the Old Lady and the Cobbler over theWay. 53 . Vcars ago ihe hutand rfan old Indv, re-ul'ns in a country vd lawe. happened to di rather MiddtnU itlmut making wll, f.r the wnnt of which vitv necessary prpcaulu-n, hi? tstft'e would have passed nway fiom his vid.v, had she ; 01 rHsurttMl to tho tl lowing remarkable f x edient in avert the loss ol her properly : She cooceah d the death of her husband, and prevailed Upon an old rot b er. lor neighbor, who .vas in person somewhat like the de ceased, to co to bd at her house, and personate hjm, in which character it I was agreed ttial tie tsou'd dicte a will, le-.yinw the widow the estate tn ques tion. An attornev w-s aecordinglv tcoi for to prepare the 'quired document, and the widow, on hts'arnval, appeared to be realizing the greatest ffictiun at her pood man' oaner, bu' forthwith t ro ceeded t ask questions of her pre'endd husband, calculated to elicit the answers she expected and desired. The old cobbler, groaning alouri and looking as much like a person going o give up the ghost a? possible, femlv answered, 'l intend to leave vou ha t my estate ; etiu d think the poor old shoemaker, wro lives over the way, i? deserving of the other halt, for ho has always been a good neighbor," The widow was thun derstruck at receiving a reply so d'ffe. rent to that which she expected, but dared not negative the cobbler's will, for (ear of losing the whole of the prop trtv.while the cunning old rogue in bed. who was hirnscll the pooi shoemaker, living oyer the way, laughed in his Bleeye, and divided with her the fruits of a fnj'ct which the widow had in tcuVd Jor her own tsole bene fit. A Qvalcer Letter to his Watching tier. I herewith teuri my pocket clock, which greatly standee m need of thy friendly correction. The last time he Xvas at thy friendly school he was no wave reformed, nor in the h ast ben fir ted thereby ; fr I perceive bv the index of li is mind that ho is a i ia r. and the truth is not in bio- 'ha' his motions are vvavet'Pg and meguHi ; 'hat his uulr-e is sometimes slow, which betokeneth not an even temper ; at ntr--r times it wax Cth sluggish, notwithstanding I frequent ly urge him ; when he should be on his duty, as thu knoweth his usual name dnoeth, I will find him slumbering or sleeping or as the vanity of human Teason phrases it catch him napping, pa- t u :e been trying various advertised Examine him, tl erefore, and prove him, j rem dies, among otheis, Beckunh's, 1 beseech thee, thoroughly, that thou i Lee's and Peter's Pills; but tailed to oo rnay est, by being well acquainted w. to tain any permanent rein f, until Jan'v, 4his inward frame and disposition, draw j l-45, at which the tune Dr. JSpei.ccr's : i .i . L ... I i u..l.i - . i - r. e r i . miiui ironi me pain wucifiu ue snuuiu g'. It grieveth me to think, and when I p-'ii ler thereon, I am verdy ol opinion that his bodv is Inul, and the wmdo mass is corrupted. Cleanse, him, iherefure, with thv charming physic, from ail po luiion. that he n ay vibraie and circularc according to the trutn. 1 will pl ice turn a few days uj.der thv care, and piy for Ins hoard as thou requirest ! i thee, friend John, to demean thsef on this occasion wnli right judgement, ac cording ;o the gift which is in ihee, and prove thy-elf a superior workman. And when thou laves: thy correcting hands on him, b t tibe wim (itt passion, lest thou drive hi n t d"s'ructun. Do thou r gulnte his motion for ihe tirn to come by he motion of i he light that ruleth the day, and when thou findesi hsm con verted Irom 'he error of his ways, and more roi.toroi 'b e to the above men tiot td ru ts, then do m P.d him hn:iO AVith a ju b:M f ch-rg s, d-awnout b the spirit ot m de ration, and it .