and the office sought for him, it is sup posed, was that of commanderMn-chief of the army, Rosa's letter to ihe com. missioned is firm, ' He denies the request of the commiss ioner, and enjoins upon the authorities of San Luis the duty of immediately arresting Paredes, as one who has violated the laws of the coun try, and attempted to introduce into it a monarchical government. We have yet to learn, though, which of the two, Pe ny y'Pena or Paredes, is the stronger mart en Valencia died in this city on the 25th Vnst, of apoplexy. lie, it will be "'"em.bered, commanded the Mexican it the battle of Conteras, and his dience of the order of Santa Anna ' ck from that position has given ;r an excuse for his defeats in ey. There is no doubt the sig t of Valencia at Contrcras exer jreat influence upon the Mexi he battles which followed. He 'ed seven thousand five lain ie best troops in the Mexican .nd had with him twenty-seven ,es of artillery, anil it is the opinion of the most intelligent officers of our ar my that if ho had obeyed the orders of Santa Anna, the taking of the capital must have been a work of still greater difficulty than it was. turday, April 20, 14. 10CRATIC NOMINATION. FOU GOVERNOR, lAVID S. REID, (OF ROCKINGHAM.) FOR STATE S, 'R, W I L L I A My J'SDE It, FOR THE COMMONS, James II. IVhitc, Samuel N. Stowe, F. l. Rcinliardt, Gilbert 15. Routh. We arc requested to an nounce J: V. LOWE, as a candidate for Sherilx of Lincoln County, at the next elec tion. ApS We are requested to an nounce Capt.Wm. D. WYKOFF, as a candidate fi.r Sheriff of Catawba County, at th next election. Apr 20 (rMAY DAY Monday next, we understand, will be celebrated by the ladirtofthe Female Academy, of Lin colnton ; and we congratulate the public on the continuance of this innocent and pleasing custom,established in the reign of "good Queen Bpss," when many "a kirtle of rsre device, with its party fa cings and hanging sleeves" showed royalty in miniature, and in fact would have done honor to royalty itself. It was th often, that the nurseling of grandeur would become the loadstone of rural attraction, in those "merry times," different from the present, as there is no distinction now, but that of merit. fVe wish the young ladies every enjoyment, the old ones pleasing recollections. It is the ladies" day and one which the young gentlemen Irok to with fond an ticipations. May nil be realised. Go. youthful visionaries, enjoy thy flitting happiness! No cold philosophy shall trammel the powers which a kind Pro vidence has given thee for happy crea tions. We see thy eyes sparkle, and thy cheeks glow in the sweet illusion ! Gaze on the mock solemnities, and en. joy happiness while thou wilt, reality will come full soon ; and for light and hope thou wilt see darkness and sor row, until that better light appears which -comei by God's Revelation, and which shines out from Eternity. fc3"The Western Continent" is the title of a large and useful family news paper published at Baltimore, Md., by W T Thompson, Esq., author of Maj. Jones' letters : it is not only a large paper, but it is strictly southern, and will be found an agreeable companion a the fireside cf the farmer. We have a opy at our office which may be seen, while, contrary (o custom; we take pleasure in recommending it to the poMis. CO" Our Salem almanac says the 28th will be fair, andA that we ate to have thunder showers to-day and to-morrow. We will be happy if its predictions prove true, for a shower or two will be quite welcome at this time, Friday, 8 o'clock. C3"Th noooina'ion of the Hon D S Reid seems to have given general satis faction. We hope to hear to-day of his acceptance and appointment, as we are sure he will lose no time in making his appearance before the people. Let him give us a call, for we will have some big musters before long. (KrA Post Office, called Ea rly G rove, has been eslablished at Wilson's s to ie, Marshall county, Mississippi ; and Max well Wilson, Esq. appointed Post Mas ter. Such of our papers as were here. (ofore sent to Lamar, will be directed to the new office. Persons writing should do as well. THE CONVENTION, that came off here onSaturdiy last was one of the most enthusiastic we ever attended ; and is acknowledged one of the largest to have been held for any three counties ol North Carolina. The result of its Delegation will be found in another col umn, to which we call public attention, satisfied that every true democrat will go the whole stripe, regardless of those whose only independence consists in an absence of any principles. We do no1 know that an Independent" will run, but we do know, that those who feat an honest canvass ot their merits in pri mary assemblies of the people, have nothing to recommend them to either party. (KrThc Hon. Charles Manly, is the Whig candidate for Governor. We only state this for inlormation, as it is but little interest to the people who (he whig central com-ntttee nominate. He is of a favored family a brother of the Judge, who would forsooth be Sen ator, if successful in his gubernatorial canvass. He ought to be dubbed colonel, like many others we know of ; plain charley, is too vulgar, 0O Errata. Our devil, while re joicing in his sobriquet, commits more errors than we can find room or inclina tion to detail. Thinking a "Daniel had come to judgement," a "sentence he would-prepare," he transfigured the Hon. David 23. Reid, into the very name his devilnhip thought "go l-l ke." Our readers will read David for Daniel in August next, however ; and thus the devil makes his manly acklowledge mcnls. 