si if; ifr r 't 1 ii4 ;-! Ml y 3 1 4' 1: i i , f J if imm, mmm ii.ii.ihii f 1 - -... .-r., jf r - f T imj, r" .:.: f sasaSa",la1SSrSi5PrT 1 L 1 W'g" I.!.'!' s"'- JSO. JEt jVi X U ...... . -V .i i. aVyQ The Ctosteg Year- 1., X 5 51.. vl -1 rmt I n 3 fTrYI fTTTTTTT r - - y 1 K UAViui. i ' MJM&. THE SUPREMACY OF CIVIL LAW. f" ' . L X ZJkL- vjirrK v : " 4 i;v a. crentle spirit, o er - - VV.SB1 IS W m JW 9 w m I r .rw mmwM mmw.M M M I -r M m. mj lSWf W B A SB I iriMUlllEi ai v w fTES OF ADTEBTISIICO t Jrt'2!ri,,?iXliLi so " ?wj&,,'"""""v!!;!! 2 50 -- -four days,... .. 800 . nrtJUiif .".: 5o ne week,.... A Sprt U the width if jCWwwa, I dtz- '.. . Ratm or na uuii vaum 1 Inch, 1 month. $3 00 11 00 IS 00 to 00 M 00 ts 00 1 Inch, 7 moathf , 32 do. 8 , do. W W do. s . do. 4 do. ; 4 do. do. B do. do. 6 do. IUtw or IscmcTTnche? ffl wSSice de- ked M folic "a for !ob- 6 fo 9 saoatka. v 8 foe 3 month. i tot 4 month. MfSmonthi. 11 fore month. 14 for B 15 far 10 month. 1 for U 11 lor i - Rui. Sethe price fo' reeuii wtyi urea. aaa twenty-one exaxowom y multiply !-aj SdutM BauTfor Jp -Add one-hlf to rates for thtdally. Z Chhwwi. Add one-half .-4f5?rUie Daily. Wig Hotter JmfrrrUfement. Do n blc the rates Daily. drertiseme( for other special places charged .'sording tone position desired. AdTeruM'bont dUcontinaed before the time con tracted fonaa expired, charged the rates specified inthe t"rfor the time actually published. Pay or transient aaYerusemenia mnst do maae in Known parties, or strangers with proper , may pay monthly or quarterly, according to contract. Editorial bnslness notices, twenty cents per line for each insertion. Kait oy w uay tn etuter tutu. witn run or pa per, tl per inch, for first, and CO cents for each sab seqaent insertion. On local page, f 1 60 per inch, for first, and 73 cents for each subsequent insertion. Rata by the Wet in Us Daily. Per inch, with ran of paper, $3 for one, $5 for two, and $7 for three weeks. On local pare, per inch, $4 for one week; $8 for two; $3 for three weeks, and $10 per month. Fractions counted as inches. Adrertisemant with no directions as to time or place, inserted till forbid, with the ran of the paVer, or more. Advertisers should always SDecif the isane or issues they desire to adrertise In. Where no issue is named, they will be Inserted in the Dally. Where an adrertiser contracts for the MDer to be sent him during the time his adrertlsement Is In, the proprietor will only be responsible for the mail ing of the papers to his address. Thie tarifie arranged vpon a eyetemattc ecalt, and tre prteent t at whole range of tteicepapers. wie rnwi jui ana perjea one tn tne Subscription Rates: Daily, per year, Six months. $8 00 Weekly, per year, $3 00 1 00 Three months, 3 OOi 'Six months. One month, 7s,Three months, Price for single copy. . Scenta. 73 Delirered daily, by Carrier, 13 cents a week. Meney may be remitted in drafts to the order of the Manager, or in Post Office orders, or currency in registered letters, (with proof, if the money be stolen from them, that it was inclosed,) at the risk of the publishers. Address all business letters to THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, Baleigh,N.C. . J J J J Monday, Jan. 1, 1872X CAROLINIAN FOR 1872. Daily Taper, Weekly " ' $6,00 per year J " 3 Cents. Vrice on the Street, Delivered Daily by Cents per week. Carrier, 15 TnE working men of the country are sober, intelligent, liberty loving and law abiding citizens, and they have no sympathy with alternation- -z&and communist movements. They only ask that working men be placed upon a footing with profes- sional dignity and learning, and that capital join hands with its hand- maid, labor. I Old men tell us that they have I seen darker political days than these; I and as the crisis is, so i3 the gran- deur of the elements of salvation, Originating with a government bom of revolution,and baptized in fire and blood, the destiny of the Democratic party will be grand, as the rescue of I the country is perilous. I We jrsTLT complain of high taxes, I and our only hope of relief looks to an increased thrifty population of working, stirring people, but no such increase win oe onre wimo me prop- erty holders of North Carolina insist upon' maintaining the present ficti tious values of their real estate. . Mechanical skill and