Offic, in th "Standard" bulldlnf, East aide of Fayrrteville Street. rtAIEIOFf . 5Jf, 1871. The recent election is fruitful of pleas ant topics for discussion. Ave will do no more than enumerate some of them, placing them upon record for future elaboration, perhaps: as well as an threatens that political equality, he will rally,fo a must, (for all practical pur poses) for its defence. So long as he can do this, he is in great measure safe. ed man less organized, and able to pro tect himself. The contest was between such a community, and another not vfiru iinnnnal even in point of num- , SM. . - , . - I . ' ,1 .11 - A4-K iwsnonfa irneflv hpt- That he has eiven such . evidence 01 oers, uuu auuiuu ability to do it, is a to cast upon the guilt or innocence of the respondent on tne nxst uim wuu charges preferred; against him in the articles of impeachment. t ho va endeavored. Mr. Chief Justice and Senators, throughout the whole of PERSONAL, POLITICAL AND GENERAL. anaai omr J ? SS5keaiitriafto give a patient matter for sincere ter equipped, and ieu uy. iwu UuT careful hearing and consideration The Grand Duke Alexis of Russia and suite have sailed from Cronstadt for New York city, and will be due there the early part of October. The Wisconsin Democrats met in State Convention at Madison, on the 23d in A,yew departure" 'plarm was UnstituUon and, so, too, having the T-ocnif nf smph election oDerate as in measure upon a conviction of this on the part of the people. In old times, the people of North Carolina had been used to being asked, during the canvass for the 'Assembly, whether they wished snnh Assemblv to take steDS for calling by ...... l : n I rtYifl nijenifii(Yll8 ! a i 'invfinnnn. or ior uumuuiim tiic i in u vcfrwfHl bv another from time to time; it is a right, which remains in esse oniy so iuug ius iw pwoo adopted.' Tas. B. Doolittle was nomi nated for Governor. structions for or against such measure. This was not so here. Elected upon certain grounds (perhaps, in view of what has followed, we might say, pre- TheBoard of Trade of Louisville,KyM held a special meeting on Thursday and adopted an appeal to Congress to members of the Assembly be questionable; but, that there their session a refund the taxes on cotton paid by the Southern States in 1685, 18G6 and 18G7.J The Supreme Court of California has decided that a postponement should have been granted In a case where it was shown that the counsel for the de fendant waa prevented from attending that, aping the victorious United States, bv dangerous illness in his family, they proposed to force another recon struction unon North Carolina. It turns .A. liWV KAAU V A AM W VJWWW A made the chief work of matter upon which very few of them had consulted their constituents, and it proved, as is usual, an Aaron's" rod, to swallow up all other legislation. It sums up the whole matter to say Now, whether or not the Conservative Party would, in fact, and with the eye of the Federal Government upon them, have undertaken to interfere with the political rights of the colored man,may are no favorable precedents in history lora people recently freed, to entrust their fortunes into the hands of a party unau gurated for the sole purpose of defeat ing their attempts for freedom, is un questionable! The repentance, in the case before us, is too recent, and affects fimrlflmentals too much, to render it A Philadelphia doctor professes be able to relieve people who are be wildered. , , r! , v We understand this doctor has been employed by the v Conservative Execu- tive Committee of -this State, to pre- the Legislature. -It is hoped Coaseratives that his nni to the able arguments of the learned will prevent the formation of the counsel, both in behalf of the prosecu- Man's Party. -Ed. tion and of the defence; I have endeav- s -moored to divest myself of all prejudice The New York Tribune says there and bias as far as it was possible for are about 60,000 colored people 'in that oor weak mortal . man to ao. iear, i state, representing io,ow . voiers. Of trri. tof Tiriipn T entered this lurv l these it is estimated that one-half 1 v triumphant ! Whether it was . v nQ f Ka tHera of this case. I in that citv