THE DAILY ERA Official Paper of North Carolina. Official Paper of the United States. There was in tha City one Sosis, infamous for his Insolence and villainy, who thought the licentiousness of WmUVU MMW.mj " Speech. Pltxtabch. MONDAY, JM. 27th; 1873. A Guarantee Wanted. Some : persons ravoraDie iu me . A . sale of the Western North Carolina Railroad to the Southern Security Bailway Company demand a guar antee from that Company that the Road shall be completed to the Tennessee line. Such guarantee will doubtless be given, if required, and as the most practicable way oi oDtaimug guarantee let a new charter oe maae to take the place of the oia one, nrt lookiner to nroner restrictions anrl mwrantees to suit the times p ' and the contemplated changes. Another advantage to the State would result from a new charter that of taxing the Road as any other property in the State. According to the present charter the Western North Carolina Railroad is exempt from taxation by the State. The Senator from Wake on the Senator from Guilford. Senator Morehead of Guilford got in the wav of Senator Harris of Wake, during the discussion on the Ku Klux amnesty in the Senate on Thursday last, and came out with no more-head to his argument than with which he went in. Mr. Harris challenged any Sena tor to show wherein a member of theKu Klux Klan had ever been convicted in any State Court of North Carolina Whereupon Sena- onlv worth what n will bring, ana ror which the property shall sell is sum tor Morehead did "rise U explain" in its present incomplete and worn- cient to pay tho debts, otherwise pro plai that he knew of three neqro Ku icYeWafco U'hn rn. ;ere now. serving their term in the Penitentiary. To this Senator Harris replied that the explanation but strength ened his position, and only the more confirmed his opinion that the Ku Klux amnesty ought not to pass in that shape, since of all the Ku Kluxing in North Carolina the State Courts had only been able to apprehend and convict two or three colored men who had been induced through persuasion, intimidation or violence to join the Ku Klux Klan and participate in its outrages, and were only convicted to shield some guilty white leader who had the position and influence to involve ignorant colored men, but was withal tooW-ardlv and unorinci- pledtotand the consequences of his Dftrticination in crime. his participation in crime. The Senator from Guilford, after a moment's reflection, looked as though he "never said it." Not Ostracizing. .Messrs. Abbott, Dudley and Fletcher, colored, of the House, de sire the Era to correct the state ment made in the Sentinel that they are or nave been opposed to fro- lessors ievviuer ana aii tcneiL col- ored, on account of their Liberal - - . i proclivities or support of Greeley. As for Professor Mitchell, they have heard and do believe that he was an ardent supporter of Grant ; and as to Professor De Witter, the col ored men in and out of the Legisla ture conceive that Professor De- Witter and ; all other colored men have theright to attach themselves to any party they please to and vote for and support whomsoever they choose. There wftrfi substantial other than political, which induced Hr. Dudley and others to object to Professor Mitchell having the use of theHiail of the House "to address the General Assembly on the sub ject of, education," not the least of which , was the fact that the Profes- had wuaaion wnen aiiowea to open a morning session with prayer. As to Professor DeWitter, the colored men of the House fail to see what he had to do with the ob jection to, or expulsion of Professor Mitchell, or why he 4 should i have felt himsetf ;;cled upon to assail members of the. House at a time when he was enjoying extra courte sies In the House, an extra fohio owt uau, tuouiicu me nouse Dy cuFity oi iiuuian me. xnis pnn making a political harangue on one clple, prohibits not only the en and seat haying been provided for him from the beginning of the session. The Western North Carolina Railroad. It is understood that the Legisla tive investigation into the affairs and financial condition of thisBoad is about completed, and the Com mittee will probably report at an early day. Some of those.most violently op posed to the sale of the Road under the late decree of the Federal Court at Asheville are understood to have come to the conclusion that