V W. M. 'Brown, as" Business Clerk, is authorized to make contracts and give receipts, Ac, Ac j All letters relating to subscriptions or ad vertisements must be addressed to Wm. M. Brown, Business Manager. , Communications and political suggestions will be addressed Editor of Era, Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh, H. ft, June 15, 1871: ! STATE NEWS. ' I- Granville and Warren are to have some Canadian settlers. I ' ' . I ' v ' -Vk learn that the Expositor at William- ston has been revived. . j f f ' Dr. Geo. W.Graham, son of Gov.Graham, lias loaded in Atlanta, Ga. , Nense River Association of Baptists meets' -at Halifax on July 12th., - The colored people of Goldsloro purpose building another Methodist church. i Luscious peaches have been received in . Washington City from North Carolina. -JrnoK Watts will hold a Chamber Court in Uii City commencing on July 12th, 1871. . : p ; Hon. A. H. Arrington is .the Democratic 'candidate for Convention: in Nash. Of . course! I " ' ! J Ion. Thos. S. Ashe has been nominated for the Convention in Anson, by the Dem ocrats. i - 1 1. J. (Joonwpi, of Windsor, has' obtained a patent on an improved j spatter-dash for buggies. . ! Zion"s Landmarks, a Primitive Baptist organ, has lieen removed from Tarboro to Wilson: . . ! Flat River Association wRJ meet at Mt. Zi'.m, in Granville county, on the 8th of August, j The town property of Tafloro' is assessed at jcisi),("n), an increase in assessed value of $TiO,.MHver last year. - Dr. McDocoalp and.B. A. no well are mentioned as - prolxible candidates against 'on vert t ion in Robeson county. . ' The twenty-second annual meeting of the stockholders of the N. C. Railroad will be held in Greensboro' on July 13th. P.-csidont Martin Si'iys that the W. C. fc R. R. R. will probably be completed through to Charlotte by next summer. The Friend's' Normal School will le held this year at Caiie.Crcek, in Alamance coun ty, commencing on the 2Sth of next month. The Chatham county. Teachers' Associa tion will meet at Cane Creek, Alamance county, on the 21t and 22d of J uly. , i Sixty thousand dollars have been spent ma-nfly in the liquidation of tho debts of the Western Division of the Western N. C. R. 11. ! In Rutherfordton, last week, Mrs. Sarah Wilkie died, aged i2 years and Mrs. Char lone Miller, of Folk county, died, aged 82 years. ; . The next annual"' convention (5fth) of the Protestant Episcopal Church of North Car- -Awa will meet at St. Luke's Church, Sails- burv. W. A. Harney, of Elizabeth City, has been awarded the' contract of carrying the C S. mail from Edenton; to Norfolk, "Va. Price ?l,l:i5. " .!' j ' ' h Georok D. Bovd, Eh. and Hon. A. M. N-ales have been nominated as the Demo cratic Conservative ciiniiiilatos for Rocking- liam County. . I - Michael Brown, ono iof the oldest and most respecUble citizens of Salisbury died in that Uwn on Monday last. He was in his 77th year. , ' We learn there will be a Special Term of Granville Superior Court, commencing on Ihe third Monday in Julyj his Honor Judge Watts presiding.1 . f W. T. Crawford, of Martin, has leen nominaUxl by .the Dciuc rata for a sound beating at the ensuing election oil tho Con vention question. ; j We learn from the HillsbonV Recorder that Jasper Turner, a tobacco peddler of Orange, was found murdered in Duplin county last Saturday. - j -We are pleased to learn that the schools in this Suite under the auspices of the " Bal timore Association of Kriends," have been very sue-essful this year.' tj TTon. A. M. Waddell. of "Wilmington, ?will deliver the annual .address i before the young ladies of tho Charlotte Female Institute on tho 27th of June. At a meeting of the Central Republican socitioii of States in Washington, on Thursday last, Gen. Allen Rutherford, of this State, was elected Secretary, Gov. Caldwell has ordered a special. Term of the Superior Court of Anson for the trial of - tho murders of Mr. Redfearn. His . 1 lonor Judge Buxton will preside "Wo learn that Law. F. Battle, Esq., of "Nash, contemplates tendering, at an early dayt his resignation as Senator from that county in the State General Assembly. TnK-'rtrj7rrtw says a young colored man named Allen Bryan lost his life in the yicin ity of Raleigh on the 3d! Instant, in saving the life of a son of his former master from drowning. ; The'town of Oxford has a reading club which is composed of ladies and gentlemen. Their reading room is supplied with the leading periodicals. So says tne liuisooro' Recorder. - Wm. Popp, U. 8. Engineer, Is engaged in n' Survey of the Neusej river from - Golds-1-oro'to iU mouth, with a view to the re moval of obstructions. So says the New- Rev. A. JV EARtJE,,the distinguished Baptist Evangelist, will preach in Raleigh on the evening of the 23d Inst. Ilewillpass ou, next day, to Norfolk. M- : ' ' ' " , . ' ; The Raleigh fe Gaston Railroad . feas de clared a dividend of six per cent., payable on and after July 1st. This Is one of the very best roads in the South. : Writing Ink is manufactured in Char lotte and Windsor; In the latter town by Henry Alger, and his ink is commended by a correspondent of the Sentinel. ' - j i i Richardson Drivkr, sentenced in 1869 to ten'years in the Penitentiary for larceny, has been pardoned by Gov. Caldwell, as the prisoner is pronounced to be dying with consumption. . i , Dr. Grissom, the efficient Superintendent of our Insane Asylum, is in attendance on the meeting of the American Association of Superintendents of Lunatic Asylums at Toronto, Canada. " i 2 i r . 