7;j --s L. 2 iT . i r 21.,..'; , i I: J -,. ,:'O.0fl "fpElp'i WPiffON, (N. 0.): SEPTEMBEB:; i'867r - - VOL. I.-0. 35 c COURIER:' J AJV... .... t,.,... jjr : J i . . . -.1 !;. will- fiaT fciirted v!er fc'zibf .-.L:,J i at;. c.J..-d la'the L iLa week'J 'IT tvi'S f.-.icft I uir- iioc h th Vrl-V'ctl-'y I not jimi t?J J. r li W 1 -Urc :ll. rcnces are muc f.rV V' "ir r't f :r-) v, lff'.y cents, are charged one T - f - .I i. valines, rnss ; pver five La paid for at 10 cents aline. ;Xb3;wp.r In gf'.st meararav hqt.-dQs . tiTilrs; pr?JcqI)r,y.lt?:.5UjJtttCrtrt . Thececsap. cf .. . lSCOonly , tsb'bed fonr ye us alter, owing to the want of Ki8four.( itJ way iato tut (ow 'hands Id tffe Son tlu "7q pisvlih v--'ure some tfigtrr8.'!;o-.:Ir.j; 't. In rr.an'ji'.iita.-es we find nnmher.'Ot Mtarlishrnsr.ts, " C-tf ! toll n y sste5 , . ,, j C?st of ran 'materia .810,203,228 liurnbtT cf hands trnpl5yei1, 14,217 Arian-rccct cf fal-oV' li ''C-,C3i3,44l tAnntnl vrJi2Cf predict? -lQ C78.698 ; We rA Dtaden c-imty b?.s th I-wetf ' ricmhtt'V 01 isfirssnmet-w, .' T?w IT ir nv r Btarda "nt 5' T1S 618. "NomVirtt fcj!&br.cieuts il:-'vl c855 :Cipitalinvested,iJL-i.. r;-. feCS7r975 .695 16 ,717 C'.:I:2rewTImovefclslha largest ia val t.p of her prpductlo the iJta.te. ; tj , f Amor' . ihe -artichs prrducd, and "'manufactured,4 peculiar 'to this'eectioa, cwerfind the followfng Values' :' r J -; J Lumber sawed and planed, '1,125 C03 Crude Tnrr.stinr,rjr,52.542 . Spirits f XurpeaUcvI .4,5:3,378; 'Timber cutting,, jffj htKfv 12193 .HanutorturHi,Tobacc ,,,.1.117,099 from cotton manufactures, 35,411' IGS'0,' in'creaiej'bcly1 6.15 "jer enf.t ' j woiienSTOds; ri,i7r,470 , I360.increasii)gover three fold,.:231.S0O'; 1850 Boots and Shftfs'prodused, J.C3 1160 "Increasing 64 per ct.; 160,955 '. -There are many olhersonrces of.m-; it fVDicn are 100 gi to sweu' i:d early seventeen millioci ibat'witk-'ocr vondarrfol waiir-poWer, 4-;;;t r.'ner? rrsomcesRcd.'vJrg'a fv'rUt?,' tht we have NTpre csj.it greatv elp in! vch'ch to wots ac j anas we ,f, some; rday,rec such f;..icres'3f'.,y ,''7 i liew vxts taaaoiactcrtfeSjVSTe oqo,ooo Pennsylvania " CCO OOO rj. .? c -.z, bswevir coq pare.". favorably J - - girea thus we givatae 0,600,000 2crU CiroUnf., C "'h Carclics, Gacri':a,u" i; ;Iiiuiilafc3, ,i , iAIatqn'S.; 1, Aiar- -. 'Kentcc':- .Teacj::;.', 17 600 000 . 8 5Q0.000 h7" 17,000000 ;: J-2 JoO'OOO rv I.GSa'OOO u;? io.:oaoQO wr . s$ 000 000 4M'M2.0Q0.000; ' 13 COO 000 :;6.c.QOooo T, a- v.dfenVesH tr?Iflhla 3 - ..', 51 aedbr-r..- i tefr'-": ,, ! 4'i j.Sc r: J"; year C5 ; cf the w hols St ata ia the : .(lser-: ir. Tleanj . aie'sa ! ToH r "t from th8j etatistict and ctber pourr ' ces pi Information 'rcprdJpg the pri ' liress cf tfie cu tlida Wcr fdt i a rtV,' rn an 0- Ncrober.ef bacda employed, . Annual ecoi of !abr, V ". 