1 1 . vention and also delegates to the Con gressional District Convention: J J Jlartin, William V Shelton, Esq.V G II Mabe, A II Joyce, Col James Mar tin, K II Young", J It Jewell, Lee -Nelson, James Hennis, Walker; Gann, Haywood Venable, J C Newsomy George Prlddy, Josiah Covington and Jackson wooa. - . . The Chairman ana secretaries . were added to the list of delegates. , ' 3. That we recommend and will cor On motion the proceedings of this , dially support Maj. Neill McKay for meeting were ordered to be sent to Tiik Era and Danbury Reporter with r i.. . rt a . tii a request to puonsn the same. The meeting then adjourned. W. W. McCANLESS, Ch'm'n. J. 11. YOUNG, .J r li us Throckmorton, . Secretaries. .- - - For the Carolina Era. . Orange County. Pursuant to previous notice the Re publicans of Orange county met at Ilillboroon Saturday the 30th of March to appoint delegates. The meeting was railed to order by Thos.' G. Dodsn, Ksq. On motion, Geo. M. Harden, Esq.," was elected Chairman, and James B. Mason, Esq., was elected" Secretary . Mr. Harden on taking the Chair ex plained the. object of the meeting. - t:i On motion, the Chairman . was au-t thorized to appoint a committee of .five to draft resolutions expressive "of Uhe views of the meeting, Messrs.. Thomas M. Argo, Wm. E. Thompson, John C: were appointed said committee. ; On motion, the Chairman was au thorized to appoint a committee of one from each township to recommend the names of three persons in each town ship as delegates to the. State Cdnven tion. Messrs. Wni. rN. XHarris, Thos. (J. Dodson, Ijewis Jenkins, Willis Mansrura, Arch. C. Hunter, Robt. Nichols, Solomon Pol-and Henry N. Brown, were appointed said committee. On motion, the Chairman was au thorized to appoint a committee of five t-j recommend delegates to the District Convention. Messrs. Thomas M: Kirk- land, Henry Crabtree, A. H. Hauya- wout, Jas. Hutchlns, Dewit C. Man sum, were appointed said committee. On motion, the Chairman was au thorized to appoint a committee of five to recommend delegates to the benato- rial Convention.' Messrs. Ike R. Stay horn, Andrew J. King, Ben Johnston, Wra. E. Thompson and Wilson Whit- ted were appointed said committee. The committee on resolutions report ed as follows which was adopted z. Resolved, That "we, the people of Or ange county, do' declare that we recog nize the principles of the Republican party to be the most promotive of the prosperity of the nation, and conse quently of the interests of the people of North Carolina ; Resolved.- That we endorse the ad ininistrationTof President Grant, and desire his renomination and election. Resolved f That we commend Gov. Caldwell for his firm and faithful ad ministration of the State government. Rzsolved; That-we desire harmony in the Republican party-as" the only condition of success: in the coming election. The following resolution was read as amended, was adopted : Whereas, Orange county has been overlooked in choosing candidates for favor ; and, whereas, a resort has here tofore been made to those districts which are largely Republican to select said candidates ; now therefore, Resolved, That we recommend Thos. M. Argo of our county as a proper can didate for Secretary of State. As amended, the delegates appointed to the District Convention are instructed and requested to cast their votes in said Convention for General Willie D. Jones for the nomination for Congress. Delegates to the State Con vention. T. M. Argo, Samuel Morphis, T. M. Kirk land and Wm. Peace, from Chapel Hill township. ! Ike R. Stray horn, John T. Hogan, JobTSerry and Ned Hauya wouth from Hillsboro township. Wm. E. Thompson, Thos. S. Cates, Samuel Crawford from Bingham township. W. Duke, John C. Chields, Ben. John ston, from Durham township. C. P. Warren, WmJ Ellis, John Mangum from Flat River township- Wm. R. Walker, A. W. Parker from Little River township. John D. Corbiri, W. W. Allison and Gus Allison from Cedar Grove township. Eldridge Parrish and Haywood Barbeefrom Patterson town ship. ' The Chairman, Secretary and the committee were added to the list of delegates. Delegates to Vie District Convention. Andrew J. King, James B. Mason, W. Duke, Thos. G. Dodson, Lewis Jenkins, Wm. E. Thompson, J. T. Hogan and Willis Mangum ; and the committee was also added to the list