J I ' ... : ' v '- - - -x 1,11 ""--vy- , ?-!! THE DILT r!ERA!. ' . ' 1 ' ... - - i ,1 1 iii T Vnsi: M. BROWN Manager:" Fayettoville Street, old Standard Bulldin " Rates of Advertising Onfc'iakre, tenMllo?,,..V...,i:R, it VX'. One rquarstwo Inttrilon,....., ' " One fqnare; three Insertion ' I J"" One inare, i x tncrthf f & . V : V 2 iJ Cash In variably ix 'Advance r THE DAILY EUA will be delivered anywhere la Iho City at 'Fifteen Cexts -vcck payable to the Cahrieb, weekly. Mailed at $7 00 a year; $3.50 for six months; $2.00 for thre month-; and Sevejjtt Fivk cents a nicu.tu ' S J. J. TRI-WEEKLY, ERA $3 00 a year. WEEKLY ERA. $1.00 a year." f ' 1 Ooe. fquaro, jlhreo monuV, '771. One -quarc, twelve month V, "if ll w For Uryer UTcrUemenU llbI contract rtU U, ipd! Ai Uicfc lenglhw t ff ljim lJ . Mrl Ealeighj Friday Afternoon, October 25, 1872. l$Oi 63; i 4 tfji . . . r 1 -r ; r- t- " . . . " ? TT. r r w r t wm m - General Directory. U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICERS, U S Marshai-Samuet.T Carrow, oilico Club House, Hillsboro street. U.iS Internai Revenue Collector, 4tii District I J Young, office on Eden ton street, near National HoteL, U 3 Assessor, 4th District Wiley 1) Jones, oflice "AndrewaVbuilding, nnisboro street. : ' ' ' U S CoMMissioNER-i-R y Best, tifliec oii IIillsloro street. - : . US Commissionkr A iW Sailer, oftice with Marshal. ; -- , ? Supervisor Internal Revenue P W Porry, oilico Andrew' building, HilUbon slrotH. - - i STATK GOVERNMENT. . Tcxl 11. Caldwull, Goveruor. . '. John B. Neathery, Private Secretarj' H. J. Mennlnger, .Secretary of State. Andrew Kyme, Clerk " ' r t-rrr. r ;s?i, ; - -.'..j Attorney, Geueral-Win. 3L Shi pp. , i David A. Jenkins, Public Treasurer. Donald W. Bain, Chief Clerk. A. D. Jenkins, Teller. . II. Adams, Auditor. A. J. Partin, Clerk. Alex. Mclver, Superintendent of Public In struction. . ; -. ., 1 ; - i? C. L. irarris. Superintendent of Public Works. J61in C Gorman, Adjutant General. Y C. Iverr, State Geologist. Patrick McGoM'an, Keeper of the Capitol. Theo. H. mil, Librarian. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor Wesley Whitaker. . . Commissioners Western Ward, J. C.Gorman, Albert Johnson, Norfieet Dunston. Middle Ward, K. P. Battle, M. W ChurchiU, W C. Stronach. Eastern Ward, J. P. Prarie, A. N. Uixhurt-h, Stewart fJllison. ,City Attorney J. C. Logan Harris, T reasurer M. W. Churchill, t'ity Clerk and Tax Collector M. Grausman. -City Surveyor Fendall Beavers. Weigh Master A. Sorrell. Uiief of Police and Clerk of the Market James King., : , ' Asxlsfants to Chief of Police 1st, B. II. Pun Kton; 2nd, C. M. Farris; 3rd, Alfred Mitchell.. Street Commissioner J. T. Bat-kalan. Captain of Night Police Joseph Watson. Seargeant of Night Police Charles Hunter. Police Nathan Upchurcli, J.-is. Doyle, J. M. IVtross, Martin Thompson, Moss, Ilobt. Wycho, and Wm, Durham. Janitor Oliver M. Itoan. , WAKE COUNTY OFFICERS. , v Sheriff T. F. Lee. ' Deputy Sheriffs J. J. Nowell and A. Magnin. Superior Court Clerk arid Judge of Probate J. N. -Bunting. Deputy E.XJ. Haywood, jr. County Treasurer Wm. M. Brown. Register of Deeds W. W. White. t Keeier of the I'oor House Riley Yearby. Keeper of the Work House J. H. Furguson. County Commissioners Robt. W.Wynne, M. G. Todd,. Wm. Jinks, Henry G. Jonus, S..ltayner. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. Jlaleigh. Magistrates W II Harrison, W Whitaker, D A Wicker, Norlleet Dunston, It C Pet,tiord. Clerk, Jolin M Williums. Oonat)cvll, J A..Vrtr.