:i y.i x :r :i v-i;it 'i ( r x a a O litdo ietf ! thai such lo1g years Must wander on .through hopes and fears Must athd Wldf bleed lierihtfottrUoaU ; I nearer; to tue waysiae lnng ,--, i Wberf toil shall cease, ana.rfisf yegmK:it Am weary, tnuucing. o ypur, ioaa i : i . , j if - - - .fstitmiiil't i -A'JA O Utue lianMsJiWTT wrpn.;! m I Havf ptiU. to serve a: rjule s, jmig, ; t j . . j t Have still so long to. give prasK,. .yi oy.ll Itvbo so much with book apdpn, j .j Have tolled among my ieuow uicm. i ....: i Am weary, thinking; of your task , . j , ; , O little hearts I that throb and pqat,-.ri-.i With such impatient, fcyerish, beat Such limitless and strong desires ; Mine that has so long glpwed.and burned With passioiis intbiesHtf rttM, Now .covers and roncoal: its. lires. . O little rfu1s J a ifare4udl wfte, il a' And, Tystalllive us j?Tb of digl . , . , , v Direct from Heaven their source divine Hefracted through the mist fcf years, How rod my sitting sun. appears, i per vllqw Jurid looks this soul, of mine ! . ' 1 ' " 'aj. . j - i .. --T-f'i. he Law ana tne ! lestimony. 1-J.UH TheWstitutition of yUi Pafrtiq expreaBiy dedares that NO CONVENE TibO TIIE YEOVb imQtV HE CABLED BY- TtfEENERAI AS&afBtY," UNI .BY 1 CONCURRENCE OF, VOHTOPa OF ALL, THE MEMBER OF.CHj HOUSE OF THE CTEiElt A Tf4 r A&i EMBLY. , JUPQE GA$TON AND qoNVtfTJON. A . , ,.t - i . r ' aa Upon the question of arhending thd CoiiftiStution in the CroiYUipn ofM?, Jixlge1 Gaston said: J f- f ' ' ' .!"T)u&:wns one of the ,uutet injpon taiit 4jufetioB9 that had come before the Convention fori ,Vrhatevttf"i'beniM $hi Way have TrtoiploUrsly fronroipr labors in the bodkin -laying tffe fJUnationof our Cnnfution..on equitable and fair priqcipls, If we put only surprised, bnt-fllled with fearful apprehensiohif Appears h8 if this bod'Tgditfg' raehly i from one ex trexxiBiavBxwthEiv JyeiaiSlUJy vention taainend ourt Constitution, we nx? deteViiiinecr'td" have '& '(prpetuaUy clumg 'mu , ConUUuri: : AVJ; ; t W proposition reconiiuendiHl iiitnRer joTt ?' i. Tluit two - succeeding jliegislftr tures, by Tv lUitvutjoaft of votes, inpjT) alter, any part of the Anient-; lwwbi which may be. adopted 'ty itfui Convention, or any priudpleMU .the Bill of Right, consecrated for.-th6i e4 curity of ouf rive,1 liberty anl prbo 1'itv. What ujigmi ii" givtn thr thu procejCtUilgr7;(ft -jnwjority Qkiyhtr to fiocsrn. Let us not-he deceived by.ercii- eralitl In whatense omjht major-lUvHWyaotenl'-Wmt' the 'deliberate Wfll0f thd'peoples6u3:lit ultimate rireiLr:Yi6nVHvilP deny:; -but ultimately to that ' lM II 'IT .1.1 IIL .f . I i teti upland pu( dotA CcmxtitttUq(iAfirQm day to day no man can be so- extrava gant as to desire.7 "'; " ."--. "If nothing ihorip i$:Jieeded for. the purpose of government? thatr.prief maxim, , Jjeti the inajorty govern, . J hat become of. all . our j checks on mkjpri tieS?'.''Why'havo two: branches in our LerfsJatareft;AyJij' judicial establish- - amy 4-WKVf -Jfinl ' adopt tliis nrifettereU pnncjixle, why any iX;tnese esiapunainis : "He would ratlierilive under the most despotic government on: earth, than under an unlimited government of numbers-. He might escape the no tice of one TyranL but there could be no escape from 'tt'ilimtitude of rlV raut8."f. , , Oh a subsequent day, " ISfr. Craston, ; of f Cr4n;i Hhbugilt I tlutt I the, yen; of the CJonyeptjon, hart, been so distinctly ascertainecl. the other thiy when the .question was dLstussed.. that' ho further obstacle could be thrown in the wa' of carrying out the-J principles agreod on. i: itn -i .- n : i JBut yp are noyv met by the popular, cry, tnat we are about to lunii tne pow- er qf the people: 1y It was not the people '. j)ut, ine creatures an wi.peopie, inai ine amendment , . proposed r to f limit. , , The; course proposed Was hot an Unusual . one. :i It .uns recognized in. three Con-; titutions which he had picked up on; the spur of the moment, viz :' South: Carolina Alabama, taiub i the United States. II is to impose a check on the LeMaltiril thafitinay not avail itself aj.(ui qe$deiital majority to disturb the repose of the people byjrequently calling Aheiiiloyether. in Convent ton. 