THE DAILY ERA. WM. M. BROWN, Manager: Fayetteville Street, old Standard Building. THE; DAILY; ERA: OH j3 EL 3 CI era Ay : : :: 5 : l M Ml Casii Invauiably in Advance: THE DAILY ERA will be delivered "any where ia the City at Pitteex Cbhts a week, payable to the Carrier, weekly. , Mailedt $7 00 a year ; $3.50 for six months; $?.00 for three months; and Sevektt Fivk cents a mooth , . t" ... .-- TRI-WEEKLY ERA 3 00 a jfiir. WEEKLY ERA ,$1.03 a year. ni i . . r9 XZ3U ; Ono quare.rix laiiertloB8tU.';.i.4i..-.i-.. M ----- '.- 1 One pqture, three month, .j " ' jg m - , - One pqnare, lx months, . Ai go (4 - One square, twelve month.... ... 60 00 Vol. 2. Raleigh, Tuesday Afternoon, October 221872 . ..."VT CtCl tnAe. Anjhch lcnffthwW ihe column t a ! Hibarc . 1NO. UVy JUt" for the" WwkVnaTrf.WTriinTB - . i General Directory. IT. S. GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS. . U S Marshal Samuel T Carrow, office Club House, Hillsboro street. U' S Internal Revenue Collector, 4tii District I J Young, office on Eden tou street, ijear National HotcL ..- , U S Assessor, 4tii District Wiley D Jones, office Andrews' building, Hillsboro street. J .. ' - f- TJ S Commissioner R W Best,-office on Hillsborp street. ;U -S Commissioner A W Safi'er, office Avitli Marshal. ' ST7TRnVTsnil Txturn AIi Revenue P W Perry, office AndreAvs' building, Hillsboro street. STATE GOVERNMENT. . , Txl 11. Caldwell, Governor. . John 13. Neathery, Private Secretary. U. J. Menninger, Secretary of State. Andrew is vine. UierK.. Attorney General Win. M. Shipp. David A. Jenkins, Public Treasurer. Donald V. Bain, Chief Clerk. A. D. Jenkins, Teller. II. Adams, Auditor. A. J. Partin, Clerk. Alex. Mclver, Superintendent of Public In struction. . C. L. Harris. Superintendent of Public Works. - John C. Gorman, Adjutant denerai. V. C. Kerr, State Geologist. 1 Patrick McGowan, Keeper of the Capitol. Theo. II. Hill, Librarian. CITY OFFICEKS. Mayor Wesley Whitaker. Commissioners Western Ward, J. C.Gorman, Albert JoLmson, Norfleet Dunston. Middle Ward, K. P. Battle, M. W Churchill, W C. Stronach. Eastern Ward, J. P. Prarie, A. N. Upchurch, Stewart Ellison. . City Attorney Quentin Busbee. , Treasurer M. W. Churchill. City Clerk and Tax Collector M. Grausman. City Surveyor Fendall Beavers. Weigh Master A. Sorrell.- Chief of Police and Clerk of the Market James King. Assistants to Chief of Police 1st, B. II. Dunston- 2nd, C. M. Farrls; 3rd, Alford Mitchell. Street Commissioner J. T. Backalan. Captain of Night Police Joseph Watson. Seargeant of Night Police Charles Hunter. Police Nathan Upchurch, Jas. Doyle, J. M. Petross, Martin Thompson, Howell Moss, Robt. Wyche, and Wm. Durham. Janitor Oliver M. Roan. . WAKE COUNTY OFFICERS. 'Sheriff T. F. Lee. Deputy Sheriffs-J. J. Nowell and A. Magnin. Superior Court Clerk and Judge of Probate J; N. Bunting. Deputy W. P. Wetherell. County Treasurer Wm. M. Brown. Kmrictornf IWHo V W Whitfi. Keeper of the Poor House Riley Yearby. Keeper of the Work House J. II. Furguson. bounty Commissioners Robt. W.Wynne, M. It. Todd, Wm. Jinks, John It. Caswell, S. Rayner. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS Maleigh. Magistrates W H Harrison, W Whitaker, D A Wicker, Norfleet Dunston, R C Pettiford. Clerk, John E Williams: Constable. J A Porter. School Committee, Mingo G Groom, Joseph Watson, J C Gorman. Barton's Creek. Magistrates, J II Hutchison, John Norwood. Clerk, J D Allen. Constable, J K Nipper. School Committee, Puckner Nipper, J M Adams, James Ray. Oak Grove. Magistrates, B Y Rogers, H W Nichols. Clerk, J P Beck. Constable, M V Rogers. School Com mittee, J D Hall, D Carpenter, J Penny. Panther Branch. . Magistrates, J II Adams, W D Turner. Clerk. W L Crocker. Constable, Jas Adams, jr. School Committee, Ransom Gulley, S M Williams, Hugh Blalock. St. Mary's. Magistrates, W I Busbee, J G Andrews. Clerk. S C Pool. Constable, A Stiirdevant. School Committee, S Ivey, C Baugn, femun. Wake