Number. 21. ... Tw. Two dollars jei annum, payable inQance; $2 5U if payment he delated 3 ; months. A discount to cluba tf 3 r more. - Advertisements will be conspicuously insert, ed, at. $ 1 pet square (14 lines J tor the tirst, and io cents tor eacb subsequent insertion. TJie JLord sent it, if the Devil brought it. In my younger days, I wa what pro- Dl3 cuiu ( h 'u iUi ctiHf. and I rather - , . liiu.k I something l a high bo. like j'un ftir r (1 me up tnon the bouoiu, Hi d ihe wh I "went H, ' snmetimts, when I was sturid up, peo ple Maid Has rather curiou. 1 believe my nspect tor rtligb u pen j'nj rrna in vmic no uill a ;i IMIOIjiu have been, nor mi high a t is now. This grew out ttl tuo Unties a th lect in; education and tti. nghtlessneMx. Ten or fi teen yt-as kiltil 'o my m -rial life has at. b red me mewhat. and at tin present writ ng, 1 own lo a profound re spect for religion, 1 3 ate this, that i.ei tritrihegay nor thoughtful leader may misunaeistand u i,e t -ry I um go ing to rtlhtK stuiU'd set in in deal with some levity in matters held cred I think the nbuke I got. often as 1 li ve Jaughed at it since, put the laugh com pletely on me and my companion. There resided in our neiohhot hand n ... C" poor widow whose mean ! support were extremely limited. Ht tween tiui log heraell for rheumatism, and sp ir King and knitting, tnot of her loiteiy tm: was passed. 1 am ashimed to say that on" one r iwo t.ccaaioos, i joined soms wild young chaps m placing nti trick upon tier, such a making unusual jpoipt about the house at night, smoking 'bermoM ii death hy putting a board o ver ths top ol her low mud-built chnn iy,Htid Much like doings, we thoi-ght .re sport, but for wheh we deierved little wholesome chastisement, if there I been any one au hur.z d lo admitus- t J.l. soon al'er cark. it hap' pend :hat I was returning horn in com pany wi.n a merry lejiow about my own .Oge, ai d had lo g, by Id Grai ny Heir der' cottage. I hd been into town, And wa.isiii;iiid lxiio rnurs'enf -4ha-ker loaves," which imiiH of our pei 'p'e were as lord, as city people are .f getting now and then a good taste oi country "home md. ." Tom' ia id I, hb the o'd woman. rnttge came in 'gM, a a urn ol a road, 'inppoi0 we have a little lun wi h Itiasr tiy Ilender?' Agreed," was Tnm'a answer, for le was utwata ready for pori. W e Inid m t fully de ltlei! on wli;u we Would do. hen we came to the cot tage, and pa u ted to .te'lle our nn dt of annoyance. Th only hht wiUim win th dim fl kermg of a lw mimII tuka burning on the heaiil'. As we t'"d ner the window, I veiling ti what was go nz un tua'dn, we .'ound dial J rauiiy was praying, M.d. a ln.j totur surpnoe, a-k tig br ! tl. A hH expect to get bread f-nm heaven," aid I, irreverentlj , "l mp o.e a hb will have to bM arro-nmoda. eil." A'.d turning Irniti the windiw, 1 cbtiti be red up. n iel-sl , '.i the top ot the chimney, a (eat of no great d fTicuttx, and tumbled nv two toaven tiovn. Vhen 1 reached the window again, m order to aee what ellect trus iiij ( pupply would have upon (Jr tnnyife nder, I h-und the good old reaiur ? on tier i ....... . .. .V. . ' . I. answeied her prayer. " Thai's cooltMaavj 1 to Tom; "now iiirt u?" 