'We' are called pn; f)y, oyery, . .codJ iop, . , jjot; to.sauction, the j ;prinv pip,, : ,tliat a o&re txajoriy .way mdhorize:a. Convent iont if mjgn imMPHpffiWWqmeiai principles i otn .government 4 but tbey cannot doit; unless -tlie emergency i '.is inreat."i''Mf. CP. concluded by sayiiig;"lf frnenffy stitution,he HvouTd not cive. one, .fisrfor jail the, matters .whlchVihe Cojiyeutioti had been engaged iniadjuungi since it assembled!3 1 Instead any permanent rgulatidn eerythin nvbuifl beti stimtloiryerVoi;; : j lit i ' it In; Ui power oi oare t-egistan intuvr. tiles i'tooipset them all; .then- hidioecf liavei'iMtoiled in 1 Vain.1 He' -Wa.4 Hot STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,' .v.:. . SUPREliK COUItT,T ..ii:...!,. . -.iRaleighfbJlth.1871. 7b His IZrcelency, GkjvJ lOxiJtoirkLiii Sin: In rephtb your !cbhimuh'ictt-f tlon bfthcm ia4t..4vTTto th 'hopor LmMife tHlP.ftWd JtJe:are:Pf - jpinoathat thaad tu wJildkyou xefer, in Tiolaticm ofitheOiiltutlori.'. -:. ;!;imtJMm , ueeri . Aiseibiy;; tioh is an act of leg1 that no Convention less it be done by' tho pen en) I 'Assem- Div:AK.rro. 1 1 . n i y TJfefeople have reserved to thm fol- be called by a'vW-bf'in'pebple; i nor ice'iwaaefot tiCV: 3einb fled, fleiJll TTnnn act to be unconstituabriaf ; the Jtisfto t; i. ! 1 1 : If JJtXOHi Mifl oJi P-J. i J - 1 I i 4 " i 1 ' M J V AV Cl..t 1 I M CHIEF IjUSlCB-RtJFIIN;ONiXHBr MODE iOF Under date of July the 2d; 1860; the late' fchie'f JusticRuffih Vroie V.lpn letter to a member of that body, ' dis- csilghee of ,fhp .Coiintion of JJ965.V i We-present belowiall of that; liait of his letter in relation to the man- Hon of this State. , Jt is cearf. unequy ocal and ' to ' the point. iThei: eminent (iief 'Justice7 had' ho' doubt' vhatever the.revolutioiiary fcharter old Convention called 'after the inaiiner in . i which tlie present i is : iit teippted to -bd called: This will behlmost uni versally Mmfttig to M tte'vry5 hihauthor ityithat can,, CAtediu eitjier Mui, the pending contest, and will, , we be liSvey haVe? more weight than any other.f ' ' lt ;:,;:;!;!;. tlJettAing .mprj), cIpsTy j ftp question ndW kinder discussion!: lim nrnnnse ertinieni for us' But thh, use in our or the f c4iir for .a X)6nvtitfQiiifQif 1 thk purpose, .is sd.;clear '"and 'sb 1 precise againsf ally such Cojiveni vis we have had, as to put the' pbiu bteyond doubt or argument, as it se0ms to me. ' Two niodesof amending i he Constitution are provided: One through the agency of the General Assembly,1 proposing an amendment for , Tutifiaitioi y a vote of the people,, ,wJi)ph lieetV not be con sjidpred 'liere the other.. by a Conven- U9n callw) A'V A nner, prescribed .'in ineJconsuuuoiJ,yfici;i.,5 tnv now. fox .consideration. t If is .obvious hut. in p4''ei&iiiy ifune t'tcp.. o other moiUis' ar'e.fMifyifakfyl'fa fWrr eii- In respecf to a CgnventioiiV the wordsarej , r'f 'No , j C6hyent4on of , the IMjople sliall j be called ; Jy the General Assembly unless "by the concurrence of two-thirds of all. Ujo, members of each House, of the General Assembly." In either case the regularly constituted au thority of the organized government is iequirep! to initiate' an Alteration of the goverbnient which 'ttW no c&Aibt, upon the souild principle -iam aown m ine in' 'order-ti avoid rWiiinlftr commotions: 'revolutions, and uncertainty as to what is the Constitu tlort.' 4 Iij then; the two modes designa ted ate the1 only ones by which the Cons titution can be altered It is bleat that this'hwt'goaHed Oonvetitionwas not.a CbiistUufional iXbnveiition, ,and therefore its acts are void. j . - 'Yielding then, . that : Mr. Johnson's and Holdens .Convention might, hv T)oniilar' anouiescence. adoot for us the measures demanded by. thehi, yet ii nau no existence a-a vAmveiiuoii ui the people of North Carblina under the Constitution, and could. not i therefore, alter that instrument in i any ()f these poiilts which atfect; our internal organi zation as ni-distinctri lleonblican State: for example,the basis of representation,! the quahheations of ' the vRepresenta- tives, and of voters ; ;,the