Official Paper of North Carolina. Official Paper or the XJnited States. 9fere wss in th City one Sosii, inCamous Tmr his lnsolene and vUlalny, who thought the prfetftfoa of Liberty tras licentiousness of Speech. Plutarch. MONDAY, JAN. 13th, 1873. Appointing Superintendent of Public Instruction. The vacancy in the office of Su perintendent of Public Intruction, caused by the death of .Rev. James Iteid, has to be filled by appoint ment of the Governor, and that duty devolving upon the Executive, andthependingperformance thereof, has provoked some premature, ill natured, and unnecessary criticism and speculation. It is understood the Governor feels that the success of his admin istration depends very much upon his ability to establish a perfect, practicable and successful system of public education for the unlettered masses of North Carolina. If he succeeds in doing this if Governor Caldwell can accomplish the great work of opening a public school in every township of the State, and thereby educate all the children, white and black, of the State, he will have done more than any man before him ; and such success will redound to the everlasting pride and glory of the Republicans of North Carolina. It then becomes the Governor to The Raleigh News Nils been much exercised of late, for fear that Governor Caldwell would appoint some Democrat Superintendent of Public Instruction. The News was neither so facetious nor apprehen- place in the office of Superintendent sive about the time it was receiving of Public Instruction the best man the State Printing through the aid, for the position the State of North CO-operation and management of Carolina affords. He should be, leading Republicans, in and out of first, a native of the State; second, An Act to Alter the Constitu tion of North Carolina. the Legislature. The imputation of some that Mahone'scash influenced the pro ceedings stopping the sale of the Western North Carolina Railroad is unjust, unfounded and at total variance with the truth. No mat ter if Mahone did say it was his purpose to get possession of the Road and " blow down the ledges politician. 41 of rock which overhang the road, "and close it up," thus depriving the West of a Railroad for all time to come, no man in North Carolina can impute improper motives to Governor Caldwell. He may make mistakes, as who does not ? And the a graduate of the State University ; third, a thoroughly educated, practi cal business man, and a good lawyer ; : Section 1.: The Gentneral Assem bly of North Carolina do enact, (three-fifths of all the members of each house concurring,) That the constitution of this state be altered as follows, to-wit : Amend section six of the first ar ticle, by striking out the first clause thereof, down to and including the word "but;" this being the clause relating to the state debt. Amend section two of the second article by striking out the word "annually," and inserting in lieu thereof, the word " biennially ;" be ing in reference to the sessions of the general assembly. Amend section five of the second article, by strinking out all that precedes the w ords " the said senate district," and by striking out the phrase "as aforesaid or'' in said section ; the part so stricken out having reference to the state census. Add a new section to the second article to be styled " section thirty," and to read as follows : " The mem bers of the general assembly shall each receive three hundred dollars as a compensation for their services during their term, subject to such regulations in regard to time of payment and reduction for non-attendance as may be prescribed by law ; but they may have an addi tional allowance when they are called together in special session, and mileage shall be ten cents per mile for each session." Amend section one of the third article by striking out the words " four years," where they occur first in said section, and inserting in lieu frmvf. omniiomQnnf.nnKrnf thereof, the words " two years," fourth, a gentleman of such respect- bei m reference to tho tim ,f ability, cnaracter and position as to executive officers. command the support and co-operation of all the people of North Car olina of every religious sect, politi cal party or circle of society ; and fifth, the appointee should not be a To find such a man, Governor Caldwell must take a wide range. He must discard every other con sideration except peculiar fitness for the position. The office of Superintendent of Public instruction is in no wise a Era regards the delay caused by political office, and if Governor Caldwell has determined not to make of it a political machine, he gives hope of