considerable amount of business ipatched and great credit given, !y, to the presidiugJudjie. J. VV. .ho more than meets the san expectations of his friends, and joubly surpasses the anticipations of those who were his opponents." We always did tike Judge Ellis ; bul the Ashville Messenger has praised the gentleman up so well, so honestly, and ; so n ueli, we fear we have done him wrong. Elections. All the Returns show a gain of a member in Congress, from the State of Maryland, for the Demo crats ; and large gains for the Demo, crats in Georgia, making the Legisla , ture, heretofore whig, democratic ; in fact, every thhg goes as it ought to go, fr Southern lights, Southern Princi ples, and Southern Doctrines. We think if we would. follow up the plan of a smier State, and operate on a few of the transient vagabond- who infest our tate, we would have less runawiys, '.Itssyankee adventurers; less inflated representatives and panderers to sickly ' aristocracies, less of the mean and con tpmptible huckster, and political gam blers; but in' the aiead, we would have (he plain old country gentlemen, soma i . ' Of the olden time," Yes,. soine who wouid be the gentlemen and while they done what they thought proper, would sustain what they knew was right. Yes, such are what we re quire, and every act of South Carolina we are boutid in honor to sustain, as be ing congenial wi:h our own interests. ...Ffisbyteriun Synod. The Synod of North Carolina meets at Hilisboro' jQH the 31st day of ihe present month. , Raising of Calves The best me thod nt raising calve, we think is to do so by hand. II taken from the cow as soon as dropped, there will be no diffi eu'ty in leaching it to eat. Loblolly, made bi half a pint of corn meal and a jprt of new milk, given to it about three timet a day, will be sufficient to keep it. I) is the easiest thing imaginable to (eni the rail to suck up us food; by Thp'pfy pressing its head into the pan containing the rmxiure. with one hand, knd inserting the forefinger of the other tto its mouth, it will instinctively suck ; us beverage. If it is desirable to 'oband your milk, you may begin to , .rcrease the quantity which vou add to four loblolly, when the call is about three weeks old, putting in less mnk each day, until the calf imperceptibly foryeis tta taste altogether. When the lall" is six weeks old you may turn it out in a grass lot; but if you desire to push its growth, continue its loblolly twice a day ; by doing so you will in crease its M.zu lullv one thiid. A smoke consuming stove has been invented by James Coles, E?-q., of Cincinnati- The invention is based upon the principle that the continual intro duction ot cold air coning in contact with the heated smoke, produces cum bustion. Wax. F. Coliins, who had the misfor tune to kiil DuVid Remhardt, on the day ot the adjournment o li.e last Legisla ture, was put uf on his r i h 1 sr Raleigh, las'- week, lie was fully acquitted. To save anxiety snd time, the plan has been adop ed in England, for every person who mails a letter, to write his or her naro on the bck. If the let'er fails .to reach the hands intended, it got s back to the person who wrote it. A very good plan except when the author does noi wish to be known. ' For the Girls. How many foolish girls have ruimd themselves b marry ing young men who hud nothing to re commend them but riches. "Is he rich?" has been the inquiry, when a euiior has presented himself. Foolish girls! Rather ask Is he intelligent 1 is heSndusirmur-? Is be vinuou? Lei these quetions be a. swered in the at- mmaiive, and if he ha not a second shirt to his back