triplet:, mam st. M'Bee's building. Isaac Ilouser.main st. west end. James Wells, mainet. west of square. Brick Mascnj Willis Peck, (and plas terer) man si., east.4th corner from so uare. Peter Houser, on oust side of street north f square. Tin Plate Worker and Copper Smith .'hos. R. Suuford, main sr. east, on south 'ide ot 2d square. Shoe Makers John Hugins, on back it., south west of square. Ami FnrJ & Co. south west corner Charlotte road and main st. east end. Tanners Paul Kistlor, maiu-st., west end. J. Ramsour.bnck St., north east of Bquare. F & A. L Hoke, 3-4 miie westol iyn, main rond. Hat Manufactories John Ciine, north k'rorn public square, 2 doors, west side of st. John Butts & son, on square, south side. Oil Mill Peier and J E Hoke, 1 miio south wrest of town. York road. Paper Factory G. & R. .Hosteller, 4 niies south-east of court house. Cotton Fuctory John Hoke & L. D. Childg, 2 miles south of court house. Vesuvius Furnace, Graham's , Forge, irevard's, and Jobnson's frc.n work, east VLime Kiln Daniel Shuford and others, 'miles south. TO WHO! TO WHO! 'Tws on a cold autumnal night, A dismal one to view ; Dark clouds obscured fair Ventta light And not u star appeared in sight, As the thick forest through. Muggins aa UfcuaI,MbIue" Beat homeward, tacking" left and right ; When all at once bebrought up," rit;ht Against an old dead yew ; At which he "rounded to," And "tquaiiuoir," if for fight, Said, with an oath, I sha'iit indite, ' infernal scoundrel you ! 'Light an' I'll lick you, black or whitt!" Just then above Itim fiew An owl, which on a branch did light 1 A few feet o'er the boozy wight, And then commenced " Tu trhno Tu whoot Tu ichoot Tu wkoo Qui'th Muggins "Do you think to fright A feliow of my weight and height With your Ttr-whovt er-wfico, You cursed buggaboo ! An' cf you're Belzebub, it's quitu On-necessary you should 'light i'or Muggins aint your 'due. My money matters are all right! Tue Phintkii PAin uj iioxou iiuiciaT!' Thereat the owl withdrew, And Muggins too ; But there are other chaps who might Be caught out late some dismal night, Who HATkx'T paiu what's nrt!" Thoy know to who I to who ! From the South Carolinian. The Little F;U Man in tlie Grey Overcoat, OR, GUN COTTON v. BUSTLES. Dedicated to Vesper Brackets Esq. BY COL. KAT SL0CU3I. On the fifteenth day of December, A. D. 1816, blessed tn memory for a good crop, precisely at four o'clock in the afternoon (we aie always particular in matters ot im portance) "a solitary hor&crrun might have been seen," picking h;s way along the muddy, sloughy, sliibbv, market road, lead ng from the Bunkvmbian Empire, to Co lurnbia, S. C. For purticular reasons, we shall say nothing as to the appearance of the equestrian, foi it was ourself. Nor will I ?ay more about the horae I bestrode, as with all my anxiety to know, and the ul most super-human exertions 1 made, I have been unable to trace his pedigree back to an Arabian sire. It may net ha auii.i, bowev-r, t Bay that 1 was exceedingly lonely, and would have given horse, saddle, and bridle -yes, and would have thrown in the martingale for good measure to have heard the voice of a "fellow human" for as Miss Barret says : "The tempest stretches from the steep The shadow of its coming The beasts grow tame and near us creep, As help were in the human. Yet, while the cloud-wheels roll and grind, We spirits tremble under ! The hiiishavp echoes,- but we find jXo answer fur iha thunder" From this, my extravagnnt offer and ap preciation, you, my dear Brsckett, wiil know at w hat part of the road I was You, loo, have often passed through that, Ion, lonely, houseless Streak of Pine y Woods" which beginning at tht retired Mathematical Professor's" above our cap ital, extends in a northerly direction, until its dreadful monotony is broken by the ap pearance of the shop where Paddy said 'Acy fell aphcls and melasses made out tc jnn.r trays, be Jailers." It is seldom during the wintor, one travels those tedi ous miles, without meeting and cverlikin" nunureos of highland ships ycelpt cotton waggons and in Summer, the cows eeem to take a particular iancy :o the road-side et, when "a- luck will have it," you are caught "solitary and alone," like the poli ticians bai?, rolling along, and meet with none cf these pleasant interruptions tothf. ennui of riding alone, you know then, that ghominess becomes doubly insupportable. Such was my fix. Tis irue, 1 did derive some little amusement from making r,icb calculations, as to how deep such a rr.ud hole wcuid allow a wagon wheel to sink ? and if auch another would not be putty apt to "take in" an axle, or lay violent hands on a tar-bucket ? Now, this requiring one to take into consideration the weight of the load, and the "itifidity" of the mud : as Parson Moser's Willis said about Buzzards lane ; was a nice reckoning very and 1 confesi it did amuse me. But one will tire of the same thing orer and ovr, and soori v jlika the loafer i " jogged for chang-." wherever the road would permit such e. questrian performance, I put my "boi!