THE DAILY ERA- TUESDAY, OCT. 22nd, 1872. jftT- Alt Letters relating to 8ubscrl ptlons, or Advertisements, must be addressed to s . WItl. HI. II It OWN, Business Manager. AH Roistered Letters can Ijc B nt at our risk Subscribers "receiving their papers with a, cross X mark mayfknow that the time for which they subscribed is nearly out, ond unless they renw, after receiving two papers, with a cross mark, their papers will be discontinued. . -Subscribers wishing their papers changed, will please state the office from as well as the one to which they wish the change made. It is impossible to recollect every bodys P O. Advertising- Rates of XIio Era. ' DAILY lCTE5i Mii Sottakes. 1 m. 2 m's. 3 m's 6 m's. S30 00 35 00 40 00 50 00 MOO 00 00 160 00 12 m's. fOO 00 C5 00 75 00 85 CO 100 00 160 00 300 00 1 Square, $ 8 00 2 do 12 00 S16 00 19 00 -22 00 25 00 30 00 6000 100 00 15 00 18 00 20 00 WOO 3 do 16 00 4 do- 18 00 V. Column, 20 00 U do 30 00. 40 00 75 00 .1" do 45 00 WEEKLY RATES: No Squares. 1 m. 1 Square, .8 3 00 2 do 5 00 3 do 7 00 4 do 9 00 5 do 10 00 hi Column. 12 00 2 m's. S 500 900 ,12 00 15 00 16 00 18 00 25 00 40 00 -3 m's. 700 12 00 15 00 17 00 18 00 20 00 SO 00 5000 6 m's. $10 00 16 00 24 00 28 00 32 00 35 00 50 00 8000 12 m's. 16 00 26 00 &5 00 40 00 45 00 50 00 80 00 150 00 X' do 20 00 3000 do Cotton market.-Seventy-five bales of cotton were received to-day up to '3 p. m. Price 175 and steady. Price in New York 19g. Gold $1.13. Probably Dead. Mr. A. II. Perry, Re publican Representative elect from Bladen county, is probably dead ere this. See communication elsewhere. Meeting at Auburn. Mr. C. J. Rog ers addressed a very spirited meeting at Auburn, Wake county, on yesterday. The Republicans will increase their vote at this precinct. Sudden Death. Mrs. Maggie Allen, wife of Capt. Thos. H. Allen, of Charlotte, died suddenly at the residence of her father, Wm. Hay, Esq., in Goldsboro, on last Thursday morning. Meeting To-Night. Raleigh Chapter No. 10, Royal and Select Masters meets to-night at Masonic Hall. It is the regular monthly meeting, and every member phould be on hand at 7 p. m., sharp. County Commissioners. These gentle men were in session to-day. They passed i upon a large number of witness and jury tickets, and some accounts. They.suslained the action of Coroner Magnin in reference to the case of Rev. J. Brinton Smith. . Ijraiiii iueexing' at vourt nuusu. There will be a meeting of all who are in favor of the election of Grant and Wilson, at tli'o Court House, oh Friday evening next. Scatter the news, and let the House be filled to overflowing. Rare. The Charlotte Home is responsi ble for the following : Six years ago, Moore B. Alexander, son of the widow Nancy (X. Alexander, got a plum seed in his nose. A few nights' ago he got into an immoderate fit of laughter and the seed came out in as sound a condition as when it went in. Goldsboro Fair. Gov. Walker, of Vir ginia, having declined to deliver the ad dress at this Fair on account of sickness, Hon. A. S. Merrimon, of this city, will de liver the address to-morrow. The Judge is known as a forcible and entertaining speak er, and will doubtless add to his reputation as an orator. Bishop Atkinson. The appointments of this distinguished divine are as follows: Beaufort,- November 8th. Newbern, - -. . . ' " 10th. Durham's Creek, " , " 12th. Kinston, '- " 14th. Holy Innocents, " 15th. Goldsboro, - -" 17th. A Better Vineyard Still. This is the way in which The Wilmington Journal dis? poses of a vineyard paragraph going the rounds of the press, The Fba into the bar gain: We wish to remark, incidentally," as it were, that the Castle Hayne Vineyard, about 9 miles from this city, now contains over 70,000 vines, 50,000 of which are bearing, be sides 25,000 pear trees, and apples, peaches, Ac, almost; ad infinitim. Fire. Mr. Fred Mahler, of New Berne, lost 300 by fire on the 19th. Tho barn and its contents, about 100 bar rels of corn, on the plantation of Hiram Grantham, Esq., of Wayne county, were