of delegates. Delegates to the Senatorial Conven tion. Thos. G. Dodson, Geo. M. Har den, Solomon ! Pool, Willis Mangum, Arde. Parker, Eldridge Parrish, Wilson Brown, Henry Crabtree and Haywood Barbee ; and also the committee was added to the list of delegates. On motion, the delegates to the State Convention were recommended to go for Tod R. Caldwell for Governor. GEO. M. HARDEN, Ch'm'n. James B. Mason, Sec'y. For the Carolina Era. ' Uamctt County. According to previous notice, a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Re publican party of Harnett county, was held at the Court House in Lillington, on Saturday, March 30th, 1872. ' On motion, James S. Harrington was called to the Chair, and Robt. A. Nor den and Thoi H. Thomas, requested to act as Secretaries. The Chairman explained the object of th(5-meeting, whieh-was to appoint delegates to the State Convention, to be held in Raleigh, April 17th, also delegates to the District Convention. .On motion; Sion Harrington, John M. Morrison and Ruben Matthews, were appointed a committee to prepare resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the meeting, who submitted the fol lowing resolutions which were -unanimously adopted : Resolved l.x That we approve of the administration of our present able and efficient Kxocutive, Gen. Ulysses ,8, for President of the United Staff ,o 1 2. That Tod R. Caldwell tiv hl4 firm and determined administration of the fotate Government, and by placing his veto upon, unconstitutional legislation, nas entitled himself to the thanks of the .Republican partv. and that we will cheerfully support him as our first cneermiiy support him choice for Governor- 'Congress from the 3rd Congressional i n- i7- . - District. " 4. .That the Chairman appoint twen ty delegates to represent this county in. the approaching State Convention; and five delegates . to represent the county in the District Convention to nominate a candidate for Congress, should one be held. Mai. N. McKay being present was called upon who eloquently addressed the meeting, fully endorsing the prin ciples of the Republican party. V In obedience to the 4th resolution, the Chairman appointed the following delegates to the State Convention : H M L Cameron, Joseph J Rosser. Neill McLeod, Sion Harrington, Neill Mc Kay, Jacob West, James M Turner, James Hodges, G W Stewart, N G McLeod, A Thomas, W H Jones, Hen ry. Faucette, Daniel McLeod, H H Vestal, Augus B Cameron, Wm Mc Lean, Hector Baily, Benj Barbee, Sandy Aikins,t Austin B Harrington ; and the loiiowinsrto the District Convention: JNeill JIcKaVi Sion Harrington. Jacob W&st, Kuben Matthews, Isaac Murchi- son; x- On motion, the Chairman and Sec retaries ttre added to both delega tions. ".? - On mxtidn, Itk was ordered that these proceedings be sent to The Era for publication, and request TJie Wilming ton.&st to copy. : On motion, the meeting adjourned. ROBT. A. NORDEN, Tnos. H. Thomas, X. Secretaries. V J. C. Logan Harris. This gentle man now assumes tlue editorial duties of the Raleigh Carolina Era, with which journal he has been connected for some time past as Local Editor. In him the ku klux sheets will find an an tagonist worthy of their metal his Republicanism is unquestionable, he is no new convert." We have known him personally and intimately from the birth of the Republican party in this State. Under his guidance, we are confident that The Era will commit no political blunder. "Wilmington Post. The Carolina Era. Mr. Harris is a erentieman mucn younerer than Mr. Hanes, a good and forcible writer and his Republicanism is undoubted. He adopts no half way measures. We like his style of journalism. Our only fear is that he may be too rash and impul- sive, yet we believe he win taKe no umbrage because we say so. The po sition he occupies is a laborious one and we know Mr. Harris will bring to the performance of his newly assumed du ties all the energies of his intellect. Republicans demand a good party or gan at the State Capital. We have no doubt Mr. Harris will fulfil the expec tations of the party. We wish him ev- ery success in his enlarged neia. Greensboro1 Jxew JYorth State. We see that Lewis Hanes has vaca ted the editorial tripod of The Era and that J. C. L. Harris, Esq., succeeds him. The new editor has had experi ence and possesses the