nothing better can be done, and as the only hope of getting a Railroad through our State for years lies in the South ern. Security Railway Company, much of the opposition hitherto manifest against that Company and their acquisition of the Road has been abandoned. It is now said by parties hitherto opposing the sale of the Road that if a litigation and consequent delay I - . . i. i i r 0f a year or two is tne result oi is tne result oi present complications that the Wes- tern North Carolina .Railroad will become impassable ; that it is even now in a dangerous condition from Statesville to Salisbury. Persons competent to judge, say, in fact jt jg the assertion of a skilled engineer, that one hundred and gffcy thousand dollars must immedi ately be spent on the Road-bed and track; while the net annual earn ings of the Road are about one-fifth of this sum. Much has been said of the co3t of this work to the State of North Car olina; and the State's interest has been set down at six millions of of dollars. The State has no such interest in the Western North Car olina Railroad; first, because the Road does not begin to be worth that money ; and, second, no such amount has been invested therein by the State. Mr. President Tate states in one of his Reports that the State's in vestment was $2,452,509.97, being the cash proceeds of North Carolina Bonds, which can certainly be com promised now as low as fifty cents in the dollar, and lower, making the actual Davment by the State about one million. A But no matter what the Road has onst the State or individuals, it is out condition it cannot be expected to brin much in any pUUJIU Ml I" market, trmitu vnic suit;. Five thousand dollars a mile may be considered :t high price for a worn-out Railroad, with a terminus in the wild-woods, a limited busi ness, unsufficient to sustain it, and conflicting interests hedging it at the point of its only connection with the Railroad system of the country. . The rolling-stock is estimated to be wof Lli a hundred thousand dol lars in all, which with the present value of the iron and road-bed will not aggregate a million of dollars ; and sinte this is so, and three mil- ll0ns arG riuireu to complete, re- Pair and cuiP U there is little doubt that the State can do nothing else than allow the Road to pass into other hands, and the sooner the betteri provided, always, that there is no apparent trick or fraud on the part of those who propose to take the Road and complete it to the Tennessee line. (COMMUNICATED. ) The Duty of the Hour. Allow on3, who desires to see the law enforced, and, through that means, order maintained in North uaronna, to mate a suggestion It is to the through your columns. President of the Senate. There are certain "laws of the tod" that are even superior in force to the Constitution of North Carolina, and in subordination to which the Constitution 4t being a mere contract, according to the doc trine of publicists is made. These laws are the fundamental and essen tial principles upon which all or ganic association or society is foun ded. Whatever, therefore, of this independent, necessary natural code is not positively embodied into the Constitution of the State, is neces sarily implied ; and whatever in the Constitution conflicts witli it, is itself unconstitutional. Principal among these rules of natural law, is the obligation to preserve the se- actment, of any law which would authorize the wanton sacrifice of life, but also the passage of any act which would encourage it, or pro mise, indirectly even, exemption from punishment forsuch an offense. This will not be denied. jjoes not any pui wnicn reason ably justifies the belief that murder, arson, rape, to say nothing of infe rior offenses, will be excused, if only the perpetrators be members of political oftfdnizatiuuis, promise im punity? Does not such a bill make such membership a plea of not guilty t and guch plea equivalent to a ver dict of not guilty I Does not the bill now pending in the Senate, and known as the Ku Klux Amnesty bill, authorize such a plea, and justify the expectation of such a verdict? In fact, does it not, in a measure, license murder and any other crime, by the removal of the restraint which the fear of punishment im poses? If it do these things, which can not with reason be gainsayed, it is not only violative of the constitu tion of things, but