4 ' Wk were pleased to meet in this City, a few days since, Col. R. M. Douglas, Private Secretary to President Grant. CoL D. is on a brief visit to his native State, and is look ing exceedingly well. Dr. Pride Jones, of Orange County, was before the Ku Klux Investigating Commit tee of Congress on Monday last. He was examined in relation to affairs generally in Orange and Alamance.' f Through to Chaklottk. The Presi dent of the W..C. A R. Railroad informs the, Wilminsrton Journal that the road will CD ; ( . probably bo completed to Charlotte: by the- middle of next summer. John Nichols, Esq., of this City, was at the session of the Grand Cliapter Of Royal Arch Masons at Wilmington this woek, elected Grand High Priest the highest Masonie office in the State. ! ; r The Statesvillo A merican says that it has a portion of the press on which was printed tho "Mecklenburg Declaration of Indepen pendence," May 20th 1775, part of it was de stroyed by federal raiders in ISoo. j The present member of Congress . from tho tirst Alabama District is a colored man, named Sterling Turner, a native of Halifax county, in this State, and once belonged to a gentleman living near Weldon. The Odd Fellows of Wilson are making arrangements to have a celebration at that place on the 23rd of June. . Seaton Gales, Esq., Grand Master of the Order in North Carolina, will deliver the address. The Charlotte Observer tells us that Hen derson Young, coL, was lasf Friday found guilty of the murder of Mr. Ed. Smith, of Mecklenburg county, and has been sen tenced to bo hung on the 14th of J uly. ' - ' - The Masons of Warrenton and Hillsboro' will celebrate the approaching Anniversary of St. John the Baptist on the 24th inst Isaac R. Strayhorn will deliver the address at Hillsboro', and the Rev. Paul Carraway at Warrenton. I . The Contempt Case. We are informed that the contempt case of David Schenck, of Lincoln County, who was barred by Judge Gi W. Logan from practicing in his Courts, will be argued on Monday, the 19th inst. Messrs. Brairir A Strom: apoear lor Mr Schenck. . Send Them In. The Secretary of , the Republican State Executive Committee de sires that a complete list of each County Committee' be forwarded to him at once. The District Committees should see to it tljat a 'complete list is sent up immediatelj from their Districts. j f The Democratic legislature says the Hbrth Girolinian, neglected 4o levy ' any tax to carry on the Public Schools, but they did levy 200,000 to pay the money borrowed at eight per cent to pay the ex penses of the Holden prosecution, and to pay the per-diem of the Assembly. i " Gov. Bragg says tho A'orA Carolinian, is reoorted to be the author of j the late Democratic Address to the people of North Carolina. Is'nt it a singular that the posi- lion he now takes on the Convention ques tion is diametrically opposite from the one taken and maintained by him in lo4 7 . .We were pleased to meet in this City, on Thursday last, Alfred II. Dockery,'Esq., of Richmond County the newly appointed Consul to Stettin. Prussia. He is a son of JIon. O. 11. Dockery, and sails on Wednes- rUv noxt his Dost of duty. He is a vjoung gentleman of much promise, and; we congratulate lain on his appointment. The Raleigh Telegram says: "Mr. James Burras, of Moore county, had a tenant, Jack Peoples, who would not work. Mr. B. took steps for ejectment, and one evening last week, the SheritT, accompanied by Mr, Bur ras. went to serve process on Peoples. During the progress of the affair, the latter raised a shot gun to shoot Mr. Burras, who also raised his gun, when both hred simul taneously, and both fell dead in their tracks." The' Statesvillo American learns that the wife of Mr. Burrel Barnes, of Alexander eountv. a few davs ago. was burnt so that death ensued in a short w hile, in the fol lowing manner: she was preparing dinner. her husband plowing in a field near, and! it is supposed that her clothing took lire, when she ran out into the yard, but her rins were not heard. When found, she was insensible, and died in a short while afterward. A heart-rending accident occurred a few weeks since on Rock Mountain, in Wilkes county, by which a Mrs. ttkins j lost her life and her husband was severely injured. They fell over a precipice 250 feet high. Mrs. Atkins was terribly mangled : Mr. Atkins had no bones broken, but was bad- lv bruised, and is recovering. Mrs. Atkins was the daughter of Franklin Wiley, of Guilford county, and had been married about a year. They were with others on a pleasure excursion. . Sentenced. In the U. S. Circuit Court, at Raleieh. on Tuesday, says the Wilming ton Star.yVf. J. Green, Of Montgomery county, who was convicted at the last No vember Term of illicit distilling, and who made his escape from custody before sen tence was -passed upon him. but who was subsequently arrested and brought to this ! city on Saturday last, from whence he was taken to Raleigh, was sentenced by the I Court to six months imprisonment and ttoo- infoli;Tnt Builder knows the value and Importance of good Doors, Sashes and .Blinds, well made, of good ana tnpr outrhly seasoned stock ; but many, are ri- informed of the best place " to purchase at the lowest prices. For the benefit of such, we would refer to the Messrs. . Whitlock, A Co., 254 A 256 Canal Street, New York, who have always on hand an extensive and well selected stock.. Their new Circular and Price List is sen$ free, on application. Another- Outrage. We are informed by a letter from a reliable gentleman that a raj-frr of men. disguised as Ku Klux, wont to the house of Joseph Tesinger, in Rutbjer- ford I County, on; Saturday