The Wilmington Journal, uuder the editorial management of James Fulton, formerly of the Jeflersonian, has come ' to hand. The editor makes his debut in his usual neat and pleasing style We wish him success in his undertaking as doubtless do his many friends around here. , OCT Our Female Academy, under the onspices of Mr. Lindsly, and the Misses Si. John, was opened on Tuesday last. We would call the attention of parents and guardians to the advertisement of the Trustees in this day's paper 05" We find many appointments by the new Administration in ihe papers of the day, but shall only publish such as may be of a local nature. Vreen TV, Caldwell It will be seen )y our paper to day, thai this gentleman a candidate, for' Congress from this ' strict, "on his own hook" as the say ; is From the situation of the Dis .ict, at present, we know of no one more likely to ensure the success of the Democracy, and would suggest to the party 10 dispense with any Convention this year, but unite on him. These Conventions have,- of late, become un popular, and tending to give excused to those unprincipled demagogues whose claims none would have thought worthy of consideration ; it certainly looks reaa nable that parlies should unite on one man or set of men to bear their standard, but when there is a chance, there aN ways are some men who belong to no party, and thus distract both, carrying tl.'e public favor by their self styled In' dependence. The whigs will doubtless .unite on one ol the gentlemen spoken of they have a majority in the District, md are too senile to allow a division 1 their ranks. We think Mr. Steele, 5 Rockingham, their most unobjection able, but Gen. Dockery their most prominent candidate His "firmness of purpose" can't be ruled off the track. I. O. O. F. Tryon Lodge, No, 23, was opened in Rulhertiirdlon, on VY ednentiay, 'lit! liisi., by D. D. G. M. Alex. Bethune. The following gentlemen were elected offi cers : Wm. Shipp, N G ; Allen Ilaruby, ;VG; T. A. Hnjden, Sec'ry.; and J. ,V. Jay, Treasurer. Last week, locassee Lodge, No. 18, was opened at Anderson, S. C, by P. G.'s Swandall and Bowman, of Green ville. They elected the following offi cers : J. W. Harrison, N G ; A. O N orris, V G ; T. S. Cray ton, Scc'ry. ; ' E. T. VanBorsteil, Treasurer. There were ten initiated the first night. As regards Mountain Lodge, of this place, we understand there are quiie a number of propositions before it, and are pleased to notice the prosperity cf the Order in general. The Annexation Question in Caria' da. Many of the Canada press are discussing the question of annexation to the United States, and they succeed in making out its advantages quite as well as they ever once did in showing the opposite 6ide of the question. These discussions are curious, and not a little interesting to the people on this side of the St. Lawrence, who may one day be called upon to add another State to the Union north of New York and the East. In theKingston Chronicle.a writer say s that three alternatives are presented to the people of the provinces. The first is a return to the pre-exis ting system, with the exception that the principle of responsible government should be continued. The second is severance of the con nection with England, and annexation to the United States. The third, a Federal Union of all the British North America Provinces, un der the dominion of our beloved Sove reign. The third proposition is the one that most meets the approval of the writer, and he says in answer to the objection, that under a Federal Union they would- become independent, that the destiny of the Colonies is inevitably to become in dependent, but a Federal Uf.ion will not unduly hasten that eveni. With re gard to annexation, the Colonist ol the 6th instant makes the following an nouncement : "Now as the North American Colo nies are at present situated, they are on the eve ol making new commercial con nections, which