we will answer for his course, wealth aiav be lust, but the good qualities ot the heart ill alwas rema n, like me sunshine to warm and to biess. Remember this. A Present of Mexican Armor. Mr Buchan-o has presented to the National Institute at W ar.lngtorl, a coat of mad. consisting of breast, buck and helmet. They were captured in one of the battles of the Mexican war. The helmet bears cv aeuce oi several severe saD'e cuis, and a blow as . from musket. The weight ol the three articles is 25 pounds, also, the coat of a Mexican lancer, taken at the storming of Monterey.' There is a closer connexion between goou-sense ana goon-nature than t generally supposed. , " -1 Day le pronounced one of the most severe strictures on the fair sex. He wan asked if women cold keep a secret. "There is one eciet,' said h", "r nd thai is the only one they can keep their age." The Scientific American tells of a horse in Cambridge, Ma-s., that has five feet. The fi ih foot grows on the let hind leg. I: appear to bear us (uil proportion of the weight of the hore, and wears out a shoe as soon as the other feet. The repoit of the N Y. Tribune thai Mr Mon'ho'on had been appointed Mm" ister from France in place ot Mr Pous sin, is contradicted. There is a very hones rhap in Bos ton, wn wishe to sell his hure. His advertisement runs in this wise ; "For sale, a brown Horse, with a Roman nose, in good health, and very fond of travellinghaving run away four times within a weijc " JVlAURiKD, In Catawba, on the 4th inst. by B. M. Cobo, Esquire, Ami re w A. VVyckoff 10 M ss arah C. Fry, all of said county. OBITUARY. D'ed, suddenly, in Lincoln county, on "1 t ursda morning, the II h inst. Em r aim Goodun, aged about 40 years, and a native of this county. Death is, at all times, an unwelcome visitor to every community ; even when his call H made on one in whom, while living, we had uo sptcial interest. We feel in rvery case I hat his presence is an intrusion on us, and an inter terence with our earthly pursuits and pleasures, a"d we shrink froui him. Hut when he is commibsionf-d to take from us, ia the prime of his life a companion and a friend whom we love, he fiils our hearts ith a deep gloom, and clothes us in sorrow grief and mourning. We think ol past pleasures in association with him we remember fond hones of the luiure indulged by him and wonder why the stroke ot death bas fallen on him thus early in life, rati er than on some other victim who could have been better soared ; and are only cheeked in this fruitless wonder by the knowledge of I he fact thai "it h appointed 'o ail men once to die," and that the God of heaven and earth, in the wisdom of his provi lence, irrevocably hxtsthe lime of each one. The subject of this notice was pos sessed of those noble and geiterou - quali ties of heart which attracted the intention and won the depei regard ol all who knew htm. Generously bestowing Ins iriendship, he received in return the unbooghi and sincere attachment of his associates and companions, and the warm devotion of the needy poor. In deed, we knew of no one in whom was blended at the same time so many bright and manly qualities and so man gene rous imputes. As a son hnd father, he was under and affectionate ; as a broth er, he was lond and impartial ; as a friend, he was firm, confiding, and con stant ; as a man, lie was honorable and just, lie is gne !. i he Dioom ot lite, which but now mantled his cheek, has withered like the blasted rose ; the an imated liwhi of his eve has laded into night ; his active limbs and manly lorm are cold and rigid tenants of the tomb. Hut, thoijgn ihis