Forest. . Magistrates, G A Sanderford, A L. Davis. Clerk tr T3v nm nnnctohlp TTnt. Watklns. School Committee, W R Stell, Jos Carpenter, G S Pat terson. White Oak. Magistrates,V'C Council, A B Freeman. Clerk. W R Sui tConstable, G A Upchurch. School . . . . T T O . . , . AIT ATT Timlin. Comnuttee, AUJones, u vjt oeuis, t xxuhc man. ' Swift Creek. , lagistraies, n i; auuius. y .i x n-ic. ym., CH Stephenson. Constable, WHUtley. School Committee, P Yates, T G Whitaker, W A Keith. Middle Cieek. Magistrates, W II Stinson, J A Adams. Clerk, J D Ballentine. Constable, S L. Jones. School Committee, A E Rowland, Allen Betts, A J Blanchard. ' New Light. Magistrates, J O Harrison, F J Bailey. Clerk. W J Ward. Constable, W H Mangum. School Committee, J D Turner, J A Powell, P M Mangum. Buck Horn. Magistrates, W B Jones, J T Adams. Clerk, D B Holland. Constable, W H Norris. School Committee, Jas C Ragan, M B Royster, W G Burns. , , Cedar Fork. Magistrates, C J Green. O H Page. Clerk, S F Page? Constable, A. S Pollard. School Commit tee W M Marcom, J W Booth, S F Page. Houses' Creek. Magistrates, Isaiah King, J D Hayes. Clerk. Riley Yearby. Constable, W R Perry. School Committee; Chas Cooper, Green Sanderford, H jenreys. .- ' , Little River. r. icfMt P Priwtf W TTartsfield. Clerk. A - 'K1o A TPlnhonlenn -ir 1 1 nn 1 Committee, r i nwirwiuciu, " vnu""-, Jefferson Jones. . , Marks Creek. Magistrates.-M GTodd, WARhotles. Crk. L W Hood. Constable, J F Rhodes. School Committee, J WIarshburn, II W Rhodes, J J Ellis. St. Matthews. Magistrates, Geo A KeithyJ A Hodge. Clerk. NBWilliamZ Constable. BlVButtaloe. School committee, ljeonara mim, joihi iwgi:io, Watson. MASONIC. tttpim Lodoe. n 4n A. a. ILoe. Master. Masonic Hall, corner Dawson and Martin sffc, Aleets third Monday nieht in each month. Wm. G. Hili. Lodge, No. 218 wm. Simpson, Master, Masonic Hall corner Dawson and Martin streets. Meets second Monday night in each month. Raleigh ChapteS, No. 10, R. A. Masoxs. Dr Wm G Hill, H P., Masonic Hall, corner Daw ' son nnd . Martin streets. Meets Tuesday night after 3d Monday in each month. Enoch Cotjncii.. No.' 5, JRotai. and Setect Masters. John Nichols, Thrice Illustrious Q. Master, Fasonic Hall. Meets 1st Monday night in each month. . . I. O. O. F. Mnteo Lodge, No. 8, 1. 0. 0. F. MW Church ill. N. G., Odd Fellows Hall, over Citizen's -National Bank, corner of Fayetteville and Martm streets. Tues night of each week . " Seatoji Gales Lodge. No. W, I. O. O. F.-J O S Lumsden, N. G. Odd FUows'HaU, Thursday night of each week. ; - McKee Encampment No. 15 I O O F. J C 8 Lumsden. C P. Odd FeUow's Hall, second and fourth Friday nights in every month. : THE DAILY ERA. . TUESDAY, OCTOBERsf2, 1872. THE NASBY LETTERS. TTr. asbv Goes Forward to Ar range His Experience- flQs Con clusions as to rofit Iie Tour. ClIAPPAQUA. rk,) t 12. j (wich is in the State uvNoo York, T om lidrp ftnfn tt rhnnreinua. and I am clad uv it. I don't live here ez hie-h ez.1 did on the road, but to offset that, I hevn't the grindin anxieties. And things is better here than at first. I wuz terribly afraid uv Greeley's m- fimcn tomnranm rrinfinlftS. find WUS bUIJQV' . VVJLAJI w f'- -" 1 V I afeered to take a drink in his presens, hnt his nosishen on likker is modified, th same ez it is on the tariff. He sez Hp i an inflexible temDrance man yet. but he is willin that it shel be left to the npnnlfi nf thfi non?ressional dee- stricks. "You are uv the people," sed he, "and the question has not birfpassed nnon " 1 drinK. mereiore, witn irw ' nnm. At the time I left the party at Pitts burgh. It wus decided that- we shood TrJiiDKnl TVTAADiaVlfiri Cl Pin. I cinr ti, the same at Looisville, and re- l$ short, all he hez left is my pekool turi thence quietly and unosterrtashus- yer friends in the South, and the old ly by the way uv Nashville, Memphis, en- t .rria Tnrl io nn rn i fllpvpland. and St. Loois, Indianapolis, Cleveland, and then thro