r. . '-r " x.f " " - . .-.5"- V- . , - . v 4- ' platform of the Carolinian. Tmocxact. J. fc'rtd ewajirvrficwi jf M Contain- iXAStdlmtmlmaairtd: ths Preservation of ths Gen J rof Government in its wKMT&utUvtional rigor ; JaiWrf Economical XdmtinMratich of 2a ' .', tioawrf u4 AJalrt, thai: La tor may UgfUly ' . burdened, and AgricvltvrL Commercs and Mechanics . 'tnantragsd ! Svjrtmacy of. ths 'CHS Law over : Iks MZilary JtvOority ; Equal and Exact Justice to aU M', 'iiu jyivaew to Xoe ; ths Sacred Bight oflnorUU$ and a ptaeefui 'jxquleseencs in . ths decisions of Majorities; ins (fusion of bwt edge, and arraignment of aU abut at the Bar of TubUe Season; freedom qf.EeUgion; JYes Sptech Frttdom of Out Tress;. Freedomqf Fertoni vndtr aiproUctkmQf tAJZabsas J to and rpeldp trial by Jvrta impartially selected. ... S Press bl Matter. Tho prcsnre of; other, matter on oar columns excludes much of our "editorial matt Suspension cf - tho "Wilson - v-y. v. Ledger. - r The Editor anA Proprietor of the Wilson Ledger requests us to an nounce the suspension of the paper, and it will never appear again. Political Editor- We shall announce in a few dajs, as the political editor of this papwythe name of one of the most accomplish ed writers of the State, and a distin guished and active' member of jthe Democratic party. Gov. Vance. We hare seen abetter frofn ex Governor Z. B. Vance, of Xorth Carolina, in which he states that it is simply his intention to hold lm position of Senator until he can get a vote on his petition for relief from his disabilities, and if that vote is against him, he will promptly re- sign. Richmond Enquirer. communicated. J The Only Issue." There is to-day but one issue be fore the American people for them to consider of, and that one issue is consolidation and Empire, as advo cated by the Radical party, or State sovereignly and Constitutional gov ernment a3 taught by Democracy. The Radical party; since their ac cession to power, have made rapid strides towards the destruction of the citadel of the nations liberties environed by thesatrapsbf thermost unscrupulous desporthat the world has known, who stand ready at his bidding to proclaim the Empire upon the . ruins of a-.blood-bought J -i- i The friends of true Republican institutions Appreciate the - danger that threatens the 'country, and are laboring with indefatigable zeal and fervid patriotism to avert the ca lamity. . The preservation of the liberties of the Republic is the noblest and grandest duty of the American citi zen, and no one deserves the name freeman who will remain inactive under the goading oppression inflict ed upon the South' by the Washing- ton despotism. "The pliant tools of this chie in air- istrate are . taught to disregard the law in behalf of justice, and make it subserve only the ends of a premed itated tyrrany against those, who, with the hardihood of freemen, re fuse to lend themselves as instru ments Vi the unholy 4 cause, f The time has -entire vrhen t the:-party of centralization-must .be checked in i ta career, and made ' to respect,th e , sacred provisions of a constitution it has too long disregarded. - We .tell the people that this is not an idle , fear. ; The safety " of our country is contingent lipon their action. I t ; 'We do not believe ; that thee-r- tcendants of "a. noble ancestry w3f. relinquish the-pricelefs bo of hi crty without a struggTeand safTeri - degrading servitude, iiuder the im perial dgminatiorfof n ignorint and merciless despot. Ve havaj state'd f ,frat)i)yiDur honest gontictioni to'the 4.PP!e- ' Te 'rcsnltidepends upon thelr;paxsaed by ?theni.; We reiterate ji cpndusiony tEat the first , step hai been taken towards the ffro clamation of anEmpifejnd we call upon all persons opposed to. that in iquity ta nniia, with; as in making an enorjr TO-eave.