of the Constitu tion of North Carolina. It is, there fore, a duty to withstand its passage into a law : and every supporter of the law will be expected to do so. Should the Legislature be so incon siderate of their duty, or ignorant of their obligations as to pass it through both houses, then the good nlA nf nrth Carolina call uDon I X X - - GoVEEXOR Brogden, as the last defense between them and this enormous and alarming exposure of their liberties, to stand as a " Stonewall" to refuse to ratify, by his signature, this act to legalize -murder ! he will be sustained by his obligations to the Constitution ; he will be sus tained bv the law: he will be sus- tained by the people of North Car- olina. Amicus Juri. Valuable Railroad Property FOR SALE. URSUANT TO A DECREE OF the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Western District of North Carolina, at the November Term, 1872, thereof, at Asheville, in a proceeding, there pending in Equity, to foreclose a mortgage mentioned in the pleadings between Henry Clews and Hiram Sibley plantiffs against the Western North Carolina Railroad Company and others defendants., the undersigned, Commis sioners, appointed by the Court, at the said above mentioned November term thereof, will sell, at the Railroad depot, of the Western North Carolina Railroad Company, at Salisbury, on Saturday 22d day of February, 1873, next, at public auction for cash, all the franchise, road, road bed, rolling stock and prop erty of every kind and description be longing to the Western North Carolina Railroad Company. Creditors may bid for the property, and such bidders, after paying a suffi cient amount of the purchase money in cash to pay the costs and expenses in curred, in the proceeding in Equity above mentioned, and for the execution of the trust &c, may be credited with their debts in payment, if the amount rata. When the Western connections of this road are completed it will be one of the f -j - llUiit JfJSJk properties in the South. The length of the road from Salisbury to Asheville, N. C, is one hundred and forty-two miles of which one hundred and fifteen is completed and running to Old Fort, McDowell county, at the Eastern base of the Blue Ridge. The remainder of the road, 'twenty-seven miles, is mostly graded. The cash cost and valuation of tho property is about 1,000,000 The floating debt 350,000 Upon the road is a tlrst mort gage of $1,400,000 the only lein on the property. For any further information addressf the Commissioners. B.S. GAITIIER, at Morgan ton, N. C. MARCUS ERWIN, at Asheville, N. C. jan 24 135 6t " T" 1 QHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Raleigh & Augusta Air Line, Superintendent's Office., Raleigh,". C, Nov. 20, 1S72. On and after Saturday, Nov. 30th. 1872, trains on the R. & A. A. L, Road will run daily, (Sunday excepted,) as ionows : Mail train leaves Raleijrh, 3.35 P M. A rrives at Santo rd , 6. 15 Mail tram leaves Sanford, 6.30 A. M. Arrives at Raleigh, 9.20 ' Mail train makes close connection at Raleigh with the Raleigh ard On.stnn Railroad, to and from all pom us Jsorcli. And at Sanford with the Western Railroad, to and from Fayetteville and points on western Kailroad. A. B. ANDREWS, , dec 4 tf. , Superintendent. TO NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS Pi inter's "Sit" Wanted. ONE OP THE BEST WORKING Printers and fastest com oositors of me state wants a " sit." Has " worked about " and served as Foreman on sev eral papers. Sober and a family man. isest oi reierences Riven. Address Letter " M.," care Editor of the Era. 132- -tf. WM. M. COLEMAX, Attorney at Law, AND SOLICITOR. OF CLAIMS. Rooms No. 14, May Buildingr, P. O. Box 268. Waskinaton. D. O Pays special attention to South ern claims. 12, tf. N EW BOARDING HOUSE. Mrs. Taylor will open her :;cw 1 .aril ing house on the 14th inst., iu Prairie's Buildings, Wilmington Street. The House is entirely new and the rooms large and pleasant, and it is a verv de sirable place for members of the Legis lature, being located near the capitol. Terms of board $30 per month. Ten or fifteen day boarders wanted. jan 6 119d lm JEWELLING HOUSE FOR RENT On the corner of Hillsboro and West streets, a Dwelling House with C rooms, Gas in every room but one. On the premises there is a fine well of water. a and all the necessary out-houses. For lurtner particulars, apply to W. H. DODD, Cor. Wil. & Martin streets. Raleigh, Jan. 1, 1873. 