Girlhood. firiribood is fi. of promise tike ome bright bud at morning, Thai feels ihe sunbeam's genial ki-s, Nor heeths he wind's wild warning j Bemernber t hat the beauteous bud May never be s flower ! And thus wi'h ilmse sweet promises That bless !hy life's young hour. girlhood is full of hope Like ihose soli rays at night, T-iai tremble on ihe bleeping s'.ream, And r.ake i's bosom bright : Remember that a cloud may hide Those meek and timid bams? And so wi'h that dt-cei'lul hope That gilds thy youthful dreams. Make thine a time of prayer This truest good imparts ; God loves the words of youthful lips, The beat of youthful hearts ; Then though thy promise faileth, Then '.hough thy hope grows dim, Thou shah be His discipline, And find them both in II im ! jPopping tlic flucktiou, There is nothing more appalling to a moderate and sensitive young man, than asking the girl he loves to marry him ; and there are few who do not find tne.r moral courage tasked to the utmost Many a man who would lead a forlorn hope, mount a breach, and 'seek the babble reputation e'en at the caunon's mouth,' trembles at the idea of asking a woman the question which is to decide his fate. Ladies may congratulate themselves that nature and custom have made them the responding party. In a manner which men have always found so terrible, yet which, in one way or other, lhey have always contrived in some awkward way to accomplish ; jt is not easy to give instructions suitable to every emergency. A man nnlurally conforms to the dis position of the woman he admires If she be serious, he will approach the awful subject with due solemnity if gay and lively, he will make it an ex 1 cellent joke if softly sentimental, he roust woo her in a strain of high wrought ; romance, and if severely practical, he relies upon straight forward common sense. There is one maxim of universal ap plication. Never lose an opportunity. What can a woman think of q Jover who neglects one? Woman cannot make direct advances, but they use infinite tact in giving men occasions to make them. In every case it is fair to pte some that when a woman gives a nun an opportunity, she expects him to im prove it ; and though he may tremble, I and feel his pulse throbbing and tingling through every limb; though his heart fills up his throat, and his tongue cleaves to the roof of his mouth, yet the awful question must be asked ihe feaiful task accomplished. In the country, the lover is taking a romantic walk by moonlight, with the lady of his love talks of the beauties of the scenery, the harmony of nature, and exclaims- Ah ! Julia, how happy would exis tence prove, if i always had such a com panion.' She sighs, and leans more fondly cn Ihe arm that tremblingly supported her. My dear Julia, be mine forever !' This is a settler, and the answer, ever so inaudible, makes or undoes him quite. Take pity on a forlorn bachelor,' savs another, in a manner which may be either jest or earnes 'marry me at once and put me out of misery. With all mv heart, whenever vou are ready, replies the laughing fair one. A joke carried thus far is easily made earnest A point is often carried by taking a thing for granted. A gentleman who has been paying attention to a lady, says Well, Mary, when is the happy day V What day, pray V 6he asks with a conscious blush. Why, every body knows we are go ing to get married, and it might as well be one time as another ; so when shall it be!' Cornered in this fashion, there is no retreat. 'Jano, 1 love you ! Will vou marry me V would be somewhat abrupt, and frankly given. 