07The business of the Superior Court, tor Gaston County, was conclued by noon, of Tuesday last. Considerable numbers were in attendance, and we were glad to see that the spirit evidenced in the improvement of ihe town. pervaded also the feelings of tha people, who met their old local opponents as brother should meet brothers, determined to support the causes they thought right. On the evening of Tuesday, Messrs. Lander, and Stowe addressed a large concourse of the people, and J. H. White, Esq. also signified his accept ance of the nomination of the Conven tion, a call on his time, and a sacri fice of his precuniary interests, which he felt due to those who had hitherto re posed their confidence in him. Of the speakers it is unnecessary for us to say more, as tho public will hear for themselves it is the people who have made the gentlemen who they are there verdict will be cheerfully abided by. We hope that verdict will be the ticket the whole ticket, and no' thing but the ticket. Messrs B. Mori is, and H. Gaston an nounced themselves as candidates for Sheriff of Gaston countv. 57We propose that instead of Gen. Scott assuming all the credit of our late victories in Mexico, that some of the credit be divided among the hundreds of graduates of West Point by whom he was surrounded, and the plain rank and file who did the fighting, regardless of his claims to the Presidency ! We have lost several of oui own brave boys, in Mexico we have several who bear honorable wounds ; we think them enti tied to as full a share of honor, as epau letted gentry, with salaries to match ! OCrOur whig friem! are refered to the Prospectus for a pdner in Ruther fordton, by !Hr. T. Allayden, a' gen tleman of much merit, arid' one that will do what he promises. We are sorry he is a whig, for we cannot wish his prin ciples success, but as an Editor, and a Printer, we tender him the hand of good fellowship. CSrThe will of J. J. Astor, of New York seems to interest many of our bro ther Editors, that of Stephen Girard We do Dot know tht tho public feel a ny sympathy for the two old misers who having skinned the world, make a boast through their Executors of having left what they could not carry with them. Each of these men had it often in their power to bestow the plain unostentatious charity, that seeketh not for publicity, but the reward of a good conscience and a clear heart. The widow's mile was no bly given ; and such as it, has more real liberality in its purpose than all the Astor's and Girard's in the world. QCrMr. Clay's lament is a touching appeal to the sympathies of the whigs ; and we hope the Et tu Urate" will be understood by the Editors who have raised tho Taylor banner. We will npt speak of its egotism,for Mr C. was never accused of being a modest man, or he would not have let the world know that he was kissed by so many wotnen. Poor old fellow, there was no harm in him, no how. OrThe fruit has been much injured by the frost, since our last paper and the present appearance of the weather indicates no more favorable change. We have "dsnged" the few peach trees wo had been nursing the last three months, and are attending to our Feus and Quorn. Green it is. 0"Our paper to-day will, we think prove interesting ; as it contains more than the usual quantity of matter. Read it and judge. Considerable of a riot occurred in the city of Washington lately, which came near overthrowing the office of the Era, an abolition print. It grew out of the at tempted escape of a number of slaves, & of subsequent proceedings relative to them auJ their abductors. FOREIGN IHTJEIAIGEXCE. The packet ship Duchess aVOrleans has arrived at New York from Havre, bringing three days later news than pre viously received by the Hibernia. The date of sailing from Havre, or time of arrival at Nov, York is not men tioned. She was advertised to leave on the 24th ult., but may hdve been detain ed beyond that time. The absence of date is the less to be regretted, as the in telligence is not of a commercial nature, merely giving the heads of the politic! news, which is of a most important char' acier. An express steamboat was em ployed to bring the papers from the vet' sel. A Republic has been declared in Prus sia, and the King and his Ministers have been imprisoned. The Prince has maae his escape, and taken refuge in England. The revolution in Lombardv has prov