" THE PUBLIC GOOD SHOULD EVER BE PREFERRED TO PRIVATE ADVANTAGE. Volume 4. Lincoi.nton, North Carolina, Friday Morning, May 26, 1848. N WIDER. 17. PRMTfclKAXD PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY THOIAS J. fcCCL.ES. Terms. Two dollars pei annum, pavnble inCLuvauce; $2 50 it payment he delav'ed 3 months. A discount to ciuhs of 3 or more. Advertisements will be conspicuously insert ed, ik 1 pel square (14 lines; lor the urst, and 25 ceut ior each subsequent insertion. TIIC FARJIERS.V.IFE. IIlMoUoUs ULI'OKT ON BI.1TLR. We copy ihe following report from the Farmer's Monthly Visiioi. Theie is a good mural convey el m n, told "'lii a rich vein ul humor thai I-. o j 1 1 a 1 . ll is Irom ihe pen of fc. IS. Lime, t the Merrimack (. U.) Agucuuural Society- The bei licence of the Creator is man ifesl in so disposing nur las e, ami so a dapiing these to the var.eiu w tin whch We are surrounded as tu n...Ke li,e a scesie ol enj in nt instead ol a btnoeii. ll might have been ti.al nece&saiy lood WOUid have bteu Wholesome, as a some time is, lu h diseased s... lined, hail it not pleased the Cr aiero hae oideied it othei wise, bread i I he stalf ol hie, but butter ,s given io make u H p d.wn easier ai.d give a ;eilt-r it-u-li." Rui it depend s n.elhing mii who m.ikea (he butter whether it biivM is mis purpose. Butter mane in Jo Linker's lamdy needs t'i he e.ith in ilie ila.k; then i make it pass well one r ivvn sei sc fchoU d be laid as 0e wh.le Ihul inane by his biclnt r J. haihaii.ii ay be ealen in the lull biaZfol noon; )ou Would wish thl )our iituk whs H8 long ti iii tt that JO'J onghl hr.vt; the phasmable'sensatiou of swallowing prolong tl. Perhaps a biiol history ol their better halves will " 'aiu the whole mat er. '-wile was Sally Sly when a amah girl she was fcy would nm half wash the milk pail, Till sly it avav and let it sour. Sue was sly at school and did not half get her lessons, but wouid have her books in sight w h n reci ting; but as she grew older she leaned that loget mairied she iiimsi appear wtll, and so she beul all her cunning to get a -Superficial education in everything, Mom roting a p daloe to pavingine piano. Po"T Joe fell m loe wnh hur, in.ii luo has no eyes nd so he married her. liut soon alter flu; eutt red on house keeping, his ey t-si o tii came, and he saw "his fix, -thai it was "lor hotter or lor worse and he thought it was all for the worse. Like a true philosopher, he concluded to end me what he could t.oi hvoid nor cure, and gel along tolerably well only when lit came io her butler for hia mother was a real butter maker. Every tune he saw or tasted of Sally's butter he tell the hoiruis. Her manner of making butter wad as follows she thinks it ol no const quence wheiiier the milk pail is sweet or sour sets the mi.k in a warm mom, because it is easier than to go into the c liar, and if some dirt thoul i blow ini.j (he pun -he thinks ev ery man -must eat bis peck of dirt, and in no place will it slip uowii easier than in butter she Jets tne cream pots be o pen, and when she churns lorguis the poke leaves the cream nearly ai blood iieai that it may comn quick. When she takes It out of the claim the picks OUt ail the bodies ol the li es and spdeis the legs and nigs aie no mi. ail they can be swallowed. She w oiks' out half the burerunlk and sets iv u-wiy in a warm place f r ue. lJoir J .e has seen co much hU'terof tin) kind im dt ctuie tho butler does not agree with hisheaith, and will nut taste it. Yet his wile won ders why he does not try n, uid maivels that he does not k e; a duiry auJ make butter for the market. Jooaihaii was a younger brother of Joe, and had occasion to eat ai li s too. Iher'snuugh to know why lie coula hot eat bu ter, and he drclarrd that he nev er would marry without knowing what his bread wiuid be buttered with. jVolluwing tne bini o: bis lancy, lu m:ule several attempts at inatriniony, and Ju lia Juniper almost c-iught him, ior theie was always good buiier o i the table at tea, but he was determined to know who made il. O i luqiiry, she savs: -un me! mother makes the butter ; 1 take lessons on the piano." JVell," says Jonathan, 1 want n wife thai lakes lessons on the churn. 