Pennsylvania, our toor uem nnA nvinhsprvation uv industry, we proposed to go quietly, and without regard to politikel effect. The great pv is nnnnserKtn candi- Hates .cm in nhont seekiner ovashons, and m a r i n rr . iocxh PS for VOt.PS. f TO III DalHS nvii-s P7 thp t.vrant and desnot Grant Hpps Rann'r route lav throusrh the Cross Roads, I felt it a dooty I owed the party uv neace and neconcmasnun iu go nbpnd nnd nrpnare the wav. I hastened to Looisville and from there struck Snnth T notifipd the Dimocnsy uv every stashen what to do, reservin the Cross lioads lor my own nanus. found my little flock in condishen Wa c fin nnvthinjr T wanted em. we raked over the rooms uv the nigger h hftd bin burnt one nio-ht. six v asro. and sodded the The nost on wich l -1 1.: i Un l-,rtK?- iit h O n cri n O" WH UJ.11 111 Ulu iicbuiv I . ' 1 . .-I 1, I 1 rVi I nirffrorc WA QnWPH I ITT . MT1I1 Wllltt! vi i 311- ori if .nnvprfin it. into a most bL.nd, VV. A V V. t innocent and conciliatory hitchin post, and we positively forbid any uv our viortrl frnm otTprin anv indifirnity to nnr NTorthprn fpllow-citizens till after fhft Prpidpnshal cavalcade nassed thro. r Tniinb fnr thp f!ross "Roads. Now the pint wuz to get up aiirdpc11- atory spectacle to greet vn sage .u c Hp. our railroad stashen. I hed the Confederit flags all taken down and Union flags put in tne places, me rlorwAt hnnnpnwl to bft the T)laCe MS moot? no- nnr TCn Klux. andI hed the - o i in n ... v r ' J. ... 1 . 1 l.Xi I 4-1 T ct ikaliv tnev Kin ue guiai nucginy . fhthpr chanares ez se- too tori thArsplvp to a muskeler mtel- I I I M 111 tlA k V - O inn- r nut t.llO r ICt PP 111 SniLIJe 1U1 Ull 1111 rrpssivp seene when the Presidential rvivrtx Qhood nnss. I hed a tablo a ranffPfl T hired four nissrers at $5 apiece, to stand on the platform in an ofturmri with Tssaker Gavitt. Kernel Ai.ToifoT "Rsispnm- and Deekin 1 r fSSrv Taved T the BtaT SDangled solemnly wavw uio , t & .nnr nlocnoVl Vl O TI H Q With em. Willie 1 Banner over em, smiling sweetly over tne peaceiui conuisnuu uv w"oq' The day arrived and the niggers and Aiivman urriro limmntlv on hand. The toot uv the engine wuz heard in the p.nt above the stashen, and the tablo wuz organized. It hed em in a semi pi rplp-1 standi nsr i est behind em with lvrQUc-cxT Tro-mm nnd several uv our vounp ladies iust back uv me on bench- ctnilin orvnrnvino'lvl It WUZ S co a oiiii ' . . fiiin tQhin Tho train come in, ana tetcmn tamo, ine jnui. ..... r- SMS? Greiley tfie gr Pac flea- for Moms ureeiey ui grcub x ,v tuf. .. j 11 nl,,if 9 -vynatin tnunueru-auu. sed the conauctor. t , rwnere is reeiey x u. , cold sweat nreaKing out un u: "TT a rhanired niz minu anu vvcut Indianapolis" sed the conductor. "Aint he aboard the train ?" demand " O 7 . ed Issaker. "No!" "Nor none of his party?" iTVb-o flint vnn hlaf.k euss." sed Is saker strikin his colored friend with Via haA hin plnsnin hands a blow Y Iiwiii ii v aiwu. w.. x- Irn 1 wich would have felled a mule. "Take that d n yoo. If Greeley aint a comin things is precisely as they wuz." a ;Vi Tva-in "Pocrram. seizen the nag out uv my hand3, knocked another uv em over with the staff, and afore I cood prevent it, them four unfortunit colorett men wuz pummeled out uv all sem blance to their natrel selves. Their blood wuz up, and I coodn't control Tlm; hr tbb old Codfedrit flacr fill. J.UlUltg,lMjr " . . --4 vwuz replaced, the Ku Kluxmatenal wus put back in its place, and Bascom wrote me that they made it warm that nightfor the niggers .up towards Gar rettsvilleV It wuz a - most; disastrous dav for theiEpz. ftnt T doniknow that it wuz any worselhere thaitUt wuz all along tne route. We hed half dozen; uv Noo York importers on bM the train, and wedassent talk tariff inWinsylvany for r i; thnfte drove them off the train before we got titteburg i i iUnir. ft-on tmde ideas, ana UV UUUU91U lliv-ll i holdin up the benefits-uv protecsimn ito em. ; Coming into Pittsburg, the GrBat - uy uuuvniu iucu euivwuiiuS 'ZXaZ ,iv the Con- Pacificator wuz ,a reading ,1116 If -.v...ot .... oi 5 ciT-a thpiT in AV anA v.o whoosh ens they vrt? and he be- JlilWl W nutFv v . ....... .