'Yes !' would be short and sweet for an answer. Ellen, one word from you would make me the happiest man in the uni verse. I should be cruel not to ppeak it then, unless it is a very hard one.' It is a word of three letters, and an swers the Question Wjl! vou have me 1 The lady, of course, says 'Yes,' un less she happens to prefer a word of onlv two letters, and answets, 'No. And 6o this interesting and terrible process, in practice as simple as it is in theory, is varied m a hundred ways according to circumstances and the va nous dispositions. One timid gentleman asks 'Have you any objections to changing your rame ?' and follows this up with another whioh clenches its significance 'How will mine suit you V Another says 'Will vou tell me 'The happy day when we shall be marripd.' Another says My Eliza, wo must do what all the world evidently expects we shall.' All the world is very impertinent. 'I know it but it can't be helped. When shail i tell the parson to be ready V As a general thing, a gentleman need nrver to be refused. Every woman, except a heartless coqueUQ, finds the means of discourageing a man whom she does not intend tn have, before the matter comes to a point of declaration. DK, LC KOY'S SARSAPAIULLA & WILD CHERRY ILLS. The universal cplebrity which this mrd; cine has gained in every section ot the court try, and the many astonishing cures it has effected, have established its efficacy beyond all doubt ; as a general family medicine it has no rival. In all cases tf Iru'igestion, BilliousFevers.Dispepsia, Liver complaints, Sicrk Headache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy. Piles, Colic, Worms, Disease of the Heart, and all affections of ihe stomach and bowels. Lfc HOY'S PILLS will be foand a never tailing remedy. To insure the full benefit of these celebra ted Pills, they 6hould be kept in the house, so that upon the first commencement of sick ness they may be at once resorted to. One dose then is better than a dozen after the disease has become established in the sys tem. Le Roy's Pills are purely vegetable, and so innocent that the infant of a month old may use thfin if medicine is required, not only ith safety, but with a certainty ol re ceiving all ihe benefit medicine is capable of imparting. Females may use them during all the critical periods of their lives. Le ifoy's Pills will insure their health, and produce regularity in all the functions of life, Prioe'25 cenis per box. For sale by C C Henderson, Lincolnton ; Hoyle &. Stowe, Dallas; A Homesly, j&helbyville. July, 22, 184S. 25-6m. AND j Spencer's Tonic & Restorative 23XTTX2HS, The unrivalled Purifier of the blood and restorative of the system in all morbid secretion of the glands, skin and liver, morbid humor and vitiated state of the system. The indications requiring Spencer's Pills and Bitters, and when they should be used without delay as a preventive to the formation of Acute diseases, are When there is pain in the back or head, When the Tongue is lurred ; When the urine is very highlv colored When the skin is hot., dry, or yellow; When the Appetite is poor; When there i pain in the sto?nach or bowels; When there is nervous irritation; When there are cold Chills; When the dreams are bad or starting in sleep; If taken upon the occurrence of any, or all of the above indication of approach ing disase much pain and sickness will be prevented W e have room only for the following: The following Certificate is from To bias Folsom, Esq., of Kershaw District, S. C. Kershaw dist. S. C.June 3 1846. 1 have used in my family "Spencer's Pills," for two yeaispast, and during that time my confidence in their superi ority over every other similar prepara tion within my knowledge lias been con stantly increasing; I now esteem them to be the best cathartic Pills in use From my earliest remembrance 1 have been afilicted with Sick Head-ache and Coslivencss, and for a number of years past have been trying various advertised remedies, among others, Beckuith's, Lee's and Peter's Pills; but failed to ob tain any permanent relief, until Jan'y, 1645, at which the time Dr. Spencer's Agent left me some of his Pills, recom mending me to try them for my com plaint. 