- School Committee, Mingo G Groom, Joseph Watson, J C Gorman. . Barton's Creek. Magistrates, J H Hutchison, John Norwood. Clerk, J D Allen. Constable, J K Nipper. School Committee, Buckner Nipper, J M Adams, James Hay. i Oak Grove. . Magistrates, B Y Rogers, II W Nichols. Clerk, J P Beck. Constable, M V Rogers. School Com mittee, J D Hall, D Carpenter, J Penny. Panther Branch. , Magistrates, J H Adams, W D Turner. Cleric. W L Crocker. Constable, Jas Adams, j r. School ' Committee, Ransom Gulley, S M Williams, Hugh Blalock. St. Mary's. Magistrates, W I Busbee, J G Andrews. Clerk, S O-Pool. Constable, A Sturdevant. Scluiol Coniinlttee, S Ivey,.C Baugh, Smith. s . , Wake Forest. Magistrates, G ASahderford, A L Davis. Clerk E E Gill. Constable, Hut Watkins. School Committee, W 11 Sell, Jos Carpenter, . G S Pat .terson. White Oalc Magistrates, A C Council, A B Freeman. Clerjv. W R Suit. Constable, G A Upchurch. School Committee, A G Jones, B G Sears, W W Holle m an. : Swift Creek. Magistrates, S C Adams. W E Pierce. Clerk, CH Stephenson. Constable, WHUtley. School Committee, P Yates, T G Whitaker, W A Keith. ?-"-' J fiddle Creek. Magistrates, W II Stinson, J A Adams J li Ballentlne. Constable. S L Jones. Committee, A E Rowland, .Jlen Betts, AJ Blanehard. J " New Light. Magistrates, J O Harrison, F J Bailey. Clerk. W J Ward. Constable, W H Mangum. School Committee, J D Turner, J A Powell, P M Mangum. 'V !." i - Bucjc JIdrn. . ; r, t Magistrates, W B Jones, J T Adams. Clerk. Dli Holland. Constable, W H Norris. School Coihmittec, Jtvs C Ragan, M B Royster, W G Bums. Cedar Fork. ' Magistrates, C J Green, O II Page. Clerk, S F Page. Constable,A.S Pollard. SchoolCommit tee, W M Mareom, J W Booth, S F Page. .- j Houses' Creek. Magistrates, Isaiah King, J DHayesl Clerk, Riley Yearbv. Constable, W R Perry. School Committee, Clias Cooper, Green Sanderford, II Jeltreys. Little Hirer. Magistrates, R Privett, W Ilartsfield. Clerk, A J Montague. Constable, A J Richardson. School Committee, F J Heartsiiehi, W H Chamblee, Jelferson Jones. " , Marks Creek. f M:gistrates, M G Todd, W A Rluxles. Clerk. L W Hood. Constable, J F Rhodes. School Committee, J W Marslibnrn, li w nnoues, j j Ellis, i St. MqttJiacs. Magistrates, Geo A Keith, J A Hodge. Clerk. N B Williams. Constable. B B Bullaloe. Sc hool Committee, Ioliard Smith, John Rogers, F H Watson. Clerk. School MASONIC. ..Hiram Lodge, No. 40, A. S. Lee, Master. Masonic Hall, corner Dawson and Martin sts. Meets third Monday-night in each month. Wm. G. Hill Lodgk, No. 213 Wm. Simpson, Master. Masonic Hall corner Dawson and Martin streets. Meets second Monday night in each month. . RALEIGH CrtArTERNo. 10, R. A. Masoxs. Dr Wm G Hill, II P., Masonic Hall, corner Daw son and Martin streets. , Meets. Tuesday uignt after 3d Monday in each month. Ekocit Cottn-ciivNo. 5, Royal and Sktect Mastkks-John Nichols, Timee Illustrious G. Master, Fasonic Hall. Meet 1st Monday ; night in each month. I. O. O. F. - M ntbo XiblG e, Noi. 8, I O. t. F.M. W Church ill, N. G.,Odd Fellows Hall, over Citizen's Na tional Bank, corner of FayettevUle apd Martin streets. Tuesday night Of each week Seaton, Gales Lodge, No. Gi, I. O. O. F. JO S Lhausden, N. Gl ,OJd Fellows' HaU.ThurRday night of each week. , f MCKEK ENCAMPJfEKT Nov lo, I O O' F. J C Lumsden, C. P.Odd Fellow's Hall, second And fourth Friday nights in every month. . THE DAILY JBRA. : 1 : : FRIDAY, OCTOBER SStpiftTJ - tion Read xtiul Circulate. The election for President and Vice President which occurs on Tuesday,1 the Fifth of Noveinber , next,' Is to be . held as .near as may ' be i n con form i ty with the election law ' of 1S72: that is 'tosay ; . . V .... . Books of Registration inast be inime diately ro-6jeni?d