night, 3rd inst.; and jwhipped him severely. Three of le party Andrew Brooks, Lawson urootcs, and George Bridges, were recognized and have? been arrested by this time. When it is too late the Ku Klux find 0ut that they will not be allowed to control Rutherford County by intimidation, outrage and murder; . Forbearance will cease to! be a virtue before a great while; and the Kii Klux wiU meet bullets whenever they make . . . . - i i j an a We learn that Judges Bond and Brooks have' ordered that many of the petty cases now bq tho docket here from distant sec tions; of the State, be transferred to the Dis trict! Courts at Morganton, Wilmington, Newberne and Elizabeth City. j .j Thisjia a good move, as many tnning cases for violations oi internal ivevei u otiru frnm thfMA sections, now stand on the docket, consuming the time of the Court, and preventing the trial of a large dockej of civil business quite important to the peo ple; j Besides, it is wrong to bring these parties here from, a distance when Courts are hold 'more convenient and less expen sive to defendants! f. I - f j While Ve believe in enforcing the revenue aw, we think ino greatest carw wiuuwjire ..l-. flint nno niav have crood reason to t,An.TA. ..v-.w : : L i complain of injustice. -. j A cciPENTLY Shot. On Friday, a Mr. Richd'Dednam, Sr., of this county, was in the store of Mr. Julius Lewis, on Fayette villo street. He had been looking at a very small single-barrel pistol. Mr. Nick West, the efficient and j gentlemanly clerk, was waiting on Mr. D. After the pistol lid been examined Mr. D. turned oil and start ed to some other part of the store, when the pistol Went off in the hands of -Mr. West, striking Mr. Dednam in the left side or ius backU It seems that a cartridge had bejen put iiv the pistol, of which Mr. West was ignorant, and in letting the hammer down the cartridge exploded. Drs. Royster auid W. Hi McKee were called in, and the smf- fereii was removed to the residence of Dr. McKef -The bullet ranged downwardly, and w are fearful that the wound isatal. Mr. AVest is very much grieved that the ac- cident'should have happened ; and we sin- cerely hope, not only for the sake ot tne family and relatives of the wounded man Hut nl-sW nn .juM'Ount of Mr. W.. that Mr. ledn:j?xi may recover. i CoLoiiED Conference. Bishop Pierce and Rey. R. O. Burton give notice in tho l wttafia nf tho 1?alftiQ-li Chrixtain Adii took w.v w .hv O m i cate, that a meeting for the organization (of tiio CnnforeiK in Virsrinia and North Car olina of the "colored Methodist Churc h AniAri " will le held in Enheld. Jlalift county, North Carolina, on the lth June. 1S71. and request the attendance all colored preachers who desire to comic themselves with tho Conlerence. Bishop Tierce savs that "Bishop Milps will ! visit North Carolina early i in June, beginning his labors most likely at Wil mington. I commend him to his people and to all as a worthv man and faithful serf van't of our common saviour, Jiisns Chri$t. Bishop Miles is one of the colored bisli- ops recently ordained by the Bishops of the" Methodist Episcopal Church, Southl llei recently visited a town in Tennessee and. after preaching to the colored people morning and evening, by special mvita- inr tlin whites Preached to them in Uie afternoon. - H t : : .Tfve Piistrict Court jiow in session draws maiiy to the city and from the countenance oi tne.vanous panics you can picuj " guesfe ilfe business that brings them - here. The ! bland and placid smile denotes the ... i . ...... x i.n "legal', iraternity mai compose part bf this throng now in our city, and are aarmtria- tho "Lesral Tenders" from their ""rrrDi " j : unfortunate clients who may also be ree- ogniiod by the length of the face and the care yrprn countenance. Prominent among the throng are the Kevenue omcers wnom you -may readily recognize py ineir njee clothes,;: and general "well to do appear long will it be before the ance.H Jiow practice of the law will cease to be lucra tive?'. .How long before people wall ease to break the law, and oh how long will it be before these onerous taxes will e reduced to such an extent that Revenue officials can be altogether dispensed with and the credit and faith of the government still be -maintained. We anxiously await the coining' of t! tie day and may it not be far distant. ! Ttia with painful feelings, that we are nrwin tn rpcord tlie death, bv his own I " --: ; ' ' - L.r hand, of the Hon. R. R. Heath, late ono the Judges, of our Superior Courts of Lnw and Equitv, We knew Judge Heath well at the bary-and on the bench, and can truly say, that; a more courteous and ttignined irentleinen in the one sphere, or a more CTi ' - learned and iust Judjre on the bench we never knew in the State : , We copy from the Daily Telegram of this city, the 1 follow-! ing just and complimentary tribute: "ye learn from the Statesville American that Judge Heath, formerly of the Superior Court Bench of this State, committed sai cide: byi cutting his throat with a razor,! a few 'days since, from which he died a day or two since. The rash deed was commit ted fit his home in Ashe county, j No cause is assigned. I Judge Heath was universally regarded in North Carolina as one of the most emi-i neut Judges that has at any time graced our Bench. When charging a jury, or de- cidiirjg points at .Nisi Prius, he presented soinowhat the . appearance of a machine constructed for the very purpoee of utterj ing; law. All was unimpassioned, ; trans parently clear, and sufficient neither too much 1 nor too little. The unflexible and