-hall ht sent to thee m theroot ol all evil. Complimentary An old clergyman, ;and h i 1 1 he r e.Cbniric one wnfial, whose fie d of labor was a town in the interior of New England, oneSuudoy, :at the close ol his service, gave notice (o his congrega iion, that in the course ,ot the we k, he pected to go on a mission on a msion to the htathen The member ot th b church w r-struck with alarm and turrow, at this sudden at d urexforied arnounr ement cf the fos ff tt eir heloved pas'.or, a. d cue of 1he deacon 'n geai ag tauon, exclaimed, "'V hy Div dear Sir, you have not told iSote wiod of 'his beiore! What stall we d 4 Oh ! br-ther said the parson, with the greater sang froid, "I don't exi ert ,o go oui ol ton n?" CHAtiLKSION, S. C. South lYcst corner King bcorge scs The subscriber (formerly of Lmcoluton) has taken the Estabhshmt nt well known as the " JVorris House" where hfc wj be happy to accommodaie his friend- from tte up cuniry. His Beds n:id Furniture are entirely new, the nouse is put in complete repair, and es everything shall be done to ensure th comfort of his vi t rs, he will piomise that his lerms shnil be reasonable, and request a share of pjblic patiomifre. .The Establishment will be opent about the 1st ol February. F. A. JIOKE. Jan 29 4- 4-AND DlEDS FoR tJALE. - THOMAS DORDLFA', Saddle Harness, Boot i5 M.OK Jl AKJCIt. rHELBY, 3- C. R -pec:.uity informs hi W5 friends Mint he has establishes hinise'i 'it tjie above place, where he impes by Hie superior qualily of his work, and s'rict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. Repairing done at the shortest nolic April 28 7-tf AND penccr's Tonic & Restorative BITTERS. The unrivalled Purifier of tltc blood and restorative of the system in all rimroid secretion of the glands, skin and bver, morbid humor and vitiated state of the system. The indications requiring Spcncer6 IPiifsand Ditters, and when they should j be used without delay as a prtventlre to the lormation ol Acute diseases, are When there is pain in the back or head, When the longue is lurred ; When the mine is very highlv colored When the skin is hot. dry, or yellow, When the Appetite is poor; W hen there is pain tn the stomach or bowels; When there is nervous irritation; W hen there are cold Chills; When the dreams are bad or starting in sleep; It taken upon the occurrence or any, or all ol" the above indication of approach ing disase much pain and sickness will be prevented VVe have room only (or the following: The following Certificate is from To bias Folsom, Esq., ol Kershav District, S. C Kershaw dist. S. C. June 3 1846. I have ufcO in my tuniH "Spencer's Pills," for two y eais pant, and during that note my confidence in their superi ority over everv other similar prepara tion within my knowledge has been con stantly increasing; 1 now esteem them to be the best cathar'io Pdls in use From my earliest remembrance 1 have been .-.lllicted wnh Sick Head-ache and Costivtness, and for a number of years nueni leu me some oi nis tins, recom mending me to try them for my corn plaint. I did s ; and by their superior acti ai upon the morbid matter and their mild yet effectual purgative proper ties they so cleansed my stomach and how?ls that they removed both the head ache and its cause and gave me certain and speedy relief. My rnother-in-iaw has al.M) used them with success in the same complaint which she has had, ?o severe as to throw her mlo spasms and convulsions, being obliged in these ca ses to tesort to cupping and other severe applications. I have also made l'i equent and constant use ol thf-e Pols in my t.iimh, in rases A Bowel Complaint, brought on by the two liee iiuluignice in use of ISernes bug Frui', and in all cases wi h success. In short 1 have ne ver known ol the failure in anv disease which they are recommended to cure kii 'Wii ol it.eir being iru-d, it their use wis lor which I have preserved in, and directions strictly tViiowed. TOBlAfe FOLSO.M. . Just received a large ai d fresh supply ol the above Ahnu ines, hv . C. HI NDEUSON, And B. . .K)lh(N, Lincomton, Dec 8 ly IK. LEKOY'S SARSAPAUI1.LA & WILD CHERRY 1 i iLL . The universal celebrity which this medi cine ha uanied in every