(n)y steed" to a canter, ond being in a,musical humour canticvLted rnyself. . Then, I whittled, and speechified on all manner of subjects, and for variety's sake, not from barbarity, for 1 am the best natured fellow J in the world txcept Betsy Blossoiri who lives or. thcSaluduFork and who from sheer good nature feeds her turkeys en milk; I say for variety's sake, I occasionally cracked old gray over the head, just to hear his parchment 'covf re d bones rattle. It all wouldn't do. I blundered along, bow ever, through mud and mire and my lone some diseaae grew so rapidly, that I wa J thinking of including in my original ollei for company, an old hat I sirapi for, at j Buckhalter's dance, and believe with a ve j rity I would done so and have riddt n into Columbia bareheaded, i( 1 had not heve in sight of two old codger who were jogging on at an easy pace to market. How heart ily I thanked fortune for, ibis favor. Rain to tho husbandman when drought bh burned up his crops pardon to the crimi nal when the gailowa looms up before him, ibt raising cry of the hounds which tingle? at the heart of the fox-hunier, like martial music, the magnetic evidence of a glorious nibble, which is conducted by lino and pole to tho digits of the fisherman, the rinding of a guinea nest with onu hundred and forty-four eggs, by Jim Boney, wasn't to' b compared to the delight I felt at the pros pect of company. They were engaged in earnest conversation, on a subject of uppa ranily deep interest. 1 kicked old gray in to a canter, and briskly joined them. To my polite salutation thry returned only' a silent nod, which did net require the addi tion ofauinktQ prove to me.that they in tended to continue ihair discourse. One was a (at, round p'.urr5pwaistfcd individual, having on a ciusc-fit tig gray cloth overcoat, buttoned up with a moat fcufibcating light ncss, jam up under hit throat, bis full chin failing in a whelk like a Bologna Sauane just over the collar. His very counte nance proved him beyond a "doubt's ehad der" a regular decendunt of Momus, though it also led me to believe that some o;:e of Me ancestor had marked into the ancient lamiiy o! Bacchus. In hard times he was just the man whom it did one good to look at. He was in fact ajolhj pictura of jovi allity. Hts companion, wearing a brown seedy camblet cloak, was, what we always expect to find under audi a coverings long, lean, caie-worn, discontented lotking fel low the perfect representative of a fam ine, and when I looked at him I couldn't help thinking of the lean hint which puz zled the .ec romancers of Egypt in Joteph'a time. His face was o sharp, that I would feel afe in betting tho above mentioned haf, against the little end of nothing, that a fly had not ventured to alight upon it, since lie wa a babe in bis mother's arms. And his shadow was bo kien that be shaved himself with it and one time casting it a little tee high it cropped nne of his ears, and he la boured under the disadvantage gf a. foreign reputation, for the excision was laid to the charge of a sheriffs action in some barbe rou land, as satisfaction for riding ofTa horse which did noi belong to him. But as that is scandal, we will go no farther, except it be to ask you lo picture to your self a fat jolly goodnaturcd bear, and a lank limbei-Ieggd grey hound, travelling along "as thick as three in a bed," and you have my two mm exactly. I drew near to them as possible, determined, after my lonely ride ,- now that chat could be heard for a reasonable price only for listening -to lose none of their conversation, how ever uninteresting it might prove. "Oh I swar its loo orful at my house," said Camblet, "1 shan't put up wi;h it no longer; I had expected to sell bulgin big crap of