AU Lttei.efatipc,. jSubicripttOM ,or Advertisements, must baddrewd (iWU. M. BROWN, Business MajMgfTj: I --ish;n ., "i . HALKIGH.'iJUXE fiOt bv 1H71. A Convention of citizens of Wake County opposed to the late General .Ajwembiy .will tol heldiuthe Court House in Ralelglr on SaturiUy;; Jtiy 1, 1871, for the purpose lof nominating, can didates to canvas, ountaa&ist . , S 1 - rui uii ra Each township n .frqjiin.ty requed to hold meetings and 'eiid ' delegates fo the County Convention. Kach township i will .send fi4 1 deleji'JtAdeat h1 ward 1 bf the city five.! ;....: ii .j i 1 1 . I -. ' ' ,i. it . i i . ; ' I . ! i. : "Tin!. : , ' I Remember , that a meeting of the citizens of Raleigh Township, who are opposed tb the call of a Ctonveixtionw'iii.he.held at.ibe Court Hollse' to-mdrfow (Friday j eVenJn at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. Delegates will betecju$:,td attend tho'honii nating Convention. STATE'NEWS; ,i ' i . .. .... i !i n n i. i i : . , i The Work House of New Hanoyer con- ty, contaiA. prisoners! Rev. John Powell, voiiycntlbiVcijn- didate in Caldwell county, il l i . t The first NaUoial Bk of Chkrlbtt Has tleciareit a, Oi viqenu oi uye pisi; ui 1 1. ..-.J,..' .1-' '!;! ...i D. C. Pearson,.Es.. of Burke, i has - been appointed United fetates Cotamissioner: ' ' The anti-Con ventionistti. of Qiuket'..TrirU4 tiioatlno f. "NfnrcmTiton Oil the 16 til O " - o of July. ,t , . , , The ' Chatham RaiiroadV Company '.''will hold its annual meeting in:this city on the 21st July. The anti-ConVentionists of Davidson hld an enthusiastic meeting at Rich Fork, on Saturday last.. i i . i .-. I .-!.. i The Con-Bntionists have nominated Mr. ' their candidate. ,of Lincoln , county AY J. Morrison, : as James II. lleaden, ijsq., a leader of the Chatham county Conservatives, opposes the majority bill to call a Convention. ; Hon. Curtis II. Brogdenand J. T. Pear- son have been nominated as tne anii-tjon vention candidates in Wavne county. Col. Geo. W. Johnston, of Pitt, a promi nent member of tne bar, and an uuaouincu l ouservative is reported as opposing the Convention scheme. .nlnrlnllnn nTlffl Of .the Old North state has been reduced to fc2.S0 per annum. This is one of the ablest and most dignified s fhn srth anl we wish' it Jll 111 1 's-' - abundant success. .. .. One of the Simose Twins is lying at Uie bnint of death. The other is in good health. In anticipation of death, .arrange ments are made for the immediato separa tlon of the living froto the dead brother; There will be a public speaking, to dis the subject of the. proposed Convenr tinn .t Samuel Harris' Store, in Wake For- rst Township Saturday, July 8.. There will le several Ahe speakers present, . The rearular : meeting of Seaton Gales t .i -KTA k t o n V.. will be held at their Hall, thU (Thursday) evening, at 8 J a full ftitimfiAnoo is desired, as the election of officer will Uke place. Li . Jiidisre Brooks iives notice that special terms, of the United States District .Court will be held at Salisbury and Morganton at Salisbury, 'comm,encing on the second Monday of August, and, at Mirion, com mencing on Monday;'21i!t of August ioi. W. C. & .11, RAILBOAD.-7C9L Fremont says that Uiet Vfimnigionf ;wirivi Rutherford Railroad, will probably bo com nWed as iar. West as . Wilson's Mineral Sorines. by the - first' of ! August. These Springs ar only two miles east of Jhelby, .u 1, ..i . 1 " . m . . ' .-- ' His Honor, Judge Moore, of the fckwond Jndiclal Dlstrlrt,- haa tbeen ' appointed to hold special terms oCsbarrus and ifeck leuburg 3upei1or oiirts,, the , pour t in Cabarrus will oommenooon the 3rd Mon day in July, Tand; XhS Mecklenburg, Conrt on thefounda,; pnly;ciyl W will ltricih i - ! ; The Chrutai Advocate . is. t pleased to learn from a noteitharRev.