! THE DAILY ERA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, i Tn 7-Alii Letters relating to Subscriptions, or Advertisements, must be addressed to WOT. Iff. BROWN) Business Manager. All Registered Letters can be sent at our risk. Subscribers receiving their papers with a cross K mark may know that the time for which they subscribed is nearly out, and unless.they renew, after receiving two papers, with a cross mark, their papers will be discontinued. . . 3- Subscribers wishing their papers changed, will please state the office from as well as the one to which they wish tne cnange maue. impossible to recollect every bodys P. O. It is Advertising: Bates of The Era DAILY BATES : No, Sqitaees. Ira. 2 m'K. 3 m's, em's. 12 m's. $50 00 65 00 75 00 85 00 100 00 160 00 300 00 12 m's. ?16 00 26 00 35 00 40 00 45 00 50 00 80 00 , 150 00 1 Square, 2 do 3 do 4 do i Column, 8 00 $12 00 $16 00 oU UU 12 00 15 00 19 00 35 00 16 00 18 00 . 22 00 40 00 18 00 20 00 25 00 50 00 20 00 24 00 30 00 55 00 3000 40 00 - 6000 9000 45 00 75 00 100 00 100 00 "weekly bates : NO Squares. 1 m. 2 m's. 3 m's. 6 m'. i,a am 3 5 00 8 7 00 S 10 00 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 700 1200 1500 2400 9 00 15 00 17 00 28 00 1000 1600 1800 3200 12 00 18 00 20 00 So 00 2000 2500 3000 5000 3000 4000 5000 8000 Column, V do do Telegraphic News.-We hope to have concluded by to-morrow, arrangements for the Noon Telegraphic Reports. The Era will aim to give the very latest intelligence from all parts of the world, and maintain the character of a newspaper every- essential point. in North. Silas N Martin, President of the W CAR Railroad, is in New York city. Absent.-Col. S T Carrow, U S Marshal, and Col. I J Young, U S Collector, arc ab sent from the city. .New Scliool.-Elder Jos H Foy has es tablished a 44 Collegiate Institute," of which he is principal, at Kinston, N C. ' Cotton Market. Fifty bales of cotton were brought to this city to-day up to 2 p. m. Price 17, and steady. Tendency up ward. ' tAU The finder of a small knife, lost at the Baptist Church on Sunday pight, can return it to this office, by paying for this notice. . Small Pox. Neverson and Buehaunan, sons of Orren Cobb, died in Nashville last week or smallpox. A sister died of the same disease a few weeks ago. Barn Burnt. A barn full of tobacco, belonging to Dr. R. B. Thornton, who lives near Milton, Caswell county, was burned on the night of the 16th. . - Agricultural Address. Maj. Robert Bingham will deliver an Agricultural Ad dress before the Hillsboro' Township Agri cultural Club in that place on Saturday of November Court Largest Vineyard. The largest vine yard in the Southern States is said to be one near Fayetteville, N. C., containing 100 acres on which there aro 7,000 vines, chiefly the Sciippernong. - Hied. In Asheville, N. C, October 10th, 1872, of typhoid fever, F. Huber, aged 28 years. The deceased leaves, in a destitute . condition, a wife and threesmall children, tTmourn their loss. Kobbed. Dr. A. D. Moore, of Wilson, was robbed last week while on aj visit to one of his patients. The thieves stole his horse and sulky and medicine chest, clue has been obtained to the robbers. No Eaglo Killed. Alex. Kogers, Jcolored, inn! a Grav Eaclo near Hawfield's Church. Oranae County, a few days agof When spread out" his Eagleship measured seven feet from tip to tip, and weighed eight , pounds. . Colllsloii.-Tho freight ana material train on the WllmWiten and WeWon rail- road coliid the and Weldon. Both engines ana several ui the cars were badly smashed. Loss sev eral thousand dollars. No serious personal ""damage was sustained. Central Agricultural Society. This Society is' composed of the counties of Warren, Granville and Franklin. The of ficers for 1873 are : For President Col. S. S. Cooper. For Vice-Presidents Joseph J. Davis, Dr. P. P. Peace, Thomas Capihart, A. B. Andrews. Dr. J. R. Hicks, Peter R. Davis, DrTS. D. Young, S.S.Royster, I. J. Young G. II. Rowland, Thps. J. Blackuall. Howe Serving Machine. This Ma chine took the premium at our State Fair last week. Mr. A J Carrier is the Agent for North Carolina and resides in this city. He may be found at No. 7, first door below Mr John C Palmer's Jewelry store. Mr Car rier will contest at the Fair of tho Carolinas which opens at Charlotte to-morrow, for the premium. This Fair awarded the Howe Machine a gold m,edal last year. 17. S. Court. This Court . for the Wes tern 'District of this State was opened at Statesville this morning. His Honor, R. P. Dick, Judge, presiding. Mr," V. S. Lusk, District Attorney, assisted by Maj. Marcus Erwin and James M." Justice Assistant At torneys, prosecute for the Government. We ' understand that the Ku Klux cases will be continued because of the question raised as to the right of Col. Carrow to act as Mar- shal for that District. 