mt xLsi, . A THE DAIiLYERA. Oflcial Pappr,pf the United States. Official Paper of North Carolina. There was In the City one Sosii, Infamous for his insolence and villainy, who thought the perfection of "Liberty was licentiousness of Speech. Plutjlech. i THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1872. "POLITICAL DRIFT-W00D" is .what the organs of "democracy" now call their late '"liberal repub lican" allies. K Flashes of Election News. Haywood -(Official) Greeley 668, Grant 341. Greeley, majority 327. Democratic loss 2. ? f - Mecklenburg :-Officiallyj and corrected, Greeley 2,202, Grant 2, 181 ; Greeley majority 21. Repub lican gain 329. Robeson : Reports an official majority of 452 for Grant. A Re publican gain over August of 500. Well done for Robeson. The Re publicans of that county deserve special mention and commendation. The News goes Back on Itself. The Raleigh Daily News of to-day, sneakinsr of the late Presidential election in North Carolina says "Our people could not bury their prejudices. They were not willing to vote for a life-long abolitionist and Republican, when they thought there was no chance to defeat the Radical party. They would not vote for. Greeley under the circum stances, for after the results in Penn sylvania and Ohio in October, they gave up all hope of Greeley's elec tion." How does the foregoing tally with what The News has been say ing heretofore ? It has been daily charging, since the election, that the Southern Conservatives and Democrats were willing to make friends and be reconciled, and had manifested this disposition by giv ing up their prejudices and yoting for Mr. Greeley, but that it was the Northern people who were unwil ling to "shake hands across the Illinois gave Grant in '68, 51,150 w , fihMrn. Now The News majority. This year the majority I -,w nnlft noillfl not burv " X' x their prejudices." it also says our If "a house divided against itself cannot stand,'.' what is to become of the "Conservative" party, in which the hench-men of Merrimon and the klans-men of; Vance , are fighting each other so savagely ? The. Greeleyites are nearly as hugely disgusted at thei-result as we Would have been had they de feated Grant; and the country is in the same greai danger it, always found to be by the beaten party. Illinois was Father McNamara's Speech. SYMPATHY WIXII BOSTON!- Fire and Famine in the South. of every nationality, of every poli tics,? of , every v religion, of every color every man f woman and child there is entitled to our sympathies and to our 'prayers, and - to our bread! and? to our money; and,' we hasten to let Boston know that in this hour of her sorrow we feel for her children, and in the ONE GRAND ORDER, the UNIVER SAL BROTHERHOOD of Jesus Christ, we send them a part of our possessions. , r ( -'? y?e requested the Rev. Pastor of "StV John's Catholic" "Church' in this city to furnish us a report of his speech at the Citizen's meeting on Tuesday evening last. , , The Chairman Dr. Blacknall, having stated that Father McNa- Senatok Trumbull, the - clock mara had .lived in Boston, and that peddler, has nearly "run down." the House jwould be glad to hear his voice jn relation to this sad Bladen County. disaster, that Rev. gentleman spoke as follows: - "Mr. President and Friends: The occasion which calls together this assemblage of our citizens is one calculated to stir with us the live liest emotions and to call forth the most energetic expression of our sympathies. A city in ashes! A people cast homeless and sorrowing AAA - mr.Att. lK h aT. M m At. tNVtWA I . . uu wiu apyt wueru a iitue ueiwc ESCURIAL BELLES. A COrreS- stood stately marts of commerce, DOndent of The London Daily News, and the homes of a contented popu- gpeaking of the- Escurial, . lately lauon i nuuren are waning, wives partially destroyed by fire, gives and mothers are disconsolate. Sons n accoUnt of some relics which the ana Drotners, ana nusoanas rusn palace contained, and which has bewildereintq the-streets of Bos- geen collected by devout Spanish ton, and lift their eyes to behold in kingg from all quarters of the earth. To the Editor of The Era : Sir You may say. Bladen coun tv has done her work well. .Six hundred and fifty-one majority for Grant. She will get a Banner one day. EVANDER SINGLETARY, of Bladen. Wilmington, T$ov. 11, 1872. ruins and in ashes ago was the comfort of their fami lies, the product of solicitude and toil. The devouring