1 shall look furiher." Afier feveral unsuccessful attempts, and just ready to despair, he siarttd in pursuit of stray cattle, befoie breakfast, and wandered across the foiesi into the corner of the next town, and weary and hungry called at a decent locking houe and asked for some luireshmen', whu-h , was must cordially granted, for the fam ily were wliai were called Scotch Irish in religion Presbyterian, and in hoapiia'iiy boundless. liere lie found the butter exactly right though tho weather wis hot, the butter kept its shape as well as beeswax. He catechised the old lady about her housewifery for the bread was as right as the butte r. The old hdv said her health was ieeblc he could do but lit tle, and Jenny bad the whole manage meiit. Me ii. ale s.ohh inquiries coir cermny Jenny, and learned she was a black na.r. d, blaek eytfd lass, of about two and twenty ; had never sen a piano hor atit i di d a ball hm knew the As-siubK-'s Catechism ; could sing Onl 11 ii iid. I'd to a ch..rm p n fliX and darn s ockdis, and was i hen gone to town nun bMT. lie l.fgred, hut she was delayed, and when his excuses f r staying wire exhausted he started, lie eon d not get tne good butter out ol hi mind, and how it happened 1 know not, he soon f.uhd bis way theie a-'ain, and ihe ru.l of his adventure was, ie made a w.le of Jane Mi lveau. And now one in. i. p of h.s but.er s Woith moie than ail Joe's wile would make in a iff .iilli. '1 hep 's no lr K.b!e m going to ma k t ine keepers of en'ee hoar ding Ii.-um s in inu ii-igi,t.,riiijr V lages .-end and lake it a the higiiesi market prices. lNow the inyin difiVreiice in these women a uses Irom the manner of Iran mn, though iht ie is no d tlerence in liaiuial oi-posilions. Old Madam Siy i rver looked on to see lint S.Uly d .no i.p her w.rk r.g.it. but retfered her to s! olfh. r wohv as s:.e cho-e and al though a good houst keener herself, was bll tgeih. r too n.du g n-, aml i.ke some 0 her o. others, ih. ugid more ol getiiug Oalij well mairied, man making her ll. 1 ra wile while old Aladam :li Kean, was diteimmud Jeimy stiou d be tii lor any man's wile vheiher si.e ever got ii.airittlori.nl. 1'erm.ps n.eie is no more certain cnteiioo by which iojudg ol a woman's gneial chaiach t lor neatness and good housekeeping than the quality ol the bu.nr. Kn.d on the Fanners table a good, s.Hiil, properly sal.ed, we. I woiked slice ol butter, and y ou need not tear to Cat "he pancakes t.r haish ; but if you sec a splai ol hall woiked buaer, salt in lumps, and a sprinkle ol hair and fl.es' legs, you may be sure, thai if you boa id there very I. deaili will not bo obliged to wail much for you to tin sh y or peck ol din. My advice is, io y om g lartners, lo make It asivp oua.NoN io a nils soe mak s pi out: bout r ; nd the young ladies who osj. ne to be larmers wive. had inuiwi belter be piolicieni in that most inipoitant j.rt of making butler, which smoothes iioi only cnist and crackers, Lul will smoulh u.