ability to make the paper what a State organ should be bold, outspoken, vigorous and ag gressive, we nave iaitn to Deneve that we will now have a live paper at the State Capital. Elizabeth City North Carolinian. The Ha Leigh Era. Mr. J. C. L. Harris has become managing editor of the Raleigh Era, and is a worthy suc cessor of Col. Hanes, who has retired from iournalistic duties. Mr. Harris is an able and graceful writer, well post ed in politics and governmental affairs, and no man is better qualified to con duct the leading Republican paper at the State Capital. The Era is bound to increase in public favor as its, merits become known among the people as an exponent of. Republican principles and an advocate of the public welfare. Statesville American. , .T. C. LOO AN HARRIS, Kditor. TUESDAY, APRIL 9th, 1872. 3- All Letters relating to Subscriptions or Advertisements, must be addressed to WM. M BROWN, Business Manager. All Registered Letters can be sent at our risk Subscribers receiving their papers with a cross y mark, may know that the time for which they "subscribed is nearly out, and unless they renew, after receiving two papers, with a cross mark, their papers will be discontinued. Stockholders Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Stockholders of The Era Publishing Company, on Tuesday, the ICth of April, at the office of the Company. It is desired that all the stock shall bo repre sented either in persoh or by proxy. I. J. YOUNG, Chairman of Committee. . Raleigh, N. C, March 30th, 1872. ? Local, State and General Items. Iredell County Republican Meet ing. We are requested to state that there will be a Republican meeting held at the Court House in Statesville, on Saturday, the IStk day of April, 1872, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Republican State Convention in Raleigh, on the f7th of this month, and to the District Convention for this Congressional District, when held, and for other business. . All Republicans, and all persons opposed to the Ku Klux Democracy, and in favor of supporting the Government, law and order, are invihnl to attend. : . txrant, and that he is nnr plinlno - : . - : -zzr- . -- Burned to Death. Last week, a little girl about thirteen y'earf old,1 : named Marga ret Ilarkhammer, living' with Dr. Collet, of Morganton, was burned 30 badly that she It was at night when the child Was burn ed. Dr. Collet, whose wife is. a daughter of Gov. Caldwell, had gone to the Governor's house. The children were beta?f Margaret was left f to mind them and the house. It appears that Margaret laid down before the fire and went to sleep. Her clothes caught fire, and just as Dr. Collet and wife got in sight of their house they saw a light and in a second Margaret came running out of the liouso. The fire was nut vmw .,oo uiau uui Jf OCVUI1UO, UUt DUO Vt so badly borned that she died next day. While lying in'the bed a short while before she died, she asked that a little daughter of Dr. Collet's, about two years old, be laid in the bed beside her. . While the cold childs of death were stealing over her little form and her spirit was preparing to return to the God who gave it, she thus evinced her love for the children she nursed. New J udiciai District. We learn from the New Forth State that on Monday last the House of Representatives passed a bill by a very large majority, establishing a new J judicial district in this State, to be called tbe Western District of North Carolina. The bill was introduced by Hon. C. I Cobb and supported by the entire. N. C, delega tion in Congress. Air. Cobb deserves the warmest thanks of the people of Western N. C, for his earnest and successful efforts in procuring tke passage of the bill. Con gress can do nothing, the good effects of which will be more universally felt by our people, than the establishment of this dis trict. The bill is now in the hands of Senator Pool, and its fate depends on him. He is one of its originators and warmest advo cates. There is no doubt that he will put it through the Senate without subjecting it to delay in any committee. If he procures its passage immediately the Federal Court can be organized in a very short time. PersoXal.. The Statesville American v. savs we were pleased to receive a call this week from JuS ge Nathaniel Boyd en of the Supreme