" THE PUBLIC GOOD SHOULD EVER BE PUEFKsyED.TO'PRIVATE ADVANTAGE." ' , GLUME Lincolnton, North Carolina, Saturday. Jrxing, Septebcr7, 1830. Number 23. ruiNTED asu itklished wr.i.Ki.Y, THOMAS J. IXCLES iiv J ( : T:M.-Twn .dollars pox annum, payable : lnidvsnce; 2 50 if iaynient he delaved 3 l months. A discount to clubs of 3 or m,re. j A,UTrii.mniit!i.rntw,,irnI.-! i.., ! re, a l ..! Miuare(MIiiies)tbrthe'iii,aaJ 2.') cents tor -uth suo&dpicnl insertion. THE STEPDAUGHTER. She is not mine, and to my heart Perhaps she is less de?ir Than those who of my life are part This is the sin 1 f ar: And ever in the dread to err, By loving those the best, More gentle have I been to her, Perhaps, than nil the rest. Has any little fault occur! eo, Thai may rebuke demand. Ere 1 can speak a hasty word, Or lilt a chiding hand. An angel' face comes flitting by, With look so sad and mild A voice floats softly from the sky "Wouldst harm my orphan child?" No witness thou and ul! above, I'll cheriih her as mine, Or may I lose her father' love, A love that once was thine! THE PEASANT'S STRATAGEM. A word spoken at random often proves of more utility than the best concerted j Will you please learn me my verse, plans. Hence it happens, that fools j mamma,'and I hen kiss me, and bid me often prosper when men of talent tail, j ,0od night' said little Roger L , As an illustration of this assertion, we as Jl9 opeiied the door, and peeped cau will present our renders with the follow- ijously into the chamber of his sick mo- wig story, Irom an old I rench periodical Moik, called "Forfeits Redeemed." A poor simple peasant, of the nnme of Cricket heinir heartily tired of his daily fare cf brown bread and cheese, resolved, whatever might be the con - sequence, to procure to himself, by honk or by crook, three sumptuous meals. I hiving taken this courageous and nobie resolution, the next thing was to devi-e a pl.i n and, put it into execution,nnd here his good fortune befriended him- The wile of a rich nahoh in the neighborhood of his COttMue, during iho ubsenoe of hvr hu!banc Sost a valuable diamond ring ; she offered a great reward to any person who would recover it, or give nny tidings of the jewel, but no one was likely io do either ; for three of her own footmen, of whose fidelity she had r.ot the smallest doubt, hdd stolen it. The loss soon reached our glutton's, ears: 'PI! go,' cries he; 'I'll fay I'm a conjuror, and 1 will dicover where the gem is hidden, on condition of first re civ.ng three splendid meals. I shall . i ..... . t i . I tin lis true, una! then? I snau oe . i K...I. and sides may suir for it; but mv hurt- iH,0",dbreak: l J . grv stomach "will be filled!' ! l c?'nnot n w,tho1;1 "'S To concert this scheme, and put it ; my pnyera : indeed I cannot, into practice.' was but trie work of aj The ear of the dying mother caught moment; the nabob still was absent. ! the sound. Although sho had been near- wtiiiru as an itnnosier, anu mv o m:k The lady, anxious for the recovery of iif rmg, ucvepwu m oasreu iei mi ; a , . n nr. uarnng ureeu u our colle C3, after conversing ' awhile sumptuous dinner was prepared, the ta- j from her stupor, and turning to a friend. ; mlh 2u!cillCa on the lnterestmg to b!c was covered with the richest v.ruids;! she deseed her to bnng her litllc son, ; - o- malrimonv concluded at last l. , - j .i. rr i . pens.ve-w.nes or every sort were J-.t"U IMI (I t; Blue Ult.l 1 U . cr ll!rt : .iti liijicsi lt JlillllCU, BOU USU think how much he ate. An attentive child's rosy che-;k and go'deta liead nes tootman, one of the secret thieves, ur- i lied beside ihc pnie, cold face ol his dy