-W.'-Kr GibOs, A. B., a nattof DaVie'ounty, ST. CT, ami an honored trraduaha .'of Trinity College, was elected President of Hanner nighland .r,inT5y'',Vlrvini""T?hn&4see. at Ihe laSt " O l rvlTlA. Tnn6see. ai t. 'aV1 iiitWp4 1' -Tie next session wiU conjnence t July ''lfy 1S71. The meeting of the stockhoiaers of the Atlantic iftiid N C. 'Railroad Cdmpuny Udccs place at Morehead City on the Sth lhkt. A special train will leave Goldbrn the morning of the 29th at o'clock,' stoDping at all the stations, .jinivhi fU. J Morehead, in Ume for the meetinnd etwrning .oiii the evening of the same day. .nil A.: DuriLLHBY, .BDBKT.-HTbe ,Jekutkrd Home, of -tlftft 27th' inst., -says: .'Ti Dls- Brevard taikUi was, j burned : pu. , Tuesday, uight last by an incendiary.' . It was. bought by Mr. Freeks, a RentSef ofllcci;1 at 'two vernnisale. ,'Mrl Greeks went'un on Thuiay'jget Vnsnfeill-And .fopnui it in North Carolina RAlfitiOAiiftie Char lotte Democrat says: . i4The -simple an nouncement that certain parties -'hay q , ob tained an injunction against the li Ci-Rail-road' ' calculated ttf -iiil.Ulead -the 'pubnc while it does hot convey the correct' idea ojH the case tried last wwk; beforo the W, S. Court atlUlelghV ! v'"'" ,vf! i "ill 'JL ;tilnr . " i ...ii '1' - fi .. , I rue; Aioiora, oi tome oi iws uonus, , vjsueu b'v th Rtairt tn huilti tho X. i Rail road Km- menced action to prevent the dividehds-de-i SchVred'bY said'Boad frp'ni' .Wihg paltl info the'fitsiATraasurr.claimiriflr that said. div.i- aenxi sh6uld be appropriated aecoraing to itiw 4liKtiifAAci Inn sn 4-Va rarn Hnnrla Alt j Inj unction wasobtalned .against ,the Road to that extend and no iiwrmetely preven ting the paynient bf diJ VStates; diyidend into the State Treasury, ana . praeriu . inat it should be paid to (he Receirer appointed by the Courty who is Mr. Sam'l K Phillips he giving, bond 'in ' the suni ' of .' fXXX) to fkitlifullv attend to the matter. , ;j. ; The nanaidm'eiit ofthe jtoad Is tibt luany . . , . , . . respect inlorferrea wiwi? ae ouiy nut w thA decision of tlic Uourtr is; uiat ne uivi- inin fhoQftfi nhiill hfl naif! " to ' Mr.' Phillips for the benefit of the landholders instead oto fhe State ,'iTeasurer jo oe usea for currenti , expenses MTbe. working and r,tr- nftW Road is' not' -atfectetl fn the least : :"' i ... 4 Hi The annual mcetinjr of.thoJompany Mill be held in Greensboro' on the 13th of July, r,i1 nffiW'wili'be elected in' .' the' usual way.'! : From the Raleigh Daily-Telegram. SlPRElf COURT , pE isH. 11 4k'''t' ' The following decisions were ' filed ' by , iie Judges of the Sapreme Court, on Monday last: By PeArson, C. J: ' 'Stat vs. Joseph Walk er, from New Hanover. 'vJddgmenf reversed and judgment entered for thfc; defendant.5 ' Article IV Seel ; 19, ftuthbrWng thef tegii,Ia ture to establish epecial : courts m cities arid towns is confined to misdemeanors. , The Leg Mature with a vlew to give such ddurts juris-, diction of larceny, declared that larceny, when committed .in the, city. of Wilmington .or,les3 value than $25, shall .Vea misaepioanor (Act 1869-'70 Chap. 37.) . . 4 ( . , ; V' J ! The eflect ol the repeal of the aforesaid ftct was to deprive the special court of Wilmington, of the jurisdiction of larceny cases. ' ' State vi. Samuel A. ! Smith, from' New Han-' Over. Error.' Court had no jurisdiction '6rer the subject matter. ' " . . ' The act of March 30, 1871, repealing the act of 1868, ' establishing a 'special 0ourt for the trial of misdemeanors iti the City 'Of 'Wilming ton is Constitutional. ' ' .'