destroyed by fire on the night of - Wednes- dav of last week. The fire was the work of an incendiary. A fire occurred in Wilmington on Satur day night last. The store occupied by Messrs. Falconer fc Son was destroyed. Loss $ 10,000. No insurance. Origin of fire unknown. Raleigh National Bank. A few days ago we published the Report of the condition of this Bank at the close of busi ness on October 3d. The - capital jstock is five hundred thousand dollars Daid in. In dividual deposits, amount to five hundred and thirty-two , thousand dollars. Loans and discounts amounted to six hundred ond ninety-six thousand dollars. U. S. bonds to secure circulation, five hundred thousand dollars. U. S. bonds to secure deposits, one hundred thousand dollars. Profits and loss thirty-nino thousand dol lars. The officers of this Bank are W.'H. Willard President, Charles Dewey Cashier, Jno. C. Blake Assistant Cashier, A. S. Mer rimon Attorney. The President, Attorney and MaJ. R. S. Tucker, are directors. ; The amount of business done . by the Bank at close of business Oct. 3d, was over seven teen - hundred thousand dollars, . The ut most confidence may be placed in this Bank, as it is perfectly .safe, r y i ' ; ETuxiyjrraplis. Why is a man that can't mow as good as dead ? Because he is no mower. The young lady with speaking eyes has made them quite hoarse by using thein The proof-reader at J. R. Osgood fc Co.'s is a great traveler ; he goes' over the Atlan tic; monthly. - - , . ' i Hardup saj'si the report of a debut always reminds hi in of his record at the bank; be causo it is generally an overdrawn ac count." ; ' v: ,: ' ' ' The highest office within the gift of the government is the superintend ency of. the weather signaLgtation at Pike's Peak; which is fourteen thousand feet above the sea level.'; : - ' VVi ' , A man who bought a thousand Havana cigars, recently, on being asked what he had, replied they were tickets to a course of lectures to be given by his wife. v7: A California doctor laid a new born infant, which was a little slow in beginning busi ness, on a stove to warm and forgot. The chikLwas over-done and the doctor is in jaii.f ; rr: ;::;:b:Xi'y A man lately made a wager that he had seen a horse going at his greatest speed and a dog sitting on his tail, and strange as it may seem, he won, but the dog sat on his own tail. Speaking Last Night. According to appointment Mr. James H. Headen ad dressed the Republicans of, Raleigh at the Court House last night. The meeting was organized by calling Mr. M. V. B. Gilbert to thei Chair and appointing W. P. Wether ell Secretary, r Mr. Headen was introduced and for two hours he engaged the attention of his hear ers while he presented the record , of both parties and exposed the plot laid; at Cincin nati" and followed up at Baltimore. Mr Greeley was excoriated and the people ur ed to vote for Grant.. - After Mr. Headen had concluded Gov. Caldwell was called out. The Gov. de clined to speak unless there was a Greeley man or an O' Conor man ; present. In that event he said he would address himself to that man. As the Republicans were all Grant men,, and were going to the polls, therefore, they did not need any speechifying. Mr. James H. Harris was the next and last speaker. He used up Greeley in fine style and called upon the Republicans to turn out and poll a full vote. Do this and Grant's majority would reach 20,000. Capt. Lee then announced that another meeting would be held at the Court House on Friday evening next, the 25th. Ad journed. Mayor's Court, Oct. 22d, 1872. Nick Alford and David Barham, for an affray in tho Market House, occupied the attention of the Mayor first. The evidence resulted in binding the parties in a bond of 200 and $100 for their appearance at Spring Term Wake Court, 1873. Matthew Norris, for insulting the family of Wesley Boon, and threatening to kill was held to answer at Spring Term, 1873, in a bond of 300. Henry Jones, for being drunk and asleep on the street, paid two dollars to the