ging him to drink, our conjuror gorged, tag mother. Alas, poor fellow! how exclaimed i ltle did he realize, then, ihe irreparable 'Pis well! I have the first !' loss which he was soon to sus'ain. The servant trembled at the amhi"U- cus words and ran to his companion 'He has found it out, dear friend. he is a cunning mnn ; he said he had lhe fust ; who could he mean but me !' It looks a little like it,' replied the second thief; 'I'll wait on him to-night ; as yet you may have mistaken his mean ing, should he speak in iho same strain c must decamp to-night.' At :iight a supper fit for a court of al dermen, was set before the greedy Cric ket, who filled his paunch till he cou eat no more. i he second U.-nman watched him all the while. When sat ihfied. he rose exclaiming ' I he second is in mv 3tck, and can , t rr . , . to him, and otTer some freat reward to r i . j i l screen us from punishment and that he may ue ver tne jenet io tne taov w it i . J - l..l.f.J. ..:.. ceit helravm." us. They all agreed. On the morrow O'Jr peasant's nppeiiie was still the sam; at last, quite full, he exclaimed '.My task is done ; the third, thank God, is Iiere !' Yns ' s'l'tA I lift ll'Pmhlimr fti'nrit '.here's the ring; but hide our shame, w-' ty - I n : peane mr ' i oo4 man anu now occupies a poii oi ; j --- - - Awav lie ,!, a(T,isl,,Pll rob.,. J P"' :..cb.,.. '' 'V Wo-are lost !' he SricJ. -our heels ' "or c,uid look open bin. w.-hout 'ZZZ?,C " clone can ive in ' thinking ab ,ul (bo fimll an beautilully m0" hu""' '"J "''-B "1'J nC. socVCd U.C .bird; veUMi by ls dyi,,, iiio.lier f lum at to-morrow' meal, and should lie dailuie My .tile reader, if jou . .,,. ' lll!t ,.,.,. ,-,.... then eneak as before. I'll own the theft ! have God f ir your IrienJ.iyuu need ne. 1 1 "I'P" . . " g"If.r"" and you again.' shall never want good fare 'Be silent !' exclaimed the as'oniahed Cricket who tittle thought ihai win', h had spoken of his me ls would have made iho blund-rers betray themselves ; .e 8j, , j b ,t 0 r , ,, Some geese were feedmg before the windows, he wer.t out, and ha v in SCIZ-d 'tie largest, lorced the ring down its throat ; and then declared that the goose had swallowed the jewel. I I J The noose was killed the diamond found, in the meantime, the nabob rc- J turned, and was incredulous. - 'borne crafty knave, madam said he, j 'either the thief or his abettor Ins, with j J a well concerted scheme, wrought, on your easy (niih....Lut I II soon try his powers ")f divination. I'll provide my ; self witli a meal likewise.' No sooner said than done; between two dishes the mysterious fare was hid den, the false conjuror was told to de clare what was the concealed cheer, on pain of being well h'-aten should he fail. ' 'Alas !' he muttered out, 'poorCricket, J thou art taker:.' 'He's right!' the nabob cried, 'give j him a purse ot gold ; I honor such tal j ents as his.' j It was a little cricket in the dish. Thus ! our glutton, by four random speeches, ! gained thiee hearty meals, comfort for ; life, and a most brilliant reputa'ion as a cunning man. The ITIotlicr's Last Lcsoii. j ther : 'I am very sleepy, but no one has heard me sav my prayers. was verv Mrs. L ill ; indeed, ' I1C" attend tuts believed her to be dying. : She sat propped up with pillows, and , srt.:ggling lor breath. Her lips were while ; her eye was dull and glazed; l and her purple blood was settling under j the nails of the cold, attenuated fingers, i She was a widow, and little Roger was her only, her darling child. Every night he had been in the habit of co min.qr into her ron, ;rvi si'.:!:;: in "liar lap, or kneeling by her side, while she repeated passages from God's Holy Word, or related to him stones oi the wise and good men spoken of in its pages- She had been m delicate health for many years, but never too ill to hear little Roger's verse ami prayers. Hush! hush!' said a lady who was watching beside her couch : ' Your i dear mamma is too ill to hear you, lo- I night !' j As sho said this, she came forward, ! ..a. u ge.my uuu ... ! as if fihrt vn: ,1 lear! him irom the room. j i:j l. . l i .i.. i.