must necessarily be followed by new political connections also. We have no longer, it may be said, any inteiest in continuing a con nection, which, in lime of peace, of lers no perceptible advantage, and in the event of war would exposes us a? cruelly to the belligerent operations of our neighbors. Circumstances now betoken that it will not be long belore commercial preference or. the one hand, and colonial and imperial differences on the other, will carry into effect what has been so solemnly predicted.' The Alontreal Patriot speaks of a leaning of the Anglo-Saxons at Toronto towards annexation with their brethren of the United States, and the- witness says it would do away with frontier Custom Houses, introduce American capital, raise the value ol fixed proper ty, make the St. Lawrence the great highway ot Western produce, yc. British Empire in the East. The British Sovereignty in India, the growth of the Ia9t hundred years, comprehends "n territory ot more u(u.. "- uie size ot France, more than ten limes the size ol the British Islands; governing more then one hundred and fifty mil lions of subjects, 'ind influencing one hundrtd and fifty millions more.' 1 he 1 cotton imparled from India is now one hundred millions of pounds, the stcgar eighty thousand tons, silk .vo millions ol pounds; the value ot the raw and manufactured articles from 6ilk is esti mated at eight millions of dollars. In dia exports thirieen thousand tons ot coffee, within one thousand of the en tire consumption ol Great Britain. The quantity of wool exported is six millions of pounds. Great Britain receives from India eight or nine millions pounds weight of pepper, besides vast quanti ties ol opium, tobacco, indigo, saltpetre, hides, gineer, nutmegs, cinnamon, cloves, rhubarb, and various medicines and mineral salts'. 1 he cultivation ot tea in India, has been attended with A LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office st Lin colrton, N. C.,on the first day of Apnl, 1849. A. Jacob Aderholdt, Jr., Henry Abrahams, Messrs W Abernathy dcSon. B John Bird, John Bradshaw, Bos ton Bess 2, David Beam, Henry L Ban gle, David R Benick, Marcus Boyd. C Clerk of the Superior Court, John Carpenter, James Cody, Christo pher Carpenter, Rachel Cline, Philip P Carpenter, Henry Carpenter. Allen Delane, Eli Drum. E. Dr James Elliott. F Alfred Finger. G. -Thomas Graham. H. James F Harrelson, Mary Ann Henry, Ambrose Halman, Dan. Hsynes, David Iloyle, Sarah A C Hoyle, George Hovis, David Hoover, John Iloyle, Hoylecc Craige.Daniel Hallman, Jacob Hallman, Luther Howard 2, -Bennet Johnston. K. Eliga Kerr, Jacob Kiser. L. Jacob Lautz, Joseph Lusk, Lo gan H Lorance 3, George Lowe, John Lefeavres. M. V A MeBee, David Mosteller, Jonis Mosteller, Elizabeth RJauney, W W McGinnas or J Runnelt, A A Mc Clain, Richard Martin, S Morris. P. Lawson Petre. R. .U dev Rudisil, F M ReinUrdt, Edward it i- ice. S. David Shell, Peter Seabock, Abraham Stowe, H C Saunders, Math ew Siroup. T. Jacob Trit, Ann Tarr or John Tarr, Adam Towery. U Samuel S Upright. W Thomas Webb,E'nzabeih W ard, Nathaniel Wilson, Henry Wright, Ma ry H alker, Johana Wilson, Alexander H VV ilaon, Mary Ann Wil90n2. C. C. HENDERSON, P. M. April 7 4-2t FLYAL NOTICE. All Persoj.3 are now positively noticed that all debts due the late firm of Pheskclx. & Edwards, must ba settled at once, by cash or note, or they will be handed to an officer for collection. If payment is not soon made the subscriber, or in part, on the notes and accounts due himself, individually, the same will be sued or traded, as he is in need of money, and must have it. This is no common advertisement, as those who do not comply with its requirements will cer tainly find out. UlLiiEKT FRESNELL. April 7 4-it A C A I M Y . J. C. LIXDSLY, A. in. PriuclprU Miss Julia L, St. John, i a . , MissMabiaJ bi.JoH,C Lincoln Hat Manufactory! The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Lincoln, the