. The establishment of such a court, distin guished from court3 created by the, Cpnstitu Son discussed and explained. V m . ( . Rsade, J. H. H. Coor r. Penny Holt, t oi, from Wayne. Error. ' 1 Wherd a note "tainted with" ! U3ury Is endorsed to a l thf rd person, ' who 'pur chases it for value and without notice ,of any illegality attending the execution of said note, and the maker gives a mortgage to se cure the payment of said note, Held: That the defense of usury could not be set up by the defendant, and that the mortgage given to secure the payment Interest could be enforced. State ex rtlt Taylor vs. Galbraitb, et ol., from Cumberland- Error. . . -. 1 Where a judgment was given upon a constable's bond, to be discharged upon the payment of the damages as sessed: semiU, in a subsequent suit brought by the Relator of the Plaintiff for other breaches of the bond, the former judgment could not be plead in bar of a recovery in the last' eui t. Where a person gives bond as constable for 1856, and a&o for 1857, the former bond given Feb., 1856, and claima were put in bis hands in February, April, June and July, 1856, for collection: Held, if the bond3'were collected in 1856, that suit should have been brought upon said bond, and ! that it was incumbent upon the plaintiff to prove that the claims were not collected in 1856, and that they were in the constable's hands after tne date of the bond sued on, tOrWit: the bond of 1857. Rodman, J. Robinson vs. WUloughby, from Union. Error ' ' 1 Where a debtor conveys property ton cred itor by deed absolute in appearance, and gives the creditor a note for the debt, and the cred itor covenants to reconvey oh payment of the note, the transaction is a mortgage. Steadman vs. Jones, ironi Craven. , Judg ment affirmed. 1. The C. C. P. requires no surety on an appeal from a Justice's judgment. : 2. On an application to a Justice for a sus pension of execution after a recovery by a landlord against bis tenant, the Justice has a discretion as to the. sufficiency of the surety which a Judge will not review in the absence of any suggestion that the Justice acted dis honestly or capriciouslyi ! ' Dick, J. Ex pari 'Scheiic, from Lincoln rwn tit' .'.'' .Lj: .11. The Act of February,; 187;r. declaring that no Attorney snau Deoisuarreuasau auiuc., flffpr rhviction for a criminal offense, or alter confession in open Court, is Constitu tional. Hence, when a Judge attempted to debar an Attorney from practicing in his Dis- trict, after the rauncauoa ttiurtstti Act: Held, That such action was unauthor ized by the 4 laws of the land;? : ' Mat , " t.ami- from Perauinians. Judg- ' To constitute an 'order. for the deUvery of irroinci .'Liinrprv there .mnst aDDear to be a drawer-a person 4rawn npoh-7r.wb i under obligation to one v, ouu, were ;uw luiTnonnn ti whom the rooda :are to be de llvered. If the proper writing set forth in the indictment as a forgery does not contain these requisition, thar cannot be o i conviction for t2m nio thM Statute. 5 If' the writlQ2 set forth in the indictmenti is such an instrument as would constitute a forgery at common law, jiA.idiii k h rtnnvied of the offense AAmMAM iw arA tha rrmrlasion " a rains t Ut buuiuiuu wr, -- : . " . the 'form oi ine ctaiui& wj - tst f WilV-io frnm Jones ,i UOVUKiV . RW . ., ..w ,.: Where A. brings. an .action f Replevin for an ox, and afterwards A U i ad- s..i ihmtmnt niSnn his-OWn petition, andthe ox U allotted to him as al'part of his exemptions under tne uanxrup iaw. tunt tha lral title of the ox "remained in A, and that It bad iMsrer vested i thejAssignee.; ;. ,Piirser Wl0U couu t afflrmcut. 