'l rather think it is," r p'ied Tom. "And i the o'd woman ia'lv such a foo! as to ihmk ihe Lord nnw-rrd tier prayer, and seat her well baked loaves dawn the ctvmtiej V 'N doubt of it.' lt Wiiit't do to let her labor under thi mutake, no, never in the woild," aid 1. Hallo! Granny!" A'.d I threw open the window, and pushed my laughing face into the room. 8he hud juat risen from her knee, and wai ab.ut put'ing a piece ul the bread into her moutb. Now, Granny Bendet!" said !, Mit . isn't possible that you believe that thai . bread came from heaven! Why, you old atnner you! I threw it down the chimney." , By ihis time, the old woman court tenance was turned towaidi me, and by ' the dim hgnt ot the feeble fire, I could sea that there ere tears ol thankfulness ; upon her faded ana withered face. The 'lxpresaion of that face d d not in the least change, though thsre was a deep .fftbuke iutne tone ot her voice, as well t in the word she uttered, as she SJid: The Lord aentit, if the devil brought itl" Vou may be sure that I vanished irn'anjer, !i e T in c!appf d hs band-t and Mtioined, '! ioc! T o ro d! Oh deai! b'if the Id lady a too much fr u u that time." I tried ti 'a-igh u i'h him as w wen -hT nnme, and d-d laugh, as he did; bin Miii:ehow or other 1 ugh d.d not appear do me anv goid, Ainrihat I U f (iranny Ueudei alone. "Wire Fence. Messrs Editors'. B n g a pra"t:c.l farmer ai.d a miIwm iler to your ialuable paper, 1 ii-ire to contribute Mtuiilrug toH'd ihe firming inu-rs, by making a i w Mijgentioti tin the subject -l wire lence, lor ll.e considera ioii id' the Idler of ihe -ti I which I I'.aiinoi but h pe may bad to. tome praciicab; fesul s. that may highly leiiefeal lo inulA who ne euagi d in the nhlesl pnisuil Itiat eer orrupied The w nei of thi,hat ing lately 1 -arned thai posift and wire- have in some places bet u uhinii id tor otner maierml ior f lice, bay taken gome pama to Haiert-un thecimparaiive value .f making t, which n-v be done as f ilowh: First set one pot id' common aize firm in the grom d, and plat e in it a lung hctew or bmall windlass wiih a xma I rag whee) at or n ar the lop where the upper wire m de. signed to la.; tbeu t-iti'vu oi e end td the wire to itie t-rrew or jndiat-, and ex te::d it lo the oiin r t nd of the fence, whatever t tie d. anre may be. There set another p.t, lo fasten the wiieas at ihe begii.nin; ih n turn the screw or windlass ai tacn end, until ihe Hire i.t at tight as d sired, whun it will he rea iy to receive a" many intenue-dt-te posts as mav suit ihe fancy which poti'M, it is believed, need not ex ceed two inches t-qua:e of hard wooj, which can be sharpened and very eatti driven into Iheguuod, on a Ime wih the wire, to ucb depili as may be tie retfsary. Bxieud as many wires as de ired to aei' ihe object. Let each be fateiied to each inteimi di ne poht with cooiii.iMt tend r liLokn, with the hook part o tietu over as t tudy se cure the wire in us place. Four w ires, ! is b'lieved will be bi.fficietit lo secuie sheep, as tl-ev do not gel over a feme unless they call first jump on to it. 'I lie wire maj b of such z : as best kin' !. ii v. ?'. 16 Ik no diub: sutlicieiii u hu h f r cacti r d of fence of tour uiie, will tioi cot, at toe wholesale price moie than nine r ii n cen is; and Ma-h pt'Sis as ab ve described will tii-t cost more thii 1 cent eacn and ooe to a rod wt 1 be fUthViHiit, ax the whole line of Jem e Irntii i r end t tha tit her will be a 1 utnit d to resist any presnnre g liitht it, and tor thai resu i the pi s may b mim ui.d set but liht iy in the giound. Sjch lence cannot 1? disturbed by the Win , utid tdiouid the p tt he rietl by :he Iti-s', it wi u.l n but a mimII matiT to dr ve them down to their pro per place. Il any 'ear exist that the ;re mav contract m cold wea her and break, it wi!l t-e very eay to turn Hie sere us or wind a -sal the appr a:h ot frost, and leav all secue. Fence may be made on the same, pi in to secure any o her kind ot anim d. but lor the laiger kmds i: is not uu ikey it will bo ativixable. to p ace a cap txMid on lop o tne posts. How durable such a !nce may be remains to be known hereattei: bu it is highly pr -bible that the wire wttuld endure for many years, if placed on the sun ndo ot the os even M)hut pan', which cati be apidied if nece.a r. inch a lence cotud tie moie eas Iy ni v-d than any oher;all that would uts necessary would he to unfasten tacit end ot the wire, and wmd them n i a net, and remove ihe posia lo nny place d sired, which coulu be very sf.eediiy ac Coinpliftbed. Vours, &c, !l. C. IF. Auburn, JV. F, Jin., 1048. The subject of the firegomg letter is attrae-mg a great deal oi attention in some pa its ot Virginia and in the muN d e sia ea generally. H'e rjoice t i see it. li we cannot get our Legila ure to repeal our odious and tyrannical fence law, all plans which go lo diniiuitli the sum witu which we are rohb-d of by it deserve grat at lention. 'I tie u ire fence will in ihe end dothita very consider able extent; and if it will prove as ser viceable heie as we are tout it has done elsewhere, it is a great invention. hether u will answer the sanguine expectations formed td it has yet to be seen. A very tine specimen of t.ns sort ot lence is now it. course ol erection up on the well manured and well arranged farm ot' Mr. W n. Ctump near Ibis city, and we shall then have an opportunity ot observing us operation. Ve would mention one tict however, which tie derive irom those win are conversant with this fence, that it is absolutely ne cessury to have a strip of board nailed along the upper part ot posts. The cat tie do not see the wires, or retard thm as too small lo be, an lirmediii eni; and either i-jure themselves or b-ek tl-rmnjh hv plunging, against hem. Hal. Sfar. The Pine Tree. TFe ropy the fallowing comnuin ca ion to ihe Columbia (S. ) U,tily Telr graph, giving a number nf ieme l'..r thedec4V of ihe Ino. ft a m-tiler of Mich vital importance to us or this rp. gum, thai we would recommend a trial of it by , some of those eg tged in the Toreiitiiie buMiit 8t. Nonce has been given through ihe pa per, iIm! d eae a coinmittn g ad ravages on the pine iree in ihe rfis:rcis td I'ttes'er and York. A siml-r dirase lreva lel alMiut five years g-i hi the Northejn portion of L xogt- u I) s.-rji-.i, which destroyed vhi iiurutx-ia .oi tlrt-He e trees. ben the d sase stop'd ' s ene d to slop acoi.o . rVt i ot in for meed thai any in-trumema!ity was tised c prevent us progrt ss. aui na t fied that this d'vease is the Work d'iu-ect-. To destrov trior, several irne dies have been confidently recommen d.d: lt. Cre a bole in each tree just nut side the mfec'ed district, introduce in-o it with a Mtiali cane scoop, h small p r tion of the fl .ur of brimstone, then plug the hole up. 2( Somewhat bare the roots. Thio in salt iu proportion to the size of the tiee. 3d. One gallon cheap whale oil, nnp pound flour oi brimstone, twelve ounces saUmimiar, one p und vbloride of lime. f4el the salamomac and lime be welt pulverised, so that all the panicles can be well mixed together. Take old woolen or cheap colli n cloth, about lime im hea wide, fafteii il round the tree, to ilntt t e upper pari may hangdown like the collar ot a coat, having previously biuidud the mixture up.-n i' Ii wi I be well to renew it once or twice a week, until the i sects quit wot king. It is alleged that as soon as the wi rm comes in cont.ct with U.js mixture death iro niedinely ensues. 4ih. Kucirde the tree just above tlie gr. und with b ljacco snnH'. 11 anyone thinks proper to try one or all ot thesf reeiu.itivtt, and tne r wuit ht.uid bo .aiiifaciorv, communicate ttte same co the public. - f I would regard the destruction f our pine founts as an irrepaiabie calamity ; lo revenl such a catair phe every fea sible itiblrumeutaiity ought to be tesur ted to. , J Jave heatd that a strong decoction ofsge kins soue m-eru at once' wei the tree ail around wi n a brush above t I.e. ground, aout two ti.cues wjd , a bou. twice a week until the cliin iv i past. IMVUV KYt.