- mafland sich token 'outPand put semblages Which are likely to hear him fe nlace so that eMve fail dp ' to the end, are evidences of the calm lRlfLsJ'lhUrl npssandirood will with which he is T come enraged ana conseKentiy mua dled. In that condishen he got off a norsheh uv a sneech wich he he ped porshen uv a speecn wicn ne ne pea prepared to yoose in Kentucky oosin he denied wat he sed in ' nsburg, wl K!n rrrtll T ItTHOnlf Uiv j WHICH VVUUtl UCV UlLl HCU CI u.)ll VI for the cussed telegraph and tao short-i hand reporters, on wnose neaus tv&x, wifflpfl. in riooisviiie ne Dusteu xne en tire Xorth. and Jeffersonville he Wen In back on his anti-slavery noshens, wich is wat we toon mm up ior, ana in tin. Pa..-fie had the internal indiscre- shun to go back on his protecshun ir1. without wich we are helpless in 1 jm sylvany. , ; To sum up tne results uv ine loor i form (I am nothm if not aright) r:e stand about ez follows : 1. Talkin Drotecshun to the frr tra ders, he hez driven them off. Talkin nubliciv. free trade to I l 7 protecshunists, he hez driven them oi a. Talkin aboose to the solit. Pittsburg, he hez driven them off. 4. Talkin about the possibility uv nis anti-slavery ide s bein a mistake, at Jeffersonville,. to abolitionists,; he hez driven them off. 5. Not bein a practiced drinke .s- selfamoung the convivial ists, ho hez driven them off. fi. Hevin me with him and shoin my nose in the face uv the temperance i - i i ,i 2.1, (v nnnViln Vi r Vin- iron fliOTYl rfF and staunch Copperheads in the North, TTo liaint. rlnnp nnthiri tn hfffind them He haint done nothiri to offend them yet, but I am expectin every minit that he will say suthin to drive them off.f 1 had wunst a great idee uv .wee lev, but that's all gone. His pride is that he is a self-made man, and cor- ' from nothin. I think he did. and result is exactly wat might be expe from tne commencement, x nt again will attach myself to a talkin cau didate. The tongue is an unruly mem ber, end its frickshen makes a consoom- rn hre. I still hurrah for Greeley, for I git three square meals a day with him, but the prospect of ever gittin into that Post ofliis,- grows dimmer and dimmer. I ain't encouraged. Tne great anu good Greeley feels safe becoz the people f i coo h!m at. sfnshpns' hut tnrnpd out to see him at stashens, but good heavens, don't the ancient inno- cent know tnat a two-neaaea can auua draws the . biggest crowds? Men go miles to see a monstrosity, wnen iney -iri-iilrlnf nrn a TTf I tn SPA Si. hanflfiOI 1 x nuuiuii w to'-' ww w " " . A 11 111 . 1:1. TVlllDnl P T ' I J TlllCllllJ-lllVli 111 U 11 1114X7 luvocil. J- sink and vvearv of life, and wish I wuz I . V a man. petroleum v.Asiix, v ' -r-r --r . - (Wich wuz Postmaster, and wants to be agin.) Toledo Blade. The Relations JBetweeii England and IrelandMr, Fronde's Mis sion. Thearge audience which greeted Mr.James Anthony Froude, the his torian, on the occasion of his farst lec ture on the relations between England and Trplnnd. and the eauallv larsre as- welcomed by the American people. TTis Pininpnpe in literature was sure to gain him a patient hearing; but wheth- er nis missiuu win nave uy pvww result is a question entirely apart fror the personal kindness which is ever where snown mm. iiir. r ruuue, us natural in a stranger to the Americ nntion. and esneciallv in an Engl stranger, makes the mistake at the c sit of assuming that America and E . , lrindrpd: Our neonlearem land are kindred; Our people are m. Irish than English, and as much Gt - man as either, me runpn uiuuu tpd. and the maioritv of our family names would sound strangely in English ears, to a people mus uuhsu tuted, and in the third and fourth gen erations singularly free from every feel- ing OI KlIlSllip KX VVU1C11 MX. A i wuvv anneals, this eminent student and scholar has come to make American nninion favorahle to Ensrlish rule in f"rT Ponrteonslv as he has been reived, and patiently as e will be Kocirr1 io ia not. likPlv to make anv real nrnorrPSS in his mission : for lie Will fn hofnm hi task is ended that his hParprs make no their iudement in this ttar hv th American and not the -;rvaTir1ard of rrahlic nolicv.