J.QO' PgR ANNUM. - LINCOLNTON, (N. C.) SEPTEMBER 14,-1867. VOL. L NO. ,34, r HE i t COURIER TPA-WEEKLY,) -"' I. I.IJITTON. I i: Dv LLAB8 FEB AN : nii '.l be Inserted a: ; line (Brevier s'z? of .en?'-,J for each pub-.fs'-I;cttcd"o t .:;t2 ordered in the 7Pr ta the week- v. Provided, the 'lily is not limi ' . c week. ' . ..Terences are j -.. -ijifty cents, . -charged one 'tsd,to a peri: J 1 .' r cr7hci Vxquested c-r cl Kir such notice. dollar, i.i ctlc not exceeding l lines, nul Ls I'.'' ry Notices, , . ..3-fOTer five : . inls aline. id FROM V.. on. -1 ""The following Pr : J ed this morLiop; by t IV esident : .By the President oftl.il..l of America : ' Wii ere AS Tn th e rz r . ; 1 nnoaamiftiV"lB6r,ir.3 t , l States cf July, 3 nouses vol uoogress, wun exir...... . sicUy, . solemnly .-, dec!-: : I .rrar lhen existinpr ."V7a3 r-4 --the part, of. the Govern r purpose or oppression, t purpose of ' conquest or kV. for 'the purpose t or interfering with the i t blished institutions. . I- ta defend and main V - :aacj of the Constifu ' rjiesetve 'the Union with ' V. if; 'equalfty and ' rigt is ' . t-1 "Btatesi uumpaire'd, i 000 a3 thesatobject3?ao':, plishedj thei war ought H " IFAcreafJ tbe' Presid ? -'United States on ' the C . jDece mher,Tan no "domiz. i, . icU the : 26t!i! -day lef . T." 7amtm'1864, did with t' suppressing the. then exi Hon, ofjnducing all perso: 'to th eir loyaltv, and of re Authority of the United I $roc!atnaticns" o3"erin' ai, pardon, to all persons rwho I y participated ia ,the the .rebellion, except as in the," rlioss was specified and re: whereas, the President oft States did, on the 2tHh dz anno domnix 1865,..issuo jproclarriation' with' the,. r .'befbro mentibnedi and'V that the authortj of the f of the '-United' States nii 'and that pea order night be established ; t ent'did bythe same 1: proclamation, 4 prbclaia that he thereby grant: ! fWho'had "directly or inc iicipated in the then e: ' Hqu, except as" th : latanesty and pardon , ' Vf all fights of ''pre; to slaves and Lcxcep . rhere legal procc ' atituted but upon t person should t'' oath ' therein pr should be rcji preservation r. e iithercz It i.y una- :.st the -ed on in, any of any ;ition, owing or es .tates l& to 3d. -3ve 5: as ana f . the y"of i and znno 3t of sbeU turn the issue ; "and "ama , and -ited May, :ther bject end sent xresi ioned iclare :rsons 't Par " "rebel- ?pted, ation pt as cases .a in isuch i!e an j oath -arient t men iioned pre 2!: Jay' of j . .irteen ihcrein tltogethei: ' .111- frosi' the : -6v.v.a President of the xten::;T; -peci.:,.!7 exc'c"'".-beuf.'..-1!::: I".:; : -. 5 ' ,'; ca the2dr datr'of i. 18C3;fissua r cizrwst that toe in- at an ;. 'end, and ..was c:r,v,f1 t-s be ri regarded, ;;ancl,"i . - i iicrc"$t ; iDere now ?ikss-s -'ii-"l ?rr: re'istacca cf misguti- cicit'- , cr thcr.o eppesed toth? frttcit- cf te United Eirtesirj.tr'J Et-tci cf Qecr-ia, Sith C'rc!:, lsb3!s, bnl-v.zi, AibtT-i :!; f'----y Florid a frd Texri.tr-? -t3 hTTScan bsUt:b; ! C? therin by the proper civil authoritv. State or Federal, and the people of said States are well and loyally dis posed, and ! have conformed or, if permitted to do so, will - conform in their Legislatures, to the condi tion of affairs crowing out of the j Amendments to the .Constitution of j the United States prohibiting slavery I within the limits and jurisdiction of me united etates, and Whereas, There no lonccr exists any "reasonable ground to apprehend wuuin me oiates which were invoL ved in the late rebellion any renewal thereof or any unlawful resistance by the people of said "tales to the Onn. stitution and laws of tha . TTm States, and . Whereas. Large standing armips. military j occupation, ; manial law, military tribunals, or the supension of the privilege of the writ of habeas ' 1 A I . ... corpus, ana ine right ot trial by jury, are in time of neace dano-emns tn public liberty, incompatible with the individual rights of the citizpns, con trary to the genius and spirit of our tree institutions ana exhaustive of the ; national resources, or allowed except in case of actual necessity for repelling invassion or suppressing insurrections or rebellion, and Whereas, A retaliatory and vindictive policy, a'-tenued by unnecessary duquali ficatiins, pains, penalties, confiscation and disfranchisements now, as always, could only tender to hinder reconstruct tion among the people and national res toration, while it must seriously embar rass, obstruct and repress popular ener gies acd,. national industry and enter prise and Whereas, For these reasons it is now deemed ess ntial to the public welfare, and