sen ion ol the coun try. . nd the many astonishing cures it has tinVcted. have established i s ethcacy beyond all doubt ; as a get eral family meci.icine it has no rival. In all cas s of li.i igebttoti, BilliousFevets.Dispepsia.l.iver cornplainis, 4iek J leadache, Jaundice, Asihina, Dropsy. Plies, Coll', Worm.. Iiasert ihe flearl. nod ah affect ions ( ih. stomach and huweis, LK iiOV PILLS will be found a never tailing mut-dy. To insure ihe full benefit cf these celebra led PiHs, they should be kept in the' house, so that upon the first commencement of sicl ness they may be at once resorted io. One dose then is bettpr than a dozen alter the disease his become esidblisbed in the sy s tern. Le Hoy s Pills are purely vegetable, and so innocent thai the intam ol a month old may use them if medicine is r. quireo, m.t only iih safety, nut with a certainty of re. ceivmg all ihe bmefn medicine is capable ol imparting. Females may use them ouring ail the critical periods cl their lives Le ioy 's Pills will insure their healih, and produce regularity in all the functions of life. Piiee 25 cenls per bx For sale by C C If enderson, Lincolnton ; Hoyte it fciowe, Dallas; A Homesly, hvlb ville. July 22, 1343. 25 1 m Wrapping Paper for sale This invaluable medicine is daily effec ; injr om nf the most astonishing &. wonder tul cures that have ever been known. All who have used it for Asthma, coughs, bpir ling of B1kjiI. Whooping Cough, croup ur Hives, Consumption, chrome Pleurisy, Hoarseness, Pain &. borenessul the breast, Difficulty of Breathinjr, and every other di sease of the LU NGS and BREAiS I',ean and do attest to its usetuliisss. BKUACHl 1 lb. a disease whici. isanuuaily s eeping thou sands upon thousands to a prematura grave, under the mistaken name of COrLuMP- j TION.tsalnays cured by it. The usual symptoms of this disease (Bronchitis) are otigh, borenessoi' the Lungs or Throat, a Hnarsetiess.Difficulty of Breathing.Asthma Heciii; Fever, a spitting up of phlegm or matter.and sometimes blood.' It is an inflam mation of the f.ne6!iin which linestheinside of the w hole of ihe wir.d lubes or ait vessels, which run through every part of the Lungs. This Expectorant immediatfly suppresses" theCough and Pain, subdues the Inflamma tion and Fever, removes the Difficulty of Breathing, by producinga free and easy Ex peetoratiyn, so that a cure is soon effectec. It always cures ASTHMA 2 cr three large doses will cure the croup oi Hives ot chiioien, in trom til teen minutesto an hour's time. It immediately subdues the violence of VY hoop'o g Cough, and effects a speedy cure Hundreds who have been given up by their physicians as incurable with 'Con sumption,' have been restored to perfect health by . In tact, as a remedy in Pulmonary Disea ses, m- medicine has ever obtained a higher, or cjore deserved reputation. C. p. HENDERSON, Agent. Lincolnton, N. C, August 1, 18J9. i AT C. 0. HENDERSON'S STORE. Lincolnton, A. C, II ycu want to be cured el Chills and Fever, Neuralgic or Nervous Headache, ai d get Dr. Mu hael'b Pih-. if you ate Dyspeptic, have Liver disease, or' Bowel disorders, with associate nervt i. disturbance.-, gel Dr. Happold. JSanaiive Bitters and Pols. The Compound Ver miluge Syrup will be louud uj on lair trjal, one ol ihe best and most efficient remedies f,.r Dorms, re!uvin:, &l.-o. the secondary T ct wicn gti.eialv follow an attack ot V rnun.ze t ver. For the relief of Costive ne- arid ihe t fleets of such n condition, no medicine ean do more ihan ihe Compound Cath arctic ar;d Family Pill of i)r. U. The attention ol all nursing toothers called to the Mipr:or advantaged ot ihe In ar t Carminative, ol Dr H. Himoritis mothers are ready to unify i0 x.t. trUl, o thi fl'et iUMl rt medy for the disomer that Inlants at the breasi art liable to. and which often inflict nmch snfl. n,,.. 