City, andvdeparted. A. L. Watson, drunk and asleep on the street, paid two dollars fine. Rebecca and Francis Long, (nymphs,) colored, with making two free with the purse of William Corcoran, U. S. soldier, after-a patient investigation of the case, with no direct evidence pointing to their guilt, was informed by the Mayor that they would have time, in the lockup, to consider over the evil with which they were suspect ed. Thereupon Rebecca, rather than have any further trouble about the matter, de cided to present the soldier with 25, which she did by check on one of our city banks, pretending, nevertheless, that she, nor her sister, never robbed the soldier. Citizens' National Bank. The Re port of the condition of this Bank at close of business, Oct. 3d, shows that business to the amount of 446,552.53 had been trans acted up to that date. The capital stock paid in is $100,000 00; individual deposits 217,692.83 ; profit and. loss 10,102.22; loans and discounts 220,872.63 ; U. S. bonds to secure circulation 100,000.00. The officers are W. E. Anderson President, P. A. Wiley Cashier. These officers are also directors. This Bank was established a little more than a year ago. Its business has rapidly increased, and it is now one of the perma nent fixtures of our city., Messrs. Ander son and Wiley are experienced in Banking business and are entirely reliable, lheir place of business is in the heart of the city, and is therefore convenient to all who deal with Bankers. . : State National Bank. The report of the condition of this Bank at close Of business October 3d, shows that the amount of business trensacted up to that date was $588,617,82 ; capital stock paid in 100,000,000 individual deposits, 219, 444,65 ; profit ana loss, 59,8S2,00 ; loans and discounts 207, 536, 10 ; TJ.- S. bonds to secu.e circulation ot aaa aa Tiifl ffl rp ra axe John G. Wil- liams President ; Saml C. White Cashier ; W. S. Primrose Assistant Cashier ; D. G. Fowle Attorney : the PVesident, Attorney, anA w w. Vass are Directors. Mr; Wil- CkUU. -. -i:mc o 'Rqnter of lona standing. - Mr. White has been with him reral years. There is no one among us in' whom tne publio nave more connueuue mu w vuu. y. Williams, conseauently. the State National Bank is almost an indispensable institution to our city, and thoroughly reliable. : The barn and contents of Mr. J. J. Crouch, f a iaT0nior consumed by fire on the night of the 10th inst .There were forty bushels of corn, 50 bushels of oats, a quan in rsv inn Kmnrl mares with ni,j ui imago, w- ; foal, and three good mules. Loss supposed tn lie a tnousana aoaara or muv. ed to have been fired ' by an incendiary. ''wi.n- rorA cull in Charlotte last week X Uul o ti w - , ; -. . 1,564 bales of cotton. 'Price from 17! to 171. This is double tho business or lass year. .i FOUR O'CLOCK. BY TELEGRAPH. u ... f Washington. c Was hinotoic, T. ' C, Oct. 22. Com niis- sioner Walker denies that there is to be any change in the Indian policy of administra tion. ; .--- : - :: ; y--r New York. ... -; '. Rochester, Oct. 22. The horse disease is on the increase and there are few horses in the city ? not affected. The street railway company . navo suspenaea operations, '.. their horses being sick. The livery stables and Express Companies have also suspend ed. There is hardly a horse to De seen in tho streets, and not a farmer's team in sight. New York, October 22. The Sheriff is ignorant of Tweed's present whereabouts. 