by the Jtogistnir, and jersons: qualified allowed to register, until the , day. of election excluding that day. Persons inust vote in the Tovvrishlp where they reside. ; ; . ,. . - Tickets must be printed' on white ia per and without device. No certificates of registration must be given. Registration not allowed on the day of election except where a person has arrived at the ago of twenty-one, or for other good cause. We. understand that Messrs. Barrin ger, Mason and Phillips, as Chairmen of the Executive Committees of the vari ous parties, in accordance also with the views of Attorney-General Shipp, have agreed that the above constitute the proper rules for governing the ap proaching Presidential election. The Presidential Election occurs on the first Tuesday of November next. Plan of Organization -Kepublieaii State Committee. The work of organization for the Presidential election should be pushed with all despatch possible. Everything depends upon organization. System atic, persistent work, will override a great many, difficulties. We notice with gratification, and as a prelude to victory in this State, that the Republi cans are moving in many of the coun ties. Various public meetings are an nounced in The Era and will be kept standing from day to day. son clubs should be organized in every Township ; at the same time it is equ ally important that the Republican party should organize permanently un der the Plan of Organization as laid down by the Republican State Conven tion in April last, which is as follows: Resolved, That hereafter the organization of the Republican party of North Carolina shall be as follows : 1. A State Executive Committeevpf eleven members, to be appointed by the President of the State Convention ; and the President of the Con vontion shall be ex ojficio one of the members of snch Committee. . 2. A Congressional District Committee for each District, to be composed of one member from each county, to be appointed by the Congressional District Convention. 3. A County Executive Committee to be composed of one member from each town ship, to be appointed by the County Con vention. 4. A Committee of five for each tovnshipt to be appointed by the people, ; Besqlvjed, That the present organization shall continue to exist until the new one shall be effected. Resolved, That the representation in the County Conventions shalrbo in accordance with the plan of organisation of the party heretofore adopted. The State Executive Committee is as follows: I. Edwin West, of Craven. T. B. Keogh, of Guilford. v N. W. Lillington, of Davie? G. L. Mabson, of New Hanover. R. W. Logan, of Rutherford. 5. T. Carrow, of Beaufort. J. II. AVilliamson, of Franklin. J. "VV; Hood,' of Mecklenburg. J. II. Harris, of Wake, R. B. Ellis, of Wake. S. F. Phillips, of Wake, cx'ojjicio. A complete list of the District, County, and Township Committees, ap pointed under the Plan of Organization quoted above, with post oflice address, should be forwdrded to Hon. S. F. Phillips, Chairman of the State Com mittee, or to. Mr. J. C. Jj. Harris, Sec retary. : This information is required for permanent organization. The Chair man of each Committee District, County, and Township should attend to this matter immediately. The atten tion of our brethren, of Republican Press is directed to the matter. Speed the. work of organization J Hold meet ings in every Township I Arouse the people ! Get out a full vote, and Grant ! will carry the old- North State by ten thousand! i'' f From theNetv:Y6rk Herald. 'lib tc ti MixsiiHj Ctfieck a Turned- up Three Years after il was Stolen-Suit on Uie Check in the &uprene Court Impor tant Verdi fi to 'Bankers find Brokers-. 