.i i BACKBONE. " ' When yon soe a fellow mortal ' Without fixed and fearless vievra,' " ' 1 "" Harisring on the skirts of others, ' 1 f . Walking in their cast-off shoe,, ' ; - ' IVwinjr low to wealth or favor,. ' ' ' : "With abject, uncovered head,' . ; Ready to" retract or waver, ; "TAVilling to be drove or lead ; ''Walk yourself with firmer bearing, Throw your, moral shoulders back, - 8how your spine has nerve and marrow ' J ust the thing which his must lack. . " ' A stronger word j ' '., Was never heard In sense and tone, i ' Than this, backbone. .' ' . When you see a theologian ' r I lugjring close some ugly creed, Fearing to reject or question k lomias which hw priest may read, ,. Holding back all noble feeling. Choking down each manly view, Caring more for form and sy m loLs Than to know the Good and "True, Walk yourself with firmer bearing, Throw your moral shoulders Uiek, Show your spine has nerve and marrow J ust the tiling which his must lack. -A stronger word ' Was never heard 1 ; ' In sense and totie, Than this, backbone; ' "Whene'er you see a politician r Crawling through contracted holes, Hogging for some fat position, j . In the ring or at the polls, With no sterling manhood In him, -Nothing stable, broad or sound, Destitute of pluck or Ixdlast, ; Doublesidcd all around, Walk yourself with firmer bearing. : .Throw your moral shoulders lack, KIkjw your spine has nerve and marrow Just the things which his must lack. A stronger word . Was never heard - ' In ense and tone, ; . ' - Thau this, backbone, j , . ! . . A modest song, and plainly told The text is worth a mine of gold ; For many a man must sadly l:u-k A noble stiffness in the bsu-k. f . . NO. , No home, no friends- t No one that lent Is, So hopes that till my heart with pleasure, - No hat no bbot No pleasant news. No earthly thing to call a treasure. No room, no bed No fine silk sprc:wl. No dressing gwn to wrap me' up in ; No gloves, no socks, j No black silk stocks, No-thing like these for 'me to get in. ; ' r 1 r- No kin, no wife ' - - ' No love for lifej No telling what will cinne to-niorrow, t . No place to stay, No joy to-tUiy, j 1 No frienlly smile to sooth my sorrw. " No love, no light No visions bright, . " No thou if lit for me that's gay or funny, No sUM'p no rust i 1 '"No kind leiie$t, , ' ". And what is worse Uian all jro money. . Ltty of the xtntp'd jtrinter. RISING IN THE WORLD. " ' " . -' Y f ' -' You should bear constantly in mind that nine tenths of us' are, from the - very nature and necessities of the world, born to gain our livelihood by the sweat of the brqw. Vhat reason have we. then, to presume that our children are not to do the same? they be, as now and then one. will be, endowed with extraordinary jiowers ,of mind, those extraordinary lowers of mind may have an opportunity of developing themselves ; mid, if they never have that opportunity, the harm is not very greatto us or to them. Nor does it hence follow tliat the descendants of laborers are always to be laborers. The path upward Ls steep and long, to be sure. Industry, care, skill, "excellence in the present jKirent, lay the foundation of a rise, under more favorable circumstances, for the children. Hie children of these take another rise; and, by-and-by, the descendants of the present laborer be come gentlemen.' This is the natural progress. is by attempting to reach the top at a single leap that so much misery Is produced in the world. So ciety may aid m mak.r.g the laborers virtuous and happy, by bringing chil dren up to labor with steadiness, with care, and .with skill ; to show them 'how to do as many useful things-as possible; to do them all in the best manner; to set them an example in industry; sobriety,! cleanliness and neatness; to make all these habitual to them, so that they never shall be lia ble to fall into thej contrary; to let them always see a good living pro ceeding from labor, and thus to remove from them the temptation to get at the goods of others by tviolent and fraudient means, and to keep far from their minds all thej " inducements to hypocrisy and deceit: Vohbett. . . . t A SCHOOL-BOVS COMPOSITION ON THE BULL FROG. Ttin hull fro u o-rn.; Tf T .ronld iunmlikeonelcouMbeafapiirortwo pigs. Jt rogs is a bam neadea animal tut he canrt draw Umber for a meetin' . . .... , . cl . . ut he uurt draw Umber lor a meetm diouse. . If I was a frog it would hurt me to stand . on my head to see the President, sworn .in. Jane. Martin wears a red dress and hopped .at me when I didn't know it. it scared me so I juinHxl too. If frogs could run with a fire machine it would be fun to go too or they are all Baptists. When they growl they don't bite. Mother incited tho !ottom out of her tea-jot, and Lordy, how dad! ripped alxut it. Geese have more feathers than young frogs, but geese don't give milk. Nor docs a wild frog. When ashes are worth fifteen centa a buhel is the lest time to go frogging. Little frogs Ieep, but who is afraid?- Scrambled frogs are nice in cold coflee, but as for me. cive me liberty or death, but no irogsora revoiuu on; in .r ranee. I'm - ' ....-! 1 l goin to sell my dog and see then if. he wont fetch - something. Frogs' never have the mumps, but they always come with a spring. A THOMAS Shike. Five ways to destroy Ants: 1. Pour copiously hot water as near I the boiling point as possible, down their burrows, and over their hills, and repeat the operation several times. 