The Era Publishing Company. Ttnte of Stitmciriptlon i T r I - W r.KtY One year, in advance,. $3 00 6 months, in advance, 2 00 3 months, in advance, 100 1 month, in advance, . 50 Weekly One year, in advance, V ' f 1 00 Six months, in advance, . 50 PROCEEDINGS OP THE irtl Carolina Ledslatore. SENATE. TENTH DAY. Friday, Dec. 1, 1671. The Senate met at 10 o'clock. President in the Chair. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. Mr. Latham presented a petition from C. H. Wiley, late . Superintendent of Common Schools, asking the appoint ment of a committee to pass upon cer tain claims against the State for which he is held personally responsible Mr. Gilmer moved to print. Mr. Latham moved its reference to the Committee on Claims, and: stated that the printing would subserve no .rood purpose, as the petition contained no information upon which the Senate could act without certain papers in the hands of the Attorney General. Re ferred. On motion of Mr. Gilmer the Com mittee was requested to procure the rel evant papers irom the Attorney Gen eral and to consider them in connection with the petition. Mr. Graham, of Orange, from the Committee to whom was referred the petition of H. P. C. Wilson, of Balti more, in regard to a compromise with i iio stiitA nf pertain claims held by him. reported that although approving the .spirit of the proposition the Committee deemed it advisable to provide for the settlement of questions relating to the public debt by general law. -MV. Omhnm. of Oranee, from the Fi nance Committee, reported a substitute for Senate bill for exchanging the stocks of the State for bonds with which such stocks have been obtained, and for oth nnd recommended that KnatP hill to "commute, compound. and adiust the State debt," be consid ered when the bill for exchanging the stocks of the State, is taken up. Calen- Mr. McClammy , from the Committee on Internal Improvements, reported Senate bill to "consolidate the Plan ters Railroad and the Wilmington and Onslow Railroad, and recommended thnt thft bill do Dass. Calendar. Mr. Morehead, from the Committee nr Tntomfll Tm movements, reported Senate bill to incorporate the Border Railroad Comnanv. and recommended th-it it do nftsa. Calendar. Mr. Murphy, from the Committee on Agriculture, reported the communica- lion retxivtu ii vjiii wuiuiuuun j , mifttive to establishing an international system of meteorological observations and croDreDorts. and recommended the passage of joint resolutions accompany ing the report, endorsing the plan, and thanking the commodore for his sug Thft isolations lie over. " Mr. Graham, of Orange, from the Fi nance Committee, reported a memorial asking that the tax on theatrical per formances, be reduced. The Commit tee recommend that the tax be reduced t fiw Hnllars ner nierht. Art- Tthhins. of Rowan, from the ittp on Internal Improvements, reported Senate bill to amend the char thn Chatham Railroad Company, and recommended the passage of the bill. Calendar. . , A message was receivea iruui mu House of Representatives, transmitting Vio following encrrossea diii auti ictjv- luf Inn a LiMtinn nf Instruction to the State Treasurer. Lies over. A bill relative to suits against Rail rrvi H Homnanies. Referred. TTmi5A mnrurred In Senate prop osition to raise a joint Committee of five on Immigration. Messrs. raw ford, Johnston, of Buncombe, and Dar- The President appointed Messrs. Gil mer and Speed ns Senate orancn oi mo Committee. Afr. forehead introduced a bill au thorizing the formation of Railroad Companies and to regulate the same- Referred. , . x , Mr. Allen Introduced a bill to amend the Code of Civil Procedure. Referred. On motion of Mr. Allen, the rules were suspended, and Senate bill to change the time of holding the Supe rior Courts of New Hanover, was to ken up, and passed second and third MrCook moved that the vote where bv a bill to allow a mortgage deposit on personal security, in lieu of a money deposit, failed to pass third reading, be reconsidered, and moved to postpone that motion until Monday next at 12 o'clock. Carried. SPECIAL ORDER. The bill to promote the aCTlcultural interests of theStato "with substitute of Committee. (Provides that breach of Contract on the part of an agricultural laborer and abandonment of his worK shall be deemed a misdemeanor ana that the party employing any such la borer knowing him to have abandoned a prior contract shaU also be deemed a misdemeanor and both punishable by fine and imprisonment.) Mr. Linney said that he had noticed that this proposed