5TIIE . GERRYMANDER. : : -ha .";v v - .... Seiiatorial Districts iu North Car- w No.ofj DistV 3rd If- f iHU. The Presidential Election occurs on the first Tuesday o November ..-: f -(' 07' .a-.'i -.r -- --V.'f 'I'f ; ' next. O A cheek for &Jpt56, gold, on January 21, I80o, rvasiven by 31atttcw Mor gan. iJ3oii4)h the Bank of New York, payabL'io their own; order, and by them endorsed in blank and certified by tiny bank. On the 4th of February succeeding this check was shown to be in the 'possession' of tJie 'firm .of JMeyer & G re ve, .bankers and brokers,1 No. 52 Exchange place. One of their clerks on f.bnf Havr i'..jc: ' inatirf rvl ' f fi . ilolix'ftt mxijL uiiuviv iu iiits ni in ui .,xvouiiisyii oc t 5 ; Cox. erold "brt)kers. in Wall stret.;iinl I sm." ' : J , , : 1 " 4 place to Wall street the same was m a sm ... a ien out 01 me poeKec 01 nis overco; Payment of the check was immediate ly stopped and notice of the loss fully given by distribution of hand-bills and notice of advertisement in the public prints. No tidings of the check being had, on an endemuity from Meyer and Greve, Messrs. Morgan & Sons issued a duplicate" check, which was certified and paid by the bank. In the month of June, IS08, more than three years af ter the loss, the stolen check was pre sented on behalf of Mrs. Louisa S. No lan, and payment being refused a suit was brought to recover the amount. The case was tried yesterday in the Supreme Court Circuit before Judge Leonard. It appears from the evidence that the plaintiff in the Spring of 18G8 was a boarder at. the St. Charles Hotel, in New Orleans, where she made the ac qauintance of a Mr. Allen, through whom she made a loan to a stranger to her on this gold check as collateral of $4,000. There was no evidence to show that she had any knowledge of the theft of the check, and it was contended by her counsel that under the decision of Murry vs. Lardner, 2, Wallace, 110, and Welsh vs. Sage, 47 New York, 143, that she was entitled, as a matter of law, to a judgment for the whole amount of the check, it being claimed that the certification of the check by the bank gave a new character to the instrument and made it equally nego tiable as a bank bill or coupon bond. In opposition to this view it was claim ed by defendants' counsel that the cer tification had no such effect, and that the time which had elapsed from the date of the check in 1865 to April, 18G8, made it no longer negotiable and de prived the plaintiff of all rights as a 4jjhoid-or. The Court sustained the view of the defendants counsel and directed a verdict for the aenndantsrt Counties. it Queen of Clubs. A Child Frustrates, a Gambler's Scheme to Bum her Father The Mother "Club?" Him with a Chair. From the Detroit Free Press. A man nearly 50 years old, named Alexander Doming, living on LaCross street, and owning a vacant lot in the Sixth Ward, worth $1,500, got on a spree, and fell .into the hands of two rascals.' One of them is a young man named Kidder, a machinist, and the other a stranger in the city, but a friend of Kidder. When Deming started out he had about $G0 with him, and his in tention was to purchase a cow of a man on Woodward avenue. He was met by Kidder, invited to drink, and then the two sat down in a saloon on Mich igan avenue and commencing gamb ling. So infatuated did Deming be come that he did not return home but once in four days, and abused any of his friends who sought to persuade him. Kidder won his money, watch, and then two notes of hand of $18 and $27 each. When Deming had nothing more.to put