2.' Entrap the ants by means of nar row sheets of stiff paier, or strips of loard, covered with some sweet, sticky substance. The ants are attracted by the sweet, and, sticking ist, can be destroyed as often as a sufficient num ber are entraDDea. . 3. lay .fresh bones around their 1 r haunts. They will leave, everything f else to attack these, and when thus accumulated,, can be aippea in not - .. .al i t .water. ' ; 4. Pouriwo or three teaspoonsfuls of coal tar into their holes, and they j will abandon tne nest, i ; .-.- 5. Bury a few slices of onions in their nests. , and they will abandon them, " i Pootry. : ... . . : : . ! I' ( h SPEECH OF THE HON. WM. Bj SHEPA5D, In Vie Senate of 2sorth . Carolina, on the bill to ascertain the sense of the people on call ' ing a Convention. ' - ' ' ; " ' I An engroesed.bill from the House of Commons proposing to take a vote of the people on the propriety of calling a Convention to amend the Constitution being before the Senate, Mr. Wm. 15. Shepard spoke an follows :' . ! ' I have so often. Mr. Speaker, -during this session addressed the Senate, that it i with great reluctance I afrain in trude upon it. I feel; however.5 that some reply should be made to the re marks of the gentleman irom iiuwier ford, who ha.s just taken his seat, as well as to those which fell from the erentleman from Buncombe yesterday. The bill upon your table proposes to take the voice of a majority or me peo- pie upon the propriety of calling a Con - vention to amend the Constitution. The Constitution ioints out ! precisely the mode of calling Conventions, and amending the instrument. The gen tleman from Rutherford has made the discovery, that amendments to the Constitution, made through the instru mentality of a Convention, were more suitable to the genius of our people, and more republican, than when made by act of the Legislature, which act is' af terwards to be ratified by the jeople themselves. It seemstome, Mr. kSieak er, if either of the two modes of amend ment, sanctioned by the Coastitution, can Ik? called particularlv republican in its character, the one by bill is undoubt edly 'entitled to this distinguishing trait. When an amendment is made by an act of the Legislature which is afterwards submitted to the people for their approval, a voteis taken upon the proposed measure alone; it must stand uiKin its own merits, and not rely upon extraneous circumstances for success. On the contrary, should a Convention be called, the whole Constitution will -belaid lefore that body, bid such amendments as it may think p.roier to make, will be submitted in gross to the poopla; the consequence will be, some few popular amendments will le incor porate I with others of doubtful exje uiency, and the riopular airindment.s made to carry others which,5 if left to themselves, would not receive the T)tes of a majority -of the people, il am not,, therefore, Sir, at all surprised that loth: the crentlemen from llutherford and BuncomlH? are so unwilling to see Free SulTrare. by itself and alone'subinitted to the iieople. If they could i have per-J suaded the Senate to reject the 1 Tee Suffrage bill, and retain it for agitation, as a proper clamor, to urge the necessi ty for an unlimited Convention, they might have stood some chance of suc ceeding. As it is now, however, when the cry for Convention is reduced to its own merits exclusively, I think the pnsTect of success very small ; lie cause there is not, in fact, the slightest necessity, for a Convention: nor any reason whv the people should be sub jected to its unavoidable -expense and turmoil. There is no amendment or the Constitution desired by a cdnstitu "tional majority of the people, which can not' be procured more certainly, and at less risk and trouble, by legislative en actment than by a Convention. This feature of our Constitution, so far from deserving the denunciation jit has re ceived from some gentlemen, is, in my If judgment, its wisest, its .most conser- vative fwiture.. It is the very feature which gives to the ieople themselves the sole and exclusive right of deciding what and hov many amendments shall be made to the Constitution.! Tbc gen tleman from llutherford says, were a Convention called, it would be con i ixsed of the, wisdom, the gravity, and the exiR'rience of the State. 1 am afraid, sir, should he live, to see a Con vention assembled in North Carolina, his Utopian visions will be sadly dis appointed. It will be composed of pr ciseiy tne Siime sort ot people as tnos wno compose imsiseiiaie; a nine wiser Ieriiaps, prooaoiy not niucji oiuer, or niore experienced, but they will be men governed by like passions and pre judices with ourselves, each one strug gling to obtain some power or advan tage, for his own section, and thinking it meritorious to do so. This natural result of a Convention Mas perfectly well known to the framers of our Con stitution, and, for that reason, they made a vote of two-thirds of the Legis lature necessary to the call ; and that it should never be done upon light and frivolous reasons, a mode was pointed out by which the sense of the people could be taken upon all proposed amendments. . ". A very large majority of the people refill iu Mt-iMie: x"iw ouurif,T. J.J11S subject "has leen much .discussed in two gubernatorial campaigns, and a ntirutiui f-ji fork iuuMln . liniiil 4t-hjfi change lx? approval of by such a mai jority as would justify a change of th4 irv ..,.i.f disturbing any other feature of the in- strument. Should it hereafter be" found that a decided ma oritv of t hft lHxple are in favor of tlie mode f 1.. n - 1 fiwung uiejuugu uy me peoiie, or oi altering the kisis of representation as now established, let each of these ques tions separately and distinctly, lm sub mitted to the people, that they may be fairly discussed, and fully under stood by them, and then let the vote be taken upon each proposition by .it self. I do not. wish a Convention, where the friends of those measures could combine, and force the people to hike them all, in order to get some one measure they might desire. . - It is, , therefore, Mr. Speaker, .per fectly manifest that so far as amend ing the Constitution in any manner that'may be the wish of a constitu tional majority of the people of .Xprth Carolina, is the object, there is not fne slightest necessity for a Convention. flfrntlemon. themfnrt whn r nm. - r y T ' ing a Convention so vehemently, and who will 1k satisfied with nothing but a Convention, must have some ,ulte- nor uwjevi in view, iney nave even snurneci i roo founrage, tne object- ot their first love, which, iM mistake MAT VlOh2 TU'A Xi4l H3 nnv . Vx ndUy cnensnea, ana petted upon this floor, by all those valiant gentlemen, who so gallantly defended the rights of the down-trodden and .oppressed "West. V hy is this sor Sir ? We might, for some time, look for a : solution of this mystery, if the gentlemen' from Bun combe had not, in his speech yester day, Kinaiy lurnisned us with a solu tion. I requested the reporters to note that speech carefully, and to publish it verbatim, that the whole people of JSorth Carolina might know the mil cause of all this uproar about a Cons vention. ' It seems, then, that a Con vention is aesirea Dy tne gentlemen a. . ... . - I at -rm - i i j i nuin iuuuuuiu mm uito no act with, hinl, not because the West is op- pressed by our. present Constitution bid softly to cfiang the bcusiz of repre- trie command of the House of Commons, may likewise get the Control of the Sen- I nfa nnsl iJunJ Aftna the, nprnfJerfLan. ire tta r ? v- 1 . - tr - t - I, extend our llailroad to Tennessee ana redeem the character of orth Carolina. Jlefojre tne f gentlemen from .BunJ ombe .unfurl the banner of aConvcrv 'tion arid ' Inscribes" tipeJn It What jhe confesses to be its real 6bject, viz :j to give; to the: non-tax-paying counties the unlimited power of taxation, with out any control whatever, I would d vse Jiiui to look closely into this , mat ter, and see what rank and cruel -'injustice, it would work. ..... ':.- u-vi -l; Let us examine the district repre sejrited by the gentleman of Buncombe, anu see where, and in -what, his Cpn .stjtuents are oppressed by the provis ions of-the present Constitution, arid compare them with the burdens thrown upon my constituents, that we haay exactly understand which party has the- greater right to adopt his favorite notion of rebellion or revolution; 'or, ?v? " tninj . (Ain-nniont tiT.innpr ! tfi . ,jro the Constitution under which ty j-ve j jt yir thee two ' U& tricts at hazanl. because they all the best .defence of the present Coi lit l tut ton, -and because they; more imjne difitelv concern the gentleman and myself. ' i . j I (fhe district -represented by the gejji tl?mah, is imposed of the counties of litHicombe, Henderson and Yaney.j It edntaitis a riopulation of 19,0o7 whites, arfpaid into the State Treasury! in 187, 132, 79. It is represented: hi tlfe Senate by one member, and) by fodr in tlie Ilouse of Commons. The district represented on this floor by Jne. ha a w hite jiopluation of 8,010, md paid i to the State Treasury in 1 v!7, $2rSi9s. Thus we.see, Sir, that the pc)ple; whom I have the honor to ri rcisent (m this iloor, paid into the State. Treasury in 1817, $-11019 more tfian the constituents of the gentleman fjojin IJunco'mbe, and are represented in Jthe Ijegislature.'by ' two memliers lesnJ SlKiuld the gentleman from Buncombe sy creed in his' wishes, to change Jthe representation m i ne oenaie, uie u- pie, of Pasquotank and Ferquiinniis, aiiiiougn paying largely more reuuu. than Buncombe, Haywvxxl and afiry, , would be unrepresi'iittnl m the Semite, an(l would stand as two to four: in jthe Houstl of Commons. 1 iXow, Sir, I appeal to the geirtlenmii's own fairness, ana ask him if he ha(l the itinver, would he commit such ran 14 in- justice as tmsr in wnat are ms ctn- stituents oppressed hy me present ar raiigenients of the Constitution ? Tl jey have-'largely the majority in thedT4use of Commons; no bill can possibly! be come a law' without the apiroval of the western mem bers, and in the SenjUe his . hi&an eipial vote with my coaMit uentsJ 'although they pay muchjless revenue to the State. Ioes the geiitle nian tjimk it a grievance that, beciise he desires a splendid scheme of a' : rail road civteading toTeimesstv, he ha? .pot likewfse the unlimited power of taxa tion, hich would enable him to throw the larger part of the burden of iiuch railroad ujHUi people who have" not jjuid nevertcau nave, any nueresi viiait':er in it 4 - i i. l Wlihtever mav be the wishes of th gentleman from Buncombe p on this Jdub e sneaksiithe ject, I will not believe he speaks feel infos', of his people. The land of the mountain and the torrent is proverbial lyjtlHf abode of the free and the bnu e. I .