' v ' " ' mmmmmmmmMmwtmmwmmmmmVmmmmmmUimmmmmVSSSEOmmmmmamVmV v ) T " ,' . . " ' ' '-' ' 1 ' ' . i I it et 1 G DAILYERA T'TTrl Official Paper of North Carolina. OfficUl: Paper of the United States. There wm in the City one Sosis,' uuamons for his Insolence and vUlainy, who thought the licentiousness of Speecbv Pltttabch. it - " " TUESDAY, JAN. 21, 1873. IiEQMLATiVB BOCTEDHTOT CUT- ton fhfl wiitnrial matter of the Era v.nltort nf noortax- navers and impecunious newspaper establishments it is to De nopea .... . . fiiot fhW 'T.pffislftture. will soon ad- WMV X A journ. Humored. It is rumored that the late Grand Jury of Wake county found a true bill for murder against the man- o -om'rf-t nf i fhR Penitentiary, and that the Solicitor hesitates to pros ecute.'. - There -must be ' some mistake, nhhiit'lhrsf for surelv Solicitor Cox cannot be induced to . forego his duty through - fear of " injuring the party" . Tne rumor in regaru io. ing of. the Grand Jury is probably false; The; Mortgage of the Western , itortli Carolina Railroad. :. It has been charged and re-itera ted that' Tod B. Caldwell, when a Director of the Western North Car olina Railroad, voted to mortgage the Road. This is absolutel v false : Director C,AxirpX Vehemently opposed and voted against the mortgage, charac terUing the mortgage as the ruin of the Road. :; After the mortgage had been or- deretf Director . Caldwell oflered a resolution that "nobe, of the bonds ahould Ibe sold, hypothecated f or YkiTt tA with . at a Jowr than preposition was voted down. Tnen Ae offered another resolution at seventy cents, and that was adop ted. Notwithstanding, these mort gage bonds were hypothecated at twenty-nvejsehts inrthe dollar. Can't theTassailants and political opponents of Governor Caldwell do Director Caldwell justice in this matter? - Tliat " Rebel ' Ransom. A good Republican brother puts in a word for Ransom in the cor respbnderice department of the Era to-day. 1 .-; ; . ; It has been charged that the giv ing of half the back pay to Vance was the beginning of a combination bet ween 'Ransom and Vance to con trol the Senatorships of the State between them. - This may or may not be so, but true or not, it was a very graceful act in Senator Ransom, and history will so record it. - :' Immediately on the election of General Ransom to the Senate, he promised this writer that he should divide with Vance the Senatorial back pay, and very much at the in stance of this writer j Senator Ran som pressed the removal of Vance's disabilities last Summer, and very materially strengthened his position by, securing the aid and co-operation of "certain Republican Senators in Congress,' through a timely sugges tion. i::;:r:v"; '. , The Republican correspondent o the jEVtr,fcit seems, does not wish to have Senator Ransom unduly pre judiced by what has been said rela tlve to the " combiriation,, and the i - Era is glad to be able to say that r 7 . I Jn J the Democratic Senator from North ij Carolina has acted gracefully and 0 well in Congress. 1 ' A Very Nice Committee Indeed. " The Special Committee investi gating the affairs of the Peniten tiary, that is to say, the Democratic portion thereof, is determined to whitewash . the Bledsoe Board of Directors. : . ; Manv of the witnesses urn pm. j 1. ployes about the Penitentiary,' and President Bledsoe and Director Cof I hi field sit daily with the sessions of I pf the Committee to intimidate and j browbeat , these witnesses, who are uepeuueuk wr me Dreaa: tney, eat1 Xq; upuu iuc uiuresam xueasoe ana cot- field. It is even said that Bledsoe conducts the examination of wit nesses for.the Committee. But: When certain -of the tax payers of the State employ a law yer to go before the Committee and sit with Bledsoe K and" Coffield to cross-examine witnesses,- the Dem ocratic portion of the Committee vote ta exclude the people's coun sel, andithus overrun the Bepubli can minority on . the .Committee, who aire honestly, striving to pro tect the interest of the people of the State, and vindicate the character of North Carolina from the foul blot ;this Bledsoe Board has put upon the-State in its outrageous management ; of the. Penitentiary. Don't the people of North Caro lina see how the old Democratic thing works? More anon. New Advertisements. TO NEWSPAPEB lBMJSIiiUtS- , pj inter's "Sit Wanted. vne of the best working VJ Printers and fastest compositors of i th a Ktate wants a " sit. lias wwitw-ci aD0I,t" and served as Foreman on sev- era! papers. Sober and a family man, Kpst ot reierences eriven. Address Letter 44 M.." care Editor 01 theism. 