OFFICIAX... LAWS OF THITUNITED STATES. Passed at . the second Session of the forty-second Congress. 1 1 J i I i hi i i' i i hi fc . No. 3,rf . . BY THE presttjenof the uni ted STATES OP "AMERICA: A PROpiiAMATION. - Wherea unlawful combinations and conspiracies have long existed and do still exist in thaStata of South Carolina, for the purpose of depriving certain portions and classes of the people of that State of the rights, privileges, immuni ties, and protection named in the Con stitution of the United. States, and se cured by act of Congress approved April the twentieth, one thousand eight hun dred and seventy-one, entitled 4An act to enforce the provisions of the four teenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States And whereas in certain parts of said State to wit, in the counties of Spar tansburg, York, Marion, Chester, Lau rens, Newberry, Fairfield, Lancaster, and Chesterfield such combinations and conspiracies do so obstruct and hinder the execution of the laws of said State and of the United States as to de prive the people "aforesaid of the rights, vrivilesres. immvnities. and nrotection aforesaid, and do oppose and obstruct the laws of the United States and their due execution, and impede and obstruct the due course of justice under the same , ." . And whereas the constituted authori ties of said State are unable to protect the people aforesaid in such rights with in the said counties ; And whereas the combinations and conspiractes aforesaid, within the coun ties aforesaid, are organized and armed, and are so numerous and powerful as to be able to defy the constituted authori ties of said State and of the United States within the said State, and by reason of said causes the conviction of such of fenders and the preservation of the pub lic peace and safety have become im practicable in said counties ; Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States of Amer ica, do hereby command all persons composing the unlawful combinations and conspiracies aforesaid to disperse 4 States for the said.. District of South Carolina, or by any of his deputies, or by any military officer of the United States, or by any soldier or citizen act ing under the 'orders xf said mafshal, deputy, or such 'military officer: within any one of said counties, charged with any violation of the act of Congress aforesaid during: the, conttnuancer of such rebellion, c ,i ! v i In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the soal of the United states to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this L - seventeenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thou- seal. sand eight hundred and seventy-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the ninety-sixth. U. S. GRANT. By the President : J. C. Bancroft Davis, Acting Secretary of State. New . Advertisements. New . Advertisements. Schedules. wanted; Something new; 6 sala ble articles, sell at sight vyaiaiogues ana x sam ple free. N.YMftr.Co. 21 Courtlandt st, N Y. . Be deceived, but for coughs', "colds, sore throat, hoarsenass and bronchial diffi culties, Use only WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless imitations are on the RICHMOND & DANVILLE North' Carolina; Division. ; CONDEISSjSD TIME-TABLE, r t Lin effect on and after: Sundaj'. October 13th, 1872. . , GOINO NORTH. r Tt is not a nhvsio which' may give market, but the only scientific prepara- 1 temporary relief to the sunerer lor xne tion oi uarDoiic Acia ror Lung diseases first lew aoses, dui wmcn, irom couuu No. 5. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNI TED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. The process pf the seasons has again enabled the husbandman to garner the fruits of successful toil. Industry lias been generally well rewarded. We are at peace with all nations, and tranquili ty, with few exceptions, prevails at home. Within the past year we have in the main been free from ills which elsewhere have afflicted our kind. If some of us have had calamities, these should bean occasion for sympathy with the sunerers, or resignation on their part to the will of the Most High, and of rejoicing to the many who have been more favored. I therefore recommend that, on Thurs day, the thirtieth d,ay of November next, the people meet in their respec tive places of worship, and there make the usual annual acknowledgments to Almighty God for the blessings He has conferred upon them, for their merciful exemption from evils, and invoke His protection and kindness for their less fortunate brethren, whom, in His wis dom, He has deemed it best to chastise. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this twenty-eight day of October, in the year ot our is when chemically combined with oth er with known remedies, as in these Tablets, and all parties are cautioned against using any other. In all cases of irritation of the mucous membrane these Tablets should be free ly used, their cleansing and healing properties are astonishing. f lie warned, never nealeet a cold, it is easily cured in its incipient state, when it becomes chronic the cure is exceed ingly difficult, use Wells' Carbolic Tab lets as a specific. . : m JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y., Sole Agent for the U. S. Send for Circular. Price 25cper.Box. .. .i.,s.j, . " Hand Stamps all varieties. 4 Cir culars free. Agents ,wan ted. W II H Davis fc Co, Mfrs, 79 Nassau, NY. BUILDERS Send stamp lor Ill'd catalogue on Building. A J Bick- nell A Co, 27 Warren street, N Y. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS, An elegantly bound CANVASSING BOOK for the best and cheapest family Bible ever published, will be sent free of charge to any book agent. It contains nearly 500 fine Scripture illustrations. and agents are meeting with unprece dented success. Address, stating expe rience, etc, and we will show you what our asrents are domer. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO, Memphis, Tenn. or Atlanta, Ga. Lord one thou Imd toJeTieeablT and seven- Within five davs of the date herpof. ami nu oi me independence to deliver, either to the marshal of the United States for the district of South Carolina, or to any one of his deputies, or to any military officer of the United States within said counties, all arms, amunition, uniforms, disguises, and other means and implements, used, kept, possessed, or controlled by them, for carryingiout the .unlawful purposes for which the combinations and con spiracies are organized. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this twelfth day of October,, in the ydar of our Lord one thousand seal. eight hundred and seventy-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the ninety-sixth. U. S. GRANT. By the President: Hamilton Fish, ; Secretary of State. No. 4. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNI TED STATES OF AMERICA : A PROCLAMATION. Whereas by an act of Congress, enti tled "An act to enforce the provisions of the fourteenth amendment to the Con stitution of, the United States, and for of the United States the nine- sixth. - U. S. GRANT. By the President : Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. No. 6. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNI TED STATES OF AMERICA: A PRO CLAM A.T10N. Whereas in my proclamation of the twelfth day of October, in the year eigh teen hundred and seventy-one, it was recited that certain unlawful combina tions and conspiracies existed in certain counties in the State of South Carolina for the purpose of depriving: certain ANTE D Experienced Book Agents and canvassers in all parts of the United States to sell The Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney. Chief Justice of tne Supreme Court ot the U S. g&r-sSlo book heretofore published in this coun try throws so much light upon our constitutional and political history. It is a work of extraordinary interest and permanent value to the historian, the lawyer, the statesman, the politician, and every class of intelligent readers. ST-Sold by subscription only exclu sive territory given. For terms, for life of Tanev, General Lee, &c, address at once, MURPHY A CO., Publishers, Baltimore. ued use brings Piles and kindred disea ses to aid in weakening: the invalid, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular name of " Bitters" is so exten sively palmed off on the public as sov ereign remedies, but it is a most pow erful Tonic and alterative, pro nounced so by the leading medical au thorities of London and Paris, and has been long used by the regular physi cians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubcba retains all the medicina virtues peculiar to the plant and must be taken as a per manent curative agent. Is there want of action in your JLiver and. Spleen 1 Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrof ulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, Ac; Ac. . Take Jurubeba to cleanse, purify and restore vitiated blood to healthy ac tion. Have you a Dyspeptic Stomacn '? Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weakness or Lassi tude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary sufferer. Have you weakness of the Intes tines J You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhea or the dreadful Inflammation of the Bowels. Take it to allay irritation and ward off tendencyto inflammations. Have you weakness of the XJter- inTbr Urinary Organs? You must procure instant relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weak ness or life becomes a burden. Finally it should be frequentlj"- taken to keep the system in perfect health or you are otherwise in great danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious dis eases. JNO. Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N Y., Sole Agent for the United States. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. nov 9 72 4w. Stations., Mail. I Express. Leave Charlotte, 7.10 p. m. 6.30 a. m. Concord, 8.32" " 7.30 Salisbury. 10.02 44 8.37 " 44 Lexington 11.05 44 9.27 44 44 HighPoint 12.16 a. m. 10.17 44 Ar. at Greensboro 1.09 11.00 44 Leave Greensboro 2.00 44 11.10 44 " Co. Shops, 3.40 44 12.20 p. m. 44 Hillsboro, -4.55 44 44 Raleigh, 8.05 44 Ar. at Goldsboro, 11.10 a. m. Schedules.1 Express Train; Mail Train, GOING SOUTH. Stations. Mail. Express. Leave Goldsboro, 3.00 p. m. Raleigh, 6.40 44 44 Hillsboro, -9.16 44 " Co. Shops, 10.55 44 2.15 p.m. Ar. at Greensboro 12.20 a. m. 3.30 44 Leave Greensboro 1.10 4.00 44 44 HighPoint 2.02 44 4.39 44 44 Lexington, 3.03 44 5.27: 44 Salisbury, 3.58 44 6.13 44 Concord, 5.14 a 7.13 44 Ar. at Charlotte, 6.25 a. m. 8.10 p. m. Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 6,40, p. m., connects at Greensboro with Northern bound train; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of road. Express daily between Company Shops and Charlotte (Sundays excepted.) All Passenger trains connect at Greensboro with trains to and from Richmond. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond (without change.) S. E. ALLEN, W. II. Green, Gen'l Ticket Agent. Master Transportation., I Office PETi:n.sBUKG II. Cn . " . March 27th, i ON AND AFTEK M A KUJ1 31.. , !.' trains -will run as follows: , LKAVE WELDOX; 7:40 u in 3:25 p m AMU VIS AT PKTEKSJIURG. Express, , '10:50 am Mail, 7:00 p m LEA VI J rETERSBLTIlG. Mail, 5:40 a iii Express, . 3:50 p m ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mail, 9:45 a in . Express, 6:50 p m "FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg, 8:00 a in Leave Weldon, 5:00 am Arrive at Weldon. 4:00 p in Arrive at Petersburg, 12:20 p m GASTON TRAIN. Leave Petersburg, 6:15 am Leave Gaston, 1:15 p m Arrive at Gaston, 12:50 p m Arrive at Petersburg. 8:10 pm No trains will run on Sunday exccj.t Express trains. Freights for Gascon Branch will l0 received at the Petersburg depot only qn MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will bo closed at 5:00 p in. No 'goods will bo received after that hour. J. C. SPRIGG, 53 tf. Eng. and Gen. Manager. .. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY Iii the City of Raleigh. O JJICIIMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, Oct. 13, 1872. GOING NORTH. Q . $75 to $250 Per Month, C. B. Edwards. N. B. Broughton. other purposea. approved the twentieth year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, every wnere, male and female, to Wintiuuuuc mo genuine l xvi is VJ V X U COMMON SENSE Eflmilv STCW. portions ana classes oi tne people ot mat lj 1JN G MACHINE. This machine atate or ine rignts, privileges, ana lm- p- will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt. muiiuica auu piuteunuii luuntju in me f cora, oina, oraia ana embroiaer vonsutuuon oi tne unitea estates ana secured by the act of Congress, approv ed April the twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one. entitled "An act to enforce the provisions of the lourteentn amendment to the Consti tution of the United States," and the persons composing such combinations and conspiracies were commanded to disperse and to retire peaceablv to their 1- lil A" i e iiumes wimin nve uays irom saia aate ; And whereas by my proclamation of the seventeenth day of October, in the EDWARDS & BROUGHTON PRACTICAL, a most superior manner. Price