-.our beloved, but nnfortmtcntry-(xom the VOrteX J of everlasting fnarchy and ruin. ; A JSici in the West,' TEliEGRAPH. -oo- X ATTEST DISPATCHES TO THE DAIEY CAROLINIAN. oo- OO ? WASHINGTON. Washikotos," Dec. l.-W.' D. Waltacb, fonnerl j editor of tbe"SUr" newsppr is dekd. ' y - ; AQaebeck dlspatcBT rport the rirerjullof Hce and vessels Jloatinjcnp and "down tLe harbor with. ice. There are several ashore. There was a terrible storm yesterday at River Daloape. . Doke Alexis goes to Weet Point to-day if ice permits. - The Interests on the called live twefcty bonds being the balance of first series of issue of 1863, ceases to-day. The payments npon the new five per cents have come in with unex pected promptness. The coin needed for the payment of the six per cents is already pro tUL It U not anticipated, however, that a verj large proportion of coin will be required 'for the reception of one hundred mil ions of six per cents. : light millions of gold have been paid on account of cash redemptions, which amount covers all the bonds presented for cash payment on both foreign and domestic ac counts, all the most of the one hundred mill ions of five-twenties called in for December first, have been taken up by American and European syndicate. These will be used in settlement lor the new fltes, it is therefore Improbable that a very large amount of addi tional gold will be required to close the trans action. NEW YORK. Nxw;YoBKDee. Paris special dispatch to the Herald saj(, the government of France is very uneasy and 'exercises the utmost vigi lance. There, is great display of troops In Paris, and all'polnta are guarded by patrols every night. The police are stationed at every street corner. Th$ i public mind Is vrry ugset tled, and the general impression is that the preseniitatus cannot last any length of time. The last words of Gen. Rossel to a republican friend were, "If you have 'not before long crush the army It will crush you. It has al ways been a pretorian and has always formed u distinct party, whereas it should be natural. The danger Is .pressing. Republicans have abandoned insurrection: You did not like the men of Vbe eighteenth' of March; I aid not like them; Tut It.was necessary to join in order to Kstatn them. ,1 A Havana special dispatch reports that the bodies of executed Students have been refused to their parents. ; Several Students have been sentenced to the chain gang. They have been worklngfn the streets withi criminals since yesterday. The father of 6ne ot the lormer has died from grief, and the mothers oi two others have become insane. There Is considerable ice in the docks and on the river. , The Pennsylvania Central Railroad took possession of the New Jersey railroad last night. 4v - ENGLAND. Losdox, Dec. L Earl Chesterfield died of typhous fever. Thiers' message opening Corps Legi&latifT, contains nothing politically. PRANCE. Paris, Dec 1. Specie has increased a hun dred thousand francs. MARKETS. Nrw Yobk, Dec 1. Stocks dull, heavy. Gold heavy, IQ10. Governments ciull, heavy. State bonds dull, weak. Money firm, 6. Exchange, long, 9 ; r hort, 9. Flour dull, nnchanged. Wheat quiet, unchanged. Corn steadv. Pork steady. 