13---U. J UPORTANT LAND SALE. !, nIA fJrrm nrls east of the citv have been divided into desirable build ing: lots, and will be offered at public auction on Thursday, tlae SOth January, 1873. Torma Ohfi-third cash, and the re mainder in six and twelve months. To those in want of building lots, or wishin- to make good investments, such an opportunity will not again pre sent itself. Martin street, 06 feet wide, runs through the grounds east ana west, while two streets run inrougn norm auu south. A of the grounds may lie geen by caiiing on Mr P A Wiley, Treasurer of tne society. Jno G Williams, J M Heck, G W Tiinf.knall. A Creech. H Mahler, S Mul len, Selling Committee Bv order of THOS. M. HOLT, Pres't N. C. Agr'l Societ3', jan21 lw "OTICE ! In the matter of llus- ) sbll II Kingsbury, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. J Eastern District of North Carolina. Thi ix tn aive Notice. That on the 0th day of January, A. D., 1873, a warrant in.nirrnntfiv was issued out of the T)ist.rtrt Court or tne unitea otaieis, ivi the Eastern District of North Carolina, thA Testate of Russell H. Kings- bury in the county of Granville in said District of N. C, who has been adjudged v; , L iii xwwin . nhat a Bankrupt on his own Petition : inat the Payment of Debts and the Delivery of any Property, belonging to such T-intrunt inliim. or for his use. and tfao transfer of any property by h im are forbidden bylaw; anatnata meeuug of the Creditors of said Bankrupt , to prove their debts, and to cnoose one or mnro A SSSIornefiS Of MIS SLUie. Will uc uciu at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at the Registers office in rlaieigu, jn. y., Bankruptcy for said DisU ict, on the 3rd day of February, A D, 1873, at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. T. UAxvilU W , U. S. Marshal. Per J. R. Oneiil, . x - Dep. and Mes. in Bankrupcy. r jan 21. 132 law3w JJ-OTICE! fn the matter of Nathan V In B. Toleb, Bankrupt. J Bankruptcy Eastern District of North Carolina. This is to aive Notice, That on the day of January, A. D. 1873, a warrant in bankruptcv was issued out of the District Court of the United States for the eastern District of North Carolina, against the estate of Nathan B. Toler, in the countv of Johnston, in said Dis trict of North Carolina, who has been adiudered a bankrupt on his own peti- tion. That tne payment oi aeDts, sina the delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by. law. And that a meet ins of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or .O T I i. ill Vv 1, 1 ,1 more assignees vi ms esutiu, win uo at a Court of bankruptcy, to ho holden at the Registers office in Raleigh, N. C, before A. W, Shafier, Esq., Register in bankruptcy for said District, on the 3rd day of February, at 10 o'clock, A. M. mm -m m - -V T S. T. CARROW, . U.S. Marshal. Per J. R. Oneiil, Dep. and. Mes. in Bankruptcy, jan 21. 132 law3w BRIGGS & BROTHER'S II-I-XJSTIIATJSD FOR JANUARY. 1873. NOW OUT. Issued as a Ouarterlv. The four numbers sent to any address, by mail, for 25 Cents. The richest and most instructive Illustrated and Descriptive Floral Guide ever published. Those of our patrons who ordered Seeds last year and were credited with 25 cents, will receive the four Quarterlies for 1873. Those who order Seeds this year will be credited with a subscription for 1874. The January number contains 400 Exgeavtkgs, Two Superb Colored Pirates, suitable for frnminfr & also TINTED PLATES Of our gor- eeous Floral Chromos; information relative to Flowers, vegeiauies, osc, & ixieir cuiuva tion, & all such matter as was formerly found in our Annual CataloKue. You will miss it if you order SEEDS before seeing Bbiggs Ss Bbo's. QUAKTJiiXviji. vve cnai lenge comparison on quality of Seed and nrices and sizes of packets. Our" Calen dar Advance Sheet and Price List for 1873," sent free. Address, - BRIGGS &i BROTHER, . Seedsmen and Florists, 4w ROCHESTER, N. Y. T. M. ARGO. J. C. I ILAItRIS. . ARG0 & HARRIS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, RAJ-EIGHi N. G. Office on the corner of Wilmington and '' Hargett streets.) ' "i. 2 1 T. M. Argo and J. C' Ij. Harris having i formed a copartnership for the practice of law will attend promptly to any business entrusted to them. j 150 tf. Floral North Carolina Election Retnrns IIUGUSTJSOVIBKK, 1872. o i u O 02 03 O ai rr. o r-1 e u . O D O eS ?- O 03 COUNTIES. CD Alamance, 1.015 1,270 925 850 367 220 976 312 1,019 ; 690 758 490 Alexander, Alleghany, Anson, ?89; 545 339 1,191 752 1,331 313 184 142 1,019; 701 1,665 1,017 542 1,459 1,517 1,409 857 Ashe, Beaufort, Bertie, 1,514! 