and lean, bu as h ird and angular ns the most irregular of pine knots. ln looked as if he might be tough, bi-t did not seem strong. Neverthless he who,' amon;? the knowing ones, reputed t bf agile . 'as a cat; and in ad. in ion, m by no means deficient in knowledge of tho 'no bld'fccience of self-defence' Besides tie was ns 'cool as a cucumber ' l pil, in ihe Freshman cla. ' a certain year and 1 believe that the story goes that the fellow never got out of the fresh rmn, though the Doctor certainly die put him through,' in one sense of the word was a burly and beefy moun taineer of eighteen or nineteen. This grntus conceived a creat contempt for old Holus physical dimensions, and h-s soul was horrified at the idea that one to deficient in muscle, should bo so po tent ial in Ins rule. Poor Jones that's what we'll call him had no idea of mor al force. At any rale he was not in clined to 'knock under' to it, and be c ontrolled despotically by a man that he imagined be couid tie and whip. He , length determined to give tho old t'n- tleman a genteel private thrashing some nighf in the College Capri pus, pre- tending to mistake him for some fellow Indent. Shortly after, on a dark and rainy i.t . . . . . nielli. Jones met ine iioctor crossing ihe Campus. Walking up to him hj mpt'y. 'hello Smithl you rascal is that yvuV And with Yhat he struck the old rntleman a blow on the side ot the face that had nearly tellrd him- Old B lus said nothing but squired himself, and at it thev tent. Jones' youth, weight and muscle made him an'ugiy customer,' but 'aiter a round or two, the Doctor's 'science began to tell ; and in a short time he had knocked hi3 beefy antago nist down, and was astraddle of his chest, with one hand on his ihroat, and the o'her dealing vigorous cuffs on the side or his head. lAh! stop! I beg pardon D c4toi!--Doctor Caldwell, a m'stake for hea ven's sake Doctor!' groaned Joiic, who thought he w s about to be ea'en up- I really thought it was Smi'li!' The Doctor replied with a 'word and n blow alternately 'It make no' (a hearty job!) difference' (job, j' b! (a wrench I the throat!; 'present purpo tee (licks fall like hail ) 'Consider me Smith!' And it is said that old Bolus gave Jones such a pounding, 'then and there, as prnb3bly prevented his ever making another mis'akf as t per Konal identity, at leaBt on the College Campus! The Mosquito Question MoreTrou hie in the Camp A report has got 04 I hat a sharp c orrespondence has been going on between Air Secretary Clayton and the British charges des affaires ai Washington, Mr Cump'ou, concerning the British claim (?) to the Mo.quilo coast. The report has, however, been contradicted by the organ of Gen Tay lor, ihe Republic, and the National In telligencer. Hut. in connection with this subject the Washington correspon dent of the Baltimore Sun insists upon it, that the Government," has taken a most decided Btand agBinst the interference of England m the affairs of the Mosqui to coast. From this it would, at least, appear that some steps had been taken by England atout lite matter. Really, Gen Taylor's administration bids fair to be a most disagreeable one. Only a loiu ix month has elapsed Mi ce his inauguration, at d the perilous cundi in, as remarks a coiemporniy, "to which the coim ry has b en induced by the un tkiliui diplomacy of the Secietary of State, is becoming a matter of eeiious concern to the American people. Our position is a perilous one, and our friend ly relations with the powers ot Europe are in immint nl danger of dismember n.ent. The lightning fl.ishes and irra diates at the extremity of the political ho tizon, premonitory of seme dreadful con vuision We sincerely bopf it may prove to be but a transient cloud, which will pass awa, leaving thenaiional hon or and the natr-nul safety untouched. i3ttt Mr Clayton stems acting like some inturiated unimsl, blu.dly attack ing everything that comes within hfs path. His difficulties fuliow, or.e alter ihe other, in such rapid succession, thHt it is in vain io conceal a just alarm has been excited in the public nut d. "What absurdity shall we have next, Mr Sccrc tary CloytonV is the very natural in quiry thai starts from every lip. While the cry of "peace,," is sounded from the administration, il,e country Siands en the verge of a precipic ready to be piung d, at the next silly iep, .n. to all the fioi rors of a sanguirmry and protracted war." - Wilmington Jour flu. : - Grand Lodge cf the V. S., 1 O. O. F. Tli body which has been in "83 on in lliimore, tor a week, ad journed on Saturday nigh', abou lO o' clock after a prayer of the G rand Clian lain, the Rv. Mr. Wells. Thebnsi nepsofjlie segMnn was conducted in a most harn onious mam er, and n thing was lelt undone calculated io create any disagreement among ihe member Al ter the settlement otth- New York ques tion, the northwestern delegatf s Irom that State were invited l iake i-ea s an org Hie members, but they were rot el'owcd to participate in ihe proceedir gs. The npxt meattng of the Grand LodgeK An Irishmen who Hve3 with a Gra will be in the citv of Cincinnati, and thpy will assemble on ihe second Mor.