-iV: -"s""" "v " Y. Herald. Miss Mary Terhune, the young lady of Clinton, N. J., near Newark, who was bitten by a mad dog, died alter sui ferincr days of indescribable agony and torture, such as would have made it charitable ana humane 10 nave put xne poor creature out of existence long be- v - ni fore death come to ner renei. one wu twenty-seven years of age, and, as usual in such cases, was deeply loved and es teemed. During her dying paroxysms she scratched her mother, but no seri ous results are anticipated. , A man who participated in the Com munist revolt in Paris has"surrendered himself into the custody of the police magistrates of Brussels, and made a declaration that he was an accomplice of Troppman, who murdered an entire family near Paris , some time since and was arrested, tried and gullotined for the crime. An examination as' to the mental condition of the man shows him to be of sound mind. The census report will be completed by November 1. General Walker, the Superintendent of Census, as well as Commissioner of Indian Affairs, has nntintimntpd when he will res ism his position: General Cowen, Assistant 4 Secretary of the Interior, who was asked by members: of the Peace Com- mission to succeed General waiKer h rmmlRRloher. Dositively re- fuses to burden himself with; the cares of the office. Presidential Canvass. JtEPUBLlCiVN MEETINGS. Wake Conntr Canvass for Grant and Wilson'. Some of the following -named speakers will . address the people of Wake county, at the following named times and places.:;) Mr. James II. IleaOcn, Grant and Wil son Elector for the District," S. F. Phillips, Gov. Caldwell, Gen. W. D. Jones, J. C. L.. Harris, Col. I. J. Young, James H. Harris, Stewart Ellison, Gen. John C. Gorman ludge Bunting, Calvin J. Rogers, H. C Jonos, R. C. e Badar, R. S. Perry, and oti: : Lrivts" btore, Friday, October 25th. Oak'Grove, Saturday, October 26th. , Wilv LvmVs, Cedar Fork, Saturday, Oct. 2Ct!i. " Ji'ni Adam's Store, Pbanter Branch, Satur day October 26th. Foster's, Little Rivpr Township, Saturday, Off nbPf 'IfiiTT Hutcvdngson's Store, Barton's Creek, Mon Womble's School House, White Oak, Tiies- aay, uctooer zwen. , Lashleys X Roads, Wednesday, Oct. 30th. Barney Jones', Thursday, Octooer 31st. Frankdn's, Friday, November 1st. Millburnie, Saturday, November 2nd. Time will be dtvided with any Conserva tive speaker at any of the above rientioned places. T. F. Lee, ChairmanRep.Co.Ex.Com Appointment of Speakers in the 5tn Congre sional District. Tuesday, Octo ber 22, 1872 oxborb, Person county H Clay Walsf J Barnett, C S Winstead. Walnut C ove, Stokes county A H J oyce, General J J Martin, General S A Douglas. Thursday, October 24th. Yanceyville, Caswell countv H CJav Walser. Georcro Bowe, Thomas J Foster. Friday, October 25th. Madison, Rock ingham county Colonel W F Henden, Col. T B Long. Saturday, October 26th. ingham county H Clay Holton, T W Patterson. Ruffin, Rock Walser, Cicero Leaks ville Colonel 'W- F Henderson, Col. Thomas B Long. Mondav. October 28th. Gibsonville H Clay Walser, J E Boyd, W A Albright. Tuesday, October 29th. Graham H Clayv Walser, J E Boyd, W A Albright. Wednesday, October 30th. McCray's tro TT Plnv Wiilsflr. James E Bovd. W bright. 