-will! not believe that, whilst thev Vcherisli so fondly tlie inestimable bUess- iiifs "jf freedom, they would, knowiug lyj placii upon any for -ion of their briii rMn a kiiost oppresVv? burden.; Vhy, ti)en,Sgenllenieu may say, reject a jJ"ii venti4n? In reply, I vote against a Convention,' not beciiuse l doubt! itiie justice aud fairness of the people of the VCst,' but bevause I have no confidence in the, politicians who would till that Convention. The gentleman from Bun 6jnbe, who would doubtless phiy'a conspicuous part in that Convention, should it assemble, has already tolil us t par. lie desires the power, and t he jncans, to make an extensive Railrpad. siieli ieing lus wishes, he wauld think r .n right and proper, and would be eyen able to convince some of our l,ast efn litical aspirants, that the pebpie of the) State would be vastly benefitted 1 'A? t fa 1 isle r ri n g the r i gh t t o ta x t!rom tTw wjwho pay to those who do not bay. f 1 ,!X)man in the Senate is more ready tluui myself; to strike from our Consti tution any feature that is burdensome id the West,' or to give them any addi tional guards for the irotectipn of their i lro tectum ot their y. But when ten ' and coolly te lfme and power mput jersoais and jropertv tleinen get up. here theyhvish the right their hands in my pocket, and takd mv moncly without my consent, to ( cut tlowil mountains and fill up valleys, from j which I cm, in no conceijii)!e nia'nner, derive any tencfit, they inust at least expect a very severe scuttle be foie they succeed. .What, Sir, was the object in the for- lmtion of government? Solely, and firi other purpose, than the prdtee- ."".f Person ana propeny. i'nifrt v Us exclusively the creature of iroviorn- ,nVnh ,A"a hen' to thisluiHlamc?ital TO5 e VnmenU there was ,uvul'' "vunl"" u,iU WW "rvative principle thatttix- uiioii it lit 1 renreseiiTHTion snoniii o-: to-' (,.L . ".""." V l ?r, WWM nev limi peiitvieci me ciesigns oi mi.; iilsu tutioai. - ; ; . j ' . j T cjo not lielieve, .Sir, that the wit of man 'could devise a more perf ect scheme for the security of the persons and pro perty, of an extended common wealth, organized upon. 'republican principles, thanf the present basis of representation, as! contained in our present Constitu tion The House "of Commons reprc-' selits persons, for although the basjis is afedvral one.slaves being in the ejfe of our law both persons "and property,' sxui tne i touse oi commons mar be said Kvith truth purely to represent the white population of the country, as that Opiilation has a" vast numerical major ity, 'and alone speaks through thejbal-; lot-box, and controls without an effort: and without dispute, the pnceelings of that House. The Senate is based upon taxation, and is intended t se curest he property of the ditferentf(;ec- iicn? irom invasion, or irom nemg osecl for purioses alien to that p'ropertyj or in Wliich it could have and feel no in terest. It is based upon the plain land obvious truth, that those person ivho pay for the support of Erovemmient. should have Qine voice in appropriat ing its' revenues. Ir. 3fadison said - in tne debates on the federal Constitution, thatf r whenever there is i danger of attack, there ought to be a constitu tional power of defence' Tliis was the opinion of one of our greatest men; be fore the discovery was made that per fpet wisdom resided in bare majorities, M hejther that majority had any 'interest in thej subject tr not. ! r.Npw I ; would ask the gentleman frpni Buncombe how long would I the tax - payers . of the lanre tax navins- 1 1 - ' couimes. oi . iiertie, iiaiilax, Warren and New Hanover, have any control over their property, if it were not for the protection atferded them in j the . . . r i ry Senate against mad schemes of internal improvement, and other nrodieal w3ie vi puouc money j VNb pe'rsons are so prodigal, or libej-r at, if you please, of money, as those persons who do not draw from their own resources; and the only way to make legislative bodies eoonomicil and considerate, is to keep constant!: before the: qyes of ithe represensau the responsibility, to his tnstituen Jsow, bir, where Avould be trie respo sibility of the eentlernaii from IJu combe, safely entrenchetl in his tnou tains, to the people of Xew llanovej after having voted to tax them twi as much as his own constituents, t whole of which tax was to be spent giving him a good, road to lenn ! These principles, i JMr. Sneaker, a pear to me too plain to need much lustration : and if it were not for tl agrarian notions, which, under t mask of republicanism, are insinuati themselves in society, they wou meet with no dissent, because they a perfectly fair,' with foundations deep laid in" the unalterable principles truth and justice, h i Since the passage! of the Free Suf frage bill, and the removal of that ii-i vidious distinction which existed in all the comities, between the land hold er, and all other tax-payers .which was often unreasonable,'! can see nothing in the Constitution ;. to be com plaint d of, which cannot be "remedied-' much better by, legislative enactment than by a Convention, r As to the idi which has been veiy iiwlustriously circulated, ihat a '.Con vention would be composed by mn less likely to be- governed by self-ih-terest, it is a mere delusion a mei'e coinage of the brain..