THE DAILY ERA. c Official Paper of 'North Carolina. Official Paper of the XJnitedlStatps. me messenger is not given to ac cording: unmerited praise to a Rad- lcal, ; the compliment is worth something, while the language may be set down as not in the least extravagant : Our special Court is still in session. I nis Honor, Judge Tourgee.-presiduig. i An Act to Alter tho XJonstitu- tion of North Carolina. Differing so widely as we do from Judge as follows, to-wit : J - J " ' 1 . - pruvme lor ine election or more than two justices of the peace in those precincts which contain cities Section 1:-The GeneneralAszem-1 or towns, or m which other special reasons render, it expedient. The ill rVn T V cmef magistrates of cities and in- (three-flfths of all the members of corporated towns shall have the each house : concurring.) That the judicial powers of justices of the constitution of this state be altered peace." Anrend section thirty of the fourth A PApK FOR THE PEOPLE CHE ERA,. C. Tourgee in politics, it affords us much pleasure to hear him so favorably spo ken of by members of the Bar. Indeed, seldom has a stranger appeared, on the Bench in Wayne county who made a more favorable impression than- Judge Tourgee has done, withbut few. excep tions, upon all who have had any busi ncss relations wi!h him. As a Judere be, seemingly, presides with becoming dignity, commendable firmness and ac knowledges impartiality, and with marked courtesy to the Bar. His sys cem oi practice seems to diner some what from that usually adopted in this judicial district, and at first seemed to cause slight embarrassment ; but now it is admitted on all hands that the Judge adheres with scrupulous exact- Won't Pay the Working-man. I ness to the practice prescribed by the " code," wh'ch he seems to understand This Democratic I Legislature Of thoroughly, and which has a happy ten all 4ha Tro I H xrffftior nn1 tnralli. 1 donnv tn cim nlifir Amend section six of the first ar- K!?? out the; word tide, by striking out the firstclause .uHha - n? V, "i thereoffdown to and including the ftLX Prnctsi aIs0 7 - - o i in i nn loot con y-yv .f U v -v DALY AND WEEKLY. word "but;" this heing the clause relating to the state debt. Amend section two of the second article by striking out the word "annually, 7 and inserting: in lieu thereof, the word biennially ;n De reference to the sessions of the general assembly. : ; Amend section hve of the second article, by . strinking out all that There was in th City one Sosi. infamon? for his insolence and Tillainy, who thought the perfection of : Liberty was licentionmees of SpeeduPLCiAKcir. - ; W FRIDAY, JAN. 17th, 1873. gence ";of the State, declines to pay Mr. J. C. Brewster, a working-man, a few paltry dollars for necessary repairs to the State House, whereby the State was saved thousands of dollars, and our noble Capitol build ing, preserved from injury and de cay. H r This conduct is characteristic of a party which cherishes a traditional hatred for the mechanic and the ... working-man ; and no comment is necessary. rZnL during their term, subject to such uiwsjaiu v ttuit ptixiuuu 11 lift in the last sentence of the same sec tion, strike out. the words "the commissioners of the countv mav appoint to such office for the unex- pirea term," ana in lieu thereof in sert "an appointment to fill such vacancy for the unexDircd term shall be made as may be prescribed by lar." z - ; - Amend sections one and seven of precedes the w ords the said senate the fafth article, by striking out the district," and by striking out the words "commissioners of the sev eral co u ii ties - wn ere they occur in said sections, and in lieu thereof insertings the words "county au thorities established and authorized by law." ,- ; m Strike out section four of the fifth article, relating to taxation to pay the state debt and interest. . Amend section six of the fiftli ar ticle ty inserting after Weely one year, Dailjl - - $u.oo - - 7.00 ItEVBED, IMPROVED AND EXIjAKGEO. r.l. phrase " as aforesaid or" in said section ; the part so stricken out having reference to the state census. Add a new section (o the second article to be styled " section thirty," and to read as follows : " The mem bers of the general assembly shall each receive three hundred dollars as a compensation fou their services Ignorant Men for Educators. understandings. We don't know what Jud?e Tourgee is at home, but, as a Judge, he lias cer tainly made a most favorable impres sion, Here, upon jurors, clients, court- uouse loiterers anu attorneys. 