element has swept over the face of a thrifty and prosperous city, and desolation stalks amid her avenues and palaces. O, my friends, Citizens of North Carolina, we are poor in this world's treasures. We are few in number. Our capital is but a little hamlet diron on which St. Lawrence was burnt ; a piece of the sponge in which drink was given to our Savior while hanging, on the cross ; some pieces of the column " to which he was bound when scourged: two thorns from his crown : a piece of his tunic; a piece of the manger in which he was born ; the thigh-bone of St. Paul : some bones of the compared with the Metropolis of Evangelists St. Mark and St. Luke; New lungiana. Tne mite we can give may not procure a mouthful for each suffering little one in the streets of Boston. BUT OUR HEART IS BIG IN CHAIRIT Y. Our hand is open to the unfortunate ! Our voice is upraised to give them consolation! We can give them more than bread. We can reach out to them the abundance of our com- is more than 56,000. to show the fullest development of - all hoDe Selecting, o xnem tne aounaance 01 our cons ul:, i of.f r,f people gave up ail nope 01 electing passion: and from our open palm "liberal republican" strength of n, Q 0an- ffvT-- iuu ,. n4rl; r any State in the Union. She has shown it, but in a way that Trum bull and Palmer despise. If the people want to witness an other Tammany expose, let them subscribe to The Era. We shall open on the North Carolina Peni tentiary after the Legislature meets, with heavy artillery, and shall not only expose the unparalleled con duct of the managers for the past two years, but the corruption of the Legislature that placed them there, and which, in the face of astound ing developments, retained them, to the great' disgrace of the State and the everlasting infamy of the last Legislature. Greeley after the result of the Penn- they will gather with affection even sylvania and Ohio elections in Oc- tne morsel wnicn in our poverty tnW TTPt after thnsA Alprtinns. its we.rau aic hiciij. a cuuuicuiu v . ' ; L ' " water has its comlorts for the fam laijmg iviutMUbj o w tuc isnmer. uiven in tne name oi our polls ; to the polls ; there is hope yet Heavenly Father, it brings its bless of electing Greeley I the vote of North mgs down, it reireshes the recipi the bodv of one of the Innocents slain by order of Herod ; a finger of at. ljawrence ana nan oi nis drck bone ; the entire bodies of St. Mau ricio, St. Theodorus, St. Mercury, St. Williams, and others ; the heads of St. Bias, St. Julian, St. Felix, and others ; a rib of St. Albans ; the knee of St. Sebastian ; a foot of St. Phillip the Apostle; one of the wa ter pots from the marriage feast at Cana, and other most interesting relics of men and events mentioned in ecclesiastical history. Carolina may decide the contest, and carry the day !" Out with such hypocricy! Who can have any confidence in such an organ? We pause for a reply. ent it makes the giver blessed. We will pinch ourselves to alle viate the sufferings of a sorrow stricken city. The little we can It is related of the new King of Sweden that having once gone with a friend to Malmo, the twain were robbed of all the money they had, and were therefore unable to pay their hotel bills. The angry land- " Political Brift-Wood.' Everybody remembers tne ri diculous and childish spectacle of Senators Tipton and Ransom "clasp ing hands" on the stand at Weldon Tipton, Helper, Mr. Greeley himself has no faith in the cardinal tenets of the Democratic party ; how much less the floating politi cal drift-wood which a sense of expedi ency brought to his support in the late mistaken, disastrous canvass ! The great thing now is not to keep this floating political drift-wood, but to rehabilitate and re-establish the Democratic party. Neto York World. So Sumner, Schurz, Trumbull, Goodloe, and Mc- l. s. ANTONIO FLORES. Quigg, are dismissed with an epi thet, and told to "drift." They have been used by the "democrats" and "conservatives" and "ku-kltix" but proving of no account, The World one day last summer during tne . progress of a Merrimon-Greeley meeting. It' will be an equally "sorry sight" to see these grave, po tent and reverend Senators clasp hands for the last time the fourth of March next, as Tipton ex-its for longer, but thus turn the wilds of Nebraska, no longer grass a Senator, but a dead political preacher a minister of mischief shorn of his power. And in the fate of