- i ; , .. . . i Rotrer bepan to sob as if his ittle heart . Cf. . . a . My insensible to everything around her, ,u i . , ,.r i .. . i anu mv uuw hi ner -worn. ! 'Roifer. mv son ! mv darling child!' ; ! said the dying womanrepeat this verse hfter me, and never, ncrcr forget i: 'u neii my Miner and mother tursaKe I me, the Lord shall take me up.' i The chdd repeated it, two or three ! times, distincMy.and slid his little pray- i er. 'Prion he kissed the cold, almost ! rigid features before him, and went qui- letlytoliUhltlacoucb. The next mor. nin.r l,f niirhi ns iwnnl hie moilipr t.ot ' he ffi.md U stiiT nnrl ld , mrr. . VA wrapped io the wiiidmg-sheet, and rca - i jy. for ijtgorave. 111 fc . That was her I us: lesson. He has never forgotten it ; he probably never ..n Ho i1Ja i.a Mi. .v iiio i u " li iu u mail 1 . or npi nr Ipir ve'i "eui lei,r I 1 .1- I" r i a writie woman, says t ic an uuren t j I Atk.l Inttllirrpntar. has been discov -a ' - - , ered among the Camanche Indians, by ! a irader. She is living wiih an indi.in, ; as his wife, uud says he treats her well; j but the squaws ill treat her. Slio was 1 cp'urrd ahoui o years ago from a train ' ivhih Ipfi Korl ln!fnpiidenr. M:. 5"!: - " " . i wishes to return home, end we supppsq government agents wi! her released. irierfer.' to have I i . i vin :i kinflneq without cxoeCtln'r a Anticipated Duel A dul l H talked i f ti'i'. f f . ... v. of between Gen. Wallace of Mjutfi va i IT Texas, and a- rolin i, and Gen. Houston, caused, it is said, by a person busive letter written by " a charge Gen. Houston with 1 ve, who j -tiarmg ncJWal- in a speech in the Senate, Hi t lace) and Mr. Calhoun orii!ed the ! Nashville Convention. 1 he Seller i.f Mr. Wallace is lengthy, and.er.ceedinir. lv severoon Gen. Houston. I he f0i. lowing.extract "will show its juaniies. If sj, :n conclusion, felt r.uflf d lo 0er you Q word 0f CounsiU fi". ingt Would tell veil in all sit J to rctire at onco (rorn-h$7rTd, jrorn whose sentence of reprrh-ation,vou can never be reprieved, and, ti the so ciety cf which your presence can im part no value. Posterity, if it should condescend to notice you, will be hi a loss, whether to assign you the rank of a knave or a fool. ' The present genera lion, who are better a.'quaio ed witn your qualities, will be at no loss 10 de termine, that ycu possess in ycur person and character, the most extraordinary combination of both As yua cannot then, sir, hope to reverse this sentence, retire to merited obseurity. and devote the few remaining days allotted to you under the sun, in preparing yourself by repentance for a coming hour, when you must yield up a life winch nu nave spent without adorning or dignifying a single virtue which stamps a man, as either good, wise or great. Greenville andColumbia Rail Road. From a communicai on lfuii the Hon John Helton U'Neal,ttic President d this Road, which appeared in the N'.:vbeiry Sentinel of the J0di inst., we haru thai "the following are me actu il receipts of the Greenville and Columbia K-ul Road, from freight and passage : March -April May - -June - Juiy -August, (to I iUi) - ai-5i,3i -. The Road is now compiti . O . I . .. . ...... ind in uaiiy operation iouuudya v.y-i the Bridge, 254 miles. VQ'koa .3 I is laid down to the Prussel on 7 side Broad River at Crtms Creek. ( "The work i steadily and rapidly progressing at the Bridge and tll along the line. I'almetto-Quuc uaw.cr. Cool. We tiave read of mahy won derful instances oi cooluoss and sang troid exhibited by individuals on Uyi.ig occasiorn; and have been surprised io see how the soul could bear up .igamst ii1B mnii prmiiini h'ows of arfvrsitv lhe most crustung o.ows oi auv.rsny, ... .j ... .u i,,, c and in the hour of sudden and bitter dis appointment; but decidedly thej iciest' .specimen ol nonchalance U'idor alHic tion that we have met with dufjng the present hut seaeon, ishe foilowuiitnci dent : A love-smitten professor in cne of . wlth a declaration, and put the emphatic oitestioti of - ' Will you have me ?' 'I am sorry to disappoint you,' replied the la ly, 'and hope my refusal w,!t not give you pain. But I must answer no.' Well, v.eil, that will do m id irr..' 2 ud ncr philosophical lover, 'and uow sup sc ice changj the subject.' J ,te 1' irmer. M docs ones heart ; oo J l06e9 3 '"'-"' round-faced farmer. ! -u independent, and yet su free from ! vanity and pride. So rich, and yet so ! industrious so patient aud preserving h callinj, anil yet so kind, social ' and cblipm. There are a thous'ind no- ' hie iraits about his character. He is ; generally hospitable cat arul drink : vv,ln n'in a,It ne Wull t 8el a 'lfk o:i i i ... :.i, , I,-... I . I )ou dnu wedl u uul Ul UJ ,,llu UUUJ' j compound interest, as some people I ! know wili: vou are welcome. He will : - I ni-W'i U- iuiu ui na'Ulc. bi i. , . . t ,, , him in his homespun aud gray; I jugh at ,, t L, h.t.t , j ........ m ...... . wu.-w.ww. , mu i , . r , , , hliirrh hick, ll Ivh ii MSPS. - : 6 r , J t Great Subscribers. A Tenuessea j pper lespecuuiiy reque,; nsauascn- 1 b' rs nut ;o ro& r'e carrier as ho is a j 3!lla! by anJ lhal ucconnt easily I imposed Gil! - I The crops in New Mexico are eaid be very fin? and prornisi'i. The Military Movements ii Texas. 'p.. i1-'n i iic riipic-i i esa' coriMtiue tnucn excited about the Santa Vr affair, and seem determ ned to take armed poses sion at once. Unv. Hell has issued coin missions ior mo raising oi iroops j el most rvery. county. The following. from a letter of Col Thomas M. L keus 'o Gorerwor Hr;x:dtfr8a, is a peci men : "I shall, by virtue of a commission which i hold from Governoi Beil, en roll and nrgiiiiZ a ompnv oi one hundred men for lie , SaoM Fe xpe dnon, on the 27th iusT. Should teriur twelve clcvar ioHowc, u,e!l.inotn-J m mules, from our country, meet me o i that day, they shail noi b3 disappointed in getting eitua uns please et me know." Another is as foilnuvs: In obedience 10 in order from his Escelleucy ih Govt-rnor, 1 am com misioin-d to enroll ind orgintZ'J a tu t company, to number in toe j4rega;e one hundred men, to b? received and enroMed respectively irom certain coun ties so tuat all portion oi the S' ue may participate in a military expedition to riant Fe, to support tne ngirs oi the States to the disputed territory. There ore, nonet is herebj given to tne citi zen of Sm Augustine county, mat ten members win be received into the com pauy, if they wili meet me in Snelb vitle on Wednesday, me 2lst day of Juiy met., uud give me itieu names. The company will be required to march for ila destination by the 1st Oay of Sep ember uesi. This, the 17m Ju ly, 1850. Respectfully, "J M. d.iiT, o S ielby." Care or Lactation in a irMleC. W. Horner, 1. L). ot I'mfadtlpnia, luruis.t. es toe loll lAfitig particulars ol iho ease