4 uage ick .u cided that Col. . Carrot is Marshal ; ,Hon. Geo. H. William,. U. 8., Ittorpe General. holds that Col. Carrow Is not oiarsnai. i ther , legislation wUl probably be required i Annual Meeting of Stockholders j of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad The regular an nual meeting of the , Stockholders of the Wilmington, Charlotte, & Rutherford Rail road was held in Wilmington on the 17tb inst. ; -We learn from The Wilmington Star that the following proceedings werehad : On motion of the President, Mr. Martin, Col. R. L. Steele, of Rockingham, was called to the chair, and on further motion, Mr. I. JF. Alderman, andCapt. F. M. Wooten,Avere appointed Secretaries. : : On motion the Secretaries were appointed a committee to verify, stock, and after per forming that duty reported the following representation: By proxy, 2,343 shares. In person, 7,020 " , 9,363 Being a majority of the capital stock, the meeting was declared duly organized, and ready for business. The President, Mr. Martin, begged leave to read the following report: : To the Stockholders of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Com pany : At a called convention of the Stockhol ders of your Company, held in Wilming ton, May 3rd, 1872, a resolution was passed to make effort to raise an amount of money sufficient to relieve the Company of its present embarrassments, and retain the control in the hands of the Stockholders. In case of failure to raise the required amount, then the Directors were instructed to offer no opposition to the foreclosure. There was no money raised. About the latter part of June, proceedings were com -menced by the first mortgage bond holders, and the Superior Court of. New Hanover county appointed receivers, who have now the control of the affairs of the company. The control of the Board of Directors ceased on the taking possession by the Court, and it has not attempted to exercise auy author ity since the court has taken charge, - which he submitted. i On motion, said report was received. Mr. Cronly moved that the following res olutions, adopted by the Stockholders at a meeting held in this city on the 3rd of May last, be received : V " - Whereas, It is every way desirable that the control of this road shall be kept in the hands of the Stockholders, and that every honorable effort shall be made to accom rdish that rjurnoso. and ' Whereas, It appears from the report of the President ana .Directors tnat jkjuo.uuu will be required to pay the amount due for advances on first mortgage bonds, pledged as collaterals, and to nav the interest on Januarv couDons. an additional amount of 80,000 will be due on the 1st of July next to pay interest falling due then, Resolved, That a committee to consist of three from each county along the line of the road shall be appointed by the Chairman of this meeting, whose duty it shall be to open subscription lists for the purpose or raising means to pay offthe debt and extend the road, for which they shall receive second mortgage bonds at fifty cents on the dollar ; that the said Committee shall report to the Directors as soon as practicable. Resolved, further, That if the Company shall be unable to meet the interest on its bonded debt by July 1st next, according to the terms - of the mortgage, and if no ar rangement can be made with the bond holders to avoid foreclosure of the mortgage, and if the bond-holders shall determine to institute legal proceedings for the sale of the road, as provided lor in the mortgage, that then good faith on the part of the Com pany requires that no opposition shall be made on the part of the Company to the foreclosure of said mortgage. Upon which he called a stock vote. The vote having been taken the result was as follows : ' , ' . For rescinding, .kZ Against rescinding, 6,674. The motion was lost. On motion of Mr. Kerchner, the