travelling commum ty. and all his old customers, that he has re commenced business at the old stand, on the south front on court house square, and is now engaged in manufacturing Kcr Hats, on a new plan, from the naESXtothe cheapest and he will warrant them as L1UHT, as darable, and as well wade, as any brought to the market. He solicits a share of public patronage. JOHN BUTTS, march SI 3-5t CONTRACTS- Will be received by the undersigned, between this and next Lincoln court, tor Oak Plank, 2$ inches thick, for the pur pose of repairing the public Bridge, bad'ng from Lincolnton, west, known as Hoke's bridge. The length can be as certained by application to the subscri ber, near the bridge. PETER HOKE, march 10 - 52- success, though it is yet in its infancy K7 One of our first subscribers, in Tlie r,ce a"d wheat of India are both 1 infprmr tn thil rnnat nlnftf COlinlne u m ui u.h.vhu, ... u,wuw nritlfih incia Cnvera a 8Ur aCe ot one tinued our paper because we have pub- million square miles, being as large as lished what he justly calls some of the tbat poitiun ot the United Stales lying "diabolical acts ot the last Legislature." asl ol lhe mm"PP' We had condemned these acts, or ma nv of them.whenever opportunity afford ed : and this is our reward. We have MARRIED, In Lincoln county, on the5'h instant, by the satisfaction, still, to know that we the Jev. J. K. Peterson, Mi. William Uollier, OI VJDlo, 10 liifc3 uaiuaia uaugu have done what principle dictated, in lay ing before the people ihe acts of their representatives, believing that they were responsible, and not vs. C3 The Superior Court of Catawba his Honor Judge Ellis to preside, will be oDened on Monday next. The fol- NEW FIRM! The- undersigned, having formed a co partnership in the Mercantile business, in Lincoln ton, under toe nrm ot Sladc, Kistlcr & Co. And purchased the stock in trade of Rofug Keid, will be happy to receive a share of public attention at ths old stand (Reinhardt'a cornet; south-east of the court square. I hey win snortiy receive a large stock of uoods, which with their present stock, will ba at varied as any other establishment in town; 1 heir goods n ill be bought for cash and sold low. Country produce taken in exchange tor gooas, ai me marker price. THOMAS T. SLABS, rETEK s. XlSTLER, R. It. TEMTLErOA'. March 31 3-tf Valuable N E GROE9 NOTICE. The Copartnership heretofore exist ng between the undersigned, in the Grocer v business, was dissolved on the 2d instant by mutual consent. All per sons indebted to the concern are re quired to come forward and make settle ment with (jr. rresnell, immediately, as the affairs of the firm must be closed. G. PRESNELL, W. It. EDWARDS. Lincolnton, Nov 8. 37-tf To Parents and Guardians, and the community at large, the Trustees take great pleasure in announcing that they have secured the invaluable services of the Rev. J. C Lindsly, as Principal, and ofbisneices, the Misses St. John, as Assistants; and that they may feet as sured, that this Institution, under their charge, can safely be ranked with the very best in the country, dc as such.mer it the confidence and support of all those truly desiring for their wards and chil dren, the lasting benefits of a sound, thorough and liberal education. From Greensboro, where they have been en gaged in teaching, the most satisfactory testimonials are produced as to their competency and efficiency. Mr Linda ly has devoted his whole lite to the busi ness, and made teaching his profession, and has been exercising it for near twenty years in the Institute, and Acade mies ol Greensboro. The Misses fct John, have lat erly been engaged as In struct resses in the Edge worth School ol Gov. Morehead, and fulfilled their duties to his entire satisfaction. The Trustees refer the public to the citizens of Greensboro,as to the standing and qualifications of the Teachers now taking charge of this Academy. The School will be opened on the 2d day