automatic tonea of his voice added; to the impression. . With him, temptation to par tiaUty or ordinary human weakness, seemed out of the question. If such an institution were to fail of its design, fit could be ascribed to intellectual miscar riage alone. No one could entertain! a thought of any purpose upon the Judge's part, except to pursue reasoning to its j le gitimate conclusions. His ability to fdo this was extraordinary, and his success un surpassed. '' I Learned in his profession, quick of ap prehension, possessed of fine powers of an alysis, fready in expression, dignified and courteous in bearing,, he -will long . be re mnmhflml with re&rret. bv the Bench, the Bar, and the generfil publia For the Carolina Era. Iemtor Carolina Era : It did me good to read vour first number. T like the tone of the DaDer moderate but firm In the sup port of Republican principles, decided and fair in its opposition to the attempts to iorce unon the people a Convention in a manner not provided for by the Constitution, and, in fact, revolutionary, Tor it oisregaras an restaints put upon the will of a bare major ity, and leaves the organized law, the very foundation of all government, to depend upon the caprice of the moment, so that nothing is hereafter to pe treated as final and settled ; and any party, when it happens to get a majority vote, is to be considered as having a right to call a Convention, and change the Constitution to suit its peculiar policy, and make room in the affairs of the State for hungry expectants. r Every one can see that such a state qi things will not secure th object. of a good government, and that t.'ie . re t iit Conven tion movement, if carried out, ill result in producii g ust that state of things. i l suirtrest. however, for' consideration, does not tho Em yield too much in putting the whole issue upon the unconstitutional and revolutionary mode in which it is pro posed to call the Convention ? I Many of our citizens, and I am one ql them, do not think that the objections to our present Constitution are so grave as to justify the call of a Convention, if. it cpull be tfone by a two-third vote of .the General Assembly. : Many voted against tho adoption of the Constitution because the Judges are elected by the people for a term of years, thereby octrnvinff tho inricneiidence of the Judi- UVOUl V J M. wm-w X ttnt as it has been adopted, it should clary. have a fair trial, and the objections to it are not so potent as to justify a clamor for change at this earlv day. and at the risk bf - j- . setting a bad precedent to bo followed when the other partv happens to get a'majority the other party happens to get a'majority vote. .,!!'.-' ;. f j j You will soe that in the enumeration of ; supposed objections to the Constitution, set out in the address of the Democratic Con servative Executive . Committee, Messrs. Bragg, Merrimon & Co., do not advocate falling back upon the old Constitution in this particular. Why? I venture to say both of these gentlemen are opposed to this provision, and yet they fear to say anything about it. They object to the Township sys tem, but propose no substitute. Are we to go back to the old County Court system, with Justices appointed by the Legislature on the recommendation of the members of the several counties, and an accumulation of costs by appeals to the Superior Court, with a double set of costs, and a petit j iiry and grand jury at each of the four terms? They make no comparison of Uio costs of the two systems. j; - j I ; So in regard to other matters the people are called on by a general 'clamor keeping back some things that liave force in them, and pressing some that have no real force, but chime in with the feelings of the mo ment to put the organic Law at the mercy of a set of men eluded m these excited ... ....... -...'il times, in other words to "go it bund." The true policy according to my judg ment is to "go slow and look betore you lean'' save the cost of a Convention j by taking time and making all needful amend ments, by legislative enactments alter J the particular change has been pointed out land considered by the people and by two dif ferent sets of Legislators. These matjters do not 'belong to party, they concern all of tljio people, a democrat may well vole against a Convention, and a republican; for one if such be their convictions as tothe true interests of our beloved old State, j ; Politicians and the newspapers are try ing to make it a party question. There is not one man in ten who candidly believes he ought Under present circumstances to incur the expense and excitement incident to a Convention. It remains to be seen how far people can le carried by applying tho party lash. . j. J CONSERVATIVE. June 8th, 1871. . v Married, in Kinston, on the 6th instant, Dr. Jas. B. Hughes, of New Bem.e, to: Miss Elia W. Knox, of that town. Married, in Fayetteville, June 8th, at the residence of the bride's uncle,! Maf Arch'd McLean, by Rev. H, G. II ill, Mr. John B. Harris, of Chatham' counjty, to Miss Alice Poe, daughter of J. C. Poe, Esq., of Cumberland county. ; New Advertisements. D OORS, SASHES, blinds; "Wood Mouldings, Stair Rails, Newels, ftc, :- 1 : -U .ENAMELLED, EMBOSSED, GROUND AND CUT GLASS. A large and well assorted stock of the alove goods constantly on hand at the low-j e4 rates. Order work promptly attended to Builders and owners will find it to their adW vantage to get our estimate before purchas-j tbw Knciiil attention eiven to Black! Walnut and other First-Class work. Estimates and Price Lists furnished ori application. r WHITLOCK Sc CO., - ' I S5 l' & 250 Canal Street, NEW YORK. 2 wly. June 8, 1871. TNTEMPERANCE AND NATIONAL A. Integrity. ' . PROHIBITION. . i : By Aaron M. Powijlu j ; , Reprinted from the Herald of Health foj- May, 187 1. j , ..... -. ; -.. A neatly .printed, sixteen page Temper ance tract. . '!?''' ' I . Single copies, six cents ; for distribution Jour dollars per nunoreu. rFrom the (Cleveland, Ohio) Prohibition Era. ' j !! i READ. , I f Be sure and read the excellent article op the second page, on "Intemperance and Na tional Integrity," by Aaron ;M.; PowelL wfiirh wo have taken irom mis mom-n tt . 