Conven tion proceeded to elect a Board of Directors, which resulted as folio ws: . Wilmington Silas N. Martin, Edward Kidder, F. W.JKerchner, M. Cronly. . Richmond County B. F. Little. .Anson County Thos. S. Ashe. Union County H. M. Houston. Charlotte J. L. Brown, R M. Oates. Tiinoolnton W. H. Michael. Oleaveland County J. A. Ward. ' On motion of Mr. Kerchner, the next an nual meeting was appointed to be hem in Charlotte, on the third Thursday inOctober, 1873. After a customary resolutionof thanks to the Chairman and Secretary, the Conven tion adjourned sine die. To tlie Business Men of Kaleigh. This number of Tije Era will be left with the business firms of this city, who are re quested to examine the paper prior to a visit from a Representative of The Era who will callipon our citizens for the purpose of soliciting subscriptions and advertisements. It.shall be our aim to aid in building upon our State, and as we are located at the Cap. itol, wevshall do whatever we may be able to do to promote the prosperity of the city of Oaks and the happiness of the people. ,.,.,,, , -..w,, ,. :. Mlt- 'our daUy lit in this city. Ou; rates are low and we shall be glad to enter into contracts for advertisements with the business men of Raleigh, and to jriace their names on our books as subscribers. Hanged-Martin Baynard, who was convicted with Columbus and Govan Adair at Hendersonville one year ago of the mur der of SUas Weston and three of his chil dren, was hanged at Hendersonville on Friday last. v He was twice respited, and made a confession before the Adairs were executed, in which be stated that Hender son Adair, Columbus, Govan, Craton, and Avery, all sons of Henderson, and himself, murdered Weston and his family. The old" man and Craton and Avery were ar rested uoon this confession, and are now in jail at Rutherfordton The State prpposea to make a witness or uaynaru, uui uuy Caldwell refused to further respite, and he paid the penalty of his crime on Friday last. ' - i i j. -i rioiitfist. Mr. W. F. JJC liSatt ua i vi v w Green, of Franklin, who was - defeated for the House of Representatives by Mr John H Williamson, has served notice on Mr Williamson that he (Green) will contest Williamson's election: Cause The registrar did not attend at Freeman's precinct with the registration book on Saturday before the election as he was required -by law to do. This precinct gave Williamson ninety two majority. Mr. Green was defeated? seventy votes. To vri ii r. Mr. Thos. MorrisoB, who - - -r- - .-wrf t the shops of t oF arTekriy ro- most oainful Injury sustained ?vcfy- , J . ; Fayetteville has a new tire engine. : -F A revival is in progress in the Methodist Church In Wilson, -2 ' MK A. Ii. Blow has severed his connection with The Greenville Spectator. : 1 ? Mr. Allen Bvnum. of Pitt, died with a congestive chill on the 4th inst. Joshua Whitesell, of Alamance county, died Friday night last while shelling corn. There are twentv-two prisoners in New Hanover jail three white nineteen color- I ed. Wallace, Republican, beats Perry, Demo crat, of South Carolina, for Congress, fifteen huxdred votes The cotton gin of Mr. R. F. Boykin, at Clinton, Sampson county, was burned on the 9th inst. Loss $1,500. No insurance. Mr. Joshua Sellars, an old veteran of the war of 1812, and a highly esteemed citizen, died recently at his residence in Sampson, aged 84 years. j A negro named Ham Jeffreys was killed in a general row at Madison, Rockingham county, last week. Geo. Booker is in jail charged with the killing. j A handsome now church of the Disciples now building in Wilson is r apidly j ap nlo.tion. When finished it will be the finest church in town. naiiant need. The Wilmington Journal says a little lad, some seven or eight years of age, the son of Mr. Thomas Morrison, of this city, while playing yesterday morn ing near the .cap of the wharf, on South Water street, between Market and .dock, T CVA OVA VVHJ w - -w- - I fell into the river and would undoubtedly hftvfl hppn drowned, but for the timeiv as sistance of Mr. Charles Baker, a young man probably some seventeen or eighteen years of age, who plunged in and brought him safely to the shore. The lad had sunk twice and was under the water for the third time, when Mr. Baker dived and brought I x.:. u Tf o hiA criiiant action, -and mended. cannot be too highly jcom- IVortli