13 25a13.30. Lard quiet Cotton quiet, uplands 19; Orleans, 19; sales 3,000 bales. Turpentine dull, C5a75 Jr.r strained. - Freights steady. - Loudon, ' Dec -1. Noon Consols 92. Bonds Pakis, Dec. I , Rentes 56fa75c Liverpool, .Dec. 1. Cotton opened firm. Uplands 9; Orleans 9JalO. 8alcs 12,000 bales; lor the week 123,000 bales. Exchange 22 ; specie 23. Later. Cotton easier; uplands Ju9; Orleans 9. Sales 12,000 bales for specula tion : export 3.000. Corn 32a33. Tallow 47a4G. Red winter wheat 11 and 7. Polk 53 and 6. 3VEI3D2STIG HT. THE "WEATHER. Probabilities Northerly winds with clear ing weather are probable for Saturday on the South Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Westerly winds with pleasant weather In the Middle and Easter Stalea. . Indicating Southweat winds oi the lakes, with Ia!l!ng barometer and cloudy weather continuing.. " WASHINGTON. Wa6Hinoton. Dec L The Cabinet did not dlacuis (jaban aflalis. Aft is stated semi- offlcially thai there is tto difflculty between 4We government .and Spain. Government vessels Cuban ward merely precautionary. J . TV t A ' A A i m M-ofc aiaiejoicni snows a decrease oi mree and a half millions ; coin in treasury ninety- five and one quarter millions : currency ten eighths millions.'-- : Duke Alexis rrivd at rest Point. " T NEW YORK. Nw YoRK"tDe 1. Prominent -Cubans state that tea thousand stands oi anna recently reached the Cabafi patriots. ' . The Icq holds hc hundred and eleven canal boats sear Troy, , " r Connelly atUl JaUed. . Uen Chtster A Arthur baa been installed Collector of Cn&t,omt . , A prlyata dispatch reports a areneral strike andsuspenalon at the"Stafi"ordahire potteries. Twelrecaaes-amall pox Wednesday. Nine deaths atnea Saturday.. Ahttrrivo? visited" North aide of Island CapeYnear fiostoon the 27th of November. IamenietdniaffeJThc tide was four feet Wghe than ever known before, Considerable loss of life. JrZ V v , . Sv.: 7it MASSACHUSETTS, Bcstos, Dec 1. The oyster vessel W.'H. Atwood, Is wecked. All lost. The British schooner Catharine foundered in Yarmouth Bay. All lost. rhode'island. Phovtdxicc, Dec L General Stone'e mill at North Providence Is burned. GEORGIA. Atlahta, Dec 1. The Legislature passed a resolution deorecatorv of a motiou for the payment of emancipated slaves. A movement for a railroad from the Ohio river to the South Atlantic seaboard, is nearly completed. The scheme inclndes a steamship line with Europe and an unbroken line from Louisville to Savannah and Brum wick, via Montgomery. The projectors say they have ample capital and experience. MARKETS. Nxw York, Dec 1. Specie shipments to day over $300,000. Stocks steady and firm. Gold heavy at $I.10$. Governments very weak. Bonds dull and steady. Money firmer at6a7. Exchange, long sight 9; short sight 9. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat a shade firmer. Corn a cent better. Pork quiet at flSaf 13.25. Lard. dulL Cotton steady ; up lands 19 ; orleana 19X Sales 1,000, bales. Turoentine , dull at 65a65. Rosin dull at f4.87K for strained. Freights steady. Liverpool, Dec 1. Cotton closed firm. Uplands 9VX; Orleans 9X10. Norpolk, Dec 1. Cotton dull ; low mid dlings 17$. Nw Obijuks. Dec. 1. Cotton'firm. Mid dlings 18al8&. Nashvillb, Dec.l. Cotton quiet; low mid dlings 17. BiXTiMORB. Dec. 1. Cotton quiet; mid dlings 18. Savannah. Dec 1. Cotton in rood de mand. Middlings 18. Baltimobb. Dec 1. Flour steady. Wheat dull. Oats steady. Provisions unchanged. Charleston, Dec. 1. Cotton s eady, mid dlings 18al8X. Memphis, I Dec. 1. Cotton dull nominal ; middlings 18. Mobile, Dec, 1. Cotton quiet and