-penlics vl the hutbaiiu's leinner. From the N O. Picayune, May 8 1 o'clock, P. JI. JLiitcr from Use City of Mexico. '1 he U. S. steamer Mew Une.uia, C'.pi. Kd;il. Autd, anived on CjohO .y evening (loin Vera CiUZ, bavi g sadtd (hence on Weth.esday , tne liil iul. 1 he ship made capital puss.iges both go ing and coming. Lit:ii ircoit and suii left the city ot .Mexico mi ihe '42d ud., and Mrrivcd ai Vera CJn z on JSui day, tne 30ih. lie iiuinediii-y einb u k-n on ihe brig bi., l'elersbui lor e v- oi k, blidt r a sa tute tioui t ort Conci piiou. Am iig tne passe, g' rs on tho New (icau, weie Cull I'lhow ai.d slall, leu io-.son, bin Cushing a no aiulf, Uoi Lickoiip, Col Chuds, Col Ouncau, Col. Withers, and a large number ol ollicers. C3' oeperate at one time was thought thechaoceot bringing togt-iher a quo rum ol bougies, liidt lue President u..d t.eicriuiutd io exciuae tue. fcuies ii (NeW'.iiexico, Cliiuuanua and 1 uc.il in in csiiinaiu.g ihe representation, so tiiai a s;:: iiier ouiouet may cons uuie a quo tum. ubs(pjciu even is ied nun to be iicve that a quorum coulJ be obtained, and the I'm a.d. ul i e-considercd his uc le. initiation. Special Correspondence of the Pica j,nae. City of Mexio, April 26, 1848. ben 1'iiiuw lea here on fcui day , the '22a lust., wnh an escort ol Louisiana Alouined Men, under couunand o C'apis l -iiichiid and Ktrr. Tne mghl b iore he leil he was serenaded by u e sp.en did b.iidof the 2i lul .niiy, and the next luornnig a large number ol oliieeis ac coiupaiiied It i hi some dis.aut e on the ro iu. The Courl o! lnquli v lell on tne 4tn. In my last letter 1 slated that Gen. liutler was iu itview tim v.lu. itds in '.ne City on the i2d n16i. 'Iheieviuw was lar mote e. tensive than I was ur loiuitd it vvou.d be, and came oil uu ihe piiiu ironting Moim del Key. Tneur vis ous ol bens. IVorih and Pi. low, the lonner coosisuug ot live reguiuiits ot itilautry of the old line, a squadron of Horses, and Col Duncan's bat cry, now commanded by L.eul Hunt, and the lai ler of '.he six regiments ol Kentucky, Teuuesse and Indiana Voluu.eeis, weie reviewed, and the line when extended, was over a mile in length. Tin is the laigest review hat h been doling the wai, and a. I pieseol c..nfesetd it vas die niot magnitii eul iinlnaiy d splay iiey huU t v.r l.em-id. A o.ei .nciioK int' iei ai add. d io "he siH t tat i, b tne display ol tne toin balieiid nil or of the. 4 h, 5 h and G.n legnnenls o Iniamry. a ihev marched by the tien. eral ui-chi. f. O.i the 24th. Ihe line di. vision oi ts.en Suiiih wai r viewed by! tne venerai ui-chiel and us mancDuver. i g elicited theadunra ion of every mil- nary man present. 1 hese reviews were m a cipunm ot ihe possibility .of a hr ward movement huiti soon u quired : and you wii peteeive by the inclined I g-ner.. order, ilut the inspection oTait me iroois in and ab.ui ihe ciiy is ordered on the 30. h insi. Head QtJAKiEKs ArmyofMc ico, 1.04oCr'5J Ai txico, April 24. 1 1 he i loops in ihe city ol Mexico, at S.ui Aliiel, Tacubav u. cliautiii. nut and .Violino uel liey, wi i be tnusleied and inspected on Hie 30th Mist. Tne Regular troops will be mustered by their rtspecuve regimental com inauueis Unochtd ci u pauies by com pa. y toinuii'iiders; ihe to.unleeis at .11 Angi I, by such stall" oll.cers at Ah.jui Oeo l'oUnson's htad qimritis us he m.y oesigu.ot; ihe 3j und 4.h iegr meuls Ktn.ucky Voiumceis, m .he coy, nv liievti Ai..jor it. t. liochanao, ac eg Inspector uei.t-rat, iiiid Ct.pi 10. K. i'ai.oy, A.-sisianl Ai.Joiani Oeneial, e-pclive.y ; me 3d ai.d 4m li egimeuis t eoocssee, ai.d O.h .nuiaiia VoiuuueiS. ai Moliiio oei lie, by Uapis. Cady , O.h in!anwy, V. Chapman, Oih iinantry, and ii. Alvoid, 4ih lulautry, rtspccliVt ly . The fievcral officers designated to innster the tro- p will rekra.ica es mi which they u,y desire inhumation, to Luui. Col. ilitchcuck, act.rg in sp.cior Uene.al.and itte.ve h.s iiisuuc uoiis accordio i v . li.e oujjiicaie "am sier roll" will be loiwaidt u Oy the Inspectors io the Adju" taut General Li. b. aiiny,ahd U.e"o.u ler and pay rolls" Jor ll.e nay ""Tr"""" u.tnt lo i'av j .-'oiouari. . 1'ay u.asler A. L. feieuan and 1st Lieut. 