'SH7,4 'Annual .tiled 'of products; f)l,S7 ? pioynent ana tovestmens nicn are iopj '"langthy to icsertlq ati1 Btticle lika " tbis,' wtfeb wi to- swell 1 c p '-. thd gir'egate lo: 6 342,vr less, than one and tbree-elghta pcr om Among. tbe diseases'given We nte the great Tjugbear of this low conn try : . Ini lrmiUeot arid tenilttint. fevV ra only 494 n th woe State, while thira died iromoJcf ire'STO 1 jph id fever,1 which doe 'not prevail to cxmcb ' hert aa( io other parU of the tale, nambera, it victims 1009. .Cholera and .Vellow fev ei ic-i-and do part of the State ti'a5 been1 visited by any euidemieexcept IVd 'tie tiocjn 1862 and Newbern in 1864.: jW nave never oeen visuea oy fsxe Uooleraw and we believe that-the -pine regions of tb Soeth and Europe have al ways beetr exempt. r . ; . , . . The value of Ral Estate and person al property in N.-rtfi (UWIir, exclusive of sUve. prop?ry, , io s J860 1 M i veq j as. 359,j000 .OOOocreasing frgn 18500 ra tio of fidpf-r cent:, while'5 the 1 whole taiue ip 1860 is given';! 1 onivi vt Personal, ' 870.372,614 Aggregate, . .; j,o (I . j $550,322,748! y In 'I860 Jhera werQ. .7,.hom'cidt 6. mnrders, 2 executions. Iff suicides and 665 accidental deitbi', 1 for whicfi obf' R il I roadi y a re ; t. res ponsi ble' i foun 'I'raVAllinor ?Q srtalnlw aa fa The wliole'ya'116 f ra' pera.naf property 4f the United ! States isl given5 wns-jr.rt.il f .ja air-: Personal,., ;tl.,,r Real property, J $8 158 736.030 ' 10 930,420.259 ,r Total, T, $19,089,166,389 Of wbicbr.Nrtb Carolina rtpresits a 'North Carolfha bad '389' miles of Rail 5 Wad representing 6eveuteed millions' 'of capital.--'1 1 ' I V'-M fii'It is true that considerable of the tapli tal represented In the Census of 1860 is scattered by the casualties of War land ve, yearBVpxhaustiopj-.but much f it is Je jt. . I f the change indoor jBjstem? of labnr is' a lrs- to the persons Vwnirig it', ibe State is no bborer ifor the' 1 labor, re mains:51--' ' t ' Ve" huve fertile soil; fine cfimat ei jsvery thing in fact, to make n great and Weal thv Commonwealth The same fnduslry and energy awak ened by the necessities of the list 'two jearsr xpeeded i every year, ;.il soon make the gocnl old Nortb State to "blcaj sdm like the rose." ' " iWf . : t . . i- . n J.R-3 . v. Lovpcovereth, a . multitude ;of blemisheslet s . the .heart tbe. .filled ith oje and the -little fault wWch now appear mountains will be swal; lowed up or become as molehills. A "husband who is" always . complaining and growling and snapping; add snap ping and snarling, is enough; (0 crusb a heart of steel; to sour-s'tne;uiind of an angel. .' The female heart is tender, soothing,' sympathetic,: lovely.-' Hua Jbands speak kindly to, your beloved : Speak kindly to. her r Little dost thou ;know,.f ; .;.i4,A .,rt j , What utter wretchedness, what hapeless Har g-on tnose bitter1 words,1 that stern if repry: .u;i'I .ft..tafc'. : : k.ykv.h The cold demeanor apd reproving eye,.f j The death sieel piercts not. with keener "daft" ; Ki" 1 -J - ;- -' ;J ft'hari unkind words in woman's trusting hpihari-nc-! ::--.'i !! .KM.o.r.