and' immediate .vicinal ,v,Qi incf innf nr whether an lnsnira- free fmm prejudice against In what localities and how they livo' tion of that Providence which is not the accused as I should have been and what are their occupations, and what tion 01 mat rru vitu, orkinr(Hi as I desired to be. The many reports, their chances and advantages for social far from every one of us, the colored they dbubtiess were, which and intellectual improvement, is briefly men of the county of Caswell well rep- caie to my ears through the public told in a paper which we publish to- resent how much is possible for the presg before the meeting of this General day. The general impression, left by a Assembly, and which, without inter- i perusal of this record win do tnat our vatiner personal gifts. Upoi side was Right, with simple staff and sling, upon the other, Wrong, ;in uni- .jj . ,i I values, guards, challenges and vindi- form, and with armor glaring Hiv As ever haDbens ever where, in cates it; in reguru iu n, j - a a T, n nf fa nnment rules, to oe Tiauam mv ivny , w bu9 o V . w I was humblest society of the People to do I nitriAcf im-'fA t.hA'nrfent hour. I wav in the word.' showine that thrw opposed to a Convention, and, not- were welt cuted to warp the judg- are abundantly able to be artificers of withstanding all that had been previ- ment an(i ias the minds of jurors who their own fortunes. -f , . 'Twi.rfv hf which I " ' . ' ' -i .' . i ousiy uuuu in aswcii w w.,,v. . ueiuiig l As a ixicnmond young lauy was them, they have made their views to h krinwn and felt : thev have chosen delegates of their own inrv Vmr hpnw vote v"," r : 7 i-. o. ' 11 XT OIin -.- llTAtl Tn tTfifl- I TflllK M rsi lltIlllX AH Wiu uutuov i i:a ' rrhna Ana onnvlr ... x amentais too mu(;n .nA.n, thev ence to makea true deliverance between ,ofth wise maxjrienaiy prmtsLULiuius uy din quwuuu , , --- th state and the accused, l aeterminea, i - t . .t, . , , , , - . ii-i. I ; itiniwniirn ef-rtinfrTil I - - - i j . 1 X.. I mL. ;lA.;mAnt fn. tkn aI.aI! riAfpnoe nf their rights They were mission, nave ueen wuty wv- -wux " "" v " a v those mners were the accredited organs.. ,A. o1lrHn. with vm,n t " 1 V T.o T rlirl tint. nter I ow"u"6. -a, , " -'fivi ue. way of think- "udic : has gone to Sir. Chi this investigation as not enter free from man in the street on Sunday morning, her dress suddenly burst into a blaze. Chief Jiistice and Senators, when 1 SSTXSrH vhStad th iS re as l snouid nave uetu, uui, favor of the plaintiff, the judgment of the Court below was reversed and a new trial ordered. The British Parliament was pro rogued on the 21st, until Nov. 7. The Queen's speech was read in the House of Lords. She alluded to the recent use of the 'royal warrant, the condition other sheep, became entangled out that they wanted the necessary power, and have made themselves ri diculous, if they have not also com mitted virtual suicide. Esop tells their story : An eagle having carried off a sheep in the sight of a jackdaw, the latter thought he would do likewise, and having pounced down upon an- in the . - - . i .4U I Conservative Party, should be repaid are conscious ot tne tneir own btreugui God with more than similar coin. Except It is a matter for general congratuia- an(i for the surnrize that has been expressed tion, and we therefore, congatulate forget JL I of Ireland, the French commercial wool, and at last was taken in this sor treaty, the' Russian conference, and the ry plight by the shepherd, and carried treaty' djf Washington. The terinina tioirof the old feud between the United States and "England is regarded by Her Majesty as a matter fox mutual rejoic- The entire, receipts from . internal revenue for ' tho fiscal year ended June 30, 1870, were $185,235,867, and for the last -fiscal year, $144,011,721. There was a decrease during the past fiscal year of 19,500,000 on spirits and an in crease of $200,000 on "tobacco over, the 4ireceding fiscal .year. On fermented liquors the increase last year over the preceding year was $1,070,000, and on banks and bankers, $000,000. The in come tax fell off $i8,G00,000. We learn from the Long Branch yews, of the 22d inst,, that it is the opinion of physicians who- have examined Dr. Helm bold that he is laboring under a temporary derangement of mind occa sioned by his business difficulties, and that the statement that the unfortunate a Skir .WAt jthA wsul t .