industry have made the North great, "rich and powerful, and there the labor- ing man enjoys the frniU of.hia toil, and may aspire, without appearing presumptions, to any position with- in the gift ol the people. I Governor Jewell, of Connecti cut, is a finished mechanic, and served his apprenticeship at as hard labor as ever befel a poor boy. The Grand Duke Alexis could no more unaeretand this than onr politicians Of the South. ' I man rents are the bane ot every I . . W . I community of working men, and grasping land-lords the curse of any country. They clog the wheels of prosperity, and grind down into the dust the interest and happiness of a people. 14 T ' FOB PBESIDEHT : ; W S. HANCOCK, SOF PENNSYLVANIA. -POR VICE-FREIIDENT : GR 74; BROWN ; . Platform. BnonucT.-i tirid aul ruction, of the Cbrutitu o t SovtrtiqrUy qf tht People; tAt Bight of V unimpaired ; the Prttervationof the Gr rOyernment it whois Constitutional tiovr ; 'viand Economical Adminietraticm of No v Stale AJWrJflJrmay be lightly - f AgrteuOure. Commerce and Mechanic Clothier A Suprtmacv a the Cfvtl Jr(ice to Mfthority : J? ana (he iHUa, and a WT rfeUart the Bar of ""iVZZfa: Free Speech; .eon: iw"' v f sv .... r, . wresar v - L JWM. under tkjpvJ&t of the Babeae titbu Jurist impartially sft9a- 1 v We enter upon ie. campaign of 1 72, earlj in thar . I In accord witly16 sentiment of trie South an6Ve democracy of xi. fx. we Dlaco at our 'KZZ Jf Ul nvo - ' r mast-head th(nes of two rePr0' sentative representative of the healthPolitical sentiment of both the f'at Parte8 tne coun trj anto tn8 standard we call the trpmcn t every politics. "VV have no denunciations to in dnl Ours is the position of sound argMient, intelligent discussion and cofteous speech. The life of the nion, the glory of the country, and tfe well-being of the people are at ijne, and there is no time for quar- il'or dissensions among the patri I mr cnns nr A iilpnra who. of all I T ' 7 I bethren . should have learned to t qvell together in unity. We advance a step beyond strict jtrty lines. and offer the hand of political fellowship to every man, ldt his past party affiliations or poli tical antecedents be what they may. We base ur action upon the true pyinciplps'of free democratic govern ment, an we march to the rescue of the republican institutions of a great country. The war is over and the new pol icies of government iu the height of pescefnl experiment. Recon- siruciion nas prevailed ana passea into history as an accomplished pol-: anly protest against measures that neither inclination invited nor judg- ment approved, have now no cause or ground for quarrel with such as honestly differed in opinion with the best of us, nor can any past cir cumstance now exempt us from our duty as citizens of a common coun- try which looks to the action of her children for continued life, uninteT rupted prosperity, and an onward march in national civilization. We of America have the grandest of national destinies to shape, and those of us who have passed through &fld noted the events of the past ten years bear witness to the heroism and grandenr peculiar to republican institutions, and tasting the sweets of liberty and imbibing the senti- ments of democracy, we of all men know what it is to feel that this priceless boon, bffffieathed by an ancestry who won it, is about to be snatched away from us and absorbed by that retbrseless power from whose tyratjm'cu grasp the bravest men the world ever knew wrenched the great charter of civil liberty. Leaving the past to history, re- garding the present as our own, and looking to the future as it lights up by thaadvancing lamp of experience, wo address ourselves to the task be- fore us, and hereto we invite the at tention and co-operative aid of every patriot from the Atlantic to tlie Pa cific and from the St. Lawrence; to the Rio Grande. 