pumber and! jurisdictioh of Courts! the appbintmentJ of the Judsres thereof ; the tenure of their office and that of .the executive, or the like.i iVo disquisition can render these 'points-clearer than the short and simple pdratrraph of the Constitution it self. The conclusion can only be evad ed by establishing asthetrthyMrt the clause of the ' Constitution was no . longer in force, and that position cannot be true, unless it be alsq aomitted, that no other part of it was in foree, or, in other words, that by . virtue of , the war and its result we were a people without Constitution or law of any sort. It necessarily comes to - that, and that never tnight to be', arid1 never can be. yielded. , .Perhaps it would be sufficient A. ''". J . J ior our present purposes, to say, mat, even ypur Conyention .does. . not ? assort such a doctrine, out plainly procoMs u uon a contrary one, by ' professing to "ambnd" our oM Constitution; as still subsisting, and hot to make one; tibori- ginei Jftrid by designatirig-the' old laws still' in" force as' contra-distinguished from those passed by, legislatures sit tiiur mider the'ausoices. of. seceHHion. Indeed, it is imiossipie.under( any s -Vis- pectot any law. as unoertooa , among; civilized nations and In modern-times,: that a whole ieople can :be treated or considered as lein i without , any. law or. ministers of the law Jeven. .by con queror. The security atid t he obliga tion" bf contracts stili -subsist.1 f Can it, for mstan mt there arid personal elates, .and that tha"nit occupantj, iuay ,. appropriatoi-theipoi thati no body can ! . , Oft tho. contiary, I say, that the laws of North CSaroUiia Were stiU her laws including her'fim UMehm teWlauid if so;" !B then.to be deduced, , tfiaj fty mhte tfp.'iQonven- mn. fa abrogate. M fa aUen.mat me, ? mi less caueuwiu putsen,m tfie manner ppe scribed in iL and ;thatp dafh. fcorollaryi xne an4 R&Wi . i."e people, uldeon; rm mem, Dut ousrnt tojae ODnosed jectedVuIfe would seem that body was a warpof the defect of its powers,from the selveS Tirt tioSver of legislation : It auestea.rjnBuenerai v1 '1 ri4 rekdrd td t hfe tenure, w or-; the1 second d ticStion in .regara- ny WtfiWVnri beMfeve'the Tllelye, ; that 1 haf e; itW ertq discussfd tliis gubjec'hk1 dpeTttd-' irig neotigJnaPnd -naral; tights 0fWple,hntM' bv Bfaj'prtH dH4, '0yeri',6ii fhat'haWA e aii:; fhority of youT-ConYgntion' to;mae or; a newofinociinea iorm orov-1 ce, oe supposed iota momenta :nP0n'lthe,',tteathi jbTd' prdbrietor. fend Vuia'oTsucceibtfto uis real submissipn pf tqse acts, to the :people thus geekirig the requisite; bonflrmation. JBut. in truth, such confirmation can hofr&fe derived from that .source ; for the gamprMsidh in the Constitution which makes the Convention a nullity, y excludeis, tEe, efficiency or a ulaf ma Ontyto annul one jonsu - . j a j i i i rT Wl r Tf J.J ' .:,vi,il. j i l unds dhd'ahthoritles bxl which thej ,recouec""IiSt i" wc uxguiucupi riiii rM&'''cmLTKm tttHMl pfople ofa Stite ciihndtbUheir O'; direct vo?er'fbrbgato: oi-; make J h,'; qott' stitution. without ' ih& ' previous sahc- tlbn ofuthority;; in ioyer 'ndethe existing gdytnment, as in Worr's case11 mufiii less caatiiev ao it. wnen ine.uon- vide4 iicb oth&r inodes jor effecting Miese I V wvr V w vvvv T -------- , -u mM . ; nuriihspji'iihd emJiitesau besides: 4i?yiMjA - VJrrr- "7 ' i? i .amygiheii; the ponventiQn was, noteoilstitutionat.;' It IIO UOWera UIIU CUUiauuuiUilAC Constitution ; .that for the same rea$on: the teotl havp nq lowers., and, that neither the fConventioiX nor tne people ihad any Power irt the tif emi, bf fchii- wiaIta AnnHiAv Ao Vi o'nf i Andrew svme. or, AVakeviexK, .. t , ...4(lI kmibtis for taking thd.V6te aiidJakier- jof ;Vake, CJerks,,, v rr t.- r -lr i. tommg .tiier matomyr can. OWV do SO by revolution, and BbtJ General. , ' , , ;i am. ai fjossing;' a legitril , delegated 1 1 The State Executive pra we Gov-. offlcft'tod(-werne evex dilate xurtner onj'tms topictis tnBurvf tr-nrzuri u ; Sl 3 ' viTi a-'Judgd'andSolitff Convention was ail awn&inzea ooay. analllly ? a.?i. :.uviXl MSfm 4 B'a$Mh TOf7 ii 'li :rVlJi.Ii i (mmenxiing: iO;fnq people 10 auut CoitiitionV mgHWhl -me pie unaer out .onstiraoyi pbdr ie ;haye' 1 'no; mor'e . effect thklt- that of. Mther. by itself. ! 