--.. jco va drinking is incorrect, as to the im mediate cause. A professional exami nation was made yesterday by Ir T. G. Cfraltle, in the presence of Guilo, of Xewark and Mr. MatselI, of New York, who acted as Dr, Helmbold's legal ad visers in the case which resulted in re ronimending hU tkcavsfk i the asylum of Dr. Kirkbfide at Philadelphia. Vost Yirgiaja Voted for and against a Convention to remodel the State Con stitution, on Thursday, the 24th inst. A dispatch to the New York Tribune from . iParkersburg, dated, the 24th, By the adoption of what is known as the flick Amendment about 10,000 dis franchised lie Del soldiers and citizens home, to be made spoil; of .by his chil dren. It follows that the people who, as some think, have unnecessarily been broken in spirit by their unsuccessful resistance of former projects of recon struction against their will, by their recent success, will pluck up courage and be more themselves. A very large majority of the people will (without reference to their own votes at the late election) speedily come to , value, and hug to their bosoms, the recent victory ; and this, in light, especially: 1, of their finding out how notorious a cheat was attempted to be put off upon them upon the Taxation and Debt question ; and 2, of their being more and more aware, as they i become more cool, of the imminent danger the State was in of a collision with the United States, and the consequent ill-effects to the character and prosperity of the com munity, no matter how brief such col lision may have been, and how readily the State may have given way. " Tlib people have stood their ground, and that ground thereby becomes the more their own ! in high quarters at the actual result, surprize, and ill temper, this would seem undeserving of a pause in our dis cussion. It is very much, to say, that white people do not do so in regard to their own liberty! Hostility, is never followed at once by an unreserved con fidence, and embrace. Not even where kindness and a thorough knowledge of each other preceded theiiostility. If after hostility good offers come from the other side, there, nevertheless, and them most heartily. The gain upon the vote of 1870 has been distributed very generally in all sections of the State. ProbabJy, more than 30,000 white votes hoarri fmm evervother source, and look I and Empress Intend to spend " the 'sea- only to the sworn testimony of witness- son there..'.. The Pone yill sign (the' in es produced before this high court, strument to which he has been . largely The witnesses have been heard, and my instrumental, it is said, in turning the mind hasbeen convinced beyond the imperial mind. , shadow of a doubt, that during the .,, cj wvinn nf iCentiirkv a nf. ha been PiateenSle,n ferinir from drought, In' Ohio county wiau v oi and tne summer ui aoiv, i flhn.r nTIA-eiVhth of An averai?e cron nf counted in the majority. Both of these ivu tow not adequate to .the pro- gSSn-nrt tacts are very agreeaDie i us. w i reuuuu ul m, uua auu enough corn will be raised to supply out pretending to say that every one the c0U ftt who voted against the call of a Conven- ZrrX tK $4 50 per barrel. tion was a Republican, or that no one sheriff nf Alamance county, whose who voted in favor of it, could be a sworn duty it was to preserve the peace exceedingly qhiet,Jut a publican as ofcourse, follows a period of jealou. publican, the recent election gives SKHXa artthat: watchfulness, and standing on guard, the Republican Party very fair prospects member of a scret association who had majority of last yeafwllPbe largely The: colored man has to say of the of controlling the politics of the State banded themselves together, and under increased.' ;; ' .,l errant, tymrs of white men in North Caro- fnr some time hereafter. All sides ad lina, that they were born and bred in mit this. Without fresh disaster to the the belief that he was unfit for political State or National Republican adminis- privileges, and that some three years