legistetion 'tts tasteful to a certain political eleinent; that strictures had a&eady been made upon it by The Washington ,Ohrontcle, Jb, but he neverthelesa considered toe passage of such a law demanded impe aavefybydrtmmstances. The success of our agricultural interests depends upon the strict compliance on the part ofthe employer with his contracte-s well as the employee. Both interests are reciprocal, and this bill proposes to put them both on tho same footing. y - W ; ; -' ' pT"r?' J ' ' ' " ; l ' ' 1 ! '''' " Vol. 1. Some wholesome beverage should be to incite, the laborer, who as; matters now stand, has all the advantage to ine faithful performance of his duty. The facility with which laborers, at the busiest season of the year break their contracts is a great evil for which some remedy should be applied. This bill will in a measure remedy tne evii. will put a weapon into the hands of the employer with which he can protect his interests from this great wrong. This is not novel legislation. Writers on political economy iurnisn eviueuue of statute after statute passed from time to time, for the protection of the material interests of nations. If such kwa can ho made for the Drotection of the Wool trade, if it can be made a crirno to shoot fish In certain mountain streams, or to shoot fowl with a certain weapon, why cannot a law of this kind be passed to protect the greatest of our interests? , The laborer already has is relief In the " Lien Law," and this bill merely proposes to put the laborer and em ployer on the same footing. Every Republican Senator he hoped would vote for the bill. At least there were good reasons why they should do so. iney are aamiiiea iu ins iub es pecial guardian of the "nation's wards." And it seemed tnat tney consiuereu ii their chief duty, as such, to exercise that guardianship only in the establish- ment oi a political senuuui. did by requiring them to manifest their fidelity to them, by taking, certain ex- trajUUlCUU OUIIIS Jil mmnij;ui jli.ici, v . At the last session of this General As sembly, the Republican members in the passage of an act to proniDii secret political organizations, voted in effect, to make such conduct criminal, so may T not reasonablv suDDOse that they did it fmm a belief that the inculcation of principles, of honesty, and industry into their minds, was more commend able than this political serfdom. And since this bill proposes to throw whole some restraints around these wards, continually suggestive of the moral ob ligations oi a contract, may l not; rea sonably hope they will support it. Mr. Bobbins, oi Rowan. The Sena tor in appealing to Republicans I sup nose of course expects all Democrats , to vote for his bill. I hope no Democrat will do so and also that the Senator him self will,upon consideration, vote against his own measure. Such legislation in regard to the laborer is highly improp er. Capital can take care of itself. The tendency of sentiment now is to eman cipate labor from the tyranny of capi tal. I doubt the constitutionality of such legislation. Does it not have the appearance of a kind of involuntary servitude? , , , , ' Mr. Linney suggested the involun tary servitude of the penitentiary Mr. Robbins. Yes and involuntary servitude is required there in the only way in which it can be for crime. I trust the bill will be defeated. Mr. Olds. The result of this bill will in my opinion drive away much needl ed labor or tend to produce idlers. The experience of our most experienced farmers is, that taking everything into consideration, farming is now done about as cheaply as before the war. It will be well for us to let very well alone. Idleness is a great fault among many of the colored people and I have so told them. I heartily wish some plan could be devised to remedy it But we must remember that the ne gro is a free man, andean work or not as he chooses. , , Mr. Linney. It is not proposed by the bill to force men to make contracts. Mr. Olds. No matter, it proposes to make breach of contract a crime and will drive away labor. The freedmen are working now, and let them alone. Mr. Jones. I fully concur with the Senator from Alexander, (Mr. Linney) in regard to the importance of this pro position, but suggest the re-commital nf the hill to correct one inadvertent in the renort on the part of hat Senator. I fear that the bill as it stands may bring about a great deal of indictment wnicn win cost; me couuura a great deal. The proper plan is to visit the punishment upon the guiltier party. The one who