3 wh a, cruanlian UeW a, wdl Jird -ntLwar note: and oavable . to hiai as guar- r" th umA, in Seutember. or .V cci in finntoderate Treasury notes, when there was no need fof the money, and immediately thereafteriiuvcited the same In T.30 Confederate Bonds: WWtof he was giiUfor'grasa - teChev wi; sbpmld be eld habllor f$m fmnrtV 'tte flnciPa ;and 'intererst oi saw wo- ' ' . fll., :AItCii Ui fall of yifcksburg; aiid tiie tot of Gettysburg; no persou acttngf in a a fiduciary roUtion ought to have tolteaed well sernred ffitwW'l'1!1 Confederate sernritiei, nndff suceirjiumstonces as shown SnmpfimA 1 At winter the Greensboro' ii2u6f 1 fhe? fallowing, which is lrLrmint now : i.. .: ? T i. ; "The Board of. Education about a year ' 1 .r' " ' ' ao. contracted with certain names lor uie saie oi tne swamp l&uuiii ujuc due li. Octoter, f870. At onc? the ConSer- Ltfret iur wu.uw. uic uisb uajuivu , Rfinublican Board of Education nan w : t 1 died the. estate ont 1 of all -.but It thousands by this infamous j6b tisticians of the party maae out that could not lie, that tnese. wortn tnree. or lourimiuoiia vi u Thd! Sentinel asserted !that-the Ml&dfyul asserted !that.gie company. ich bought the lands had, before, hf ise, sold a small portion ofthem'for?0,Ti Xi. ,51 nnhaarrl f I All which chase, 000. It was a swindle maculate North Carolina Mark now the sequel. the purchasers1 'were wiable insttAllmfrnt nf atOU Si.UUU. ana DV LllO terms i SUpenntenaant uvsniey reponeu ui State could still rejoice in the possession of the three hundred . fhousand acres more or less 01 uiiuiaiiiivi, uuwasuic, uupuu ble, 1 ild vste of swamp; over which nwuir fowl Aviiitrs his wav unscared,-' 4-KmrrV nrhfYDO inTICrlS tMrt RflrTVTlt and bear make leisurely tneir way. juuu m i: 1 viAirtA When it was sold they were mad, and when Jiias5rvii.v7 mit vj 1 purchasers, lie introduced a resoiuuou Sirecting the Board of;Educatk, to nje I the violated contract at an nazarus, aena-' Warrpn ati all others who knew the lands, declared -that they -were! not. worth asn Olio that the State would never tret onAtiior ftvr for that amount, and that the be enforce. . . Some of the Senators liad the sense to ee ; how the thing looked, and declared tnat i . tt a i they could.-not go pacK . Qi. jtnemseives. Haying vowed on tne stuj were worth miflioiis they iiavine sworn tliat the 1 feet Jiigh they. Wonld not fall resolution oi Junii, me boih fhA PMrst did not at tnat time licatiori of this article, ratified the saW of these lands for $50,000, and thus con futed all their allegations in the cam- WAT VALANDIGAM tyfiDITAtED.j mi .n t ..o wf ,,I..ha.!!,a Slk.lvh?S! of.,?'f.: uiginuu ucai. iwbw . " often spoke freely. He said bis new idea was two years mov anu :horoughly studied. - His pa- rprs were voluminous. n.e iiau writ- ten a complete autobiography. One.of uw t ujv " . July oration at the centennial anniver- sary in 1876, and he commenced the preparation oi it. loveu ine i- noun theory in politics, but thought it died with the echoes of the last gun at Armomattox Courthouse. He wanted ncMrm en ffrflorft kent out of nolitics. , It was nn us. Let us see how it worked. If well, why well. If not, let tne pep- nle remedv it. He believed that they were ready for a new constitution, and feared sometimes a military dictator shin. The new departure wTas against his nreiudices. but he believed it the best for the country. Tnt -John M. Foote of Plvmouth has been appointed by His Excellency Gov, Caldwell : Notary Public for Washington county. His Excellency Gov. Caldwell has ap- pointed Mr. E. W. Woods of Chapel Hill Notary Public for Orange. Mr. Woods is r n;.c PUBI.IcSPEAKiNo.