Court bQnch, who was on a visit to this place. J udge B. was looking in fine health, and has the clastic step of former days, when he was at thu head of tbe States ville bar, where he has been?, much missed since taking upon himself judicial honors. But few men have filled a sphere of greater usefulness in public life, and none more faithful to the trusts committed to their care, whether as legal adviser, statesman, and Supreme Court J udge. Probable Murder. Intelligence ar- vi of Gf of AotrillA nlnTrolo-ir rnAi,nin that a woman had been found somewhere in the northern portion of the county, with her throat cut and life extinct. The services of the Coroner were called in requisition, who departed for the locality. The woman was said to be a frail being, but whether a murder had been committed, or a suicide, was unknown. Ibid. Dwelling Burnt. We regret to learn that the dwelling house of Mr. Martin Guy, near Amity Chujch, in this county, was burned on last Monday. Mr. Guy was in attendance on court, and his wife being ab sent from the premises, the roof ignited from a spark, and the building was rapidly consumed. Through the exertions of the neighbors a portion of the effects of. the un fortunate gentleman were saved. Ibid. Murder and Violence in Kansas. - We learn that a brutal murder, perhaps of two gentlemen, took place recently in the town of Abilene, Kansas, one of the victims being Mr. W. B. Carmichael, formerly a citizen of Wilkes county, and well known in this place, where lie married a young wife a few years ago. The report is that two cattle dealers from Texas had had some controversy with Mr. Carmichael and his partner in a business matter, then went away, but returning, one of the Texans re quested Mr. C.'s partner to walk back with him into the store, and then and there shot him dead, while the other Texan shot Mr. Carmichael through the breast, inflicting a dangerous if not fatal wound. Ibid. Liberty. "Hurrah for Grant and liber- ty" says The Raleigh Era in announcing the Conneticjitt election. W hat a mocltery. xi luvre lias cvci uccu v jciy v-wi.wv-v. Tf il- l. lnnn li KntTr nrm nrii I I with Grants' and ministration the people of the South have not been able to see it. Charlotte Observer. There was no liberty for Republicans wi-.no Tnrnrwvftiir Vii lclnx were frefe to mur- j0r n A nnfrwfl t mfis have cbantreu. VIVO. lVt F - , J Thanks to the Congress; Grant and the Courts, there is no liberty at present for ku klux, that is, murder and outrage in the interest of the Democratic party, has been put down, and some of the criminals sent to the Penitentiary. Daily Republican Paper. It is stated that the Wilmington Post, now pmblished semi-weekly, is shortly to be merged into the Daily ' Evening Rost, the publication of which is to be begun about the middle of April. Major J C. Mann, an easy and pleasant write,' is to assume the editorial charge, and Mr. W. P. Canaday will be the manager. The Post will be the organ of the Cape Fear country. It is now a bold outspoken journal, deserves the patronage of the peo ple, and will increase in usefulness as a dailv. Ward Meetings. The Republicans of the Middle Ward will hold a meeting at the Court House 'to-night for the purpose of nominating three Commissioners." . For same p.urpose and'at the same .time the Republicans of the Eastern Ward will hold a meeting at Metropolitan Hall. Re publicans should turn out in full force. , V Xasii County Gold -MrNEs.-After ex? pending $40,000,' developing the lonjr aban-; doned Port is gold miner in Nash county, CoL Sturges, a Northern man, has struck a new vein which is likely o yield some mil lions of dollars of the fllthy needful." . A Request, o The undersized requests that a list of the delegates appointed to the State earliest possible moment. It will fa cilitate business very 'much. " A list of the County Executive Committees ai 1 pointed; byghe?ii should be forwarded also. Republicans will please take notice of our request and act accordingly. .. v.