up he gave his own note of hand for $20, and lost that. This was Satur day noon. One of the men got a blank deed, filled it with a description of Deming's real estate, and then filled him up with liquor, lent him $100, and offered to play him for the property they to run'the chances of the wife signing it. The man accepted the offer, and before dark had lost the money and the deed. Then, while the stran ger lent him money to keep him play ing, Kidder went to Deming's house and presented the paper for the wife to sign. She is not able to read, and he told her that it was her husband's life insurance policy and that she inust sign it, or she could never get the mon ey in case of his death. She was about to sign, when one of the children read the words "Warranty. Deed" aloud, and she caught the idea of what the rascal was about. She seized a chair, and in a moment "belted" the scoun drel out doors. Not content with this, she followed him two blocks, clubbing him at every jump, and then got two of her neighbors to bring her husband home. The two men started for an of ficer, to have Kidder arrested, when he handed over the watch and agreed to refund the money, but ran away Sat iirdav night without so doing. 1st. j,Currituekt Camden, Pas ..... - j quotank, lie r t fo rd, qahnaiLs, . T r roll, Washington, Martin. Dare, Beait- 'i fortIJydof'0 '''.' Northampton. Bertie, -Halifax, . . ' 7 ; Edgecombe, Kr?4 ; i :tt,fO:r;0-1-0. Uson, Jtash, Franklin Craven, h- -.' -'-'. Jones, Onslow, Carteret. jutlu wayno, Ouplm, 11th; jLienoir, Greene, rve-.v Hanover, Brunswick, Bladen, , Sampson, Columbus, 'Robeson, Cumberland, Harnett, Johnston, Wake, r Warrea, Person, Caswell, Orange, Granville, Chatham, Rockingham, Alamande, Guilford, Randolph, Moore, Richmond, Montgom'ry Anson, Union, Cabarrus, Stanly, Mecklenburg, -Rowan, Davie, Davidson, Stokes, Forsythe, Surry, Yadkin, Iredell, Wilkes, Alexan der, Alleghany, Ashe, Wa tauga, Caldwell, Burke, Mc Dowell, Mitchell, Yan-, Catawba, Lincoln, Gaston, Cleaveland, Rutherford, Polk, Buncombe, Madison, Haywood, Henderson, Transylvania, Jackson, Swain, Macon, Cherokeo, Clay, Graham, o C 4 IT 12th. 13th. 14th: 15th. lGth. 17th. 18th. 19th. 20th. 21st. 22nd. 2;5rd. 24th. 25th. 2Gth. 27th. 28th. 29th. 20th. Slst. 32nd. 33rd. 34 th. 3r, 36th. 37th. 38th. 39th. 40th. 41st. 42nd. 2;- i50,(iI5 2- 2 1 1 1 1 42,70 27,099 20,408 22,970 17,270 H7t4G9 20,510 22,581 33,GST 19,121 27,978 20,585 16,43 24,730 25,930 16,897 35,617 17,708 44,758 124,831 j 19,723 )15,71)S 33,610 29,591 20,309 24,645 !20,2G9 24,299 20,430 17,414 24,2-38 21,949 39,338 18,551 :50,459 20,557 25,298 17,440 23,00-1 19,103 23,839 Proclamations, &c. $200 REWARD. A Proclamation by tltc Governor Executive Department, Raleigh, October 16, 1872. Whereas, Official information has been received at this Department that Emanuel Creech alias iiill l-weli, late at county der of Frank Battle Ari'sAd county oiiSat urday night, the 12tH "fst., and that he has lied or so conceals hiiyif that the ordinary process of law cannot b served on him ; Now, therefore, I, Jl?jt)D R. Caldwe.ll, Governor of the State oforth Carolina, by virtue of authority in me Vested by hiw, do hereby issue my. proclamation offering a reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the arrest and delivery of the said Emanuel Creech alias Bill Powell to the Sheriff of Edgecombe county, and I do further enjoin all officers and all good citizens of the State to aid in the arrest of the said criminal. Done at our city of Raleigh the 16th day of October; A: D., 1872, and in the l. s. ninety -seventh year of American Independence TOD R. CALDWELL, By the Governor : Governor. J. li. Neathery, , Private Secretary . 