X WAY-SIDE DREAM. A warm and drowsy sweetness Is stealing o'er my brain; I Bee no more the Danube Sweep ihr ugh ihe royal plain; 1 ht-ar no more the pea&atit.giils Singing amid the grain ! Soft, silvery wings, n moment j 1 L I i I Seem resting on my brow; j Again I hear the water, Bui its voice is deeper now, And the mocking-bird and oriole u . Are 6tnging un the bough! The elm and linden branches Droop close and dark overhead, And the foaming toreet-brooklet Leaps down its rocky bed; Ue still, my heart! the seas are passed- The paths of home I tread! The showers of creamy blossoms Are on ihe linden spray, Ani down the clover-meadow They heap the scented hay, And glad winds toss the lorest leaves All ihe bright summer day. Old playmates hid me welcome Amid your brother band; Give me the old affection The glowing grasp of hand! 1 worsh p no more the realms of old Cut in your friendship stand. LITERAli Y JSOT1CE. The Trustees of the Lincolnton Male Academy, take pleasure in announcing to the citizens ot Lincoln county, and to Parents and Guardians, generally, that they have procured Hie services of Silas C. Lindsly, A. M., and former 1'rolt bor at me Caldwell Institute, iu (JreensLoro' N. C. to take charge of the Achdcmy ; and in recommending Mr. Lind&Iy lo the public as a teacher, emi nently qualified lo perform every func uon necesssrv for the instruction cf youth, they need only refer to his cha racier, which is well knowu in North Carolina as a man ot the purest morals ai.d strictest piety ; as a teacher expe rienced in every department of learning taught in the schools of our country; as a Professor in the Caldwell Institute for manv years; indeed, as having spent his life in the successful instruction of youth. OCT Mr. Lindsly has charge of the Female Academy, in this place, also ; suitable Assistants will be provided by Jiim in both Academies. For health, cheapness of hoard, and ihe morality ot its citizens, lincolnton is not surpassed, and scarcely equalled by any lo cation in the State. In lhe6chool will be taught every branch of learning necessary to prepare students for Collie. The terms of the school aro cheaper than at any of the neighboring viliagts ; and board can be procured, either at public or private houses, at from $7 lo 8 per month. CJThe Exercises of the .chool will commence on the first JUonday o July next. The prices of the school, as established by the 'trustees, are as follows. Is- Cla6S heading, Writing1, pelling.the rud'iiients of Geography and Arithme tic, per session ot o months, $5 00 d Class Including ihe above, with Kuglish Grammar, Geography, ii'timeiic, Composition, and History, per tension, 9 0 3d Class Including ihe above, wiih Algebra, Surteying Chemistry, Moral and Matural Philosophy, per session, 10 00 4th Class Including'the above, with balin, Greek, and the higher sranciies of Mathematics, per tssion, 15 00 Contingencies, per session, 50 J.T. ALEXANDER, H. UAiNSLhR, 7 J. A. RaMSoUR, 5 VM. LAMJElt, 5? D. W.SCHE.NLK, J ? June 16 14-3t AMERICAN HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. South WTest corner King 6$ George sis The subscriber (formerly Y'SiHO Lincolnton) has taken the i iyU? t Establishment well known Cnn-i'.a,,3iiarJ dg jne it j'orrjs House" where he will be happy to accominouate his friends lrom the up country. His I3eds and Furniture ate entirely new, the house is put in complete repair, and as everything shall be done to ensure the comfort of his visitors, he will piorot&e that his terms shall be reasonable, and request a share of public patronage. The Establishment will be openi about Ihe 1st o! FebiUHry. F. A. HOKE. Jan 29 4- BLOCK TIN, Zinc, Bar Copper, Sheet Brass and Silver, Crucibles, Quick Silver n1 Ahisiirg Powder. For sale by C C. HEMEKS02f. may 12 9-tf BOUBLE AND SINGLE BMUiEL Shot Guns, Lancaster Ititles, and