1,448 70S 949 Bladen, 1,208 711 1,538 BrunswicK, Buncombe, Burke, ' 1,114 683 970 1,109 544 852 565 796 319 545 Cabarrus,:- Caldwell, Camden, 811 1,161 945 . 332 554 829 521 562 1,062 434 Carteret, Caswell, Catawba, u Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cleaveland, Columbus, Craven. " 739 652 1,554 744 1,456 1,415! 1,261 1,261 441 1,252 1,300 284 1,683 1,774 486 576 1,586 372 433 742 142 - 767 430 ; 252 1,099 1,045 125 KM .204 . 547 r 451 693 7771 730 -954 2,708 1,883 ,349 1,146 1,890 763 2,759 Ctimberland, 1.846J 1,442 144 Currituck, Dare, Davidson, Davie, 1 Duplin, i 270 232 1,384 826 217 ' 1,516 662 1,454 714 637 510 1,035 3,452 1,115 1,560 1,750 1,039 1,21k Edgecombe, 1,474 3,436 1,100 1,543 640 465 2,653 920 1,221 Forsytne, Franklin, Gaston, Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Graham, - Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Henderson, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Jones, 1,033 1,475 758 1.197 688 927 808 600 1,690 512 2,655 1,976 783 1,849 947 475 1,380 80 1,831 1,736 37 3.640 1,673 795 3,794 669 .1,485 C95 420 657 749 505 341 668 369 716 9S3 610 .994 166 1,374 536 874 965 420 980 558 528 1,159 816 1,738 554 1,481' 559 944 903 655 138 425 1,368 654 1,304 624 809 639 375 701 737 493 -. 3S0 959 448 2,202 64 241 714 1,003 1,877 752 . 720 1,483 290 351 397 934 Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, 1,270 706 130 159 Madison, Martin- 641 635 1,035 706 2,511 195 417 1,291 1,048 519 McDowell, 455 g-r Mitchcll 2,261 2,181 628 653 468 Montgomery, 475 1,055 620 Moore; Nash, , NewHanover Northampton 881 731 1,293 1,284 1,215 3,614 1,990 492 2261 1,095 892 1,945 3,445 1,998 529 1,267 Onslow, Orange, Pamlico, 1,321 358 446 358 1,049 892 800 1,734 Pasquotank, Perquimans, 1;053 910 657 642 Person, Pitt, 8191 1,101 1,775 342 1,389 1,304 1,583 1,301 1,118 1,013 1,464 366 830 838 29 203 347 631 1,782 224 1,364 1,016 l 1,429 Polk, 264 1,291 1,186 1,503 1,370 976 ' 928 1,470 383 825 887 35 150 321 451 99 983 730 1,051 1,416 962 399 889 478 839 681 263 230 235 008 2,407 1,008 390 197 1,311 639 1,053 518 344 Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham Rowan, Rutherford, 1,631 1,653 l,6oo 7Z7 Sampson, . Stanley, Stokes, 1,697 648 905 989 332 379 Surry, Swain. Swain. Transylvania Tyrrell, 391 Union, Wake, . Warren, 1,022 492 3,843, 2,380 917 353 3,705 Washington, 935 Watauga, Wayne, 435 1,749 1,034 1,319 187 1,949 1,294 1,152 866 1,934 1,178 Wilkes, Wilson, 1,124 Yadkin, 759 503 817 Yancey, 382 307 98,630 96,731 96,731 1,S99 An Act To Change the Time for holding the Spring Term of the Superior Court of Cabarrus County. Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : Tnat alter the first day of January, 1873, the Spring Term of the Superior Court for the County of Cabarrus shall be held on the first Monday of July of each year and continue lor two weeks unless the busi ness be sooner disposed of. Sec. 2. That all processes, recogni zances, and other legal proceedings in civil and criminal actions which have already baen issued, or may hereafter be issued, and returnable to the Spring Term as now established by law, the sail e snail Deaeemea ana neia returna ble to the Term of said Court as now fixed by this act ; and all persons who have been recognized or bound, or summoned to appear at the Spring Term of said Court for the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three, are hereby required to appear at tne Term tnereot as pre scribed by this act, and the Secretary of State shall, within one month from its I . . A A . 1 ratification, cause this act to be rub- lished. and furnish the Sheriff and the Clerk; of the Superior Court of Cabarrus County with a copy. Sec. 3. It shall bo the duty of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cabarrus County to advertise at two or more pub lie places in each township in said county on or before the first day of April, 1873, notifying suitors and wit nesses of the change of the Spring Term of the Superior Court as prescribed in this act. Sec. 4. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. In General Assembly read three times and ratified this 18th day of December, D. 1872. J. L. ROBINSON, Speaker of the House. J. T. MOREHEAD, Jr., President of the Senate. Office Secretary of State, ' Baleigh, Jan. 10. 1873. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original act on file in this office. . WM. H. HOWERTON, Secretary tsiute. jan 10 123 law4t T ICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R., JLti North Carolina Division. Freight Trains between Goldsboro and Raleigh will run in accordance with the following Schedule after Sunday, Oct. 20th, 1872. Arrive. Leav. Stations. Arriv Leave, 6.00 6.30 H Raleigh, 9.05 Auburn, g Clayton, 8.05 Wilson's, 7.30 Selma, 6.50 Pine !Lev, 6.38 Boon HiU, 6.05. Goldsboro a 6.50 7.25 K 37.49 , S8.15 8.40 f9.30 8.35 7.00 8.15 g 7.35 7.10 7.30 8.05 8.18 ' 6.40 : 2 8.50 6.15 2 W. H. GREEN, Master Transportation. UNITED STATES MAIL. Post Office Department, Washington, Decemb er 1, 1872. PROPOSALS will be received at the .Con tract Office of this Department until 3 p. m. of March 3, 1873, for conveying the mails of the United States from July 1, 1873, to June 80, 1875, in the State of . NORTH CAROLINA, j . rtn tliA rnntpa and hv the schedules of departures and arrivals herein specified. Decision3 announced on or.befora March 20, 1873. , i i-i y. '' TTtidders should examine carefully the u . I j m ,7 ! Xfaa jorms, ant xiusirucnons 7scci. ' laws requiring certified cheak. or, draft with bids, of $o,upo ana upwara.y . NORTH CAROLINA. 5257 From Hickory Tavern, by Dr.dley Shoal3, Bruslev Mountain, and "Warrior Creek, to Wilkesboro', 45 Tn-p-PTTi TnsdaV at ,U , V i T j , x p III , Arrive at Wilkesboro'- W.ednesday bv 7 P m: j -i Leave Wilkesboro' Monday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Hickory Tavern next da uy x a uia , , i 5258 From Catawba Station, by Younts Mills, ClineV , Store, White ' Sul nhr Snrin: and 'Hickorv Tav" prn . . to Jpfferson. 85 miles and back, once a week. Leave Catawba Station Monday at 8.30 am: Arrive at Jefferson Wednesday by u P m: 1 jfiavfi Jefferson Thursday at 8.30 am: Arrive at Catawba Station Saturday by 5 p m. 1 ' j 5259 From Troy, bv Macedonia, to Car tliage, 33 miles and back, once a week. Leave Troy Wednesday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Carthage by 5 p m ; j Leave Carthage Thursday at 6 am.; Arrive at Troy by 5 p m. . From Globe to Blowing Rock, 9k miles and back, once a week. Leave Globe Friday at 10 a m ; Arrive at Blowing Rock by 1 p ra ; Leave Blowing Rock Wednesday at lpm; Arrive at Globe by 3 p m. From Warm Springs to Spring Creek, 18 miles and back, once a week. . Leave Warm Springs Saturday at 6 a m ; J Arrive at Spring Creek by 12 m ; Leave Spring Creek, Saturday at 1 p m; Arrive at Warm Springs by 7 pm. From Catawba Vale, by Crooked Creek and Stone Mountain, to Bear Wallow, 19 miles and back, once a week. Leave Catawba Vale Thursday at 7 am; Arrive at Bear Wallow by 1 p m ; Leave Bear Wallow Thursday at 2 P m; Arrive at Catawba Vale by 8 pm. From Mull Store to Happy Home, 12 miles and back, once a week. Leave Mull Store Friday at lpm; Arrive at Happy Home by 5 p m ; 52G0 520 1 5262 5263 Leave Ilannv Home Friday at 8 J. A. 1 a m ; - i Arrive at Mull Store by 12 m. From Brown't Summit to Company . iililla, u miles ana . oacK, once a week. , . , . Leave Brown's Summit Saturday at 9am. Arrive at Company Mills by 12 m ; Leave Company Mills Saturday at 1 p m ; j Arrive at Brown's Summit by 4 p m. From Wilkesboro', by Hunting Creek, Zimmerman, Poplar Bridge and Union Grove, to Olin, 27 3-4 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wilkesboro' Friday at 7 am; Arrive at Olin by 4 p m ; Leave Olin . Saturday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Wilkesboro by 4 p m. From Onslow C. H. to Swansbor'o', 27 miles and back once a week. Leave Onslow C. H. Tuesday at 1 pm ; Arrive at Swansboro by 7 pm; Leave Swansboro' ednesday at 8 am; -Arrive at Onslow C. H. by 2 pm. From Columbia to Gum Neck, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Columbia Monday at 1 p ra ; Arrive at Gum Neck by 6 p m ; Leave Gum Neck Monday at 7 am ; Arrive at Columbia by 12 m. From Aquone, by Copperville, Tus quitee, and Fort Heinbree, to Hayesville, 18 miles and back, once a week. Leave Aquone Monday at 10 a mj' Arrive at Hayesville by 4.30 p m ; Leave Hayesville Monday at 5 p m ; Arrive at Aquone by 9 a m. From Dudley, by Jericho, to Stra bane, 22 miles and back, once a 0, week. " s Leave Dudley Friday atVam; Arrive at Strabane by l pm; Leave Strabane Friday at 2 p m ; Arrive at Dudley by 8 p m. ; From Kinston, by Comfort, to Rich land's, 31 miles and back, once a week. ; Leave Kinston . Saturday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Richland's by 8 p ra ; Leave Richland's Friday at 6am; Arrive at Kinston by 8 p ta. From Elizabethtown, by Downing ville, Melvinville, and Warrens ville, to Clinton, 36 miles and back, once a week. ! Leave Elizabethtown Friday at 6 a m; : Arrive at Clinton by 6 p m. Leave Clinton Saturday at 6 am; Arrive