- . r ? ; ; 'uur.'i h -.:?tJ;C.. I. .Harris, -f ; 1 ': i Sec Rep. State Exi Conx Raleigh, N. C, Iklarch 1, 1872. U3 I ' " .'Jj-T. ; ... , 7 " . I Delegates to the State Convention -4 ; j .i i iw ti - Une fare. Arrangements have" been perfected by which delegates to the Republican State Convention will be passed for one first class fare over the North-Carolina. the Rich- mond fe Danville, the Western North-Caro lina, the Raleigh. & Gaston, the. Chatham, the Wilmington fc Weldon, the Atlantic fc North-Carolina, and the Wilmington, Char lotte fc Rutherford railroads. : Delegates should have - their credentials bronerlv signed and attested. We hope to see the largest and ablest, Convention . that ever assembled in this State. Every delega'e should be in this city "without fail on Tuksday, the 16th day of April. A caucus should be had before the Convention meets for business. There fore, every Delegate should be here on Tuesday the 16th. There should not be less than ONE THOUSAND DELEGATES present. Let us have a grand meeting of the representative men of the "party. " Uni ted we stand, divided we fall." '. Wake Supebiob Court. This Court met on yesterday. Judge W. A. Moore presiding. The Grand Jury is as follows : W. R. Pool, foreman, B. A. Perry, E. B. Jones, S. M. Utley, W. R. McDade, James Hollo way, John Diekerson, W. C. Bledsoe, RulHn Medlin, S. W. Edders, Henry Pully, Wm. Baker. zaaocicKtepnenson. James a. Ray, Manly Watkins, R. H. Page, John Womble, and Thos. Riggsbee. His Honor occupied an hour and thirty- minutes in charging the jury. The dis graceful and inhuman treatment of the Pen itentiary prisoners was dwelt upon and por- tions of the evidence elicited before the Leg islative Committee was read. The charge is spoken of in the highest terms, and we doubt not that J udge Moore will add to his repuation during his jsojourn with our people. Winston Republican aid The Era. We have made arrangements with Mr. Frederick T. Walser, Editor of the National Republican, published weekly at Winston, N. C, to club The Era, with the Republican, weekly edition, to subscri bers for $2.50 a year ; and 125 for six months. The Tri-Weekly Era and the Republican will be furi;?shed subscribers at $4.50 per vear; six months z.zo. We shall be gN to make a similar ar rangement with we Republican papers of the State. v The Winston RepubHean is one of the best papers in the State. It ikbold and fearless in its advocacy of the great principlfes of the Republican party, and merits the patronage of the Republicans throughout the State. V . Editorial notices are so common that it is s.lmost impossible for an editor ex press his honest opinion of the merits of any article -without being suspected of interested motives. This fact, however, shall not de ter us from saying what we think-of a new addition to the Materia Medica to which our attention has been recently directed. We refer to Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters, a remedy which is mail ing its way into more families just now than all the other advertised medicines put together. There seems to be no question about the potency of its tonic and alterative properties, while it possesses the great neg ative recommendation of containing neither alcohol nor mineral poison. That it is a specific for Indigestion, Billiousness, Cori stipation, any many complaints of nervous origin, we have reason to know; and we are assmed on good authority that as a general invigorant, regulating and purifying med icine, it has no equal. It is stated that its ingredients, (ootainea irom me wuos oi California,) are new to the medical world ; and its extraordinary effects certainly war- -i : n,,.( ; i e " w,iaus,u" J" 10 rt agents hitherto unknown. If popularity is,, any criterion, there can be no doubt of the efficiency of the Vinegar Bitters, for the sale of the article is immense and contmu- 1 auv increasing. !- -w. I t "VTOTICE ! All persons indebted to the estate of Re- .becca E. GOodwin, deceased, are hereby notified to make settlement, and all persons to whom "said estate is indebted to present their claims for payment to the undersigned. E. S. BADGER, Administrator Bebonis non of Rebecca E. Goodwin, dec. Raleigh, Feb. 29, 1872. 113 w. CLAIMANTS HAVING TESTIMONY taken by me will please understand that all .costs and charges are to be paid at the time when such testimony is taken Counsellors should so inform claimants. 1 E. W. WOODS, j Special Commissioner: -Chapel Hill, Dec. 12, 1871. 