steady. Middlings IS. Boston, Dec. 1. Cotton quiet. Middlings Change of Schedule. RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD, -1 Superintehdet's Office, Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 7th, 1871. VU ttUU a 1 L l 1 lUCBUBf HVTCUlUbl llii, lUIlt trains on the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad will run dauv (Sunday excepted; as fellows : MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh, 9.29 A. M. Arrives at Weldon, 2.50 P. M. Leaves Wcldon, 10.10 A.M. Arrives at RaUigh, 4 00 P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh, 5.15 P. M. Arrives at Weldon, 3.30 A. M. Leaves Weldon, 9.15 P. M, Arrives at Raleigh, 8.00 A. M. Mail train makes close connection at Wel don with the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad and Bay Line Steamers via Baltimore, to and from all points North, West and Northwest and with Petersburg Railroad via Petersburg, Richmond and Washington City, to and from all points North and Northwest. And at Raleigh with the North Carolina Rail road to and from all points South and South west, and with the Chatham Railroad to Bay wood and Fayetteville. Accommodation and Freight trains, connect at Weldon with Accommodation and Freight trains on Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad and Petersburg Railroad. And at Raleigh, with Accommodation and Freight trains on North Carolina Railroad. Persons living along the line of the Road can visit Raleigh in the morning by Accommoda- train, remain several hours, and return the same evening. A. B. ANDREWS, Nov. 22-tf. Gen. Snpt. NATIONAL H0TEL7 RALEIGH, N. C, A. J. RUT JES, Nov. 6. Proprietor. TURNER'S N.!C. ALMANAC FOR l 1872, is just published and ready for delivery. rrice per cross, - - - - f 7 w " " hundred, ... 5 00 " " half gross, - - - 4 00 " " dozen, .... 75 " single copy, 10 3?" Single copies and packs of one dozen mailed Iree ot postage on receipt or price. Address, JAS. H. ENNISS, Agent, Nov. b-tf. Raleigh. CHESTER PIGS, Genuine stock warranted, for sale by A. C. SANDERS & CO., Oct. 17-tf. No. a Martin Street- 1871 Commercial Campaign. 1871 GROCERIES, ABUNDANT ABUNDANT ABUNDANT AUTUMNAL AUTUMNAL AUTUMNAL ANTICIPATIONS ANTICIPATIONS ! ANTICIPATIONS ! Anticipating abundant additions to the ac customed demand for goods in onr line the present Fall and coming Winter, we have made AMPLE AND AMPLE AND AMPLE AND ATTRACTIVE ATTRACTIVE ATTRACTIVE ACCOMMODATIONS t ACCOMMODATIONS ! ACCOMMODATIONS I For the increased wants and new customers. of our old patrons ALL VARIETIES ALICVARIETIES ALL VARIETIES AUTUMNAL GROCERIES AUTUMNAL GROCERIES AUTUMNAL GROCERIES Ahead ! Ahead ! Ahead ! LEACH BROS., Grocers, OcUTtc feces EALEIGfflADVERTISEMENTS Special jPassenger Train. Richmond j Danville Railroad Co., NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. TIME-TABLE. RALEIGH k GOLDSBORO EXPRESS. Ia Effect after Nov. 14th, 1871. GOING EAST. STATIONS. AKHITK. UBAVE. Raleigh, 7.00 p.m. Auburn 7.25 " Clayton....... 7.39 p. m. 7.42 " Wilson's Mills,. .. 8.05 " 8.06 " SelnML. i... 8.23 " 8.26 " BoonHUl,. J... a49 " 8.50 " Gol?sboro, 9.23 " GOING WEST. STATIONS. JLBRIVB. LEAVE. Raleigh,........;... 1.55 p.m. Auburn;.......... 129 p.m. Clayton,........L. . 1.01 " 105 Wilson's MUl,.!... 12.86 " 12.37 " Selrna,.........!... 12.16 " 12.18 " Boon Hill,., ..!.... 11.51a.m. 11.52 Qold8boro,..,.i. . .. 