1 upor, the lime yiciim, to Ihe annoyance t ..I I lw. .... .1 J ui ii'i'iiu 1 cniiori. Ii isunin cess rv to add in the co'u...n ot a newsiaper, ceitifnrttes. Call, l you are a MifiVrer, on t . C. Hei deison. Agnt for thf piupMFti r, e xafime ihe testimonials ol re 0 tun nda u.n, aid who, when they discover ihe and unqueii. ru ble character? ihnt have ki.dly lent iht ir aid to sustain the-e m.dicims which have cund not oiny pers- ii in n,, rommun l but elsewhere, C"ii, ;or a ti.oiii nt, hetitan- i l ehe ie whit is sei lorih in favor of the above mediciiii s are true. Feb H 4S Cm JL ft M ii UK undeis.ghed ... .ws ij ten.. n.nnoca In r.. 71 at to. their toarry . mitb ouih ot l,m. t-o.-n.i 01 a buperior (jua.'iiy, ai tiit. loii V7 pncis, to w it : Stacked Li.i e, ?;ot screened, per bush. 10 cts Zarkeo t line, cn e ne d , Til Roche line, r not satktd, " lb We have reducec the prices of ou. Lime ton. eel it hard tunes, ano to er.utc the fc'urii.wg communiiy 10 procure a vemabe artu m improving then Farms, ai. a rea sonar.e price. For strength, our Lime is not suipassed by any in the W esiern part of the Stale ; 1; has been iried by ihose compe tent to judge. CaZi and ex unuie, and try it for yourselves. Letters audresstd either to D W. bchenck, Jacob Rush ,or Daniei huford, ivint. in Lincoi'iiton, desiring any information in reierence to the Lime, will oe promptly attended to. DANIEL fcHUFORD. ALLJiS ALLAADtR. Having received the latest Fashion, is prepared to accommodate the public. Hi terms are moderate, and bis work shall not be excelled in taste or durabili ty. t7( uttig done at short notice. Lincolnton, opposite 31r Henderson's new brick store. Nov VG 21- TO THE LADIES. The genuine Balm of Columbia, fo Restoring the Hair Long hair is a glory to woman, says Pau . And all feel the truth of the pious quota tion ; Preserve it then, ladies your glorv ma f.Il, Unless you protect it with this prep: ration. If y ou wish a rich, luxurient head o hair, free from dandruff and scurf, do not lad to procure the genuine Balm v. Columbia. In cases otb'Ubcss it wi. more than exceed iur expectaion Many who have lost their hair for twen ty years have had it restored ons 01 ini tial perfection by ihe use of the bain Age, state or condition appear- to be n ;-bs'. acle w hatever; it !so causes the flu.d to tl w with which the delicate hair tu bea it fi'led, by which means thou sands (whose t air was grey as the A: atic eagle) have, had i heir hair restor o to its natural color by th s invaluabU lenody . Caution. Never buy it unless yoi rind the name of Cotnstock & Co.. Pre prietors, on the wrrpper Oi each bo't.. orvtua:e cheated with a counterfeit Connel s Magical Pain Extracttr- Ihe World's W ondtr pronouncta so by all who hare ever used it. W hue !Sw Rings; Inflamatioti, pain 11 the back, weak limbs, tender or sot leet. ard nil scrofulous sores arc spe o1 lv and permanently cured by the Paii Lxtractor. Atleciitins of the lun" ague in the face, breast, lie doloreaux, chronic sr. re eyt , blistered surfaces,&c. It is equally beneficial in all kinds o: in amatory di-ease?, such as sore nipples and eyes, sprains, rheumatism, white swellings and ulcers, bruises, burns', chilblains, erysipelas, biles, fcc, will quickly be relieved by the application ol this salve. Caution. No Pain Extractor can br genuine unless y ou find the signatuie Comstock & Co., tm Ihe wrapper ( each box. Beware of the counteriei . Lovgley's Great Western Indian Panacea. lsi-For Colds and feverish fce!m and preventing fevers. 2d-For Asthma, Liver Con plaint npd Bilious afleciion-. 3d-For Diarihoca, Indigestion atn.) L"s of Appe'ite. 4ih For CosMveness in fen a'ts ono males, and Nervt u complaints. 