57 4t. ,4 ,- ' .'-.. description : Emanuel Creech alias Bill Powell is about six feet higb, black complexion, and weighs about 180 pounds, and about 25 years of age. Ho has no beard, and is slow of speech. He was raised in Johnston county, and for merly belonged to a man named Creech, in said county. Goldsboro'' Messenger copy four tiines ami send bill to Executive office. : PROCLAMATION! A By Uie (Governor of North Carolina. Executive Department, . Raleigh, Sept. 26 A, 1872. Whereas, Official information has been received at this Department of the death of Stephen Lassiter, Esq., member elect to the House of .Representatives of the General As sembly from the county of Lenoir; Now, therefore, I, Tod :R. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority iu me Vested by law, do issue this my proclamation Commanding the Sheriff of Lenoir countyto open polls, and hold an election in said county on Tuesday, November 5th, 1872, to fill said vacancy. Said election to bo conducted in accordance with law. i ; Done at our City 'of Raleigh, this the 2flih day of September, A. 1)., Ibi2, aim in the ninety-seventh year f Amer ican Independence. TOD R, CALDWELL, Governor. By the Governor : J. B. Neathery, Private Secretary.. 49 td. L. S. APKC (CLAM iVTION ! of 1Q70 arid 1872. OHicial Keturn Of Uie Vtde for Attorney Jencral at.lh Flection held on the 4th in'y of A ug.t is70. A Iso, the Vote for Gfovehior, ' as far its' heard from, Iielil on . I'hw&dtty, August 1, 1872. f Count i es. Alamance, Alexander, Alleghany, , Anson,." Ashe,- v Beaufort,. ; Bertie, :0 Vt Bladen, Brunswick, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, (Jaldwell, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, : Cleaveland, Columbus-, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, , Dare, Davidson, Davie, Duplin, Edgecombe, Forsythe, Franklin, Gaston, Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Jlenderson, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, -Jackson, r Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, iMartin, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Qnskut. J. ? :I! u o i 1,043 ' 78.sU 158 980 098, 1,3401 ; 1,391 -ir?14H :72u , .9vSl 1;1I5J 1.43(1 093 ' ' 803 auge, Pamlico, . Pasquotank, Perquimans,, Person, Pitt, Polk, Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, . Stanley, Stokes, Surry, Swain, Transylvania, Tyrrell Union, WTake, Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wavne, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey, 520 821 no" re 149 1,124 304 092 174 314 487 2,704 1,671 327 108 1,150 083 952 2,878 1.014 1,437 090 no re 2,308 1,000 1,717 3,230 502 401 555 273 029 404 229 1,212 559 1,22-1 510 - 240 489 1,107 551 1,930 471 545 791 788 2,914 1,800 3M!i-v 9' 377!i - A&k I,U52if 1,019 -:7Uln.: 761 .lOoh. 1,505 iU,448 0 70S (58.3 8Ii 332 654 739 1,450 422 1,C83 433 742 142 547 093 2,708 1,883 3491 ,270 1,510 002 1,035 3,452 1,115 1,500 088 512 2.G55 r917 1.831 R3,040 095 1 920 795 7G5 1,754 . 800 1,242 1,1G2 1,023 1,143 973 1,134 945 ' 452 5G0 638 !3 ... 881 turn. ' 1,0431 1,801 ' 522 003 218 1,212 937 1,500 1,741 205 1,210 702 1,505 - 776 954 1,379 - 95S turn. 2,008 794 1,793 1.347 84m .723 403 297 754 1,2G3 ... 587 1,709 519 911 822 530 510 1,116 599 2.1G1 280 481 1,113 980, 2,0271 959 i$! :837 050 1,092 1,752 .. 189 1,2S0 830 1,G85 1,590 1,439 898 1,397 , 598 989j 1,007! 149 ' 328 (J4 3,50 1 2,200, . 798 208 1,785 . 911 948 511 245 &3,427 3071 H 788?i' 3,112 873 501 500 1,704; 913 1,191 879 590 1 1. 