u! lactation m aJuit mile. i uccured m itie person ot an ulhietic Ameiican, named Chariss Cylln:, -igeu 22 ye-jrs, a bidcksnitn wortiing at his wade u: New York. A boat mo lOin oi Febru ias , his ulisuttiju was tut dra-n to jVts left breast, wtiicU arpcaie.Jo be en rTifigv i'iU Conliomia Iw iiicre isu in s;3s icr inree veeks, when ne carne io Pniladelpma. Aner being in mis cty for aooui three ees he Cecai:i quiie ausious in regard to ms coo juum, lor alltiouu no bulf-iied very lime pun, ij m iiUoa Had D'-cuine- ijiinu as large us lllal ot a lemiic nutting. H thoio lore, mruugn m prui-ton oi tu iur.t, was, on toe 'CJ ot 1 tieo, mdaced io dppiy at loo L.'1'Ui.; o! iis J. ( ito.i Medicil Coileg", io :oo-Uil iiio ixcjiiy ol ilia lusiuu ion. ill c: is can up before Prot. Mjner, vv.io. up.ju I'm m nation, iouno me uiaoia.y gimd urge ly develop d, anu fioea won iho i ic V4 secretion, ivo.e i uiti'reii io no vin' from that oi a aiotiier. tie -ni i as sign no c tue lor mi Ii- at oi imure ; his hcaliit w is very gooj, .r.a intr umer breast nituiai, A sih;i pidaier wa prescribed and co.niessioo ordered to be kept up, wuicu ue perai& e J hi l r full six sveeKs, wnen too gland leiuroed lo Us usii ii aiZc; aid Wneii I uw tutu this morning at Fan mount, wneie ne now resides, a vas in every respect like the omcr. Uc.uuieuceineiit, :iid Ms. Pariui ton, as l ie mention ol iam da' p pruacu react:ed her miter retirement. . 1 '""u11 ll!ey commeacey asi t.-dr- I l a n very possioie tuey u.u. uui t suppose ihey are ukeal. ino restoi us always coainieucing anu leaving oil anJ ihen CoiIliiteiiCnig ag'l', and iv wil; us so to the enu. F r all mere atu eo many pro.eors mer, 1 d -i t Uw'lieve they rtCi any ueer it a tne.o .tta uoa i proiess. V e ail are trail cre uiet aoU 8 ' '' i r ""' llllt IS but UU'1I UllU lliiunvu ...... fue.' We venture to aiv tlut all toe line tilings uttered at Camunue on Com tnencemeut day, whether Dy tne.nuer. of tUe ahtinni ,or oy trie teuder awpi rants tor academic honor, ooo more suonme was not heard ao lull ol mai humility vhm is truly eXaticd a raid the vain ijorgmgs ol too otj A Uutcn nan on bemj ciliod upon heo pay for . ugrjun jg icd tor a vuugs cnurcn, toward the bunding ol tvmctt na hid liberdliy eutiscrib'-d, exoiatiued: 'l have neiped lo cut d a noue loi de ; uaivj neipetl IO GUI U a nOU0 IOI i i , , . Lord, and it t:e chouses to do i-Jtfr ,i a.,.i u .. .. - . ,, - . til nwn tilt UIIVWU U UJTIHi liJ l.lWtilt X' , 1 . - - ' . "You're a pretty lelluw, said the ow ner ol a viood pile to a tluaf, "to come here and ateel my wood while I !eep." Yes," replied tne Intel, "and I suppc-0 i Vnn wmsl-lymv nn IherO and 6e0 1119 1 -7 -r . . break tnv back lilting, bsloro yo; io i would eti'er to come dywa and io'p To Dye "Mudder -Yadtern." Thid is tne oest nautieen coior, it will wash bffaa'.ifuily to oap, md not be afTcctcd with week nc:J. Pake the cotton c!ct& (unbleached) anu boil a well in strong Wm water for four or five hour, until all the natural oil Hhich is contained in the fibiea cf the cotton, u removedthis is eaen tislly to produce a good nankeen. If any of iho oleaginom matter is leli, tho cclor will be too tediieh, approaching to a salrn u coW. fier the cotton 18 well boiled it must be well wished, tnd nindled-.in a conoer oriin-Uettla kerl the ketiie should be ph-n y of water to allo? free handling, and there should be four ounces i f allum diss ived in n fjr every jound weight uf the cotton. Tl:r gocds after this are washed well and men put i p. to a kettle containing clean w ti'jr, and tour ounces of m tduer to evrry pound (l should be kept at a scalding heat