5'fi-For Stomach aflectionji, Dyspcp s.a, Piirg, Rheumatism, &c. . Ti e great points are, u h not bad t i&ke, never gives pain and never ieavt one ccstive i ! JSiw Discovery. Dr ( onnell s Alixiure, tot (Jononfcca and (iieet Seminal Effusions and Weak ness oi ihe liiera or l i& 'I his mix ture cor,ts:i; ho injurious article w Mteve ;ol ni.sac.t?. unic pi prnt of irv fnacy.and more congenial to ite consotu lion, than anv other muncine used for thet coniplaints Freed fiotu th? naiiFeati j qoaht-.ts attenoing Copaiva ano the com moii mixtures, it will be humd pgreeabh to the palate and ple-.sart to the su n a . and will cure ny casp, or all pay is re fus lor ii. ii is equally good and cer:am foi lenaleb (lO oniy at 9 Povorass 61. Nt w tii U an. Mvthtr s Relief Indian Discovery. Ail expecting to become n. ihers, and anxious to avoid the pans, distress and cat.gers ol childbearirg, are esrnes-ily in treated to calm their lears, allay iheir tier votsness, and soothe their v ay by iie use of this most txnaoidinary vegetable production. I hose who will candi-.y ob .eivt us vmu.s. 11, si sipi.rove ot 1 m ii cir heaiis; ve-rj kind una -ficiu,ate husbaiMi v.lll lel ii his most soleuia onty 10 alle'vi an li t i.sues his" wile is exposed to, hy a saie and c-nain method, which is, the use ot this AJuihe r"s Ii eliet. Cur it on' 8 Ring Bone and Spavin Cure. 1 1 the cure ..I tin g Uone. Ii ood fcpavm, iionepavm. Wind, fe.,imis, and on H.rst. Also, Carlton's Founder tiii.tneni, f..r ih. cure ot Founder, plu I1001, hi,. i-o,unt fi s, a, nd t onircteo I'r ei. Aiso, all oond.-. b ruses in Ihe rush, i, i.r(J lacks. Cricked Heels,, Nu kugs, Dtikug, Cuts, K.tks, &.c. Hays1 Linimint foi the Piles. 'll.e i.rsi atiai k ot ihe Piles are efTep tuany anu ptfmanenily cured in a short time t) the use () ihis genuine hays- Lm iment. Iluiicrtds ot our first cinzns ihiooyhout the country have used thi Lin lllieni Wllh tomplt le cot-cess. It is wafl ruiuto n com the most aggravated rase. Luutwu. Never buy n units.- you find the name of t onisiotk &. Co., ijpl(I, ,,, wiapper, proprieu rs ot ihe gi.uu.e article or you are chattd wnh a coui terltit. ( emswek's liewes' JServe and Bone. Liniment, ana Jnatan Vtgetable Ai'x- rr is aiinitu 10 curt ai. c';e o; Khturnaii.-m, ! ui, ( ontracied Chords and Aim-cits, t-r 5; ti Jo.nis, sut ngii er. V eak Limbs, rfr d enables the who are cnppled to wu k again. Use this article and be cureo, or go without it and suffer as you pleas.-. I ernfii ales of cures by the hundreds can be teen where this article is sold only genuine. Caution. All of the above named articles are sold enly genuine by Coin stock & Co., 21 Courtlaud S'., New York, Propneiors of the Original and only Genuine Magical Pain Extractor. Has aljo on had a complete assortment of Soaps and Peiiun ery, which will be sold much lower than at any other house in the United States, tor cash. So d m Lir.cotnton by . J. RAMtOUR & SONS. mav 5 8- VEGETABl ?.y PHCENIV v:.v il,e tViee pe-'' Trie hieh nJ tnriti FiYh. riable eff.ecj Medicine hare acqmil ,0V" . rare. h wo" the which U.rTO'e", " necewnf ,,a.t rl uual t netice or puffiri 1,01 L .v-jir fruiU ; thw orks tetir Tot tUerrt, n, the credulous. PMvir RHE' ttf ASTHMA. ACUTE. ni,"i W ttFECTIOXS f tht BLAME" BILIOUS FEVERS & L1V COMP. In the south and weti Vre three iliscasea preva( be found lovaiualilc 'Planter, farmeri. and where, m Oiese Medicine, will never aDeruardi be without t, BILIOUS VIIOLIC, and SEROUS Lootneu, i CUSTIVEXESS. COL.DS Si, COUGHS, CffOi. CONsl'Me TION. Ccd with crrat auceet m this iliscatw ' CORRUPT HUUORS. DROPSIES, D'Z'SPCi'SliV. No person with this diitrcsin d. ear. should cWlay tuinf tbctp modirtnv tm media telr- ERUPTWSS of tht Skin. ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LENCY. FEVKIt and AtJUE. For" this snonrcenf the wea- . tfrn country these medicines will be found a safe, ineedy. and certain tv medr. Other medicine leave the system sahjeet to return of the disease a cure by these medicines is pennanect. TRY THEM. BE SATISFIED. ANO RE CURED. fOULSKSS of COMPLEXION. GENERAL DEBILITY, GoUT. Ul DDIS ESS, OKAVEL UEADA HES,rfetr kind. IS WARD FEVER. iSFLA .U.V A TOR V RHEUM A TS.V. IMPURE BLOOD JAUSDICE. LOSS e APPB TITE. LIVEIl COWTLANTB, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, AI V. IC (' I' H I