Barrels, jJst received and for sale by C. C. EMJEKr3I. THOMAS BORDLEY, Saddle $ Harness, Boot 4' SHOE MAKER. , fcllELBY, N. C. r: Respectiully informs his friends thai he has established himself l ihe above place, where he ! hopes bv the superior quluy of his work, and strict attention lo business to inerii a share of public patronage. Repairing done at the shortest notice April 28 7-tf AND peiiccr Tonic & Kcstorativc HITTERS, The unrivalled Purifier of the blood and restoratite of the system in all morbid secretion of the glands, skin and liver, morbid humor and vitiated state of the system. The indications requiring Spehcer'6 Pills and Bitters, and when they should be used without delay as a preventive to the formation of Acute diseases, are W hen there is pain in the back or head When the longue is furred ; When the urine is very highlv colored When the skin is hot, dry, or yellow, When the Appetite is poor; W hen there is pain iri the stomach or botcels; When there is nervous irritation; W hen there are cold Chills; VVr en the dreams are bad or starting in sleep; If taken upon the occurrence of any, or all of the above indication of approach ing disase much pain and sickness will be prevented We have room only lor the following: The following Certificate is from To- bias Folsom, Esq., o! Kershaw District, S. C. Kershaw dist. S. C.June 8 1840. 1 have ued in my family "Spencer's Pills,11 for two yeais past, and during that time my confidence in their superi ority over every other similar prepara tion within my knowledge has been con stantly increasing; I now esteem them to be the best cathartic Pills in use. From my earliest remembrance 1 have been afflicted wiih Sick Head-ache and Costiveness, and for a number of years past have been trying various advertised remedies, among others, Beckwith's, Lee's and Peter's Pills; but failed to ob tain any permanent relief, untilJan'y, 1815, at which the time Dr. Spencer's Agent left me some of his Pills, recom mending me lo try them for my com plaint. 1 did so ; and by their superior action upon the morbid matter and their mild yet effectual purgative proper ties they 60 cleansed my 6tomach and bow 2 Is that they removed both the head ache and its cause aud gave me certain and speedy relief. My niother-in-iaw has also used them with success in the same complaint which she has had, so severe as to throw her into spasms and convulsions, being obliged in these ca ges to tesort to cupping and other severe applications. I have also made frequent and constant use of these Pills in my family, in cases ol Bowel Complaint, brought on by the two free indulgence in use of Berries aud Fruit, and in all cases with success. In short 1 have ne ver known of the failure in any disease which they are recommended to cure known of their being tried, if their use was for which 1 have preserved in, and directions strictly followed. TOBIAS FOLSOM. Ju6t received a large and fresh supply of the above Medicines, by C. C. HENDERSON, And B. S. JOHNSON, Lincolnton, Dec ly D1C. LCOY'S SARSAPAUILLA & WILD CHERRY PILLS, The universal celebrity which this medi cine has gained in every section ot the coun try, und the many astonishing cures it has effected, have established its efficacy beyond all doubt, as a general family medicine it has no rival. In all cases of Indigestion, BilliousFevers,Dispepsia, Liver complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy. Piles, Coli, Worms, Disease of the Heart, and all affections of the stomach and txmels, Lh 7iUY PILLS will be found a never tailing rerutdy. To insure ihe full benefit of these celebra ted Pit's, they should be kept in the house, so ihat upon U.e first commencement of sick ness they may be at once resorted to. One dose then is better than a dozen after the disease has become established in the sys lein. Le JRoy's Pills are purely vegetable, and so innocent that the infant of a month old may use tbrrn if medirine is r quired, not only with safety, but with a certainty of re ceiving ali the benefit medicine is capable ol imparling. Females may use ihein curing all the critical periods of their lives Le ftuy's Pills will insure their health, ana' produce regularity in ali the functions of fife. Pi ice 25 cents per box For sale by C C Henderson, Lincolnton ; Hoyie &. htowe, Dallas ; A Uomesly, ShslbjviUe. July 22, 1843. 