'a irsdav. October 31st. Farmington s w General S A Douglas. FHrlav. Nov. 1st. Mocksvillr General 7 S A Douglas. Fentress H Clay .Walser, D Hodgin. Saturday, November 2nd. H Clay Wal ser, T B F James, J KBuira7 Reidsville W S Ball, James E Boyd. Monday, November 4lh. Lexington H Clay Walser, II B Dusenbury. THOMAS B KEOGH, Cham'n Rep Cong Com. T M Owen, Secretary. Great Bcpublican Mass Meetibgrs. Hons. Samuel F. Phillips, Thomas Settle, n tt Tinnlcprv. Clinton Jj. Cobb. J. G. V. ' -" ' T ' ' , "unsay, and other distinguished Speakers, address the people of Forsyth, Stokes, Tadkin, Davie, and Davidson coun- a. . fillowinir ereat mass meetings : AtGerma n, Friday, October 25th. At Daubur Saturday, October, 2Gth. Af a.t f Air iVTnnilav. October. 28th. a -vwib-ii jillfi. Wetlnesdav. October SOth. t AfoL-aviilft Tlmrsdav. 6ctober 31st. t Clpmmonsville. Friday. November 1st. i.t ljeXingMJll, oaiuiuaj, - vti"wv All oersons wicbout regard to party or color are earnestly invited to hear these Great Speakers on the momentous ques tions involved in the Presidential Fdectiotr Virair at hand. TinUv for vour countrv. for Freedom and the Union ! Public Speabillff. WILLIAM A. SMITH, and others, will address the people of John- cfrtTi nnnntv 'at the followin's times ana ices: ' . Ingram's, Saturday, October 26th. Pitie Level, Wednesday, October 30th. Smithtield, Saturday, November 2d. Time will be divided w' h Mr. Pou, tho Greeley Elector for the State at large, at any of the above places. Come one ! Come all ! ! Mass meetings of the Republican party ,.r?ii Ko arririAfl lw tho Hon. Clinton L. .Till .fcv . j ; Cobb; Col. Marcus Erwin, J. W. Bowman and others, at the following times and pla ces : Burnsville, Tuesday, October 22d. . . Bakersville, Wednesday, October 23d. Marion, Friday, October 25th. Rutherfordton, Saturday, October 2Gtn. Henderonville. Mondav, October 2Sth. Wavnesville, Wednesd y, October 30th. Republican Meetingr. The Republican Canvassers for Edgecombe county will ad dress the people at the following times and placr-s: : . ' " Cheriy's Store, Tuesday, Oct. 22d. Pinev Grove, Thursday, Oct. 24th. i Otter's Creek, (W.Webb's,) Friday, Oct.2. Sparta, Saturday," Oct. 26th. ' ' Noble's Mill, Tuesday, Oct. 29th. : Edwards' Store, Wednesday, OcL 30th. t Lewis' Store, Saturday, Nov. 2nd. joint Discussion Between Candidates for Elcctors-Capt. Swift: Galloway and Gen. W. F. Loftm will hold joint discus sions on the issues of tho -day at tlie following times and places : ! ' Goldsboro, Wednesday, October 23d. - : Trenton; Saturday, October 26th, : v " ' Snow. Hill, Monday, October 23. , - s " Now Berne, Thursday, October,'!!. . . . " District -yasfc-iMn James H. Hes- d-ii,; Repubh. au candidate for Elector, will a. dress the people of the 4th Congressional District as follows:; v : sfK SmitheeldTuesdjiy, October 22dl , Walmo Wof1nnc1.w 0trl - : Mark's Creek, (llood's,) Thursdayi Oc tober 4tu. ' . Nashville, Friday, October 25th. Lonisburg, Saturday, October 2Gth. Henderson, Monday, October 2Sth. Wombie's Store.Thnrsday, October 31st. J Henderson's Tan -Yard, Friday, Nov. 1st. Harpers a. noaus, aturaiy, ov. za. , jocKvuie, jkionuay. xsovemoer ui. Franklin County Republican Itlceling. G eneral P B Hawk i ns. Captain C - H ThOmas, Madison Hawkins and J H Wil liams, supporters of Grant and Wilson, will address the people at . tho following times and places: v. t ' ,. . , , . ;.f Ca'aVat Rock Court House. Friday, Octo- ' ber 25, Louisburg, Saturday, October 20, S3 T i AfcV.K7, j V ' Freeman s X uoaas, vy eanesuay, yew- Louisburg, Saturday, November 3ndt f 1 rankimton. Jionaay, iovemur nu. Fr-em-viwflir. without resard to Darty. are invited to attend. ' t .UepilDUCttU J.JC;Mg mm umv. i ... ; I Countr.-GBANT and Wilson Union I - nEBTy and Peace ! Public Speaking ai. . KeDU bJican itanys at Black River, Smith's Mills,) Friday, Flea Hill, (near the Spring,) saturaay, October 26thi . - . , Seventv-first. (D. C. Mdnroe's.) Tuesaay, October. 