- dy of September, 1850, for the pur pose of revising the Constitution. On the third Mondav of Septemper one week after, they will meet in tho same place for the regular transaction of busi ness of the order. Among other things which wis done, a committee of nine was appointed, of which Capuin Torre, ( S'lUth Carolina, is chairman, to select nd have prepared a block of marble 10 bp. placod in the monument now in course of erection n ihe memory of Washing ton. I his is .if i be done on behalf of the Odd Fel'ows of the United Slates, as a testimony of the regard they hold fr the memory of him who was "first in war, first in pace, and first in the hearts ol his countrymen " Baltimore Sun. Scraps for the Million. Brigadier General Garland, Colonel of ihe Eighth li.fantry, left Nev York to assume command on the R o Grande and frontier, Tt's ' fficei, you are aware, sueceed- Gen. Worth to the Colonelcy of the Eigth Infantry.. Archibald Snapp, a soldier of the revolution, died in Scmt county, Ky., on the 4ih ub. in tho 94th year of his age. fie was at the battles of Drandy wine, German'own, and Monmouth. A Masonic ('ollege is in successful operation at Clarksville, Term., and it is believpd ihet befr the session closes there will be upwards of one hundred and fifty stndents in attendance. A down east has invented a sort of paste to mend broken hearts. General Guvon, an Irish soldier, is tho las' leader of the Hungarian forces who holds out in ifie open field. His force is not large, but. he is sworn not to surrender until free egress is granted to the foreign auxiliaries of the Hunga rian caue. . A captain of a vessel loading coa! went into a merchants countin,-room, ar.a requested the loan of a rake. The merchant, lok'ng towards his clerks, replied, "I have a number of ilo-rii, bu I believe, wish to be hauled over ihe coal !" The 'erritory not yet formed into States will make forty ix and a half States as larga as Pennsylvania. Of these, ihirtv-five will be north f 36 deg.,30 mn or free States. Eleven and a half south of 36 deg. 30 onn or slave States, supposing the Alissouri Compromise to be adopted. A vvifo, full of truth, innocence and love, is the prettiest fl iwer lhat a man can wear next to his heart. An exchange speaks of a lady who entered her carriage with eo much powder on her face that she blew up the driver. In passing through some of the fine mountain sceneries of Pennsylvania, it is ssid that one of General Taylor's admirers.asked him if he had ever seen the Natural Bridge of Virginia. The "second Bshingtfin" replied, in the honest simplict'v" of his prototype, thai U had not travelled through Vir ginia for many years, and the brtdye was not built he last urn he was there ! Why is a blade of grass bke a note of hand ? Because it is matured by fal ling due. The Spanish squadron sailed from Havana about the m-dd'e ol last month to guard the Southern coa,t of Cuba. The standing armv of the Island is to be increased. fc?ix tliuustnd troops were daily expected liorii Spain To kill Lice on Cows, Horses, or Hogs Rub ihem thoroughly with ihe water in which Potatoes have been boiled. In two hours every lous will be dead. A Scotch minister, very homely in hi address, chose for his text a passage in the Psalms: "1 said in my ha.-te all .,Of. i ri 1,.., ' i. . .. ) y, premised ins reverence, by way of introduction, "ve said it i;i your haste Dawid, did ye?