11 it 13 treason to say this of a political adver sary it is treason to speak the truth, and we hold ou rsel ves ready for trial at any moment when called upon. We have said this much as an unbiased observer naving no personal acquaintance at all with the Judge. With scarcely an exception, all our present Judsres have, when . n ' " - " v v-t x m regard to time of "instrument" in said section 'thft payment and reduction for non-at- words "or anv other nersonnl nrnn- tendance as may be prescribed bv ert v." law: but they may have an addi tional allowance when thev are called together in special session. and mileage shall be ten cents per mile for each session." Amend section one of the third article by strikincr out the words Insert the word "and" before the word "surveyor" in section one of the seventh article, and strike out the words "and five in said section commission also add to hi"-. . : Thciose of the National Campaign of 1872, ith the. re election of President Gran is a in joriu uaronna, uie soutu, auu vne whe country, it is worth while to take no? of, for,-it marks the beginning of anra of perfect . l i : -i. s . .. l - . . Pace and' Reconciliation tVoughout the whole country, and Jtfween every section of the country. Believing that " peace hath her vic ries no less renowned than war," and hat the conduct of the Southern people ian be as illustrious in peace as mo bravery of her soldiery was nobl srand and thvxee imcstinous in tue late ers" said section the followinsr: "The general assembly shall provide for 'Far ; and that in the person of Ulysses a system of count v enwrnmpnt. for a. Grant, the soldier, with whom our in said section, and inserting in lieu the several counties of the State. four years," where they occur first " two the years, term of holding special Courts out of their For the first time in the history Districts, won the good opinions of letters objection is made to the proposition that the head of a pub lic school system should be a thor oughly educated man. It has come under the observation and commendations of the commu nity of all political parties. This shows the necessity for a system compelling each judge to ride a cir- assembly. cuit of every Judicial District in strike out sections two and three thereof, the words being in reference to executive officers. oiriKe out ine words "sunenn tendentof public works." wherever they occur in the constitution, thus abolishing that office. Amend section six of the third article by striking out thftword " annually," and inserting in lieu thereof, the word " biennially :" so as to conform to the provisions re specting the sessions of the general nffhfaWr!for f fcnf fnooW t the State, and illustrates the follv the fourth article, being the pro " "-v., w.wo t . . visions wnicn reier to th receipts and where such lie schools were presenting claims for teaching, who could hot sign their names, intelligently, to the vouchers. In a State school-masters are abroad, in the land it is not remark able that prejudice should be found to exist against a university of learning, aritt the graduates of high schools generally of the present Democratic Legisla ture in defeating the possibility of such system in the passage of a law electing the Judges by Districts, in stead of by the people of the whole State. Our State Iebt. the annoint- ment and duties oi the code com missioners. Alter section four of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows : "The judicial pow er of the state shall be vested in a court for the trial of impeachments, a supreme court, superior courts, such interior courts as may be es tablished by law, and courts of ius- The following is a partial list of ticfs of the peace." x.uvr secuon eigne oi uie lourth article, so that said section shall read as follows: "The supreme court shall consist of a chief instiPA Vox Populi, Vox Dei. "conservative" Senators and Rep resentatives, now sitting in the Capitol of North Carolina, with Be- orv 'tntniiifronf -,!! publican majorities against them in ad twoassociate justices ; Provided. xery intelligent and ell in- fheir countieJs : That this shall not apply to the formed correspondent who has given much patient attention to the sub ject, and studied all the statistics bearingon the matter, occupies the correspondence Department of the Era to-day on the subject of the State debt. It is a disgrace to the State that no practical effort has yet been made to adjust the public debt of North Carolina, and the cry that we "can't do it" is simply con temptible. A State with the re sources and future of North Carolina has no excuse for delaying the ar rangement of a debt of thirty-five millions, on paper, when the credi tors are ready, willing and anxious to compromise on the liberal terms ours have already manifested.: Our legislators are neither dispos ed to do their duty nor equal to the task before them, and yet we have a Democratic Legislature represent ing " all the wealth, virtue and intel ligence of the State.11 Particular attention is invited to the letter of u Tax Payer." SENATE DISTRICTS. 