29th. : . . V O.uewhiffle. (Jno. Monroe's,) Wednesday, October 30lh. . . - . Cross Creek. (Robinson's Spring,) toatur day, November I'd. 15V tlie KEP. UOUNTX LUJUiiiir Fayetteville, octooer otn, iaz. Public Speaking-. Messrs. Jonn . A. Hvman. J. Wm. H. Paschall, George II. Kinsrand others, the supporters of Grant and Wilson, will speak at the times and places designated below : Judkins Township, Jack Riggan's, Warren county, Saturday, ucioDer zotu. Ridgeway, at Park, Warren county, Mon Warrenton, Warren county, Saturday, No- Come one, corneal!, and hear for yourself. Bv tbe uommiiceer A. BURGESS. Warrenton, September 25th, 1872. Republican , Appointments. Hons. Thomas Settle. Col. Marcus Erwin. Col. W. F. Henderson, and others, will address the people at tho following times and places:5 New Berne, Saturday, October 26, 1872. Goldsboro. Monday. ti 28, ti rPt rl-irrr TllAfsnaV. 29, 8k tt tt Hamntbn,-TiWyT.. Weldon, Saturday, Nov. Republican Meeting. The Republi can canvassers for Halifax county will ad dress the peop'e at the followingtimes and places:' Faucett's, Friday, October 2Sth. Littletpn, Saturday, Octoberth. Palmyra, Friday, November 1st. Scotland Neck, Saturday, November 2d. Halifax, Monday, November 4th. Robeson County Canvass. The Sheriff of Rbbeson county has made tho following appointments to collect taxes. .'Col. IN at. McLean, Mr. James Sinclair and others will bo at those appointments and address the people in behalf of Grant and Wilson:. ; Union Chanel. October 22d. - Lumberton, October 23d. , i ,: ' 11. McMillan, Knerin,. , -Lumberton, N. C. Republican ITIeeliner at MeJrry Oak. -The Republican meeting, announced in The Era to be held at Merry Oaks, Ohat liam countv, on the 2d of November, has been changed to Friday, the 1st of .Novem ber; at which time Maj. W. A. Smith, Gen." - .'. . . . ' -1 : .1 j WTillio D. Jones, ana others, win waares the neonle. Spread the notice. Rally, Re publicans ! One more charge and the day is ours. - i. U l i : ;" '- j $500 REWARD. At a special meeting of the Board of Com missioners of the City -oriuueign, uem. Fridav afternoon, uctooer jiwi iow, ic following Ordinance , was unanimously adopted: - . - S i . - Tt.varA of, for suehv information as 'heir, run iifivtr ii auiiiiiiiMxi iv will lead to the discovery and arrest of tho nartv or parties who caused the destruction Mil The oenttnei uinvv- " : Iii obedience to the foregoing Ortlmanc I do oiler 500-for such miorniauon as. win t he irATtv or parties who caused the destruction of The Sentinel Ollico on the night of the 10th-October, inst. W. WIllA AxV-EiXi, iuujui October 11, 1872. , " Wfc"; 56-4t. Gen. Lee at 1 Stonewall's' Grave. A 14 i 18 IN II ENGRAVING of the '3L grave of Stonewall." Jackson in tne Iexington, va., cemetery." ine uuu Ieo stands beside the- flower-strewn grave over: which! hangs a sweeping wdlow. , Hi ..x -1 i .a. wkoii a hptfiutiful lano ; : " r.L-i in verdure, clouds as naniral as real one, and many other things which make this picture- Gm?p2S which should hang in; the parlor of every be sent by mail, post-paid, to every -Pn" sending 50 cents fornix months subscritH tion to- : , !r : "-.-jf "BURROWS JTIOHYSOUVEXIR,' Publisnea at- Jinswi, icuu., . t ; jfe w. m. BURRO W, An iilusiratc'd Magazine of useful Informal tion," Literature, Jscience, -f" t .w hrinfod on : fine-tinted ; paper. illustrated: with magnificent, engravings many of them full-pagedj ana -is m ax respects one of the best Magazines in the south; ' ' ; ; r " rf-rr Insurance; ,&gfjj Wilmington4 Nohh Carolina :T;tf f. - : f INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICERS : ROBERT ir'.'f;6wAN.' . " 1 Soofcuu Medical' DR. E. A. ANDERSON, , l)iro-'r . DIRECTORS? . . - nf, m .:.i ,.V:l! I.vijh! .1 ----- - . r x J W Atkinson, General Insurant A Ht I B Oranuer. Ireitlellt of tho "tLiiik Vif New Hanover.- - ? r ! s .i j.. . F W Kerchner, Grocer and CoinndKiuii Merchant. X ' ' C M Stert mail, or Wright ami SuimMi. T II. .McKoy.. of.. W. A Whitehrtvd .A ; Fayetteville. . K ll'Uowan, fTroisident. -i -vti.t .1 H B Filers, Commlssion-MerchanU-w A A Willnrrl Tl rtliora ' ' f W A Cu mining, of Northrop A Camming. '!r-tr -ttriiii...o. Trttivo r. w. . i z: iin hurray, oii hurray x v;o. . . r , . , Robert Henning, of Dawson, Teel fc lien- . nmnr uui uiiu auu muouiJi t r...i.n . a P Murphy,, Attorney at Law. -a.j ? . J D Williams, of J D Williams & Co., Fayetteville. :;::':-..