256 m Wrapping Paper for sale J A"2TIEtt , ESmCTOILtMXT - TUis invaluable medicine is daily effec ting om of the most astonishing & wonder ful cures ihat have ever been know n. All who have used it for Asthma, couirhs, Spit ting of Blood, Whooping Cough, croupor Hives, Consumption, chronic Pleurisy, Hoarseness, Paiu &. Soreness ut the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, and every oiher di sease of the LUKGSand BREAS T,can and do attest to its usefulness. BRONCHITIS, a disease which isanuuaily s eeping thou sands upon thousands to a premature grave, under the mistaken nnme of CONbLIMP- TlON.is always cured by it. The usual symptoms of this disease (Bronchitis) are Douwh, Soreness of the Lungs or Throat, a Hoarseness.Difficulty of Breathing, tsibma. Hectic Fever, a spitting up of phlegm or matter.and sometimes blood. It is an inflam mation of the fine6kin which lines the inside of the whole of the wind tubes or air vessels, which run thruugh every part of the Lm.gs. This Expectorant immediately suppresses theCough and Pain, subdues the Inflamma tion and Fever, removes the Difficulty of Breathing, by produemga tree ana easy h.x pectoraiion,so that a cure is soon eflectec. It always cures ASTHMA2 or three large doses will cure the croup or Hives of childien, in from fifteen minutes to an hour's time. , It immediately subdues the violence of Whoopit g Cough, and effects a speedy cure. Hundreds who have been given up by their physicians as incurable with 'Con sumption,' have been restored to per ft c health bv it. In tact, as a remedy in Pulmonary Disea ses, no medicine has everobtained e higher cr more deserved reputation. C. C. HEN DElibON, Agent. Lincolnton. N. C, Auust 1. 1849. CAPI AT C. 0. HENDERSON'S STORE, Lincolnton N C, If ycu want to be cured ol Chills and Fever, Neuralgic or Nervous Headache, ai.d get Dr. Michael's Pills. If you are Dyspeptic, have Liver disease, or Bowel disorders, twnh associate nervous dis turbances, get Dr. Happoldi's Sanative Bitters ard Piils. The Compound Ver mifuge Syrup will be found upon lair trial, one ol the best and most efficient remedies for Worms, relieving, ulso, the secondary effects which general. y follow an attack of Vermmoze Fever. For the relief of Costiveness and the eflecis of such a condition, no medicine can do more than the Compound Cath arctic at d Family Pill of Dr. H. The attention ut all nursing mothers is called to the t-upt-rior advantages ot the Infant Carminative, ol Dr 11. Hundreds ol mothers are ready to testify to ihe truth ol this effectual remedy for the disorders that Infants at the breast are liable to, and which often inflict much suffering upon the little victim, to the annoyance of the mother's comfort. It is unnecessary to add in the cofuwns of a newspaper, cert'hemes. Call, il you are a sufferer, on C. C. Hendeison, Ag.3nt for the proprietor, examine the testimonials of reconm rndauon, and who, when they discover the high and unquestionable chaiaciers that have kindly lent their' aid to sustain thete medicines, winch have curtd not only persons in thisconimumt but elsewhere. can,-for a moment, hesitate to belieie what is set forth in favor ot the above medicines are true. Feb 1P- 46-6m h i jl B HE undersigned p. -pose to etll, at their Ouarrv , IM mueb Souih ot Lin com tot., Lime of a superior quality, at