Carolina, Presbyterian. The Stockholders of the North Carolina Presby terian, published at Fayetteville, have elected Rev. T. L. De Veaux, of Jackson ville, Florada, as editor of that paper. ! Mr. De Veaux is highly recommended as a gentleman of superir literary attainments, a pure Christian and an excellent minister. Under his management, therefore, we may expect The Presbyterian to fully maintain the high standard of excellence which has attained for it such a wide-spread reputa tion as among the first-class religious pa pers of the country. " The new editor has our best wishes for prosperity and useful- ness in his future career. Davidson College, Meclcleng-iirgr Co. 'ri nhnrinifp. T)emocrat is informed that one hundred and two students are in Atten dance at this Institution the present ses sionmore than thirty of these are acces sions for the term which7 has just begun. Inasmuch as there iso Preparatory De partment at Davidson College, and its in structions are altogether collegiate, the number of its matriculates must be very gratifying to its friends and patrons, iwhen they consider what has been the state or the countryfor the last two or three years when young men might have been prepaf- ing for College. The Fair Grounds. There is a talk of . 1 .TTT1 J.l . Jl moving tne Jair urounas. vTJietueriuuveu or not, tho grounds should be arranged so as to have every building outside the race track, and seats should be erected so that tlifi neonle can view the races from be- grounds, and we hope the new President, Mr. Thomas M. Holt, will infuse new liie into the Society, have the grounds properly arranged, and get together at our next Fair the largest crowd and more articles On ex hibition than ever before. The citizens of Raleigh should liberally aid the Society. Superior Court Wake County.-- Gov. Caldw'ell has ordered a special term of Wake Superior Court to be held on the First Monday of January, 1873, for the trial of criminal cases where indictments have been found and civil business. Judge G. W. Logan has been appointed to hold the Court. There are about one hundred cases on the criminal aocw. one oi mu - case. There are lour hunarea cases on mo civil docket, some of which vears' standins. The term are of twenty of the Court will probably occupy five or six weeks. Killed. On the 14th inst., two boys John Daniel Taylor and Thad. Powell, both colored, were at Barefoot's mill in Wilson county. A difficulty had occurred between thern a few days previous and was renewed at the mill. John struck Thad on the head with a large stick while the latter was pass ing along the road not expecting an attacks Thad was felled to the ground by the blow and has since died. The boy John made his escape soon after he had ' stricken the other upon uiscovering iuai. uw uai piuwj killed him. The Dead Slanaerecl. it was cur- fi ranri-tvi i.Hnt.- Mr. Alnheus Faison. IQlttil J x j itja wsj. x Fnoineer of the encine "Colfax" that ex- ploded ou the Atiantic and North Carolina ivanroau. last uciv, " T,r,t trnft. Mr. R H Rountree. a Banker of Newbern, rode on the engine with Mr Faison from Kinston to Dover, and got off one minute before the explosion. He asserts that Mr. Faison was perfectly obor, and, as usual, strictly attentive to his duties. Mr. James H. Headen Speak ing at Court House. Mr. James H. Headen, Republican candidate for Elector in thi3 District, is now in our city apd will address the citizens of Raleigh at the Court House at 71 o'clock, P. . M.t this eyeuing. -Mr. H. is a forcible and pleasing speaker. The House should be filled to overflowing. Spread 5 the notice, friends, and get up a largo crowd, .' W ; einningto end. There is great room for seized after the dwu or j une, xooo, ui " up, &c. Also household and kitchen fur Lprovement in the arrangement of the against any of to department , ,n Jsh- fe, 2 f!?Sv4 FIRE IN GREENSBORO. Edge worth IJestroyetL IsniLAaici3 $10.00(1 I pet-isHo "Daily Eni.3 s Gkeensboro, Oct 12, 2 o'clock P.M r,.i The property called Ed geworth, formerly used as a female seminary, but lately as a 1 sj 1 T 1 1 . A nvr anil VvAlnrri-rirv residence by Julius 'A. Gray, and belonging to him, took firo this morning irom the burning out of a chimney. The entire, building will be consumed. The building isburning now. It is likely that a dwelling in the rear, formerly occupied