-'t:' "? !!ri Jas C McRae, Att'y at Law, Faycttoyiile T B TCfidv. erchant. Kenansville. J T Pope,- Mercnant, Lium Derton ..--. SPECIAIi FEATURES 'AND ADVANTAGES . 1 1 'I 1st: No restriction on Residence ot-Travel. 2. No extra charge on the lives of Females. 3. Policies Incontestable alter Five Years. ,A - Tho "Rntfiji nf Interest On' tho Fnnds of the Cojnpany higher than those ; on the thus insuring larger Dividends to ' Policy w-m- -m ..if . noiaers. .i;ir.; 5. The Directors and Officers of the. Com- pany aTe prominent nunm UAituxai NIANS, who are KNOWN to be meti ot INTEGRITY and WUJKTH. ; ; 6. The Company is established on a sonu and permanent basis, steps having been CAPITAL STOCK OF $500,0001 f 7 A T T. TTTK FTTNDS OF THE , COM PANY ARE INVESTED IN THIS STATE AND CIRCULATED AMONG UUHUWfl PEOPLE. This fact should commend the Company, above all' others, .to JNorw ,ro- linians. it is wen Known iuai uuhuiuw ui in Iiifft Promltima Are annually sent North to, enrich Nortliern Capitalists, thus continually. draining our people of immense amounts which should be kept at home. On this ground th$ friends h.iin.n.iMifiJaiiUv annpnl to everv son of the Old 'North1 State, and asK Ihefr support for tlils . f ' Ti:;.,i ?: ; '.. HOME INSTITUTION, ' , which, whilo it offers -substantially all the advantages of Nortliern Companies, helps 1 to build up HOME INSTITUTIONS.1 AriwTvr'rs WANTED in everv countv in the State, with whom the most liberal terms will be made. Appiyro, . , , JAMES D. BROOKS, General csupervisinff Agm,' . or, THEO. II. HILL, Local Agent, apr24w6mk v) ' J .t. RaleL,h, N.. C. . TOTICE! ..... The undersigned having on the 3d of Oc tober, 1872, taken out Letters or ivainiuis tw. th nstntft of A. J. Davis, deceas ed, of Wake county, hereby notifies all per- ' " t i -i;.f.Ii o.olnnf a?iWl rfntn tn ; sons navmg - umuu - ' present the same for payment on or before the 20th of October, 173, or this notice will hn ninndod inbar of their collection. Those indebted to said state will please call and settle. ' - S.f.i: ;:: VvurtlitV: Kptlcc i" ' '-' t ' rXshall sell at public auctjon'lkaah,; at it I .notilnn.a rT lha B9 ll A. .1. IJHVIH. on Wednesday,' the 20th of Noveinlcr, I87A .About 1C0 barrels of corn, M 223 bushels' Of wheat, the sliucks and fodder from ;iuu imrreis oi corn, some 40 or 50 busiieis oi uu-gc quantity of wheat straw, a quality, oft cot ton, swet potatoes, Ac. ' Al,4wo lino mules, a two-hofsb wagor', onehx irt cftw one-hor -o wagopwo.. occn, nine or ten head of cattle, including beeves, inllch cows, yearlings; ifce.: V n x?U' !"u ,A lot of sheep, .10 or 20;bog8,; ineiudin? 0 'fiittenitig'' hdgs, shoata Ac. ., ' . Also, iarminc uicuias, iuu uiiiiw vtho blades. , wheat . fan, 'tnuwK knife. M t ci usldiig machine "lor niukhiu rr nitui t, including 1 2 bods btd-stiAidty 1J 2 shot V" 1 ' and 1 rifle, 1 silver watch, and .uu.f,..taiHiiiiu 'tii moiil or ' i he UD.-A Msir household and kiit-hi u fur- sale to U vdn aflO! o'clock,-oi( it iu" Novemi.ur, and to continue ironi uav wi--y until all the property is old. ' This thu 17th day ol October. jt. 18-wCw W.-T.GUNTKU, AdndnUt r. "TXT - A XTTriS We wUi i vo V 1 ''Business t that:";wiH':r4VV:!.i. from ei t S3 per day, can be -l"uJ vour own neigh borh)OiU and t.Nnr,lcily honorable. TartlculaX - free, o, "P that will cnatittryou-ttrsoto w.rk at nee, wUl li. .oat on receipt., two. th recent ?dJ. LATUAU & CO , f attf Washington SL, Roston, Mass. fictobei 3, 1872. .;-,, .:it.CITY IIOTEU,; i;nii Corner oi -vv umiug"" : I :. h j',' r '-(Formerly Cooke!,) tnr lud . ; . . w AiitvtT nT.TC'.llOOMS. Grttedti ve serranb,. and Table iruppU1 CO (X) mnntll. . . M) IV h jus .rui j B BR YAW ly rropricw. f - - - 54 tbtvAwlm. .IfOifolrlO,1872.