cotton this fall, but the tantrums has bodaciou! robbed me outen at Iea3t a fifth ; I shan't nor won'tstand it." "Hut, tut," ejaculated Overcoat, "when you gits used to it, as 1 has, yot wont erlow yerself tn be flung cut by ttese similar like trifles." "Trifles it looks nity little like triflin to have one bag outet every five tucken from you so it does 1 think' "Well that is a purtey sawa eius gouge said Over coatfbut if we mata up our minds lo consi der em as trifles they is trifles, nnd ain't anything cite " But," responded Cam Met "itg purtey develish lifl kil! io consi der em so, when they isactilly so far frum it. And, then I ve got a piece of land to J pav for; I expected to do it with ibis cup I i , .. .,, , , . 1 j and I b eve t.-.r. iv.,t r... .i..- -ad I b-lovclMe fca but fur tbe,,! foo!,sh notion- ,,y, ,.,i0 ,v crli,r. all to nitre" .Voii fit a,j to pieces. "ell. Ill confess when I . ,i . 1 a feller is postered about these things lie I ia Pestered mihtlv Mwlv r.-..! Overcoat. " But jest lister, avbi!s tweil a ;i ."iiivu I give you my erperence in that luurof busi i.ess.' I've got five darters, and each one of 'em wastes at least cai'cI.nions five- ami twenty pounds prannum. And then there's, a new hand sot in about a year ago the old ana though she is now high on forty eight she jist mounts on appeardntly an veu tnty at a load. Wlti she i full rig for meelin, she's the nictat, plum nesf.iggost little figure of a mortal you " "Oh Ml be drat if I'd stand that" i'nterup led Camblet, "1 b'lieve if they hooked my crap in tint style, I'd venture to set a steel tra . I dont no, neither they take it bv degrees so and it gits bigger so graduullv along, lhat the fust thing a feller knows his hole crop is packed inter round bales und slung round his galls. I remember w. en my oldest gill fust mounted her'n itJ warm bigger than my little finger, and I was 'willin to spare her that much if it helped out licr looks enny. Bui in the course of a year it kept growjn and swi l bn and growin" and swcllm ont will now its as big round as my body- I wonder any how," be continued in a kind ofsolil-q.jy, what comfonVin em pe cially about dog days?" "Precious titUe I should reckon," answered Overcoat, st.ud deiing at very thought of if. "I've noticed my galls lay em by in hot weather when the dont expect kumpany and its a puitey good notion of thern, I'm a thinking.'' it inuit be a great relief to em. Bi t as 1 was a sayin, hear me tell my fuflerins, and then say if it aint fhe lest not ii koer for tch things. I fust tried burnin whenever I could luy hands on em. But soon sw that was beginuin wrong end up for as soon as one was burnt, a bigger one corn to the funeral. Then, i wouldn't get any more nor rid truck, nnd in that way lhat I'd purvent women kind from havin enny more of em for lack of cloth to mako outen. But was jist about that time my old 'o. man got to be monstrous fashionable, and wanted to look fat as ibe best of em. Sue warnt to be pu; out not she too good a contriver for that so she cuts up one of her old petticoals and node one of the big gest soit tho galU followed suit. My next plan was to storm it out. I tipped and tore and, I cussed anefswore,! pitched wnorted, I roared and kevorted. B,;t the more I biled and busted the bigger they got. I then give it up m disgust. Bime by one of them Mormon Preachers came aiong. You know ibey pur'end lo cure th sick and make blind persons see ?" "Ah-ha-yes." Well, I thort I'd make one more e-fort to put a stop to hookin my cotton; and I thort if he could make crip ples go it and could pluck up trees and fling em inter tho sea, that he was t,e man to help me in my t n-de-vours. So I went to htm and told him I had a j',b tor him, and ef he'd do it I'd give him ten dol lars. He said ho didnt charge nothing, but '.bat the workman was worthy of his hire, or something to that respect so he said he'd receive it. It aint common st z, I, for people about here to pay before hand, butsz I, F pay you as soon as the job is done. '1 cant do it for you or anv bo dy else sez be 'ihou: they has faith, and your refusing to pay in advance, sez he, n evidence of a want of faith on yer part." 1 II give you one dolls r now and the other nine as soon as you git threw, besides stZ I. vour board !. Z in Kl ! i, uui uutru snau oe Ilunff in. iuw sry 1, thats faith ennffsez I, to make a r.ic"er shed his heels