-' The inhabitants of.the tax-paying portions of the State will never consent to go into a Con vention, unless they are disposed :o surrender at discretion a folly i f which 1 do not supp se them capable. It is incorrec t to suppose that the Seiir ate is org-aniw-1 upon aristKratic prin ciples. r?mce tne lwssiige oi the rrte J Suffrage bill, the Senate is as perfectly tne reprct nnuive oi the pKr as t ric,, T1C true question is whether t io j,(K)r maii residing m tlie! coun y whore the e prop(jrty lies whicn pays the tax, won Id be more likely to knd w what bijnleiw it could fairly bear, and nave some sympathy with its owner ' thiui tho poor man i living some hii n- d'reil miles oi'F, both; a stranger in itti- terest and, feeling. It is, in fact, truly a sectional -question ; anl whenevi or it is brought to an issue, the irreat h of self interest, which, whcn.'enlig t- ened, is ine greatest security 1 lor a people, will, combine botli therich-a id the poor against a plan which . is, truth, nothing more or less than scheme forjegislative plunder and -t tortion. . " . - To convince, the: Senate what: lit in a le cause there is fori complaint agai ist: the working" of tlie present Cohsti tion, I will state a remarkable f drawn from tlie public records. . The following counties, viz : Bur :u ict ce. Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Chero kee, Ckaveland, I)avidson, Davie," Guilford, Haywood, Henderson, Ire dell, Ala eon, 3Icl)owell, 3Iontgomery, roore, llaudolph, llutherford, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Wilkes .audi Yaiuy, laid taxes into the public Treasury, in 18")), amounting! to S27,t)o7 ; only, and nH-eived during the samel y ?ar from the school fund, ol,U7;. :f II :re are twenty-three western counties, m 't it led to some fifty; menibers in. he Legislature, receiving from the J'uUlic Treasury, exclusive of the expenses of Judges, ..Members of Assembly, Ac ....... i t j t : I . over r;,uoo more tnan an tneir, pay nients ior the 'support of govern tn eht i j i J 1 ana yet rinse counties are representee by the very members that complain most of injustice done them! by the present Coiistitution.; r 3Ir. Sneaker, if gentlemen will 1 mit me tor tender them any advice tip on this subj(vt, I would say to thd m, with 'the givatest sincerity and res xlo not raise the cry of Convention no Convention, with the hope ,of gani.ing a iarty upon that issue CH.'t or or- in isortn uaroima. fsnouid you siuvtK it will have no other result than to 'vide the State geographically ; to oi em bit,ter the? two sections against; i K'h other, nd"for yearn to come, to pli ice an n:surniountablo barrier to all dieious or iractieable schenns" of provement. Wait until the objei-t- hit in of lnternal Improvement which jidi ve been commenced, are finished and ma : tii red : if they are successful, they will be extendesd by the intelligence of liegislature to the remotest parts he of the State. ?. Neither our Constituti ms or Legislature, can' be fairly, blanued, that so littie has bevn done tor the cause or internal improvement in Isorth Carolina. Our State is unfort unately situated, having no iseaport. which, leihg the centre of trade, could. concentrate improvement; our endrts were uneoumicted and desultory; consequeiuUof which, was much1 i he 10- ney, was lost, and niany errors wtre unavoidably made.! But crertaii dy tms umpriunaie state ot tilings, w ill not be remedied : by throwing he " K'UIVV aih. v.wuiunniiij liv turning the old settled foundations the Government, -i ! Up- of The - gentleman froTnx-IIutherfArcl complains, aud perhaps justly, tlaat ins secnon nas neen neglected, l can sympathize i with him in such jcoim plaints, x nave tne nonor to rej sent a re'ople who kiunv nothing your (iovernment except through" collector. AVe have greit Atrk to ire-. of ax be executeil in our immediate neighbor hood, which, if made, would! add m- calculably to.our-wealth, cnunfort. lind even health; and yet' when we come here for assistance, you refer us td the t i : I tienerai vfovermnent, anci wnen wcHgo to the CeneraLGovernment, anl u your agents there to exert thcmscl rge k-es in our I ehalf, we are met bv ; inctiner- ence, if not by jxisitivl1 hostility, i Wo have borne this state of things; patient ly for more than twenty years, nnd have not even dissolved our .pa-ty tias, much less-. Attempted to . destroy those stronger or dearer tics wh ch should bind us to the institutions! anci memories of our native State. 