1 1 Public etents plainly indicate the true course for the , Democracy 0f the nation to follow and the con- dition of the country cries aloud for the re-assertion and maintenance of The" cardinal principles of the Demo cratic party. The Democratic Party must march onward to fulfill its grand destiny, but in adapting itself to the chansed condition of thins it snr- ronr! Ara nnno rf rl, nrinomloc f . - r..w.rv. v frnod iroTGmmihf: it. hs ' tk wars held. w Every property owner in Raleigh who exacts an exorbitant rent from his tenants is au enemy to the growth, the progress,and the happi ness of thecitv. i - and pulseless woria i - The M's deep tonet are swelMng ; M tbo Of thefdeoArted year. No funeral train, S .lP?ast ; yet on the rfrensd With Sblanchol light, the moonbeams LikeTale,' spotless shroud ; the air is Ashy" mourner's aigh ; and on yon Thfloats so still and placidly tbrouh bearen, , Tie spirits of the seasons seem to stand, Jjung Spring, bright Summer, Autumn s solemn lorm, And Winter with his aged lock ' breatbe ,:ome abroad In mournful cadjwTiarp's wild and toucb Likc tjb.ll, melancholy dirge o'er the dead year. Gone from the earth forever. 'Tis a time For memory and for tear?. Within the dP Still chamber of the heart, a spectre dim, Whose tones are like the wizard voice of Time, Heard from the tomb of ages, points its cold And so'emn finger to the beautiful And holy visions that have pass'd away, And left no shadow of their loveliness On the dead waste of life. That spectre lifts The coffin-lid of hope, and joy, and love, And, bending mournfully above the pale Sweet forms that slumber there, scatters dead flowers O'er what has passed to nothingness. The year Has gone, and with it, many a glorious throng Of happy dreams. It; . rcark is on each brow Its shadow in each heart. In its swift course, It waved its sceptre o'er the beautiful, And they are not. It laid its pallid hand Upon the strong man, and the haughty form Is fallen, and the flashing eye is dim. It trod the hall of revelry, where tbrong'd The bright and joyous, and the tearful wail Of stricken ones .is heard, where erst the song And reckless shout tesounded. It pass'd o'er The battle plain, where sword and speur and shield Flash'd in the light of midday and the strength Of serried hosts is shiver'd, and the grass, Green from the soil of carnage, waves above The crush'd and mouldering skeleton. It came And faded like a wreath of mist at eve; Yet, ere it melted in the viewless air, It heralded its millions to their home In the dim land of dreams. Remorseless Time Fierce spirit of the glass and scythe what power Can stay him in his silent course, or melt Ilis iron heart to pity I On, still on He presses, and forever. The proud bird, The condor of the Andes, that can soar Through heaven's unfathomable depths, cr brave The fury of the northern hurricane, And bathe his plumage in the thunder's home, Furls his broad wings at nightfall, and sinks down To rest upon his mountain crag,- but lime ) cess, And night's deep darkaess has no chain to bind His rushing pinion. Revolutions sweep Oer earth, like troubled visions o'er the breast Of dreaming sorrow; cities rise and sink, .Like bubbles on the water; hery isles C ' -LI A .1 1 ounug, uiazing-, irom me ocean, ana go back lo their mysterious caverns; mountains rear To heaven their bald and blackened cliffs. and bow Their tall head9 to the plain ; new empires rise, Gathering the strength of hoary centuries, And rash down like the Alpine avalanche, Startling the nations ; and the very stars, tt m i -a V mm xon Dngnt ana Durning Diazoory or liod, Glitter a while in their eternal depths, And, like , the Pleiad, loveliest of their tram, Shoot from their glorious spheres, and pa3s away, To darkle in the trackless void : yet lime Time, ths tomb-builder, holds his fierce career. Dark, stern, all-pitiless, and pauses not Amid the mighty wrecks that strew his path, To sit and muse, like other conquerors, Upon the fearful ruin be has wrought. The Democratic Platform. Some of the Administration organs, observing clearly manifest disposition on the part of 1 T 1.11 .. ... A - uonesi xiepuuucans to unite wun tne de mocracy in an effort at overturning the Grant dynasty, or endeavoring to throw cold water in the way by calling loudly for our platform of principles and a compari son of notes. We are entirely agreed to anything ol that sort. Our platform is the Constitution as framed by the found ers of the nation, and wc are not in the least ashamed of it ; nor have we any fears but that it will compare favorably with any good document that may be laid be side it.' It is a broad platform, broad enough to hold all honest men, and no other kind wonld be likely to find an interest in it, f r they,- having- no