by one of the Professors of the seminary, will be saved, and the kitchen also. Mr. Gray was insur ed for ten thousand dollars. Can't Come. The Liberal Republican Club of Wilmington have received a letter from Mr. Greeley in response to a letter of invitation addressed to him dy the Club sonie weeks since, asking him to extend his visit to that city during his proposed trip to Charlotte to attend the Fair of the Carolinas, in which he regrets his inability to accede to their wishes on the account of the illness of his wife. The same reason will prevent his attend- inar the Fair of the Carolinas at unariorce, which commences to-morrow. New Advertisements. t 4f Qgpj, jqq at StOneWall S GfaVe. A 14 X18 INCH ENGRAVING of the of "Stonewall" Jack sbn in the TxinsTton. Va.. cemetery. The noble Gen. Lee stands beside the flower-strewn grave over which hangs a weeping willow. In the distance is to be seen a beautiful land- natural as real ones, and many other things which make this picture a gem of art; one scape, hills aecKea in veruurB,wuui.j which should hang in the parlor of every Kniifli orn 'hnTl.fi. i . A copy of this beautiful Engraving will be sent by mail, postpaid, to every person sending 50 cents fornix months subscrip tion to X "BURROW'S MONTHLY SOUVElflBj" Published at Bristol, Tenn., by J. O. W. M. .BURROW, An Illustrated Magazine of useful informa tion, Literature, Science, Art, Amusement, etc. It is printed on fine tinted paper, illustrated with magnificent engravings manyof them full-paged and is in all i-fisrtfifta rmo of the best Magazines in the South. 59 It, tTPTTATOND & DANVILLE R. ROAD, M K . T-i-rriTT ' .4 T) AT.T TM A I 1 1 V I K I 1 1 . -c . t. TiVpio-ht Trains between Goldsboro' and T?iirvicrh will run in accordance with tae following Schedule after Sunday, October 20th, 1872. ' ' , , . Durintr the Fair of the Farmer's and Mechanic's Association at Goldsboro a Passenger car will be attached to this train rw- tha nrroTnmnrlation of persons between Haleiffh and Goldsboro' who wish to attend the Fair: , Arrive. Leave. Stations. Arrive. Leave. 6.00 A M Raleigh, 9.05 P M L 6.30 Auburn, .35 S 7.00 Clayton, 8.05 8,15 SJ 7.30 WilsohsTTO 7.35 8.05 Selma, 6.50 7.10 8.18 Pine Lev, 6.38 6.40 8.50 A M Boon Hill, 6.05 P M 6.15 'OS Goldsboro 5.30 Kw CD 6.50 g7.25 g 37.49 D8.15 8.40 9.30S W. H. GREEN, Master Transportation. C aimS ASainSt the UOVemment J WILL ATTEND TO CLAIMS OF ALL X kinds against the' General Government. Business is respectfully solicited rrom per-. sons having claims betore the Commission- ers of Southern Claims, claims for cotton rifrVi rvii .Tamfis Madison Uutts. oi wasn- ir,rt tn attend to business of this kind for me at times when I may not be in Wash- ington. Charges moderate jjqlpen. Baleigh, Sept. IS, 1872. 43 2mpd. $500 BBWARD- a t j crin1 meetinsr of the Board of Com missioners of the City of Raleigh, held Friday afternoon, October 11th, 1872, the fnllnwine Ordinance was unanimously v . . r? 44 That the Mayor be authorized to oiTer a DnrA rf fcsno for such information as ?n icxifi tn the discoverv and arrest of tho party or parties who caused the destruction of Tne neniinei wiutc ko m'fh Ootihor. 1872." I do offer $500 lor sucn miormauuu s vyix 1 I .... I 1 ipto the discovery of the party or parties Mt1Mi thfl destruction of The Sentinel Office on the night of the 10th October, inst. nu v v-.w , . W. Willi AlVililt, iuajui. . October 11, 1872. 5 4t 11 - i - " WM. M. COLEMAN, Attorney at Law, AND SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS, Booms No. 14, May Building:, x n, Tir.Tr Washinaton. D. C -Pays special attention to Southern claims. 12 tf. JOHN ARMSTRONG, No. 1 Fayetteville Street, RALKIGII, N. a, O O J3L Ti IND K H , And Blank Book Manufacturer. Newspapers, Magazines, and Law Books, of every description, bound in the very best f numbers of Supreme Court Reports I tofe-on it -harnrn for bindincr. 90 tf. I vcmM.j.. ... -- ' WANTED, efnfen women Business that will Pay from 4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood, and is strictly honorable. Particulars free, oi samples that will enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt of two three cent stamps. Address . - J. LATHAM & CO., . . 232 Washington St, Boston, Mass. October 3, 1872. 17 w6Wl mi mm w IK Sept. 19, 1872. 