ago, to give effect to that belief, they banded themselves conquering therein some most intense and long continued political disgusts as regarded each oth er, into this very Conservative Party, baptising it with a new name, and in venting a ritual in accordance with its designs. How many years ought to pass, be fore, according to the precedents of lib erty, he ought to give such a Party his confidence? M tration, for the next twelve months, North Carolina will endorse Republi- canism 1872. There will be no such disaster ! the solemn sanction of an oath not to betray one another, had taken the law into their own hands and had whipped, scourged, maltreated and murdered citi zens of the county and destroyed their property and caused them to abandon x -I. Eighty car loads, aggregating, ,l,p00,T 000 pounds of fresh. f teas,: have;.. been shipped from San. Francisco, rpverland, within a week, and a full cargo by spe cial steamer is . due in ,that city next week to go overland ; . : . ..... TnvptYihpr I thAir homes, for no other reason, than 111 ilUKU?V .,iiV 111 a- v"- , a 7 . . : , , . , . . . , 4 tnat tney nau. mcurreu mtj luspeaauic uisiiaiv11 inwnauii, mion., disguised ' assassins. t , aiso appears from the evidence thai.' justices' of the 1 At- J ' J A 1. ized band ; and it is in proof that, there We cannot find it in our hearts to lay peace and other peace officers in Ala- Unnf rfiiminr t.hnnks mance county, wereaiso oi mis organ to those who conceived, and promoted, and forced of Aue-ust inside of their own party, is a toast with county, and not a single case of trial or all true ItDpublicans ! Confusion be to P" Z5,Z$Z in vffi some colored men were the offenders. North Louisiana; and West Alabama there are reliable, reports or serious depredations to the cotton crops' by the army worm, and much alarm prevails. j. uispaicii . lrum ovinia, .viu., m -m m a i would nave tne privilege oirranchiseon peculiarly subject to. injury bV political the question of to-day. This vote will fformfi5 dpniahv if T for m almost solid in favor nf a Hon vah tion storms Undeniably, it as for I but ib counterbalance this element there is a Very iarge portion of the Democrat ic p&xty who will vote against the mea sure:. The returns at this writing are miager an principally from towns nlvnra kv linn 4Vj- Z 1 4 A. ' luuug XM.LAKJ jx uio imiwuy, jfVH 1 L is a new vuoi" and. therelore. to be charged as naturally "desirous of revo- of lCUlt to ap- kreallv conservative, nnrl nnlnlfifrul r rrrrrKZ render secure the class of a question in which the party lines are lutwns," is capable of giving votes not s.irictiy urawn, it is uimci is that the Convention will be defeated b4"sraU;majority.. Returns from the principal towns alon.thwroad J,n.(cate the defeat of Convention " v . he heayiesl; storn , experienced in many yearaln? Carlestbn, S. C., ended there on Sunday . ; the 30th inst , , eight and a half inches of rain having fallen if forty-eight hours;" A severe gale interested in opposition to the call, sueoeed'd;,1 t storm A heayyf gale the white property -holder, but that he The colored man of North Carolina owes his political rights to provisions in tlio State Constitution, oojoi.ocl with the XlVth and XVth Amend ments to the Constitution of the United States. The National Party with which Conservatives in North Caro lina co-operate, regard the point wheth er those "amendments" have really been adopted, as still a question.' It denies that they have been. Such was its latest authentic deliverance, and wnat are its present impressions may be gathered from the censure so gener ally heaped upon the so-called "New Conservatives in North Carolina in the late canvass very eren- erally exhorted the colored man to withdraw his objections to the Con vention movement, upon the ground that they would not if they could, and, also, could not if they would, interfere with his rights. The amount of reli- himself. It appears from the recent ance to De Placed upon the first branch election, that the colored man, although of .the proposition depended upon Con himself, as the Romans used to say, siderations. already presented, com bined with the met that the Uonserva-. tive Party