principles themselves, care nothing for a platform of principles. .The Democratic party is in favor of a free government and a free people, the for mer based on the Constitution and the lat ter entirely submissive to constitutional laws ; and all who can endorse such a de claration of faith may j'jin us at once with out the compromise of a single principle. When Congress passed an act last winter authorizing the President to suspend the courts and juries, and displace Governors and legislators' in any State at pleasure, substituting military government tor civil government, the Democratic party refused to endorse the proceedings, for it could find no constitutional authority for the creation of a law conferring Imperial powers upon a President, at the expense of a free government, and statesmen of all parties here agreed that Congress has no right in such matters outside of that dele gated by the Constitution. Hosts of Re publicans also take that position, and are therefore as ready to go into a campaign against corruption' as the noblest Romans among us all. Mobile Register. S UGARM, COFFEES & TEAS. Fiftv Barrels standard A and C Powdered and Crashed Sugars, Rio. Lasraira and Mocho Coffees; Choice Green and Black Tew. A. W. L.EK & CO. to investigate and report upon, tne siaius ofSboriS this coui,:intro ced into CoWess, on the eve of adjou oment for, -tfi Sdays, and which we h f fcrorably acted upoirirben. tb tbody convenes; is-what is demanded bj -thela-borinTSenof the country, n of oram lmpotoUiesociAL ail political economy mu i itit- rrM,: K?H nrnnnsM to estabtSU 8 " - mission composed of prwucttoi'eii quiring mhuis who are acquainted with X needs ol the . workingmef the present relations existing between capital and labor. It will ascertain what itPis that capital withholds from labor, that labor should have to ate it satu fied, and at the same time not to itrJgf on the natural rights of epitaLfrg8Ri izedfor work and nojfjrtodo faithful a comniUpggrvice. . But we must confess we" 'have little faith in Congress and the President civing moral aid and encourage ment to further it in its wise and benefi cent ends. A corrupt administration and a partizan Congress, both linked inseparably with monopolist rings and combinations, afford the least possible hope of amelio rating the condition of a class antagonistic to their own corrupt interests. Still we may be mistaken, and the Commission once appointed may make such revelations that the powers to be will be forced to take appropriate action thereon. It will be remembered that there was once a Com mission to perform the labor proposed in Mr. Hoar's bill, and that he was dismissed at the clamor ot some manufacturers whom his reports had offended. It is to be hoped that undue influences of the same kind will not be exertedy .or if exerted, .wilt be ineffectual to abolish this Commis sion if it should ever be appointed. Such a Commission should be, untrammeled and in no danger of a sudden termination being put to its life by caprice or by cor rupt influences being brought to bear. What are the purposes of the creation of such a commission ? Labor reform as a term has been worn so threadbare by such agitators and political mountebanks as Wendell Phillips in this country and Adder and Louis Blanc in Europe empty theorists and mJ revolutionists that thifiking sober ;nen are apt to examine every new iden and novel movement pro fessing to eman tte from the people, to see if it is genuine coin from the mint. All are not Israel that arc of Israel -neither is every glittering thing gold. The work ingmen, like the women agitators, have chosen indiscreet men nay more, lunatics, dolts aud " dead beats " to champion their interests. No wonder these interests from year to year have been mismanaged. Wild sentimentalists have ridden into noto riety on the so-called platform of. the Labor Reformers, while the thing itself for which they have so vociferously clamored has been covered up in a cloud of obscure phrases of sound and fury signifying no thing. It ought to be the work of those who hereafter claim to represent the inter ests of the laboring classes to set forth some definite plan of action; to specify what it is that the working men ought to have and the shortest way to obtain that particular thing. There has been