and toe nails. No, sf z he; give me the hull string or I wont trv it. Yer faith sez be is too feeble, you should have faith to remove a mountain Tha's jest what I'm after, sir, sez I; come along home with me, and soon as ycu get there the money's yourn. But the feller woud'nt do it, and it riled me. So I up and told h'ttn he was it derned humbug and a hypo crit, and axed him if there wis any word in the.Dyctionary or Kongresa speeches, worse than ibetn too, to teHMne, and IM call him that. From that we got to biuh words and insted of mor.ov I eudtvoured tq ; , , M A , , - good I reckon, sa c ' You give ii ta him ., , ' V " 1 'a,ui ' count mystif i r , , , . J Imru to Imno in u fi 'bt vet h 1 , ." " 7 " 1 Is 1 outen b.m."-? nil ..i I... A J . ...... - No noi exitckelv it uas tu and iu" who will, ai)d who shi; md we both wa' initey wiilm to quit. J ihurt we was about quar w&ph we 'pared but I've beam Mjnce that bo rentier go: n leetle not much mind e a leetle the Lest of it. , Any how. nee that t;mo Fvo let Mor- in..ii Preachers and bustle aione." Cum biei did not appear to have ben convinced that it .v;. best not to care fur such things. No, he locked, as if, knowing nil the dif-, lieulties by which be v. as surrounded, ho iilbO knew hisabillity !o overcome them and was fsven now arranging 1 bis plan?, and preparing himself for the mighty strug gle. As 1 ftlt certain he would shortly give us the benefit of bis cogitations, I wou'd not now leave him, although we had passu-d through ":L lonesome streak of Pi ntry Wr,oJs," and I stood in no need of company. H did not keep mo long in this staie of anxiety. "vvell, I think 1 know of one plo ihai'l shortly put a stop to it. You've beam of the new kind of Cotton they've got in Kolumby ?" Whit, the Gun Cotton or the 'Masterdou," "enquired Overcoat. "Some call it Gun Cotumsoine Explorin Cotton case it w asfotched by the Explorin Army. I understand it will be wonh thirty rive or forty cents a pound. Ef that's so, it'il be a good speck, anyhow. I'm g wine to gil tho sed of. it. and plan! my whoU crap of lhat kind and iben see tf ny galls ain't remejently taken mighty thin." As quick as thought the two lower buttons on Overcoat, were snapped off, and be be gan shaking and jumping from his boot heel np io ibe crown of his head. He reeled backwaid and forward and si Je ways in is-.s saddle. His feet were no longer in the stintips. lie became purple in the face and was just about rolling off bis burse, when Camblet caught lain by the coat colhr and steadied him. Then he o pened bis mouth, nd if all the sounds that ever were heard bad been blendid intu one, they would scarcely equal lhat shout of laughter. I'd give the Slate Bank'if it were mine, could I enjoy a laugh as be did. It lasted him from Youninger's lane to the bridge, & be was unable lo con verse during ibe time it required to ride lhat distance. Duringihe intervals of con vulsions be managed tu say " D-os-a v-e-w-e a f e-w o f t-h e m s e-e d-s " ' This Camblet promised him, if they did noi cost too much, and having reached Butch ertown, I separated from them. Return ing home 9 d?y or two afterwards, who sbuuiJ I overtake but camblet.. I was rejoiced at this luck, for I desired to learn his. success in getting the seeds. "Did you p-ocure those seeds' I asked. " No Sir r r. It won't do for me for you see Mister, the boys in my neighborhood is roity hands to hunt possums in the fall of the year, when Cotton is jist gittin good open. Now if I should be a leetle behind m pickin itou:,.ind they was to go through my field wilh iheir torches, a spark might explore my whole crap p'raps blow em up too and then they couldn't be tried for arson. So I give it up, and left it to tho Leg;s!a!ur. Bui, if I was hvin outen a pos sum range Fd venture it any how, jest to try io blow up them derned bustles." I now beard a tremi r.deous shout coming from the waggon jusi ahead of me. and , I ' ' bul al the ow-frame looking in at the bind gale, saw a little in perfect extacies. That laugh, and lhat boot, could belong to no one else but "The Liule Fat Man in the Gray Overcoat." A new patent stove fur the convenience, of travellers has just been invented. It is placed under the feet, and a mustard plas ter upon the head draws the heal through the whole system. A watchmen being asked the name of his youngest ehild. said be "wantd n I quarter of tbrep." -"