of April next. Board can be had with respectable families in the town, and it is probable that Mr Lindsly wiii be able to take in' to hia family a few pupils as boarders, at $7 per month, exclusive of candles. The rates of Tuition are as follows : Teems, per session of fice Months : Board including washing, lodging, lights, &c. payable one half in advance, $40 00 Tvitio iSpelling.Keading, Writing, and the Rudiments ol Geography and Ar- iihmetic, 5 00 Beading. Writing, English Grammar, Geo. graphyand Arithmetic, 7 00 Analysing, Correcting and Composing,Rhe- toric, History, Elements of iS'atural Phi- losophy.of Bptany,of Ornithology ,of JVam. xnalogy, of Entomology and Cuacbolo- gy, ;o 00 Mathematics, Natural, Moral and .lental Philosophy, Logic, Political Economy, "!.. m: 1 VI. c-iainuiomy, vnemisiry, .Mineralogy, tie merits of Anatomy, Physiology and Ge olocy. 12 50 Latin, Greek and French Languages, 15 00 i uel and other contingencies, 75 Extra Music on Piano Forte and use of instruments, 520 00 Guitar, 15 00 Drawing and Painting in Water colors, 6 00 Painting in Oil colors, 13 00 fy&x Flowers and Fruit, each, 5 00 Urnamenial Needle-Work 2 00 Feb. 24, 1849. 50-ly TO BE SOLD ! We will offer for sale, at the court hoa?e, in, Lincolnton. on Tuesday of the coming April court, the following valuable Negroes, Jinny, Lydia and Uco children, JJarp, George and Actf. These Negroes are to be sold in order tj make a division amoug ihe heirs. 1 eruas made known on day ot sale. THOS. Jl- SHUFORD. JOSEPH SHUFOiiD. march 91 3-ta a nvE jniXLiox lotterti COLUN $ VO. LoTTERV EjCUANGE OjJFICE, Baltimore, 71 1, The oldest established office in the U.S, D. PAINE &. Co. Managers. Great Mammoth Lottery ! Grand lanital Prize JLOO,Ouo: 2 splendid prizes of f 50,000 eachyamoantiog to J 100,000. 4 splendid prizes of f-i 5,000 each.smounting to 100,000. 3 prizes of 12,500, amounting to 100,000. 20 prizes of 5,000, amounting to f 100,000, ter ot David B. lledick Our thanks for the pretty fee, and our best wishes for their happiness. May their love still continue When th6 summer's rosy smile3 Enbue the cheek no more, And bright beacon stars aie veiled in clouds, And dreams of youth are o'er. In Gaston county, on the 15th ultimo, by if. W. M'Ginnas, E lellinger to Miss Barba black, all of said count; lowini! week will be Lincoln, and the W. W. M'Ginnas. Esouire. Mr, Alfred next for Gaston county. We shall at. Dellinger to Miss Baara.uaugt.ter of 'lhos tend them all. NOTICE. ft- We notice the name of Quincy A. Shuford, of Gatawba, among me list Theie wiu te a grand Battle-Royal near -r J.,ipa nf th Jefferson Medical Capt. iilades Mill, on Easter Monday .next. oi uu.. Entrance 50 cents for each Cock. Those College, of Philadelphia. Iiincolnton Cupola I 13 hACE, The subscribers respectfully inform the citizens of old Lincoln, and the sur rounding country, that they have started their establishment in full operation this day, the 5th of March and are now pre pared to fill all orders for Iron or Com position CAS I IN GS, in the latest and most improved manner. I hey warrant them to prove as smooth and true as can be executed bv any other establishment in the Slate, ard flatter themselves:lrom personal experience and attention, they will deserve a share ol public tavor. OCT Their establishment is at the cast end of town, on the Main street, where ihev will make to order, ana Keep sup plied with every description of Stoves for the parlor or kitchen. All orders entrusted to them will be punctually filled, and their prices shall always be moderate. W. R. & E. S. EDWARDS, march 5 52- Wc respectfully request the attention of the public to the annexed magnifies, t scheme, which we offer, believing it tubs the best arranged and most magnificent Lottery ever drawn : 75 Number Lotieiy, 15 Drawn Ballots. Each package of 35 tickets will have 15 drawn numbers. package of 25 tickets can draw $250,000. The lowest three number prize, is $1,580. 