enough demagogical arabble about " rights," " emancipation," etc. Let us have a. fair open statement and no more clap trap. The intelligent working men demand this. Wilmington Star., Joux AV RicHARDSox. Joseph A. Bell. GASTON HOUSE NEW BERNE, N. C. niOIIADnSOM" &t 3P3Z!T.1. PROPRIETORS. ls open for the reception of Guests so licita the patronage of the public. Guests of this House will alway find com fortable rooms and attentive servants. PRICES Oct 6 tf MODERATE, NATIONAL HOTEL, RALEIGH, N. C, A. J. RUTJES, Nov. 6. Proprietor. QIIRISTMAS GOODS. LAYER RAISINS, FJNE COCAKUTS, ASSORTED CANDY. By the Pound, Box or Piece A. C. SANDERS & CO., Dee. a0-tf. No. 2, Martin Street. c OME AND LOOK. OUR CHRISTMAS PRICES ARE LOWER THAN OTHERS A. C. SANDERS & CO., Dec. 20-if. No. :i Martin Street rjMVENTY BOXES BEST STARCH, 100 gross best Parlor Matches, twenty boxes fresh Soda and Farina Crackers. Oinger Cafes, Lemon Biscuit, Ac. A. G. LEE & CQ. Closing Sale. As we are going to change our location on 18th January, ' WE ARE DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT THE STOCK WE HAVE ON HAND TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. , NO RESERVE BIDS. The following will be sold commencing , FRIDAY MORNINQ, AT 10 o'clock the 23d, and continue until we have disposed or all the goods MAGNIFICENT GLASS TEA SETTS; LADIES AND GENTS' HOSE: TOILET SOAPS. AND A GENERAL VARIETY OF SHOES. Now is the time to purchase. C. W. GA83ETTE & CO. Dec. 23-tf. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, OF Ralbigh, N. C-, Dec. 18, 1871. The annual meeticz of the Stockholders of this Bank, will be held at their Banking Bouse in this city, on Tuesday, 9th January, 1878, at 12 o'clock M. P. A. WILEY. dccl9-td. Cashier. JOSEPH KHETII MERCHANT TAILOB, FAYETTEVIIXE, 8T. Nat. Bank Two Doors South ot the Kalelgh AJMEIGKU-IT. C. OcLlT-tc. -vfoTlCE TO BOKDHO OrncsATKO-. N 'wiSrComp.nywill Interest due on gue at rulton Na. iJjy&ankTNew York, on presentations There are coupons past doe that have not been presented. Holders of them are informed that the money has been on deposit tor tnena ever since due, and II they do not collect tt, it is their own fault. -a E. R- STANLEY, President Atlantic & N. C. R. R. Company. declS-tjanl AN ACT TO CHANGE THE TIME FOR HOLDING THE SUPERIOR COURTS OP ALAMANCE COUNTV. Sbc. 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enast : That alter the 1st dy oI January 1872, the Superior Courts fOr the county of Alamance, shall be held on the sec ond Monday before the 1st Monday of March and September ot each year. Sec. 2. That all process, recognizances and other legal proceedings . in civil and criminal actions which have already been issued or may hereafter be issued and had returnable to Spring Term 1872 of said court, shall be deem ed and held returnable to "tho term of said court as now fixed byhia act: and all persons who have been recognized or bound or sum moned to appear at the Spring Term of said court for the year 1872, are hereby required to appear at the term thereof as prescribed In this act ; and the Secretary of 8tate shall forthwith cause this act to be published, and furnish the Sheriff and the Clerk ol the Superior Court of Alamance county, with a copy. Sec. 3. That all laws and parts of laws In consistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This act 6hall be enforced lrom and arV.r its ratification. In General Assembly read three times and ratified the 4th day of December A. D. 1871. T. J. JABVIS. Speakeb ot thb House, E. J. WARREN. President of thb Senatb. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Office Seceetabt of State, Raleigh Dec. 4th 1871. I, HENRY J. MENNINGER, Secretary ol State, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy ot the Orisrninal Act on file in this office. IL J. MENNINGER. Secretary of State. dec 6 SOt YARBOROUGH HOUSE, Balefeh, N. C. Situated on the Principal Street, in the Centre of the Citg, Convenient to all the PvMic Buildings, Banks, Business Houses, &c, &c. s ACCOMMODATIONS EQUAL TO A5I BOTEL L THE SOUTH. DR. G. W. BLACKNALL, Proprietor. Oet.l7-ly. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, H. I, December loth, 1871. rpo MY FRIENDS & CUSTOMERS : I beg leave to state that I City replenishing my stock ol am now in this Watclics and Jowolry3 of all descriptions. And in STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICES, will be able to compete with" any responsible party. Imitation Goods are Cheap, WHILE GENUINE ARTICLES HAVE AN INTRINSIC VALUE IN ANY MARKET. A FEW DAYS DELAY MAY SAVE YOU THE RIDICULE YOUW FRIENDS, AND SOME THING IN POCKET. OF E. FASNACH, Two Doors above Tucker Hall. dec 15-tf. L. SALTJSBURY, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, SOFAS, DIVANS, Rdcking, Arm, Parlor and Fancy chairs, of x rencn, Antique ana juoaern styles. Carpets, OilClothB, Curtains, Fiano Fortes, AiaiireBcst xc. Nos. 58 & 60 Mais Strebt, Norfolk, Va, NEW Nos. 207 & 209. N. B. UNDERTAKING promptly attended to In all Us branches. The only Agent in the City for FiSK'S METALIC BURIAL -CA8ES. Mahogany and other Comics furnished at the shortest notice, as - also Carriages, with ' the best Hearse in the City, and tha Patent Rbrht Corpse Preserver for this City and snrrouud- ujs vuumry. .UCL ol. 3m. Pine Forests of the' South. THE MANAGEMENT OF THE lWIL MINGTON, CHARLOTTE fc' RUTHER FORD RAILROAD CO., of North Carolina, desire to call the attention of Lumber and Naval Store men, to the extensive Pine For est alongvthe line oi their Railway and es pecially inlhe counties ef Robeson nd Rich, mond... , , j v , These fercsts can be purchased or teased npon very fsvorable terms. Prices of these lands varying from fifty cents to three dollars an acre. .. Naval Stores, Rosio and SpiritsTorpen. tine, and Timber are now high prices, andpeem likely to continue so. ' Kumuer, nmoer and Naval Stores find a ready market at Wilmington, Richmond, or ortolk, and rates of tranarjortatinn tnn. erate ; which offers great inducements to active business men to en traces in tha wnrir Forfm her Information. the under ned will receive nrnmnt art Pnt inn ft. L . FREMONT. 3alel Eng. & Gea, Sup't, novSo 5m. W., C. &R. R. QHOE8, SHOES, SHOE.S. ilen's. Women's snd Children's of every kind and size, from fine to common, besides Boots of every description. Come and buy. A. O. LEE & CO ADVERTISEMENTS. - 5 . AND - -T; . 7 EARLIEST TELEGRAPHIC HEWS FROM t Ail Parts of the V . , . ' ' . m ft nrtTTXTT A"KT A DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. RALEIGH, N."C DAILY AND WEEKLY, PRICE $6 OO, AND 13 00 A YEAR- As now published, to the people of Fayette- llle and all points on tne unaiuam u ern Roads; the people ot Charlotte, Salisbury. rninninT Shoos. Hillsboro and all points on the North Carolina Railroad West of Raleigh ; the people oi uoiaauoiy, u .w.. Selma, Clayton, and all points Jast of Raleigh- and to the people oi au iu ""' along tne Raleigh & Gaston Rail Road, The Dailt Caboliniak furnishes the LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, and Market Reports, FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD SEV ERAL HOURS EAKiiir-n in"" ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES p-j,w rti h Dailv' Seventy-five cents a month,.or Six Dollars a year. Tl, T Ijl.tnrA nnrl fonBTCSS are DOW COm tWr and this la tne time to send for the paper, either the Daily, or Weekly. A5drC88' THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, Raleieh. N. C Change of Schedule. RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD. -I Supebintendet's Office Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 7th, 171 On and after Tuesday November 7th, 1871, trains on the Raleigh & Gaston Kairroad wll run dally (Sunday excepted) as fellows : MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh, IMSum Arrives at Weldcfn, 2 50 P. M. Leaves Weldon, 10-10 A. M. Arrives at Raleigh, 4-00 P. XI. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh, 5- M. Arrives at Weldon, 3.30 A. M. Leaves Weldon, 915 P. M, Arrives at Raleigh, 8.00 A. M. train makes CLOSE connection at Wei don with the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad anH Rnr TJne Steamers via Baltimore, to and all noints North. West and Norlhwest and with Petersburg Railroad via Petersburg, Richmond and Washington Citv, to and from all points Northland Northwest. And at Raleigh with the North Carolina Rail road to and from all points South and South west, and with the Chatham Railsoad to Hay wood and Fayettevllle. Accommodation and Freight trains, connect. at Weldon with Accommodation ana if reign trains