7th. Wilson, Nash and Franklin ; Jno. W. Dunham, Wm. K. Da vis, cons. 9th. Jones, Onslow and Carteret; J. G. Scott, con. 10th. Wayne and Duplin: Wm. A. Allen, Lott W. Humphrey, cons, tncts, for each 14th. Samnson : Dr. tJ. Tate Mnr- shall be chosen phy, con. 15th. Columbus and Robeson ; Jno. W. Ellis, con. lGth. Cumberland and Harnett'; Wm. C. Troy, con. 17th. Johnston; William II. Avera, con. 22nd. Chatham : 24th. Alamance T. Morehead, Jr., V. J. Murray, cons. 25th. Randolph and Moore; Dr. J. M. Worth, con. 30th. Rowan and Davie; Charles Price, con. 32nd. Stokes and Forsythe; Jno. M. Stafford, con. 33rd. Surry and Yadkin; A. C. Cowles, con. 34th. Iredell, Wilkes and Alexan der; Thos. A. Nicholson, Phineas Morton, cons. 3Gth. Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Mitchell and Yancy ; W. W. Flemming, J. M. Gudger, cons. Total 20 "conservative" Sena tors. Amend section two ol the seventh article, by striking out the word "commissioners" and in lieu thereof inserting the words "county author ities established and authorized by law," and in the same section strike out the words, "the register of deeds shall bo ex officio clerk of the board of commissioners." . rike out section three of the seventh article, and in lieu thereoi i nsert the followi ng : 4 'The couhtV authorities established and author ized by law shall see that the r spective counties are divided into i suitable number of sub-division?, as compact and convenient in shape as possible, and marked out by dei nite boundaries, which may be al tered when necessary. Said sub divisions shall be known by the name of precincts. They shall hare no corporate powers. The township governments are abolished. Tue boundaries of the precincts shall be the same as those which heretofore defined the townships until they shall be altered." Strike out sections four, five, six, ten and eleven of the seventh arti cle, which relate to the to.vnship system. Amend sections eight and nine of tne seventh article, by striking out 1EE crossed swords, we have a living aid illustrious example of the renown oi the soldier in war, and the victories oj the civilian in peace, THE ERA, frrn a Southern standpoint has endeav ored to aid the victories" of 41 Peace" by aiding the re-election of the great and . illustrious citizeu-soldier-Presi- dent. The first , part of the mission of T H E E R A is accomplished in tho re-establishment of the Republican party in power for another four years from March next, and now it enters upon the work of following up that mission in gathering and preserving the fruits of the great National victory a victory significant West, but of a Union restored, a people re-united by the bonds of peace and good will, and each and-every one in the quiet eniovment of the blessings of L.IBERTY and PROSPERITY. the bounties of justices durinjr their present term ot omce, unless by death, reignation or otherwise, the number of asso ciate justices shall be reduced to two. Alter section twelve of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows : " The state shall be divided into nine ludicial dis- of which a iudre ; and in each district a superior court shall be held at least twice in each year, to continue for such time in each county res pectively as may be prescribed by sembly shall have Dower to provide La.w. xne general assembly snan ior ine election ot trustees of the lay off said districts in due time, so University of North Carolina, in that the said nine judges maybe whom, when chosen, shall be vested chosen and begin their official term all the nrivilee-es. rights, fm R. J. Powell, con. at the first general election for mem- and endowments heretofore in anv and Guilford : Jas. UV,? U1 L11U assembly wnicn wise granted to, or conferred upon wm occur azrer ine ratincation ot tne trustees ot said liniversitv nnri 4-1.;. rrtL.. . , , . . . . . , .