success at the outset. For the educational interests of North Carolina cannot be confined to one political party or the other. The Democrats tried it before the If war, and failed ; the Republicans article, so that said seci unmistakably to the internal inter- tried it after the war. nrl sir thfv reacV nows : Tne supreme. ,f f iha Wocf nH whilo rocrrot- riA COUJZ SnU1 COIlBlSt Ot a Chiel justice ft iancu. ana two associate justices : Provided, ting mat tne governor jouna it it is a subject of public, private That this shall not apply to the necessary to interfere with the sale, and social concern to all, dependent justices during their present term ot the Bra will nevertheless sustain uDon all for supers, and must rnn- umtx umvt uy ueam, reignation proceedings in Court as misfortune, but it , stands out prominently be fore tfie world that the Governor is moved solely by a desire to take care of the interests of the State. The Era has expressed the hope that the delay would only be tem porary, and has committed itself I striKe out the words "superin tendent of public works," wherever they occur in the constitution, thus abolishing that office. Amend section six of the third article by striking out the word " annually," and inserting in lieu thereof, the word " biennially ;" so as to conform to the provisions re specting the sessions of the general assembly. Strike out sections two and three of the fourth article, being the pro visions which reier to the appoint ment and duties of the code com missioners. Alter section four of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows : " The judicial pow er of the state shall be vested in a court for the trial of impeachments, a supreme court, superior courts, such inferior courts as may be es tablished by law, and courts of jus tices or tne peace.77 Alter section eight of the fourth section shall provide for the election : of more than two justices of the peace in those precincts which contain cities or towns, or in which other special reasons render it expedient. The chief magistrates of cities and in corporated towns shall have the judicial powers of justices of the peace." Amend section thirty of the fourth article by striking out the word "townships" and inserting in lieu thereof the word precincts;" also in the last sentence of the same sec tion, strike out the words "the commissioners of the county may appoint to such office for the unex pired term," and in lieu thereof in sert "an appointment to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term shall be made as may be prescribed bylaw.77 Amend sections one and seven of the fifth article, by striking out the words "commissioners of the sev eral counties" where they occur in said sections, and in lieu thereof insertings the words "county au thorities established and authorized bylaw." Strike out section four of the fifth article, relating to taxation to pay the state debt and interest. Amend section six of the fifth ar ticle by inserting after the word "instrument" in said section the words "or any other personal prop erty."" ? Insert the word "and" before the word "surveyor" in section one of the seventh article, and strike out the words "and five commission ers" in said section; also add to said section the following: "The general assembly shall provide for a system of county "government for the several counties of the State. Amend section two of the seventh article, by striking out the word "commissioners" and in lieu thereof inserting the words "county author- THE IAIIiY AND WEEKI5T ERA. jDailyj one year, -Weekly, one year, 7.00 - 2.00 JOB " PRINTING, &c. C. B. Edwakds. . N. B. Bkouqhtow EDWARDS & BROUGHTON PRACTICAL Every Post Jfaster in the State is an Authorized Agent. IXDUCEMEIVTS-COilIIll ISSUES. In order to promote the circulation of the Daily and Weekly Era, the following inducements are onered and commissions allowed : Any reliable person (known to the people of the community) procuring subscribers lor The Jura is entitled to zo per cent, of all subscriptions for the Daily or Weekly to single subscribers, which amount he is authorized to deduct from the sums paid into his hauds, and remitting to us the balance. livery present weekly subscriber to The Era can therefore make fifty cents by induc ing any one or his neigh bors to su bscnbe. and forwarding to us the money for the same; fifty cents lor every additional subscriber to the weekly paper, and $1.75 for every cash subscriber to the Daily for a year. CLUBS. The Weekly Era will be sent to clubs of subscribers at the fol lowing rates : One copy, one year 52 issues, Five copies, one year 52 issues, t ti 44 (i 44 Twenty " M 44 44 Thirtv 44 44 44 4 4 44 And an extra paper to each Club. Address WM. M. BROWN, Business Manager, Raleigh, N. C. We rely upon our friends every where to work for the paper on the above conditions, and lor the mter- if Yiji -?f - xyr jf r-Zf-ifA BOOKS' MB PRINTERS 32 00 7 50 13 50 24 00 33 00 Fayettevllle Street, (Old .Standard Building,; RALKIGII, IN". C., Are now prepared to . e.xecuto every description of Ilain and Fancy L VJ 14 W V J VilV1 . . I' ll 1 ities established and authorized bv LSt uie 1U "1B Permanency anu same section strike success oune itepuDiican party; a law," and in the out the words, "the register of deeds shall be ex officio clerk of the board of com m issibners. ' 1 Strike out section three of the seventh article, and in lieu thereof permanency and success to be at tained and secured in no better and more certain way than by sustain ing and promoting the efficiency and permanent success of the central insert the following : "The county organ at the State Capitol ; for what authorities established and author- would the Republican party in ipH lw inw eVinii coo hQt fho r-o in ortn Carolina oe witnoutanorcran h!m ctiat all imputations or charges of corrupt intentions, or Of wilfil wrong. Vaccination in the tiary. Peniten- A correspondent of the Era Write to complain that the con victs in the State Pen are not vac cinated, and on the .principle that an ounce of preventive is worth "a pound of cure," urges that the Physician to the Penitentiary be required at once to vaccinate all the convicts. , If we lived in a State where in telligent and competent manage ment characterized the government of our public institutions, it would not be necessary to call attention to this matter now ; forlthe public has certainly labored under the impres sion that all convicts were vaccina ted the first thing on entering the enclosure. It appears, however, that such a thing has never entered the stupid brain of the management of the North Carolina Penitentiary. The small pox is raging all over the country. At least three of the counties adjoining Wake have it now, and it has been reported in Wake county, only a few miles from Raleigh. That it will be in the city is more than probable, and it may therefore be looked for any day. The convicts in the State Pen should be vaccinated without an hour's delay. Mr. .President Bled soe and Deputy Warden Hall should be i prevailed on to suspend their diverting operation of the shower bath until the convicts can be vac cinated and recover therefrom. And if they cannot be prevailed on by the humanity of public opinion, then let a deputation of the Young Men's Christain Association wait on the Penitentiary authorities. The correspondent of the Era calls attention to the fact that the stHiuently enlist the support and co-operation of all, or meet with no success. It is an appointment in which the prejudices of our political oppo nents have to be regarded if we are to appeal to them for their aid in establishing an effectual public school system for North Carolina ; and Gov select tion, and it matters not from which side he is supposed to come if he possesses all the requisite qualifica tions for the position. In all matters of a strictly politi cal nature the Era is in favor of or oinerwise, tne number ot asso ciato Justices shall be reduced to two. Alter section twelve of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows : ' The state shall be divided into nine iudicial dis- V . ized by law shall see that the re spective counties are divided into a suitable number of sub-divisions, as compact and convenient in shape as possible, and marked out by defi nite boundaries, which may be al tered when necessary. Said sub divisions shall be known .by the name of precincts. They shall have no corporate powers. The township governments are abolished. The boundaries of the precincts shall be the same as those which heretofore defined the townships until they shall be altered." Strike out sections four, five, six, ten and eleven of the seventh arti cle, which relate to the township system. Amend sections eight and nine of the seventh article, by striking out the words "or townships" where they occur in said sections. Strike out section three of the ninth article, and in lieu thereof in sert the following: "The General Assembly shall make suitable pro vision by law for the management and regulation of the public schools, at Raleigh? $200 REWARD! of A Proclamation by the Governor North Carolina. Executive Department, Italeigh, Dec. ISth, 1872. Whereas, official information has been received at thi3 Department that one