the Juitcwm prices, to wit: Slacked" Lin e; not screened.per bush. 10 cts Stacked Lime, screened, rJa Rocbe imt, or not ticked, lt We have reduced the prices of ou. Lime to meet. the hajd times, anu to er.at- the Farming commutiiiy to piocure a vamabe artice in improving their Faims, at a rta sonale price.; Eoi strength, our Lime is not surpassed by any in the N estern part of the State , r. has been into by those couipe tent lo judge. . CaU and examine, and try it for yourselves. Letters addressed either to D IV. Scbenck, Jacob hush or Danit SLuford. living in Lincolnton, desiring any information in. reference to the Lime, will oe promptly attenueo to. DAiEL SHL'FORD. ALLO ALLAABEIl. Having received the latest Fasf ion, is prepared 10 accommodate the pubuc. His terms are moderate', and Ins work shall not be excelled in taste or durabili ty.. CO"CuTTiiG done at short notice. Lincolnton,' opposite Mr Henderson's new brick store, Nov 1G 'V- " ' 21- - . ' v. . -' ' '" TO THE LADIES. The genuine Balm of Columbia, for Restoring the Huir. , Long1 hair i a glory to woman, says Paul, And all feel the troth ot the pious quota tion Preserve it then, ladies your glory tna; f.ll, Unless you protect it with this pre pa -ration. If you wish a rich, luxarient head ot hair, Iree from dandruff and scurf, do not fail to procure the genuine Balm oi , . ' , V. u I Columbia. Ill Cases Of bldne It WlW more than exceed your expectations Manv who have lost their hair for iwen- y years have had il restored to ia origi nal perfection by the use of the ba m. Age, stale or condition appear tobe m -bstacle whatever; it also causes the flu kJ to fiow with which the delicate hair tu bes is filled, by which means thou sands (whose hair was grey as the Asi . i i.lL , i I atic eagle) nave had their hair restored to its natural color by this invaluable reoifdv. Caution. Never buy it unless you fifid ihe name of Coni?tock & Co.. l'ro pnetors, on the w rapper ol each bottle, or you are cheated with a counterfeit ,07ine JMOirai J. utn iiJtracier-- Ihe Worlds Wonder pronounced so by all vho have tver used it. W hite Swellings, lufianaaiion, pain in the back, weak limbs, tender or sore feet, und all scrofulous sores are speedi ly and permanently cured by the Pain Kxtrector. Affections of the lungs, ague m the face, breast, tic doloreaux, rhmr. if srupcvi-k. hlistprt d sur fnfoa Aro It is equally beneficial in all kinds ofin- flitmatory Ureases, SUl h as SQre nipple j aiideyes, sprains, rheumatism, white swellings and uicers, bruises, bums, chilblains, erysipelas, biles, &c, will quickly be relieved by the application oi this salve. Lav tion. No Pain Extractor can be genuine umess you find the signatuie ol Comstock & Co., on the wrapper ol each box. Beware of the counterfeit. Longley's Great Western Indian Panacea. lsi-For Colds and feverish feelings and pr venting fevf rs. 2d-For Asthma, Liver Complaint and Bilious affections. 3d-For Diarrhoea, Indigestion and Loss ot Appetite. 4ih-ror Costiveness in females and males, and Nervous complaints. . ih-ror btomach affections, Dyspep sia, Piles, Rheumatism, &c. The great points are, it i- not had to take, never gives pain and never leaves one costive ! ! yew Discovery. Dr Connell's Mixture, for Gonorrhoea and Gleet Seminal Effusions and Weak ness ot ihe Cieia or lilaooer. 