-...v. una rstutiuu. xnv irenerai assemoiv the words "or townships" where than . . . -. i Strike out section three of the ninth article, and in lieu thereof in sert the following: "The General Assembly shall make suitable pro vision by law for the management and regulation of the public schools, and for perfecting the system of free public instruction." Strike out section five of the ninth article, and in lieu thereof insert the following: "The General As- We notice that the name and resi dence in Washington of our Represen tative in Congress, does not appear in the list of members published in the Washington naDers. What is the mat- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ter? It can't be that Gen. Leach is Alamance, Jesse Gant, con. ashamed of his quarters. The rumor is Burke, P. A. Warlick, con. in circulation, upon our streets, that he Chatham, Jno. M Moring, O. A. occupies a Fried-Meat House. Wo do n, Hanjia cnf -, . not believe this can be true. 9 Q0U' - Columbus, V. V. Richardson, con. By the way, the people of our Dis- Cumberland, G. V. Bullard, con. trict are, clamorous for mail facilities. Davie, Charles Anderson, con. We regret that our Representative has Guilford, Joseph Gilmer, Wm. not the influence to Drocure them. The Wiley, con. voters can now km hnw thov micoo it- w"uoiuu, v w W 4111 UOVIA A. U I - - Jesse in not sending to Congress a Republi can, who, without difficulty, could have caused the opening of new mail routes. Greensboro North State. There is some point in the above. Where Congressman Leach does or II. Joyner. iinnant, cons. -Martin, J. Edwin Moore, con. Moore, ur. Shaw, con. Nash, John E. Lindsey, con. Robeson, W. S. Norment, Thomas A. McNeill, cons. liown. Dr. F. may reduce or increase the number of districts to take effect at the end of each judicial term." Strike out section thirteen of the fourth article, which fixes the pres ent judicial districts. Amend section fourteen of the fourth article by striking out all after the word " office," and insert ing in lieu of the part so stricken out, the following: "The general assembly shall prescribe a proper system of rotation for the judges of uie superior courts, so mat no judge may ride the same district twice in succession, and the judges may also exchange districts with each other, as may be provided by law." Strike out section fifteen of the fourth article, and insert in lien thereof, the following : "The gen eral assembly shall have no power to deprive the judicial department of any power or jurisdiction which rightfully pertains to it as a co-ordinate department ; but the general assembly shall allot and distribute that portion of this power and ju risdiction which does not pertain to the. (jrencral Assemblv mav maka such provisions, laws and regula tions from time to time, as may be necessary and expedient, for the maintenance and management of said University." Strike out sections thirteen, four teen and fifteen of the ninth article, relating to the University of North Carolina. Amend section ten of the eleventh article by striking out the words "at the charge of the State," and in lieu thereof insert the words " by the State and those who do not own property over and above the homestead and personal property exemption prescribed by this con stitution, or being minors, whose parents do not own property over and above the same, shall be cared for at the charge of the State." Alter section seven of the four- teentii article so that said section shall read as follows : "No person who shall hold any office or place of trust or profit under the United States or any department thereof, or under this State, or under any other State or government, shall hold or exercise any other office or T HE E R A is the offspring and product of the great and glorious commonwealth of NORTH CAROLINA, for whose goou ana 6iry it., i tho mis, sion and the privilege of tho paper, without being sectional, to " labor and to wait:' and whether in political4 material, educational or social argument, it should ever be understood that this paper is laboring only for what it deems best and to the true interests of the peo ple of this great State, in common with all the great patriotic people and inter ests of the Nation. Whether in its diversified character of a Family, Commercial, Political or Industrial newspaper, THE ERA will strive to cultivate and promote all the interests of its people, and in every thing, save the advocacy of its party principles, discard all political differ ences, and in the interests of Peace, Reconciliation and Reform, 44 clasp hands " with any and all men laboring and studying for the good of their kind, and striving for the glory ot their country. COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. Any reliable person (known to the people of the community) procur ing subscribers for The Era is entitled to 25 per cent, of all subscriptions for the Dailjr or Weekly to single subscri bers, which amount he is authorized to deduct .from the sums paid into his hands, and remitting to us the balance. Every present subscriber to The Era can therefore make fifty cents by in ducing any one of his neighbors to sub scribe, and forwarding to us the money for the same; and fifty cents for ey- every additional subscriber to the paper. MISCJSIiL ANEOUS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Vlnesrar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink, made oi Poor Ram. whiskey, Pooi Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called " Tonics," " Appetizers,!' 