- G:n you h id bt n Acre, ye might ha said it at your leisure, mon." A Long Line. I his descriptive staizi is in hexameter style, and was written by the celebrated Physician i ini uui. ii i a in icpiy io 9 ques tion, 'N here did you get that shad, eh?' 1 caught this shad with a silver hook il h a si ver tiook I caught it -Or. in other 'words; I had ihe stvjf Ai o went over i- ihe . market, and after tr mg in several places to find g)uu one, a' last succeeded. I put mv nma into ny pocKet anc took out quarter, rrv.w it got there is another question,) and bought it. That is equal Io the old couplet : Maid of the mountain green, And my dear Mis E' z, I dn mo-t candidly assure you uc!i a beautilul prospect has never before very gererally been seen. We learn from a Quebec paper that fifty respectable workmen left Quebec o i Thursday n'ghi for the Western States. I Sa Canadian Independent uges s a public n.eei n. o inquire in lo moralise ot this emigratmn, and I neon tomd a remedy. Qmp'v ? If tl-p pe. p art all going t the United Stve, way not the country go too. hamite, tel's a friend that if he wants to know what "illigant living" is, be musi come to htshoue, where the breakfast consists of nothing, and the supper of what was left at breakfast. The mother of a hopeful young man in New Orleans old her son 'that il be did not stop drinking he'd wear ihe tout of Irs stomach out.' 'Then, old woman,' replied the youth, 'let it work in its shirt-sletvfg. Excellent Wor&v Two hands, be longing to Eltjao Teigoe, Esq., picked six Jiur.dred and fifty five pounds be' tween sun and uij. One bi. Usaac, picked 373 pound the o'her, Edmund, 282 this we consider excellent work, particularly as ihe were picking the field over for the fourth time. Laurens' ville Htmld. We see it stated that the Editor of a New York paper has been sued by "George Gordon Bron" as he clls himself for doubting that the said Georg Gordon is the illegitimate sou of Lord Byron. Prepayment of postage is not r quired upon i ewpapers to California, u sent from the office of publication. M. Pouss n, according to a Washing ton letter, had just lurn shed his boose when the note u dismissal u received. The elegant new furniture was to be sold at auction. A Paper in Canada lhat publishes birth, heads them, "New Arrival.." Dr. J. F. Hassell, ol Lexington, Mis sourt, itte.ves one thous ind dollars for inoerting a Q( artificial tee'h lor a lady in Sam a Fc. lie lias gone ihere lor that purpose. At Norih Shields there has been re cently extracted from a woman's shoub der a needle which fi'teen years ago tir tered one ol hei fingers. Ihe Emperor of Russia has just re moved all theRussian Artists from R me, afu r having caused ihcir debts to be paid. Air Ponelson, our Minister at Frank Ibrt, wi'i in a snort lime, it is said, ie ccive ins lette-s of recall, not tm ac count of any objection to him, but be cause it I deemd expedient thai the mission io the Germanic Confederation should be suspended at least until Euro peon politico shall have assuued an aspect more favorable lor permanence and stability. "1 shall Koon die, CutTy I inustso.m set out upon a long journey. "Berry well,." replied Cufly, "1 guess hab good going, bekase it's all ihe way down lull." In one cf the counties of Kemuckv, someoflhe voters recently addiesntd a series ot questions to one of iheir candi- dates for tht Legislature, among which aie the loilowing; "1. Are you in favor of the next war? 2, Do you believe the Irish came o- ver in the same boa; wrh Noah? 3. Do y.u believe Eve's eating the forbidden I Uit caused Hie knot in u man's neck called 'Adam's appb?' 4 Are you a 'gradual imagination- 18! ?' 5. Do you liquor? The Philadelphia Ledger says, one of the bones of the remains of the Rev. John W hufield, ihe celebratdd Memo dist preacher, has been exhumed and aeni as a precious relic lo a clergwnan in Newburyport. A volume of Iim ser mons would have been a better gift, at least in better iasie, and so the citrv man must have thought, for he restored the relic lo if proper place, among iih kindred bones. I The Printers of Rome are fami-shinfr. Phe Cardinal Triumvirate have told them that a few hundred had Letter starve than the minds ot ttie whole pop ulace oe poisoned bv iheir product iuok ! The Model Black Republic ! A number oi persons have been arrested at Cape liavtien tor no' joining in the testivities in honor of the new made Emperor of Hayti. It is said the crown used at bis coronation vm m;il ni paste-board and the jewels on it bor rowed Irom a shopkeeper. Veneration for the fair sex is carried to such an extent in San Francisco, that a party of Oitgoruaiis sti-pp' d lo have a dance arouod an old cast-i fT bonnet. An English journal mentions thai the family of Oliver Cromwell had just be- con e extinct in the pi-rsim ot Airs. Rus sell, drtUgfrer of ihe late Mr. Oliver Cromweil, the biographer of the Protec tor, Irom whom he descended in the di reci line. bmall Talk Said a bed-bug to a musquiio, whom he chanced to meet the oti er eenmg on an expedition, 'How is ii thnt jou m ke out io extract so much more ot life's current inan mvself. when 1 can bite as t-everely'aa yuu ? now can you explain I 'or particulars, see small bills, quoin the muquito with dignity. The men la'ely assembled at Round Inland hve dispersed, the purpose for which they orgmzed being e'efeated or postponed. Most ol the men have re turned to the city. The Hoikmsviile (Ky.) Press 6ays that the-farrners- have goi tlieir tobacco crop cut and boused, and that is far bet ter than that of last vear. A German. piper mentions the. death of a poli.e ergeant from tetanus; pro duced by a bite on the thumb from a drunkard, w hom he was taking into cus tody. The wound healed apparently, in seven or eight days, and on the third dy alteiwurds ihe convulsion began. ThePIank Rod difficulty .an account of which we pubb-hed last week, we leain from the Fayetteville Observer of I ue day last.has been settltd.and "he Board oi Directors have passed a iesolu tion to proceed io woik. 1 he rtatttr was left io Gov. Man y, who deciu ed acting, and it was then lelerred by the committee on b th sid s ol the question, lo Mr. Moidet ai, oi Raleigh, who con sented to become an umpire, and alter having the subject fully explained to him, he decided in favor of the route originally designated ; and we suppose all parties aie s tfied at least they htve agreed 'o agree, aud the woik in now progressing. From the Spartan. Oct. 11, 1649. The case ol J. M. Barrett, was not brought before ihe Court until Wedn- day. 'J ne Solicitor not being ready, asked a continuance; staling, as we un derst' od that officer iotay,that mea sures were ttieu in hand to procure evt deuce against Brieiiui distant pornuns of the SSi'iie, winch he had a reasonable ground to be I eve, would cotwict him of circuUlibg iiiCMidiary paper. I he pris oners counsel remaiked that he was ready for trial, and (hatha wished o go on with ihe case; lhat a fair trial was II that his client wanted; and as tie had suflered a long impri-x'iimeni, greatly to ihe injury of his health, he dtsned that the cise be taken up then. But lhat, it the C uit was disposed to grant the mo'ion un the partol the iStte, he asked an order to examine wnn sses residing nut ol ihe State; and thai a bond of one ihousa d dollars by certificate of deposite be ace p ed a security, for his appearance at next 'erni. Io this, die Solicitor olltied i:u oi?ci?on pio v d d tie whs permitted to examine, wit ness' 8 in the iate hy commission. The Court liowever retered this motion; but raiutd an order lor both parties iu ex amine witnesses living out ol the Slate. Barrett appear d in Couri the next day, to give the nece.ary bond; and ol course was the "ob-eived of all observers." His cheek was somewhat blanched ; bur not more so than might be expected from his coi finement. His step, which was firm and bis general appearance, was by no means itidicdiive of wasting sickness. He was dressed decently in black ; and his whole deport iniit, mo far as we could discover, on that dav, was unex eptionabie. lien reining from the Uourl Room, and upproacliiu the ou er door, a number ot persons, more beat on curiosity than carnage, pressed up beh rid h.m, to take a closer inspection ot his pers -n and movements. VV e know not what were his thoughts or his tears, but, objecting to the honor ol so oumeious an tscort, oi perhaps mis taking iher inieutions, tie at ertd his mind, untied shortly round and came back lino the room. Alter remaining some liule time, tie lelt the Hoase ac compamed by two persons, and went to his lodgings. Since then he has ireely walked about the Town, unaccompanied and unmolested. We understand he tell here on Monday last tor Ohio. Thus has ended, for the prespnt, this very exciting 3fFir. it ms been the cause ol much hot blood on borh sides; and drawn upon us ihe vituperation ol a hundred and menace and cur ses ot many ihou-and lunges of the no. in una oi the We'. ;0. ai froth ai.u tury by the abohttor.isig and thetr &ue.nurt pas-es off before iit with no oiner euect ihan t xcuu.g our perfect scorn and defiance. Is it not enough io destroy everv vestige ol fraiernitvTand engender leeln.jjs , repulsion m the parties o this I'mon, ths lapsided U mon, when one part, is eternai mni lestip" a haugh.y superiurity over the other? Here is an independent State of this Coulederacy, possessing an acknow ed4ed sovereignity, over at lea, her own municipal regulations, hated, per secuted, and Heated with every kind of indignity, tor maku.g an effort to Dro teci hersell against incendiane-, who are found within tier borders, plot inr the overthrow of an institu'iu , rumni.g inroad and imer woven every fi bre oi