to the more perfect restoration of coLStitutii nil law and order, that the last mentioned proclamation as afore sud, is-ued on the 29th day of May, 2866, should be modified, and that the fall benefits and pardon conceded there by, should be opened and extcuded to a large number of . (he persons who, t by its afaresaid exceptions have been precluded rnm ex.cfitive ciemenry ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Andrew Johnson, President of the Uni ted States, do hereby proclaim -and de clare, that the full pardon described in the said proclamation of 28th May, I860 shall henceforth be opened and extended to all persons who directly or indirect ly participated in the late rebellion, with the restoration of all privileges, immuni ties and rights of property, except as to property with rqgard to 6laves, and ex cept in casts of legal proceedings under the laws of the Uuited States ; but upon this condition, nevertheless, that every such person, who shall seek to avail him self of this proclamation, shall takj and subscribe the following oath, and shall cause the same to be registered for per manent 1 reservation in the same manner and with the same effect as wtth the oath prescr bed in said proclamation of 29th May, 1865, namely; ,. 'I do solemt-ly swear, or , affirm, in presence of Almighty .Gor1, that I will her ceiorth faithfully support .protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the union ot the States thereund-r, and that I will in like man ner abide by ana faithfully support all laws aad proclamations which have been made during the rebellion with reference to the emancipation of slaves, so. help me God." The following persons, and no others, are excluded frt m the benefit of this pro clamation, and of the said proclamation of the 29th May, 1865, namely : first the chief r pretended cbiaf executive officers, includine the President, the vice-Presiident and all heads of Depart ments of the pretended Confederate, or rebel Government, all who were agents thereof in foreign Stages or countries, and all who held or pretended to bald, in the service of thetaid pretended Con- federate,GroverBment, a military raoK or title 'above the grade of Brigadier General, or naval rank or title above that of Captain, and all who were; or pretended: to be, Governors of States while maintaining and abetting, or subT milting and acquiescing, in the rebel lion. 2.1. All nereons who. in any way tmatd nthprwisB than as prisoners of war, persons who in any capacity were Employed or engaged in the military or naval service ot the umtea states. 3d v All persons who, at the time they may seek to obtain the benefits of this proclamation, are in civil, military or naval confinement or custody, or legally held to bail, either engaged directly -or indirectly in the assassination of the late President of the Unitea states, or in any plot or conspiracy ia any mannar there with! connected. us la testimony whereof, I have signed thosa presents, and caused the seal of ih Ui.ited States to be then upon ffixd. D ".e at the Citv of Washington." the 7th Sept. 1867. By the President, . ; Andrew Johksh. W. H. Seward, Sec. State. "VT F. BURNHAM'S CELEBRATED X - FRENCH JONVAL TUBBINK" ' ' WATER.WHEEL. This VHEEL. the GREATEST IN VENTION of the age, surpasses all other wheels In" power, economy' of water, and steadiness of ron, simple; In construction and a master pice of work manship. It is not liable to get out of order, and from its position In the flume is accessible at" all limes. ' 1 It ia cheaper than any . other Wheel (of8ame weight and finish) in market. . r , B Send for circular. 1 J&if Persons ordering these WHEELS can have them put up by most compe tent woikmen at a small cost. . . , . p Will also contract for the erec tion of Mills and Factories for all kinds of manufacturing purposes: both of Steam and Water Power. Address all orders to ' E. H. CHESTERMAN, Millwright r rd Engineer, , r . . Richmond, Va. Sole Agent for Va. and N. C Aug 29-3m.; - 32 Dissolution of Copartnership Lincolnton, Aug. 13t.K 1867. The Copartnership of . STUBBS & CLOSE, is this day dissolved by'mutnal consent. . All parties that we have claims againt-t must come ' forward at once and make settlement. Those hav ing claims against us most prewnt the same at once. E. W. STUBBS. ' . J E. CLOSE. The business will hereafter be conJuc ted by STUBBS & CAUBLE, (see the advertisement,) and we bespeak the pa tronage of the public for the new firm. . Augl6'67-tf J.E. CLOE. Richmond Type Foun- - dary The only Manufactry of Type on southern sou, South of Baltimore. . THE Proprietor's of the