employs a laborer know ing him to have abandoned a prior con tract. Mv people have suffered very ereatly from the bad faith of irrespon- sihle laborers, and we desire some relief. Mr. Robbins, of Rowan, would vote fnr a reference if he ttiOUfrnt me 0111 could be Derfected in any way to meet the views of the Senate. These matters must be arranged by other means than statutes. The nrovision making it a crime to enmlov a man who has violat ed a contract, would keep him always from earning a livelihood and render him a nnhlic nuisance. I move to in definitely postpone. I don't believe the agitation of this subject proper. Jt is harmful. Mr. Epos called for the ayes and noes. "!fr. worth favored postponement. The only law proper on this subject is that agreed to by the parties inemsei ve. Tie had alwavs claimed the right to HiahartTo his hands when he pleased nnrl acceded them the same right. These are matters entirely between em- ployer and employee. Mr. TUannev stated that his expen CUVO V V x of Davidson, favored the motion. Though the evils sugge ted did exist he could see no remedy in this bill. ' - Mr. Graham wished to have the full penalty of the law visited upon persons Fmmd fmiltv of enticiner laborers to a breach of their contracts and for. this nn and that the bill mteht be per fected, opposed postponement and fa- -iv -RmtrdPn Raid the bill would tend tb drive labor from the State. Labor is sensitive and capital is able to take care RALEIGH, ; N. C., 1 - 1 , r . t . -r . of itself. ' The bill is wrong In principle and practice, its provisions unreasonable preposterous and unfair.4 And this too at a time we are passing laws inviting immigration. - , - The motion to indefinitely bostpone was then adopted by the following vote . . Ytias-Messrs. Albright, Barnett, Beasley, Brogden, Cook. Cowles, Crow- ell, Edwards, Eppes, uumer, urauam, of Alamance, Latham, Long, Love, Mauney, McCotter, fMurphy, Olds, Robbins, of Davidson, Robbins, of Rowan. Skinner, Speed, Waddell, Whiteside and Worth 25. 1ST a va--Messrs. Allen! Battle, Brown; Grahami of Orangey Jones, Linney McClammy and Morehead s. - -Mr. Love introduced the following bills: A bill to establish a toll gate between Franklin, N. C, and Clayton, Ga. Re ferred, j A bill relative to the Commissioners of Jackson county. Referred. A bill concerning vacant lands in in Cherokee county. Referred. A bill relative to county ofificers. Re f erred Mr. Jones introduced a bill to require the registration of deeds, and the index ing of the books of the Register of Deeds. Referred. . Mr. Jones from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported House resolu tion asking the opinion of the Attorney General, concerning the power of the General Assembly to make a new ap pointment of Senators and Representa tives, and recommended that the reso lution be placed in the calendar. House resolution proposing to raise a Committee of five to remodel the Con gressional, the Judicial, and the Senato rial Districts, and to' apportion anew the Representatives, was taken up. The number of the Committee was made fourteen instead of five, and the resolution of Mr. Allen, the rules were suspended, and the resolution was or dered to be returned to the House. A message was recieved from the House of Representatives transmitting an engrossedresolution concerning the tax lists of Harnett county. On motion of Mr. Jones, the rules were suspended, and the resolution passed its second and third readings. ' Mr. u ran am, oi wrung?, muuuuvcu resolution to pay certain witnesses in the Impeachment trial oi v. w. Holden. On motion of Mr. Gilmer, tne resolu tion was nostnoned one week. ai rafWr introduced a bill to ex tend the time of the Sheriff of Guilford to collect and pay over State taxes. Referred. - A messa was recieved from 'the TTnuco nf Rporesentatives. lniormins the Senate that the House concurred in Senate Amendmets to House resolution concerning moneys recieved under Rev enue act of 1870. A mfwssncre was received from the House of Representatives Senate bill to require the Commission appointed to settle the affairs of the western x or iu uu w pany to make reports, with an amend ment. , On mntion of Mr. Graham, of Orange, the bill was postponed until 12 o'clock on Wednesday next. On motion of Mr. peea, me ruit were suspended, and Senate resolution to extend the time of Mr. C. Brinkly, Sheriff of Chowan, to settle State taxes, was taken up and passed its second and third readings. Mr. Brinkley 's family are sick. This is the reason why he can't