-UlT, t'ulutnhta. May 27. 18 Id. iVelsh Sayings. l bree things that can nt ver he.oiue iusl the hi one v ol the bent volem. the hoe oi ne lunch era iiore, and a wo.uao's longon. 1 hiee Itniis um easily don-lo alia v thiibt wan inc, to dry wei with water. to pieaae ali in evety Hung tht ts dour. 1 utee ihiogs that ate as good as bet oro tii oreau ui laimiis, Wi i: wa'er Hi inir.-t, and a gray coat in Co d. 'I'tnte initios as goou as their beiier dirty water to x'liiguish Ihe fire, au uly wife to a blu.d in ill, a wooden swoid iw cowaiti. Tnrte Wttriitngs from the grave : u kuowe,.! w!;at I wa. seesi what 1 am, lememUer what tt.on art to be. Ibiee iliiugs ul snort cuoiinu a ice a la'iy s iov. a chin Die, ana a biook's fl ou. Tnreu things ifir.i ought tit Ver to bo from home ihe cat, iuo emmuey, a. id tne housewife. - Tnrcu essentials lo a taae s ory -it Her- a good t . ... ine;o..ry, a no u lace, hiiu too is tor an autiieoce. lhiee thing aten Tu ih peactick the gaib ot uu utig- l.ihe watk ol a, and the Voice ot tne Oevil. 1 Inee things a la Uuwi to bol of the flavor ot ale, the oeauty d thy wile, and ihe contents of tnv nurse. I htee miseries ot a man's house a smoky cniuiuey, a dripping to-j, and a sCulumg wile. Going Going!! Gone!!! Gen. Zacnary Taylor. at lat has oeeu forced to array iiiuiself iu parly plumes, and is now Mamped as a It Ag-, who is to be beaten in November next, by those who love the Constitution. &tudy his Allr ton Lei'.er, and his condemuatioti ap' pears in every liu. Head his uo party leelers and down with the bigs will be me coi.q ivriug cry. Columbia Ca rolinian. The new track of the Stonington road is laid on iuoia ruober, and the cars are uiouuted on India rubber springs, which deadens the sound and removes almost entirely thai jirung which has long been au auuovauce to railroad travel-lets From fhe Baltimore Republican. Whig Roorbac ks Already.' W e minced ji few davs ago a false. hfMK.' star-ed agaim.1 General Caas, ns tersing h iImihuthcv ufile American m niiler at I'ar s. The inventive I icul lies id' whiggery have j ,,t produi td another, which is no es than Ihe ridic ul-iis etiarg that "while bis frher, Alaj .r i ass, siiperutetitted the recruit ing service in 1799-I8U0, lor what we democrats s'yhdihe provision eating ariny, be (ihe present Urn. Cass; ws lb" preceptor of ihe in W liniiiign.n', and aUays ap,ie8red with a hlack cik k tde in his "ha Ti e Delaware, U;.Z"ile lee.npifulates a fact or two on me subject of the resi dence if (leu. Vna -n V ilmington, winch naiU this KuorbaCK eflectually. 'Thai paper nay : He mis born in October. 1782. The eru of the prevalent of the blatkcuck ade teas in 1799 and 9!). and quenttjf Um. Cass tras then only six iten or seventeen years vj age. At ihe age of seventeen ,e wuijgrated to the worinwest ru l erriiury, and sealed at luarieiia. Ili'peful rharge, U x a wretched sln. lerer to isue against the bo of sij-tren who, with his revoluiioiiary sire, was j-turning among us. With this simple i4temeut: the whole of Una niserahli- uonrback must Viinorizf and diomo not into "thin air." but ino the murkv recesses of Hie loul brains from whence it has been evoked. Not satisfied with le-uuermg this exploded and ndiculous humbug, the Journal goes on to state that bo (lieu. Ca-s) "doublh ss urn. claimed mat if he believed be had a diopof democratic blood," &c , ke. I his is a coinage of The whojy cloth, thrown