only SsSik i.ii i : ,i i . S 2 day ot April, Anno Domini one thou sand eight hundred and seventy-one, power is given to the President of the United States, when, in his judgment, the public safety shall require it, to suspend the privileges of the writ of habeas corpas in any State or part of a State whenever , combinations or con spiracies exist in such State or part of a State, for the purpose of depriving any portion or class of the people of such State of rights, privileges, immunities, and protection named in the Constitu tion of the United States, and secured by the act of Congress aforesaid ; and whenever such combinations and con spiracies do so obstrust and hinder the execution of the laws of any such State, and of the United States, as to deprive the people aforesaid of the rights, privi leges, immunities, and protection afore said, and do oppose and obstruct the laws of the United States and their due execution, and impede and obstruct the due course of tbe .same; and whenever such combinations shall be organized and armed, and so numerous and bow- erful as to be able bv violence either tn the privileges of the wrii of habeas cor pus were suspended in the counties named in said proclamation ; And whereas the county of Marion was named in said proclamations as one ot tne counties in which said unlawful combinations and conspiracies for the purpose atoresaid existed, and in which me privileges or me writ ot Habeas cor pus were suspended ; And whereas it has been ascertained that in said county of Marion said com binations and conspiracies do not exist to tne extent recited m said proclama tions ; And wnerea,s it lias been ascertained tnat uniawiul combinations and con spiracies of the charactec and to the ex tent and for the purposes described in said proclamations do&xist in the coun ty of Union in said State : . Now, therefore, I, Ulyastsj S. Grant, President of the United States of Amer ica, do hereby revoke, as to the said county of Marion, the suspension of the privileges of the writ of habfia onrnns directed in my said proclamation of the seventeentn day ot October. aio-MPAn J -WW-.-. 510. 'ully licensed and warranted for five years. We will nav 1.000 for any machine that will sew a suuuger, more neautitui or more elastic seam than ours. It makes Ul the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every U, second stitch can be cut and still the v-y. cloth cannot be pulled apart without f-i tearing it. We pay agents from $75 Jxj to ?250 per month and expense, or a O commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SE COMB & CO, Boston. Mass. Pitts burgh, Pa, Chicago, 111, or St Louis, Missouri. 1 overthrow or to set at defiance th rnn hundred and seventy-one : stituted authorities of said State and of And 1 do hereby command all persons the United States within such State: m the said county of Union composing nuu wueuever, uy reason 01 sucn caus- umawim comoinauons ana con es, the conviction of .such offenders and spiracies aforesaid to disperse and to re the preservation of the public peace tire peaceably to their homes within five shall become in such State or part of a days of tlie date hereof, and to deliver State impracticable ; either to the marshal of the United And whereas such unlawful combina- States for the district of South Carolina, tions and conspiracies for the purposes or to any of nis deputies, or to any mili- atoresaid are declared bv tha ar nf tary omcer ot the United States within SHALER'S PATENT PARADE TORCH for the CAMPAIGN of 1S72, is a striking novel ty in the torch line. The burning fluid being con tained in the packing, prevents all danger of aripping and soiling the clothing, and is perfectly safe in handling. By blowing thro' a tube in the handle A COLUMN OF FLAME is thrown three feet into the air, producing a beau tiful and startling effect, ind illuminatinsr a wide area. This Torch is chean- anu nandier than anv othpr. nnf tr burn only two or three cents per night. Manufactured and sold by S. M. AIK- juajn & UO., 261 Fearl Street, N Y. Manufacturers of Ship, 11 R. and Hand Lanterns. Stations. Mail. Express. Leave Greensboro 2.00 a.m. 11.10 a. m. 44 Danville, 4.40 44 1.52 p.m. 44 Burkville, 9.44 44 6.36 44 Ar. at Richmond, 12.45 p. m. 9.30 p. m. GOrNQ SOUTH. Stations. Mail. j. Express. Leave Richmond, 1.50 p. m. 5.10 a. 1., . 44 Burkville, 5.12 44 8.28 44 44 Danville, 10.00 44 12.57 p.m. Ar. at Greensboro 12. 