-MessrS.B. O.Blger Marcus Erwin and W. F. Henderson will Aianusjirwmaiiu n. i. address the people of Burkei county, at Morgamon, in oppositiuu w V"""i Saturday.tho 22d of J uly, 1871. ; " Let there be a full turn-out of all who ftj . uuuuaeu icvuiuuuH " . -i a ..t-.1 -vri a-n1 u lnvnsinn nf th riffhta of the people. . : Kh . : A Ifcdeiidi corresDondent 01 .tne ixew- Berne TtMC says : "1 saw yesteraay m o which, Uke aU the works of this lady 'bears the inipress.of genius; those-, vho know 1 1 T A f Mo ytr 1aunn her to be self-taught, and without, tne aa- vantages either of artistic instuction or the study of works of art, are surprised at the results she produces. The Chatham Educational Association meets at Sylvon Academy, on the 21st Q n mformed that this same Leg jniv 1871. 1 io,ti VAid ftov. Graham, Grov. Bragg Tho Annual Introductory aciaress win iw tioiivAWtfl bv Rev. B. York-, of Kuflin iiadgerln-stituteln Chatham, ' Addresses will be aeuvereu oy yu. .A an in 1.5, x., , T T.... Tov T11 othPrS. The Annual election of officers taes nlace at this' meeting, ",. .... - R. W. York. Isnam Cox. W Executive Committee, ' ; ' M ARRIAGfe ? Married, at Long Island, Catawba coun- tv. on the 21st instant, Dr. J. c. uiin, 01 wu " . . .-, Lenols, and Mis Sck C.'Pojw of Dr.: A. M. Powell, Married, in Rowan county, on the 18th ult Mr.psis Qf Brady, and Miss, Mary L., daughter, of Jacob Holshouser, Died, in Davidson "county,! on tlie 15th itanL BtJLSCyyoungest child 6f;LewLs ins and Mary Hanesr aged, one year, eight months and seven days. :Sbe was a daugh ter of the Editor of the Noiih State, and was A "Jy:8.. anu ........ .r 1. I shall offer for t&le, at the Court .H6tise, in the' City of Kaieign, on y eanesuay m nth dav of Julv. 1871. several lo of Manu factured Tobacco, Of 600 dbs. the propers ty of John T." Cobb, W. Pi rwpod. 7. T. nonevcuu ana James vaumi, i"""" -thi IJ? a G eminent for violation Internal Revenue 1. ermscasW , I. J. lOuAli, . f HT A t ii. D. JpcuvRcnt Iepr Ppll9tor. Kaieign, JaneM, iNi. 16-td. ,ij:ji- .a ' T7 V.A lVA I' n .MUSH'i.,.. ; V'V. ' .".' 5k LMV: IVIlSTKR EA: -Af?WfBJffi an invite, .kuixiuviu ivw .r ium. ilJ taiis.HLf. . . ' .h L- tiiiiik i rijive i(".ui sumo .i wic 0Yd jSdjAmdn waSSreitly Wite'WItli rrt vtWTtrk rvv at r fti r 'i 1 1 111111 1 u 1 . Whfht1 wpijtoanatjp,mp ."lnes. mmAM KofW olttxf tTlOfl fthr frUITS .Whentlie . a h Li Ja ajt. ' '-Sixi. i(V3YYi' ' 1"; 5 TIr'Akl Uvl imnKinai wJioiit vrr. wJV T. .itr jT t;J' .t .xJa thf rphfiiTionl Thra varikee politicians --l-rt-'-t VT I .r i if - ! ; , a ti' Vim ' . out generalied mem and S9 i omcs; -r- rr-- v . ViicrHt a tartar the yankee T,ut gfflgi 4 V'--7? f-' TO aU nlaint " . .badlv, when tliev 10$t ,ilie : offices. 'but' .' wHen 'rfh'd' KWS . began tO V.H ttiincrc' rrnf bht. phlValrV ' fipot' I: 1:y -"lr ' KVUK Virtrf' iVIirV jTirA t rTT iTOru mi imti ii i v in zt.'urT u i i l rr mv WW VTit n"nrr:""? rr7rii" rrrri roner umv.i l.SfteJfe,. 6fspirit7bpnt;c!)n5is For jnore than twenty years they saia a laiority of th6 people; couki not can a Lce'tneri, aud 'th'd 'npt want to be revoluted out. JNow, a3 tney are owe, tney axeiOi, a twiwreui o i " rinmfitnnwM .win alter ca&ei bk tack,ad. X uqvor knefny thing i cotcn at sucn A game rv anxious ' about a; Conven tiow wj "know if one comes along hegtead will 4 go up the spout," ak T .:ti xua. rnif: nwn. mv native if the dimmikrats get rule, .a I fieDUDllCUIl 111 tlJJ. 3lii.t3 wmiittYu'MV" fakrJ' hs a cat in a certain hof Dlace without claws." But I think people have , been fooled so often jtnh(& beffin to u smell a mjee," whPti the fiimmiKnus are auouu . ' ft 1 I V A. I can't write learnedly, but I try to Remember my , place oi oiznesb is -- - oi. Shady Homesteaa. Friendly, Abel. Steadfast . . -.vv For the Era. Mw. Kditor: I see from your paper that the Legislature at its session -last Winter paid a man to report me xux Tumnhment Trial the sum tof - $4,873.44 for forty-four days work. My object in addressing you xniH nui i w riinfbe.r this statement is. made on mere rumor or is. it Jan authenticated fW9 Snrplv a set of men who while they were candidates before