-". min !;Gwcefy:Stbrei -aha LlNCOLNTONt N. C. - d I have just received ' and opened 0' the 6ld-Stade"StoreT Wgarsy. Y'"? Coffee,1 JB' r,tard, Mackerel, 11 ; Bacon, ' Moi asset, POWDER., SHOT. 0AP&- SODA, ni:SOAP,' STARCH, SALT, OAN- VJ DLES, &C.L,M f'';i3 OJ vriiJ xi? Call l ati the Newj Store .for choice new Goods. vivni S. F, SHERRILL. .May 8l'67-lf 18 ! 5 f : "n,V: iiO 35 Settlements. ; 1 h j The subscriber tikes ecc-siott tdfcotlfy his patrons that he bas.aoopiea as a ruie, Monthly Settlements,?? .oothe first f each fnontb and be', hypes, .that those now indebted will reepnoa prompiiy. ily Aprin2157-tt. 7J.7F7 PECK. . , T.a T.amAlinilA.11 -1 j;If .yon want a good cool glass of ICE LEMONADE; call at the Grocery Store, where vou-will fiod.Mrssrs - ALEXANDER and pROWBOSA at all timesi ready toi wait upon vou. , j . . ,r. ; ,.: ,-, f ,h t-., 7 XQr LEMONADE will ' be furnished t by'ihe Qdart or Gallon S to famines at Srrdtnes ; .uracKers- uonre 9110ns 1 dants in each case, to HalsinJ,'';1 ' Shoes1,1 Blacking, I the next term of our ; l.'-. ''I:' ' Mand. at the Court Horn Those mvng accounia, oereaifccr wiu lake notice ta't' Uelr bill '.must be at tebSed tomoathly.',;t- u -i i::Q(fresooable rates. -l 1 1 ' ,4 I zld June 20'67-tf 21 J. Ff PECK V EITOLISH AND 'FRENCH scBtoori' JaWCOLNTONi JV rC,:. Mis II;. IV.; ALEXANPER, PrindpalJ ? LTbe : oex V. sesaiotti i vf 1U com naence lit September, J867, A bearding and day, School ' for .young ladies combining a thofotign Add ystejhtUeJncaliotj,fwitlr home cato and t,raiiiiDg..,-,Mosic, and, all the higher branehrs .are taught. Lin colntoo may be reached by three torn re travej from Charlot(e';"U Is beautifully situated, with' a fior mountain climate, and is perfectly healthy, throegfcoat the entire lyeav. ::i;n:dc:?T tj 11. itiy:'. For particulars apply to tb Principal; or to.UjeiVt.4'VV, KV' VVKTMOBK, Rector of he Parish. . " " u 'ErEBKSCEs'- a'dge": W.l! Ml Shlpp LiiiClntofa; N;: C. "Col; TA'H -Rretn, CharloUftr,N,;!C.i lonj, N,,rBoyden, Salisbury. N., C. : Rev M. A; 'Curtis. Hilleboro, N..C ; P. W " .Houston. Bl- timorel Md. ; Hon. Richird Da Treville; Char',8tfinjS,;C,,:u-ni' ,nail '''Uiu 0 1 Dissolution of Copartnership 7-" 'LlNC0LNT0N','Au'g. 13lb, 1867 3 The Cbpartnerslp ' of " STDBB j CLOSE,' is this day dissolved - by mutual consent, i ' -All ' parties; ihfet Wei have claims. lag airw-t muet jMme ' forward at Once arid make HtIemnU, Those . bav ing claims against us. must present; the ? The business will hereafter be con Jus ted'.by STBBS &' CAUBLE, j (see the1 advertisement)1 and W bespeak the pai tronage of the public for the new firm I n,Aug7l6,67.if "J Jf.B; CtOE:u TT ,F, BURN HAM'S pELEBRATED X;l , FRENCH JONVAL TURBINK , .WATElt-WHEteL. ' u this W HEEL,' ibe! J tr Bfi ATEST IN VENTION I of the age,' surpasses, ail other, wheels, Io . power, economy,; of water, and steadiness ot run, simple In construction and a masterpice of' work manship. rIt is not liable to get put of Order, and from its position in the flume u dviAogiuig ai nig iiujcc jIt ia cheaper' J than anyrother Wheel (of same weight and finish), in maiket tar. 