1,1 t TTnih : Tt micht to be read Of 11-. urj avvwm 1 n - ! every temperance organization, and by ev ery temperance man. ; 1 Address AaRON M. POWELL, P. O. Box 1416, New York, or Wm. P. Tomlinson, Publisher,' JaneS. No. 39 Nassau street. v Raleigh Markets. ") ' "WTiolele Irice, : CORRECTED) TRI-WKEKLY 11 T POOL Jlc MORING Grocers " and Commission Merchants Corner Wilmington and Mjirtin Sta. COTTON per lb., - - -CORN per busheL - - -PKASK ner bnsheL - - 171 10 25 52 00 1 1 1 8 k)ATS per hundred, - - ; - IA)U Li ISorili Carolina rauiuy, FLOUR Baltimore Family, i -BACON per D., - - - 10 50 -10ill 3 10 17 44 30 1 30 - 1 10 SALT per sack, - -BAGGING - - . -MOLASSES Cuba, new, - ; - " Sugar House, COTTON YARN- CORN MEAL per bushel, - - . lXetil I?rice. ; j '. CORRECTED TRI-WEEKLY BT , MARCOM & ALPORDt. Grocers and Commission Merciiantsy v ; Hargett Street. A PP LES dried, - - 3i 05 00 dvl W J-greon, -Baltimore smoked, BACON 12 44 11 H 15 10 20 ta 15 nsiiioked, 124 00 11 '20 30 , -strip's. - 4 shoulders, - - i-4-N. C. Hams, - BUTTER per lb., BEESWAX per -BEEF on hoof, -COFEEE per lb., - - -CHEESE-per lb. -COTTON YARN per bale, 20 Vi ' 25 07 d3 10 20 "30 2j 25 35 j1 40 00 il 10 15 30 171 (?j 20 75 00 50 (tj,0 00 75 1 00 05 k Oil 06 CORA per bushel, CHICKENS per piece EGciS-1-per dozen. - j - 1 i FLOUR per bbl., l' (M)l)t.it per iuu ins., - 1 fi "AY-Per 10C i tbs n iiiura -l If t.Il. IM HIDES-r-green, per lb., - " ; -Ktry, per ro., -HERRINGS, N. C per bbl., MULLETS per bbl., - 13 OH 13 8 50 (tu9 00 0 00 (0 00 35 40 16 (a) 20 33.io 50 JARD per tt MOLASSES r .LiKA iniii-K per ro., - MOLASSES per gallon, -MEAL per bushel, - - 1 OATS per bushel, - " i -per 100 lbs., - - 1 PEASE stock, - - - 1 white, - - 1 POTATOES irish, per bush., 1 PEACHES dried, peeled, -SUGAR crushed, " , extra C, - -" P. R., - -" common, -SALT per sack, - - - 3 TALLOW per lb., -VINEGAR per gallon, . - ' ' remarks: Eggs scarce, butter abundant 10 (a,l 20 65 (0 75 50 (a,0 00 30 (ujl 50 50 6jr 60 50 (a2 00 OS 10 20 (a) 00 16 (tj 16 15 (y, 00 12(u 00 10 (a, 3 25 8 (cu 10 40 '( 50 Cotton Markets, CORRECTED TRIj WEEKLY BY Dealer in Cotton and Naval Stores, Market and Martin Streets. Receipts at Raleigh, - - -For shipment from Raleigli, For storage -Sales yesterday, - QUOTATIONS : Ordinary, - - Good ordinary, Low middling, - - -Middling, : - - -Market active, cotton scarce. 79 bales. 47 " 32 " 57 " 141 16J(5il7 16i17 00 NEW YORK MARKETS. - - Thursday, June 10. Cotton strong, 20J.. j BALTIMORE MARKET. Cotton firm ; middlings, 10i20. A TLANTIC & N. C. R. It. COMPANY r r Summer Arrangement for 187s J From and after 'June 15tli, 1S71, until the first Monday in October, 1871, TICKETS mav be obtained from any Ticket Agent, on the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, from any Station,' to Morehead City an I re turn for one first ' class fare or one secorul class fare, as follows :j - From Goldsboro' to Morehead l'ity and return, first class, ?5.00, second class, $4.00. From La-G range to Morehead City and return, first class $4.25, second class ..40. From Kinston to Morehead City and re turn, first class $3.75 second class $3.00. From New-Berne to Morehead City and return, first class $2.00, second class $1.00. From Newport to Morehead City and re turn, first class 50c, second class 40c. Children over five and under twelve years of age, . half the ' above rates. .Persons who fail to obtain such tickets, will be charged full regular fare. -.Persons getting on' train, between stations where such tickets are soldj will be charged local .fare to the first station, and then be allowed to purchase a return ticKet, uui 11 mey iuu w iimviiaBc ticket, will bo charged full fare both Ways. i Hi. It. n i AiMjl, XT I CflitrM.. New-Berne, June 8, 1871. 4 tf. IV TAP OF WAKE COUNTY. A ISVW iyjL and correct Map of this Cdunty is now for sale at the Telegram olhce; it can also oe had of Fenpol Bevers, Esq., County Sur veyor. '- . i No pains have been spared to make tne Map perfect. The township boundaries are jriven. and tne ranroaus, county streamsano names oi iuany liumsmo ly marked. Accompanving the Map is a plat of Raleigh, 'showing location of public build ings, ifce. ; also, a table, showing tle popula tion of the different townships, male and female, white and colored, with the number af dwellings and families in each ; area in square miles, number of farms and number of acres in each township. ! ( The townships are described, the nature and qmaility of the soil and the products of each being given. Population of the City ; amount invested in manufacturing; county and citv indebtedness, tc. Price $1.50 and $2.00. June 0, 1871. ' i 1 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GOLDEN AGE, an; independent and thorouglily pro gressive weekly paper, devoted lo whatever tends to make mankind purer and better, and to questions of the day, whether they relate i to Church, State, Morals, Politics, i.itortnrP Soeietv or Art. Conducted by Ti.viAro