had no. national existence except as a satellite of the Democratic Party and that this latter Party held for doctrine, that the Constitution of the United States did not guarantee the political rights of colored men, the XlVth and XVth being only so called Amendments! Noscitur a sociis : clearly, the kindness of the Conserva tive party to the colored man was un reliable, politically. Then, for Con servatives to exhort the colored man to confidence in them, upon the ground that his rights, at all events, were se cure under the XlVth and XVth all Conservatives who will not have their Party to follow. such!. This state of things was intolerable, It had brouarht disgrace, upon the fair now committing fearful ravages. cotton will be materially shortened. Gen Butler's daughter, the .wife of Senator Ames, of Mississippi at: pres ent sojourning in Lowell,, Mass.;. Avas safely delivered of a eon (Tuesday even- IMPEACHMENT OF GOV. HOLDEN. name of North Carolina, and was doing I ing the 22d Mother and child aro dor an injury which it would require years I ing well. .... ... ,.!... . That the public mind is undergoing to repair. , Public serien .ia- vonff the Reniiblicahs'wh6iM'rcn. a change relative to tne impeaenmeni 7 zrril rr .."rrr derinsr good service lir California are In connection with this latter con sideration, it also seems to Us that the solid vote against Convention cast by the colored men, may come to be so appreciated by the property holders of the State, as having been given strictly in the interest of these latter, that a fine prospect for a political entente cordi ale between the two is opened up. The scarecrow of excessive taxation being Departure." out of the way, as it will soon be seen never to have been in the way, it will follow, to all men's apprehension that the vote of the colored men, was as wise for the white property-holder, a class .Li. : i- i rc z 'i xt-A : and removal of Gov. Holden from office. " "T" Senators HamlinNy? and Williams I I rrt III III INfrt-ri lift II I I I L V tT I It-rtTI I IAIrillllllM I m , " , ' . intnntw nnd ndim-ninWntivf! ot Oregon, and uongressmcn liingnam, is undeniable. It was thought by a great mto other and adjoining counties.; Ciyfl many inav tne action oi me Ajegisiaiure uiw. woo ximcuix w lem vuvvi, was prompted by the purest motives ; and J -became absolutely necessary to , ri ... .. i it i . - resort to other means to stay the tide of that the Constitution hadbeen violated; destruction or to give up the disaffected that for the security of future, genera- district, to. the tender mercies of , a tions, and as an example for men who heartless band of disguised midnight mi -ii a - Jz-. high official positions in executioners. ine alternative was ciiusen ; nie umiiary jurce ui uie couu-r try was called into requisition , by the Governor to suppress violence, to pro tect life and to save property, and for doing this he is impeached, and I am called upon to pass between him and his accusers, and for my verdict and may occupy the future, Gov. Holden should be de posed. This was the opinion of thou sands of men in this State when the Senate rendered a verdict of " guilty." At that time a very large portion of the people of this State believed the es, and Mayhard.1,4.'1, ," , ' " ; A colored member of the Souifr. Car olina Legislature has;AuedMa. negr,o barber in Charleston, for t ?refu4nffj j to shave him ' ? . ; JlM,,i The Census tables have been- "flhtdly revised and it gives a total population of 38,555,983. ' 1 ' ROMANTIC MARRfAOES ' IN NEW HAMP. SHIRE. . J'Ui. . Of the preliminaries1 of a marriage property- holders We know that in communi ties where his vote was greatly consol idated at the recent election, he listen ed intently to discussions during the canvass, m which these points were made to him with great plainness, and at length, viz:; that if the movement turned out to he a revolution,' and was put down as such,e was not so much as upon mv oath I do sav. "he is not v. v,v uiaiuiMAvt,. n Ku Klux Klan to be a myth ; that it guilty of the first and second charges." a correspondent of, the Boston. ydy4a' a a .1 u ' i 'i 'I ; " ' I a i . ' was gotten up oy a sensational pressi . .... . . , . .. , , , , i gossips tnus : ) viu ; . w -A and unscrupulous politicians, for the I The Ohio campaign m was; opened on I MSdmd 'months agoj a gehtleman re- purpose of making political capital. th 24th inst.; at half a dozen different fiding in Illinois wrote- to ah' ofllciftl ' in The mysteries of the mysterious Klan, points, with speeches frdrii leading Re' S jSS'Ji' i 14. a, i t,, . j.