1 " Let no gentlemen deceive themselves.. by the succ ess of 1 ree Sugrage. That epiestion did not raiso any sectioniU is sue; it h;id numerous partisans m all larts of -the State, and for years Had be een retimed by many persons as an ckIiocls individual distinction that ouj ;ht to le blotter I frohi our Constitution. The basis of representation is a very ditrerent matter; it involves the vcjry security and protection of much the larger jMrt ion of the property whi ch pays revenue for the support of govern ment; and it cannot be abandoned by those ersons to whose charge it is n w committed, without admitting the th selves unworthy of the trust confided to them. If gentlemen wish a hobby," hy means of which some gubernatorial ; us pirant may ride into the Executive Chair, 1 beg them to select something that will produce less disastrous results to the best interests of the State, j As regards the bill upon your tab Ie, which 4 proposes to consult the people upon the propriety of calling a Conven tion, in addition to the evils of a Oc n- venfiori alreaciy mentioned, this bill is liable to' a very serious charge: a It pro poses indirectly to reacn aresuu, in a mode directly opposed to the one men tioned in the Constitution. TAnd this result is urged by men who, but a few days ago made this hall rin with pa triotic devotion to constitutional law. Then, the very idea of consulting the Ieopleupon a matter deeply interesting to them, raised all sorts of horrors in their minds ; now, it seem?, a! positive injunction of the Constitution ji can un hesitatingly be- disregarded , when an other favorite purpose Ls to be an sweredi - - j ii ; : Well, Sir, i suppose this 111; passes and a majority of the ieople,;but not a constitutional majority of counties, ox press themselves favorable 'to j-the as sembling of a .Convention ; gentlemen .will; be no nearer a" Convention then than they are now, unless they intend to get up a Dorr relel 1 ion t and after succeeding in a 'popular vote, to march to -Raleigh, capture the Capitol form a Constitution, and .install a 'Governor. &c. I hope, Whilst they are doing all this, they will not, forget to send to Rhode Island and borrow that celebrated sword of the unfortunate Gov. Dorr, that the play1 may be cor rectly performed with all the appropri ate costuine. It remains for this Senate to decide whether they will counte nance such a proceeding in law-loving, lrfw-abiding North Carolina. Pass this bill j sent us from the . House of Com mons, and you will array the two sec tions of the State in deadly hostility to each other, and we may see, in a few months, a tumultuousTAssembly in this Capitol, calling themselves the people, acting over tlK same scenes, which but a few years ago brought the State,of Rhode Island to the verge of destruc tion!, and consigned the leaders and de liiders of the people to aprision and the contempt of mankind. . . . Since this tablo was made, I havo seen the Kciristerof the 5th oi' Fehrmirv; eontam iiif? an " Address to.tlie jHjplo oi N)rth Car-; olina on tlie subjoet oi' C'-ii.sliluiiinal Ro forio." Tlii.s address is siunod hv members of tlie Lieyfisliiture irom liiueteen: cUiUit'ti These counties eoiniost nineteoii out of the 23 eemiuies eonuiim-d in this list. ; mtcndocl to' illustrate' tho imreusonai) loMeUs ol' tlw coinjplsiints made Ui-ainBt the jurejiont -biisiM ot renresenuition. J his :u lures. shows very clenfly that tljo resit fiievan- itoiiipiuiiuHl of by these gentlemen, is the ntnlo oi re; retf itation as adopted for the .Senate, and th;tl this ean onlv le trot rid of hv calL'ncr what the address calls u " J'rt 'ouveniion In tins opinion 1 iiw wiui t;o signers oi tlie address, and I hi tli-si' oral eoiultiex wil-1 never a'srree to siu-h a Convention, Jut will, adhere to tlie eoni-promtee of tlie i1 n- stltiktion, and whenever it iigkxIs amend ment, let it-" hQ clone by tno iic;uo theni- seles vmmg ruireeay upon tne sunjet mai- ter,aml: not hy poluh-bufs ;iss('iiil)Ied in Convention. lr. .Oliver C Wigfrin, of Providence, Rhode-Island, bears the following tes timony to the value of milk: ; lne nutritive value ol milk, as eom- paiid; with other kinds of animal food, is not; general!. v appreciated: There is les.-f diil'erence between the economical valtieof milk and beefsteak (or eggs or tisli) than is commonly supposed. The 'xpiantity of water in a good quality -of milk is ( per cent., in round steak e; perj-cent., in latter bevt ;-W percent., in eggs about hh per cent, rrom several analyses, made last winter, I estimated iripm steak, (reckoning loss from bone,) at t cents a pound,. as dear as.mi.lk at 21 cents a 'quart; round steak, at 20 cents a pound, as dear as nulk at 14 cens i quart ; eggs, at 30 cents, a dozen, as idear as "milk at 20 cents a quart. hAiauy laborers wno pay n cents ior corheil tbeef would consider themselves hardly able to pay lo cents for milk, when, in fact, they could as well afford to pay 13 cents. lilk is a most. whole some land economical food for either thej rich or poor. It ought to; be more largely-used. If the money expended forrveal and pork were expended for niilkjl doubt not it would j be aji ad- vaiitage both to the stoniacJi and pock- ct, Re esjeciaHy during the warm season, ativly smiiking, then: niilk at 10 centsj or even 12 cents, a quart is the cheapest animal food that can be used. Whether farmers can afford to produce it cheaper is a matter for them to de cide. It is very irobable that were they to ask 12 cents a ver- lare lium berfof poor people would refrain from its (use from mistaTcen notions of econo my!, notwithstanding they are excessive meat-eaters.: . A young lady, the . daughter of Mr. Isaiah Thomas, of New Castle, Delaware-received a severe injury in the face about four years ago, from the ef fects of which Jier lower jaw bone had grown perfectly solid and immovable. Her front teeth had been removed to enable her to receive nourishment, which had to be injected mostly in a liquid state. The inconvenience 'of this