25 a. m . 3. 30 44 Trains leaving Richmond at 1.50 p m, and at 5.10 a m, connect at Greensboro with trains on North Carolina Divison, for all points South. Passengers leaving Richmond at 1.50 p m, connect at Greensboro with train for all points East of Greensboro. Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 6.40 p m, connects at Greensboro with Nor thern bound Mail train, arriving in Richmond at 12.45 p m. JNO. R. MACMURDO, General Freight fe Ticket Agent. N THE 23ix OF NOVEMBER 1S72, I will sell at public aueli i on the premises, the following B.i Estate, to wit : Tart of Lot No. C6, known as tho "Standard" Lot, fronting on FayetU' ville street, 50fcet, and running back to Wilmington, st., 210 feet. Two Lots adjoining the above, known as the Root property, fronting on Faj -etteville street 49 feet, and running back to Wilmington street, 210 feet. This is one of tho best chances for a profitable investment that has been of fered in Raleigh for a long time. Those lots are well adapted either for business purposes or private residences. The 41 Standard" building contains all the modern advantages for a printing office, "bindery, &c.f having been erected especially for that purpose, at a cost of $16,000. Water and gas throughout tl.o building, and can bo easily converted into a privato residence. ' Of the Lots forming the Root prop erty, one of them is unimproved ; the other has upon it a seven-room house, lately repaired, painted, c, out-buildings, fcc. - ' .. Also, on the same day, at tho Court House door, will be sold seven Lots, containing about half an acre each, in theEastern part of tho city of Raleigh, adjoining the O'Rourke property and John Suggs. Also, one sniall farm in Obcrlin v'l lagc, one milo west of Raleigh, contain ing about 16 acres of the best land near tho city of Raleigh, all cleared anil fenced, good tenement house, well of water, Ac. Also, 250 acres of land in Barton Creek Township, at Tipper's Cross Roads, about 200 of which is wood land. Terms made known on day of sale. 08 td J. M. TOWLES, Auctioneer. PHILADELPHIA T Af "R. I1 A T.PflTT Engineer A General Superintendent. Urnamentai iTOn . VV DTkS T BOOK & JOB PRINTERS, Fayetteville Street, (Old Standard Building,) . RALEIGH, IV. C., 10:00 a. m. 3:30 P. M. .9:15 A. M. 3:05 p. m. Are now prepared description of to execute every er 3rlain and Fancy congress aroresaid to be rebellion against the Government of the United States; . And whereas by said act of Congress it is provided that before the Prosident shall suspend the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus, he shall first have made proclamation commanding such insurgents to disperse ; And whereas on the twelfth day of the present month of October the Presi dent of the United States did issue his proclamation, reciting therein, among other things, that such combinations and conspiracies did then exist in the counties of Spartansburg, York, Marion, Chester, Laurens, Newberry, Fairfield, Lancaster and Chesterfield, in the State of South Carolina, and commanding thereby all pursons cam posing such unlawful com binations and conspiracies to disperse and retire peaceably to their iiuuies- wimm nve a ays irom the date thereof, and to deliver either to the marshal of the United States for the district of South Carolina, or to any of his deputies, or to any military offieer of the United States within said counties, all arms, ammunitions, uniforms, dis guises, and other means and imple ments used, kept, possessed, or con trolled by them for carrying out the unlawful purposes for which the combi nations and conspiracies are organized, as CDiumanded by said proclamation, but do still persist in the unlawful combinations and conspiracies aforesaid: Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States of Amer ica, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the United States, and the act of Congress aforesaid, do hereby declare that in my judgment, the public safety especially requires that the privileges of the writ of habeas cor pus be suspended to the end that such rebellion, may bo overthrown, and do hereby suspend the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus within the coun ties of Spartansburg, York, Marion, Laurens, Newberry, Fairfield, Lancas ter ana unesterneid, in said State of South Carolina, in respect to all persons arrested by the marshal of the United - ?ji i - 1 saiu county, ail arms, ammunition, uniforms, disguises, and other means and implements used, kept, possessed, or controlled by them for carrying out the unlawful purposes for which the combinations and conspiracies are organized. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and cuused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this third day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand seal. eight hundred and seventy-one, and of the Independence ot the United States of America the ninety-sixth. U. S. GRANT. . ny tne resident : Hamimton Fish, Secretary of State. Claims Against tKe Government. I WILL ATTEND TO CLAIMS OF all kinds against the General Gov ernment. Business is respectfully sol icited from persons having claims be fore the Commissioners of Southern Claims, claims for cotton seized after the 30th of J une, 1865, or claims against any of the departments in Washin-- n, C.y; nave made arrargements with Col. James Madison Cutts, of Washinerton. to attpnrl in hnc;nCC, e iu .iuu jor me at times when noi do in Washington. erate. I mav Charees mod- W. W. TTOT.nTT'Nr Raleigh, Sept. 13, 1872. 43 2mpd! CITY HOTEL, Corner of Wilmington and Davie Streets., (Formerly Cooke's,) RALEIGH, C. fi OOD A COMFORTABLE Rdoms, V- attentive servants, and a Table sup plied with the Best the Market affords. Rates of Board Per dav, $2 00 Per weekf, 9 00 ' Per "hth, SO 00 J. B. BRYANT, Proprietor. October 10, 1872. 54 tri-wAwlm. Cheap Farms ! Free Homes ! On the line of the Union Pacific Rail road. 12,000,000 acres of the best Farm ing and Mineral Lands in America. 3,000,000 acres in Nebraska, in Platte Valley, now for sale. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, for grain growing and stock raising un surpassed by any in the United States. Cheaper in price, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be found elsewhere. FBEE HOMESTEADS FOTt. An. TUAL SETTLERS. The best location for on nnifs sol diers entitled to a Homestead of 100 acres. Send for the new Deserintiv Pam. phlet, with new maps, published in English, German. Swedish and DanUii mailed free every where. ' Address O. F. DAVIS, . Land Coni'r U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb.. DUTY OFF TEAS! EXTRA INDUCEMENTS FOR CLUBS ! SEND FOR NEW CLUB CIRCULAR 1 Which contains full explanations of Premiums, Ac. THE WAY TO fi"RT a tw mro GOODS ! T i . - xcisuus living at a distance from ework, can club together, and get them at the same price as we sell them x arenouses in New York. In order to get up a club, let each person wishing to join say how much Tea he wants, and select the kind and price Published in our otv. S , me naies, kinds and amount plainly on a list, and when the club is complete send it to us by mail and we will put each party's goods In separate packages, and mark the name upon them, with the cost, so there need oe no confusion in dish-i r 4.4.: "UUUUU au "sy gcumg exactly what he orders and no more. The funds to pay & goods ordered can be sent by drafts on The Great American Tea Co. P O IwVSr,33 'TEfF STBEET, i . o. Box 5W3. New York Cixr. BOOK & JOB PRINTING from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, on as reasonable terms as the same work can be done at any estab lishment in tho State. We will keep constantly on hand, or print to order, Solicitor, Superior Court Clerk, Sher iff and Magistrate's Blanks of the latest improved form, on most rea sonable terms. COMPETE IN PRICE AND EXECUTION with the best and- cheapest houses in tke State. Special attention paid to School Catalogues, UIKUULAKS AND BRONZED TOBACCO LABELS. Orders by mail promptly attended to, and work shipped by Mail or Express to any portion of the State. . Agents for S. COLLINS A CO'S News, Book and Job Inks at manufacturers prices, freight added. Orders solicited. EDWARDS A BROUGHTON, Box 178, Raleigh, N.'c. Sept. 1,1871. 