tor uearlj one hour, wheo a b'-aut'fji Oinkcen color vr til be tho resttit. Ttie coior is mtdi deeper in the etiado by using more iufj. It it asited out ot tne madder and is dried, if me cotton cloth was bleached u would make a still mom beautiful color. For peo,d living ut i he South, who might cultivate their owu madder and co lon, this teceipt would be of no utile talue. By putting n little of yellow o&K bark among tne madder, it will make the eoler more upon tne yellow itiude. An )tticr way to dye nankeen is to boil annatlo among pearlasn, (one ounco will color five pounds) and then mix il with hoi water in a clean vosseJ, antj handle the goods in it (or riliten cf nv r:ty rn mules. This color is beauti ful, but fugitive it faded with tho sua and cuu be boiled out with scap. It is of this c lured stuiT mat &o many yel low jaded and p0 led paa'.a'.vcha 8f mads. From the N. C. Argc?, vrh'g. Now that the clecticn is ever, and wo' C3jid not get our own man elected Go rj?n:, iSr.jrrriTjrcr6it"'t!or, ci success in hia new- otnee. Woconact eniiouMlv pposed Mr. Reid. as vfo fco lore stated, not a t man, but a tha j representative o a party; and now that ! our party le beaien, we f:ope thai Gov. j Re d, inouii the tepiescntativo ol our j (ipponen., will S i the gubernaiongl I chair in un a way as to confer credit : on in- Sate--J8 .oh good of tno Suto is ail lor w.i, en w : are contending. Wo jctnnoi modi, uuv ver, mat a man he! idiog Mr Reid' poiiiicai views, can fill me emu to me groatesi advanta-'O cf j tti" c ne. Hut as we look upon tho i Govern i eieci as b -iirg a puio man pri- zzithj. will leav tin ,u'j1ic acta to j d vi i j lueuiso.vcs, atid we will mere I Ijr cee.su. e wrmever may tee:n to us criuueoua, and give tnai credit fcf na evtr we ma; jude rig'ii in his conduct." vo wnii the wnoie uewnpoper preea W4 conducted as n iderateiy as iho Ar ga,.J Tne litres l iite a lew things tnai i itavo i. irood, ma ihey inty oe of beoetit o y jUi ruadia. A hoi.d m it is urtveti on turd rds i i.ablo to qui m il iti me j nu.s. lu i33J 1 nod an animal which :er unvmg nn eor lour day u, got quite lame. Ao.oi l Battur.oro !ea:n.oi ioiu nje to waa tne inro'M leg in a tolerable t tu ortuuj .vtjicu was douo accordi igiy trnee tirot s a diy, lor tU3 0-t.anoo.il irii-juruey. I'ne' oiiffuesa dia'ippareu ti tew Uay-, and 1 Uruvo tne uMie. .nttes at'.crard, ftnd there wa no more trouoie on mat c count. V hdt jiifrtsru ue iiwik. as,tho u ire n td a very po u loot to uoid a hc3 Witeu I Aiaried ; it i very untile and mrJ ; u would oreak out wheu a iuil wai put in ; uut t gr together at eve ry eU'ieuig. uttc.ismitn iu New fciigtiuj remarked to ioj ttut ner loot nad singular ippearaucs where f.ti pared it u was sjjt and iojh, 1 account tor it, tu mis way: salt will extract moikture from tnu- atmopuere, which Keens tne toot moist all tho time; and tx'.i In nearly the tame t. effect that grease has en a Ijoi or piece of timber. tj i'ne dropum froto alt en a Hcr, if con-itiued long, cannot be got oil; th& vuod ucco.iies in j:st and t ugn, and so witn a tivrse' Ioj?. After wahing the lie !t'J 1'jril up llJO tiurn ft I'.ui ticau iuu r w .j oj ojUO::,iojr the hollow full ot brine,aitj ,, ...,m i t tho bm. , l-.l IU..UNy. v- . . fiirA. I 'ne practice ot rasping the spot . J - alt over to toughen it i at jujiaacle.- Farmer and Gardener. More trouble conning, snii MrsTar. tmgion, laying down tho pper j lbere'o tne tato ol Arjurs ; I suppiiso ttll sooa' b-j appiyiog lor addition to th Union ' aud the oid lady resumed her droin ivuu a icj-j o! raincuc sasiety.

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