1 But believes he will appear when wanted. ! - v r It is understood that two hundred fami lies from Alsace and Loraine are preparing to settle in the neighborhood of Alexandria, Virginia. Since the first day of January last between six and seven thousand of Alsatians have reached this city. The representatives of the National In surance Convention met last evening ac cording to adjournment; a few additional Officials arrived ; no business. Adjourned until to-day. New Hampshire. ' Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 22. A Pullman train on Eastern Railroad bound for Boston, at 3 o'clock this morn ing, ran into a freight train at Seabrook, about sixteen miles from this place, and it is reported that a number of persons were killed and wounded, including Engineer Deering,, and fireman of Pullman train. There is no telegraph station at Seabrook and the particulars of the disaster cannot be expected until later in the day. Illinois. Chicago, Oct. 22. West Side Omnibus Stables burned with fifty horses. Loss, half million dollars. California. San Francisco, Oct. 22. Latest advices from Idaho represent a general Indian oi t- break imminent. MarketsEngland New Xorlc j London, October 22. Noon- Consols 91 f. Fives 88. v ! ': Liverpool, October 22. Noon Cotton opened quiet, steady; up-I land99; Orleans 101 19 , Later Cotton quiet, steady ; sales 10,000 ; speculation and export 2,000. Breadstuffs quiet; flour 30 36. 1 i - - . New York:, Oct. 22. Cotton quiet. Sales 1,196 bales. Uplands 19f ; Orleans 20 J. Flour quiet, heavy. Wheat dull, declining. Corn Turpentine dull, 63 i ; rosin quiet, 4 35; Freights steady ; Stocks very strong ; gold steady, 13 ; Money easy, 5 ; Exchange, long, 8 ; Short, 10i ; Governmentsdull, steady ; State' bonds dull, strong. LAST NIGHT'S NEWS. j : BY TELEGRAPH. The Ch arlotte Fair. Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 21. The Fair of the Carolinas begins to-morrow. Sixteen fast race horses have been entered for the Fair, which promises to be a grand success, the best ever held in North Carolina. ' , Tweed's Movements-The Nation al Insurance Convention. New York, Oct. 20. Tweed's where abouts is still unknown. The National Insurance Convention met here this afternoon with four delegates. Adjourned until to-morrow. ( A Child Burned to Death. New York. Oct. 21. At a fire here to day a six year old girl was burned to It of death. Two dwellings were burned. was caused by the careless handling kerosene. , - The Spanish Insurgents. Madrid, Oct. 21. The insurgents have fled from Ferrol in all directions. Five hundred were captured. The President's Movements. Washington. Oct. 21. The President de parted to-day. He will return on Wednes- day. . BICHMOND & DANVILLE R. ROAD, North CarotjINA Division. Freight Trains between Goldsboro' and Raleigh will run in accordance with the following Schedule after Sunday, October 20th, 1872. During the Fair or tne warmers ana Mechanic's Association at Goldsboro' a Passenser car will be attached to this train for the accommodation of persons between Raleigh and Goldsboro' who wish to attend the Fair: r Arrive. Leave. Stations. Arrive. Leave, "5 " 6.00 A M Raleigh, 9.05 P m g ' : 6.30 Auburn, , 8.354 &6.50- 7.00 Clayton, 8.05 . 8.15 g7.25 a 7.30 Wilson's, 7.30 7.35 1 7.49 8.05 Selma, 6.50 7.10 S8.15 8.18 Pine Lev, 6.3S 6.40 H "M8.40 8.50 a ii BoonHill, 6.05 P m 6.15 9.30 g iGoldsboro ' 5.30 W.-H. GREEN, . Master Transportation. THE ANNUAL MEET! IN Ui?' xxxU Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina, will be held in tne govern or's office, on the third Tuesday in Novem- ber, 187r TOD. R. CALDWELL, ; President of the Board of Trustees. ; R. W. Lassiter, Secretary. ".. . Oct 18, 1872, - '' i Sentinel please copy ' MARRIAGE GUIDE. EVERY ONE HIS OWN DOCTOIV-r Being a private instructor for married persons, or those about to be. married, ".both 'male and female, in everything concerning the physi ology and relations of our sexual system, and the production and .preventiou of off 8urinr, including all new discoveries never before given in the iFnglish language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D.