115 lm Republican Papers in N. C. THE EVENING POST, Wilmington, N. C. The Evening Post is devoted to the interests of the Republican party. Is published every afternoon at the astonishingly low rate of $5.00 per annum. It will be the Official Organ of the City and , County, and will devote particular attention to local affairs and the prosperity of the Cape Fear region. v The Evening Post will contain full and complete market reports, Summary of State News, Political Articles, Original Poems, Miscella ny, Humor, News, Etc. We hope to make our paper a welcome guest, at every Fire-side, and to all classes of people. It will be useful to the merchant, the me chanic, the professional, the farmer, the family and the children. - We offer our columns to our busi ness men, believing that as an Ad vertising Medium, they are equal to the best. Dealers, by consulting their own interests, will advertise to reach those whose trade they wish to obtain, and as the Evening JPost will have a large circulation among laboring men and others who do not read the Local Demo cratic papers, we believe it a paying investment for liberal dealers to ad vertise with us. All business letters should be ad dressed to the Business Manager, and all communications or letters in relation to the editorial depart ment, to the Editor. WM. P. CAN AD AY, Business Manager. James C. Mann, Editor. THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, Elizabeth City, N. C. Large Handsome Weekly Family, Industrial and Political Paper. Dr. Palemon Jois.ii, Editor Price $2 00 a year. This is the organ of the Republi cans of the Albemarle country, and the only Bepublican paper in the first District. Dr. John came from Pennsylvania after the war, and, with his paper, has induced more immigration and nsmital o flow. into tho SIfato fhan any msn within our borders. The North Carolinian de serves a large patronage from its people of all parties. REPUBLIC AND COURIER, New Berne, N. C. published weekly BY GEO. W. NASO V, Jr. Price, $1.50 a Year. rn '1I K ItEPUBLIC-UOURIER IS One of the live newspapers of the times, and circulates everywhere. Connected with this paper is the most complete ana extensive Book and Job Printing Office in North Carolina : and the work turned out the cheapest, and superior in point of workmanship. THE COLDSBOUO NEWS, PUBLISHED WEEKLY By J. B. Whitaker, Sr. Price, $2.00 a year. The News was established im mediately after the war, and has been in course of successful publica tion ever since, and located at the intersection of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad with the North Carolina Central and Atlantic and North. Carolina Railroads, and in the midst of one of the finest cotton growing sections of the State, is a splendid advertising medium. JOHN ROBINSON, Associate Editor. THE NEW NORTH STATE, Greensboro, N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Price, $2.00 a Year. The State is the central Re publican organ of the Piedmont county, has been in successful pub lication for more than a year ; has 4uu ,.iu;i easing circulation and is one of the best mediums for business men throueh which to reach the Tobacco growers nf th a Piedmont. W. S. BALL, Editor. Republican Papers in N. C. THE SURRY VISITOR, Mount Airy, N. C. PUBLISHED weekly By The Surry Publishing- Company Price, $2.00 a Year. The Visitor is the Republican organ of Yadkin county, and ap peals for support to all the Repub licans of that section of the State. Located in the midst of a live farm ing and manufacturing people, the Visitor is a good advertising me dium. THE NEW BERNE TIMES, PUBLISHED DAILY, By E. Hubbs & Co. Price $6 00 a year. Republican in politics. A reflec tor of the sentiments of the Repub lican party. Union to the backbone. Devoted to the interests of the whole people. Progressive in art, science, commerce, education, and agriculture. Advertisements of a questionable character not admitted to its columns on any terms. Le gitimate advertising done at living rates. The paper speats for itself. STATESVILLE AMERICAN Statesville, N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY By K. IS. Drake & Son. Price, $2.00 a year. " The American is one of the largest and finest papers of the State, and as the Republican organ of the Catawba Valley will always exalt the pride