J. N. Uarson, alias Clawsoti, alias Wagner, charged with burglary in the county of Ashe, has escaped from the jail of that county, and so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him : BOOK. & JOB PRINTING from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, on as reasonable terms n th same work can bo done at anv fKtah. lishment in the State. Wewill keep constantly on hand, m print to order, Solicitor, Superior Court Clerk, Sher iff and Magistrate's Ulan An of the latest improved form, on most rea sonable terms. COMPETE IN PRICE AND EXECUTION with the best and cheapest houses in tke State. Special attention paid to School Catalogues, CIRCULARS AND BRONZED TOBACCO LABELS. Orders by mail promptly attended to, and work shipped by Mail or Express to any portion of tho State. $3?- Agents for S. COLLINS it CO S News, Book and Job Inks Now, therefore, I, Tod R. Caldwell, at manufacturers prices, freiL'lit added. Governer of the State of North Carolina, Orders solicited. tricts, for each of which a judge and for perfecting the system of free chosen ; and in each district public instruction." shall be a superior court shall be held at least twice in each year, to continue lor such time in each countv res Strike out section five of the ninth article, and in lieu thereof insert the following: 44 The General As- : in making this appointment pectively as maybe prescribed by sembly shall have Dower to provide rernor Caldwell will do-icell to law Tne general assembly shall for the election of trustees of the a non-partisan for the nosi- yo said districts in due time, so University of North Carolina, in I T h Q r tho cair nina i nrl n-si -m-. 1. I nV.n.v. ...I. i i 11 1 t v.iiw v.v, ocixva muc juura limy ue wuum, wjieu cuuseij, suaii ue vested chosen and begin their official term all the privileges, rights, franchises at the first general election for mem bers of the general assembly which will occur after the ratification of this section. The general assembly may reduce or increase the number of districts to take effect at the end grinding the oppositionto powder : of each judicial term." but in matters of an educational character, polities had better be dis carded for the preseuf. Therefore, in this matter of appointing a Su perintendent of Public Instruction the Era will sustain the Executive, if his choice shall fall upon a com petent and wrorthy person, regard less of any mere political circum stance or consideration. And this, it is believed, is the position and sentiment of the Republican party of North Carolina. Strike out section thirteen of the maintenance find fourth article, which fixes the pres- said University.'7 cut juuiciai districts. Amend section fourteen of the fourth article by striking out all after the word "-office," and insert ing in lieu of the part so stricken out, the following: "The general 5 -i i j uiiu endowments neretoiore in any wise granted to, or conferred UDon the trustees of said University ; and the General Assembly may make such provisions, laws and regula tions irora time to time, as may be necessary and expedient, for the of by virtue of authoritv in me vested bv law, do issue this my proclamation offering a. reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the arrest and delivery of the said J. N. Carson, alias Clawson, alias Wagner, to the Sheriff of Ashe county, and I do enjoin all officers of the law and all good citizens to aid in bringing said Carson to justice. : Done at our City of Italeigh, the 13th i J and in the 97th vear of American Independence. TOD R. CALDWELL. By tho Governor : J. B. Neathery, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION : Said Carson, alias Clawson, alia3 Wag ner is about 21 years of age, about six feet high, dark complexion, black eyes, rather awkward in his appearance, has no beard, and is by occupation a watch tinker, lie is supposed to be lurking in the vicinity of High Point or Thomas ville. 27 w4w EDWARDS cfe BROUGHTON. Box 178, Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 1, 1871. 