A L DISEASES Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effect of Mercury infl oileW sooner than the moat powerful orcnaration of Sarsapahllsw SIGHT SlfETS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. KERVOU3 COMPLAISTS of all kindt, ORGAS1C AFFECTIOSft PALPITATIOS of the HEART, PAIS'TERS CIIOI.IC. PILSSi The original propria. f these mediiane was rured of Piles of 39 years standing by UK use of these Lit Medicine alone. PAISS in the head, side, burk. limbs, joints and ortant. K II E U H A T I M . Those afflicted with tk'a tenihle discaie. will be ure of relief by the Life Modiciiirt. UVSII of BLOOD to the UK AO, SCURVY SALTRIIEUM, SWELLIXOS, SCROFULA, or KINO'S BVZZsy in it worst forms, ULCERS, of en fry ducrtptlon W O IX M 8 of all kinds, ara eflertualty expelled t these Medicine. Parents will do well to administer them whe ever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain THE LIFE TILLS AND PIKEMX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, Anil 'ns remove all disease from the system. A single trial will place the L I F L PILLS &od P H CI N IX BITTERS beyond the reach ofcomre thion in the estimation of eery patient. The genuine of these medicines are now put up in while wrappers and labels, together with a pamphlet, called " MoffHt's Good Samaritan," containing the directions, ic, on which i a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to onr Oiliee, by which strangers visiting the city can very euilj find us. The wrappers and Samaritttns are copyrighted, therefore those who procure ihem with white wrappers eau be assured that they are genuine, lie careful, and de not buy tnooe with iWiuio wrappers; but if you do, be aUfiei t!ia; hey come u.rect from us, or dont touch them. fO" Prepared and sold by DR. WIIJIArft 12. siorPAT, 333 Droadway. oruer of Anthonv street, Near York. For Sale by C. HENDERSON. 21-ly Nov 19. TCcvj Establishment. Ei. i on rag'eifcin e Jnd ustry! JAMES CORNWALL, Having o kei. ti p Carriage simp for mfrlv tH'cupod by Ki.ic Krvm, on tho main utrret, near tt'e wp-t end of town, is now propaved to nUe and repair Carriages', Eiigirs, Carryalln ulliS, M Itrclbarroivs, Aud io tart evrv ti tug that may be re quired to run on be old rough Idst.ioned roail.-, or ihu plaiik onew in contempla t'.on. He liai o. i.i u.uch work in this" I .tce, ul.irn In- fl.itiets himie!r w ill rc c- nimt net i-iiji; io tnosf who have patro nit-o Ion. hetto Tore hf returns thunk, and .-'licits -a cominuance. 0$ L ountry Produce will be n ceived m pa, hI is bui rounded by gold ap pe i t!-; Lut as "ii.oriry makes the rnato go," ihat ait clc will be j ret red. All he aks is a fair hack ; he lovc9 ivtirk, can't live without it-thrrefore tie will wtnk at tucti prices as he cart re ai, .d wnen he die, let his works praoe nun, tnuuti it v u d piove ra-iht-r lae st tr us in prehtnt interests are em. ci mt d. 1 j is materials are of the be.i quaiit, and all work will be seen to by nimat f, while he will endeavor by punctuality to merit patronage. ij i rimming and Painting really executed. march 3 l-iucclton Cupola A k V L A V E , ' I he subscribers respectfully inform, the ciuzeiia ol old Lincoln, and the ur rounuing country, that the have started their t itablisho em in lull operation this aay, the 5ih oi Mmcn and are now pre paied to fin an oroers tor Iron or Com position CAb'l irtub, in ihe latest and most improved manner. '1 hey warrant them o prove a ttnooiii and true as can be executed by any other establishment iu n.e fetaie, aid riaittr inernselves.from personal experience and attention, they will deserve a share ot public favor. QT Their establishment is at the east tnu oj town, on the Main street, where tiifcy hiiI make to order, and keep sup plied with every description ol Stoves, lor the parlor or kitchen. . All orders entrusted to them will be punctually rilled, and their prices shall always be moderate. H . K. Si E. S. EDW ARDS, march 5 ' 63. .