settle in time. Rep. The rules were suspended, the reso lution was engrossed, and sent to the House. Leave of absence was granted Mr. Norment from to-day until Monday next. CALENDAR. Senate bill concerning the jurisdiction of the Superior Courts, was taken up, and, after some discussion, failed to pass second reading. Bill in regard to jurisdiction of Supe rior Courts. (Provides that where par ties do not object to the action of a Court not having jurisdiction at the fimanf trial and do not appeal, they shall be concluded by the judgment of such Court.) Mr. "Rewards urered its passage, ex plaining its provisions. It was a bill called for by the circumstances. Mr. Graham of Alamance, spoke in opposition to the bill. Mr. Graham of Orange moved to amend the bill so as to except from its E revisions improper venue, actions rought in wrong county. Mr. Edwards accepted the amend ment, and urged the passage of the bill, as demanded by the irregularities, at present exisung m ceruuu casz, v uiwi tended to hardship in many cases. This bill would work no hardship, as a mrtv H ted to annear in a . court. . in a case over which it had no jurisdiction, merely had to plead that fact. Mr. Gilmer did not approve the bill. With all respect, he must denominate it patchwork. It would encourage loose practice tUlU uaw uau cucvu uiw TVfr. Graham said that under some conflict decisions of the Supreme Court, it was impossible for the best lawyers tn r alwavs accurate, -tie iavoreu ie bill, with his amendment After further discussion, the bill failed f readiner. a auorum not voting.. TVfr "Ramett introduced a bill tO en able John Pointer, to collect arrears of taxes. Calendar. Messrs. Skinner and Speed vere granted leave of absence for one week. nn motion of Mr. Maunev. the Sen ate adjourned. 5, 1871 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. TENTH DAY, . :h :: c Faro ay,. Dec tst, 1871 . House met at 10 o'clock., , Speaker Jarvis in the chair. - Prayer by the ReY. Mr. Grayson of the I Journal of Thursday vcaa read and ap-. i proved,; . -. y :; Stewart presented a petition from commissioners of Harnett county asking - thaj the time of settling the tax be ex tended for SO days. Referred, v i'ft&b; Henderson presented a petition from rTarioiis -members of the bar of the 9th Ju dicial District, asking'an investigation of charges of mcohipotency against Judge Logan. On motion of -Mr. Waring, the petition was referred to a special committee of five. IXTRODrCTION OF BILLS Mr. Martin, a bill to he entitled an act in reference to the attendance of witnesses on Superior Courts in civil causes. Re ferred. Mr. Martin a bill to be entitled an act to to amend the charter of the town of Beau fort. Referred. Mr. Wilcox, a bill to change the line between Hilton and Piney Creek town ships in Ashe county. Referred. I CALENDAR House bill to be entitled an act to au thorize the Commissioners of Hertford Ifiw and collect a special tax of ($4,000) for the purpose V "J J of rebuilding the Court House, was taken up ana pass ed its third reading. On motion of Mr. Dudley , a bill to be entitled an act to amend the charter of Reliance Bucket and Axe Company, of New Berne, was taken up and passed its several readings. SPECIAL ORDER. Senate bill to authorize the Petersburg R. R. Co. to erect and keep up a bridge across Hoanoke river, was taken up. Mr. Ashe moved to amend by inserting the following section : Section . That the said Petersburg R. R. Co., shall be allowed constructive lpnrth of five miles for the road between the bridge and Weldon and the rates for all freights to or from all the railroads terminating at Weldon, and the Roanoke "WoiMcrfltlnn f!n shall be the same per mile mmr hp. r.harrred on the same kind ana class of freights between Weldon Petersburg." Adopted. The' bill as amended then passed third and final reading. CALENDAR RESUMED its tincn "hill fn h fritttied an act to au- ffnorize John J. Hastey, Sheriff of Union tc collect au arrears oi iaa.ea iui ic jemo of 1869,-,70,-,7l, was taken up and passed its second reading. House resolution in favor of Russell L Jones, of Buncombe, directing the Treas urer to nav him $102.17 with interest therecn from the 12th day of August, 1863, was takes, up. Mr. Johnston, of Buncombe, moved to re-commit the resolution to the Committee nn Finance. Adopted. House resolution to.extend the time of the Sherift of Alexander, county to collect the county taxes and settle with the coun- ty Treasurer, was taKen up ana passea us i secona reaamg. Mr. Kelly, of Davie