39 tf; It. XICHMONI) ifc DANVILLE R. JL CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, Oc t. 13, GOIXO NORTH. R 4 Stations. Mail. Express. Leave Greensboro 2.00 a. m. 11.10 a. in. " Danville, 4.40 14 1.52 p.m. " Burkville, 9.44 " 6.30 " Ar. at Richmond, 12.45 p. m. 0.30 p. in. - " GOING SOUTH'. " 1 v L Stations. Mail. Express. Leave Richmond, 1.50 p. in. 5.10 su " Burkville, 5.12 " 8.LS " Danville, 10.00 " 12.57 p. m. Ar. at Greensboro 12.25 a. m. 3.30 " ' ALEIGH ACADEMY. management Strike out sections thirteen, four teen and fifteen of the ninth article. relating to the University of North Carolina. Amend section ten of the eleventh article by striking out the WOrrlS "tit tho prmro-A nf tho Sfnfo " English stnA Classical School. The Spring Session Opens Jan. 13, 1873. The subscribers have associated them selves for the purpose of building up a first class School, which shall be ereriifc- aoie to the to the City and to the State. A School in which the minds of boys aiid Richmond at 12.45 p m. Trains leaving Richmond at 1.50 p in, and at 5.10 am, connect at Greensboro with trains on North Carolina Divison, for all points South. -Passengers leaving Richmond at 1.50 p m, connect at Greensboro with train for all points East of Greensboro. Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 6.40 p m, connects at Greensboro with Nor thern bound Mail trai n. ftrrivinc in SSLftel1. -EM? lieu thef t theworU, olcm yji 1UWUU" ior uie juuires oi " ilv th stota nrui . own pronertv over and abovp. thn The Electoral College. Here is the best argument for the abolition of the Electoral College. In reply to a note of inquiry the State Treasurer informs the Era that he paid, as the expenses of the Electoral College which assembled iudo-es the superior courts, so that no judge may nue me same uisLnct twice in succession, and the judges may also exchange districts with each other, as may be provided by law." Strike out section fifteen of the fourth article, and insert in lieu thereof, the following : "The gen eral assembly shall Tiave no power to deprive the judicial department of any power or jurisdiction which rightfully pertains to it as a co-ordinate department ; but the general assembly shall allot and distribute that portion of this, power and ju risdiction which does not pertain to in Raleigh in December, per diem the supreme court, amon? the othpn and mileage, the sum of $501.60. courts prescribed in this constitu- Now here is nearly a thousand k10iJ or vhich, may be established "ft8",,0 rthVaSea f "1 Peple "tt? pr of North Carolina consumed for the system of appeals, and regulate by most useless, stupid and nonsensical law when necessary, the methods of performance bur venerable forp- proteeuing, in tne exercise of their fathers could have possibly originated. If Governor Caldwell shall give to the State a competent and effi- ThQ?rMn fAh0.poni)of!n wvu.uuiiuicuucm uj JUDllC in- vp PPnt .JLM struction, he will do more than the ever done: ceives:twenty-flve Cas par , nc0!.he wi d? nd thlnks he ought to required lhM required to vaccinate all the convicts with out other pay. In this the Era dif fers. While the city Physicians are receiving two dollars for every and if any credit or success follows the appointment it will belong ex clusively to the Republican partv, no matter where the appointee may powers, oi all the courts below the supreme court, so far as the same may be done without conflict with other provisions of this constitu tion." Strike out sections sixteen, seven teen, nineteen, twenty-five and thirty-three of the fourth article. Amend section twenf v-siv of tho fourth article by striking out all that part which begins with, and follows the word "but" in said sec tion, and in lieu of the parts so stricken out, inserting the follow- '' v ihaj;.:., j-nc juuiaai oracers and mg: case of vaccination, it is right that Z7Z L" lft13 "tf,2JSf J? raa ,be e Penitentiarv ""u "WHy smoke it. ; rrtiuTVi nsen the Physician to the Penitentiary thquld be remunerated for this ex tra service, and fifty cents per head would bd fair, the matter furnished by the State. . -,Cy-: Let tho convicts, all be vaccinated, c&d the Physician paid' fifty cents jsr head, for his wort ' ' the vote of the aualifiprl Pifvf The RAT.EIGH Kews evidentlv ItZtuZZ k"" . as lnav pre . . forgets that the Democratic partv had no man within its ranks fit to be President of tlie United States. and consequently had to " make-' shift " with the lamented Mr. Greeley. . scribed bylaw. The votprs nfnh precinct, established as is elsewhere provided for in' this constitution, shall elect two justices of the peace for such term as may be fixed by law, whose jurisdiction shall extend throughout their. respective coun ties. The general assembly may homestead and personal property exemption prescribed by.this con stitution, or being miners, whose parents do not own property over and above the same, shall be cared for at the charge of the State." Alter sectioivseven of the four teenth article-so that said section shall read asffollows: 44 No person who shall hold any office or place oi trust, or pront under the United fetates or any department thereof, or under this State, or under any other State or government, shall hold or