4 'cpnclud-; it ilib Constitution, ahdcannotbe.'made Onebyvhat 'has been done, or; can ; be d0'finOV.' ' , 1 . -i..-" ''WfiW ' tnnn dnA:it hfthnnve the beo- Zk . 5f4iov Hnirht: it'seemk' tAnfeV whole woiect. If It be susrsrested; xrtat in OUr experience all con ventions sfncfe those of '76. which formed our ori&iria'l' Coristitution, hav .fegularlylmade thm worse and yQrse, and threforei we'iuul ttei. We tjiis ' thah rmt'ilir; tnerlsKS, ana.eeciaiiyTnat leasii shtili t?i ve their 'stntraffe 1 fdr adbbtibnv VAll '41in?ir 'Mrf)Wia ' frt'H nriAKKn'. l-i0ply no I J The great principle w$o. Ifricat Ja?ul civil 'liberty; Yfiata piofile may, and ought to fnqked1 Qqi'istitutim ana trbvernhunt for fliniselves.;: that in so doing they bitght ip be careful to pro ceed in the regiilar and pedceful method which is preset1 ibed, instead of an unau thorized, irreaular ; and usurped mode from which uncertainty, as tb the validity of their doings, ana 'consequent commo tions arise, furnish the strongest reasons why every man sfiould give his voice z;...!! nvnnnsuvl. rmd wait . for the, action of the . IszgUlature, the -proposing of aviendments to the peo ple! or the duly, calling of a. Convent ion ttf AtoTi . would . are . iegmmare poiver 10 adopt them. r . i , Let me here adduce a , case .whiqh - J ought to haVe added to the, efficipnpy bf the popular vote i per se. I adduce it because it is. cleu-jto the apprehen sions of every - one, and exhibits in , a string. light theCQrre0tnP tf -the ai gumenttigainstithO popular. ; jo wer-a merQImajority.' oyer; tho. siH tut jpn of a :nation. n. . Tng cagi to )wn?h( luded, is that. 4JniteU States modesiiintencled to protect mbwrities im m,,.,,.. fnw' ni aWpfP ! iM poSGir.upon wits- assumpppii,. lab-iiu that the. jmajorHy of .tliQ peoplei; are -the pjioi.iiB, ; an attempt, were j nade to altertthDiFederal Goustitutionfjthe United :States-ww hat sprt ; of a .Consti--tution sliould Ave ha ve-rwhp,, could en dure it,, especially f at thp South---who would endure it ;and hold it to : bo 4 Constitution ? ; t So it is. uner thpj) .visions of our State Constitution. Then let our people with, ope voice reject it. hat Twill 1 quiet ,.: everything, and, we mayibegiPL anevy in a lawful yay ; to make, the Constitution , what we wish it-'h.Rut. if annroved hv the DCODle and proclaimed ,by the, Governor, ; all the tfuestions unnn the validitv of the tne questions upon UC.yiy, MiMJ vention. arise-r-questions , affecting j the right to all the old -and the new. otliqes, arixl tlie objection .of the. -called jCon stitutiau no bounds can,be set ,to.4he disquietude, incident to, theiiij nor, to the embarrassments of the; judiciary. A &::,.. :;. f -1 Jf Your friend, ( L1I. ;. ; THQMAS IUFFlNf ."" '-t" -!-;,-r-r . , : n - . rrr ASONIC'TEMPiiE . ASSOCIATION, I : Raleigh ,JN, 7. v f ; . -" . , f , ! Athpnedj .Capital $150,009. , . , 'at 7 8ftr $25.00 each. 1 1 , : v f . .Payable 100 on each sharemontlily. ( ! This is areguiarly incorporated Institu tion, charte'red bv the Legislature of North Carolina; hi t&iOi 0r the purpose of building lii'tbe City of Raleigh a Masonic Tepaple. It is beneved' tnat tms stock, will ipay a handsome dividend alter the Temple 1 is coippjeted. v t -v , officers: "' : Joa. B.'BATCHELOREsq;, President. 11emp,P Battle, Esq., vice Pres. P: A; Wiley; Treasurer. IiAnnis, Secretarv. J. B. NEATHEfiy Cor. Secretary. jno. jxichols, W-G.'Upchurch, J.' B. Gayie:1 H. T. Clawsojt: DhectorH. W. E. Anderson, T. H. Bijiggs, . w. j:'Hicks: " - iri'jfr, JAMES SOUTHG ATE. i ; MJhiHVl3.--tf.ii I 1 ji r r General; AfremV. cost six aoiiars, two lines win coat twelve aoiiars, aim fep lines wm gosi sixiy qouars. find for a printed list.. Address.. f : . . .. ; Advertising Agents, 1,1 No. 4i; Park Row, nTy. June'Slsn. ; ' 1- State GoVefrifflfent. Too. JK. uaiaweii, oi a urittJ, vru vmiiu; . John B. Neathery;1 bf a WakiS, -Pwvate. Secretary... ? " Al !'J " TTpnrv J. Menmnser. of Craven, Secretary, 1 oi eiate.M! s t,?Ui-i nxw i l a ,i tf'U the uapitoi. 