arrangement and the total loss of speech rendered life almost intolerable, and lier case Was. laid before eminent - surgeons of Philadelphia. After mature delib eration, two of them, Doctors Charles D. jGreen and J.' Gilbert, undertook an operation which has scarcely a parallel in the annals of surgery. The jaw bone was sawed offi below each socket, kept in motion till healed, and anew and ar tificial joint was the result. It is said she can jiow ;ojen and shut her -mouth is wel 1 as ever, and can cuit and tal k with out duUeulty, 'is; two civil engineers were at work in t.ie wilds ot .Michigan a couple ol w ks ago, eigiiteen or twenty miles from any camp, one of them began to suspect that the other had become in-, saucJ a suspicion which ! was -'made cer tain, when his companion came to him and said: 44 1 wish you would hide my revolver and tho axes ; for I came Lvery near Killing you witli tnem last nigtit. : J. got tlie revolver and cocked it at Vour head three times ;: but some- tning told me not to kill j-ou with that, but to get the axe. and then I was com manded not to kill youthen. But I ami afraid I will if you don't liide them, and God - knows I- don't want to hurt any man." This was very pleasing in- ormation, and lie did his best to per suade mm to cro back to the camn. Failing in thisw he left liim,: went back alohe, procured assistance, and the un- ortuniite man is now in an asylum. A 'writer in the Ooiintry Gentlemen siiyjs ; I .believe a tliat experience has settleel the somewliat anomalous fact tliat the sweet jxtato is improved by. successive cultivation on i the same for a series of years. The more the soil is enriched by the proper stimulants, thej better will the product be both in quality and quantity. - The principle of rotation does not apply in this in stance. The most successful cultiva tors have found this to be true by uni forpi experience, and the fact I know can be attested by the most reliable tes timony. , '. . 5 i Take itime to deliberate ; but when the hour of action arrives, stop think ing, and go WDavid Crockett, id Air. f;--MANSARD ROOFS. V w-j;..at of ;,. .,.n,-riH?.j;.ft , n ,f- A. few; years ago tlie. monotonous style of roof used in our architecture was agreeably -.varied by the introduc tion of what is 4 known as the Mansard r!'Kf, sometimes called the French attic, "llie splendid agricultural piles in Paris received some of; their best graces of expression from' the' handsome Sky lines the Mansard rboFgave them, and almost every American traveling abroad wondered ! why so handsome a roof could not be adoptedin our Amer ican cities,.. where : the. large buildings usually terminated with an j abrupt, sharp and unpicturesque sky-line.;- The Mansard roof After a. trine was intro duced, and its' peculiar beauty-soon made it very popular. But ,like all J fashions which become the rage, 'ami which are adopted bvieople iniitative- lv, without perception of the principle tnat governs them m the rrencn attlC has become with us an architectural in fliction. The Mansard roof was design ed - for ; tall buildings. Its special pur pose is to break the monotony of a mas si ve pile, and to reduce in apiiearance its height. A structure : tliat j would seem awkwardly tall, ' with an unva ried succession of stories, has riot only, hv menus of th "Mansard rtKfi a more agreeable proportion, v The specific purpexse ot tins roor being recognizee!, the absurdity of its ase in smal build ings becomes at -once apparent. Our builders, however, seem to jlack all power of ierception, and to have , re duced the art of architecture to indis criminate imitations. Every where now the Mansard roof confronts us. Every new cottage on the f oadsiele, new cheap Villas in those extemporized (villages that line our metropolitan railways. new public buildings of every $ort and degree, railroad stations all oyer the country every tiling of the kind now, no matter if only a story liign, must have its Mansard roof, with entire dis regard! of fiftness or propriety. I It is ex asperating -to see a good idea thus dragged into absurd 'and ignoble Uses.' As we ; at first Hailed with pleasure th(; appearance of the ManAird" roof, we shall now look'; with hope for the signs that will indicate the termination of its career. And yet, whatever ihay fol low it will have to .'undergo the same experience. It is our natural way to try and appropriate big things for every little riK)o,--Apleion''i Journal. CURIOSITIES OF PAWNBROKINQ. The following notice was recently placarded upcm the walls of Paris : " Don Patriotique del' Angleterre a la France, i Remise gratuite des oUtils engages pendant la duree de la guerre." ThetTLondon limes' : correspondent re marks that the admirable idea of fur nishing the poor people of Paris, whoj in the days of their extremity, had been obliged to pawn the nieans of eamingj their livelihood, with the tools which are now stacked 1 in the Mont de Piete, is due to Mr. ..Marshall,-' one of the committee for the distribu tion of the English ; Charitable Fund, and possesses this special advantage that it will not merely relieve the ma terial eonditioHfof thousands, of fami lies, but produce a political efiect of the utmost importance, and deprive the working ; class ; of the complaint which the Radical prints have Already suggested that they shqulct make