ed to be successful, but the contest is said to have been ofa most bloody character. The King of Naples has yielded to the people all the concessions that have been demanded by them. England still continues to protest a gainst :he marriage of Montpensier. It is believed that notwithstanding the concessions made to the people bv the Emperor of Austria, that he will finally be compelled to -abdicate his throne. The Emperor of Russia has issued a ukase ordering the army into the field, because of alliance (so says our dtsparch) with the United Slates, and to put a stop to the ftjod of anarchy now prevailing throughout Europe. There had been some disturbance in Lyons and Havre between the people and the soldiery, but it was speedily and easily quieted. The accounts of the Polish Revolution are entirely confirmed. There is nothing later from England or Ireland. ARRIVAL OF THE ACADIA. Liverpool, April 8. There was a general commotion throughout the whole of Lirope. Aus tria was eutirely disorganised. A difficulty had arisen tetween Hol land and Russia, on accouat of encour aging Poland. The trinmph of ihepeopla of Hanover had been completed. Russia was flooding Poland with troops. Belgium, Frussia and Austria remon strated against the demonstrations made in Paris against their rejjeciive govern ments. . . i " r - Great excitement existed in Ireland and England, Government hid issued a Proclamation against the Chartist de demonstrations, which were to take place on the 10th inst. forbidding the people to assemble, which created great excitement, and preparations were ma king to go on with renewed vigor nd determination. Government was using all its power to tuppress the attempt at Rebellion in Ireland. Appeals for equal rights wereenergef ic,artd declarations made that it was now too late to repeal the Union and that a Republic alone would satisfy the people. &MITII O'llRtEN.and delegates from the Repeal Association waited on Lam artine in Paris, fie expressed sroypa thy, but said nothing offensive to Eng land, declaring the deteimination of trance not to mterfeie with the internal affairs of other nation. France was quiet, and tranquility pre vailed in Lyons. 'Preelections in the National Guards resulted favorably to the republican candidates. In Alexander County on the 19th of April, by Moses Alexander, Eq., Miss Margaret M. Alexander, tu llosea H. Drum, all of said County. NOTICE. The undersigned wishes to employ an ap prentice tu the Housccarpenter or 1illrighl trade, and wishes some young healthy man of good reputation to apply, as the subscriber will be engaged in a very large protracted line of business now in a short time. df Young men please call and try a sniail experience Tiie subscriber will be tound in Lincolnton, east end. RUFUS J. CURRY. April 29, 1848. IS NOTICE. The subscriber wishing to recruit his stock of Groceries, requests those in debted to come forward and assist him by a settlement , of their claims. He continues business at the old stand. AM Zl FORD. Dallas, (Jasion County, April 29, 1849. 13 tf. P ROSPECTUS OF THE MOUNTAIN BANNER. The Subsciiber designs to commence the publication of a new Weekly Paper in the village of Rutherford ton, JV. C, lo be cal led the WOUMAIN BANNER. Mr. F. Inge Wilson will be associated with him in the editorial department, and no pains will be spared to give general sat isfaction, by presenting such a variety that every one may be able tu find something tu suit his own peculiar tastn. It will be ihe aim of the editors tu render this journal a welcome visitor not only to the politician, the merchant and farmer, but to all profes sions ; and above all, to the family fireside. Besides the current news of the day, its col umns will embrace tales, sketches, essays, pjelry, wit, humor, &c, and nothing will be admitted to which the charge of immo rality or indecorum can in any wise attach, it will advocate Southern rights, and a por tion of it will be from time to time devoted to the development of the resources of the South. As regards politics, it will be an independent, but fair exponent of Whig principles ; but no resort will be made o vulgar vituperation or violent attacks upon those who honestly differ in opinion. Mind ful of the old ada-e, that '-persuasion is belter than force' its political matter will be calm and dispassionate; aiming rather to include its decuines by reason and truth, than by violence and ultra partisan rage. Though the Banner will be intended to benefit Western North Carolina in paitidi lar, the ami of the Proprietor will be to ren der it worthy of a more extended circulation; and he appeals to the public generally f r support, feeling confident that he will be a bis to return a full equivalent to all who may aid him with their patronage. Terms Two Dollars a year, in ad vance, or it paid within three months , Tico dollars and Fifty ceuts, if net paid until the expiration otsix months; and Three Dollars at the end ot the year. 5CpThe