body is hid from our sifciu, he is not forgotten Mother and child brothers and isiers Iriends ai.O neighbors rich nnd poor, who low, with feelings alike creditable to the living and the dead, commingle their distresses and sorrows over bis early grave, will all fondly remember him. ti is many generous, noble, and benevo lent vir'uts toibid that he thould be for gotten. Indeed, he has impressed his image fondly on our hearts.and our will has no uuwet to resist the reeoi section ot hin. But he is none ! May he rest in peace ! In Morganton, on the 6 h inst. Mr. G. D. FrtMiell, aged 4b years, a native oi burke county. COLUMBIA PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY. Coiu.i,, 1UU lb. $7 50 a 1U 615 a 2 a 75 a 00 Corn, per bushel, 70 teas, 65 Ke, 8 Oats, " 34 n 8 a 7 7 a ii 4 Bacon, Hams, 12 SiueM, Shoulders, 5) Salt, per sack, 1 50 75 10 12 15 20 riour, barrel, 29G ibs. 5 25 5 Sugai, brown. Lard, ib. Butler, lb. lagg"'g Telegraph. a OTTOS YARN, Stone &. Tin Ware, Hollow Casi Iron 'are Gudrons. Mould Boards and iron Ware. Jusi receiving, and for sale by C. C. HesderjGN. may 12 0 if ' JList of Letters : ! Remaining in the Post Othce, at Lin eoliiton, N. C, on the l.t 501 October lb49, which if not taken out before the 1st of January 1850. will bo sent to the General Fust Office as dead letters : A Henry Anbury. B Edward Baker, Blackburn, Henry L Bangle. Joseph Beson, Feter Beam, Luther Boyd, David R Beuick, G L Brown. C G F Cook, Seth Connor, Harriet Sunaunah Clay, Adam Cotner, John P Craft, Richael Clme, Sarah Carpenter, Wm G C Cook. D Albert Detter, Chas C Duncan, Sophia I).vis. - E Emanuel Edwards, Daniel Efi d. F J icob Finger, Henry Finger, Margirei F-x. G Jatie Gngg, Miles Goodson. H Luther Howard, John Hoover, John Hugins, Cephas Maun, Jacob Helms, Sarah Hoover, Duv d Hem, B Hedick, Chu.'n Board Com. Schools. K -Joseph Kistler, S P Kulun, M L Kdiian. L Valentine Lore, R C Lowrance, Martin Loiun, L H Lowratce, Mancy Limehargr- M James McCollister. N John Newton. P Law son Petri , John Paysour. R E F Rams ur, Peter Reep, Noah Richards. S Thomas Spratt, II C Sanders, J Schrom, Jr., Henry Sucnmerow. V Martha Vickers. VV John VV nkerson, John Wethers. Y C C Young, H W Youn", 2. C. C. HKNDERON. P, M. Oct 6 29- CO MM ITT IE D lc the Jail o Gaston County, on the 15:b inst. a negro boy about twenty ers of age, duk com piected, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, iwo ujtper Iront teeth out, slender made, aid who says his name is Harry, or Henry, and belongs to Henry Gooch, ol Lancaster District, S. C. The own er is noiilied to come lor ward, prove property, pay charges and take him a way, or he will be dealt with according to law. '1 hi. 15ih Sept'r. 1849. M. H. CLONIGUER, , Sept 22 Jailor. Printer's fee, $2. SADDLE, BK1SL.JCS Buggy and Carrnge HAUiNEdS ; Wagon Gearing, Collars, & Aome made, both fine and coarse, tor sale cheap at my shop, on main street, opposite Siade's ho-el. J- T. A LEX A Xi) Lilt. Sept 15 26- J. iV. 4" M. I- HOLLAND, and Harness Makers, JDullus; Gaton; ft. C. sept 1 24- BOlt&K COLLARS, Wagon Harness ELm. and Hanieo. t-orsaieby' C. C. ItEKDEP.SON. t Large Assortment of Ready Jludc in mi er Clol&ting; just received and for sale cheap, by C. C. Hendkkson. Carpeting and Hearth Ru(, ' foi aie by i.. C. Hkisoi rsopt. PENN & AYR Ef Si GOLD LLAF HOUGH $ READY f W arranted Svrierior to anything of the kind tvtr introduced in this country. All we ak is a thorough triat ol tl. Call and examine for yourselves. R. E. JOHNS ION, Julv2l 18- A Splendid assortment t brRina and Summer Goons, cheaper titan ever for cash, or on a