1' V liagi.cr aie announced as me thai ol th-j pay and oidiiunce oe panineiiis wan this aiiny, resj tciiveiy . .vli oidtis icla.ive to tiuir dep..! iinen.s g Veil l.y ilu oi, in ihe name and by ll.e aumoniy t-1 the coiiunanding gmeial, wil. be obeyed and i especicd uccoid.ng. i. v 13y order of major Gen Duller: L. iiJUMAi, Ass't Adj't Gtntral. In :ny lasi leiiei 1 stated that Colonel W uhcis, tl ii.t J., ioianliy, Id J gone no. ne oo leave. 1 nave ieu.tu since mat ne has lend. to h.s lesiginiiion. Ihe leiiei vl your Uueu.aio cones pondeut, ol too aj nut , winca 1 tend y ou, is lu.l ol ion lesl, and some of his inioi :ii.iii..u is unp runt. 1 he extract irom ilie message cl Koa to the inein bera oi L o. gie.-s ooo ut Ltf . e'.aio,s!ioW tnat l'ena y i t n.i. uit.y t ai.zi me uan jeious puMii, o ol toe i.ulioi.o l.y t I ihe. couoliy .si.uuiu iho ue.ny no. oo idoticd in seus.'ii aiiU a.so siiow? uu eneig lie uc ici lou.aiiou to spaie i.o tiiori io bring obout pe-.ce. i ne passage in tne con c.uaioii oi n.e message quoted by your t oiiLsponutnt, in w melt Ko.a savs aou ut oiuei not to incur tne liiin.e lesiiohsioilii ol 1 s,ng lue iia:ioiialuy ol me coum.y, tno r.xecu ive vvnl uic taie cx.iuoiu.ii.iiy o.easures, wtueti ho otvci wouij have ud..picU ll cticuin. s la., cos vvete ien Su very tl 1 danjitrous I presume nicis lo tne liocnin u oi .he i'lceideul lo d. cree ih.. t, in constqjei.ee ol ihe couJi noli oi ocataii anu oiher States, arising irum ihs ceituiu number (l-s3 loan ll.e Cwnsiuutiouai quoium) shall loim a quoium. li is pi,(U.ibie he wm nave io icson io tins mcasuie. as it is ohoctsioud litre mm scvCiai Co.igress ii. cn, who are nut willing to epjiose tno uea y by a mrect Vote, mteud iu tleleat a by bic.k.ng ihe quotum, whenever Hie tpjest ou is pul. .e p..iagrapu in the letter relative tolhe aeiu.oii oi me l'udie fianclu z is at mis inomenl Very Impoitaui. it "was supposeu, mat to Coi-eq leiu-e of the a uiiouiueiils made o, i.,c Sona:o io the United Slates io ihe. clauses of the trea ty lelai.iug ft lue lecgiuiioii of Ihe .iex.can c.iurch, iu ihe territory pro poseu io ue ceded lo us, ih .1 the ckrgy would opjiose the latiticaiiou ul tne trea ty , or ai least require thai the clause be leiuseilrd. ISoi so, however. Your coriespoudeiil is nghl in lepreseniing ihe i'aure Sanchez as Ihe oiaii t the cler-y, und a greal major. ly of them laVoi me lauhcaiion ul tne treaty as it stands. 'Ihe clergy ol t his city, tearing ll.e inability ol 1 eim y 1'etia to laise ihe lone loan ul l50,000lo $200,000 111 QuftetaiOjior ihe putj.ose ol assembling Congress and supporting the Govern ment, (which, when lranIated, mpans for the purposH (l bribing Ihe factory Congressm. n ) held met tings in ihe Ca ihedral to day, and yesierdny, over which the bishop presided, lor the pur pose oi iIim tissiuy ilie pioi r eiy or e.xpe dieicy ot advancn g the m,, Mli n-d by Pena y lVim, nd lo day tht v rt-- ; soivetl upon lo.inmg ihe in..ij.- r,.m ih-.: ' funds of the chuu h. 1 umlt r-lati J the whole sum will be sem to Qucr. !i.ro to moirow. Tnese facis, to my mind, set tle the quesiion as to whether ine trealy will be lat.tW d or not, m the affirmative. The individual referred as haying he-en bipnsed with s.i much pomp a1. Qui rotaro, and who had ihe honr of ha vnig I'cna y I'ena tand at ihe hapusmat fon i as h.s godfather, is, without it doui;t, the Lieu . O'SuIiivaii 1 have ul leady ypokt n of as having resigned hi-, commission in the 3d lulaniry and uiue to Quereiaro to j iu itie enemy, lie is not a legal dc-sencr, but all the dishonor ol inotai guilt will ever aitach Used io his name. 