Tipton, Ran som will read his late lour years hence. The so-caxled "democratic-con servative " party of North Carolina was formed, after the war, of these inharmonious elements : oldsimon- pure democrats, old line whigs, se- and its followers will keep them no allude not to a fire lighted by acci- them out to dent, nor by the torch ol the com munist. It was the flame of war ! It was the fire of prolonged political As Sumner has two years longer -strife, and it left behind it the hor- in the senate, he can leeoiy say nu asnes, uie mgnuui cinaers, ae with his great predecessor "I still moiished wallshimneys standing " - But poor Trumbull! the erv wasted homestead. clock peddling business in Georgia But, O, my friends, in that fear is "played out ;" while Tipton feels ful night of your own calamity did the natural aversion of his class to you not case one iook peyona your give will be sweetened by the savor lord, not knowing who they were, of our deep commiseration; and the called them swindlers and adven- people whom we succor will not re- turers, and threatened to have them gard so much the quantity of bread arrested. They laughed at this we share with them, as the kind- threat, which increased his wrath, ness and the timeliness with which and they barely escaped ill treat-J we pffer it, and our Heavenly ment at his hands. This incident Father will rank our charity not reminds one of some episodes in with that of the wealthy who put the life of Prince Hal, of England, in ol their abundance, but with that the friend of Falstaff. of the widow who of her povertyt put in a mite and that mite was magnified by Heaven's benediction, so that in the estimation of God Al mighty she put in more than all the others. Widows ! Orphans ! Desolated homes ! ! Starvation ! ! ! How these words recall what the South has so recently experienced ! Widows we have plenty! Orphans we have many ! Desolated firesides you have witnessed nor are you stran gers to the ghastly figure of want I may say starvation. Fire too has swept over your happy homes. I and return to the herding of sacred flocks. Schurz will remain in the Senate until his term expires two vears uraaiuuiaw auu uiiiuiusb , war-men nence, wnen ne win aoubtiess re- ana peace-men ; and peace-men in turn to the "ministry of song," war; and war-men in peace. Tyhen plaintively bewailing his loss of the we add to this conglomeration the German vote. ku-klux and liberal republicans, we have an organization to be proud of. Such a force ought to have swept the country, and would, but Tor the law of the land, we have not the slightest doubt. We are anxious to know the manner of man this party will send to the Senate of the United States. As for our friends down here in North Carolina, they have of course "drifted" so far to leeward as not to be heard of again, and so will give no further trouble. From the New Haven Palladium. How the liberals went Down. The Weekly Era. One feature of the election to which we would like to call atten tion is, that wherever a Liberal is nominated in his own district bv From and after the date of The Weekly Era for the 28th November, our Weekly will be enlarged, and the Democrats, he is unhesitatingly people well. Earlier years I passed the price raised from ONE to TWO quenched by his former friends. inere- 1 was a boy. on her streets. borders? Did you not fall down beneath the stars of Heaven and ask in the bitterness of your be reavement whether in the distant City some compassionate hearts were not moved by the story of your amiction v ivna when you learned that here and there some heart had heaved in sympathy with yours, did not your tears flow down ? Did you not thank your God that amid all the strife of war above all the tumult of human passions, you had heard some voices laden with consolation, mingling sweetness with the bitter chalice of your sorrows? The name of Boston is mixed up aeepiy . with the history of i your terrible struggle ? Boston may have had her faults. Boston may have been a center of sectional animosity Boston mav have been a caldron of political as well as religious fanaticism. But . y i r near me, my inenas ; i Know my theme. I know Boston and her rriHOS. S. THAIN, Alex. Thain JL Henry Thain, Defendants, against William Thain, Hamilton W. Thain, and Caroline R. Thain, Defendants. Summons. The State of lVortli Carolina, To the Sheriff" of Johnston County, Greeting: You are hereby commanded to