the peopje for office SO roundly and justly assailed v. TYariiooia fnr their extravagance urhpn tnev were in uuvvcx, vyuuiu in y olatlon orair we" prom, u trenenment 1C1UU"' v SiT hoTnqelves and pav a reporter, aJNorth- JSarm ous and unheard f gum of $4,373.44 for forty-lour aays whrk nearly one hundred dollars per ,air ,vhv Mr. Editor this is nearly as 1 jYimjn. as tile vjuyciuui v r- frtr a whole vear : and it is more uiau the Attorney uenerai,xne oupxiu JAi,f nfnnmmon Schools ana ine auui UvliV V " "T - i tor aH 'three; ComDinea get iui u cumc r. jt wah vein to srive me true ; in- 1 ftTO10t1fTl fill III IS nUUlCVjll 1UI v pT myself and my ne g htaBgg Wt J&US Tnce thev will flr the working men of. Orange lntv have to labor out in the fields in summer and winter j ram or shine, and are glad to get yenly-five YiAna v fni- their work. I have j v f,- their WOrk jjnd Judge Memmon VTwirt, erVlceS, ay ;"!rV.M.i5 "7- 1TX5SJ.. M.ixw,T , i ; ' wa) .flitrorv Scott ana ' uunnani, to do and ought to I, wiyirkiif.-ativ eti exnense have don? without any - extra expense 4.4iiJsb&A. "Tfl'thlafeo? If a Bepub- ireanTglture-trad - beeTrnguirtr-pf this extravaganoe wravanwwi'wvuiu have been raised Dy memmonj ryiB, Leach and Co. from one end of the state to the other. Hut now these pi- qus saints yut new ! fcJ:i otiXi'orl nrim& nf them COOi- ly pocKet, tne-money , obn?i- wink at each, other, and. laugh at the people because they are so easdy A Farmer and Tax Payer. u. We shall publish 1 in our next the ittif'expelifavtlfo Im peachment Trial, in detail .--Srx Era. ''.Fof the Era. !f ft f r t Tl THE CONSTITUTION AND,, STATE, TAXA- TION. ' .1 It The Conveutionist savtlit o Wft haveith Constitution changed so as to AnnhlAu tftret rid of the State .debt. Did not the Sentinel tell the Legislature itvihtir that tho ! Constitution' ?vas no! - obstacle' to il eompTomise of the J " J? A '' 1 . r . . ThL was cfertainlythe:olicy -pf'the Wlalf wftfer. rLet anti Conven tion men f emembethis. r 7 - 'r A Taxpayer. ? ?.r - fr-..r.fp-n! V - -For toe Era:. REPUBLICAN NOMINATING CONVENTION ,.fo: f-i0,W,iKNOIRCOUNTV. v . fq.: j ani pctable 'ixtirig an 9n motion of jWnu.Cropui;, feobiect'ofthenietinfir vakleiplaiur gaies reponeu iruui me iuuuwiur, vtt; ing all but oue,) yUsx nstpntooeley HEll, CtonjiieNjfehd H1U and Pink HUC ' .''....v.:-. v ;v v All the delesnues havih area m favor of Stephen EaSlter, Esq;., as a can didate against theriresent revolutionary and uiicoiistituUoiial. act; of d riwj legis lature caUingjgonvenU motion, the nomination of-3ir. issuer was ae- clared-nnanimous.'ii, t. :! ? fM. J ,.The fQHpmng-reutipuswejea Resolved. That the Hepubhcan party of lieh6it? county, hereby torbttirrS' thatsthe pendmg'caii roT!H uonvenxion' is unconstitutional reopgniteiitljafcTiti wUii bq most.fjori l 1 X 11- ' 1 ' of; the State, tHnt' thA so ueciue at uva Mlldt-to;'an& that to ttppeaf be made them tor -tnat and .that such anneal be preset ejiteain Uiual.yay :iVyi?anywgp eonftdence 1 in' ' 6dr r cahdidati Stephen' LasiterJ Esq, ) cheerniUy . reoommenct mm sis si suitable oerson to.beivotedfor, by all , persons , opposed, to the present uncbriAtitutioilhl and revolutionary m of the General Assembly for the fcall of a Convention. ,) -- inUn- m -uir Resolved, That , we , pldge.ourselvea to his hearty support 111 defeating th call for said Convention, ' OnniotibnV AVni.. 0, atopdittted one' of the 'Eiceentive'Oorri- mi tiee 01 ; mm; cuuu uik uxi uio hwmk-j occasioned by , tie rempYal , from the fi' TTvri TkAino- rfiipi tinori. annressea 1 upon,Laaaress 4innnl onfl TOxrmntinTinrV. Un motion, lt.waa uruerevi iwn iuc proceedings of he meeting M publish-; ed ; ih'(1ihe Qarolim l&ra, jNtey Berne Oh motion', "the meeting adjourned, Wm. V, . Hunter, , sCh ancey, ; 3)C, Davis, J . .... 