11.15 a. m W. H. GREEN, 1 Master Transportation. Approved : T. M. R. Talcott, Eng. &. Superintendent. Nov. 14-tf. gHOES, SHOES, SHOES. Men's, Women's and Children's of every kind and size, from fine to common, besides Boots of every description. Come and buy. A. G. LEE & CO. Jno. Nichols. JICIIOLS & GORMAN, J Gorman. Excelsior B00K& Job Printers. Publishers and Agents for BATTLE'S DIGEST, N. C. SUPREME COURT REPORTS, COUNTY OFFICERS' HAND BOOK, &C. LEGAL BLANKS of every description con stantly an hand. .1 Book and Job Printing of every kind neatly, promptly and cheaply executed. Compete in Price and Execution with the best and cheapest Northern houses. Special attention paid to SCHOOL CATALOGUES, BRONZED TOBACCO LABELS, AND LEGAL BLANKS. Orders by mail promptly attended to, and work shipped by mail or express to any por- tiuu jl iuc moid Oct. 17-tc. TTTINES AND LIQUORS, CHAM. agnes, California Co s Muscatel Ale, &c. A. G. LEE & CO JpOR SALE. Desirable Residence. I offer for sale my Dwelling House with sur rounding eignt acres of land, situated, on JNew- bern Avenue, ai.d formerly known as the LEMAY PROPERTY. The whole has been renovated and two wings built within two years : stone foundation, large, spacious, well- finished English basement, with FIVE &OOMS npon first floor and rOUK upon second floor. mere is a uatn Koom witn all modern im provements. Gas and Water Fixtures lor hot and cold water throughout the house. The out-buildings are entirely new and comprise Carriage-house, Stable, Hen-houses, Feed rooms, Tool-rooms, Wash-houses, Well-house and Smoke-house. The grounds comprise Lawn and Flower Garden, with large shade trees, cnicsen yard, vegetable and Iruit garden. lnere are over three hundred Iruit trees. (many of them in bearing,1) Raspberries, Straw- nerrles, (Jurrants, Asparagus beds, etc. New fencing around the entire grounds. Good well of water and cemented cistern, with force pumps within 30 feet of the house. lerms Moderate and easy. Nov. 2-tf HENRY J. MENNINGER. TT ATS AND BLANKETS, &C., &C. IJL Ana in iaci every ining Kept ny a nrst class Grocery bouse. Uountry merchants would do wcl! to cull and boy, as we Lave bought with Fpecial facil itit s to make jrood bargains. inanktultor past lavors, we solicit a contin uation ot lue same. A. G. LEE & CO. Oct. 17-tf. ATLANTIC HOTEL, Norfolk, Va. R. S. DODSOIf, Proprietor. BOARD, First and Second I loors, per Day 3.00 Third and Fourth Floors, " 2.50 SFECIAl TERMS FOB PERMANENT I0ABBERS. Octl7-ly. JEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS ! ! Gibfos, Pritchard & Co., 202 Main Street, Norfolk, Va., Have just opened one of the finest storks of DRY GOODS to be lound in tho State. Consistinc- in nnrr of Fine Black Silk Poplins, Wool Poplins! ujpicoo vioius, jriain ana nam Pophln, Black Alpacas, Shawls, Cassimeres, Cloakngs, Sheeps Greys, satinets. Ac. Hnnn suirta Corsets, Gloves and everything usually found FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS HOUSE. E3T" Prices as low as the lowest. tf Orders solicited. Oct.17 3m. s UPREME COURT REPORTS. McCorkle's 65th N. C. Reports, now ready. Price $8.00 per copy. r or sale Dy J. A. JONES, Book Seller and Stationer. Nov. 3 tf. TJOYS SCHOOL. T inS The ondershTned will ODen a school for hnvn in xuucigo, on Tniirsaay. iVoyember 2mi. Rates : Tuition in Classics and Enirliah dnrln? short term. (16 weeks) coi on Tuition in English branches, 20 00 Modern Langnages, Ciril Engineering and Practical 8urveyinir Extra. 