credit to punctual dealers, is now ont-reu, v";iuj ioie in Lincolnton. Call and exbnnrie. C. C. HEJiDEUSON. may 12 ' 9" B O OK-BIX DM R Y THE PAPER MILL. The subscriber respectfully informs the community at iaige that he is carrying oil the abovt- bnsintss in ail its branctus, and ill thankfully receive all Joosui that line and execute the saiue in any fftanner cesi red.either in Calf, Mieepor Morocco, whole or half binding, or in b.iubosstd Aiuslin, ith lull (jili oat ks. T-e is also enabkd lo lur niali v uurt Dockets, oi oilier-lilank books a aneiy ot wlucn he always ke jisoo hand such as Day liooks, Ledgeis; .lieiiioran uuius, Cop , &c. "a" Ar uAih rN Hand A larse stuck ol Letter, t ooiscap and Pnuiu.g i'APEU. Il' All orders aooresst-d tohiin at Lin coin io(i, Mil De promptly auenJed lo, OiO. AlUS'l fclLLCi. June 2 --' tiOE l.AhTii, Pegs, and House Car- penier's lools. Forsleby : C. C; Henderson. MOORE & MERCHANT TAILORS, MAIN-STREET, LINCOLN TON, N. C. (One door west cf Motz's Hotel,) . Have just received iheir FALL and WINTER supply of ' READY-MADE OJLOTEEING, Which has been selected by one of the firm with great care. ' Beir g Tailors themselves, thev can remedy any defect that may occur. Call and sf their Dress and Frock Coats, Sacks, Vests, Pants, Cloak and Over- Coats, '? of every description and quality. Call and see if we cannot SUIT you both in le article and price, for we will sell low. Oct 7 ow is your SLADIO, KISTU5U &. CO. Respectfully infonn their friends and the public, generally, that they have received and are now opening, a large stock of good new Dry Goods and Silks, Groceries, Hardware, Glass and China-Warc, Boots, Shoes, Hate, fine and cheap; Carpenter Toots, Sheet and Rod Iron, Castings, Paints, Oils, Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Baltimore tanned Sole Leather, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Saddle-Bags ; and a lot of seasonable Heady-Made Clothing, Which they offer for sale very low, at he old Remhardt stand, south east corner of the cour square. No trouble to show goods ; Come and eea them! C7 Country Produce taken in exchange for gxids. Liucolnton, October 7 20 tf Attention! Town Company! You are hereby ordered to be and appear at your rr.uster ground in Lmcolnton, on Sat urday, the 1 3ii October, armeu and accoutred ha il-e law dr reels, with fire'lock and shot pouch. Court M rttal on de faulters will be held the same day, and no exemptions allowed without a certificate from the Surgeon of the Regiment", or one given in Regimental Court Martial. By order of ('apt. Ec des. CLARK, O.S. Sept. 22. 27- VALUABLE VHOVEHTY FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for t sale his whole p ai.ianon. lying s.-v en; ,.exl Coun ol tquil lo be iielU lor L.n ruiie8 west ol Lircolnton, m Gastun . cou Couni al Ulfc Cburl tloustJ UI w uniy, mtersecung ii.b c,m, ,.uuu,K f iid pw Muigdiitoii raada. 'Ihe trtct contains about 150 under cultivation, with good fence.the balance the best of wood land, with dwelling, kitchen, siables ana other oui-hui!d:ngs, g.od water, with a cha lebeae spring, and good meadow, with bottom adjoining. As the subcriber intends moving away, he will sell this desirable property, on the most reason able terms lor cash, or approved trade. ALSO, AnotherTract on ihe new .Rutherford Road, containing between 3 and 400 arreg, lying on the north side ol Indian Creek, in Lincoln count), about 7$ miles from Lincolnion, with 2 improvements, and necessary outbuild. ngs. , a lso, Another Tract, known as the Ilughey Brown Tract, containing t !een 80 and 100 Acres, vith two good