her, ehher un individuals ! or as a State- The r.ght appears .o be denied, ol even arreting ana confining person who are suspected ol incendiary pui poses, until their guilt is hG maoitesi as not to need coi.firaiation. We iake the l.btriy oi Remarking here, because we nave oesi U reasons lor domg so, that no more Northern incendiaries will occupy aparimtnis in Spartanburg Gaol. Noining savu Barren's back Irom the lash, with other tenacious and orrumen ial accoirpaiiiments but the promise n.ouehiiu, o.i the day of his arres', that he si.ould be tried bv the laws of the State. U e have beard of but one determina tion, coming irom every q inner, and that is : uniil the Legislature enacts moie summary laws lor redress, the people are resolved to rediess ihem seves. Be just and fear not. Saturday, Oct Svdden Death. Mr.Fiphraini Good son, a highly respectable Wizen of our county, died suddenly inxiis bed oa Thurdav morning last, ofa disea&o of ihe heart, to attacks of which he Was subject. He had overheated himsell a; wirk the day prefious, buA retired to bed in apparently good health, neyer to' wake in this world. He was highly es teemed by all who knew him,' .as an upright citizen and good man. Truly . in the midst of life we are in death." OCT We hear frf quent complaint a to the Catawba Springs P. O. in thu, and the Mountaio Creek P. O. in Ca. tawba county, which we would like at tended to so far as our paper are con cerned. The subscribers at the offices can satisfy the Post-masters of the Jue tice of our complaint. . - ., 0O Gen Leach, of Lexington, ha,- we learn, published a reply to uchargts of Col. Wheeler and the Lincoln Cour ' ler" against him in relation to the elec tion of Major-General. We only sta red what we understood to be facts, and certainly shall give Gen. Leach everv opportunity of selling himself right ; as to charges, "we shall see what we shall see,when the letter comes to hand,whic' tie says we "will find in some ot ot exchanges." CCrCan. Rarringer, of Catawba, wt on the 29tu uit. elected Lieutenant Co' of the 99i!i Regimen', vice G. B. Routh, elected Colonel. GO- The business of Catavba Court -was closed on Thursday evening fast, his Honor, David F. Caldwell, pfesidino-7 with his usual dignity. The attendances at court was by no means large, sa these are busy time with the Far, mers. The next will be court week for Lincoln, whn we hopj our friends will remember us. ' v OCT The public acts of the Reprc sentatives of the people are at all times liable to be discussed , we shall discuss them without lavor or arTection, and of course without at all refiVctmg oh , tho private relations cf any individual. If we have given personal offence, we will onl say it was unintentional. !i ' ! OCT Thursday next, the I8ih instant, has been set apart by Gov. Manly, as a day ot Humiliation and Prayer. Wc do not know that the Governor intended the whole State to observe this order but he only published it in a few whif papers, so, we presume, it is a whi thank-giving not foi the manly acts of Sir Bobadel, of course. Independence of the Judiciary. i he impolicy of Having a Judiciar hV.dincr their tenure of office at th pleasure of the people, and elected at,, stated periods, has been strongly exern. ' phlVd by the Ute trial ot the Astor PI ce Rioters at New York. The Bal timore Clipper makes the following sensible remarks on the subject : ) In the trial of the Aslor Place Riot ers m New Yoik, ihe pies.ding judgo was occasionally treated with such in dign'ty by counsel for the prisoners, as to cause him to threaten them with the exercise oi Inn power. But his Ihreais had little or no effect ; and the abuse c-.ntmued. Q.iere ? May not the con. dud ol counsel and forbearance of ih judge, be attributed lo the tact, ihjt th3 ia ter, being elected by the popuUf measurably mdeb ed t- the mem bersol the bar for the station 'he hold? It the elec ion of judge will subject them to the control of laayerg, or pre vent ihem from acung with proper inde- pendence, wouid it not be sale r to haio them chosen in a different mode than i by popular vte ? The people of Mary land in'erpsi iu this iubjecti as the efTri. will no doubr be made to " the New York system, snd to convert ' judges inio political brawlers and pot house orators. v" K7The old Star, of Raleigh, making a desperate effort to regain ft" position. He hate always liked the Star, ourself, and our brother Lemay ; we wish him every success. Yet, we nave a hone that all in our iieiyhtmihnrvrt j win find it to thtrtr interest to du iheir I trading al home, ' r 1