at Elizabethtown by 6 pm. From Enfield, by Heathsville, Brink leyville, and Ringwood, to En field, equal to 16 mi!es and back, once a week. i Leave Enfield Tuesday at 6 a m ; Arrive at Enfield by 6 p m. From Hookerton, by Ridge Spring, Johnson's Mills, Coxville, and Rose Hill, to -Greenville, 36 miles miles and back, once a week. Leave Hookerton Saturday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Greenville by 7 pm; . Leave Greenville Friday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Hookerton by 7 pm. 5265 5266 5267 5268 5269 5270 5271 5272 5273 5274 From Pollocksville, by Palo Alto, to Swansboro, 27 . miles and back, twice a week. Leave Pollocksville Saturday and . vv ednesday at 11.30 am; Arrive at Swansboro by 8 pm;; Leave Swansboro Tuesday and Sat- urday at 4 a m ; Arrive at Pollocksville by 11.30 am. From Rockv Point, bv Lillincton. Phlnt nawpll nd Moore's Creek, - mm 4 to Black Kiver Chapel, 30 miles ni-xnu TtsM truruA an w!1a I - X ' and back, once a week- " 4 Leave Rockv Point Friday at 7am; I Arrive at Black River Chapel by 6 4 L p.m; ?'v 'Leave Black River Cfiapel" Thurs- , ; day at 7 a m Arrive at Rocky Point by 6 p m. 27& FromTW'ilmirigton to Smlthville, 30 XkV if, miles and back, twice a week, by .t..iy.knt I at: - m i" - a dot linnuencv bo promptly and satisfactorily tion, in any business matter, or thing, n Wilmington Tuesday and bat- 1 4 of postmasters or lating to the mail service. They are th Leave urdav t 3 p m ; Arrive at Smith ville by 7pm; 'Leave'Smithville Monday and Fri day at 6 a m ; -til svArriyftjat Wilmington by 12 m. i ? 6277 From .Limberton, by U loriesvuie. .Leeaylle and Brooklm, to Uau noiyin Bluff. 25 miles and back, once a iJeYiLTmberton -Friday at 7 am ; " Arrive at Fair Blaff by 5 p m , J .4VS Leave, Talv Bluff Saturday at 7am; iSf Arrivet Lumberton by 5 p:m. FORM fJF PROPOSAL, GUARANTEE, AND CERTIFICATE. - -Mi ' : -uA f-:w ui a. (Proposal, 1 The undersign e5d-" whose postoflSce address7 is )f county f Stateof , proposesr to convey the mails of the . United , States, froni July; 1, 1373, to June .80, 1875, on route.No. , between-: and -, under the ad vertisement of" the Postmaster General, dated. December 1, 1872, 44 with celerity, certainty and security" (law of June 8, 1872), vfor thef:annual sum of dollar?. r nth the full This proposal is made w knowledge of the distance of theroute tKe weight ofL the mail to be can ied, and all other particulars in reference fo the route and , service and, also, after a . car efut examination of the laws andjn- structions attached to advertisement oj mail service ; and of the provisions con tained in the act of Congress of June 8, 1872.- Dated- . -, Bidder. Guarantee. ' The undersigned, residing at , State of , undertake that, if the foregoing bid for carrying the mail on rpute No. . be accepted by the rost- master General, the bidder, will, prior to the 1st of June, 1873, enter into the re quired obligation, or contract, to perform the service proposed, with good and suffi cient sureties. . This we do, understandig distinctly the obligations and liabilities assumed by guarantors. Dated Certificate. The undersigned, postmaster at , State of , certifies, under ms oath of office, that he is acquainted with the above guarantors, and knows them to be men of property, and able to make good their guarantee; and that bidder and guar antors are above the ago of 21 years. ,v7 rt.ooo and uvwards mutt be p TT - 7 -M. accompanied by a certified check, or draft, on some solvent national bank, equal to 5 per eentum on the present an nual pay on the route ; or in case of new service, not less than 5 per eentum of one year's pay proposed in bid. (Section 253, Act of June 8, 1872.) The Postmaster muat not sign the cer tificate until the sum of the bid is inserted and the bid and guarantee signed by all the parties, and dated. OATn REQUIRED BY SECTION 246 OF AN ACT OF CONGRESS, AP PROVED JUNE 8, 1872, TO BE AF- - FIXED TO EACH BID FOR CARRY ING THE MAIL, AND TO BE TAKEN BEFORE AN OFFICER QUALIFIED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. jt , of , bidder for conveying the mail on route No. , from -, do swear that I have the ability pecuniarily to fulfill my obliga tion as such bidder; that the bid is made in good faith, and with the intention to enter into contract and perform the service in case said bill should be accepted ; and that the signatures of. the guarantors thereto are genuine, and that I believe the isaid guarantors to be pecuniarily respon sible for and able to pay all damages the United States shall suffer by reason pf my failing to perform my obligations as such bidder. "Sworn to and subscribed before me for the 1 of , this day of- A. D. 187 , and in testimony thereof I hereunto subscribe my name and affix iriy official seal the day and year afore said. seal. Note. When the oath is taken before a justice of the peace, the certificate of the clerk of a court of record should be added, under his seal of his office, that the person who administered the oath is a duly quali fied justice of the peace. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS AND : . . , POSTMASTERS. Containing also conditions to be incor porated in the contracts to the extent , the Department may deem proper. ?1. Seven minutes are allowed to each in termediate office, when not otherwise spe cified for assorting the mails. 2. On routes where the mode of con "veyance admits of it, the special agents of the Post Office Department, also post office blanks, mail bags, locks and keys, are to be conveyed without extra charge. 3. "Way bills " or receipts prepared by postmasters, or other agents of the De partment, will accompany the mails, speci- ly ing the number and destination of the several bags to be examined by the post masters, to insure regularity in the delivery of bags and pouches. ; ' 4. No pay will be made for trips not per formed ; and for each of such omissions, if the failure ? be occasioned; by the fault of the contractor , or carrier, three times the pay of the trip win be deducted. For ar rivals so far behind time as to break con nection -with depending mails, and not saf- iicientiy excused, one-wmui v pensation for tno inn is buujccu w .- . . rK m feitnrft: - ' - .For repeated ueiinquencies oi iu kind herein specified, enlarged penalties, proportioned to the nature thereof, and the importance of the mail, may be made. ; 5. For leaving behind or throwing off the'maiLCor any portion of them, for the admission of passengers, or for being con cerned in setting up or running an ex press conveying intelligence in advance of thi mail, a onarter'a uav mav ba deducted. il T?irna will a imirxinfl linlpSS the de ... mi .1 mil w ww, . .r. . : .r I a the amdavta oi otner creuioie persuus, iui i irusiru n-un.o mo ivm m.vub, mm c:u-failino- to arrive in contract time ; for neg- f not consistently act in both edacities. lectiug to take the mail from, or deliver it nnct. oflFir.fi ?' for sufferinir it to be il t' ww- o wetrnninred. destroyed," robbed' or lost ; and for refusing, after . deniandr to convey the 'mall- as -frequently as the contractor . i H. n a ami Vi runs, or is concernuu in iuuuiu, a w-v, mr or steamboat on a route. 7 The Postmaster General may annul the contract for repeated failures to run agreeably to contract; for violating the post office laws, or disobeying the instruc- tions of the Department ; for refusing to dis- charge a carrier when required by the De partment to do so ; for running an express as aforesaid: or for. - transporting persons or packages conveying mailable matterjout of the mail. 8. The Postmaster General may or der an increase -of j service on. a. route by allowing therefor, a . rao -. ratAj in- - i A. TT nn-rr rrpnsi. on tne coniruct. uav.:,ntt "ri change ' schedules of 'departures" ard ir riv1? ik'"all ! cases. ! and1 particularly to moi-a rtffm'rnnfiirm to connections with' 1 railroads, without increase of pay, pro vided, the runniog time be not abridged. Tho Postmaster General may also discon- finnA or Mirtail the service, in whole or in nart. in order to place on tne rouie supe rior service, or whenever the public terests, in his judgment, shall requite such discontinuance or curituuueii i. wi other cau-e; he allowing as full indem pity to contractor one month's extra pay on the amount of service dispensed with, and a pro hata compensation for the amount of service retained and contiuued. a Prmp.nt.s will be made by collections from, or drafts on, postmasters or other-! wise, after the expiration of each quarter say in November, February, May and August, provided that required evidence .f service has been received. 