1 did so ; and by their superior action upon the morbid matter and their mild yet effectual purgative proper ties they so cleansed my stomach and bowsls that they removed both the head ache and its cause and gave me certain and speedy relief. My mother-in-iaw ha6 also used them with success in the same complaint which she has had, so severe as to throw her into spasms and convulsions, being obliged in these ca ses to lesort to cupping and other severe applications. I have also made frequent and constant use cf Pills in my family, in cases of Bowel Complaint, brought on by the two fiee indulgence in use of Berries aud Fruit, and in all cases with success. In short 1 have ne ver known of the failure in any disease which they are recommended to cure known of their being tried, if their use was for which i have preserved in, and directions strictly followed. TOBIAS FOLSOM. Jnst received a large and fresh supply of the above Medicines, by C. C HENDERSON, And B. S. JOHNSON, Lincolnton,' TAILORING. The undersigned has located in U.e Town of Dallas, one door South of Quinn 4 Holland's store, where ha is in receipt of the latest Fashious, and anxious to accommodate his friends ai.d the public for reasonable compensation. JAMES H. OATES. Oct 28 35- JAVNFS EXPECTCB.2HT. This invaluable medicine is daily effec ting Kom nf ihe most astonishing &. wonder fulouroe hat have ever been know n. All who have used ii for Asthma, coug-hs, Spil ling of Blood, Whooping Cough, croupor Hives, Consumption, chronic Pleurisy, Hoarseness, rain &. Soreness nf the BreaM. Difficulty of Breathing, and every oihet sease of the LUNGS and BKEAS I , , do attest to its usefulness. BRON ! a disease which isanuuatly sv ef 6andsnpon thousands to a prematura o . under the mistaken name of CO.NM always cured by it. 1 tu symptoms of this disease (Bronclnii-) Cough, Soreness of the Lungs or 'liir. .i Hoarseness.Difficnlty of Breathing. ksu;n Hectic Fever, a spitting up of phU-gn matter,and sometimes blood. It is an inflate mation of the fine 6kin which lines the inside of the whole of ihe wind tubes or air vessels, which run through every part of the Lungs. This Expectorant immediately suppresses theCough and Pain, subdues the Inflamnia tion and Fever, removes the Difficulty of Breathing, by producinga free and easy Ex pectoralion, so that a cure is soon eflt rieo. It always cures ASTHMA 2 or three large doses will cure the croupor Hives of childien, in from fifteen, minutes to an hour's nine It immediately subdues the violence Whuopii g Cough, and effects a speedy cure iiunareas who nave oeen given up by their physicians as incurable with 'Con sumption,' have been restored to perfect health by it. In fact, as a remedy in Pulmonary Disea ses, no medicine has ever obtained a higher, or more deserved reputation. C. C. HENDERSON, Agent. Lincolnton, N. C, June 1. 184". Worms! Worms!! Worms!! Of the diseases to which children are ex posed none are sn faial i Unfortunately children are seldom free from them, and as they imitate the symptoms of almost every other complaint, ibey often produce alarming effects without being sus pected Worms arenotonly a cause of dis ease themselves, but by their irritation ag gravate all other diseases, wandering from one part of the body to another, winding themselves up into large balls, and obstruc' ing the bowels, and frequently the throa., causing convulsions, and too olien death. The best remedy ever yet known is Dr. Jajiic'fr Tonic Vermifuge, which is perfectly sale, and so pleasant that children will not refuse 10 take it. It effectually destroys ORMS ; neutralizes acidity or sourness ot the sluinach.increases appetite, and acts as a general and perma nent ionic, and is therelore exceedingly b neficial in Intermittent and Remittent Fe vers, Indigestion, &.c. and is a certain and permanent cure for FKVEii and ACiUE. Itnot only destroys