85 tf. J. L. HARRIS, ' , Attorney At Law, (OffictffiratdcorSouth of Standard buildingfx Raleigh, N. G. Practices in the Courts of Wake and before US. Commissioner, and gives special at tention to the .arguing of causes in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. All business entrusted to him, will receive prompt attention ; V ,y , 36 tL V CANVA SSJER S WA N TED . ''"For Oixr Own Fireside," hi':' . An Illustrated Paper, 16 pages; published Monthly.- Subscription price, $1.50. . " Every Subscriber receives a Valuable Chromo, Jl Fruit Piece, which sells for $5. r Send 2 certt Stamp for Sample and' Premidm; . List. Address W. E. GUMP, Publisher, " ' Dayton, Ohi. Cifyamt 5 Si llo i$L?srr AT THE OF 'I M J I Jk AUUSe2 PIlUniTlg' JjOLS, EVERY SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK, AT 12 O'CLOCK, AT i THE SALES ROOM, :nrT BY XINGSLAND & T.TTTJT,R,H Auctioneers. Land buyers may rely on Purchasing direct from the Property Owners. No Mid- j diem, en f pr Agents .allowed 3torr . g ."43peculat"riharg4 atKact tA-iU vance on the owners j price of Farms, 'Houses and Lots 'for Sale. House, 12 rooms, on South st., 5 Lots 00x200, " - " 44 16 Lots on Fayetteville street, Office and lot 44 44 -10 Lots on Manly street, - . t t 6 44 Railroad avenue,' 12 44 Salisbury street, 8 44 Hillsboro' road, 2 44 44 'street, 40 44 Graham avenue, 20 44 Fayetteville road. . ,5,000 800tr 1,000 100 to 300 1,700 100 to 200 "75 to 200 100 to 150 ,200 to 250 1,200 to 1,800 75 to 150 50 to 200 9 Lots on Martin, East and - " " j Davie streets, 200 to 400. 2 Houses and lots on East st., 2,000 House and lot on New bernav- "" ! " ! enue and Person street, 4,000 5 Lots near Tupper's Church, ! Blount street,i . . : -a-i ..t . 200 to 400 5 Lots near Holleman road, ! Blount street, 200 to 400 House and lot near Tupper's f i . Church, Blount street, 700 2 Lota on Morgan street, (one house on,) . , v , , ; . , , 375 to 400 7 Houses and Lots on Blount ! street, $2,500 3,500, 3,000, 800, 3,000, 850; 700 2 Houses and Lots near Blount street, . 'Bouse, 6 rooms, lot 4 acres, 1 mile from State House, f 1 Lot 52ixl0 oh Cabarrus st., House, 6 rooms, on Martin st., 44 4 " 44 Harring ton street, 3 Lots 52Jx210 on Harrington and Martin streets, Brick house, 4 rooms, near old depot, i '.; - n 4 Houses and Lots on Hargett and State streets, near Fai r Ground, House, 5 roo'iis, lot 20 acres, 1 mile from city, House, 6 rooms, lot 21 acres, mile from city, I, 100 acre Farm; near Selma, 709 44 44 44 44 45 0 4 4 4 44 . Hender son, 300 acre Farm near Huntsville depot, II, 500 acres and Iron Mills, Cleaveland county, 750 f 2,200 900 2,650 1,575 . j 500 to 600 i 1,500 450 to 650 i I 4,000 3,200 $8 per acre. 6 ' G 16,000 acres, near Morganton, 1 m Burke county, 50 cts per acre. 5,000 acres, near Gatesville, 50 4 4 4 4 44 For full particulars of some 500 farms, tracts of land, $rc, also for other city prop erty for sale and to rent, call at Real Estate Exchange of K1NGSLAXD A MILLER. apr 9 89: tf. c ANDIDATE FOR COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce Henry S. Keith as a Republican candidate for Com missioner in the Western Ward, subject to the action of the meeting of that Ward, j CANDIDATE FOR COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce Geo. T. Stronaoii as a candidate for Commissioner in the Eastern Ward. 12 te. M ORTGAGE SALE REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of authority vested in me by the conditions of a certain mortgage executed to me by Thos. J. Taylor and wife, on the 15th day of Sep tember, 1871, I will sell at the Court House door in' Raleigh, to the highest bidder,' for cash, on the 17th day of April, 1872, at 10 o'clock, lots No. 47, 48 and 49, in the sub division plan of -the Cotton place? near the eastern limits of the city of Raleigh, oppo site to the main entrance to the Fair Ground. AndvI further notify all persons, that a certain note, executed by Thos. Taylor and wife to me,' bearing even date with said mortgage, for the sum of 2,000, payable six months after date to my order, ind not en dorsed by me, has been lost; and the nego tiation collection or payment of the same by or to any person whatever, except the payee thereof, is hereby forbidden. i A. W. SHAFFER. Mortgagee. Raleigh, March 27, 1872. 