out undr the cover id a doubt les," au insiuuatin winch, ti it were anassertmn, wouid bea mere falsehood. e liave seuloiu seen a more undisguised attempt at detiaciioii than this, even in the worst of political times. Why, inee are the veiy woids which have been so repeatedly and so falsely charged upon pr .ibiiu )k deumcia (Mr. liuchananj by ihe whig press, and o: winch w shortly stiice published an exposition from the Richmond Ei qui iei, winch proved That he did not utter . Ihese vile insinuations nv d in refe rence to a were b ,y, aie as uiiwoithy d credence as ihey are ol manly uttei rtiice. li may not be amisM to state bow Gen. Cass c.ime io be a sojourner tieie, aid what liedid when here, lie came line, a boy irojuliis academy with hs father, M. j'ir Jonathan Ca-, wh'i, wnh his la.hcr, ttughi at Hunk. ra Hill. Mi j,,r Cuss Was stationed nere uu the. rt ciuil mg aeivice. Lewis, a mete sir pliug ooy, waa solicited to take charge I tne L.auu actio d of i..e town, then vaia .i; and imm"diateiy bis wi.l.u nens so lo do, ret. rr. d ihe committee lo hi lather lor h s consent. Maj .r Cass granted the n q ind assent, a-iutng that lie was very nappy to aeu ally fling open w hcii, tile ie.d an opportunr.y to eoubio Ins t.o.1 honestly toeam his oread," affirming - mat be wou d pie fer that tie should adopt the bniiis ol a wo..d sawer, lamer than remaui a met e or..iie in society. iuch were iho maxims which were ea-ly insi lied into tho mind oi you g Ca, and nobly lias hs 'indited by ibein. hy tna own unaided industry and per severance, ne has readied his present t x d'ed posi.ion. 1 inre are those we believe still living here who went to h.s school by day and oitieis w no Willi hwu drilled as volunteers iu the satue room in the evr i ind ies, Gen. Cass was "known here; and y-ung a he war, a mere, b y. rest ing only lor a siiuit period among straugeis, there was, so tar as we cu learn, no aing.e act oi his stay which touid nave uouo u.scieuit to a man ot lutture ears. A more txemuiar v Ca reer than that displayed during the short period oi ms sojourn here, no mau uecd covet or wish to behold. Government Officers. A Washing ton correpoudeut ui the liattitnore Hun gives the follow. ng us soiue of the tea lures ol a new bill immduced into the houe of Representatives by Ueneral McKay, ot iNorth Carolina, lor the puipoe of restrictmg the power of the President iu itie matter of appoiutucnts and removals Irom office : The promotion ot competent clerks to superior st uauoi.s is one of the beat features of the bill, and another is the distribution of salaries in such, manner as lo give the largest pay to those who discharge the most laborious and res pottstble duties. As do person is to be removed, alter the passage of this act, without a statement in writing ol the cause of his discharge, nnd as no one is 10 be pet Hianeuily appoii t-d xcept lip li a cen hVate ol gia d natural abilities, good habits, ctpjieiency ar.d diligence, from a Hoard of falxammers, H ere can lie no m re dismissals or appouitmt n:s upon mere patty n und." Mr Cass' position upon the Slavery Question We behevo that the position o. Get. (,as upon the Slavery questiun has been inucli misrepresented or at -leas', much uu understood iu ihisSta e. 11 has Imcii some t me s'lice wc read his celebrultd iiiiufi it is f recolleetiou, however is, that he lake derided ground against theV!mot I'ro. viso, and repudiates the doctrine of any imeileren e at all on the part ol 1 on gress wan Slavery either in the Stales or Ten none-, b-hevmg that tie people ! the r. spec ive Stales and Tetntnru-s are alone Competent l decide this ques tion, li stems to us, that the d .c of entire iioii-tnierfi-rence ou Ihe p.r of Congress is the, true ground, and the on ly sale one for the douih. 