0 itoh : nail tuition in advance. THOS. B. BAILET, A. M Not. 1-tf EALEIGH ADVERTISEMENTS QOLD PENS A SPECIALITY. I am in receipt of a NEW- ASSORTMENT OF Morton's Celebrated Gold Pens. ED. FASNACH, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 3 Doors above Tucker Hall. Nov, 30 tf. THE N. C. Almanac, FOR 1872. Galcahtel j EEF. DB. CRAVEN, of Trinity College IT CONTAINS (Besides its carciully calculated Almanac tables oi the days of the week and month, risirg ' and setting of the sun and moon, the sun's declension, the tides at Smith Tille, and Beaufort, and the aspect of the various planets,) ' ' Prognostics of the Weather, based upon scientific lacts, and net mere guess-work. Receipts for making Sausage, Cooking Beef steak and Onions, Washing Flannels, Clean ing Marble, Making Hard Ginger Bread, Suet Pudding, Endicott Cake, and many other useful receipts and funny anecdotes. It gives Statistical Information of the Government of North Carolina in all its branches. Officers' salaries, supreme Court. Time of Holding Superior Courts In the vari ous counties. Time of holding U. S. Circuit and District Courts, North Carolina Repre sentatives in Congress, Names of Members of the General Assembly, Internal Revenue Stamp Duties, Public Works and Institutions. Official Vote for and against Conven tion in every County. BRET HARTE'S GREAT POEM, "The Heathen Chinee." IT IS WORTH THREE TIMES WHAT IS ASKED FOR IT. PRICES; For Single Copy, 10 cents. For Two Copies, . 15 " Per Dozen, 75 " Per Hundred, $5 Oi) " Sent Prepaid on receipt of price, by . J. A. JONES, Publisher, Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 30 - tt. NOTICE ON WEDNESDAY, THE 20th OF DECEM ber, I will proceed to sell on the respective premises by order ol the Board ol City Com missioners, the town lots of the following de linquent tax payers, or as ranch as wi 1 pay the taxes : Andrews, Raphael $ 1 35 Breadford, Tuos 3 15 Beasley, Jack 2 75 Best, K. VV., lor Miss E. Vs. By rum,. . 38 50 j3ryan, Mrs. Lucy D 38.50 Busbee, Quent 55 00 Brown, VVm 3 80 Buck, James VV 21 25 Cooke, Geo. T 88 00 Denton, N. V 87 00 Davis, VV. R 8 60 Dunston, Jessy, 6 80 Dinkins, Bryant Fentress, T. R.. Ferrell, Richard, 3 SO 24 00 11 00 Gallagher, John 17 25 Harris, John C .' H 00 Hams, VVm. N 11 80 Haywood, W. D. 67 50 Haywood, Mrs. VV. D 27 50 Haywood, E. G 73 50 Hunter, G. for G. Sott 8 30 Hunter, Wiley 10 io Jeffries, Wm io 25 Jolly, Nathaniel 4 95 Irving, Chavis 9 00 Kirkuain, J. H 22 00 Lewis, R. G 52 45 Lockler, Bettie 4 95 Macy, E. 0 9 00 Melon;, Martha 6 80 MeGe, Lotty 2 29 Matthews, Martha's estate 5 50 Mordecai, Henry 36 00 Parker, VV. C, 19 50 Overby, Parker 107 35 Pharrer, Albert, for VV. Ballentine. . . 8 lo Pou, E. VV.,. . i 6 60 Peace. Mi&s J ulia, . . . . ; 27 50 Ray, John 38 50 Renn, Clark, 1 10 liowe, James, . 14 75 Rogers, W. T., for Perrin Smith,.. 4 95 Roland, VVm., by 11. Suggs, 3 30 Rix, Virgil, 8 60 Smith, Henderson, 36 70 Smithcrs, S 8 80 SUlliugs, Miss June, 6 05 Stone, John, 9 90 Stevens, Mrs. Eliza, ".. 8 80 Ward, Benj., 5 50 Jenkins, Aire. M. L 48 75 M. GRAUdM AN, Tax Collector. Raleigh, Xov. 28, 1S71. Nov. 29-dlw. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY. For Sale, ONE HALF INTEREST OF A DltUG STORE. Fitted in modern stvle. and with a well p. lected Stock, doing a good business and trade improving. Located in one of the largest and mot flnnr- ishiug towns ol North Carolina. The whole interest would be disDosed of if any one should prefer. neasons given lor wishing to sell. Address, P. O. BOX 102, Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 14-tf. b ' W. C. Stkonach. C. STRONACH & CO., Grocers, Cotton Factors AND Commission Merchants, Fayetteville St one door above Yarborongh House, RALEIGH, N. C. ! Agency lor sale of Norfolk Oysters. Oct. 17-tf. ISn ! FISII X FISH I ! 