nn Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad an. Railroad. And at Raleierh. w Accommodation and Freight trains on Carolina Railroad. . Persons living along the line of the Road can visit Raleigh in the morning by Accommoda tralu, remain several hours, and return tbe same evening. A. B. ANDREW8, Nov. 23-tf. , Gen. Sup t. rOTlCE. A meeting of the Stockholders of the Chat ham Railroad Cos2Py WHJ. held a the UfllCC or iu. -warpkay va Tuody, January 9th, 1873, at 12 o'clock, M. Bv order of the President of the Company, W. W. VASS. Secretary, Ac. Raleigh, Dee. 15, 1871,-lawtd. HISKEY BRANDY AND SALT. A large invoice of Fine WHISKEY; Ken tucky and North Carolina. Also N. C. BRAN DY. Marshall brand and factory-filled SALT Special inducements to country Merchants. A. G. LEE & CO. JJ.EW ARRIVALS OF GROCERIES, JUST RECEIVED. 25 Boxes New York Dairy Cheese. 5 Firkins N. C Lard. 25 Boxes Candy, Assorted. 15 Boxes London Raeins. 10 Boxes Figs. Chrystalized Fruit Jk Confectioneries, of a'l kinds. A. G. LEE & CO. dec 15-tf. W. T. Habrisot. c. J. Tennant W. T; HARRISON & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission Merchants AND COTTON FACTORS, Nos. 8, 9, 10 and 11 Harrison's Wharf, NORFOLK, VA i Agents for Whttelock'a VEGETATORand ETiWAN GUANOS. Oct. 31 12m jV AGENCY OP FRENCH SPO 13 LIATION CLAIMS, Washimotoit, Nov. 17, 1871. Kotict to those Concerned ; As it Is contemplated to urge to completion, tbe passage of tbe French relief bills now ated long pending In each House of Congress, I re spectfully advise the succeeders of the original sufferers cow their third generation to cold personal interviews -with, or by brief letters (without details) to their Senators and Repre sentatives, manifesting an interest In said bills, and invoking their support thereof. -. This course is tbe more necetatrv. i mcmorahi of the original sufferers-all long since dead and the memorials of theirTroper sub sequent representatives. mid from tlm in. time within the past seventy years, and now on mo ujcs vi vongress, ncing about four thou sand memorials, are, from the lapse of time, not now fresh, If at all, in the memory of the present Congress. . The direct object i, that the present claim ants shall thus make known to their aworn protectors their Interest in said bills by direct application, (not through agents). and an earnest Invocation of their aid. f - Tbe late tedious rebellion, followed by the impeachment ot President Johnson, and other over-rnling public matters during tbe paat many years, prevented any movement In this important subject; but a fit opportunity for progress now happily presents Itself, snd hence tbe advice above Indicated. JAMES IL C AUSTEN, Agent for all the sufferers lor the past forty seven years. Not-25 tf. yOODEN WARE! A Iaree assortment of Cedar and Jnnlrwr Pails, Buckets and Tubs; 4 12 gallon kegs Flour and Sugar Backet, fcc., dec. A. U. JLEE & CO. gtate National Bank of Raleigh, N. C, Decucbkb ICth, 1871. The Annual Meeting of the Stock holdera nt the State National Bank of Raleigh. NC will tbe 9th day of January next, at 13 o'clock in? S C. WfllTE, Cashier.' declO -id SPECIAL .NOTICES. tfoskoo. This celebrated Medicine tM tainea a uiku repuiuou, us a bkuablc r-m tt v. UHH.tKM, m ay lor i uin;iuS iuu u'uwu, nniorlne tO Llrernd Kidneys to a healthy actiin . . Toning up k nervous syitern. Itsn"" rous snd remarksble cures oi ti,c Wl)It of Scrofula, Djfpcpsia, RhiumatiMa, Complaint," Kidney Diacaoe, Erunlot.', I" Skin, Nervous Prostratiou, LuU- , ,"' scribed by pbysldans, and our best citizens. recoir.iu.,.,,;. j ADVERTISEMENTS. French Fasliionalilr -ANU-- OPPOSITE Till: MAllKKT Ii "I MON. E. BESsox Has got stock of the lincat, most taty and H. CLOTHS, CASS1MEUES, DOESKINS. 11 E AVE IIS, CASTORS, uiA(;o. AC, Oct.l7m. Us, Ar., 4 Gardner's Firo Extinguisher. It is the Best Fire Extinguisher io tt,. World, and standnrendr to Pt'ovr Itself so by Actual Tot. with Competitor'. -rTPfniP.Birn ll ah unm t ... J2J that ninety ln'every hundrt-j liri-j irt! covcrea in uine, ana mipnt be extin -avLi with but trifling damage, provided an inti BUU CllCtUltluc.un w mm luuv BI liaiKI . i . i i i ..i t I - It . T - . . . , ' l- laray appucuiiuu ui wunr vt nackttn. . .T. . .... ! t.:l i. . i- ... ' "''1 as iuv iiiiitusBiiMitij ui "I'l'ijing iu watr' advantage bv uch an uncertain und ii.,. ' lent way, allows tlie llro thcHaiU! MiualM when Seconds represent tliouumlP, ,; , A single insuncu in pomi : wu-n tv.. oil lamp was overturned in the cow Chicago, one Fire ExtlnguliiUT, juilinij.,' used, within five nilnutU j v i , fire out. The gas and cbeiuieulu ol tl.