orcrnids, meadows, and the necessary outbuildings. i hi plan tation also In s on the wuters- ot Indian creek, in Gaston county. MOSE3 M. ROBERTS. I cfTer for sale, al,about 160 Acres, on the new Ruiherloid Ro.d, in Lincoln ixunty, lying on Indian creek, well un proved, wnh good orchards, meadows, a no necessary buddings. The above property i all offered low, and those wishing 10 piiijcnase, will do neil to call and t xarome ior theinaelveo, on the ptemises, where all necessary information will be given. NATHAN H. ROBERTS. sept 1 24 .1 T5 olting Cloths ol Screen Wire; JLJ9 t or aa!e oy C- C. IIendersun. may 12 F O It U & LEPER, Saddle & Harness Makers, DALLAS, IS. C, Ate now prepared to execute any or ders m their line on reasonable ttini. I'lease givw us a call. tt pt 1 24 NOTICE. I)R. ALEXANDER RAMSOCR, Having located himself one mile and a li3if w est of Lincolnton, on tht- Ruthertord roa, on the place rornwly occupiee by Laus lUnderfi'ii, oec'd. otters Ins professional tstr vices u. the" citizent ol this and the adjOirur-j counties. iiov b, 1818. 37-tf Time, Folks! r L1PT1C Springs, Axles and Ml Coacn 1 rluinnrigi'-. I or aie by C C, KMbERSJN. ouuil, Square, Hoop and Sheet iruti. rot nc uy U. C. Jit.oeasoN S1A1E OF NOKiti CAKULINA, LCOLN COUNTY. UlTice of the Clerk and Master in Equity. in. J. Wilson, is. Injunction Bill. Jacob roiney et at, Affidavit having the unUei signed, thai been made before John Fuie wider and his wile Lav in a, twool ii.e uelend ants in the aDuve case, reside oeyond this State : it is inert lure ordered, that publication be o.aut lot six weeKe in tno Lincoln Courier, lot me said Jono Ful cnwiiiei ana wile to be uoo unuear at our , ,.iillllf... uu lhfc 3tl A.u,llJaV Mlirne 4in Mouuav iti licpieuiocr, A. i), I ti 1 'J, tueii aiid'theie to uiead, answer or da' iirnr, or juiigment pro cooieso will be tnitieu against Vncio, and tne (JcCieo made uccoidingly. W itue&s, W . W ILLlAMbON, C. 6i it. e. At othce, the 15m oi icpt., 1049. I'i liner's ice, $5 bz. 0 epi 20 6'lAlb bf MiU.ii bHHUbliNA, LIIncoLM UliiMV. Cflice of the Cltik aDu 3ialti lu Equity. Andrew Aloatcher et al, :..! Injunction Din. Ehzaueth Aloaieiicr et It ai peaim won the .ilidavitol one oi the Luti.piainantd in -he above ca?e, iiiai Jacob Boat and vi e Francee, arc i.oi ii.tiubiiatiia ol iio? . late : it is there toie orucied, mat puolication be made lor six Mttka ui the Courier, o-i iliu fcuiU JicoD iiosl and wile to be .,o appear nfour next Couu ol iquiiy o .iCiU lot. Ajincolo cuuii;y, a. ii.e Couu 'JUe i.i Lincoiiit-.m, on the bU Monday the 4u. iot.oay m Otj vtmucr, A. L. ibl'J, u and lucie m pieuu, utiawei or ut u.u1, or judgment pio conlesHo wm ie tuu tc, u0o.o-5i mtni, aud the utnee imucc uctoiuii.g:. VV i lueses, . iLLlAMaON, c. m. e. At othce, tiit 7tu ui bepl., Ib'j. eepi b 6t 1JAWU VVKLbii, Watch Clock leaker, Jeweller AND SILVta-SMlIU, ' ' 4 ; U prepared to clean and repair ail Clocks Watches, Jewelry, &c. en'iueied 10 ins cre, in workmanlike n,an,,ef whife he ex r witnGoId & Silver 1'tncil Cases, Rings, S':U, Rreast Pms, VAlCllES and KEYS, (gold and silver) Crystals, of every kind, Spectacles, and everything in his line. He hojes to merit a con tinuation of the pat i t.ereioiore so eoiiTousiy exten-o nm. Lincolnlcn, April 28, 1819. pirit of ' tirpeiiline, Japan 'i Coi-icr. aiuislt, l iimtiV. Lamp Ciobeni tj!,V i:i!e L,ea0.and indoW nd Coat b Class, iorsaitiy I. . C HtNDKK-oN. p t ciiiloclk. Sole, IIariie and lOL Lif Lta.nei, tfl-i.ui, iiou anl Calt bku.a, Chaise liiaes, taiameitru nud 1'aient Lvaiher. For sale .ow, ly C. C. H EMiEIi 8027. - . ' 'i v--5 . -I ... .J1 c 4 .