10 bis. medium sized mackarel. 10 bis. large sized do 6 half barrels split herrings. iihhu . m roaadlbrador herrings. In store and for sale by A. G! LEE & CO. not.-u. IVTotice. The Forest lJJXTdTl ,CoTZ toh reeum -it. 1 . w uuse me 01a nooks. OQ , W. F. ASKEW, nov. 29 lm. PronrietAr Citr paper, please cop7. FroPrietor. RALEIGH ADVERTISEMENTS RESIDENCE FOR SALE. HALIFAX STREET, " RALEIGH, N. C, NEAR THE CAPITOL. The undersigned offers for sale his admirably located and Desirable Residence on Halifax Street, within three minute' walk ol the CapltoL Terms : ft and accomraodatine. Enquire of the DOUGLAS BELL. undersijrnea. nov26-tf. . . . TVI I TTTOMAN'S FKIEND SOAP tzBrowa "d Tysttsssst CHARLES JORDAN. HENRT JOBDAK JjVSTABLlSIIED 1837. C. Jordan & Son, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS, . mrricnuEES of stiai mm caxit. A 3D DBALIR.S ' V' J . .'-.- . - ' .' Fdreisn ad Domestic Fruit, Ac, Store aoMiia Factory 153 Church St, ;; NORFOLK,' yA. -i'. OctH-Sm. , " .- (-: ' :cf ; ' - Col. A. Savaqb. Prof. W. M. Johbs. P. F. Lib. gAVAGE, JONES & LEE, SHIPPING AND Commission Merchants, AND COTTON FACTORS, No. 18 Roanoke Square, NORFOLK, VA. Oct. 29 -3m. Gibbs, Pritchard & Co.," DEALKBS IN DRY: GOODS, NOTIONS, &c, 202 Main Street, Norfolk Va., Kear National Hotel.) Dct.17 ly. T li. Heardon, ' DEALER IN AND IMPORTERS OF TEAS, WINES. LIQUORS, &C, 21 Market Street, Norfolk, Va. Oct.l7-lv. rpHE MOUNTAIN HOTEL, Morgan ton, N. C. :o: lis character as a , First Class Hotel, Is too well known to require remark. J, M. HAPPOLDT, Proprietor. Nov. 23 QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, N. C. This is one of the BEST conducted HO TELS in the State, (new and established since the fire.) AT THIS HOUSE You will find the best of FARE, Comforta ble fires, excellent Lodging Rooms, a well fur nished Parlor and accommodations for Ladles S-POLITE and ATTENTIVE SERVANTS. JAMES W. MORRIS, Prop'r. Nov. 1-lm. jyONUMENTAL HOTEL, Cor. 9th and Grace Streets, Oppo8itb Washington Monument, RICHMOND, VA. Teems, f2 00 Pub Day. , Monthly Hoarders model ate rates. S. DODSON, J. M. Whalt, Proprietor. Night Clerk. Oct. 29-tf. APPLICATION WILL BE MADEjTO TH present General Assembly for a Charte or a Board of Trade of the City of Raleigh. rxov. w, 10 i-im. ohn A. Rich ardso Joseph A. Bel GASTON HOUSE NEW BERNE, K. C.. RICHARDSON & BEIjIi; PROPRIETORS. V Is open for the reception of G nests, and so licits the patronage of the public. Guests of this House will always find com fortable rooms and attentive servants. PRICES MODERATE. Oct 6 tf. JTEW NOVEL ! " morton" house," Price in cloth, $1.50; In paper $1.00. For sale by J. a. JONES, v . - Book8eller, Nov. 8-tf. Raleigh, N. C. N OTICE. hJTeotLc to tn Parties who own the Watches Clocks and Jewelry, left with Henri Lewie for repairs at Levy's Store, that they must call and take tbe same out of mv bands within thirty days from this date, or oferepaI?P - t0 w xPa M. 8CHLO8S, Nov. 16, 1871. ViuJ iiotel, for Henri Lewie. APPUCATIOW FOtt charter: in IS U 10 i tl thj n-, , . -i-f'wiuo Will I toconVenatSif.8 of North Charter for ?d5Nmba0tb acaarterfor Saying, Bank , J I Carolina 187Lfor City. - Tlnfi Back in this I Hixxraw w r ' r . - I Octim a Octob20; 187L . I AN0TnER C0UNTY nAnD rno7 C WEIKEL, MERCHANT TAILOR No. 8, Fayetteville street. Nov. 8-tf. JUST RECEIVED. " " The Finest Stock of French Cassimeren and IIeaTeM Ever brought to this city. ' At