- This is really a val uable and interesting work: It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous Engravings; All young married people, or those content plating marriage, and having the least im pediment to married life, should I read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; still it is a book that must be locked up and not let lie about the house. - It will be sent to any address on receipt of 50 cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce -street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. i ; - t l :Sr AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE. No matter what may be your disease, before yon place yourself under the care of any one of the QUACKS native and foreign who advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Young's Book and read it carefully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and pos sibly your life. Dr. Young can be consul ted on any of the diseases described in his publications by mail or at his office. No. 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadel phia. X. 14 wGm Raleigh Markets. Wholesale Prices, .. . BY - ' ,.',. POOL & M. ORliN Q , Grocers and Commission Mei'ciante, Corner Wilmington and Martin Ste. COTTON per - -CORN per bushel, - -OATS per bushel, ' -FLOUR North Carolina Family, FLOUR Baltimore Family, , BACON per fl., - -SALT per sack, - - -COTTON YARN - - -CORN MEAL per bushel, - 171 1 10 75 8 50 11 00 in 3 25 1 75 1 10 Hetail irices. : BY - " ' " - MA IiCO 1VI & A LF OBD, Grocers and Commission Merchants , ' Hargett Street. BACON Baltimore smoked, 14 15 14 15 11 22i 30 25 6 7 . 35 unsmoked, - Li strips, - - - 14- shoulders, - - 10 N. C. and canv. wains, UTTER per ft). - 25 (a ES WAX per lb., - - 22i 5 6 3 25 75 00 17J 20 OA BEEF on hoof, - "X per quarter, - -COFFEE per ft)., - - -COTTONV'ARN per bale, CORN perNbushel, - -CHICKENSper piece. -EGGS per dozen, - ' -" 1 10 30 25 FLOUR per bbl 8 50 1 00 75 1 00 6 7 13 14 30 Gh 40 X1 VJiXDliV MCI io., HAY per 100 tts., HIDES green, per ib. Arxr rfir ft).. - LEATHER pdr ., - LARD per B., 121 15 50 00 MOLASSES per gallon, - 30 1 MEAL per bushel, 00 1-10 OATS per busnei, -" in Sheaf, per hundred, PORK ! - - - - , " POTATOES irish, per bush., " I sweet, per bush., SUGAR crushed, -extra C, -" P. R., - - -" common, SALT per sack, - - - TALLOW per ft., VINEGAR per gallon, - 60 50 7) 9 (a i 75 1 00 50 75 20. a oo 16 15 J2i 3 7 40 165 00 00 25 10 60 Cotton Markets. BY GHEOROE T. STJRONACH, Dealer in Cotton and Ndvac Stores, Market and Martin Streets. Receipts at Raleigh, - - - 75 bales. quotations: Afinonr - , - - - 16, Good ordinary, - - - - . Low middling, - - - " 17 174 PHILADELPHIA Ornamental Iron Works ! ROBERT WOOD. THOS. S. ROOT. ROBERT WOOD & CO. 1136 Bidqe Avenue. Philadelphia, Pa, FOUNTAINSA- r VASES STATUARY DUCKS- : ' FLOATING SWANS- FROGS WATER LILIES -TURTLES, &c , i for decorating fountains. VERANDAHS, SUMMER HOUSES, ARBORS, CHAIRS, SETTEES, &c, tc. A NEW STYLE WROUGHT-IRON RAILING for Front of House and Ceme teries. Never before introduced. past a JT WTtOUGHT-IRON RAIL- INGS, for Public Builings and Squares, Cemeterv Lots, Garden Fences, Balconies Roof Crestings, etc., in great variety or rat terns. " IRON STAIRS, Spiral and Straight, of various Patterns and Styles. Special At tention aiven this class of work. t a xtt pasts for fronts of Public Build- ings, Hotels, and City Streets, of Plam and Elaborate .Designs. ctaut.r VTTTIXGS. of Cast and Wrought-Iron, of New Improved Styles, suchasHav Racks, Stall Divisions, Man gers, Harness Brackets, Gutters, ' Praps Ventilators, &o. . WIRE WORK of every description. Wire nd Wire. Galvanized or Painted, in Plain or Ornamental Patterns for Store Doors and Windows, Factory and Warehouse Windows, Railings for offices, Banks.' Counter Railings, Balconies, Lawn and Farm Fences, fcc., &c. ' ; GATES for entrance to Cemeteries, Pub lic Squares and Gentlemen's Country Seats, of Gas Tubing or Wrought-Iron, both sin gle and double, iu elaborate and simple de signs.:.;. - ; ' ' ' DRINKING FOUNTAINS, for street rises. A verv lanro assortment of designs expressly for this purpose. CAST-IRON URINAL BOXES, for Pub lic Parks and City Streets. , , , " OVAL VASES. Latest StylesJ Centennial Pattern. ; : : . .. ; ll,; ;: '.. ;; - ; v : : HITCHING POSTS, Jockey, Coolie, Sambo, and plain designs. i May 17, 1872. 146 Cm.' mm u v m m m m Am Sopt. 19, 1872. 