above. Foun dry have also united with their Foundry a comple .' Printer's Furnishing; Warehouse, Having on hand or. furnished to t order, every article requisite for a Printing Of fice From a Bodkin to a Ten Cylinder Press. Tvpe and Printing Material from any Foundry JNortn lurmsnea wnen nquirru. . t .. , 1 1 1 : 1 We can and will manuiacture in rucn- mord as good an article, at the same SDecimen prices as any foundry .North. We respectfully solicit the patronage 01 the South. RFNRY L PELOUZE & CO. ' . We refer you to every Printer m the Uty. iv e aiso utwro icH. in the Soatb to copy tnis aoverusemeni or ote month sending us one copy of their paper, ana receive iuu. yy w sucn aoverusemeni upuu puiLuasiug uo times trie amount 01 innr um ir iu us. Feb 22 H L.P&CO. The Baleigli Sentinel Published Daily, Smi Week-y and Week ly, Rileigh, N. C.; Wm. E. Pell, pro prietor and State Printer. Edited by W. E. Pell and Seaton Gales. . ' , THE SENTINEL is an Indepen dent Newspaper a warm supporter of the Union and the Constitution, of An- dre Johnston, our magnanimous Presi- dent ana nis puuey, uu vopo- cially to the recnpera lon ana prosperity of the South and of North Carolina. It labors to promote harmony, good '.eKrjg and equal rights amoDg all the ta'tes, but wili rebuke all unfounded xpres'slon s against thelojalty and the ntegrity of the Southern people. Special attention will be paid to the news and market departments. Full proceedings of tbe legislature and all important State papers appear m tbe Sentinel. '' ' ' ' , Its circulation is believed to be equal jo any io the State, If not tne largest. Its advertising patronage is large and erowioe. The daily and weekly are now Issued the semi-weekly will appear in a short time. Terms: Daily,' In advance, per year $10 00 ; Semi weekly, $5.00 ; Weekly $3 60. : ';: . Jan 29 '67 v ,: FOR SAIiE. ! '- T RTTRfJY In first - ratfl repair. Will be sold very cheap for ment montniy, an omers casn on oiive cash or country produce. Inquire! avjry of work. STUBBS & CAUBLE. this office. " 5 Augl6'67-2t. I Aug 23 1667 ! PAY UP! "PAY UP!! AH persons indebted to me will confer a great favor by calling and , settling their a99?UIf s, V;... I. need., my mOneV. ''-- - .,- J..F. SPECK. Lincolnton, Aug., 8th 1867. N. B. Hereafter all ac- counts- must be settled at the end of everv month. and those failing to com ply with the above, need not ask for further indul gence. J. F. S. Boot and Shoe Factory, LINCOLNTON, N. C. Next Door to Lincoln Courier Office." J. F. SPECK, begs leave to .inform bis friends that ; he has engaged skilful workmen, and , is. now employed in the manufacture of . . BOOTS, SHOES & BROGANS. ' Their supply will be made out of the best Leather and the workmanship shall not be excelled by any other Manufac turer, North or South. Every article Warren ted as represen ted. " No Auction Stock. ; No Paper or .Wcoden soles. One price to all. J6T Mr. James Campbell, well and most favorably known by this commu nity as a fashiooable a jd skillful work man, has been engaged and he is now pre- pared to pleise his many friends and former patrons. Call upon ns and leave your measures . . On hand and for sale, LEATHER FINDINGS, &C, which will be sold cheaper than they can be bought else where. (Jail and see. t All orders promptly attendeil to ' J. F. SPECK. Feb 2267 ' ., Settlements. The subscriber takes occasion to notify bis patrons that he has adopted as a rule. Monthly settlements; say on the first of each month, and he hopes that those now indebted will respond promptly. Those making accounts hereafter will take notice that their bills must be at tended to monthly. April 12 67-tt J. F. PECK. B. F.GRIG&, MERCHANT TAILOR, Returns his grateful thanks to the citi zens of Lincolnton and surrounding conn try, for the liberal patronage whicn they have bestowed upon him, and he respect fully solicits a continuance of the same. He flUters himself that by close attention to the study of bis business, and the spe cial instructions he received from one of the most fasbijnable houses In New York, fc . fae ig competent pieas8 the mo8t fastiduous in taste He wonW algQ notify hia patr0Dg tbat lDterest wi!l be charged on all accounts 0Qt Bett,ed ftt the ezpiratioQ of thirty jay8 Feb 8 6m Medical Notice. J. M. LAWINO. : : T. II. MEANS Dr. LAMING & MEANS, Having associated themselves in the practice of MEDICINE and its kindred branches, effer their Professional services to the people of Lincolnton and vicinity, Tbey hope to merli by their close and prompt attention to business a liberal saarc ui iuo puuuu pairuuwgo. JCSPThey can always be found at tbe Drng Store, when not Professionally en gaged. ' Jan 294: . 