(rri. chines are especially ailujtcd to lia ( class, and will extinguish tluiii jr. T- where water alone is powerlcM. II umir.vV. millions of dollars were thus lo.-t t iu . and still worse sadder tliun a l Lm.J , lives were Kacrificed.uiany ot wlmin ir-..:- greatest value to the eei ntitic, cotu::.-.- j and social world. , - The aim of the 'Portable r irfKitii.i,;., is to furnish an instant and (tln tiu- ,n arresting a small fire befoie it ptt ti large one. lietorc the Invention ol tLe "Giinlmr Extinguisher" there were civrra! "f4n gulehers" and " Anuihilutora" jutm-h:. (;:.:( public as candidates lor approval Several of these had considerable iw.t,. did a vast deal ol good In amti: fira their very early stages. All of tuciu were construe Ud uud upon such defective tueehunieur r,n,; that they must be cither weight) tnjnid or tability, or operated with such liLt cUr; s, that tuey could project onij .nfc and could generate only fiiull isbing gas. Then there were other detects In mn: a them, as: having to wait lor cheinicali to oitc and burn in the machine, In order to it erate the gas that forces the water tbroo nozzle on the Ore. This was such a (-low und uncertain ij u the tire they desired to extioKuUb, U.'.-a gained such a dangerous headway U' tardy etrcam when applied, was iitt -; less'. Another defect In all Extlngulshcrs-lM the Gardner was the tact of an nnr-.-T waste ot the entire charge at every uhriu. u order to be ready lor work wIicl tl;) roW tbe scene of corflagration, they were em; ed to Are the chemicals Inside r if ii a acid machine, to precipitate the ncld lufaT.f alkaline mixture as uoon si un alriu heard. A few hours, or a day or two ut-hrl!. ' i the greatest length of time that o ! a . -treated, can be kept fit for uhc. Tbe "Gardner Fire Extinui'i " structed upon a plan essentially duT r i t T chemlcals are Dloced in sefanitu !.:- always ready for instant lice, nndH sired qnantity can be ued nitbuui t .- Inir In Mia leant t h rniiilitinii or ellK ! 1 what Is left. , Besides this advantage, it has .!!, ! marked. It generates from four t i.,:i'.r. much of the extinguishing t;a- - portable extinguisher. It throws it through aj aperture in ze, four times greater than any ot! r. It puts a chemical coating ftvir eon.! j bodies, upon which it is thrown, ! : them non-inflamable. It can be started and stopped m ' ' : all pressure from witbin ifau ''' '' from the nozzle. Tt wvlcrha Ipsa than ant' fit Ik r It will fxtina-niih more I ire. M 'u " no more to buy it. In addition to the small portable ntu. ers, we manufacture a larger nize t j which we call our " Village Kngin These are lurnlsbcd with can w, ' arranged that they will keep up ' ' Stream as long as they are supplied necessary chemicals. They thro an !': ' volume of the extinguishing i!u''!-. the most reliable engines mi. ail ' procure. Besides the above mentioned Ltn . and Engines, we manufacture una'A t-'- ' to be used on smsll trucks, or tuaJe t'-'-In large buildings, msnufaetorieH, r vary in price, according to ti': und t).'jt jLvery large establishment stiouu 1 these small Engines. They arc tn c,u''r that m . va .r, ..I ...(it.. II : ... - nmr. Ha mwmII..a -- I. .. it. ... . ' x the building to which the boe en tic or the track drtwn. Do not nnrchaae an ErtliiL'uin!.' r 1.!.:.: have examined Gardner'. VUtage Engines, ti.0"0 10 t No. 1-Men's size, weight, 7.r lb No. 2 Ladles' size, wckbt. 4') lb i' f ' We send extra Cbemi al thar1 -onr Extinguishers. All orders sbould be addrecfeJ t v LlTJCOOW FlBS-EXTlMhl'InllKK " 1 J. S. LITHOOVV, I'rt-ideM. Nos. 71 and W MjUi - LouLfU..' W. F. BxAStZT, General Age t. Dec 8 tf. lTOCEIIIES CHEAP. SUGAR, ' COFFEE, &c, &cf, fec.t d'C, V' At Christma- rr- A. C. SANPEI-" .No. a Dec. 20-tf. JfOIt RENT. The Executive Man: of North Carolina will be ""' re. I r 111 Mcrhnat t.AA..r (.ir ll.l' premises, JANUARY lt, lH':r Bond with spprorcd suret;.'' for the proper care ol the bui.-i tbe prompt payment of the r t.t TOD i: vVF.l.! Dec. 17. td. " Era" copy.