sum mon William Thain, Hamilton W Thain, and Caroline R. Thain, the de fendants above named, if they be found within vour county, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Johnston, within twenty days, after the service of this summons on them, exclusive of the day of such service, and answer the com plaint, a copy of which is deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Johnston county: and let them take notice, that if they fail to an swer the said complaint within that time the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this notice make due return. Giveu under my hand and the seal of the Court this 2d day of November, 1872. P. T. MASSEY, C. S C, 23 wGw. Johnston County. North Carolina ElectionEetnrns: AUGUST . AND NOVEMBER, 1872. i. Counties. Alamance, Alexander, Alleghany, Anson,"" Ashe, Beaufort, Bertie, - Bladen, Brunswick, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cleaveland, Columbus,. Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Dare, Davidson, Davie, . Duplin, , Edgecombe, Forsythe, Franklin, Gaston, Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Henderson, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, Martin, McDowell, Mecklenburg Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, NewHanover Northampton Onslow, Orange, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Polk, Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanley, Stokes, Surry, Swain, Transylvania Tyrrell, Union, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wayne, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey, is eg o o Claims Against tne Government. I WILL ATTEND TO CLAIMS OF all kinds against the General Gov ernment. Business is respectfully sol icited from persons navmg claims be fore the Commissioners of Southern Claims, claims for cotton seized after the 30th of June, 1865, or .claims against any of the departments in Washing ton City. I have made arrargements with Col. James Madison Cutts, of Washington, to attend to business of this kind for me at times when I may not be in Washington. Charges mod erate. W. W. HOLDEN. Raleigh, Sept. 13, 1872. 43 2mpd. and prominent suit of the whole thing is that the Republican party, after a year of abuse ana home treachery and false friends, comes out of a great strug- than it has ever before achieved. Its oppressors are now enjoying the Dollars a year; and the price of the Tri-Weekly will be FIVE instead of THBEE Dollars. This is done in justice, not only to ourselves, but to the other Re publican papers of the State, which have just cause of complaint at the low price of The Era; a price not pleasure of throwing the blame of only under which they could not the deieat on one another. The rvimrtA with ns hut .t whinh The Democrats did not succeed because nri.i,. k Liberals would not come out. ,rc uum The Liberals say the Democrats sacrifice; for it is but simple truth voted for Grant. It is of no conse- to state, that, although The Weekly quence. Both of them put together Era has enjoyed the largest circula- were weignea ana iouna leanuiiy W fai- ftf otiw nonor in thai Wanting. Banks and Bird are two melancholy J earned my bread among her cit- instances. The re- lzens I rejoiced m her halls. I State, it has, nevertheless, cost an abundant stim over its income; and feeling that our friends do not wish The personal appearance of the Emperors of Germany, Austria and Russia, is thus touched off hv a rnr- us to continue to serve them at such respondent of The Etoile Beige, who . a sacrifice to ourselves, we have de-1 saw them in Berlin : " Old William .termined to put the price of the pa- i? per iip to living rates. - sia like ihe The Daily Era remains at Seven Francis Joseph of Austria like a Dollars. , ; 2 1 man who has no good .conscience.'1 prayed in her Temples. I knew her in the flush of her prosperity and power, and I can testify to the tact that Boston was also the home of solid virtues. Boston was not all consumed with fanaticism. Notwithstanding the ideas that may have been formed of that city, I am competent to as sert that Boston possessed a class of citizens who, for generosity, high mindedness and general excellence would do honor to any city on the lobe. Generosity and genius are er characteristics. Those who have been in Boston know her gen erosity. Those who have not seen her are not ignorant of her genius ! AND THERE THE SOUTH HAD MANY FRIENDS. Yet in this moment