129-tw2w. M ORTGAGE SALE- REAL ESTATE. By virtue of authority vested in me, by deeds of mortgage executed to me by John Gallagher and Matilda Gallagher, his -wife, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Raleigh, N. C, on the 17th day of (April, 1872, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the lot on j which said John Gallagher now resides, in the city of Raleigh, adjoining the North Caro lina Railroad, near the foot of Fayetteville street, with all the buildings, improvements, and all the material thereon, and contain ing two and a half acres of land, more or less. . u ' A. W. SHAFFER, 129 td. . ; . Mortgagee. IV yTORTGAGE SALE. M Notice 4s hereby given, that by virtue' of r. authority vested, in, .me by indenture of mortgage from 'Geo. 8 H. Appleget and wife, dated January 18th, 1871, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Raleierh. N C.orl the 17th flivef? Abrill 1872. at 10. o'doclf, AX acresoMand, lyihg InH the town of Ridgeway, in the county of Warren and State or ficrrtngtarolina, the property of G epi S. ill. A ppleget. j A. W. J , Ahril 1. 1872. td , 4 - r. i.Mortgagee.i 1 " - - ? - - 1 , . ANKRUPT SALE! 'iii publie -aueti6n, ttr ;the highest! biddel!,;for cash,- at the eonririlbtfsr door In "Raleigh, N. C, on Monday, the 15thr day of April, 1872, at 10 ojloclr, a; in., 7G 'afcres'of JLand, lying on the waters of Eno Creek. In Orange countv,N' C, the propertr of John Me- nniiA nnirrnnt ' . i " ' n . T ' tt t?t?tq lAmatiui- H'l . . C'h: t?1 i tl?',, I :! Uf H .n-i Raleigh, N. C. ' ,March 30thrl872.; 1 128 law2w. HEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE rowtt- - ' ..riliiimui .vijf OATS-per' bushel,' k''l ' lr" -none3 'TTmjIm Vm1am1 'Vitii T).. i T?T.( TT"R Vnrfh nnnillna Wmllw Ojann ' & ' I FLOUR Baltimore Family. 10 50rai2 00 Grocers -aZ Commission Merchants, 2 75 16 1 63 05 COTTON YARN CORN MEAL per bushel, I- ' r . Retail " Iricesu , r j , Ji " ' Grocersi and Commission Merchants, . r . -i rr Ilargett Street. BACON Baltimore smoketl, ''- ' unsmoked, ' - 10 Tll 15 (3) -17 S3 (di 'SO if strips, - - ---shouldersi " -N. C. Hams.' - BUTTER per Jb. . BEESWAX per Xb.1 : ' - 30 8 io 35 BEEF-ron hoof,'- " " perquarter - -COFFEE per lb., : - COTTON YARN per -bale, I CORN per bushel, ; . - -CHICKENS per piect , -EQGS--per dozen, -. . -FLOUR per bbl., - -;C FODDER per 100 lbs., ? -HAY per 100 fts., . .1 : "T HIDES green, per lb., - J T r - 44 lry, per lbM - - -LEATHER per lb., . 5 LARD per lb., - : -a MOLASSES per gallon, - :. 44 . Golden Syrup, MEAL per bushel, OATS per bushel, - - ; 44 per 100 lbs.; : ; - . PORK 1 - - -POTATOES Irish, per bush, j 44 sweet, per bush., SUGAR crushed, - - 44 extra C, - r; -P.R.,- - - ' " common. - - SALT per sack, -TALLOW pej tt., r L VINEGAR per gallon,- ' -" Cotton Market. ; ; BY ; . : ' " GEORGE T. STRONACH, Dealer in Cotton and Navai Stores, . Market and Martin Streets. Receipt at Raleigh, - -: - -: quotations: Ordinary, - - - -Good ordinary, '.- -Low middling! - 10 bales. 19 20 f - Newbern Com Market, ' REPORTED BT,,';V'tl , WILLIAM EC.' QLIVKR,; Corn , and Commission Z Merchants, Newbern, N. C, April 5, 1872. Market active ; Sales at G070 ctnta peri bushel of 56 pounds. ! . ; , ; Railroad freight to Goldsboro 5c.V to WilrJ mington 10c., to Raleigh 10c, to Charlotto 18c. per bushel. - CIRCUIT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES. District of North Carolina. itJ - , ,H j United States vs. one still and fixture, the' prop erty of John Spoon, and the tract or 600 acres of land, more or -less, on which said still wan , situated. Libel of Information.' " -To John Spoon and to all whom ft may con- cern : Greeting. , , . i ', Notice Is hereby given that the above mention ed property was seized by I. J Young, Collector of internal revenue for the 4th collection District , of N. O., on the 20th day of March, 1872, as forfeited to the uses of the United States for violation cf the Internal revenue laws, and the same is li belled and prosecuted In the Circuit Court of the United States for condemnation for the causes. In the said Iltel of. Information set forth: and , that the said cause will, stand for trial at the court room of said court at Raleigh, on ; the 1st Monday of June next, if that' be a Jurisdiction t day, and if not at the next day of jurisdiction I thereafter, when and where all person" are warn-. ed to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and to intervene for their