Worms and invigo rates the whole system, but it dissolvesand carries off the superabundant slime or mucus so prevalent in the stomach and bowels of children, mere especially those i bad health This mucus forms the bed 01 in which worms produce their youug;an by re-uoving it, it is nnpossiole for orms to rei' a i the body. It is harmless i ri effects on the system, and the health ot the patient is always im proved by its use. Phis Vermiluge is very far heweer from being: limited in its usefulness to mtre cases of Worms.tor it may also be prescribed with mosi decided advantage iu all derangements of the stomach and digestive organs gen eral debility dropsical swellings Fetuale complaints, as 6ick head-ache, dour albis, menorrhagia, &.c. Numerous cases of Piles have been per fectly cured by the use ot triis vaiuabie er mtfuge. This beneficial result may be ac counted tor from itsstrengtbenu g Uiestom' ach and bowels, and also oy the removal ol as:arices,or6inall threaa worms. These vermin generally inhabit the lower part of the bowelsnd by theii irritation are a very frequent cause of Files. DV'fcPEP&lA may always be cured by taking one or two tea-spoonsful ol this Ver mituge, morning, noon ano night (before ea ting) and by taking mv banativel'ills at bed time, in sufficient doses vo produce one, anc not more than two eracuaiionb tiom the bowels every morning. WEAKNESS1, loss oi appetite and ge neral Debility is soon removed by taking this Vermifuge in doses of a tea-spoobtui at a time from three to five times a oay , as it is an effect uai as w ell as an eitiemeiy plea sant tonic. Finally, what the public have long ce sired a medicine ol liais kind, which cjgiii be depended upon (prepared by a regular physician) is now offered to them, ano can be had of DR. D. JAYNE, No 20 fcoulh Third street, Ftiiiadelphia, and ot all per sons who sell his Expectorant, Carminative Balsam, banaiivel'ills, Hair Tonic, a nd Life Preservative. For sale in Lincolnton, by C. C.HENDERSuN. TO THE PUBLIC F j LUfCOLXTOX, ! And citizens of Xortli Carolina ! Having recently made a! visit tn rhilauelphia, I was advised by a gentleman who had witnessed the t fieri ol it, to bring with me a quani:t ol Edel's Vegetable Embrocation which has performed most wonderful cures' of the following injuries : Severe 1 ontusions, Sprains, Injuries from Falls, AND Stifl Joints oflong Standing. 1 have also fif sale EdtVs Veg table Purgutite Pills, whicti bear a higi' r : ulation in I'hila -elphia for lte cure I hyspepsia. Disorder: d IStomach. a iJ all I'llioos atfecuons, Distases of iU I irtr, $v. A LM EdiVsFircExtractor, ii a pulicy of Insurance) wt.ich as a -n. i dy for Scalds and Burn cannot be mi. passed. A more full description of the abut. Medicines in pamphlets, with numemu certificate, can be seen at the fw-tf the subscriber. C. C. H EN D KU (' Sept 11 46- IPS as The; f-uci eh i uix in..-., u of tne EmbrocHtion in tnt- cum- disease has been truly nstoi. ', Physician advise their pji'ien s ; it, as the only Pile ITIvdirinc. In addition to its being a pnsi ie meriy lor the Piles, it never Irtils c ihat IN lOLKKAIiLE I Tt H I N which is so ver c rnnn-n, and lius it location in the same part as the Piie. Head the following from therditoreal columns of Alexander's Meseiiger : " Fol'ni) at Last. A Sure Cure for the Piles! Phy sicians and Chemists have long been anxious to discover a medicine that would cure one of the most troublesome diseases, the Piles. Success has nt last been the result. Dr Jackson's Pile Embrocation not only stops all bleeding, fTlays pain and in fJammalion,ubd'jes hat intolerable itch ing. iut rfli'ctna I 'v lihv. a cnari'i, and in a very short time, persons whose lives have been rendered miserable lor years. Only a few from a great number of certificates will be published. Kead th following : Philadelphia, March 19, 1645. Western Hotel. Dr. Jackson