from committee on internal improvements reported favorably on bill to amend the charter of the R. & G. R. R. Co., and recommended its pas- sa.ore. : House resolution in favor of W. E. Pier- cey, Sheriff of Yancey, extending his time for the collection and payment of taxes, was taken up. Mr. Young, of Yancey stated that Mr Piprr.p.v was owing to the disturbed condi tion thp times, and the serious illness of himself, prevented from collecting the entire tax. , , ttww snanension of the rules, the rpsoliition passed its several readings. TVTf Ashe from the committc on Finance reported favorably on an act for the relief oishennsana iax couevune, mended its passage. TTonse bill to authorize the commission- era r.t Turtle countv to revise the tax list on the first Monday in February, was taken the substitute reported by the com mittee was adopted, when the bill passed its several readings. nr.. atoywpI: from the committee on 131-1 . ixua " Propositions and Grievances, reported fa- and recommended the passage of the ao companying resolution. T2nlned. Bv the House of Represents ;q nnrl the Senate concurring, that the said tax list be returned to the commis sioners oi uaraeit couuiy tuiio-iiuu, and that the tax collector of said county after paying into the Treasurer's office five sixths ofjthe same now appearing due on said tax list, be allowed 30 days from the passage of this resolution, in which to make a final settlement with the Treasurer according to the corrected list Under a suspension of the rules the res olution reported by the committee on Propositions and Grievances in reference to the tax list of Harnett county was taken up and passed its several readings. Senate bill to be entitled an act to amend the charter of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail road Co., was taken up and passed its several readings. Mr. Johnston, of Buncombe, stated that Mr. Welch was detained from his seat on account of his sickness. Mr. Robinson in the Chair. Leaves of absence were granted to Messrs. Johnston, of Buncombe, for 1 day, to -Mr. Crawford for 3 days, to Mr. Jordan for 1 day, to Mr. Smith, of Anson, for 1 day, to Mr. Paylor tor 1 day, to Mr. Williamson, (coL) for three days. House bill for the relief of certain Sheriffs and tax Collectors of the State, was taken tin and nassed its several readings. A memorial from certain colored citizens of Raleigh, asking the donation of lot No. 79. on the corner of Hargett and 'Harrington streets, was taken ap. ' ;"' ;; On motion of Mr..Mariin. the memorial was laid on the table. . f , -.f u ' . Qn motion of iilrJ jolinston, of bun combe, the resqlutioninfavor of the Sheriff of Buncombe, was taken from the tabic '"' ? -; Mr.. Hargroye i moved : .to amendi f. tor. serting w that tho provisions of vthejresolu? tion shall apply to all the sheriffs of -the, State." i Mr. Waring moved , to -amend ' ;tbfc amendment, that ; all Sherif& who haye paid their taxes be allowed one. 'per cent, per month from theltime of payment X6' expiration of time of relief. ' 0- - - ohhvV.? - On motion of Sir. Phillips, the resolution and amendments weTe referred . tor the, Finance Committee. . .. Mr. Johnston, of Buncombe, (by consent) J , . - ' a A .1. ' , fTA-..m'.iri I a resolution lnsiruciing iue - ircuBuic. rxstpone any proceedings against- all sheriffs who have ' failed to -settle their taxes for 1871, until the 20th of December -m r . -XT 1- .1 A. 4-in nrlintn moC. AIT. X Oi K IUUVVU. LU iuj( iuc nui'io ter on the table. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Harris, of Franklin, House adjourned until to-morrow at 10 o'clock. . SENATE. ELEVENTH DAY. ' Saturday, Dec. 2, 187 1 . The Senate met at 10 o'clock. President Warren in the chair. Journal of yesjterdayread and approved. Mr. Troy is detained from his seat on account of being a witness. Leave was granted him from Friday until Monday next. Mr. McClammy introduced a bill to con ler the right of cumulative suffrage on. the voters of Wilmington N. C. Referred. . Mr.. Fly the introduced a bill to repeal an act to appoint Commissioners to lay ofl and establish a boundary Jine between Hertford and Northampton counties. Re ferred. Mr. Gilmer presented a petition from the citizens of Kernersville, Forsythe county, asking an amendment to their town char ter. Referred. Mr. Robbins, of Davidson, introduced a wn t.n pmnower the Commissioners of Ran dolph and Davidson Counties to lay off nri Mtahlish the dividing line between those counties. Placed on the Calendar. Senate resolution in favor