of patriotism." Lo cated in one of the finest sections of Western North Carolina, and on the Western North Carolina Railroad, the American is a good advertising medium. THE UNION REPUBLICAN, Winston, Forsytlie Co., N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY II jr Republican Publishing: Co. Price, $1.00 a Year. The Republican is the organ of the upper Piedmont, and de serves the support of all the Repub licans of that section, and is a good advertising medium. A. L. STIPE, Editor. ROCKINGHAM REGISTER, Rockingham, icicliinond Coun ty, N. C. Price, $2.00 a year. The Register is the organ of the Pee Dee country and should have the support of all the Repub- ucans or mac section. Located on the line of the Wil mington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad, in the midst of a nourish ing, rich and fertile country just opening up, is a good medium for business advertising. THE ASHEVILLE PIONEER, Asheville, N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY By Rollins 6c Eye. Price, $2.00 a year. The Pioneer is the Reoubliean oreran of the French Broad Countrv. and is the only Republican paper West of the Blue Ridffe : and is a good advertising medium for all the country oeyona tne mountains. NATIONAL HOTEL, Raleich. N. II.. HAS BEEN RE-OPENED for the reception of the traveling public. A. J. Partin, General Manager, R. L. Horton, Office Clerk, W. H. Billings, Caterer. J. T. Harrison, in charge of Bar and Billiard Room. Visitors may be assured that the past reputation of the "National" will be maintained without regard to expense. Omnibuses always at Depot. W. II. BAGLEY & CO. F. J. HAYWOOD, M. D. , W. H. BAGLEY. January 1st; 1873. 115 d&wlm QORN AND MEAL always on hand A. C. SANDERS A GO., No. 2 Martin street. Raleigh, Nov. 22, 1872. 61d3m JOB PRINTTNO, &c. C.B. Edwards. N. B. Broughton EDWARDS & BR0UGHT0N PRACTICAL Book and Job Printers, Fayetteville Street, (Old Standard Building.) RALEIGH, N". C Are now prepared to execute every description of lrlain and Fancy BOOK & JOB PRI1TTI1TG from the smallest Card to tho largest Poster, qii as reasonable terms as. the same work can bo done at any estab lishment in the State. We will keep constantly on hand, oi print to order, Solicitor, Superior Court Clerk, Sher iff and Magistrate's Blanks . of the latest improved form, on most rea sonable terms. COMPETE IN TRICE AND EXECUTION with the best and cheapest houses in tke State. Special attention paid to School Catalogues, CIRCULARS AND BRONZED TOBACCO LABELS. Orders by mail promptly attended to, and work shipped by Mail or Express to any portion of the State. Agents for S. COLLINS & CO'S News, Book and Job Inks at manufacturers prices, freight added. Orders solicited. EDWARDS fe BROUGIITOX, Box 178, Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 1, 1871. 39 tf. BANKRUPT NOTICES. j-OTIOE ! In the matter of Rus-") sell II Kingsbury, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ) Eastern District of North Carolina. This is to give Notice, That on tho 20th day of January, A. D., 1873, a warrant in Bankrupt'' was issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District ot .North Carolina, against the Estate of Russell II. Kings bury in the county of Granville in said District ot N. C, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own Petition : That the Payment ot Debts and the Delivery or any Property belonging to such Bankrupt to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are lorbiuden bylaw; and that a meeting of the Creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will bo held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at tne registers omce in Kaleigh, N. C, before A. W. Shaffer, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy for said District, on the 3rd day of February, A D, 1873, at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. T. CARROW, U. S. Marshal. Per J. R. Oneill, Dep. and Mes. in Bankrupcv. jan 21. 