exercise any other office or piace oi trust or profit under the au thority of this State, or be eligible to a seat in either house of-the Gen eral Assembly; Provided, That nothing herein contained shall ex tend to officers in the militia, justi ces of the peace, commissioners of public charities, or commissioners for special purposes." Add another section to the four teenth article to be styled 'section 8," and to read as follows: " Coun ty officers, justices of the peace and other officers whose offices are abol ished or changed in any way by the alteration of the constitution, shall continue to exercise their functions until any provisions necessary to be ujuue uy law in oraer to give full effect to the alterations, so far as re lates to said officers shall have been made." Re-number the sections in those articles from which any section has been stricken, without the insertion of another in its stead ; and give to any new section that number which' by this method would have been given to the section for which it is substituted, and the alterations sliall be embodied into the constitution, and the several sections numbered consecutively. ? ' " Ratified the 19th day of January, A.D. 1872. . young men will be thoroughly trained for the discharge of all the practical pursuits of life. That so desirable an end may be ac complished, they solicit the patronage of the public. The government of the School will be mild, yet firm, and the rules such as will promote the best interest of tho student. Quarterly Reports will be made to patrons. Terms of Tuition, per Session, pay able Quarterly in advance: Ordinary English, $20 00 Higher English, 25 00 Classics and Higher Mathematics, 30 00 Book-Keeping and French each, extra, 5 (0 J. M. WHITE, J. M.vLOVEJOY. January 1st, 1873. 115 W3t UTiUJfi to Parties of the Name of DALLAS, M'KERROLL, and WILKINSON. WANTED, full Particulars of the Children or Descendants of AL EXANDER and WILLIAM DALLAS. DUNCAN M'KEitROLL by his Wife Isabella Dallas, and of JOHN WIL KINSON by his Wife Janet Dallas all of whom are entitled to Share in the Succession of the lato Peter Dalt,ar of Glasgow, in Scotland Brother of the above-named who Died, Unmarried and Intestate, on 2d June, 1872. The Parties were all Natives of Ialav. in Scotland, and the Families of the three first-named are supposed to be in North Carolina, and of John Wilkin son in Canada. Affidavits and Evidence of Pedigree, Authenticated bv a British Consul, to h lodged with James Gait, of 98 West Nile Street, Glasgow, Scotland, the Judicial Factor on Mr. Dallas Estate. Decern ber 17, 1872. . 27 w 3 in HUTCHESON & CO..OF GRAHAM, N. C, are now manufacturing about seventy gallons per day of the purest and best old-fashioned copper distilled rye and corn whiskey. They, have for tneir distiller Mr. Henry Holt," son of Col. Jero Holt, whose whir-key was so well and favorablv k nnwn na ho best made in the South. ; Henry is a chip of the old block," and can make it ju-st like his father, 4 Wholesale price, 1.50 per gallon, de livered at Graham depot. Orders so licited Dy all lovers of pure whiskey. , janG . , . 29 w2m JNO. It. MACMURDO. General Freight & Ticket Agent. T. M. R. Talcott, Engineer fe General Superintendent. Office Petersburg R. R. Co., March 27th, 1872. ON AND AFTER MARCH 31st, the trains will run as follows : LEAVE WELDON. Express Train, 7:40 a 1:1 Mail Train, 3;25 p 111 , ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express, 10:50 am Mail, 7:00 p in LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail, . 5:40 am Express, 3:50 pm ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mail, 0:45 am Lxpress, G:50 p 111 FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg, 8:00 a in Leave Weldon. 5:00 a m Arrive at Weldon, 4:00 p m Arrive at Petersburg, 12:20 p in GASTON TRAIN. Leave Petersburg, G:15 a in Leave Gaston, 1:15 p m Arrive at Gaston, 12:50 p m Arrive at Petersburg. 8:10 p 111 Freights for Gaston Branch will he received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at 5:00 p m No goods will be received after that hour. J. CSPRIGG, 53 tf. Eng. and Geu. Manager. 50 BOXES CANDY; , 50 Boxes Cream. Farina.": Lemon and Soda Crackers; Pale's Soap; Fowler's fc Co.'s Bar and Cake Soap; Dooley's Yeast Powder ; Worcestershiie Sauce; -English Chow Chow; Best Cream Cheese ; Breakfast Bacon ; Canvassed Hams, for sale bv W. II.' DODD. Dec. 23, 1872. ill dim QOFFEE ! COFFEE ! ! 20 Sacks Prime Rio. 20 " Fair 10 " Prime Laguayra. 5 " Old Government Java. At : A. C. SANDERS & CO., No. 2 Martin street. : Raleigh, Nov. 22, 1872. 61d3m

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