4 ;s trpREM ,e pJJRT? . f l( !. Richmond M. Pearson, of Yadkin;; Chief! Justice. Edwin Reade, of .Person,; .sswmw. Justice.? . j -ir , n vr n w William Bi Rodman, of Beaufort,. Associ- ate Justice. ;:..: r-m .- -i'-' -f " ' Robert .P. Dickj iof Guilford,! Associatej Justice. '. : .i.n-::i;-:r j- ! Iij. i Lb;ii Nathaniel Bovden. of Rp.tan .Associate I i . . r i Justice.- .,,..! ! Wm.M.Shipp, of Mecklenburg, Attorney, icCrkleporter; : . ; William H Bagley, Clerk; 7 i rri. cnnwa r'rtui.t-tnta in T?ciloicyh ' Ctrf lthA. nrst; Mondays in 'Jtfhuary and Junev rand remain ih session until all the business , is dispose ori ;-1' , ; : ' a wlll,r ' ' J Constitution to reside in the& seyerDis- h- .v. . . i l xL , Tne terms oi the several superior uouixs : sooner disposed of. , r : -,- i , .-iirini?r judicial.IdistkictIIi; : . n g; Pool of PasViuotatikj Judge. j j, wAlbertson, of Perquimans, solicitor: Barti On the first Monday in March and ft October. Hertford'- On the Ihird Monday in March and October. ; -Gates-On the. fbtirthi Monday Kafte- the rnnAain rau ctitvrin' x- ;Perquimans-On thd eighth; Monday after I the first Monday in March and October. . ) . f.PasquDtank-Ontli tontliMoaaer. ? ' utTituck-Dn: vthe' ' fourteenth'' ? Monday I T , . her. '. SliCONU JUDIOI Ali DISTRICT, i : : A. Moore; of Wftshinetoif,' Jmliej Joseph J. Martm, -of Edgecombe, Solici " ' - - - - n t " j 1 nor. ; " ' n r a ar ir:-m . Tyrrell On the first Monday in Septeju ber and r ebruaiy. 4 Washiricrton. On tlie third' MondnV1 ni September and' February.'' ' ' :1 ' J.'' Hyde.On the second -Monday' aftevtl third Monday in September and' February, Alartin.-HOn tho fourth JVlonaayJatteri the third Monday in : September, and eluary Beaufort. On the. sixtli Mondayjafte te third Monday in September and February. Pitt. On the eighth Monday after the third Monday in September and February. Edgecombe. On the tenth Monday after the third Monday in September .and -February. - . . : . THIRD J UDiqi A p DISTRICT,, William J. Clarke, of Craven, Judge, John V. Sherrard, of Wayne, Solicitor. Wayne. On the first Monday afterhe fourth Monday in Septehiber aha February. ' Greene. On the third Monday lifter; the fourth Monday in September and February. Onslow. On . the . fifth T Monday r after the fourth Monday in September'and Feb ruary, fo 1 Monday in September and;Febriiary. Wilson. On the.1 eleventh .Mbnday: alter tlie fourth Mouday in September ancl Feb- Mpnday in September and: Feb- ruary Jones. On the tliirteenth Monday' after tlie fourth Monday in September aiid-February. Carteret. On the; fifteenth monday after the fourth monday jin September and Feb ruary. ' " . . , " ' ( FOUIJTH JUDICIjA.1 niSTRICp. ,,, 4 , Paiiiel' ti," "Russell," Jr.. . of Brunswick, . Judge. - ' John A. Richardson, Of Bladen, Solicitor. -! Jtobeson.-On the fourth ionday in Aui gdst.and February. I1 - rar Bladen.-T-On the second . monday alter the fourth monday in August and' February V Columbus. On the fourth moiiday after the fourth monday in August and Febru'y. to Brunswick.-On the ixthirionday' after the fourth monday in August and Feb'y. . n Hanover. On the eighth - monday alter me iounn moimay in August ana February. . 1L ' Sampson. On the tenth moiiday after the fourth monday .in; August and February Duplin: On the twelfth monday after, the fourtl h ihbnday in August aridTeortiary-. FIFTH JUDICIAL DI-TRIir. . . llalph P. Buxton, of QuniDerland, Jucige. Neil McKay, of Harriett, Solicitor; '"'-! ' Harriett On the second" -Monday' in Au gust and February. .n;:i.. ' ,,,A . lMoore j Qp Jkejon.aIjgayafteije second Monday in August and February. Montgonfery-Oh 'the-1 Iburth Monday after the second Monday in August antl February, is' .Un.l -? h: f.i:i:ii;.lf. ' Stanly On the six Monday aftey , the sec ond Monday in August arid February, trniori Ori the' eighth' Mxmday alter the second Monday in August land Febriiafy. AnsonTrOn the tenth. , Monday after, rthe second Monday in August arid February. ' Richmond-On the twelfth'MOndav after the second Monday in AugustandiFebruary. after the secon Qpday n August and SIXTH, JUDICIAL, DISTRICT. t ; Samuel rW. Waits, of Frarikliiil Judge. . 