14 w6rn. in HI ; ,"liolea.le T rices. iUUJ ' II Y yj, Grocer and CbmmUtionJ 'M 1 - Corner Vllminirton and Martin Sta. -j mTTftV nor fv CORN per busheL v. OATH uer HimheK- FLOUa-North Carolina Family, . FLOUR Baltimore Family, BACON per ib.T j - Vv COTTON YARN - Cy CORN MEAL-rper bushel, , ftetftil Grocers and I dommission, Merjbhmit llargett Street BACON Baltimore smoked, .12 " unsmoked, ' - ' .13 (: ' strips, - ' ' - -124 shoulders, V - 10 NC. and Can v. Hams, BTJTTER-per lb. - - ' ' 25 .BEESWAX per lb., - r ,225 BEEF on hoof, - .r- : 6 per quarter, . - 6 COFFEE per lb.. - r- - v25 COTTON YARN per-1 alo, 1 75 CORN per bushel, ' - 1 00 (cb l 10 CHICKENS per piecf -4 EGGS per dozen, - - . -FLOUR per bbl., - -, .FODDER jper 100 lbs., . HAY per 100 lbs., . -r-HIDES green, per lb., - . - dry, per lb., -LEATHER per lb., -LARD per lb.. 17 4 ' 30 2 0 25 7 50 g8 50 v 1 00 .75 $ L 00 . t (g) ' 7 :.. 13 a J4- 30 t 40.. 124(3) 15 30-v50 MOLASSES per gallon, " Golden Syrup, MEAL per bushel, - - J 00. 00 il 10 , 60 70 : tl OATS per busnei, - - in Sheaf, per hundred, PORK- - - - POTATOES irish, per bush., sweet, per bush., SUGAR crushed, " extra C., -" P. R., -' common, SALT per sack.- TALLOW per lb., V .1 VINEGAlt per gallon, Cotton Mairliets. -. by ' y s -r. .. GEORGE T. STKONACH, Dealer in Cotton and Ivavac store, Mafket and Martin Streets. .;,, Receipts ai Raleigh, - - - 400 1 bale . quotations: , J. , ,; ,. Ordinary? - -Good ordinary, 15 16 Low" middling, - T-OTICE ! The undersigned having on the 3d of Oc- tober, 1872, taken, out Letters or Adminis tration on the estate of A. J. Davis, deceas"-' ed, of Wake county, hereby notifies all per sons having claims against saicr-estate- to present the same for paynjent ort tor before the 20th. 01 uctoner, 10s, or uus-nouce wjui be pleaded in bar or their collection. Those indebted to said estate f?ill please call and settle. .Furtlier,,Potice,..' , I shall sell at public auction', for cash, at the late residence of the said A. J, uavis,. on Wednesday, the 20th of November, 1872,1 About 100 barrels or corn, , , 225 bushels of wheat, . ; . , . ; the shucks and fodder from 100 barrels of corn, some 40 or ou ousatus ui giuo, uu quantity, ol wheat straw, a quantity oi wt ton, sweet potatoes, &c. . Also, two .fine mules, a two-borse wagon one ox cart, one head of cattle, including beeves, milch XtR To or 20 hogs,' including'.i). fs..tenlnff hoes. shoats Ac , r h A1 farming utensils, including ploughs,, h scythe blades, wheat . fan, cutting cfusnin2 machino for making syr sruns other articles too tedious to mention 'iha .sale to begin at 10 o'clock, on the 20th of November, ana to continue irom aay w-uy until all the property is sold. k . ' ) i. This the 17th dav of October, 1872. 18 w6w W. TGTJNTER, Admin ist'r. : -? ' -! h f.-T . f'-'j OTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA; " 0 ; NOBTHAMPTOK'COUNTY. Wm. J. Bradley, as Administrator of John W. Bradley, deceased, plaintift , . against t , Heirs at Law of John "VV. BrsdJqyi Defend ants. To maKe ueai .estate asscis. An action having been commenced and a issued therein, asralnst the heirs at law of John W. Bradley, deceased, rP tumable :t the Clerks ofrlce in Jacksorr, Northampton county,-N;C; on the 2d day or juecemDcr, A D.V 1872. irihich the " flirwv kV author tv foUUTtb -land o $- on51 'Tnhn w. Rrnrllev for assotsU and t i iiiv cm" wv.. ' ti . r - ri r ' unhmrinfl- to the satisfaction of the Cou thaf the defendants. Elizabeth Moore-. -Ws-J, Moore. Nancy Morgan, Benjamin Morgan George E. Bradley and -ZebideeJ5iacUew are non-residents, it is ordered bytha Court that publication be made, once a weex, -ror six successive weeks, in The CarolinaErat a newspaper published in the city of Raleigh, hn caU timn ntul nlaoe.' and answer? demur to the complaint, or petition, in said action tiled, or judgment will pe renaerea wu.nw.:'N: R. Cpom. Clerkofthe Su perior Court lor the county of North l. s. uenpton, at tlie Clerk'a uttico ill Jack . son, this the 7th Uiy oi uctooor a. u., 1S72. JN. XL. UUVM,, JiertL ; Superior Court JJortliamptoncoqnty, IS w6w. ''r..'", V - CITY HOTEL, , . C'ornerof 'Wiliniiisaii and Xarlc Htm. .... ,T ; - t ' ; J (Formerly, Ccoko's,) 7 GOOD AND COMFORTABLE OOMS, attentive servants, an4 a Table saipplied wi tit the Best the Market affords. L; J Hates of Boaud Per day, . . Per week, '.9 00 , , jr rPer month, t0 00 ! ,v 'J. .B. BRYANT, Proprietor. October 10, 1872.,, f Mtri-wwlm. T will ell to the highest maacr, iorcasn. ! lorirla Bullock, dec, and others, the property one : - Harvey, to satisfy an cxecuiionjn my hands, in favor. or the State of North ; I troiina. lor line. . .J!!jIlI-MOORE,hcrinl s of Granville ounty. N.C " it.