132 law3w N OTICE ! In the matter of Nathan ) In B. Toler, Bankrupt. Bankruptcy Eastern District of North Carolina. This is to give Notice, That on the day of January, A. D. 1873, a warrant in bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States for tne eastern District of North Carolina, aeainst the estate of Nathan B. Tnipr in the county of Johnston, in said Dis trict of North Carolina, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt on his own peti tion. That the Davment of rlAhts nnrl the delivery of any property belonging w hucu oanKrupi 10 mm, or lor his use, and the transfer of anv nrnnprtv hv Viiin are forbidden by law. And that a meet ing of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees oi nis estate, will bo held at a Court of bankruptcy, to he holden at me negisiers ornce in Raleigh, Ii. C, before A. W. Shaffer, Esq., Register in bankruptcy for said District, on the 3rd uay oi renruary, at iu o'clock, A. M. O. 1. UAUKUW, U. S. Marshal: Per-J. R. Oneill, Dep. and Mes. in Bankruptcy jan 21. 132 law3w B ANKRUPTCY NOTICES. To whom it may concern: The under signed hereby gives notice of his ao- pointment as Assiernee of Mont Bizzell, of Smithfiild, in the county of jonnston, ana state of North Carolina, within said District who has hrn nrl. judged a Bankrupt upon his own Peti tion Dy me mstrict uourt of said Dis trict. THOMAS HAMPSON. Assignee, P. O., Raleigh, N. C. To whom it mar concern Th nnoi- signed hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as Assignee or William E. Crusenberrv. of Newton a county of Sanmson. and StatA nf Tnrth Carolina within said. District, who has been adiudcred a Bank runt, n rnn l,?a own Petition by the District Court of saiu nsirict. TAOMAS HAMPSON, Assignee," v " - - P. O., Raleign, N. C. Dec. 23, 1872 133-Iaw2w. PKOSPECTUS. $5.00 rou .50. To any one who will send t. 50, we will send the - SPIRIT O F HIE A GE, twelve months and a pair of "RAPHAEL'S CHERUBS," said by Artixts to be two of the finest lec tures ever made. They are 22x28 inches and sell readily for $1.50 anv where. " FIFTY THOUSAND COPIES SOLD IX THE SEW ENGLAND STATES. Although "Raphael's Cherubs," have teen out but : v ry 6hort time, fiity thousand copice I j;e already been sld in the New England States. The SPIRIT QF-THE -AGE. A FAMILY PAPER, Only Two I)o liars per Annum Publu-hed every Saturday by ED WARDS cC- BR O UGIITOX, KALEIGH, N. C. Rev. T. II. PRITCIIARD, D. D., Rev. II. T. HUDSON, Contributing Editors. "We present a new candidate for public favor under the old and popular name, THE SPIRIT OF THE AGE. We propose to make it a literary and Family Journal, ) and thus to enter a lield not at present oc cupied in North Carolina. "We have many good political papers, mid a few excellent religious journals, but so far as we know, there is no paper in the State which aims especially to cater to the tastes of the FAMILY CHICLE. It shall be our object to maintain (he high literary, reputation attained by the ."Spirit of the Ago" and Banner of Tem perance," and to present a greater variety of interesting reading matter. While the "Spirit of the Age" will be a Temperance Paper, and will maintain that cause with all its power, it will aim at the seme time (o promote the interests uf Religion, Morality, Art, Agricul ture and Mechanics, and will earnestly advocate the cause of EDUCATION IN ALL ITS DEPART- MENTS. We believe that our beloved Old Com monwealth is about to enter upon a career of great prosperity, and wo desire to con tribute to the welfare of our people to the full measure of our enterprise and ability. With such a future for our State, and an imated by such aims and hopes we launch our littlfc bark, and confideutly trust that we shall be wafted by tho breeze of popnlar favor into the haven of success. TEIiMS OF S ULSCRITTION : Positively in advance. One Copy, 1 year, - - $2 00 One Copy, G months, - - 1 25 Clnbsof 10 or more, 1 year, each, 1 80 Clubs of lQormore, Gmo's, 100 3 No subscriptions taken for less te riott than six months. . RALEIGH Baptist Female Seminary. F. P. IIobocod, A. P., Principal. Rev. A. F, Redd, A. M., Associate Principal, P. A. Boulmann, Professor of Music. THE SPRING SESSION WILL open on tho 17tU of FEBIIUAIIY, 18T3. Tho buildincr. having been enlanred. Is spacious, commodious and handsome. The Literary Department is provided with a select Librarv a larco collection of Geological Specimens and a fine i-nuosopnicai ana Chemical Apparatus. . Tho Music DeDartment is nroviiled with a large number of good Pianos, two Organs and a Harp. The lad v teachers em nlnvrxl are all first class. Boardlnir nunils are re quired to wear uniform dross. Board' and English tuition $100 per session of I 5 months. For particulars, apply for circular. Dec. 30. 113 dlawGwAwGt $2