39tf. QHANGE OF SCHEDULE. RALEIGH A GASTON RAILROAD, Superintendent's Office, Raleigh, N. C., Jtfne 15th, 1872. . On and after Monday, June 17, 1S72, trains on the Raleigh and Gaston Rail road will run daily (Sunday excepted) as follows : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Raleigh, Arrives at Weldon, Leaves Weldon. Arrives at Raleigh, ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Raleigh, r8:00 p. m. Arrives at Weldon, , G:20 a. m. Leaves Weldonj 9:15 p. m. Arrives at Raleigh, (8:00 a. m. Mail Train makes close connection at Weldon with the Seaboard A Roan oke Railroad and Bay Line Steamers via Baltimore, to and from all points North, West and Northwest and with Petersburg Railroad via Petersburg, Richmond and Washington City, to and Irom all points North and Northwest. And at Raleigh with the North Caro lina Railroad to and from all points South and Southwest, and with the naieign A Augusta Air Line to wood and Fayetteville. ROBERT WOOD. TIIOS. S. ROOT. ROBERT WOOD & CO, 113G Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. FOUNTAINS VASES FLOATING SWANS- FROGS -WATER LILIES- TURTLES, &c -STATUARY DUCKS for decorating fountains. VERANDAHS, SUMMER HOUSES, ARBORS, CHAIRS, SETTEES, &c, Cic. A NEW STYLE AVROUGIIT-IRON RAILING for Front of House and Cemeteries. Never before introduced. CAST AND WROUGIIT-IRON RAILINGS, for Public Builings and Squares, Cemetery Lots, Garden Fen ces, Balconies, Roof Crestings, etc., in great variety of Patterns. IRON STAIRS, Spiral and Straight, of various Patterns and Styles. Spe cial Attention given this class of work. LAMP POSTS, for fronts of Public Buildings, Hotels, and Citv Streets, of Hay- Plain and Elaborate Designs. (, STABLE FITTINGS nf n.,uf Accommodation and Freight trains. Wroucrht-I rOn. Of Nnw Tliinfnvuil connect at Weldon with Accommodation Styles, such as Hay Racks Stall Divis and Freight trains on Seaboard A Roan- ions, Mangers, Harness Bracket's oke Railroad and Petersburg Railroad, Gutters, Traps, Ventilators, Ac. iwiiu, it ii .fvuuuiiiuiuuauoii and at and Freight Railroad, june 27 tf. trams on North Carolina AB. ANDREWS, Gen. Supt. QHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Raleigh & Augusta Air Line, Superintendent's Office, Raleigh, N. C, June 15, 1872. On and after Monday, June 15th, 1872, trains on the R. A A. A. L. Road will run daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows : Mail train leaves Raleigh, 3.15 P. M. Arrives at Sanford, 6.15 " Mail train leaves Sanford, 6.45 A. M. Arrives at Raleigh, 9.45 Mail train makes close connection at Raleigh with the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, to and from all points North. And at Sanford with the Western Railroad, to and from Fayetteville and points on Western Railroad. A. B. ANDREWS, june 27 tf. Superintendent. RICHMOND A DANVILLE R. R., North Carolina Division. S HERIFF'S SALE! Mineral Water Botling V," onaay November 11th, 1872, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following goods and chattels, seized as .the property cf August Doepp, to ausiy executions in my hands for col lection, to wit : 2 Soda and Machines, 1 Generator, 3 Fountains, 300 Cases Bottles. Sale to take nlaeo on fh o. 33 Fayetteville Street. T. F. LEE, , Sheriff. aov. 1. . .09 tds. Freight Trains between Goldsboro and Raleigh will run in accordance with tho following Schedule after Sunday, Oct. 20th, 1872. WIRE WORK of every description. WireGuards of Crimped Wire, Gal vanized or Painted, in Plain or Orna mental Patterns, for Store Doors and Windows, Factory and Warehouse Win dows, Railings for olljces, Banks, Coun ter Railings, Balconies, Lawn and Farm i ences, Ac, Ac. GATES for entrance Public Squares and Gentlemen's Coun try Seats, of Gas Tubing or-Wrought-Iron, both single and double,Jn elabor ate and simple designs. . DRINKING FOUNTAINS, for street uses. A very large assortment of de signs expressly for this purpose. CASTAIR0N URINAL BOXES, for Public Parks and City Streets. OVAL VASES, Latest Styles, Centen nial Pattern. HITCHING POSTS, Jockey, Coolio, Sambo, and plain designs. May 17, 1872. 140-fim. Attorney at Law, AND SOLICITOR.QF CLAIMH, Rooms No. 14, May Building, P. O. Box 2G8. Washington, D. C. Pays special attention to South ern claims. 12 tf. Arrive. Leav. Stations. Arriv Leave. T 6.00 Raleigh, 9.05 T g 6.30 3 Auburn, g 8.35 fi P.507,00 Clayton, 8.05 8 15 SH 7.25 g 7.H0 WiWs, 7.30 j'M g 3J7.49 8.05 Selma, 6.50 7il0 P vS!H2 8.18 Pine Lev, 6.38 6.40 "3 18.40 8.50 Boon Hill, 0.05 6.15 79.30 g g Goldsboro g 5.30 g Wewillgivo energetic W. H, GREEN, Master Transportation, WANTED. men and women Business that will Pay from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood, and i strictly honorable. . Particulars free, oi samples that will enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt of two three cent stamps. Address , . J- LATHAM & CO., 292 Washington St., Boston, Mass. October 3, 1872, 17wCw