1 Williarii.' Odx,!of WdkeSolftitBr'.5'1 ' Granville Od the seeojicf Mdnday hi 'An gust and February ;! n w. f,nz uium Warren On tlusecond Moudayraftex tho second Monday in August ana'Febru'ary.' ' ' Franklin-On the fourth Mbhaav" after the second-Monday in August and-Febmiarvi- jonnsion yjn me ixiu iYLonaay: iterJJio . HaUfoXTTPn tle twelf , orwianipton-M" tne jqurpe after' flie setiUi, Moiiday jhi! . SEYEKTU; JUDICIAL DISTRICT. j Albion W;Tourgee,.iof JQuilford ' Judge, J. Ii.' B id la, of Randolph, 1 Solidltor'. 5 ' wany abww ,h- it -Vwil ftvVriAiN and Seritenlbeir."" the first Monday ,m March, and uctobetr , damden On . the, tvelfth , M dnday after the'fii-st Monday in:Mafchfaiid Octob6r. vi secona iuontiay in August anu r eoruairj' ,VYaker--Oh the gighwi jpnday f after , tho 1 State ooVfernment:r; :,ni!i'. l"T7 iff i. 1- I ttflfbr Oii the first mbndaHn-MftTch and September, s-iiu .vk zrntnf fri ut mtiini Rockinghami-HOn,the second mpnday, atT i .oer. i i x-i i . Caswell On the fourth monaaynriB - Orariee4-Dil rthe eightli . linonday .After! th6 1 first Mppday; in Mch.and ptemper, n . Chafiam On tlie tenth mpnday after the rS?M5tiday'iii'Alarch ahd 6eptei: - T?Q'r,lii)n thai twefthnndaTiaftejt the first.Monday, in xMarch: and September , f.,;;l KiGirru ; juDioiiAJiDisraicrii j- i i u y 1 1 . J, Clpudipf SugrryfJudge f : y , j Mj ) 4 .j , A. R. Joyce,, jof StoKes, Solicitor. t ' SurrvilOn tnefirs? mohdat ' Iri niarch1 and September.'"- ,JU Yadkfir--Uij theuiuu raontwyiiwivi Rnwan-On the' rourthotoiondfty aftefe thet iVnravfh fi tho flifl-lith xdhndaviaftefjtbei I . third monaay m marcn anajjseppeinijwrf ,u.,f , i Stokes On the. tenth monqay alter ,fhft ill i ki muiiuav iu lumtu ou KJiv ? GeoWIiOgan: of Rutherford; Judge. -ioi Polk On the second monday in march ! and September. i .SRutherfor Oa I: the t fourth; Jjmondayi'Iln t l- 3 CJ-. t V, . - , . , . ij maS JIUq pepWWCi. I li i: l, ! ... ; Uleavelanc-Un the second monaay aiier the1 fourth m'6hday in' march Und Septettlberv fourth mondav in march-and September. Lincoln On the lourth monday aiier wio GastontrOn the. sixth omonday after the fourth rnoruiay.m nManqeppemper. Meckleiibhrg-iTOil tnPeighth fiibndayaf CbarrusOn.tlietenilLmondaylafter Uifc tv,.k i HAnfTnHAr. .'V.VSmto iupicj al district; ; , f Andettwju, j -freueu y uuw. , , , y. p4 Caldwell, f Jredel Solwitor. , rttMlOhhe second! nibtidky afterthe thiM monoW in march and Saptemberi: Wilkes-i-iOn thti foiirtli';mondaVafter the third monday in march and1 August 1 1 -J A 1 Wh'jtnv On ittWr'ttiHi-1mondavafter the thml rnonday in? march and August.- n GaldweU-On the eighth Monday alter the third Mondayin March nd, Augusts H t , Biirke.: On the tenth JMoriday Rafter ,, the unra jvionaay in iviarcu autijAUgusu Jas, ,fj., 4ienry, pi jiunjcpmoe, j uage. V. A. Uuske, of Buricombe.' Solicitor'., s Ashe On the first Monday in April ; arid Watauira On tlie third Monday an April arid Sentember. ' v - , ... ,i: - McDQwell On the second' Monday alter the third Monday in April: attd September. Mitchell On the fourth; Monday juter the third, Monday jui Aprw and Heptem ber Yancey Onrbeixth; Monday affce&ithe third M9nday.mA.prh and September.., "t 1 rt 1 ivi ciiifiu a ill - iiri 1 uriim rur 11 w i r w- the Mpilaji TWELFTH, JUDICIAL DISTRICT,) j K, H. Ca&nQhf of Jackson, Judge , ' R, M. Henry, of Macon.'SolicitorJ Cherokee--On the first' Mondav in March and August. . i ; ' Clay On the third Monday in ;March and August. -' - ' ' : ' j Maeon-On thasecond Monday after, the third Monday in March and AUgust. ; v Jackson-HUn tne tourthl Monday, after the tlurd Monday in' Mai5eh.and August.' . ; - llaywiOodif-Oii the, sixth Monday after the thirq; Monday m .Alarch and .August.. t , 1 7 Transly vania On the e)ght Monday after tli e tbird . Monday in Mar;h. and August. '' Henderson On the tenth ' Mondav ' after a.-- aV.jjb Hat It ,t4- - r' ,:--' .1 zJ.l-A. uits uuru iumjrf jji i.vLarcii uu i4gui. .. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT, COURT, . - j ; : George, W, Brooks, of Pasqoutank. Asso ciate Judge, . . . ,,. '.i. ; ; ' , ' " Vi II.' Stai'buok: of Forsythi District 1 At torney. : . 