'W Persons ordering these WHEELS can have them put up by most compt- tent workmen at a small cost. ,r,u : h::hs&7' Will .also rootract tor; tbe;( erec Jiou rf Mills and Factories fqr all f kinds hf J manufacturing i: purposes' ; ' both " of Steam and Water Power. Address, all . orders to E.' Ii. CHESTERMAN, ll naiJ-t .'Millwritrht rnrf F!ntrtnM. -o - "1 l: : f v.'l". - Richmond.. Ya. Sole Agent for Va. and N. C. Aug 29 3m. " OA State of North Carolina, t . ;,.., Clcatelavd County. ' , , Sopebio3 Court of Law C-.'J I J '.11 4 Spbing Tebm ' 1867. JotInlw:gidney,)' ' ' - l-iir 'Jtli ntng utv , J ,nt,n.v-.i JOHNH. PEELER, : ,. , -: . ' i& Attach- ULISIS L v I riMtJKE, I ment." ' j it.' o.i ,-: .--I J ,.- . i)M. :) or!) JOHpI H, PEELER.; J. ,,, t.j r.; It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant is a Don resident of the State : - Therefore it b ordered that publication ! be .'made In tne Lincoln Courier, a news paper pub lisbed in the town of Lincolnton, for six weeks successively, notifying. thet defen- be and appear at Superbr Court of County of Cleave se in Shelby, on the 1st Monday io Sept. next, then and there, to answer, plead, or demur , or judgement will be takso, pro eonfetso. , 1 Witness, J.' JENKINS, C. S. C. (Jaly22id 1867;'. ' Aug 2-6t 27,'; 1 The Carolina Timei, : : z Vl VfWiiiQ Editor aWop'ob The Daily Times is rurnished at $7t0O peV.annum f 'six "months $4.00 ; three Tnontris,' $2 60, lo advance. i 1 ni The Tri Weeklf T1mea Is published every Toesday, Thursday and Satnrdav, .andjSupplied for $bXQ: per annum j six months $1 50 ; . three . months, 1 60, nftcaKln in ftirlvancf '. . . 1 The Weekly News' containing 28 cp nmns,!i traqscriptf the Dally Tims published 1 every Tuesday,-at $2.00 per annum $160 fsix months. -t i ! . 'Advertising . Terms For one t quare, ten Hoes or Jess, $1,0Q for first insertion and 60 cents for each subsequsot inser tion. 'A reasonable deduction made for Advertisements Inserted for a.Ionger pe riod than one' month.-' Advertisements ioserted la the Weekly News at $1.00 per square; tot each I&sertloo j ! c 1 Jan 29.,&T v-.L L-t lo o-k! Ilclunpn4 Typp Fpu n-1 THE ONLY MANUFACTORY OF ' TYPE ONOUTHEBN SOlUfcOUTH (jU Ijjwu i. '" -Lv.-'AV. 1 f. M?:) . .THE Proprietor's of the ! above Fonn d.ry jiave also united with their. Foundry cpmpio,., i:i.,:t . m . j PRNIER'S FJJISHXNO.vWABE. 0,j iii7,H0USE,.1 f,r,., Having en hand or furnished to: ordeT. every j article; quUite for a Prletlng.'Of- FBOfl A BODKIN TO A TEN J CYLi iHJii i J-3I1NUER PRESS: us tuim Type and Printing Material from - any: Foundry xortoiarnisaea wneDiequired.' i.tvecsn ana win mamuactnretn tticb raond as good; aq article, at; the same specimen prices as any Foundry, North. We respeciiuuy solicit the patronage of tne Sooth.