Paper will be published asaoon a3 a fcufiicieiit number of subscribers areob tained to warrant the enterprise. THOS. A HAYDEN. Ruiherfirdton, Jptil, 1S48, TO THE PUBLIC OF And citizens ol North Carolina Having recently made a visit tu Philadelphia, 1 was adrised by a gentleman who had witnessed the e fleets of it, to bring with me a quan'.uy of EdePs Vegxtr.ble Embrocation, which has performed most wonderful cures of the following injuries : Severe Contusions, Sprains, Injuries from Falls, ASD Stiff Joints of knr Standing. o j I have also for sale EtieVs Vegetable Purgative Pilis, which bear a high re putation in Philadelphia for the cure of Dyspepsia, Disordered Stomach, and all bilious affections, Diseases of the Liver, A LSU EdeVsFireExtr actor, ( w ith a policy of Insurance) which as a reme dy for Scalds and Burns cannot be sur passed. C. C. HENDERSON. Sept It 48- 2IOOIIE & COBB Take this mean of informing their nu merous friends and customers that they have permanently located themselves in the well known shop formerly occupied by Dai ley &. Seagle, one door west of JUotx' hotel, and having received the latest fashions, they flatter themselves that they are fully pe pared to give satisfaction to all w ho may give them a call ; they are thankful fir ih liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon them, and respecttully solicit a continuance of the same. Country produce will be taken in ex change for work, which they will allow the highest market prices for. They wish to em ploy a hoy as an apprentice, from 14 to 17 years of age ; none need apply unless he can come well recommended as a boy of steady business habits &c. April C9th 1S4S. 13 NOTICE. To the Creditors of ROBERT II. BURTON, Dcc'd. Pcrscant to a decree of the Supreme Court of North Carolina made in the cause of Law son Henderson and others, against 11. W. Burton. Executor, the Creditors cf Rob eit li. Burton, late of Lincoln County, de ceased, are to come in and prove their res pective debts before me, at ihe Office ol lh said Court, in ihe City of Kaleigh,on or be fore ihe first day of June next, or in default ih?ref, they will be excluded the benefit of the said decree. EDMUND B. FREEMAN, Clerk .March 24. 1843. 10 iiw NOTICE The undersigned having closed busi ness, and being about to leave the Slate, requests all those indebted lo him indi vidually, as also those indebted to tho late firm of Dailey 4 Seagle, to como forward and settle, or they will have to pay cost. OCr'I he interest will be de ducted from Mich Notes ai are not now due, if paid at once. Jacob dailey April 14 ll-tf Xffew Establishment. DAVID WELSH, Watch & Clock 2vX&kcr Hep: ircr, &.C. &.C. LINCOLNTON, N. C. Respectfully oflera his services to the citizens of this and the adjoining coun try, in the above line, assuring the public that work entrusted to his care will be executed in style and finish equally as well as if sent to the original Finisher in Liverpool or Lon don. He will keep on hand a 6mal as sortment ot Watches, Keys, Chains, &c. CCrMusical Boxes and Jewelrv also. repaired at short notice. From a cesiie to accommodate, with strict attentior to business, he trusts o merit a generous patronage. March 23 7- NOTICE. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing between George and David Mosieller in the Paper Manufactory, Ate, is thu day dissolved by mutmil consent. All persona mdeb'ed to the firmware reques ted to settle immediately with George Mosteller, in whose hands all the note and accounts are left. He will also .pay alt the claims against the firm. GEORGE MOSTELLER. DAVID MOSTELLER. March 4, 1848. 7 F1XAL JSOTICE. The undersigned having disposed of bis interest in the Grocery in Lincolnton, earn estly rfqnefcta all those indebted, to call and settle all amounts due him, by note or cash, with Mr. Caleb Miller, at ihe old stand in Lincolnton. '1 he business must be settled, and therefore a prompt attendance will sav cost. JAS. COBB. March 15, 7- The celebrated and unequalled John Donkay ZACH. TAYLOR. Having, owing to a treaty formed by Don Nicholas P. Trist, been relieved of hit a r duous dutie6 in Mexico, and now on furlough, tnd Recruiting service, has established a marquee at the subscriber's stable, 14 milet south-east ot Lincolnton, in Lincoln county. but heir-g also desirous of affording oppor tunities fur ihose who may claim the boun ties that the L 5. Senate in their wisdom have allowed, he will be found at several stands in the neighbor-hood. DESCRIPTION. For beauty of form and sauvity of mn rers,hs can only be excelled by Old Zch. himself, whose wuh is to serve all io him is to love hiaa ; while, it the same tiui the blind taaj be safely entrusted to his foiid, embrace No liability for accidents. PEDIGREE. This hat been accidently omitted in tb Turf Register, but the above Daguerreotype, like Balaam's ass, will apeak for iueU. Tetcas moderate. BAR'S LETT SHI P. feirrhSO 0

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