- ' , ' 'A ' t i ting (that; he was desirous- lOf -procuring as brought to light by the .Outrage publicans of the State, General E. a good wife i .that- he had h toMsamuch Committee at, AVashington, D. C, by JNoyes addressed -a large meeting -at ;df the excellence of the; daugh ten ofitlie the confessions of the Rutherford coun-1 Columbus, ty Ku Klux, and the testimony of lano i -ivuiti,, imavuuynivcu giccvu i fu au. j-ytwu, vu v . aittcs, ut jh,uvs- II lad IfiS. ' The: offioin 1 ' hrtifvl i nf ihn mass of the people that the Kaa, yille, Geri.:Garfield at Cincinnati,. SenK I good i standing ofr his correspondent, a myth or a political hobby ; but; tliat 1 atot Moftdn - at Dayton; 'Eieut. 4 Goyj promptlyi iforwarded to ihUa the! names it isasecretoraranizationasmmberino' Lefe at!Cantori. arid Jiide flhplinhr of a)fe rladies, rto veachuof hora the A7Tlfflnr in..hfi mirlst, nf Avorw rnmmn nf f!Jpavolanl v: j : "-r'- ,? , - - ' : - :requesting;an answertLWith viewto "iiyivnuy any inoment to aeai careiuny ; prepared -oeiorenand, j s and further: correspondence : if mutually death and destruction to all who op- bristled with telling arsruments. The agreeable. ' One of i the answers he re- while Hoh. Columbus T)e- iiayiBtatej nevas muy persuaded! they spoke, at Saiidusky, Senator Sher MilS? w-v w mr-fm. m.mtm nmj m. B-B A J mm B m m mw.mmmmmm was, for; pother reasons, interested to Amendments i. e. 4they could not vote it do, that if he did it only they would all the while that their ed&av6reii tout doVnlhe mux: tte'ate, VmSgS ed'ofthe EBK fnSrthp! rpjisnn unrlpr fnneirlorcif lio OWn party, m would "thereby Entitle himself to the tl0n' heZd that these were no Amend- grateful estimation of the white man, mentsi was a grand experiment upon and that such . seed would bear irood his credulity, and, if he had accepted it, would nave oeen a demonstration of his inability to defend such political rights as might have been conferred It has turned out other- an nun-storm prevailed throucrh Fri day-ad Saturday at "Savannah; Ga., anil ,iqiuch: oaiiiftas done w'tne rail roads, interrupting travel. - The rice crop has sustained injury, ' Frost on Saturday;5 covered the wires on Mount Atashiiigtori viUi:'ice; .breaking them fruit hereafter V Unquestionably,, by in several places.. . .. . gradually maturing convictions, foun- Later advices from Charleston 1 and ded upon cool reflection on the risks Savanah'repi the by him recently encountered j-the white cro'ty the' recent storm as far great- man of North Carolina cannot fail to er than. at first supposed. It is -feared felicitate himself upon-, at least, his that tlie sections over which the: gale- good luck in having been overwhelmed ps-a-alm0st, ''entirely do- by the massed colored vote of his spoued of .the abundance of the .crops, neighbors and fellow-citizens. Who pregnable, and, upon In other1 '"parts Of the seaboard Statos shall hinder irood nature, and vancl will restore the encxl tpmnpr nf all inaf i- i , i ' s ; : . . - l . , : ' o " " " I - o r - - j uau complaintjs made of the drought, and feeling from acting their appropriate conservative gentlemen, who since tlie recent election, have suffered them selves to talk of re-establishing the "white line." ' pose the White Man 's Party. The effect of all this . has been to set the people to thinking about the im peachment and conviction of Gov.' Hol den. In nine cases out of every ten, it has been decided in the minds of un prejudiced people, that Gov. Holden was impeached and deposed because he canvass opens auspiciously, , and prom- ;cewea was-irom a.nativoand resident ises a glorious result The' wtVf?mAnt'-' of this: town, who at; ! thditime. rvtaaln Vl -5 i0!1(lus resW W.yH66111 'HaverhiltfteachintHiyungideahow of McCook from active speechrmaking,; to, shoots