- Jfeleigh, fMarkts. 171 11 ; i25 t 15 Hi t 11 22J 30 25 f 0 7 35 9 -io; 75 i oo ; 50 '75 20 0Q. 16 1G 15 00 yi24 00 J -.; 3 25 7 10 40 -60 on the 21st day of October, lJtacrejrtf Land, in the county of Granvilley adfoinjng National Hcpubllcan Ticket. For President, , ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice-President, HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts For Presidential Electors: .For Vte Stats at Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe. rouiuci r . l'niiiips, or wnkc. For the Districts, -Edward Ransom, of TyrrelL , William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover. James H. Headen, of Chatham, , -5pr.C Walscr, of Daridson, vtt t Q- iynum. oi Lincoln, m James O iuiy, of Roan Yin. James 31. .ja8tiCeCRr4herford. National Republican Ticket. For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. .For Vice-PreshU-tit, HENRY WILSON, of MasaachusHta For Presidential Electors: For the StaU at 'Largc Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, . Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake. 'For the Districts, : , : I. Edward Ransom, of TyrrelL H. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, III. Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, IV; James H. Headen, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, VL William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, VII. James G. Ramsay, of Rowan, Vni. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. National Republican Ticket. . For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice-President, HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts For Presidential Electors : For the State at Large, Marcus Erwlri, of Buncombe, Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake. For the Districts, L Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, n. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, HI. Joseph 0. Abbott, of New Hanover, IV. James H. Headen, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, VL- William 8. Bynum, of Lincoln, YtL. James G. Ramsay, of Rowan, jVIII. James M. Justice, of Rutherfonl. National Republican Ticket. . For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice-President, HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts Fori PiiEsiDEN'f ial Electors : For the State at Large, Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, Samuel F. Phillips,, of Wake. For the Districts, I. Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell. , n. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, m. Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, IVK James H. Headen, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, VI. William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, V1L e James G. Ramsay, of Rowan, Vm. James .31. Justice, of Rutherford. National Republican Ticket. , For President, ; ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice-President, HENRY WILSON, of M.;wtachus4'tts For Presidential Electors: For the State at Large, Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, Samuel F. Phillips, of W ake. For tie Districts, Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, James H. Headcn,of Chatham. Henry C. Walser; of; Davidson, v:n;.m fl. Rvnum. of Lincoln, L II. IU. IV. V. VI. VIL James O. itamsay, oi -" , VHL James M. Jostfce, of Rutherford. t-i! i YAiktiikifrMtn Ticket. For PreMidcni, ULYSSES S. GRANT, uMlliiioix. For Vice-President, HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts Fob Presidential Electors : For the StaU at large, Marcus Erwin, pf Buncombe, Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake. . For the District , ' I Edward Ransom, of Trrrtll, H William F. Loftin, of Unoir, III. Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, IV. James H. Headen, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of VL William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, VII. James G.4 Ramsay, of 5-. , VIU. James 31. Jnstiee, nf Kntherford. VL t 1. n.nffa. Wnnd flfsrintB. - I " A '