1 ... , ; : - FayettjEViIiLtE, June, 1871. i Editor CaSOlina 'Era r " ' ! 4 1 ; ; Bear The address of I Mr. Phil lips has reached1 us through the Eiit and the Telegram. '! It is a happi stroke, and the Conservatives hereabout stag ger under it. It is. in facti an extraOr dinarilv well conceived paper. I want at least 1:500 conies for distribution. The Era is doing : good work, and Is C. ,11 wiwiwlful' Ktr oil fail? TlflAn ' T lavuramy icgaiucu u u xxw. enclose an additional list of subscri bers.': ;. . t; ' ;:; Pejiqui'mans Co., June, 181 ; . Editor Era-Z? Sir :s You sent me several copies off your . good little paper, which, I , have distributed, and am working for jit. MI, herewith send you a list of .subscribers, j to whom, you will please send youx Weekly 2ra for twelve months. ; I expect to get more subscribers in a few 4ays. , i Itsi cheap ness and its reading matter are bound to make it a popular; paper, f : t :. -JORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. ; - i Office N. .C. R. R. Company, ( . Company Shops, June 3d, '871. . 6u and after Sunday, , June 4th, 1871, trains will be run over this road in accord ahee with the follbwing time table : ; ; ; Mail Traiii Going West! ' "taVes Goldaboro' 3.00 P. M. ' Raleigh ' 7.40' f " Hillsboro' 10.03. it .Company Shops, 12.02 A. M. .GreensDorq', : i. Salishurv. - 17 it ' it ' A rri vea at Charlotte. 7.15 ' Mail Tt-ain Going East. Leaver Charlotte, ' , 3.10 P: M. ., 'Salisbury. 1 ' 5.30, at i Greensboro, 8.35 j Company Shops, 10.16 " Hillsboro - 11.37 m!4 u A- Raleigh,' . , , 2.40 A. M. . Arrives at Goldsboro', 70 ExpressGoing Went..-: . Leave Raleigh,, : - A. A?.i , Hillsboro7, Xn.iu " Company Shops, 12,50 P. M. it1 Greensboror, , 2,20 SallBburp," 1 ' '5.261 Arrives at Charlotte, 1 .8.00. ; uii ExpresaGtirirj :jSastj r. Leaves Charlotte,- t rfl.35tAi M. -i M Salisbury,,: 8.23ji : ,. m f , , Greensbqra', . , , , , 11.13 . . , Companv Shops, LpoP. M..'. , i ' K 'A.-. i r 1 f T? ALEIGH GASTON R. R.f OO.', r - , . i SUPEBIKTKSDESTfS JFFICI, ; . Ilaleigh, IF,i C. Stannary IS71 trains pn the iRalelgh, and Maston Railroad, will run daily,. (Sunaays excepieou; joi- lpws ; , , ,,. , , ,1. . ' 34AILTRAIX. , . Mail Train leaves ' RaleigliJ 40 a.4 -5t. Arrives, at Weldoh;? t 1 2.-30 W m. Mail Train leaves. Weldon, mIOHSa. 3f. Arrives at.Raleigb,!.. .: m .1 .4.-3Q.iM ; ',, ACCOMMODATIPX TRAIK. " . flJ -Train Jeaves 'Raleigh, !554S a."M. -arriFesrat WeldouiT i ua;p;iM leafed. Weldon; . -,j i 40,am; . ti . arrives at Raleigh,. . , 5 . it , ocOO, Afaii , .Train ; makes close connection 1 at 1 .Wen with the Seaboard .Roanoke Rail tii 'Rrid from'air Points. NoHh." West Ad u Northwest and with Petersburg Wli oad I toil ChV to ,uad: Pw orth ant YnmtranMtti t-r.k'y In ,VrI - t?) 11 1! I . RaU Itoaa to ana iroiau pxpuui(im a mvinimodAdon and' Freiicht trams, con- vt at Weldon ith 4 Accommodatioti ' atid Freight trains uii Seaboard A Rdanoke 'Rail RQadttnd iPetersburg iRaU 4Vd,v'Uid vat Ralegh uiAfWiWOwUPWifW, CWgn t ret iw on iforth Oarolina JtaiLRoacL.'i.r..i Coll V IB III AWUCIKU Ul UJCUiUAfUUK WUU1' mtforitrahf remkiry seVepT ho d returfVthe satht eVemii i iii' A. Uj 'ANDRE-WSL Gen. Soph 3ili? (held" in the Court House in Klnstonr od rUi 1 vinniulnn thn OJh Hair nf Jnnft . .1x71 IP. LbAiri. Esa.l was called to the chair, snail speecnes. , ceany ; pru viii , Pff r ant nflllinfr a Convention, unconstltu-! RaleigfaiMgckets. CORRECTED TBI-WKEKLT BT POOL'!' Grocers and Commission! 'JierebanUii COTTON per lb,',"1 Unj-ji -u ; u. mi CX)RN pet bUMiel ri.i li.i i aiM PEASE tier UteUel: di. i tl 1 .viirw ij OATH uer hundred. - - - 1 00 MOLASSES-KMba, neWv''" vij; . ai Suorar - - i COTTON1 YAkX-v""j -ft4'' -Jiii jI.'JD' CORN MT2AIper bvhi'V lV CORRECTED TBI-WBKKil.i-.Iir Grocers arid' VomMkslon" '3rTtMrhfV, ; i . . :! ..!. : ! il 4. ill -!!' ll I "! ,'.'