420 71G 983 610 994 100 1,374 639 1,270 uo 130 641 1,048 519 2,201 02S G53 881 1,293 3,014 1,990 492 1.331 558 1,053 910; 819 1,775 342 1.3S9 1,304 1,583 1,301 i.iis 1.013 1,404 ,3CG SCO 838 29 203 347 031 3,843 2,380 917 1,949 194 1,152 s(ki 882 87,048 1,270 i45 f K-l J 1,191 ::752 ,1,331 949 1,208 711 . 1,538 '"852 d,161 829 ,'fi02 1,002 '1,415 1,261 . 1,774 ' 480 ; 576 , '252 t 1,099 1,045 . 1,146 1,890 763 232 1,384 ' 826 1,750 1,474 1,033 1,475 927 754 1,970 783 1,849 1.G73 ' 795 749 . 505 874 810 : 1,738 . 554 1,481 659 944 903 055 635 1,035 . 700 2,511 195 '475 1,055 1,284 2,201 1,095 ;892 440 057 . 042 1,101 1,782 224 T,3G4 1,010 1,631 1,653 1,G55 727 . 040 903 989 332 379 391 1,022 3,269 1,107 492 435 1,749 1,034 1,319 759 503 Note. counties Caswell, Gates. 4,221 The vote of Caswell and Gates ( unofficial) was its follows: Phillips. Shipp. 251 037 -350 " 744 C B. Edwards. N. IL Hit., i v u Vm-n.x EDWARPS.&P.RQUGMTPN, 0 H ft r?. . . r r. A s w jp vi viO M . . -J . U pt: BOOWKD JOB-PRIDTM, Fayetleville Strecl, r . 1 ; . ill -i . i m ini Umi 'tl- (Old Standard IJuildlni:.! , ; RALEIGH, J. C, , .. Axtw now prepared to .execute J;oTjry,t ib sqrlptfpn oj, , r ... ,inu ut. , Jx , rTltvirt,nnd'I',ttrlcyirtu lit BOOK AND: JOB .-PEIU.TIlKj; from the smallest Casd'tft'the hrfgrjst PjsWi1, on as reasonable terms as th6 Waiijo' work can bo done at any establishment in' the Stater" 7 ." " Wo will keep constanlly.'oYi hanil. ViV rirlHt to orxlbiy ; .'f:; -i: ;thq nw '.''' 'micitdr-' $p&ior 'cWrr'Ci&i and Magistrate's Blanks , . . . j;i 1 1 ft of the latest improved form, on nost reason -abJe terms. ,'; ; .,d ' ' COMPETE 1N PRICE AND1 EXECUT16S1 Vith the best' and" 'cheapest'' lioiisosf iii tk(D State. . r.'A M l ! !:. .' Special attcntiop paid to, ! ; School CatalddLt;r nf: l.-v-' :! '1. : ,-y.:ttl:ifn).'V CIRCULARS , AND jBttONZEJ TOBACCO-lJABELS. h t Orders by mail promptly attended to, and by Mall or I5xpm to any work shinned port ion o the 8tate. oc; i,ssr This would make Shipp's majority in the State 4,m.' ' ; . ." ICHMOND ct DANVILLE R. ROAD, North IUromna Division. Freight Trains between Goldsboro4 and Raleigh will run in accordance witlr t!io followinsx Schedule after Sunday, October 20th, 1872. During the Fair of the Farmer's and Afeehanic's Association at Goldsboro a Psissener csir will bo attached to this train for the accommodation f persons between Raleigh and Goldsitiro' who wisli to attend the Fair: . ; , , ..? Arrive. Leave. I Stations, j Arrive. 'Ixive. -(;.. r.o 7.2." 7.49 -S.15 I MRaleih, ''Auburn, iCIavtiui, ..Wilson's, Selma, 9.05 r Mi .0.00 I0.30 7.00 7. 8.05 i 'S.40 U AM-Boon Hill,u;.05 r 79.3041 .GoldHboroi 7..i0 ;0.50 Ik. 15 a, !7.35 iPino Ia3vG.38 10 0.40 m'0.15 f50J;r-, We congratulate The Cincinnati .En quirer, Louisville Courier7Joirrnalt New Xrorkl World, and a few other leaser lights of liberalism, upon the number of dupes they have found in tire edito rial profession u pon , the number : of political editors ivho have made asses of themselves that a life-long enemy, might be glorified, and that the one whose dupes they were, might possibly have a chance to hold some little office In the future. Brick Pomeroy. II j' the (Governor of North. Carolina. Executivk Department, Raleigh, October 15, 1872. Wuekkas, Oflicial information has bee if j roceived at this Department of the death ! Harrison Frazier, Esq., membe'r elect to the , House of Representatives 5OT? the Geneiai j Assemblv from the txurtty of Randolph. ! Now, therefore, I Toi R Caldwkli ? ' """:TT?m 7T. Governor of the State of North Carolina, by pl0Jmc AcrainQt thb RnVfimmfint w. I II. GREEN; Master