NoT'8-tf- L?nKEL-s. I WOULD CALL YOI'It SPEnT attention to my large and bcautHul stock of SCOTCH CHEVIOTS for SfcUit Nov.S-tl. CWEJK QALL AT WEIKELS a XI) E j amine his largo stock of ENGLISH EMERLINEa, FRENCH BEAVERS, ENGLISH KERSEY8, Ac.,, for Overcoats. Something new and itjiii Nor. 8-tf. P. F. PESCUD, Sr., r ; ; ' GENERAL Life and' Fire Insurance Agent. No. 13 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C. All persons wanting policies, citlirr 1.1 cure protection against loss by FIRE OR DEATH, are Invited to make application to me, citLrr per mail or In person, before applying t. where, as I am prepared to oflcr them uiiuat: inducements. The Eicelsior Life Insurance Co., cf Xrw hi Capital and assets exceed HALF MILLION DOLLAUS IN CASH, Not Affected by the Ciiicaoo Tui, Is tfeseivedly one of the most Popular and Reliable Companies In America. Her rates arc uiu. u lower than tho majority of Cutnjuuilct, c!h : lows her policy holders thirty daja cruce in Eaying their premiums, and should a yki older become poor, or survive liia Laiilj, u can exchange his policy for a linu J.-om.j ANNUITY, thus affording' protection to our wives and children in case of our death, or au Income in Cash evert Year duting our old age, or at any time after tuc , fifth year. She issues policies on all of tut most popular plans, cither WITH OH WITHOUT ntOFITS. FIRE INSURANCE. I represent seven of the largcM, nwt popu lar and reliable Fire Insurance Coin janl. 1n America, and am prepared to usuc l''cw securing loss by Fire, on all clac of Bu:M lngs and their contents. Bridges, Kallroadaw! Rolling Stock, at as low rates as uny A N" ' Company can afford. CHICAGO FIRE. The Georgia Home had iioaciK'y in ( liic-; and no loss by that tire. The Home of New York, her lotea n ti'i: at $2,000,000, she will have nearly f left. The l'liccnlx 01 Ilartroru c incs (iuii.lt:. Chicaeo Fire with her $1,000,000 ol caj.ibh' : a handsome surplus unimpaired. Tha Liverpool and London and Gluin', 9 Is estimated at $1,500,000, and has over f ::.'. 0 000, consequently can pay t t.lLt anl nt eel it. The Atlanta comes off with a UmNe' surplus, over and above her capital. No news as yet from my other C'oin nir, viz., the Putnam of Hnrtlord snd fi-cuniji New York.- They have sent forward ailja-tr to see how they stand, and will doubt. weather the storm and report favomMv pllcai its may feel, asm red that auy I ur-f ' counted, will be placed in none but tli! w' trustworthy and reliable Coinpanie. P. F. PESCUD, 8it.. General Insurauce Ak t N. B. Persons preferring tbe N. C. or any other Company in America, cau -' through me for Polices. Oct 17-tc. KM1ADVERT,8EMENTS J J. DILISOLY, 1 High Stueet, PO 1T8MOUTH, VA., 4 WHOLESALE GROCER AM Commission 3Icrcli;uil. .1 . And dealer In t NORTHERN - APPLES, POTATOES A ? ..' FOREIGN FRUITS ,oi all descriptions. -All orders accompanied with tl '.) be promptly attended to and satlsfaetiou an teed. Oct. 81- 8m. , rjMIOMAS OWENS A SON, Dealers in OYSTERS. NORTH CAROLINA .TRADE 0LICITF:' P. O. Box 161 Portsmouth, Va. Reference: Bain & Bros, Banker. Nov. l-3m. BOCSB ESTABLISHED IX NIEMEYER, ETUEnEDfiE BROOKS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND COTTON FACTORS, High St, and Central Wharf, PORTSMOUTH, VA., And dealers in Provisions, Flour, Coaf. L'1 Salt. Tlaatr f.mtnt 1 anA PlaBter and iMitr. tcocni, wuu Lime, Buper-Pbospl Lodl Mannfactnring Cos manufacturer's prices. I-oudrJ-lie" manufacturer's prices. - -a jbo. i reruvian uuano, uirm w - always on band. . - -iv. sua 9 , - '- iT . MP