- " u - . ; c. HENRY L. PEL0UZE & CO. ! . R VVe Tefef'you;1 tq'eyery Printer In the City. JVe also dnire every Newspsper liPtbeSoatb to'copy this advertisement of ote month aendicg :cb one copy of I tbeir papery Md receive their , pay for such advertisement npon purchaslog five tiroes the amount of their, bill, fromui; ... li Ij. tr is UU. Boot and Shoe Factory h! nr;iAvtfr.VM: aVuvc r Kea Diar 'to Unealn vr 'ojice.y I ..JF. SPECK, begs leave to inform bis Irleods that he has engaged skvlfol wOTWeiJUDtl ia'ndw tiaployedlthi manufacture of . -' BOOTS SHOES & BROG ANS. Their supply, will be made out of. the nest Leather and the workmanship shall not be excelled by any other Manufac- tnrer, North or South. 11 u ' -; J . -' Every article Warren ted as represen ted.'' '.U ,V4Aj :" . - .Y.S -iNo Auction Stock.. v '.M ' n 1 No Paper ; c-r Wooden . soles, v One rvirtA in all i ...a V 'V v. v-: )vl t3 Mr. James Campbell, well and most fav orably known byi.tmVedmmui nity as a fasbioniible a ad skillful, work man, has been engaged and be Is now pre pared to' please his many' friends and former patrons. ' v ; ; ; J5" Call upon ' us and leave you uitfiguitoi findings, &c-iwbich win be sold -I .t I La..L wnere. 1 uau ana see. . . wi . All orders promptly attended to l-i J. U.SPJfiUii. Feb 22'67 B. F. tIllft, , . MERCHANT TAILOR, y Returns bis erateful thanks to the cltl- zensoi ijineoiuwn auu Hurrouoaingcoun - itv fnr tha liberal batronase which thtv t i : ii. j iiijt: : have bestowed opon him, and ha respect- tUHT soiicus a continuance oi ine same. . t .:t - .t.. H fl ittPra himBe f that bv c osa attention to the study of bis business, and the spe- ciai lnsirecuooH no rrceivru , iruw uuc 01 the most fasbUnaoie nouses in new jcotk, ha a nmrvilAnl tn rklf.4A inn rrirtKt lasiiuuous id hwiv..'" V" - .' ' .! 1 " .. - I i. l.-i: H. -nnM not f hla natrons thai Interest Will be charged on all accounts Bti,A i tK cYnlMfmiv nf ihtrtv dava. :1 j'.Ui)' Feb 8 6m The Raleigh Sentinel Drtetor ;W. E. rell and !5eavonMia., r. THE SENTINEL is an Indepen dent Newspapera warm supporter of the Union and tne uonstitution, or an- dfe Johnston our magoanlmons Presi dent, and his policy, and s devoted espe cially to the recuperaiion aud prosperity or tne ooutn ana oi nuim wuuu It labors' to promote . harmony, good jeliog and equal rights among all the tates, but 'will, rebuke all uofoonded xpressioos against tne loalty ana tne ntegrtt oi we dooiuctu peopie. news aud market departments. . ,. ws and marEet aeparimenis. , , . i tt.lf riroceedinss of the Lzislatore rr'r ;V ' i i.RA.nt K(ft nMrf ftnnnar In l08 0eUMUWv, vr UZ'lirl .i Jll.y' Jta circulation u.WHeveawue eqf - i : ... . i a i t9 any in in or ... IU iidverlWng ' patronage w- urge aoa growmg.nAAO