'I'his mix ture contains no injurious article whatever hut possesses tonic properties of real af ficacy, and more congenial to the consiitu uon, than anv other medicine used for these complaints Freed from the nauseatre qualities attending Copaiva and the corn moti mixtures, it will be found agreeable iu the palate and pleaj-anl to the siomach. and will cure any case, or all pay is refused tor il. It is equally good and certain for teu.alfs. fcolo only at 29.Poyarass St.. New Orleans. Mothtr's Relief- Indian Discovery. All expecting to become mothers, and anxious to avoid the pains, distress and dangers of childhearirig, are earnestly en treated to calm their fears, allay iheir ner vou6ness, and soothe tbeir way by the use of this most extraordinary "erretable production. I hose who w ill candidly ob serve its virtues, mwst approve of t in their heaits; ever) kind and fciuciionale husbano will fevf it his must solemn outy to allevi ate ttie distress his wife is exposed to, by a sale and certain method, which is, the use of this Mother's Relief. Carlton's Ring Bone and Spavin Cure. For the cure oi Hmg Bone, Blood Spavin, Bone Spavin, ind Galls, Solans, and Curb on Horses. Also, Carlton's Founder Ointment , for ihe cure ol Founder, Spin Hoot, Hoof-bound Jii iaes, and Contracted Feet. Also, all ounds, Biuses in the Flesh, Galled Backs, Cracked Heels, Scratches, Nickings, Dockiiig, Cuts, Kicks, &.c. Hays' Liniment for the Piles. rlht worst atia k ol the Piles are el ffect lually and permaiienily cured in a fehor time by the use ol this gei.uine hays' Lin iment, liundreds ot our first citizei s ihroohout the country have used this Lm iiueut w ii h complete success. It is war ranted to cure the most aggravated case. Caution. .Never buy it unless you rind ihe ume of tomsiock & Co., upon the wrapper, proprietors ol the giiume article or you are chcaltd with a counterfeit. Comstock' 's Hcwes' Aerre and Bone LinimetU, ana Indian Ytgeiable JLix er Is warranted to euro any case o! Rheumatism, Gout, C ontracted Chords and Alu-cie8, or St ti Joints, strengii ens Weak Limbs, and enables tbe who are cnptiled to walk again. Use thin article and be cured, or go waln ut it hi d nuiTer as you phase, itrufiraitt t. cures by the hundreds can be mcii where this article is sold only genuine. Caution. All of the aboe naned articles aie sold only gc i ume by Com stuck & Co., 21 Ci'urtfbiid 8'., New York, Proprietors ol the Original and only Genuine Magical Pain Extractor. Hasal&o on had a complete aruorimera of Soaps and Perfumery, which Hill be sold much lower than at any other ht u-e in the United Slates, lot cash. . Sold in Lmcolnton by J. RAMSOUa & SOANS. may 6 8' . . . fit IP Y THE BLi M OFF A T'O VEOETABtr LIFE : PHOENIX NBlTTERb The high and envied celebrity which the- pre-eniot Medicine hava acquired for their iarariaUe efficacy ia the diaeaae which they profe to care, t rendered V awaat practice of puffing net oaly naccaary, hue uaw. Uijr of them. They are know by their fruiu ; tkeir ft . vera testify tot them, and ihty lhriT sot by the fait a . the credulous. (if ASTHMA. ACUTE mni CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. ""VJrfSrl, BILIOUS FEVERS k LIVER COMPLAINTS in the aouth awl weet. wfceie thcM diseeei pietil, thej complaixttsu- hty arSt be found Invaluable Hauler.. fan-Mrs, ami other, woe oaee e thme Malictnee. will aeret efterwmrdi be without loam. - BILIOUS CHOLIC. nd SEROUS Immmn, BILtS. COSTIVESESS. COLDS 4b COUOIiS, CHOUC ' CONSOMPTION. Ceed with grral eueeeee tfl tlue tliaeeec CORRPPT HUMORS, DROPSIES. No pereoo with thu disticata 4i cue, should delay using these medicines mmetlietetir. ERUPTIOSS nf tht Skin. ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LENCY. FEVER and AGtE. Por this soourfe tee we lera eounlty these Htedieinee wilt be fimnd aole. peedy. ma4 certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system avtrieet ta titura of the disease cure by these medicines is pecrunaL iiwa w um inning m ci-ra uj uksb mcuicaic pro try them, be satisfied, ahd be cured. TOULNESS of COMPLEXION. OSNORAZs DODZZsZTTe Oi;UT. GIDDINESS, GRAVEL. H EA DA CUES, of soerw kind. INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RMEU.MA ', TISSI, IMPURE BLOOD. JAUNDICE. LOSS AFTM TITE, Livnn conPLA.NTa, LEPROSY, LOOSESESS, MKKCUUIAL. DISEASES. ' Never Ails to eradicate eatMy all the efleeta ut Mercury iA- eillrso..ner than the most piiwerftil PTfr-raUonof Saraainilc NIGHT SWEATS. NERVOUK DEBILITY. NERVOVB COMPLAINTS of all kind. ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. PALPITATION of tht HEART. PAINTER'S CHOUC. '. FZZiBB, The original prbpriaitw. X three mediciBei ' was euwd of Piles of W yean standing by tte use of these Life Medicine alone. -PAINS in the bead, side, bock, limbs, joints and organs. KHEUMATMM. Tlmse afflicted with this terrdile diaease. will be sure of relief by the Life Medina. HVStt ofBLOIID totktc HEAD, 6C17XV 8ALTRHEUM. SlFEttl.VOS. 8CROPI1L.A. or XLXXfO'S SVZZst wiw worst lurms. ULCERS, QJ tvtrjf tetcnpiion. Medieiwes. PiuwiiicioweiitoaoMabieriiiemwheK- ever "peeiea. tteiici wiuoeena THE LIFE FILLS AND P1KENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And vns remove all disease from the system. A lingla trial will plae tk LIFE PILLS nd PHCENIX B I TTE RS beyond the raekofeor tltion ia tha aitimatioo or every patienU The geauine of tbeie medicioei art sow put up b wWte npter and UbeU, together with a pamphlet, celled . Mofff Good Samaritan," containing the direction, tu, ou which i a drawing of Broadway from Wall etrect to enr tlffiee, by which alrniigera vbiliug the city can very euity find iu. The wrapper! and Samaritan are copyrighted,. i therefore lhoe who procure them wit! white wrapper ca t be aur-d tht they are genuice. Be careful, and de not buy thoe with yelow wrapper; but if you do, be eatiAe that hey come direct from u, or dont toyeh them. , fX7 Prepared and aold by dr. CTzxxxAia s. norrAT, J34 Broadway, corner of Anthony etrnet, KV Tori. For Stle by C. C. HEKPEHSOD, 21-ly 'Nov 19 ICew Sstablisbmente Encoxiragellomelndustry! JAIttES CORNWALL, v Having taken the Carriage shop for irierly occupied by Isaac Ervin, on the main street, near the west end of town, is now prepared to make and repair Carriages, Kuccies,; Carryalls Sulk js, Wheelbarrow, And in fact every thing that may berc quired to run on the old rough fashioned nad, or the plank ones in contempla tion. He has done much work in this place, which he flatteis himself will re commend him; to those who have patro nised him heretofore he returns '.hunks, aud solicits a continuance. 07 Country Produce will be received in pay, as he is surrounded by goad ap- ' peite; tut as 'money makes the rnaro ' go," that article will be preferred, r - All he asks is a fair hack ; he loves work, can't live without H therefbro he will work at uch prices as he can lice at, and when tit dies, let his works praixe him, though it would prove ra ther late so far as his present interest! are concerned. His materials are of iho best quality, and all wotk will be seen to by in m&t I, while he will endeavor by punctuality to merit putronage. ' , UC '1 rimming and Fainting neatly executed. march 3 lincoUiton Cupola F UJ JuK ACE.: The subscribers respectfully inforia the citizens oi old Lmcoiu, and the sur rounuii.g country, that tbey have started their eatablisnfi cut in lull operation this day, the 5iti oi March and are now pre paieU to tin all orders for Iron or 1 om ; position CAbl INuS, in (he latest and: nujtii Mi'prcveu maiiijer. Jhev warrant t them io pnvea rnooth and true as can be extcu eU bv aov oiher establishment iu u.e Stare, ar d Hatter theniaelves.fi om -personal experience und attention, they wni deserve a share ot pubuc iavur. OCT Their establishment is at the east ' ena opiown, on the Main street, wnere they will make to order, and keep up plied with every description of bTovts, ' , for the parlor or kitchen. . , " v AH orders entrusted to them will be punciu-lly filled, and their prices shall V always be moderate., ''!:'., , , . W. r; & t. 8. ED vV ARD3; ' ' march 5' V:'-:iy 5?-. ? t r. ' ' v '. J ' ' ''. , t f .- . - V. 0

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