14-,w6m. ' : National Republican Ticket; ".r " "Por Presidenti ULYSSES Sl'GIlA bf Illinois. 5 For VicPrcsidcnt, : -pENRY WILSON, of Massacbusetis - ; Por Presidential "-Electors' " 1 ' - 1 for the State at Larffelr ' A Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe. -" . Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake. ' For ihe District, I- Edward Ransom, of TyrrelL , IL William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, , , HI. Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, IV. James H. Headen, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, VI. ' William S.Bynum,: of Lincoln, yil. James G. -Ramsay, of Rowan, " . "77 VUl. James M. Justice, of Rritherford V ' , . . f ! f 1 , if f National Republican Ticket 'J For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice-President, . ,,s. HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts ' t. ...;.. .... , . , -. , i , (fMvt.'J.I For Presidential Electors : . ' For the State at Large, ; , ' Marcus Erwin. of Buncombe, Samuel F. Phillips,; of Wake; For the Districts, . .h h . h, L Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, ; rJ H. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, III. Joseph C. Abbott, of New Handyerf Ttr : t - tt -tt -1 t rrut.'uL ' j ,1 V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, W j VI. William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, . . VII. James G. Ramsay, of Rowan,' 1 ; VIII. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. ' : - t . f , ; .' ! National Republican Ticket. . t y - For President, ULYSSES s; GRANT, of Illinois.. ' ! For Vice-President, : ;f ! HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts" For Presidential Electors ' 1 '1 For the State at Large, r :' Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake. . . i i For the Districts, ,t I. Edward Ransom, of Tyrretl, " II. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, m. Joseph O. Abbott, of New Hanover, IV. James H. Headen, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, VI. William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, ' VII. James G. Ramsay, of Rowan, VHI. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. i National Republican Ticket. For President, r ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. ; Foryice-President, , 5; HENRY WltSpN, of Massachusetts For Presidential Electors t . For the State at Large, ' ' Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, . Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake. For the Districts, I. Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, n. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, III. Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, rV. James H. Headen, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, m . . VI. William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, VII. James G. Ramsay, of Rowan, Vm. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. -1 ' - ' ' . ' ' , k 1 f A ' . f ' "j : ' ' National Republican Ticket. For President,? ULYSSES S. GRANTof; Illinois. ' For Vice-President, ; HEN R Y WILSON, of Massachusetts rFor-Presidential Electors; ; i For the State at Zarge,i 'j Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe? ! ;;, Samuel F. Phiilipof Wake. V ' n jl . TV-J-'J. .. . . .. TftYf fhft Districts. I. Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, i ;') iH Joseph C. Abbott, of lew Hanover, H IV. James 11. ieaaen,.oi vuatuiuu, - V. Henry C. Walser, oi uaviason, ' vt WJliitim B. Bvnum. of Lincoln, i Vli: James G. . Jlamsay, of Rowan,., I VUl. JJimcs jJi. (Uusncc, m ...? i NadbnalimbUcaniTickn j 0 ':: "... ft" ."';' '".'"Pr President. .