'i he 1st and 2d drawn numbers entitled to $1,000. 11)13 scheme has been examined and ap proved by the State Lottery Commissioners, and will be draft n in Ualtimore city, April 25tb, ISJy : BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 prize of SlOOiOOO is 8100,000 50,000 S are 100.000 25,000 -l New Establishment. C7 Ex Governor Graham will deliv er the annual Oration before the two Literary Societies of the North Carolina j University, at the approaching Com- mencement. I 03" Col. William Gott tas been ap pointed Postmaster at Greensborough, in this State, in place of Wilson S. Hill, Esq- resigned. fond of sporting' aie collectively requested to attend at ! o clock. The Pit will be open ed at 12 o'clock. "Ose of 'Em." April 7 4-tl JSOTICE. Dr. ALEXANDER RAMSOUR, Having located himself one mile and a half westot Lincolnton, on the Kuthertord road; on the place formerly occupied by Lawson Henderson, dee'd. offers his protessional ser vices to the citizens of this and the adjoining counties. ' Nov 8, 1843. 3-tf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, OASTON COUMV. Couit of Pleas Qr Sessions, Feb'y Term, 1649. Wm. E. Rose, J) rs. Wm. Driscoll. 3 Attachment. The Defendant in this case is hereby notified to come forward, plead, or reple vy.or Judgment wilt be rendered against him. Witness, J. H. ROBERTS, Clerk, march 17 l-6x Printer's fee, $5. EncouragcIIomelndiistry! J?IES CORNWALL, Having taken the Carriacc shop for merly occupied by Isaac Ervin, on the main street, near the west end of town. is now prepared to make and repair Carriages, Bucsies," Carryall, Sulkyt, Wheelbarrow, And in fact every thing that may be re quired to run on the old rough fashioned roads, or the plank ones in contempla tion. He has done much work in this place, which he flatlets himself will re commend him; to those who have patro nised him heretofore he returns '.banks, and solicits a continuance. OCT" Country Produce will be received ; n pay, as he is surrounded by eoi d ap petites; but as "money makes the mare go, that article will be preferred. All he asks is a fair back ; he loves work, can't live without it thrrelore he will work at such prices as he can live at, and when belies, let his works praise him, though it would prove ra ther late so far as Ins present interests are concerned. His materials are of the best quality, and all work ill be seen to by hiuse'f, while he will endeavor by punctuality to merit patronage. ot7 Trimming and Painting neatly executed. march 3 25,000 25,000 ; 12.500 1 13,500 I 12,600 I 13,500 12,500 f 12,500 12,500 12,500, 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 lowest 3 drawn numbers j Island . 0Q0 2d No's.) 1,uuu 3d and 4-h, ' ( 5th&6th 57ih&8th $ 11, 12ih 5 12, 13th? 14, 15th S 5,820 any 2 dr no's. 200 26,550 any 1 dr'n no. 100 are 100,000 r arc are are ;.ro 300 GO CO 120 120 120 l3) rn 2.580 50 500 400 300 10,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 80,000 474,000 CO.OOO 43.C0O 60,000 48,000 36,000 1,104,000 2,655,000 33,305 Priz"' nmou',ligto $5,302,000 ' the sum of Whole Tickets, $100 ; Halves, 50; Quarters $25; Eighths, $12,50. A package T 25 whole will cost, $2,500 And must at the ltast Craw 1,500 Wrapping Paper for sale '1 lie risk therefore on a package is $1,000 We wilt sell a certificate of package, 23 who'es, fl'CO Do. do. do. 25 halves, $5(0 Do. do. do. 2j quarters, $2!0 Do. do. do. 25 eighths, In this magoifkent Lottery there are but 2,701 packages, and as thera are 455 thrrs number prizes in the scheme, there are but iix chances to one of a package drawing a Capital Prize, aud a package may draw 250,000. - , ley Air orders for tickets, shares, or packages, will meet with the most prompt attention, and all cmmnriicution8 are strict. Ij confidential. Address COL V IN 6z CO. N. W corner of Baltimore fk CaWert-sts. Ualtimore, Mdr march 17 l-4i

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