Her'a vas vi iwellworded the bitter war in the Democratic ranks straightforward -epistle;-andithe recip over the " new ideparture,n and the j6nt: was at once impressed; with the in utter absence of anything like eritmi- JSlgenf and good sense manifested by Qfi-nw. -Vi V ' " the writer,; A correspoiideneo ensued, siasm over the ticket, rwill: swell our wv. i r. o a 4 f ,,,1 J .i ' momrif,, V,, 1 S 4. A ' I " "-""V11 " WOMW1KU1" :rjVvjr tiiuuoauua ui vuitcs.. ,,jjions: : en.'thelavorahlermlninA iwh frrrt- it is being talked among the that justice or a proper regard J . . A 7 7 7 M T - I "WW 1 j Muucwery,naa very tittle to .do. rP?ed pected here hoxtiy-. when -lie will.i wun me impeaenmeni ana conviction of XJL XtT sriiiTiv'':WVJ8 turn to : his. Western homd with ihiasin- .Te upon him. wise ! This position in favor of the massed Gov. Holden. The interest of party yihe revenge of personal and political enemies, and obedience to tJie mandates of the Ku Klux Klan, effected the conviction - and removal of Gov. Holden. or general information and as food Ohio is safe for twenty thou- gularly-wbn. bride. ;Theladv iri, twll lLV-T-IllS: Tflll . I j7 i . . .1" tiucuteuj pi spotless reputation; andpos sesses the . j inecessarjr fcraaliflcatiom to running. sand majority this fall. vote recently cast by the colored man for thinking fair-minded people,we pub against a Convention, is entirely im- lish "the opinion of Senator It. M. Nor wuMuwauun, ment, oi itoDeson, upon the first and colored man the bollrm is making fearful ravages parts in such event? among xne.couon plants, in Virginia suffenng.for want of rain. The The massed vote of the mills along the line of the Alexandria at the recent election is in many ways am thti eso$eake : and Ohib1 . Canal creditable to him. In 1868, contrary navo Doen compeued to stop operations; j to all i expectations upon the part of i navigation along; these routes haS been those who thought they had reason to heavy rain , should fall . within forty tavor of the policy which acquired for perhaps will be generally conceded eight hours the less' for want of water him political freedom. The recent vote Caswell the best! It is understood wiUvery great. . . ,,T r ( A is,so far,propf,thatin any struggle which that in no part of the State is the color- In this point of view, hail the result in the well. Other counties afford very good examples The Republicans Of New York hold' I haphy the homo of dierhusbandt their Biate Convention 1 1 'Aok1 : whoa agentlemita of integrity:ultiro. A'v7u l v --A ana wealthy and iwelllprovidoa with th- the 27th of September, Xt would have 'goods , 0f ;tAis wSifiSSsSS in been much better ; if 4he Convention gaged id inercntile:puirsuitsJ i of'l had assembled af month sooner ; hdw-1 "t;th:notujita2y!tetance'o ever, we hope oar-New York friends SSSSJ1" )(ntractiHg!imarriage i, upuinue nrsc ana will imltA : 't"-t'. i-BW"- rumantic:circiimstancC8i' A second articlesas preferred bv the Hod 7,- of ouri factory pera- of Representatives - - TU " .pthang; bjut, ves w;rendto agjI i i wrangling among themselves can bring if1? opinion of senator k. m. NOB3IENT. defeat. -'! t j ; 5 ; n , . vj,, 'ielyJtofmatehim.a ood: wi&vtfbyfia Mr. Chief Justice and Senators: Being 'v? 1 ' "- - mutual friend. HHei.wrotoj;tou her, a called upon to discharge i oneof the most Tho wiir , ,correspondejico;wasopened,r cartoside- j wv iuuio auu the whole State of North Carolina: hut i j.1 i x - ... ' aiso uie cnamcter and reputation of the jmei lviagistrate or tne state, 1 feel to be my solemn and hounden dutv enter of record the reasons which impel Special Deputy Grand. Sire v JP-SfPSSri c3 acheck for $500, with which . she uuiui- l' . i i ii ik-ii rri ; n, nnn i Anttif i .wi morse, oriiserllttr'ihrnssfiL'wi,i;- rvrzrr ' 1BWUr it hv th Oranvi'xroif.i 5w7a i vrr muuciucoaii urancisco ito a jnarrvithe- i J "j- viwi vi Lilt; vv iv 1 1 1 ir i r in I'mo i i. i t - . . . . i r i . i u l . v - . i . puuil imvi' me to give the vote which I, am nhAnt irZZ r:"lif5!aV,lsnea 8ix arrivaL andthe Union has hmWedamost v . few,yv iWWnl!(( . T ieiicitoual one.Viorp; yiuij -hTj . ,

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