'I o allow Congress to interfere at all, even though it bu to protect us Irom any iu. propei hge-Unoo on i his subject by the 'territo rial govtermnptiis, would he y elding a point whch we think that the South ought never to concede. The position taken in ihe lialiimore Convention that Congress snail not int .r.i...Mf with the fui-ieot at all. 10 -- aasswu juogement, the ouly tiue ground otsnfe- . . ml . 1 M . o. . i lur ioc ouuni. laimtuo oiaie is an' ner. GEN. CUTLER A UARNBURNER. During the last war with England, (Jen liuiler performed one of the noblest deeds oflieioism on rtcoid. in ono of ihe severest b titles with the fin ish and Indians on the North W es.ern fron tier, a large numter of the savage had foi.iid iheir way into a Xfurn.froiu which tliey pourd a deadly h e upon the Ame ncan tumps. The Ameticau totuu.ah oer said " hat Barn must be burnt,' und inqu.rtd "who would voluu cer tu per lioui the perilou- task." Altera long paue ihe youthful liuiler gajlanilv stepped forward, and, providing bimseif with a toich, proceeded to the Hun amid a shower ul bullets Irom the liflcS - j s mil mru ii HU Coin- ptftely as to ei.vefi.p a iii dilute, ad relumed uiihar.ued to the American lines, when every sptcia;or Coiidered his death inevitable ! The filing of that liarn ocprued the ol his strongest punioii, and soon gave the vn toiy to the Ann ricaus. Gen Hutier is, thereUire, me rigiii sort of a H u nbun et tie burns tt.e 1 tarns occupied by h.s country 'o eue m ea ai d be is in every otht r lei-pect a man w..rthy ! the aiun:atiuti und oi his country men ! lie and ins great asuc;a' ou the Democra lit: ticket, are bound to ho e.ecitd by an uveiwnelmiog vote I Bait. Argus. Urownlow, in his paper, the J .nesbo roun hi- sav. if Uvii l uyior is fl .ininaleC lot the Presidency by all the conventions thai ever do meet in this l ie, an l it ne is the hsi and only candt d iio unit ever tno wings run between iota time and the d ) ol Ju lgemeiit, we win noi support tniii, or vuio 4or linn. Siiik a pm down here!" In Decomber, 147, Gen Ca-s gave his view, ul leng'ii op.iii tne HH,t Pruvio, tu a Ijiior to Mr. Nicholson, of leiiotasee. Iu t trtt leiter, ts a voed hnuaell opposed to ti.e tneaiuro and to the exercise, of any legislation by Congress over any ol ihe territories of the lj uited Status, re-pecutig the d mes tic leUHous ol tneir luhaoitdiiis. ite oeiteved mat ail qoeti us oi that mature should be set. led by in.i p.-oj.; -tneui-slte-, who oughl to bu aoosed l re gulaio tneir inienml concerns tu their owu way ;" and l hat Congress has no more power io aoolisti or establish U very in such territories, thuu it has to regulato auy other of ihe relative dunes of social I.fe. that of husbaud and wife, ur parent and child, or of rna-ter and servant. Ue said, in Conclusion : " The Wilmot Proviso seeks to take from its legitimate tribunal a question of domestic pncy, having uo relation to the Union as such, and io transfer it to auother, cieated by tt.e people fur a spe cial purpose, and loreigu to the subject matter involved in this issue. By go ing back to our true principles, w'e go bacK to the road ol peace and safety.- Leive to 'he ptv.iple who will be affscted by this question, to adjust it uKn their own responsibility, and in their owe manner, and we shad reuder another tribute to tho original principles ot our government, and lurnish another guarair iy ior iw ana prosperity." Mr. Trist late Commissioner to Mex ico, has arrived in Washington.

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