44 Restorers," 4c,' that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, bnt are a true Medicine, made from tho native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. Yhey are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the Sys tem, carrying 1 off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, en riching it, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body. They are easy of administra tion, prompt In their action, certain In their results, safe and reliable In all forms of disease. No Person can take these Bitters ac cording to directions, and remain longun well, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. ' Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stom ach.Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Pal- fitation of the Heart,Inflammation of the Lungs, ain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia, In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improve ment is soon perceptible. - . For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout,. Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood,Liver,Kidneys anu . Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused byVitiatedBlood.which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. They are a Gentle Pnrgativc ns well as a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Con gestion or Inflammation of the Liver aud Vis ceral Organs and In Bilious Diseases. . For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles,Ring--worms, Scold-Head, Sore Eyes Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors anuvpiseases of the Skin, of, whatever name or natare, are literally dug up and carried out of the sj?icm in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Oils bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their cur ative effects. , Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep -the blood pure, au cl the health of the system will follow. Oral ef al Thousands proclaim VINEGAR Bitters the most wonderful Invigoraut thai ever sustained the sinking system. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, larking In the system of so many thousands, are eireo tually destroyed and remoyed. Says a distin guished physiologist : There Is scarcely an indi vidual on the face of the earth whose body is ex empt from the presence of worms. It is not up on the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of medicine, no vermirugcs no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such os Plumbers, Type setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as t hey ad vance in lire, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose pi Wakkeu's Vinegar Bitters twice a week. ; Bilious, llemlttcnt, and Intermlt- '-'" , which ro bo prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio. Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Ar kansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tribu taries, uirougnoui our entire countrv dnrinir Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so is unequalled by any known rcmnlv. It will eradicate, extirpate anu thorough ly destroy all poisonous frubxtuncew in the Illootl and will punctually d;sjol nil predisposition to billion derangement. Is Ihcro want of notion In your Uver and Spleen? .". Unless rol)-Hl the blood becomes impure by dtleU r.ous secretions, producing scrol ulous or k 1 u diseases, ! Notches, Felons," Pustules, Canker. pies, Ac., tc. Ilavi v ti n Dyspeptic Stomach ? Unle?