Sir: I think there are few diseases which are more common and troublesome than the Piles, and du ring the last fifteen eals i have suffer ed (rem them very much, causing pain, bleeding and immoderate itching; I used all the various remedies, but with out relief, until 1 got a bottle ol your Embrocation from Dr. Jayi.e, No. 8, South Third streei, which completely cured me in three weeks! Yours, truly, S. II. PLIMPTON. Mr. Ashfora's letter must settle the question in the mind of every one. Piles! Piles! Piles .'Rarely a day passes that we do not get some tcs tnrony, either verbal or written, of the great efficacy of Dr. Jackson's Pile Em brocation. Read the following : New York, 721 Uroadway, September 24. $ Dr. N. Jackson Dear sir : Will you send me six bottles of your PILE EM BROCATION? I wish them part to keep myself, and part for a legal gentle man, a friend of mine, who has found great relief in using from my bottle two ;r three times. You remember, w hen in Philadelphia, 1 was suffering dread luily from this ternbit? scourge ' 1 only took r-ne bottle from you; I hav not ued tt quite all, and am now porfectly well. As you may suppose, 1 proclaim the virtues ol your medicine wherever 1 go. 1 teil every friend about it, and it is ungular to perceive how many are suffering in this way I believe half of my arquamtance are more or less afflic ted. Let me tell you that you can sell here cs fast at you choose to make. When yon want a certificate from me. you s-Lail have it. and ou arc at liberty to show this letter if you wish. Respectfully ours, leuis'p.'ashford. A great number of persons who have oeen cured, will be referred to, by cal ing .n tne Agents. IT NEVER FAiLts ! Price 1 per bottle, or six bottles or $5 Prepared only by Dr. N. Jackson, and sold wholesale and retail by Dr. D. Jayne, Js&. 8, South I bird street, and C Snnver, corner fcpruce and Seventh sis., Ptiiladeipnia, and in Lincolnton iV. Carolina, by C. C. HENDERSON. Ft i f Y the Tlooi. MO'FF.AT'8 VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS A.NU PHOENIX BITTERS Tli hivh anil enrled erl.hrit. . .l Medicine. have acquired for their intariable efficacy in .11 Ihe diseases lhey profess to ,ttre h nf usual practice of puffing uot only urne,,,. DK J" ll,y or them. They ere known by the,, rrniu the?r ITi work, ttify for ihem, end lhey thri,, iVuvfh of the credulous. Qf ASTHMA, ACUTE and CHROSIC RHErjMTIW AFFBCTIOSS of the BLADDER mnd KIDNEYS BILIOUS FEVXHS tt LIVER COMPLAiNT3 In the south and weat, whet thre diaeuea prevtd, Uar, ti ba found Invaluable. Planter, farmed, and oUwia wbu (I0CC usa thrt Medicine, will never afterward be without Uwm. UILIOUS CHOLIC, and SEROUS Lootent. ElLti COSTIYESESS. COLDS dfc COUGHS, CP'UIC CONSUMJTION. Ueed with rrwat luccewim tl.ia tlmte! CORRUPT HUMORS'. DROPSIES. DXBZDF8Zil. No panoa with thia dittreMibj U eate, should delay mint the medicine immediatel, . ERUPT10X3 J the Hktn. ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LESCT. FEVER and AUUK. For thi aeoarce oTthe w lent eounttt the medicine will b found a aie. apeedy, and certain remedy. Other medicine leave the ytem subject to a return iS the diteane a cure by these medicines permancnl TUY THEM. BE SATISFIED. AND BE CURED. TOULSESS ef COMPLEXION, 0 END HAL, DSBZLITT, OnVT. GIDD1SES8. GRAfEL, HEADACHES, cf tter kind. tSWARD FEVER. INFLAMMATORY RHKVMA T1SM, IMPURE BLOOD. JAUSDICE. LOSS Aft 9 TTTE. LIVDIl OOMPLA.NTB, LEPROSY. LOOSES ESS, M IC 11 C I' H I L DISEASES. Never fail to eradicate entirely all the effcru of Mercur nitelv sooner than the most powerful tirenaraiion of Sarta: NIGHT SWEATS, SERYOUS DEBILITY. NJEBV. CO-MPLir.VTS nf all ktndt, OROiMC JFeCCTIO PALPITATIOS ufOu HEART. PAlSTtR'S ClIOI.Io. PILBB, The original propri . if Ihie medicioN was cured of Pile of 3S yean standirif by the us of IhtM U( Medicines atone. PAI.VS in the head, fide, burk. limit, joint and nrrana. 