of John L. Woods, Sheriff of Pasquotank, was laid on the table, the sheriff having settled. Senate resolution authorizing the Gov ernor to offer a .eward of $200 for the ap prehension of Luke Johnson, passed secon d ranliner spnti. msnlntion wrovldinsr for n ad journment on the 20th day of this month was read. Mr "Rnhhins of Davidson, moved to AlAftl - f nnstnrrtie the resolution one week. Thft vote was taken, a auorum not voting. Mr. Cowles called for the yeas and nays. fi-rantfid. Mr. Graham, of Orange, moved to lay the resolution on tne taoie. The veas and navs were called, and the motion to lay on the table was lost by the -fnl 1 r win cr vntfi Yeas Messrs. Allen, Bellamy, Edwards, Eppes, Gilmer, Graham, of Alamance, Graham, of Orange, Latham, Long, Mc Claammy, McCotter, Skinner, Speed and Worth 14. Nays Messrs. Albright, Beasley, Brog den, Brown, Council. Cowles, Crowell, Jones, Linney, Love, Mauney, Morehead, Murphy, Olds, Robbins, of Davidson, Rob bins. of Rowan 16. Mr. Robbins moved to postpone the con sideration of the resolution for two weeks. The yea3 and nays were called, and the motion to postpone, prevailed by the fol lowing vote : Yeas Messrs. Allen, Edwards, Flythe, Gilmer, Graham, of Alamance, Graham, of head, Long, Mauney, MsClammy, More Orange, Olds, Robbins, of Davidson, Rob bins, of Rowan, Skinner, Speed and Worth. Yeas, 16. ' Nays Messrs. Albright, Beasley, Bellamy, Brogden, Brown, Council, Cowles, Crowell, Eppes, Jones, Latham, Linney, Love, Mc Cotter and Murphy. Nays, 15. House resolution directing the Secretary of State not-to allow the Auditor's report to be published with the legislative docu ments, was read. Mr. Graham, of Orange, moved to amend the resolution so as to instruct the Secre tary not to publish the Auditor's report and the Constitution, with the public On motion of Mr. Love, the resolution was postponed until Monday at 12 o'clock. Senate resolution referring to the Attor ney General, the complaint that citizens of this State have bsen unlawfully arrested and carried out of the State, was read. Mr. Graham, of Orange, said tnat tne resolution may not be necessary so far as Allen Bettis is concerned, but that it is said that it is necessary for other citizens. I move to amend so a3 to make the resolu tion apply generally to all citizens arrested in like manner as Bettis was arrested. Adopted. Mr. Brogden thought the Senate was going further than it bad any right to goj He read the enforcement act to sustain his position. Mr. Jones said that the Chief Justice Chase would not think it ridiculous for a citizen to apply to him for a writ of habeas corpus to test the legality of an arrest made by the military. ' " Mr. Morehead moved the previous ques tion. Carried. - The resolutionpassed its second read: in. The rules were suspended and that por tion of the resolution authorizing.the At torney General to employ additional coun sel, was striken out, . and the resolution passed its third reading. " Mr. Jone3 introduced a bill to authorize the payment by the Treasurer of the costs in rnsps where the - State aimeals or . sues out a writ of error to the Supreme Court of Mr. McClammy presented a memorial Hates of JV'dvertlslni; i ' ' ' One square; one tlm- T-':t OQ t,, ..Miii; two Umtw'wf -(.':! T.x&o ' fl, r t- three timear' w m! 2 Oft A square is the width o. 'a column xind li, inches dcep.'ti l v-vxtt lcA o.fT Contract " Advertlsemcrits taken f at proportionately; low rates." nn el. .i rsK - Professional Cards, not exceeding I squared will bo pablished one year for 12L!. i vab .'.fx - fmm hn riinn of . New . HacAVftt wl Lh referenco to the linef betweeu thai And Sampson county. ' Referred. v Ir. :U?)v ' Senate bill to provide for the collection of arrears of taxes for the years 1870-'71l i was taken up. ',-:Ui: n The substitute of ithe-Jodlcitry - Com mittee was read and dopted,;v;- -M j Mr. Brogden mored to ! amead the bill j so as to include ftownsaad cities.n-: Adop- tddynq odi bun tly-Al to lc?o:'i : 'i f i jThe bill pxsscd second reading. win.' Senate bill to amend the liechaxlict and : Laborers1 Lien Law, passed, second read- ing.! ''i''''- ' Hi 'ti.p I - vHoase bill to authorize, the Commit ' aioners of Perquimins county -to ince bonds, passed second reading. " .sxhiliin "Senate bill itol define nriofl was'htid-'on I thotablfej :; r' ' :-'"l J r.