- ..ostion is promptly aided Uie system debilitated with poverty of th Blood, Dropsical tendency, general Weakness and inertia. . . Ilnvo you weakness of tho Inte. tines? You are in .'danger of Chr'niu; Diarrhea or Inflammation of the Dow els. -'1 Have you ivcnkncM of the Utcr. Ine or Urinary Organs J You are x- posed I'j.sutieiiuginus mostaggiavnud form. Are you . dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggisn or depressed in spirit, h head ache, back ache, coated tongue an. I bad tasting mouth? For a certain remedy for all of th so diseases, weaknesses and troubles; i,r cleansing and purifying tho vitiHUd blood and imparting vigor to all si,. vital forces; for building up and restor ing the weakened constitution USK JURUBEBA which is pronounced by tho' medical authorities of London and l'a. U 44 the most powerful tonic and alterative known to the medical world." This in no new and untried discovery but h.n been long used by the leading physi cians of other countries with woudnul remedial results. Don't ucaiicii aud impair digestive organs by cathartics and phy- -ics, they give only temporary relief Indigestion, flatulency and dyspei.sU with piles and kindred diseases are mh o to follow their use. Keep tho blood puro and health In assured. JNO. Q. KFLLOGO, 18 Piatt St., Now York., Solo Agent for tho United Stales. Price One Dollar per Dottle, doc 24 112 4w. 'Send for Circular- J R. H. CARMER. AGT. DRUGGIST, Kitst No. II, Sitle Fayettcvillc Stivet, the courts prescribed in this constitu tion or which may be established bylaw, in such manner as itmav deem best, provide ateo a proper system of appeals, and regulate by law when necessary, the methods of ' Droceeaino m thp pyptymcq rfhoS,. aoes hoc ooara 111 Washington is sam dsod. J. R. Maxwell W IT powers, of all the courts below the not so Important ; but, that, the Bryan, cons. people who send men to represent Surry, H. M. Waugh, con. tnem who have ne ther nhiiiHr nnr AJ"C" fl!."ous n. influence, stand very much in their own light, admits of no argument ; and so long as the people of North Carolina are governed by their tra ditional stupidity, and represented in Congress by small-fry politician?, so long will the State be without postal communications and all the facilities for diffusing intelligence ana promoting prosperity. Total 23 "conservative" Ren- resentatives. Sleeting' of the T,I Goldsboro Messenger oil Judge Tourjrcc. Under the head "Can any good thing come out of Radicalism ?" the Goldsboro Messenger has the fol lowing on Judge Tourgee ; and as of tne Trustees University. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF the 'Trustees of the Universitv in the Executive office on Wednesday tha 29th instant, at 3 o'clock. P. M. A full meeting is desired and requested. TOD R. CALDWELL, Governor and President of the Board of Trustees . Jan. 9, 1873. 123 td. WM. M. COLEMAN, Attorney at Law, - ' AND " SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS, Room No 14, May Building-, !P. O. Box 268. Washington, Did. J3S.Pays special attention to South ern claims. 12 tf. All. thority of this State, or be eli en hi a to a seat in either house of the Gen eral Assembly; Provided, That npthing herein contained shall ex tend to omcers m the militia, justi ces oi tne peace, commissioners of puuuc cimriues, or commissioners for special purposes." Add another section to the four teenth article to be styled "section ana to read as follows: CL.UI3S. THE WEEKLY ERA will be sent to clubs of subscribers at the following rates; One Copy, one year 52 issues, Five copies, " " 4i Ten " Twenty " " " " Thirty " " " And an extra paper to each Club. Address WM. M. BROWN, , Business Manager, Raleigh, N. C. 2.00 7.50 13.50 24.00 33.00 T. M. ARGO. J. C. L. HARRIS. ARGO & HARRIS, N. C. supreme court, so far as the same may be done without conflict with of.hpr rrnviirns rF Vi ,1. : 4-., " r M wuoluu- i" ana to read as follows: " Coun- Amend section twenty-six of the continue to exercise their functions Attorneys and Counsellors at Law j"uiui i iiic uy ssiriKing out an provisions necessary to be that part which begins with, and made by law in order to give full follows the word "but" in said sec- effect to the alterations, so far as re- tjon, and in lieu of the parts so iates to said officers shall have b"n stricken out, inserting the follow- made." ing: "The judicial officers and He-number the sections in those clerks of any courts which may be articles from which any section has established by law, shall chosen by been stricken, without the insertion the vote of the qualified electors, of another in its stead ; and give to and for such term as mav ho nra. any new section thnt. nnmhw wMh scribed by law. The voters ofpaeh by this method wnnhl h precinct, established as is elsewhere given to the section for which it is provided for in this consti tutinn. substituted, and the nitArnf tana coii shall elect two justices of the peace f be embodied into the constitution, for such term as mav k fi?Pfi Uv and the several sprfinno TmtrtKnJ law. whose jurisdiction shall MtPriH consecutivelv. JwUfefc tbeir Py? coun- Ratified the 19th day of January f ties. The general assembly may I A. J). 