1UIEUNATINM. Those afflicted with th enitite duraie. wilt be sure of relief by the Life Mediciur. RUSH of BLOOD to the- UKAD, SCVEVY. SALTRHEUM, SWELLISOS, scrofula, or SING'S SVZZi, toita worst (brms. ULCERS, of every ducription W O II XII S s of all kind, are efteriually exrwtled by hre Medicine. Parent will do welt to administer tliern when ver Uieir exutenc- is suspected. Relief will be certain THI? I ICR PUIS iVTi PTTfPVII P.ITTFT! I 11 U till U 1 llibil iaUW SflwJU.A VI I I HIIU PURIFY THE BLOOD, And 'mis remove all disease from the system. A tlnele trial will pUce ti L I F t PILLS and P H Cj4 IX BITTERS beyond the reach or compe tition iu the eitimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicines are new put up in while wrappers and labels, together with a pamphlet, called M JrTt'i Good Samaritan," containing the direction!, see, on which is a drawing of Broadway from Wail street to oar Office, by which strangers visiting the city can very eitil) j find us. The wrappers and Samarium are copyrighted,' therefore those who procure them with white wrappers caa be assured that they are genuine. He careful, and do not buy those with yellow wrappers; but if you do, be salidl tha! Micy cum direct from us, or dout touch them. L Prepared and sold by SR. WILLIAITI D. KOrrAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Authonv street, New York For Sale by a-'M v C. C. HENDERSON. 21-ly Nov 19 CAIiL. ' AT C. C. HENDERSON'S STORE, Lincolnton, 2 C, II ytu want to be cured of Chills and rVirpr. :uraltJCor Nervous Ueadachp, Mnd gt Dr. .Michael's Pills, if you are Dyspeptic, have Liver disease, or Bowel disorders, with associate nervous di tuibunces, pPt Dr. Nappoldt's Sanative Hitters and Pills. The Compound Ver mifuge Syrup wil be found uj tin fair trial, one ol the best and moat efiicient remedies for Honns, relie the secondary effects which peneraliy folio w ati attack of Verrninoze Kever. For the relief of Cos'tivenesn and the eflecis o! such a condition, no medicino can do more than the Compound Cath arctic and Family Pill of Dr. II. The attention ot all nursing mothers is called to Ihe mpt rior advantages of the Infant Carminative, of Dr H. Hundreds of mothers are ready to testify to the truth ol this effectual remedy for the disorder ihat Iniants at the breast are liable to, and which often inflict much suffering upon the little yictim, to Ihe anno)anco ol tho mother's comlort. It is unnecessary to add in the columns ot a newspaper, certificates. Call, if you are a sufferer, on C. C. Hendeison, Agent for the proprietor, examine the testimonials of recommendation, and who, when lhey discover the high and unquestionable characters that have kindly lent their aid to LUfetain these medicines, which have cured not only persons in this community but elsewhere, can, lor a moment, hesitate to believe what ia set lorih in favor ol the above medicines are true. Feb 10 40 Cm L, I M B . fjtUE undersigned propose to Bell, at aSai their Quarry, Ol miles South of Lia coiiion, Lime of a superior quaity, at the fylowing prices, to wit: Slacked Lime, not screened.per bush. 10 eta iSkeked Lime, screened, m " 124 Uoche ime, or not sac ke'd, " 8 We have reduced the prices of our Lime to meet the hard times, and to enabe the Farming community to procure a vauaWe article in improving ineir Farms, at a rea sonable price. For strength, our Lime 13 not surpassed by any in tbe Western part of the State ; i: has been tried by those compe tent to judge, dll and examine, and try it for yonrseves. Letters addressed either to D W. Scbenck, Jacob Rush or Dane Sbuford.iving in LincoZnton, desiring any information in reference to the Lime, wii oe prompiy attended to. DANIEL SHUFORD. J. J, LA ttlXC, T A 1. JL O 12;. Jallus, GastoOa A..C. fpbat I most wish to know!' -

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