1 " ' MACHINE WORKS. E. W. STUBBS : : S. W. CAUBLE STUBBS & CAUBLE. The andersigoed having entered into a Special Copartnership, for the purpose Qf MANUFAGrURING and REPAIR ING alf kinds 'of MACHINERY, respect j ask a share of the public patron Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mill Irons, wood and iron Turning Lathee, Shafting and Gearing of all kinds, Hnrse Power- and Threshing Machines,' r org iogs and Brass Castings, fitted up in tbe best manner. "Blacksmith-Shop. ' We do all kinds of custom work" with neatness and dispatch. . ui I Terms, to regular customers, a settle- n Fresh Goods. J. JERKIN'S Stand. I am row receiving - t .'. ?? ..DRY GOODS. CLOTHING. BOOTS. ?- ; " SHOES. . HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GLASSWARE M,., : AND' . GROCERIE S, Together with a variety of such arti cles and goods, as are generally found iq similar establisements. . Also a fine stock of.. Ladies Dress Goods, Lidies Hats, Bonnets, &c.,&c ' ' ' J. C. JENKINS. .April 19'67-tf.: 12 V -11 -j ! Ice Ii'einonade. If you want a good cool glass of ICE LEMONADE, call at the Grocery Store, where you will find Messrs Alexander and Crow bon, at all times ready to wait 0 poo you. . J5" LEMONADE will be furnished by the Quart or Gallon to families at reasonable rates. June 20 67 tf 21 J. F PECK.-. CHEAP PRINTING PAPER. TO EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS. LETTER ' FROM W. O CLARK. ESQ. PRESIDENT OF THE tOUEHIBH FBKSS ASSOCIATION. Atlanta, Ga., April 18, 1867. J. S. THRASHER, ESQ., Deab Sib : , It affords me much pleasure to commumcau to you the following reso lution rf the Soothern Press Association : Resolved, Tbat as a testimonial of our ppreciation for the zealous, faithful and effective service of John S. Thrasher, Esq., as Superiotedenl of this Association in years past, we hereby tender him the thanks of this Association and confer upon him the complimentary position of Agent of the Southern Press Association a the City 01 New Yorki Ti e terms of commendation employed n the above resolution do no more than justice to your important services during your Saperiotendency-Bervico which none bad better opportunity to know, and none, can more highly appreciate than myself. ? Should occasion require, shall be glad to avail myself of the aid provided for by the resolution. Very respectfully, your obedient serv't, ' W G. CLARK, President. NOTICE. I would respectfully .request every Daily Tri-Weekly, Semi-Weekly, Week ly and Monthly Journal, South of the Potomac and Ohio Rivers, and the 36th deg. 30 min. parallel of latitude west of the Mississippi, to publish this adver tisement twice, and send to me at New York, each time, a copy of the paper containing it, post paid, with bill for same. It is desirable, in my combinations to procure cheaper printing paper tor Southern journals, tbat I shall have the fullest information regarding tbe sizes of paper used by the several publications, and I can procure it in no other way than by requesting particular attention to tbe need cf sending copy of the publi cation with the bill. I desire it sent twice to provide against mail failures, and tbat they be post-paid to secure post office delivery. J.S. THRASHER, Sep. 667 Box 6 939 New York. Dissolution. The Copartnership which existed be tween C. C. Hexdersost and G. H. Martin, under tbe style of Henderson & Martin, having been formed to do the Stone Work for a Bridge on the Coogaree River on tbe C. Sc. A. R. R ad, was dissolved on the 10th of this month (July,) as tbe Job was completed on that day. The Business of tbe Company will be settled op by C. C. Henderson, C. a HENDERSON. G.H. MARTIN July 30tb, 1867. Aug 2673. . - The Carolina Times, Rj P. Waring, Editor &Propob The Daily Times is furnished at $7 00 per annum; six months, $4.00 j three months, $2 50, in advance. - The Tri Weekly Times Is published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and supplied for $5.00 per annum; six months $2 50; three months, $1 60, payable in advance. Tbe Weekly News, containing 28 col umns, a transcript of the Dally Times, is published every Tuesday, at $2.00 per annum ; $1.60 for six months. ' Advertising Terms For one square, ten lines or less, $1.00 for first inserticn and 60 cents for each subsequent inser tion., A reasonable deduction made for Advertisements inserted for a longer pe riod tba one month. Advertisements inserted io the Weekly News at $1 00 per square, for each Insertion. -Jan29t67'- . ; 1

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