10. The distances given arc believed to be substantially correct ; but no increased pay will be allowed should they be greater than advertised, if the points to be supplied are correctly stated. Ridders must inform themselves ox this point, and also in refer ence to the weight of the mail, the condi tion of hills, roads, "streams, fcc, and all toll bridges, turnpikes, plank roads, ferries, or obstructions of any kind by which ex pense may be incurred. No claim for ad ditional pay, based on such ground, tan be considered; nor for nlledged mistakes or misapprehension as to the degree of ser vice ; nor for bridges destroyed, ferries dis continued, or other obstructions causing or Wrpasinj? distance or expense occurring nrino- t.ho mntract term. Offices estab lished3 after this advertisement is issued, and also during the contract term, are to viaitprl without extra ta v. if the distance be not increased. . -1 1 Bidders are cautionedtd mail their pro posak in time to reach the Department by the day and hour named (3 p. m., March 3, 1873), fur bids received after that time will not be considered in competition with bids, of reasonable amount, received m time TSTpH.hpr ran bids be considered which are without the cruarantee required by law, and a certificate of the sufficiency of such guar- ing to section 246, act of June 8, 1872. 12. Bidders should first propose for ser vice strictly according to the advertise ment, and then, if they desire, separately, for different service ; and if the regular bid be the lowest offered for the adyertised service, the other propositions may be con sidered. 1 3. There should be but one route bid for in a proposal. Consolidated or com bination bids, ("proposing one sum for two or more routes") cannot be considered. .14. The. ronte, the. service, the yearly pay, the name and residence of the bidder (that is, his usual post-office address), and the name of each member of a firm, where a company offers, should be distinctly stated. ' 15. Bidders are requested to use, as far as practicable, the printed proposals fur nished by the Department, to write out in full the snm of their bids, and to retain copies of them. . . Altered bids should not be submitted; nor should bids once submitted be drawn. No withrawal of a bidder or guarantor, will be allowed unless the withdrawal is re ceived twenty -four hours previous to the time fixed for opening the proposals. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible persons. The bid and guaran tee should be signed plainly with the full name of each person. . The Postmaster General reserves the right to reject any . bid which may be deemed extravagant; and- also to disre gard the bids of failing contractors and bidders. (Act of June 8, 1872. section 249.) ; 16. The bid should ba sealed, 6uper ribed " Mail Proposals, , State of North Carolina," addressed "Second' Assistant Postmaster General, Con rtect . Office' and sent by mail, net by or to an agent. : Bids of $5,000 per annum and upward must be accompanied by a certified check ,or draft on some solvent national bank, equal to 5 per cent, of the amount. . : (See law of Con gress of June 8, 1872.) 17. The contracts are to be executed and returned to the Department by or before the 1st dvy of June, 1873, olheneise the accepted bidder cill be ' considered as having failed, and the Post Master General mav proceed to contract for the service witli other parties, ac cording to law. ; Transfers of contracts, are forbidden by law, and consequently cannot be allowed. Neither can bids, or interests in bids, be transferred or assigned to other parties. Bidders will therefore take notice that they will be expected . to perform the service awarded to them through the whole con tract term. 18. section 24y ot the act of June 8, 18755, provides that Contracts for the trans portation of the mail shall be 'awarded to thn lowest bidder tendering sufficient guarantees for faithful performance, without other-ref erence to the mod of such transportation than may.be necessary to provide for the due celerity, certainty, and 6ecuritv there- ui. uuuer mis law Dias mat propose to transport the mails with "celeritv. certarnlu and security," having been decided to be the only legal bids, are construed as providina for the entire mail, however large, ' ami whatever may be the mode of conveyance nec essary to insure itr " celerity, certainty and tciuruy, uju nave wie prcjerence over: all others, and no others are considered, except for steamboat rnnt.Aa ' ....-....,-". for steamboat routes. 