-Gilmer introduced' a bill, to amead chap. C3, of the private lawarif tSTO-i:. Referred. :: ! . - -l.' J-'.iV) 1 Senate bill to am en 4 : Uths: 10; chap.! section 429, of the Code of Civil ihretecdore; passed second reading; u -yz'r f .rr Senate bill providing for exchanging the I stocks of the State fori bond with which such stocks were obtained and for-other purposes, and all bill relative to the Bute debt, were postponed and made special order for 11 o'clock on Wednesday next. Senate bill relative to joint contracts passed second reading.' :' ' ' -.. Senate bill to allow- the transfer of cer tain causes pending in the late-courts of equity read second time. 1 -i v.'.? The amendment offered by tho Judiciary Committee was adopted, nd the 1 bill passed second reading. - U-'J ;" . A message was Teceived! (r6bd the- House of Representatives transmitting the follow ing bills, which werqread ! A bill to lnccrporate ML Pleasant- Fe male Academyr Referred. ,: ' i Z r. Senate bil! to amend the charter ef the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Confpany;'' A bill to charter the Bank off Caswell. Referred. A bill relative to costs in -cases of con tested wills passed second reading. f The rules were suspended and r- House bill to charter the Bank of Caswell In Yanceyville; Caswell 'county, passed' sec ond and third readings. ' 1 b-. Mr. Alien introduced a bill "to change the time of holding the courts of the 8rd Judicial District, Referred, ' - 1 The rules were suspended and the. House bill to incorporate the Mount Pleaunt Fe male Seminary, passed Hi tecond anr third readings. - -; - '"l3. L1 Senate bill to consolidate tho Planters Rail Road Company and the Wilmington and Onslow Rail Road : Company, piused its second reading. - M " , Senate bill to incorporate the Border Rait Road Company, was read.' ' di An amendment offered by Mr. Morehead allowing the Company to borrow money, was adopted, and the bill passed its sec ond reading. ' Senate bill to authorize ' John Pointer of Person County, to collect arrears 1 of taxes, was (laid on the table. Mr. Gilmer introduced a bill to repeal Chapter 227, of the laws of 18C9-'70. Placed on the calendar. House resolution asking the opinion of Attorney General whether the General Assembly has the power to rtdistrlct the Senatorial Districts and make a xiew appointment of the House- of Representa tives was laid on the table.' ' t. : : A motion by Mr. Epps to adjourn, was lost 5 ' ' " 4 ' 1 be President announced the Commit tee on Penal Institutions. . The resolutions reported by the Com mittee on Agriculture, concerning the plan of Commodore M. F. Maurr for a system of international meterolOgical ob servations and cross reports, were adopted. - The xaleiidarhaTingiyecTr-CXhalistcdV the Senate adjourned. f? rs . -t( HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ELEVENTH DAY. Saturday, Dec. 18711 The House met ac 10, o'clock. ,'. , , speaser uaryiunucuutu Prayer by Rev- Mr. Collis, of the House. ; 8TASDLHO COMMITTEES. . n 'i ? . Mr. Powell, from the committee on In corporation,. reported favorably ,on a bijl. to incorporate the Mt Pleasant Feinalc Seminary, and recommended its pasaige." Calendar. Mr. Dunham, from the "Jtfdiciary Com mittee, reported forably on s bill to amend the law of evidence. - Calendar; . u Mr. Withers, from the Judiciary Com mittee, reported favorably on several bills, and recommended 'their passage. J Calen dar'" '- fS; f-;M' '- Mr. Marler, from the committee on Cor' poralions, reported favorably on strpral; bills, and , recommended . their, passage. Calendar. '''' V'"V . I iSTKODCCTIOX OF BESOLUTIOSS. 'Mr.TTork, a resolution instructing' the committee on Corporations to report a bin to strike out everything in the Constltn-' tion requiring the State to provide for the completion of the Penitentiary. Calendar. Mr. Powell, a resolution t in favor, of Jr A. Abrams of Raleigh:" Caleridarl ' Mr. Houston, a taJW30e8n tte Secretary of 'Btafe, to Turniahthe House with a statement f thi tramvir and con dition of the Zwoodea legs now. belonging to the State. . Calendar. V, . , . rxxnoDUcnox o Biixfl;, . tJml Gullick; a billlo' betitled an act to charter the town of Dallas. '; 'Referred." 1 'Mr? McCauley, a bill to be cntiUed an act to amend Article 4 of the Constitution ! of the State. ' Referred.' u-. ; y, , . , ; - t . , . Mr. Womack, a bill to be entitled an act, tb: amend chapter 178, laws otltoW). "Referred.-' - 1 ;:':t' - 7 3Ir; Tucker, rof Iredell; a . bill to i be en titled 4nr act to amend i chapter 13, laws, of 1870-71., Referred. , m t. ..,. ' Slr.-Jonei, of Caldwell, a bin to be eti-' titled an act to incorporate "'the Asricrine

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