1872. - during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensivfi iieranirt. ments of the stomach and liver, and other ab dominal viscera. In their treatment, a purga tive, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose etfual to Dr. J Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the Bame time stimulating the secretions of the liver and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swell ings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled neck, Goitre. Scrofulous Inflammations-, Indolent Inflamma tions, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Erup lions ot the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's v ineqar Bitters have shown their great cura tive powers in the most fibstinate and intract able cases. Dr. Walker's California Viuccar Bitters act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the cure i9deSdr.eCeiVC a Permancnt T?tPropctIe? of Dr- Talker's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carmin ative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Seda- ina'AZ SUd0rmC.' Alterative 2',pecnt and mUa Laxative proper !le3 1K, Walker's Vinegar Bitters are the best safe-guard in cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and ?,ninffn0PeStif3protectthe nnmrs of -the fauces. 1 heir Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. " Fortify tlie body against disease bv re-aPrSed. hM of a tem thus . Directions. Take of the Bitters on miner to Dea at night from a half to one and one-half E2r,?0f SfV1L Eat eod nourishing foXpuch as beef-steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef. Vegetablea' and take outdoor exerS They are composed of purely vegetable ingre dients, and contain no spirit. bV-UiC IUre- ii. ii. Mcdonald &, co:, SH.?11 Agts- SaQ PnwcLsco, Cal., & cor. of Washington anri Phm-now SOLD BY AL L DRUtiG ISTS Jk I) K A LK RS. May 18, 1872. 146-9m ANNOUNCEMENT. HTSS, UNDERSIGNED ANXOUN--a- L,hA to his friends and the public at large, that he has recently purchased and thoroughly renovated and restocked the jurug otore. Ho. 33 Payetteville Street, (late Doepp & Jones') with a full assort ment of MEDICINES, DRUGS, PERFUMERY, HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A supply of PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT. MEDICINES, SPICES, Soajs and Perfumery. TEAS a. specialty. Kaleigh, October 28, 1S72. .&-;:ih - S; D. HARRISON, Wholesale and. Retail Grocer, Corner Fayettcvillc and Martin Streets, JJASOX II AND A FULL STOCK FKESJI GKOCKKIKS, RALEIGrH. (Office on the corner of Wilmington and nmA Ta TOILET ARTICLES, Hargctt streets.) T. M. Argo and J. C. L. Harris having formed a copartnership for the practice of law will attend promptly to any business entrusted to them. 150 tf FANCY GOODS, SODA -AND such as Bacon, Iavd, 15 utter, Salt, Cheese, . Flour, 'Meal, l'otaotes, Pickles in Jura and Darnls. Candies and Fruits, Sugars and Coffees, Crockery and Wooden Ware, Hoots and Shoes. i Everything usually Wi In a Iif class Grocery Store, caa bo had at tho lowest cash prices, p,.1, A , 8. D. HARRISON. Raleigh, Ootober Zi, 1872. Gl d3nl . NOTICE to Parties of Hie Nnmo of DALLAS, M'KERROLL, and WILKINSON. WANTED, full Particulars of tho Children or Descendants of AL SJfS?Rand WILLIAM DALLAS. DUNCAN M'KERROLL by his Wife Isabella Dallas, and of JOHN W1L- AVibUJi bv his Wife Janet Haixas N EW BOARDING HOUSE. MINERAL- WATERS o11 of w.hom a"o entitled to Share in th -LVO ! Succession Of thft laf ft Pitph nutiu Mrs. Taylor will open her new board ing house on the 14th inst., in Prairie's Buildings, Wilmington Street. The House is entirely new, and the rooms large and pleasant, and it is a vprv In. sjrable place for members of the Legis lature, being located near the capitol. -r Terms of board ?30 per month. Ten or fifteen day boarders wanted. 4an0 HOd-rlm . and everv tbin? nsimiitr W..i first-class Drug Store. J "U "l a He respectfully solicits tho patronage SSr f;iends ad a fair share of the public trade, and hnnpo . attention courtesy and faireaHn.: to retain it for the future. u". k tnVtt attentin of Physicians is invited Respectfully;" : ; Raleigh, Oct. 30, 1872. ; 7-3m. D A T.I. AH. of Glasjrow. in Sfint!nruiTi above-named who Died, UnmarrieL an Intestate, on 2d Juno, 1872. ; The Parties were all Natives of Isl.nyr J Scotland, and tho Families of the three first-named are supposed to be in North Carolina, and of John Wilkin son in Canada. . Affidavits and Evidence of Pedigree Authenticated by a British Consul, u be lodged with James Gait, of 93 West Nile. Street, Glasgow, Scotland, the Judicial Factor on Mr. Dallas Estate. December 17, 1872. 27 w3m