7 : ;: N. J. Riddick, of Raleigh,' Clerk. ' "' ; Sam. T. CarrowV Marshal. ' ' : ' Held m Raleigh, tho first Monday in Jtine, Uioer. .Unas. .Liippara, rcierK. ,., , jr Elizabeth Oityjsd Mcuitlay . in April , anil October. Sam'l T. Bond. Clerk. ' v i-- - ' -'It I ' l 7 .r t t -Wilmington' 1st Monday - after." 1 William Liarkins. Clerk. ..;; ifs.liij :!':! i H'. VA 'iOUiu '. A .') .0 .,(T .1 MEMBERS OF ITHE : GENERAL, j AS- ,s SENATE. 4 ' K ;U. 1st Pist.-Currituck, Ciimderi; Pfwouotank. jnuiuiiiiiuis, uwwhh 'aiiu urates 1 Ruins K Speed, Jaa GSJdmier. 2tl: Martini Washington, and Tyrrell-r- L C LathahiM. ifi.r; i yr:- ,(r.ij Beaufort and.Hyde-rE Warren: Northampton Jesse Fly th' , Bertie and Hertford-pJ W Beasloy. ,HaUfax-eniYiJSpes.: ,r dgeccbB'Beiiariiyi' PitPTacbb Mc6otter.1J : ,d 1th .oth 7tlis; ' 8th : Oth Nash 4nd I Wflsbriiwrerreb ' F I' . - 4 it Battled iivjv ; h Awn "' eraven-and 'Caifteretu-li JiMorir'e, nub 11th 12th .lhr "-wftjj ijcuiiMuiii. 1 'hit .v.-tij tf Jones :aricLIienoirnrR W.'King Duplin and Onslaw4-W. A AUen. ..Hanover and. Bruns, wick Chas McClammGW Price: Jr. 14th 15th t Bladen and Ctolumbtis'JXjCurrie. 16 th iTth 18th I Greene' arid WaVri lflth ;l!j P B Hawkins. : ?; hior: .;jMi iJOthn ..;.. Warren4Jahn A-Hymanj ; r n i 2ls .i i ranviUe and HPersoiv-L OiEd- iyf.i;;-jj it! i i wartla , S C Harnett. , , ,i -anF WLarahwn:i o Chaamr-Oastqn Albright..,, , 2!- t Rckmgham--J Tf M prehead 4 ; 2T,th " Alamarice and Guilfordphu Gilmer, James A Grahamj1.' , 27tli " ' Randoph, ami' MontgolneryDr J M'Wd'rth; i iJ(n .vniw-o , 28th ; i Moore ndr;Richihond-R; k T.ed-' 1 . A. A .'-1 At' neer.Tjji:: ' in , f;s 1. 7 j Ansoil andj ; Umgn4A J J)argan4 , AIclUeiiburii-H C JonoHi'i i ' mh. -aotitu abarru r mid; 1 Stanly VaJeiUiue .fii, fmMftuney.tfn., ulia u-: .ai nm 34th' " '"Forsyth and' StOkesSterlirikJAd-. 5Uit Sum arid! YadkinAC CriwYes. I aotli; A4exarideriajid ifrdellRomhlus "i .vrUaoHiSi Iiinnej di l; jnov ! 37thu i as tawbaLGastobi ad'ttoooU-ME; an Y iiiui.M Crotelli 'Jif ou oymII iv Am t(-.i& ClerJland;Polk antb Rutherford , -am m icjfiGvWmteflddesiirj-iia.'o itA : .7 qiadKdri MitehW McPoDttarid " . "' Yaricey4J-WW Fleming:1 41 1 4t Cla Oftetok'ee, MwooBJaek sqi and Macon XV I Love. H . ! first Monday in March and Septeiftbgr ( Person-On the sixth mondajer the mancunmeiouri the first MOhOar. m JMLarcn ami cwppi-. !..,Jwiwyjji Davie On the second monaay aiier ine " "Cumberland, Harnett aiid Sariio- ' ,a isnWC'Pr6v.DrOrAffiV u (Jdhnst6W-TiiRfVftddell, Opi ; !Hil 'j t Alleghany.sbe ajndWilkesG nthMQhd; yiyaniaJamHMe A iunio - . list T . ..Burke. ?aldwell . ami Wataiinro I ;if State Government.- . - JnOUSB OF REFBIMKNTAtiyES. Alamance Col. A. C. 'McAllster, AHeglhay-tfert'dainrel 'AsheDf JT)!Wlo.,3ft, -Alexander J M:CaroH. u i; r: Anson Wm E Smith. . CcattforVHThoGracSpaaQVl . I. i . j , , . Buncombe R D Johnston. ''JJtirke-''&lll''vJi im'M .(. "gajssssa? Camdebi-J ohkii Li. Chamberlaih.i . .... -iCatatBktfaitUili4UUStom ..i; ;;.t . Chatham, R Jas Powell, JnoA Womaek, J ChferbkeeB K BickeV.'1 !""" ! iCatabartnRtRiB Houatom yell Jey. Chowan John Page. 1 Cle&tseland-X-Iiee WMdAfSee1.- J .! .. :. ''ven-Richa?P,uclcen ' GeRl Willis. ' .ojjiii.,- Davidson Jacob Clinard, Jacob T Brown. DupUn-fal Edgecombe Km Johnson, vvBunn. Porsythe John INisson. Prahklln-Jbhh5 Wllllamen', 'Jumes- :T Gaston J G Guiicic , ates-R'iddiclt'GtfUiiifr. ! i, iU . . GranyiUe-nE .B LypnT L Hargn ve, v HReavis. " ' 14 .iGreeqe-BLBiIaard5fi.lirl A .A- ; Guiiford-r-Johathan HarrisL S C Rankin. Ralifai' Cha Snilth;dhh Bryant. Harnett Neill S Stewart; );... Haywood W P Welch. Henderson Brownlow Morris. HertfopW44oaT Al ?. Hyde Lucas. Iredell J H HillTThomas A Nicholson. Jackson-iFiy BrysoMf;'" il 7 . Johnston Jesse JJfonant,LW IJJoyner. Jones Bryan. ,iienoirB F Parrot.. fr LiricbiriCavfdltiftcjnd in Macon J L Robinson y 1 Madison NatKelseyr- Marthi-rGieA.QregOT.. McDowell Grayson, . Mecklenbur-i-R'PWaHriJ'flol Reid. Mitchell S. Mreollis. ii Montgomery -rrtj-r-Ato rgaii . . ( 4 Nash J. A. Drake. New Hanover Samuel Ashe, George 7. Frehoh, li Mabsdh; isit:nt i -u JNormampton-bajn'l'jNiiuxton.inurton Jones. Onslow James GScptt. ( E o range x jn wtrudwick, uAtwater. jlPasquot4nk-Thb(SiA-BykeAi t : iPerqulmansrt-iTE JUaruen.fi -. Person H T Jordan. Pitt Atkinson, Joyner. f,1Randolphf6nathah Lassiter", 8 FTom- linson. i ,'i u;.,i ;-.. ir , 1 ,t Richmond Robert Fletcher. . ; Robeson Thomas A McNeill, II B Regan. Rockingham - Johns. David Settle. 