Tiltn -'forseven vears Editor of " The New York Independent," and by Rev. William T. Clarke, late Editor of " the Liberal Christrian." n T v, V ii.i An a r a" nn m Hers anions its contributors some of the very best writers. in the countrv, and is pronounced uy inu petent critics" to be one of the most enter taining as well as able journals published, vnHlihed at OSoruce Street (P. O. Box 2.848.) New York, ot $3,00 per annum. wO. W. RULAND, J , . - June 8, 1871. i 1 ATLANTIC AND NORTH CAROLINA . Rail Road Company, ( . i , Presipent's Office, j ; ; New Berne, N. C, June 1, 1871. . j ' NOTICE. . : j-; The interest due on the first day of J uly. 1871, on the Bonded debt of the Atlantic and Tfail " Road OomDanv. will be paid at the Fulton National Bank, .New fat.irm nf thft ( 'nil nons whertduc E. R. STANLY, ; I President Atlantic and N. C. R. R Co. June 6, 1871. ; 1 JJ E D. IIAYNES, UNDERTAKER, Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N. C, Walnut, Poplar and Pine Burial cases fur nished at short notice. Orders for under? tob-inrr nrnnintlv AltATlded tO. . Furniture repaired to order. Remember the place on Wilmington Street,.nearly op posit the Cuthojlc Church. Raleigh, June 8, 1871. 1 ro. CIRCUIT COURT OF TllH UNITED STATES District of North Carolina. United States vs. Two Boxes of manufactur ed Tobacco, in boxes, iuu , : gross ; iuu lbs. manufactured TobaccO, without box es ; one Wagon, two Mules and Harness, property of James Fi- A. Lnmond-f Libel of Information. 1 i To James F. A. Lamosd, and to alt, whom it may concern: Greetino. j ? . That tho nlmvn iUWW 13 ' fc' ' vy.., - -- . montmnwl nrotwrtv Was Seized 1V John l. Chesson. Deputy Collector of Internal Rev- enue, 1st uoiiecuon uisinci vi viv lina, on the 20th day of May, 1S7I, as for feited to the uses of the United States, for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the United) States to condemnation for the causes in tho id Libel of Information set forth ; ana inai mo said causes will stand for trial at the Court Room of said Court at Raleigh on the 19th dav of June next, if that be a jurisdiction . - . . . - . . . i . i : . .-I : day, ana II not ai ino nexi uay j uriswuu tion tliereafter, when and where all persons aro warned to appear io snowi cause wiiy condemnation should not be decreed, and to intervene for tliolr interest. , Given under my hand at ofllce, n Raleigh, this 2nd day of June, 1871. iune 13 w2w.? ' . i U. S. .Marshal CIRCUIT COURT OF THFJ UNITED UTATKSr-District of North Carolina. United States vs. 65: Barrels of distilltnl spirit, seized as tne property! oi r.. . Groot Libel, of Information. To E. W. Groot, and all whom it may con cern. Greeting. Notice is herebv eiven. that the above mentioned property was seized; by S.' II. Wilev, Collector of Internal Kevenue oi me 6th Collection District of North Carolina on the 20th day of January. 1871, 4 forfeited to the uses of the United States,! for viola tion of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted Jn the Cir cuit Court of the United States for con demnation for the causes in the jsaid Libel of Information set forth ; and that the said anses will stand for trial at (the Court Room of said Court at Raleieh on the 10th day of June next, if that be a jurisdiction ,wl if nr at thfl TlOTt HilV fif ilirisullC- tion thereafter, when and., where! all persons tare warned io appear tu miuw puao wuy condemnation should not bo decreed, . and to intervene for their interest. Given under my hand at office, in Ralr eigh. this 2nd day of June 1871. ! je 8-w2w United States Marshal. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED KJ' STATES District of North Carolina United States vs. 7 Boxes of manufactured Tobacco,' 125 lbs. leaf Tobacco, 1 Wagon, 2 Mules and Harness, seized as the pro- f W. II. Green wav Libel of In- , t ... , . .. FORMATION. " i To W. H. Greenway. and to all whom it mau concern : Greeting. Notice is herebv triven. That the-above mentioned proporty was seizetLby John B. Chesson, Deputy Collector of Internal Rcv ntmo trr thfl 1st Cnlloctioh District of N. C. on the 20th day of May, 1871, as forfeited to tho TTniterl States, fikr violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the 1 United States for jeondem na tion for the causes in the said libel of infor mation set forth ; and that the jsaid causes will Kfand for trial at the Court room of said Oinrt. at Raleiirh on the 19th dav of June liext, if that be a jurisdiction day and if not, t tho noTt rav nf inrisdictioii! thereafter. when and where all persons arcj warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and to intervene for their interest. i Given under my hand at office,ln Raleigh, this zd day 01 J une, 101.. 1 . S. T. CARROW, je 8 W2w United States! Marshal. 1- CIRCUIT COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES District of North Carolina United States vs. 10 Boxes manufactured 1 Tobacco. 1 Watron. 2 Mules and Horses 700 lbs Leaf Tobacco." 7 .'Tobacco Screws and the otlier ii.vturcs uudimate'rials '-used in the Toljkiccd Factory of Jl M. tt A. Turner Lbel of Information. , Tn J. M. fc A. Turner, anxl th all whom it may concern : Greeting. ; I Notice is hereby given, That the above mentioned property . was seized by Saml. II. Wiley, Collector of the 6th' Collection District on the 29th day of May 1871, as forfeited to the uses. of the United States, for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is lil)elled and prosecuted in the Circuit Court iof the United, States for condemnation for the causes in the said Libel of Information j set forth; and; that the said causes will stand for trial at the Court Room of said Court at Hh?tfh on the 19th of June inst. if that be jurisdic tion day, and if .not at the next day of ju risdiction thereafter, when; ami where all persons are warned toappejar to show cause why condemnation ; snoaid not . ue decreed, and to : intervene lor their in terest. - : Li. ' ' i Given under my hand at office, in Ral eigh, this 3rd day of J une 1871. I ; ' . S. T. CARROW, je 8 w-2v United States iMarshal. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE1 UNITED STATES District of North Carolina; United States vs. 3 Boxes manufactured Tobacco. Seized as the property of John ! Long 30 lbs. manufactureel Tobacco, seized as the property of Jonathan Jen kins Libel of Information. To John Lono, Jonathan Jenkins and to all whom it iriay concern : Greeting. Notice is hereby given, That the above mentioned property was seized by John B. Chesson, Deputy Collector of InternaLRev enue of the 1st Collection District of North Carolina, on the 20th day of May, 1871 as forfeited , to the uses of the United States, for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the United; States for condemnation for the causes in the ; said Libel of Information set forth ; and that the said causes will stand for trial atj the Court Room of said Court at Raleigh oil the 19th day of June next, if that bo a jurisdiction day, and if not, at the next day of jurisdic tion thereafter, when and where 'all persons are warned to appear to show (cause why condemnation should hot be decreed, and to intervene for their interest. Given under my hand at ofllce, in Ral eigh, this 2nd day of June 1871. I ; S. T. CARROW, ! je8--w2w United States Marshal. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES District of North Carolina. United States vs. 5i Boxes of manufactured plug Tobacco, the property of some per son to the District Attorney unknown ). Libel of Information. 'j To all whom it may concern ;-:-Greetino. !' KTj-.ti, la turAiv o-tvtm That th tttmvfl j ( ..w.vfc n , ' mentioned property was seized by Wm. B Iticnarnson, conecvor oi iuinwi xveveuuv of the 3d Collection District of North Caroli na, on the 25th day of May, 1871, as forfeited to the uses of the United States, for violation of the Internal Revenve Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the United States for condemnation for the causes in the said Libel of Informa tion set forth ; and that the said jr-auses will stand for trial at the Court room of said Court at Raleieh on the 10th dav of June t. if that be a iurisdiction dav. and if not, at the next day off jurisdiction thereaf ter, when and where all persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and to intervene for thfir intflrftst. I Given under ray hand at office, in Ral eigh, this 2d day of June, 1871. i 8. T. CARROW, je8-w2w United States Marshal. rtHEAP ADVERTISING. WE WILL itmArt an ail uort iupinpnt in Eicht Hun dred American Newspapers, for six dollars per line, per weeK. u uuo w ccjv cost six dollars, two lines will cost twelve dollars, and ten lines will cost sixty dollars. Send for a printed list, i Address t ; GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Advertising Agents, No. 41, Park Row, N. Y. Jnne 8. 1871. . TIIE NEW ENGLAND NEWSPAPER. The Springfield Republican, by Sam uel Bowles A Company, Springfield, Mans. t 'inis is a wci-Known I'luepenueni journal of news. polities, s-iety and literalnro. journalism, aiid u peculiarly the reprosiMi tative New England newspaper. I ' I its circulation is creater uian mat or aiiv other! provincial paper in America; only two iapers in lioston exceed it ; and in tho town of its publication it has more subMcri- lAru ivi nntrukrtinti ii IWktiiilalU-in hott any otlier journal in tho world inthecijty family in Springfield. 1 j The Republican is printetTon sl largo . quarto sheet of eight pages and 48 columns,; and issues Daily, Semi-Weekly and Wot;k- lv ulitinnu Thn urtiw nf thfl Dmi! V thrxW cents for single copies and $8 a year--! less than h.t rf nithar IVuitnn rr Vftii Yrllr journals of the sumo class; while its news t 1 . .1 1 i... . t Li uu ivkj fruiupt aim iuu, wm iui cucini s'ope;as a family paper wider. The Komi- 1 ? t-viv l v is c j oar buu uro n vuiwij v- t while 10 copies of the former are sent by mail, to one address, for, $10, and 21 of tho laiier nr cw. 1 , j ; Tn 1-tuhltii otTufrci Thfl Yintt7kirm ta fihnnn. . lv' independent and critical; pleading lor ' me mgiicsfc Buuiuanut ii puuiiu wrvuv; tix acting the utmost intelligence and integrity . nfiiimi in office: nursuhiir the corrunt with out ; qualification and the careless nrth hu- - a 1 .1 It . . l L ' patience ; ami ueuiaimuiK vaiitiicuwuii f i forms in all our administrative service and in tho laws for the collection Qf revenue. Tt oiii-oiiraf( men to demand for women ' and women for thcniselves, a larger share it ull tlio irrwiiiir wrkrlr nf lift ai nnlialttv . - - - - - - - - - 1 - .1 of duties and of rights, of responsibilities r 1... ... I.i;...u.ll.,.l U. HI1U Ul Jri liv)c, invnuno ti ini!irauuii. 