interest. . : ' ' ' ' ' Given under my hand, at offlee, 'In Raleigh, the 1st day of April, 1872. a : ' S. T. CAUUOW, ,n( , 123 w2w . United States Marshid. ,, CIRCUIT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES, District of North Carolina, 1 ' 1 Unifed States vs. one still ond fixture, the ftroperty of George Jackson, and. the tract of 00 acres, more or less, of land, on which Raid still and fixtures were Mtuated, In the Count' of Orange. Libel df Information. -To George Jackson, and torall whom it may concern: Greeting. ..! .!i Notice is hereby given, that .the above men tioned property was seized by Isaac J. Yonng, Collector oflnternal- Revenue for the 4th Collee- lection District of North. Carolina oh' the 12th: day of September, 1CT2, aa forfeited to the used of the United Htutes for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is llleiled and proi ecuted in the Circuit Court of the United fctate for condemnation for the cause-In the nald Libel of Information set forth; and that the said causes' will stand for trial at the court room of said court, at Raleigh, on the lt Mon--day of Jufle next. If that be a Jurisdiction ' day, and if not at the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where all person are warned to appear to show cause, why condem . nation should not be decreed, una to Intervene for their Interest. - . ., . , Given-under my hand at office, In Raleigh, thla l&Llay xipnvjuu, 8. T. CARROW. 128 w2w. United Btates Marshal. 4 CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, District of North Caiiouka. United States vs. one still and nxturoM, the property of J. S. Stowe, and the tract of land on which said still Is situated. Libel of J norT , matlon. . To J. S. Stowe, and to all whom It may, con- f cern: Greeting. .t... v . iJt. 'Notice is hereby given that' the above men- tioned property was seized by J. J. Molt, Col lector of Internal Revenue for the th Collectloji , District of N. Q.,on the 15th day of March, 1872 as forfeited to the uses of the United States, for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted In the Cir cuit Court of the United States for condemna tion for the causes in the said libel of, lnXbrroa- tion set forth; and that the said causes will ' stand for trial at the Court Room of said Court ' at Ralelgh,xn the first Monday of June next,' If that be a Jurisdiction day, and If not at the ' next day of Jurisdiction thereafter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be de creed, and to Intervene for their interest.1;. - Given under my hand at ofnee, in Raleigh' ' this 1st day of April; 1872. S. T. CARROW, " 128 w2w ' Uni ted tttaea Marshal.; . , CIRCUIT COURT OP THE UNITED-"1ST ATES z District or North Caeouk a ; . d,, , , United State vs. 144 boxes mannfacturcd tohao- f co, and against Phillip N. Dnlln ami Alexan der M. Booe, manufacturing tobacco under tlie name and style of Dnlln l!ooe,and their surety, George W. Gal ther. Libel of Informa tion. '. :: .r . ft To Phillip N. Dulln. Alexander IWoe, (1kk VT. - Gal ther, and to all whom It may concern: Greeting. f - ?- a? T Notice is hereby given, tliat the Khovd nfi-hT ' tioned property m'os seized by S. II. Wiley, Col lecter of Internal .Revenue for the ah Collection District, of N. C-dii'l lie 15th day of January, 1872,-as -forfeited- to' the uses of the - United States ' for violation ? of: the Internal . Revenue Laws,. and the itni is t lllielled and iproset cutcd In thd Clfcult Court of the. United State for condemnation for the c;ui3s in tlie s.d.1 lllel of fhfbrmation set forth: aud that the said muse: wilLstand for trial at the court room of wild court at Raleigh, on theHrst Monday Of June next, lf that be a Jurisdiction -day, and If not at the rrxt day of "Jurisdiction" . thereafter, when und.whcre an persons are warneu io appt-jir io snow cause why condemnation should not be, decreed, nt' 1 to intervene for their interest J. - Given under my hand at office, In Raleigh, this 1st day of A prtl, W7A jr ; r . , jj . j ... . b. t. CAltRfiw.' I 12 w2w. ' ' United Ktate ilnrKhal. 75 . oo ($ i a. : 30" 15 20? 8 50 11 (.0, 1 40 (&l bar I 25 50.. ; o- 7 M2 l&Z 30 (") 40m ' 15 I 83 50 - 1 00 1 oo ai io , 85 1 00 00 (1 00 9 . 10 1 75 2 50 80 i;oo 20 00 18 :46 ' 15 . 00 12J - OO 2 75 (3)3 00 . ; 7 i 10 ' 40 .60 i 8J