TranSportatioiu virtue of authority in me vested by law to.m tl.' nviliiniliAii AnmmntiHin iuv tills jjiw,ianiii'ii iuiiiiiuun'a the Shsrilf of Randolph county to open jxdls and hold an election in said county on Tues day, November 5th, 1872; to till said vacan cy V said election to be conducted in accord aiice with law. vv "t;i , ;al f' s: J . ; ' -Done at our city of Raleigh; this the 15th' ? .l..mf i rv.rvl. A li l7j oti.1 in j It, S.T ;tho uiiietA'-seventh year "of Amen-;! Bv the Governor : '-Gxcrwtr. riT private fcretnry. rf i I xl .; t;t : : -f-'i - -i ft 's.-,.V '-tf ( I WILL ATTEND TO CLAIMS OF ALL. kinds against the. General Government. Business is respectfully uolicited from per-' sons having claims before the Commission-! f Southern Claims, claims, for cotton seized after the 30th of June,. 1865, or claims against any oi mo ueparuucnio wi-j iitston City. I havo made arrajreinent- with CoL James, Madison, Ciulf , J y "Hsn int4n, u attorid'to buness, of tbjs kb.l 57td for me at times when I niav tfotlie Itr Wavh f injrton. -j Charges moderatr.vr r i t sA ! iz, r . .a W.iW. HOLDER.: t r Raleigh, Sept. lJ, 172, !,hj 15-r:2innl.; - Agents for S" COLtitNS 3k C04S -" s',)F)'') i : -'.' uMMti i i,i til at manufacturers prices, froight added. ,,v Orders solicited. ' . EDWARDS A' BROXJOIlIt);5 ' 'llox"178,-Ridei?h,' N. C. Sept..!, 1871. , tri .ftyttf. ' PIIILAl)ELPHrA'; ' Ornamental : Iron :; ' . ROB ERT WOOD, j!, , XHO. a, .RTf . ROBERT P"0P,t CO., 113G Midge , Avenue, fihfaifielptfa J'a. -FOUNTAl'5-' -FLQAT1NQ SWAN-.-VASES- "!''' -""""-iFROGS4 .STATUARY ! f WATER' LILIES- DUCKS JTyjm-ES.'ftt.;.' . for .(JcPIttlqjEayptalns. VERANDAHS, SUMMER HOUSES, ARDORS; CHAIRS, 'i 8ETTEES, 1 4c, ' rtc. '0'A NEW' STYLE iiWROiyOilTTHDN RAILING for Frqutof) UoitMe aiul; Ouiim' teric.". Never before introduced. , i, C AST AND WnO ll6 tVV-i RON RAIL INGS, for Publid llulllhgs Arid-SuawMr Cemetery LoUv-Gardn-FenceH, BalconieM, Roof Cresti.ngs; etc., In great variety of Pat terns - 511 ' 'j- -1 ' 1 " 1 IRON iTAIIl5J;- Sivlrnh and .atrabrhCof yarious PatteriiK, npti S)yles.(j AV'ffiMj-tV tcntion yix'cn this class of work, ,t ' , LA 51 F POST, fofron ts of lkli bi i c 'it li fid -InH; Hotels;' aiid- City Strftdtn, of Udn and Blabomto 'Deafens...,: ,., , lf ,.ftj)- .T dni STABLE'. JOTTINGS, ,.ot MCa.st .and Wrought-Iron; hf NeV 1 Impfdvl'tyiK neit a' llav Itivelca,? Htidt'f)lrirtittW, 'lin- trers, Harpes Bracked. tjUHtTr'! W1' Vei'Ytii i r Ac. , ' . f r;Aiir:i-; WORK -of every iii&virkUmJ Vra GuaiO,. of Crimped WifeJ tivtvanizoil I r Paintt d, in Plain-nr. OmameiiLil Patterns, for Stot i- Doors and yindows, Vw.Ury and Wari li -uHe Wimt'fc, ltallhijts drnfli e, Banlts,;iunKTi tilbigs, )ljnia Imn and Farn'i Foiice', &c, Ac, " ' f 'O ATE.S for etrrVafTO'tftHiriV'I'ul lic!Siiiafre afid:Uenlloinena Coihiiry e-, jof Gas Tubing orf .WrouhUrfiu, tAU.Uf uleand double, iii elalnirate inid .fiMVc d.? signs: : :'.'' ' ' ''''" 'VUi !l"lJ ir":" l' I DRINKING FOUNTALNa, i for.Htn- t usesw A very hire . iworUju-jitj ,ol SfitH expiilv lor this purpose.' , ' i CA s r-I Rf )N URIN'X I; f :0.VKS: .r,liV h lic Pafla and City Stmibc- : S Mii"'-7 . i OVA L VAEiS, Utvi, .sMtw,.VJrTil, Pattern. rt i ,v ..;,,, ,"?, ,j ,f : ,f inToiiiNof pc;;!iriy. ainb;and pU1ndortign4. 1 ,,1 aray 17, i872.j';r .jr.; .-il-ivfw FI5T. Factor HINKS. .; . . - r ..1 a fi4i..: iitifT f TitlllllllSMlOIl buVa.WUrrtllTAnnahUl.tfYofk. fttepulil, lS72.vj!nj; J Alt htin W 'X' IKiiftt WTrniiuW of fIM-UnlrtrsJ of f - t.l t rik TtnarH (If L f HitUU .'Octl8Vl872, Jl:d r su-ji'ml b.M

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