oai.j -n-i ssued-ttieaemi-weeKiy w .PF .u short time. . , . i J Termsr Dally, io dvoee,'peT;yetr $1000; Semi weekIy,$6J0O; .Weiklj Jan 29 '67 . A first Tate, female: Cook Published Daily, Se miWeekly and Week ' ly, Rleigh, N. C; Wm. E. Pell, pro ''prietor and State Printer. Edited by j and : Washer is .wantqd. , , Wab oir Hax Agath : ' All Ecaopi Excxtcb. Storks at Ska Shits Wxicxco, ' i. Basxi Baoxs ; ' ' A5D ThISOS ToRM CP IS -GlfiKXAL MAKE PASTE TO SAVE BY CALLING AT 1 The- Grocery Store, Where yoo will find the ' ULR GESTr-BEST AND CHEAPEST .:UV ilTOOt OF , . V Groceries, Cenfectionaries, "Offered:1 in this market since the war. . i .... ' NSHTOIG ilf PART Or j qtto a n rv-vom? mr ioqvq tj i , w ' ' rrmw CON, LARD, RICE, SALT, CORN- MEAL, FLOUR, MACKEREL, UBR- RINGS, ;; 11 -yt i n-- i ml- ) Ji : ! i .ii u ?.v ji-VTJSIli AND ALE, : t,:j On PEPPER.' SPrnrc. QlNuER.' cloves,' nutmegs, mace, tea PICKLES, SAUCES, CATSUPS, ' - ' " V CANDIES,. ; owwuw, wu5i.t, tvawr. SODA, BUTTFR and SUGAR CRACK CITRONS, PIN&APPLE, COCOA: NUTS, CREAM-NUTS,' PEACANJ NUTO, WALNUTS,, . . ; Lemon syrup; Ji i,emonp6p, ; rasberry pop, . ' strawberry; pop, : Q ; i. 'i PINE.APPLEPOP, MATCHER , SEGARS, " SNUFF CHEWING and" SMOKING TOBACJ7 CO, NAILS, ROPE, SHOES, BOOTS, LEATHER, . . .t , , ,J 1 . ...Allof vhicliwill be sold I a 1 ducei will be furnished for Wed- dinp-s;. Parties,1 or others who may buy in large quan- titles at l i ... . j 1 1 DEDUCED IXAXES. I Call: SOOn or.VOU may lose i - Tol.n.A; n-. - : -, -j .,, , "QUICK SALES ds SHORT P BO FITS, 1 ia me oraer 01 ousiness at ine j nvnnrnv .ct17?J5? I .' . I 1 1 HkB LD1S OICIUUU 1I lOkUl U1UK IUI v . r. 7., T.i.r j tnanKS w ine cwzena oi wucoidiud, du Vclfi lor lDe ilDeral pwonage.wey nave oesiowea upoa. mo, auu uuic ui lair utmiicz iai luci ii duuiiuu.uva ui u same, with large increase. , J. F. SPECK..'; Dissolution. , . a The Copartnership which existed be tween C. U-Hehdebsos , and li. ,u. Mabtih, under the style of HENDEBSoy & Martin, having been formed to do the Stone Work for a Bridge on the Coogaree River on the C. Ac. A. R. R ad, was dissolved on tne 10th of tots mootn (July,) as the Job was completed on that day, , The liasioess of the Company wui be settled up bv u. u hehdebsov. C. a HENDERSON. i W- O.H.MARTIN.; J,uly 80tb; 1867. Au 2'678tt it., .... : Southern Cultivator . Is DObllshed monthly, at Athens, Ga. fear, or jlw lor six bwdw. v u " SabscriDtioot caii commence at an 1 la. Zv ceou. - i t . mi.'. t. tf tn t i lima, ids ijuuithwt aebmrrlbers commencing wltu the Jannarv number. lvW;, lht Sootrn Cultivator , .Marvlmad Farmer to tboae desirlnz . lham: ro0r mootbs on trial. forSlOO. ; . i v; , til . . Addreaf,;eHher Whj. N. White. AUv eoa, Ga or S. 3. MIIU & Co., iJaiumore, Jan 2967, !-';, tf. : ,1 . ; JC3-LAW and-other BLNKS printed to order, at this ofice. in be t3 "Bcitt3 ..A

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