when calamity has befallen Boston, we here in the Capital of North Carolina do; not wait. I hope, to count our friends. Ave give no sign, but charity I We Special Term Superior Court. IN ACCORDANCE WITH a NOTICE issned by His Excellency, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, a Special Term of the Superior Court will be held for the county of wake on Monday, tne 6tn day of Janua ry, 1873, and continue until the business is disposed of. Said Court will be for the trial of Civil and Criminal cases. The first three weeks being devoted to the Civil docket ; and the remainder of the Term to the trials on the Criminal docket. R. W. WYNNE, Ch'm'n Board Commissioners. Raleigh, Nov. 8, 1872. 74 td. GRAND LODGE OF NORTH CAR OLINA. Ofeice op Grand Secretary. Raleigh, Nov. 4th, A. L., 1872. The Grand Lodge of Free and Ac cepted Masons of North Carolina will commence its 86th Annual Communi cation in this city, on Monday, 2d of December next, at 7 o'clock, p. m. Return tickets for one fare will be is sued over the several railroads in this State to officers and representatives at tending the grand Lodge, , on applica tion therefor at the several points where they take the cars. , - This arrangement has been made with the railroad authorites, and the return tickets as indicated should be JS kotlier-countereign by which proCured to prevent payment of full to recognize our partisans! Every fare. ' f ; f - 5. V. BAIN, . iiiau, uuumii, anu cniia in uosion Nov 6 72td Grand Secretary, 1,015 389 184 1,019 701 1,565 1,514 1,448 708 1,114 683 811 332 554 739 1,456 422 1,683 433 742 142 547 693 '2,708 1,883 349 270 1,516 662 1,035 3,452 1,115 1,560 .688 512 2,655 947 1,831 3,640 695 -420 716 983 610 994 166 1,374 639 1,270 706 130 641 1,048 519 2,261 628 653 881 1,293 3,614 1,990 4yj 1.321 358 1,053 910 819 1,775 342 1,389 1,304 1,583 1,301 1,118 1,013 1,464 366 830 838 29 203 347 631 3,843 2,380 917 353 1,949 1,294 1,152 see 382 98,630 96,731 1,899 "1,270 545 ' - 339 1,191 752 1,331 949 1,208 711 1,538 852 1,161 829 562 1,062 1,415 1,261 1,774 486 576 252 1,099 1,045 1,146 1,890 763 . 232 1,384 826 .1,750 1,474 1,033 1,475! i 927 754 1,976 783 1,849 1,673 795 749 505 874 816 1,738 554 1,481 559 944 903 655 635 1,035 706 2,511 195 475 1,055 1,284 9 9fil 1 ll095 892 1,945 446 657 642 1,101 1,782 224 1,364 1,016 1,631 1,653 1,655 727 1,697 646 905 989 332 379 " 391 1,022 3,269 1,107 492 435 1,749 1,034 1,319 759 503 u . - x 00 OC 925 1,517 1,409 565 796 441 1,586: 553 777 2,759 1,846 a o a 2 o 850 96,731 3,436 1,543 479 1,726 1,726 311 1,368 l,30lJ 024 2,181 683 758 544 946 1,252 1,300 451 730 954 1,442 1,221 1,197 618 1,362 1,302 C68 Sphedulesr RICHMOND fc DANV1J.J.K n t North Carolina Diviua.' CONDENSED TIME TABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, o-t,u. 13th, 1872. r OOINO NORTH. IS. Stations. Leave Charlotte, Concord, ; " , Salisbury, i Lexington High Point Ar. at Greenslxro Leave Greensboro Co. Shops, Hillsboro, " Raleigh,, Ar. at Goldsborq, Mail, 7.10 p. m. 8.32 " 10.02 " 11.05 4 12.16 a. m. 1.09 2.00 3.40 4.55 8.05 11.10 a. m, it .3U 8.37 9.27 10.17 11.00 11.10 OOINO SOUTH. Stations. Leave Goldsboro, " : Raleigh, Hillsboro, " Co. Shops, Ar. at Greensboro Leave Greensboro " High Point Lexington, Salisbury, '.. 1 Concord, Ar. at Charlotte, Mail. 3.00 p.m. 6.40 " 9.16 4 10.55." 12.20 a. m. 1.10 2.02 " 3.03 3.58 5.14 6.25 a. m. t 4.00 " 4.39 5.27 6.13 7.13 8.10 p. m. 8C9 701 737 2,202 Passenger-train leaving Raleigh at 6,40, p. m., connects at Greensboro w ith Northern bound train; making nie quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routo. Mail trains daily, . both ways, over entire length of road. Express daily between Company Shops and Charlotte (Sundays excepted.) All Passenger trains connect at Greensboro with trains to and from Richmond. Pullman Palace Cars on all nisj,t trains between Charlotte and Richmond (without change.) S. E. ALLEN, W. H. Green, Gen'l Ticket Agent. Master Transportation. JJICIIMOND fc DANVILLE R. R. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, Oct. 13, 1872. 1,997 1,265 752 1,483 GOING NORTH. Stations. Mail. Express. Leave Greensboro 2.00 a. m. 11.10 a. m. " Danville, 4.40 " 1.52 p.m. " Burkville. 