4 19. -A modification of a bid in any of its essential terms ia tantamount to a new bid, and cannot.be received, so as to interfere with regular competition. .. Making a new bid, with guarantee and certificate, ia the only way to modify a previous bid. 20. Postmasters are to be careful not to vvv .7 :v iniort "'y"r.",uft "V. l'F'ons ,r - m - r w r iw rt a u ri rw inn r i v n a K v. pumcieuw iwpuusiuuu. oc Hecuon 247. act of June 8, 18 2.) They mnst not Bio-n the certincate until tho sum of the bid i inserted, and the Did and gunrnntee ara signed by the bidder and (two) ;j,n irantors a disregard of this instructiofi pflX masters will subject tfiein to immcdi U re moved, and to severe penalties. Postmasters are also liable to dinii8i from office for acting as agents if com mo tors or bidders, with or without cotnitcnR. ,1 -A4. ,.r T. i : i. aii uiuuits, guuwunurs, anu 8iue tie3 are distinctly notified that. on a failure to enter into or perform the contracU for the service proposed for in the accepted bid?, their legal liabilities will be enforced against them. 22. Prepent contractors, and persons known at the Department, must, equal with otl i n. procure guaranators and certifica't of their sufficiency substHn- , - ii li. l.i . . .. i , tiallv i' forms . above , prescribed." The cu U.cate of sufficiency must be bigned by a pofiiiiastcr. , ' , jan 23 wGw. , . ; - .Postmaster General. T ICHMOND fc DANVILLE R. R., X NoBTn Carolina Division. CONDENSED ; TLMH-T ABLE. In effect on aftd after Sunday; December 22d, 1872. t 1 'ri'- GOING "NORTH. - i.t Stations. Mail. ExprcsH. 7.10 p.m. G.25a. tl 8.21 44 7.2( 4 t.50 44 8.34 44 10.51 44 9.23 11.53 44 10.17 44 12.50 a. ni. 11.00 44 1.45 41 11.10 44 , 3.30 44 12.20 p.m. 4.53 44 8.05 44 11.05 a. m. Leavo Charlotte, Concord, " Salisbury, 44 Lexington " High Point Ar. at Greeilsboro Leave Greensboro 44 Co. Shops, 44 Ilillsboro, 44 Raleigh, Ar. at Goldsboro, goinO souTir. Stations. ; Mail. , Express. . 1- Leave Goldsboro, 4.00 p. m. - ' 44., Raleigh,. 7.45 44 44 Ilillsboro, 10.21 44 44 Co. Shops, 12.05 a.m. 2.15 p. in. Ar. at Greensboro 1.30 44 3.30 44 Leave Greensboro 2.15 44 4.00 44 44 High Point 3.04 44. 4.43 44 , 44 Lexington, 4.02 44 5.33 44 Salisbury, 4.57 " C.22 44 44 Concord, 0.10 44 7.28 44 Ar. at Charlotte, 7.20 a. m. 8.30 p. m, - Passenger train leaving Baleigh at 7.45, p. m., connects at Greensboro with Northern bound traiu; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of road. . Express daily between Company Shops and Charlotte (Sundays excepted.) All 'Passenger trains connect at Greensboro with trains to ' and from' Richmond. Pullman Palace Cars on all niftht trains between Charlotte and Richmond (without change.) S. E. ALLEN, W. IT. Green, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Master Transportation. RICHMOND A DANVILLE R. R. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. in enect on and after Sunday, Oct. 11, 1SV2. GOING north. Stations. Mail. Exprcsx. Leave Greensboro 2.00 a.m. 11.10 a. in. 44 Danville, 4.40 44 1.52.p.m. " Burkville, 9.41 44 0.30 44 Ar. at Richmond, 12.45 p. m. 9.30 p. m. GOING SOUTII. Stations. Mail. Express Leave Richmond, 1.50 p. m. 5.10 a. . . 44 Burkville, 5.12 44 8.28 4 44 Danville, 10.00 44 12.57 p.m. Ar. atGreensboro 12.25 a. m. 3.30 44 Trains leaving Richmond at 1.50 p m, and at 5.10 am, connect at Greensboro with trains on North Carolina Divison, for all points South. Passengers leaving Richmond at 1.50 p m, connect at Greensboro with train for all points East of Greensboro. - Passenger train leaving Raleigh at C.40 p m, connects at Greensboro with Nor thern bound Mail train, arriying in Richmond at 12.45 p m. JNO. R. MACMURDO, General Freight & Ticket Agent. T. M. R. Talcott, Engineer & General Superintendent. Office Petersburg R. R. Co., March 27th, 1872. ON AND AFTER MARCH 31st, tho trains win run as follows: - LEAVE WELDON. Express Train, 7:10 am Mail Train, - 3:25 pm ARRIVE AT PETERSBURG. Express ' 10:50 am Mail, 7:00 pm LEAVE PETERSBURG. Mail, ' 5:40am Express, . 3:50 pm ARRIVE AT WELDON. Mail, 9:45 am lExpress,,,;. 6:50 pm :' FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Petersburg, 8:00 a m Leave Weldon, 5:(!a" Arrive at Weldon, 4:00 pm Arrive at Petersburg, p n GASTON TRAIN. Leave Petersburg, cV?a!H Leave Gaston, IsJJ P JJ Arrive at Gaston, lJJ P m Arrive at Petersburg. :10 p m Freights for Gaston Branch willW received at the Petersburg depot ony on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. The depot will be closed at JOO.P JI No goods will be received after iu hour. v J.C.SP1UGG, 53 tf. Eng. and Gen. Manager BANKRUPTCY BLANKS. WE HAVE JUST PR1,1 completesetofBankruptcyli any and will keep them constantly on ua" and will fill all orders for them at i per hundred. , . ;..t n0 The following is a partial list that w have on hand: . -Petition bv Debtor. Schedule A (complete) 4 tt 8 forms. Assignment of Bankrupt's ctrccts. Oath of Bankrupt to bo taken before discharge. . . minted .These blanks are all neatly prim"4 and ruled on first class paper. Sends orders to . ,xr EDWARDS & BROUOliAV 11 Gt Ralci2b,.- Jan. 11 Ct