111 the largest individual freedom and the fair est devision of labor lio tho iiiot sure and satisfactory advancement of society and Uio WICICMI. HJrsmin HUJJ.HI1CJW. i To all ouestions embraced in tho phraso Scx-ial Science, it gives a welcome hearing A A. - A 1 . . and an earnest woru, ior ineso are tne reai topics of the present and the future; if is with these that government and society-. have now most to concern themselves. All subscriptions must be paid in advance; Specimen copies of Tho Republican will bo sent on application.' j ' - J All business letters should bo addressed, f SAMUEL BOWLES & CO., i i June s. Spingfield, Mass. ; nhiir: siiv. citarles a. dana. Elb -X itor. The Dollar Weekly Sun, a news paper -of the present times, .'intended, for people now on earth, including farmers, tiai lioiiiKi ntorrhfinlii rtrnttvasionul II nil. workers, thinkers, and all manner of l)oQest tolKs, and tne wives, sons anu uaugnters oi an bucu. i ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR! ftE HUNDRED COMES FOR FIFTY POLLARsi Or less than ono' cent -a copy.-' Ixt there. be a f50 club at every ioit ollict. Semi-Weekly Sun, $2 a year, of the same size and general character as the Weekly; but with a greater variety of, miscellaneous reading, and furnishing the news Ut its sub scribers with greater freshness, locauMp it comes twice a week instead of once only, j . .THE DAILY SUN, $0 A YEAR. j , A pre-eminently readable newspaiter, v the largest circulation in the world. " FrtHi independent, and fearless in politics.; A 1 1 the news from everywhere. , Two cents a copy; by mail, 60 cents a month, or jo 00 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE POLLAR WKKKLY StTN.. . 1 j Five copies, one year, separately addressed . Mmr Dollar. Ten copies, one year, separately addressed; (and an extra copy for the getter up of . club,) . I ' . . Kitjltt .Dttllarsi , Twenty copies, one year, separately ad dress; ed, (and an extra copy to the getter up of dub,) Fifteen Dollars'),- Fftyropies, one year, to one address, (and the Semi-Weekly one year to getter up' of club,) c Thirty-three Dollar; Fitly coiies, one year, separately addressitl (and tiie Semi-Weekly, one .year to getter " tip oj club,) Thirty-Jive Dollars',. dressj (and the Daily for one year "to tlio Letter up olr'the clui.) I Fj'ii. !' f'trsi ' Oiiuv hundred conies, oiio vear. scpHratoi. y .i : . .. i . ..i .i... it. .. .... Th . i the getter up the club.) hiixty Dollarsi THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. j. Five copies, one year, separately addressed i i J Kinht. liofhtrHl i i ,r Ten copies, one year, separately address!, 1 ..... 4 . . . r ... ....M .n .Inl. 1 . Sixteen Dollar SEND YOUR MONEY ; j In post office orders, cheeks, or drafts onr New York whenever.eonvenient. IJ not; then register your 'letters 'containing money. , Address i 1 W. ENGLAND, Publisher, i ! Sun office, New York City. 1 i : : . THE COMMERCIAL AND FIN AN' CIAL CHRONICLE commences its twelfth volume with the first number of Tannartr. 1S71. The position held bvi the . t . t i.' Skj Vhkuf ulwkurTi xr tltn ft il h iwi 11 lif . notices, which have leert !;iven voluntarily by a number of leading nwsaiers, whose, standing is su;h as to make 'their'remarks worthy of attention : ! " I i' " One journal at least, which ought to lo .better known in this country tho New York Commercial and Financial Chronicle displays a capacity and Knowieigo ior . practical economical discussions not any where excelled." London Economist. " Far superior to any similar publication ever issued in this country." A cw lw World. It Is beyond comparison the liest col lection of financial. and commercial statis tics published in the United States." N. Y. Tribune. , " Its success has been legitimately earned by a faithful and intelligent devotion toHiio industrial, commercial and financial inter ests of the country." A'. Y. Times. i ' "It is worth to any business man tenfold more than its cost." A7. Y. Evening Dost., " A standard work like this is well worth tho patronage of business men.' K. Express. . 1 . ' ' ' "Ought to bo in the counting-room-t every mercliant and banker." N. Y. Com mercial Advertiser. - The amount of matter Is simply iiston ishing. It must meet the wants exactly of the great class of American merchants.' W Boston It. ; : I It is one of the best commercial pajmrs published in the country." Boston Joiir nal. ' - I " Replete with a large amount of Infor mation on financial and commercial topics, forming a valuable book of referenm for bankers and merchants." Philadelphia In quirer. "This is one of the very best commercial and financial weekly journals published in the United States, and no merchant M ho does an extensive 'business ought to bo without it." Chicago. Tribune. . ' " Tho Commercial and Financial Chroni cle we have no hesitancy in pronouncing eminently worthy of the high esteem it has secured among merchants and financiers generally' Louisville Democrat. - "The Chronic le is the best financial and commercial paper issued iirthis country, and contains matter that no banker, broker or commercial man can afford to. be with out. Misouri Republican. V The Chronicle is tho lest financial paper issued in this country." Loui Dem ocrat. "To say that the Chronicle Is the very lished in the country would be only to re iterate what has already been said by half the leading papers of the ' eouutry. Vr. Louis Despatch. It is a journal of sterling worth, and without a rival among the-commercial pa pers of the country. It is scarcely possi bio that any bank officials will fail to have it always at hand."--Arew Orleans ricayune. "Tne Cfironiele is modeled on the London Economist, and deserves to rank with that well-known champion of commercial inter ests. Such a publication as ihejjhrtmiele is invaluable to all business merit bankers' merchants, brokers, etc. 'New Orleati Times. ' j Subscription price, $10 per year. . , WM. B..DANA A CO.. !'' - ii - - lhit.liul.Arn 79 A 81 William St., N. Y, Homo Time. f 1,000 fine.. i V