'Rbwan-i-'Wirt Orawibrd,- F 3f i I.uokeV.1 i Rutherford J M Justice. Sampson J R Maxwell. iU r Stanly John Furr. Stokes-J G H Mitchell. SurryH C Hampton! ' ? .V. 1 - . T AT . --V . 1 A 1 . :jl ransviVRiui ,i utuca. wtirLu. , Tyrrell--T J, Jarvh. jr.. . . , Union C M J McOauIev. Wake T W Young. W. W. Morgani. . t j. col.; Stewart Ellison, col.' -,: . .WarrenWin. Cawthorue, ooL, . Richard Faulkner, cot. . '. Washington 1 u uuyuier Watauga W F Shull. Wavne r "R Smith.' EdwiA Copeland. WUkes-r-TyreiYprkj ii. t , . WiLsonJ W Dunham. ...... , Yadkin J G Marler. Yancey Young: s '' NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENTA- , t .; TIONIN; PONGRESS, . nun ..-.i.i j. . 8ENATE, ..... . ; . ; John Pool, pf. Bertie, - ;, House of Representativf Term Ex pires March 4th. " u irst District Currituck, Camden, Pas quotank Perquimans, Chowan.) Hertford, pates, Northampton, Halifax Martin, -Ber tie,, Washington, Tyrrell, Hyde and lieau fortC Tu C6bb, of Pasquotank: ' 1 noir Wayno, .GreeneEdgeooinbe,. Wilson, Onslow, Carteret and-Dunlin C. R. Thom as, of Craven. . . .,.. . . , Third Distri6t Bninswick, 4 ColumbuHr Bladen 'NeW 'IIanbVer,3 'Cumberland, Sariipson Rqbeon,Riclunondr Ilarnt-Ur a r- ren, Granville, OrangeTNash, Johnston and C2athamRr' B- Giliiamy t d eeeaseil HJ til. Stokes?- Person -andl CKweBij-M.Iieach of Davidson. ,0.) :,u i vtih.t i it ir.rl t Sixth District RowaiL. Cabarrus, Union, Mecklenburg Gaston. Lincoln, Catawba, Iredell,' Davie;iJ7YadkIn,J Wilkei. "Htariley rtnd Alcriander,-F. KJ Sholier.Uil Rorwmn. Seventh. Diitrict--,Asho Akthany,( Wa tauga, Yancy, MitchellMcDowell--Burke, Caldwell, Rutherford, Cleveland Polk.lren dershn',' 'f I'ansylvanik, Buricrithbe;'Madr4on. Jlay wood ' Jackson; '-aSIacbn Cherokoo , and Clay J. C. Harper, of Caldwell. IpuBtfc w6RitB A7p;iNsiTuVioNs r,u. h .jjf KORTH'OAirotlNAi " "The North Carolina 'institution for the Education of tlie Deaf and,I)uihb mild the Blind, is located at Raleigh ,,1 .. u , Board of Directors Dr. ,W, II. Mc Itee, President ; ' Messrs'. 'R. ' Sl" Tiri'ker, John C. Palmer, John R. Williams, W V. Vass, C. M. BusbeevS.K.- Heartt. I- Tturoffloers'O thanstitdttani W Si i h . .iMi,u4pafilM.1vJioe 1 rias Iri the Dea Myte-arid BUriVS'DePartihaht. A'HUle -more than one hundred pupilk ran, ibe ' ac- ioommodatedv JW cpurHej;or msvucuoiis includes eight .years.. All applications for the adiriission of priIis, should 'lie4 niaiio ' to the Principal. Jni . f i . Insane Asylum f-North Carolina, situated- da theivksinity. At Raleigh;' Xvill. iac- .coinmodate WJJililPXii'ui. lir. . xiiugene onsavJV1- ouiKiuiicim, DrY 'Ft VriWerJiAs1AtariVJPlryiirian; JasUHi Mobre,tbwaAI'lMt. MAI 'Ljiw rance.Matron! all to in dit'i l"ij ii - if Tr- TNTEPRACE,, AND JTISJA A-ntegr ty, ,.., ... r ir, . .... .... pRojfrBirr .Uieprmwair9m.iiTft May..l87r.1... .Uleprinteafrpui.th;ftaieiraAil fv(tJJealUi for I'siAgie piilia oen'te;- fjJr! hlstMtion font aollaTTper fcridred" J- -J l; n ' ' 1 ,f From thee elAnd,' 1 Ghi&) Pltihl bitlon Era. .vr.lt oiiiw?. d)1 vu-t READ. . Be-KOi-o aiwl read tlitf exeftllda iartk l - on thseoqnd paototejn-peinc andN- M-..ii;)Wii, b evoryi temperance organization, hnd by. ov- ..mPPTnn.WVdl it ,J..V u . AAWPfcw AAJtpN.M, PQAVEU. , J O. Box 1410, New York, , ( u orfWM?I1.-TiiiiNSON'J bUsher,"' June 8. No. 39 Nassau street. Moore. Montgomery. rand Alison Waddell, of Now Hanover. f " 4 " !f?l'i DSrl5amai?cfev! duilford. TtockinghairiV DaVldsbn.' ' Fdrsvth, oxuliosoja, , Principal j uJ Prineipal aud. Steward f tionai .IntegritiV'r uy, lAaron , r Whl6hr' we' liavV tiikii 'frdiVi ' M ttiorith'H VJIeraiX afSreaHK? Jltiffght W W'read 1 hi

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