- llarftt'atreetrf..iilt r.i .:i PPIjES drie(L'i-',,,i' diJir ucjV ':'',l lateen;' bacon tt unsnvoKcu, . r . -1 i vmimuHH -awh im vih $ r n iTamw - - it; (,b 20 ttTTfeR'PeP fbj' ' 1 i UJ 1 1 M i BMSAVAXMpetlM) -rti:h-liSM43ii,fy-i EGGS-fPer 1 FLOUJ FODD3 HAY per 100 lbs.. HIDES crreen. per lt.. - i(i) (Mi ary, per id., - - 3 i-i HERRINGS; N.JC.per'bhl.e CO 00 LEATHER per lb., - - 35 OATS per bushel, - I ii i - ff , 5 (&A JK " per 100 ids,. - w ou FEASE stock, 'an d23 ii"40 POTAT)EtUlh, wr.bumrM' no')l PEACIIESed) vi.fi3 ifii s A TiT Per sack: - : -8IM!3i23j TAUQOW-r-per mull t -.m74 12i VINEGAlMergaAipni 1 Wl iHtt.'i ill li-trrrrTinl fr-hi-fii: vln.. c a B R E C T. E D ;fr B J r W. B V?. M k "v Market,an,dMartlh'mrfiet iJli I r III Sales yesterday," " 9 S t .1 . W 1 . Aj.itAiLjL "i : TIC' l ; -1 'Jfiti AT4 I I ri 1 I II '.I I V m . Ood ordinak5oh:- X' MM Loir middling," -i fJ0J(17' Middling,' l. llCP Market active, cottonacaxedfj , 1., tim . ' i 1 ill l'-1 ' HW IT.. INTERNAL REVEUlSi ""l . . . . -. , ...... ; ! . 4th Districof Nor.CroUna, A, 1 I, r!,,.W... , The ! Aasessorsr . List, Sot 1 .montlia, of April, aliTy haYe WrPWMjr hands lb Collection. All personftoW hdm oajaaTriAntJ hat 'been' madeWlthlit thCfte month, will ' meet' me oi my Deputy at the following times and place, prepared tp pay their taxes : - in .: it if -. ' Smithfield, 3rd day July, j . , ; , . , , . Raleign;"-' l4tn,J&tn anuii.nvuiy." Mi-tJinsfl ikilhitf . tnj oomnlvwiUl -this notice, and all liefinqnent ;Jn- fiJrmer; lists, .:. 11; i 1 ' if 1 1 1 1 r 1 Titit... DOORS, .'H'v't. ; WO'j n .4. :. 1 : ; 1 i . f : f 1 : ii uj; . ,u tu.ii MSASHESt . is ill vhUhu.i ii .f ri . '.!. ; I' ' Wood Moulding, Stair Rail, Newels, dd.; Ut Ui 1 1' ENAMELLEti-BMBOSSED, GROUND ANli.'idHii ?!! : A Urge 'and Well "asUte' UteU 'Uie 1 I P. : Mil .. .:)lu) I till Mil Olt abqve goods copSrnWy: PP-ban aM IftTf- est rates. Order work promptly atteixlsd to. Biiilders ah'd wife ftKKfi vantage to get,pur, eth7iato,betoro pnrchv iiik4 SpeciAl ' attention ' given to 'lUiUck Wnut and'othef iffiV"'Jl :-Estimates atMlPnod Lists :famlshedtn pplicationv , iio (il lnll,r.ktl: - I WHITLOCW Ac OCKwt x(5 i ,4c 0 HKWTORkU: June$. 1871. rilHli liAILYELEOiaf, it'ALEldll, N. Oi i ;BelleTlrig'tlsittlie' wahUof orir people demanded tho establisbuient. at the (WitAlof ihdHUta of si Jouimalwhfch. In its course jrouklba dignitled, ,teai;i anil mdepenaewf, actuated ajon tv todiehcv. tor1 the1 brouioiioh of Irtillvid- tal hclienies; and lattice aame Ume 1 coti the latest news of ttie-oayv nueaioroa f wui unadulWrsUa hy,juunxe m jsnizanaivp, the Underaiirned, a sliort lime .sin- iooi- cess, anu v euwunftuiciii - r; f . beS shch is tt Indace? ti.r ul taiW Md otherwise lmprqta. ill i int:ii ji ! ' i 1 It is, the pnly, paper, wpnl pi VHinmg Um.A Weldon R5!R.w UuUk pubbtdwe spared iaQihlTeUld liHttli- cal awl progressiiigswspapr. a aen4'ftrt samfVM wy. ' 1 1 : 1 1 r- Terras rln advance,: Daily. .1 yeorit 57100 Imdnttot4i00 0 mouths, 350, Xniontb, 1.00,; 4 t VkU ,V , vTA .,VV .'V ...The paper for the pepPfi?. .1 1 ;i i cottMlstlng.of thO lf rrr ; ArtUAm tmui th best i4rde,n relia ble Alar lot dleportS; idid othh. kuarUn - of Terni iliM-fi ut Inili rii , la-Mi-L .af Vl .! -m! ll Address w' a NICHOLS A GORMAN ! ' Jane 3, .FLOUil -Baltimore' iramiiyi"1 aui i ou tBACON-rr,:; ,J ' "-i Jt Ji'?imf1 1 SALT per aw: ,', dniu.- m 1 1 COTTON ;Y A ttN-r - )iot 1 ;M W??f 1:. f .tl I.T J A A V.5 BRjper loo- its. ' - l' m' 1 vnirapeea nv pWJS 9 by a desire Tlo promote, the ashes." .., in this. easA.v

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