-'."lu, ' i ULYSSiS S. GRANT, of Illinois. " " For Vice-Presidentj -;, "u -r,-. HENRY WIISON, of Maiusette; For Presidential Electors ; ;,; :; J7 For the State .Marcus Erwin. of Buncombe; t -a Samuel F. Phillips otXVakei&ii 1 'For the DistridSr: 'l . I Edward Ransom, of TyrrelL I IL William Fi LofUn, of Irfnoir, rV. James H Headen, f rhatbam, V Henry Ct 1 Walser, tf . Davidson, -VI WiRiam: S Bjnum;:f 'Lincoln, ,: VII James G;i Ramsay, :of-Rowan. tr Vm." James M.: Justice, of lluthcrford.i 5 -; ruallonaJ IlepuMleah Ticket. ' ' For President. K ULYSSES 8. GRANT, of Illinois. x.7. . For Vice-President, HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts. For Presidential Electors : , . , " For the State at Large, ' Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe.5' ' Samuel F. Phillips, of Woke. r For the Districts, V : I. Edward Ransom, of; Tyncll.- H. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, HI. . Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, rw James H. Headen, of Chatham, - V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, VI. William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, VII. James G. Ramsay, of Rowan, VIII. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. National Republican TIckcf. For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice-President, HENRY WILSON, of Massuchuht tls For Presidential Electors: . For the State at Large. t Marcus Erwin, 'of BunconiU, s Samuel F. Phillips, of Wke. For the District, . ; I. Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, II. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, HI. Joseph C. Abbott, pf New Hanover, IV. James H. Headen, of Chatham, - V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, VT. J William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, VIL James G. Ramsay, of Rowan, Vin. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. National Republican Ticket. For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice-President, : HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts For Presidential Electors : For the State at Large, Marcus Erwin. of Buncombe, Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake. For the Districts, I. Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, H. - William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, HL Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, rw James H. Headen, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, VI. William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, VII. James G. Ramsay of Rowan, VUL James M, Justice, of Rutherford. National Republican Ticket. For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois For Vice-President, HENRY WILSON, of Massachusetts For Presidential Electors: For the State at Large, . Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, Samuel F. Phillips, of Wake. For the Districts, ; I. Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell n. William F. Loftin, of Lenoir, m. Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, IV. James H. Headen, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidson, VI. William S. Bynum, of Lincoln, VII. James G. Ramsay, of Rowan, VIII. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. National Republican Ticket For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice-President, HENRY WILSON, of Ma?u liu.setts For Presidential Electors: For the Statevat Large, Marcus Erwin, off Buncomt; fcamuel F. Phillips, of Wake. For the District, ' I. Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, II. William F. Lof,tin, of Lenoir,'.. HI. Joseph C. Abbott, of New Hanover, IV. .lames H. Headen, of Chatham, V. Henry C. Walser, of Davidaon, i, ii iiuaiu u. ujmuuij w- r VII. James O. Ramsay, of Rowan, VIII. James M. Justice, of Rutherford. -itt i(r:n:m a Timnm nf i .inroin. !1 1 Illlllll IF " ' For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois. For Vice-President, HENRY VlLSON, of ilassachusetts For Presidential Electors : For the State at large. Marcus Erwin, of Buncombe, Samuel F. PJiUiips, of Wake. v.. . . lYvf fhP. ijutzncw. L Edward Ransom, of Tyrrell, ml Joseph O. Abbott, of New Hanover, TV- - James IL Headen, cf Chatham, i vv tin am w . ijtLiii. u& f V. Henry u. uawcr, oi iiiu-t VL William S. Bynum, of Lincoln,, VIL James G. Ramsay, of Rowan, - vm. Jamea M. Justice, of Rutherford. rr m M Tj wli T