'I he Commissioners will not leave for Quereiaro, uunl ihe 29. n or 30;h lust. In ilu n.e.iuiiiiie, the troops which aie totormlhe tscott are bt iiiii i..specled d.iiny, iiiid t,re b ing prepared to pre sent a line .pp urai.ec,io point of clo-h.ng and i qtiijin. ems. A lew tfliceis fiorn the train from O iiz.ba, under command ol Cpi. ltowe, came in auvance lo'Uby, and tne Ham is txjiecu d to arrive tu-moriow or the day alter. li is reported in town to-day that there is a quoium ol Congress ai Quereiaro, bui 1 cannot trace u iu an auihchtic souice. Queretako, April 23, 1848. The Secietary of the Tieasury ex presses himsell asloHows in rcluum lo the loictd loan of 150,000 or $200, tOO, which Will I e employed exel isive' ly by the government io p;iy the neces sary t XpP.nses in asuembilug tht; Geneial Congress, and for i.s suppoi t in this cny lur two inotiihs : "yim-ttill xj lasi advices published in the pipers if the capital, how short a time mere re mains lor as to latily the tiety ol peace, celebrated b lAetn our Republic and ihe Unittd Cla.es of A.ne.tica. lo older i ai thai tiealy snoulu be exciiao ged i.l W ashii.gton tii ihe 2d til June, it is li dl.-pctisiblc thai ii snou.tl be la. tiled al Uu; . .lest, i u tne loth oi May nex, a d 1 doubt it it can b; done il the Coo gitS'i dot s noi get togeint i immtdt nely . A ii.utiiitide oi u..loi lUii.ne e.rcuioa au c s nave pievcnicd, until now, a re un' ion ti Congit ss, and the principal one bus bet n the Waul of mo ey lo give l the Senators ai d I'cpui.ts lor their ne" cs.uiy wai t in I. .is capital. Goveiir incut nas in ide Ihe grransl tlfilslo teai ze mis sum but Without success, and having expended all us icsouices, his Lxct lu nt y ll,c i'lfo.dent has, in . rikr lu :ic.l ta.e ll.e meeting of Co'.gtesa, re' solved mill all t.e capiiaiisis aiu pers-aii oi easy ciri uuisi u.cvs in mi-, city, sh.ill, to assist iho Vji.vei umeid, ti..dei tne ir He tl a lo oi, aoVance a snlhcieni amount ol money l.. pa lor two tu.ji.iii, ihe ptr dlLin o i;.e Sc.. a ots ami Ut-pu.n . 1" uto Central Congtess. Once a qum m has breu as-embted, Congiess Will d o' late me uei:cBiiry ,;vs lo crea'e suou lui.ds anu icsources as the ti. v inmciil may waul io continue us exisleuc-." lie concludes thus : ll.s lixcdieucy the President ihink that the sal vaiiou o me U.-puulit: iinper.t !ivel dK,o..nds the piu.i.pi inet-nng i 1 Congiess, and iu oidcy not to incur lt;e it ri u.e icsponsibi'iiy oi loosing tae iti tionaiily ul Iho coautty,ti.u l.cemi ve will delate extraoidnaiy me uures, wh.c.i ne never wouid have nriop e.t u cucuiiisldhct.-s weie ool so very uiihciili ai.d dangcious. God and Liberly ! liOSA." The priest S.iiichtz, ihe cleigy's or gan in one ol his sermons, pieuc.ed on l' ridiy night last, the 2isi lust , ((io. d i''liday,) in the Ci.urcll of Saitti olaia, l wjiicsi the gieaier arl t.t ll.e meui beisot tho Au.i-inisiralion, itnd ot lot! members of Congiess lltal i about io mticl, weie pi estut, said : Geni.eiieu 1 he only way to stve tne liepah-ic, and io pardtmmg the itjuurs you have leceived lo prove yuuisell Chils ilaiis, it. i, make p'.ace." lesieiday an American officer, a de serter of ihe 3J lii.auiry ol trie hue, was baptised in tuts city wnh great pomp. He h..d lor Ins godfather Ue President ol the Republic, Pena y Pena. City of .Mexico, April 27. 1 wrote to yoj yesteidy, and enclo ted a translation of a letter lioiu your Quereiaro coin epondeni, Containing highly important inhumation. Lesl my coinii unicaliou may miscarty 1 now s nd yi-u the original letter. Our cum m ssioiieis have not yet leccived an an swer to their comn.uoicatioi) to the Gov crntneiit at Qucre'aro relative to the ea dot. (Jen. Sutler, a dy or iwn since, wiis ri quested hv ihe .JZ-xican Govern n enl tt allow feome Mexican tro"ps to enter this city io taku possession of a q iantr.y o army clothtno left in one of me convents when ihe Mexican army e vat n.iieti titf ciiy. Gen 15ut ler, instead of grant leg ll.e r que?, seized the clo thing. It would not now be surprising if the Jex.cau Government weie to ak the arms i.kei in the dlleiem achons to b: leiumcJ. ll would be in keeping with the moth si relation to the elothing. The in a. i is in Iron) Cueietar-s and thou d theie bn a I.Mter from your cor-ie-poi.deut, I will endeavor tt forward it by Ihe Mexican Vera Cruz omiI, which h aves here, at 10 o'clock l night, an hour trout hence. It. S. MEXICO, APRIL 27, 9 P.M. I have just received a letter from your Quereiaro conespondeui of the ve ry latest daU', and hasten to give you a rough trauI itiou : QUhlRE I'AUO, APRIIS, 1848. '1 he preparatory union ot Coiigrt'ss have rehik:ii iheir u-uil course, and few of the Deputies are waniing for a quorirn. Q.jt-relaro, politically Fpea kuig, prescuis a most aiiunaleti aspect, and nothing is talked of but peace. In every quarter lher are warm discus sions Uj.on this grand question. Tho most" Vehement P'.r.y lor war is, without doubt, the army, but it is fallen no low nt public estimation, and is so humeri, citlly weak that it is doubtful if they can get up a pronuneiu7netitot as it was pub licly lumored hem- wuhiti the last lew days would. Attention! To-morrow ihere is to be a meeling of ihe Artillery. 'I he object of the meeting is not po-a:ively known. Some say that it is to deliberate upon the possibi . i iv of sending reinforce ments to Gen. Lihdero ; others say iho meeting is calit-d to pronounce against the Government, who have j.fTccied a' b an to pay me Deputies and Senators, my. It was rumored to-day that the A mcricau Commissioners would be hue this alien. oon. The Charge d Affairs of France, Moodier le kiaiqui'k de Reuepont, 18 hen. Gen. Lihdero is, as you arc aware, tin general who signed t ie capitulation ot V i i a Ciuzand tne Cas le d San Ju an de Ulloa. Fiom ihe copiods fih3 of pipers which we have leccived by the New Orleans, we proceed to make eX'.eiisivo extracts : F.-o7ii the American Star of the 24A April. J i he Stlcial Commission . Tlhe case id Lieui. la.c Hare was disposed ol y esterday, but of course ihe hading is not known. Li-u:. Maihison, of the a mho regi nit nt, one of the arres'ed, whose names we have before given, was clcired of the charges prt-Jeited. but a nolle prostqui w.is entertained, and he was again de manded lo prison. , Atn.ther ollifr or the nimy, fjient T. IS. Thden, of ihe 2J liilantiy, whom ihe S'itle evidence imp icates in Iho inalier, has been also at resit U. The cae ol Ltft.t. Dultoit will com inei.c, we hear, on Mo.iday njxi. Mnj r A. D. yiHwrt. iimj srnior Pay mab'er in ihe tie d. Co. Randall b.'lng rd red i New Orieaus, vvill we under stir.d. assume the duties ol tual olheo at once. From the American Star of April 25. Tne editor of L'l B o del Coinuieici , oiM-td'tlwi di-pities who left the ciiy yesterday for Qu. retaro, says th-re are stx'y-four n emb-r in aii-iidaucc, and that hv the 1 isl of the week there Will he seventy -six. If mi, wc see not why Congress may not orgin.Z'i by Monday or Tin slay. The same paper says Messrs. Sevier and Cliff od will leavo to-morrow or tin? next day, escorted by a small cavalry force, instead of by a di vision, it pronounces lie story that they are goiti t threaten the Govern ment as fa!?e their only olj-ct being ! present the treaty to the Mexican Government. The Treaty, El Progressoat Que relaro has a long editorial in opposition to (he treaty, intended to show ine loss which MeX:C snfTers by ll. It say, 'Tn.'Ogli the United Statws ofler os 820,000,000 they take about $50,000, 000 from us.' It urges various reasons why 'he treaty- should nl be raiitied, and am -ngst other thing snys the Gov eminent is check mated placed in a position where it can neither make peace (there being oo Congress.) nor war. El i'p'gresso, j our readers know, i the organ of ihe icvolution or the war parly. It is a journal of limUed circulation, and

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