9.44 " 6.3G " Ar. at Richmond, 12.45 p. m. 9.30 p. m. GOING SOUTH. : Stations. Mail. Express. i : Leave Richmond, 1.50 p. m. 5.10 a. " Burkville, 5.12 " 8.28 -" " Danville, 10.00 " 12.57 p.m. Ar. at Greensboro 12.25 a. m. 3.30 4t 1,470 889 544 3,705 2,428 1,934 782 2,407 1,054 1,308 Trains leaving Richmond at 1.50 p m, and at 5.10 a m, connect at Greensboro with trains on North Carolina Divison, for all points South. Passengers leaving Richmond at 1.50 p m, connect at Greensboro with train for all points East of Greensboro. Passenger train leaving Raleigh at C.40 p m, connects at Greensboro with Nor thern bound Mail train, arriving in Richmond at 12.45 p m. JNO. R. MACMURDO, General Freight fc Ticket Agent. T. M. R. Talcott, Engineer fc General Superintendent. Schedules. JHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Raleigh & Augusta Air Line, Superintendent's Office, Raleigh, N. C, June 15, 1872, On and after Monday, June 15th, 1872, trains on the R. & A. A. L. Road will run daily, (Sunday excepted,) as 101 lows : . Mail train leaves Raleigh. 3.15 P. M. Arrives at Sanford, 6.15 " Mail train leaves Sanford, 6.45 A. M. Arrives at Raleigh, 9.45 Mail train makes close connection at Raleigh with the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, to and from all points North. And at Sanford with the Western Railroad, to and from Fayetteville and points on western itaiiroad. A. B. ANDREWS, june 27 tf. Superintendent. Office Petersburg R. R. Co., . March 27th, 1872. fN AND AFTER MARCH 31st, the v- trains will run as follows : LEAVE WELDON. Express Train, . 7:40 a m Mail Train, 3:25 pm ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express, 10:50 am Mail, 7:00 p m LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail, 5:40 am Express, 3:50 p m ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mail, 9:45 a m Express, 6:50 pm FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg, ' 8:00 a m Leave Weldon, ' 5:00 a m Arrive at Welaon, 4:00 p m Arrive at Petersburg, 12:20 p m GASTON TRAIN. Leave Petersburg, 6:15 a m Leave Gaston, ' 1:15 p m Arrive at Gaston, 12:50 pm Arrive at Petersburg. 8:10 pm Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p m. No goods will be received after that hour. . J. C. SPRIGG. 53 tf. Eng. and Gen. Manager. QHANGE OF SCHEDULE. RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD, - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Raleigh, N. CL, June 15th, 1872. On and after Monday, J une 17, 1872, trains on the Raleigh and Gaston Rail road will run daily (Sunday excepted) as follows: 1 mail, train. . Leave Raleigh. ' 10:00 a.m. Arrives at Weldon, , 3:30 r. m. Leaves Weldon, 9:15 a.m. Arrives at Raleigh, 3:05 r. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Raleigh, 8:00 r. m. Arrives at Weldon, 6:20 "a. m. Leaves Weldon? 9:15 r. m. Arrives at Raleigh, 8:00 a.m. Mail Train makes close connection at Weldon with the Seaboard fc Roan oke Railroad and Bay Lino Steamers via Baltimore, to and from all points North, West and Northwest and with Petersburg Railroad via Petersburg. Richmond and Washington Citv. to and from all points North and Northwest. And at Raleigh with the North Caro lina Railroad to and from all points South and Southwest, and with the Raleigh fc Augusta Air Line to Hay wood and ayettevule. Accommodation and Freight trains, connect at Weldon with Accommodation and Freight trains 011 Seaboard & Roan oke Railroad and Petersburg Railroad, and at Raleigh, with Accommodation and Freight trains I on North Carolina Railroad. A.B.ANDREWS. june 27 tf. I Gen. Supt. Office A. fc N. C. R. R. Co., Newbern. June 15. 1872. A TLANTIC fc NORTn CAROLINA TS1 I A -a-j- xvauroau company, New Series Time Table No, 6. To take effect at 6:15 o'clock. A. M.. June 17th, 1872. suoryeJS w I ounx - . suojuns g ; P4 H h3 .ooooecoococo o'O'O'O'O'tj'O'O'O'O'd'O'S 1 - . " S 2 S o r- cj cs o 5 ko ui irf V d ci eo ci ci ci . o o C C C O o CO o o c. "C y c rz rz "3 0 "O T3 p "O ICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R., JL1 JNORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Freight Trains between Goldsboro and Raleigh will run in accordance with the following Schedule after Sunday, Oct. 2utn, iwz. o H H P O .r? 60 O T. c r- Arrive. Leav. W 6.00' g 6.30 S &6.50 7.00 7.25 K 7.30 7.49 8.05 B8.15 8.18 8.40 8.50 79.30 g S Stations. Raleigh, Auburn," Clayton, Wilson's, Selma, Pine Lev, Boon Hill, Goldsboro Arriv 9.05 tf 8.05 7.30 60 6.38 6.05 Leave, 8.35 8.15 7.35 7.10 6.40 p .ooooooooo ooo 'CtS'Q'OlO'C'O'O'O'O'O's. -JZ ? ........ 6.15 5.30 gK Q W. H. GREEN, Master Transportation. P5 . ocoeooec o o eo 4 rH r " ... E. R. STANLY; President.