against the operation' of the jrules" by which the Mont de'Piete is - regulated. During the siege no one wasl allowed to borrow more than 50 francs j-pir any article, no matter; what its,'; value might be. In spite of this, the pres sure for money was so great that the storerooms of the Moht de Piete lecame encumbered with articles, which 150, (X)0 persons of all classes had pledged. There were no fewer than f 100,000 watches and 25,000 clocks, diamond necklaces and bracelets of fabulous values. There were also eyfdences of tlie distress to which persons j of rank had be en reduced one piece! of lace alter the other, the ilast cashmere shawl, or a pocket-handkerchief em-, broidered with a coronet, of such tine material that it was still possible to raise 3fr.i the lowest figure 'allowed; upon - it; gentlemen's gold-headed canes, even ordinary riding whns, and no fewer than 2,300 poor wretches had pawned their mattresses resses, and Istarving awiied 1,00() pairs of I f , : hen Chinee. -I seamstresses had paw scissors. THE HEATHEN. CHINEE. .Only a 'few. 'months- ago, the whole country was dreadfully the influx of Chinamen excited over who ! were 'to reduce American workinir-men below. the level of pauper Europeans. We pointed out 'at the time howr utterly insignificant was the ' number j of Chi nese coming to the country, only twelve thousand in all last vear. asrainsf three hundred and sixty thousand Ger man and Irish, and how little! likely it was that the immigration of these un desirable Celestials would materially increase. Our prognostications- are' most emphatically borne out; by ex perience ever since. The arrival of Chinese laborers has steadily fallen-off. and the last Pacific, -".mail" steamers ar steaimers. ar- riving in San Francisco, bring smaller, numbers than ever- before ' since the ine was' established.:: Let us! -remem ber that all great, movements 'are nec essarily slow in projiortioir t their magnitude, and that nature provides that everyone shall haveanipietimeto accommodate himself to every change, whether beueficical or otherwise ! Too TUUE.-We find the ieillowing in one of our t'xe-hanges, ei pressing more forcibly than we are able,! a fact established by the .observation' of every5 reflective mind. i ! L When d rakish youth ! tfens astmv. friends gather to bring him tothe path of virtue. Gentleness and: kincfmMs are lavished ujon him to bring him back to innocence and jeace. j No one? would ever suspect that he had sinned. But-when a poor, confiding girl is be trayed, she receives tlie brand of socie ty, she is henceforth driven from the ways of virtue. : The? betrayer is hon ored, respected and esteemed;! there is no eace for her this side the; grave. Society has no helping, loving hand for her, no r voice for forgiveness. These are earthly nioralties unknown to heaven.";,. t .a , L! ...... . Jiarn your own breads s and ke hnw happy you'll be! Work, and see how J welt you'll be! Work, and tun limv cneenui you wm Del Work,! and : see i j , ... . . r " " " i . now independent, youUl- be! i- Work, and see how happy your family will be ! (Try it my vouner friend ' i who i loafing on tlie streets, and see . how ' v -t . . Curran once said to Grattaw? 44 You would be the greatest . man of your I age, if you would buva" few Vnrrf ' r red tape and tie up yourbillS .and ra pers PENN3YL-, -t'-t j -; . ti i M. o 4. ' ,r it VANIA. I. The "Pennsylvania Senate has pa.ssel a bill authorizing the cumulative sys tem of Voting in all the boroughs of the commonwealth at elections for members of town councils. I In boroughs wherein the number of such members is now fixed at fiver the bill requires that six shall . hereafter 1 h. elected. Voters may then ei flier dis tribute their ballots among the six can didates, or cumulate upon one or more, as they shall choose. This bill, should' it pass the. other branch of the legisla turevwill,iermit a niorc general test of this particular rlan of .minority -jepre-sentiition than has hitherto been possi ble. 7 This' is the plan deviscl by ex Senator Ruckalew," of Pennsylvania, anci it nas not oniy peen inorougmv tested at several town elections ii thai Diaie nnere u wum iinmni jor w,v special legislative enactments, but it has in every case proved emiUently- fracticablo and productive of the nin(. )encticial results. 'It is the. nearest np p roach' to a satisfactory system t for in- su ring representation to the minority that has ever beeU michtni The -new' constitution . recently. 'ailoj)l for the State of Illinois provides forfti similar plan of voting. Exchange Vice Pkiidknt CoLFramc very hear losing his life in ord that the Senate might preserve its mpiityf in a becoming manner. That its Exeeu. tive Session might not bo . violated b a too-enterprising nevs-pacr corres pondent, the Senate chamber was her metically sealed, so that while- the -de bates of the Senators could hot get 'out j enough pure air to preserve the. health of members could not get jn. (lyerf come by being penned U lit quarters close -and unhealthy its thel cjinnihef grew after a five lKiurs' sitting ttni Vice President was carried' to an ad joining room , where lie still lies, ap parently in great- danger All this risk and trouble and danger for no bel ter object than to prevent the ' country from learning tlrat which it has a right to learn about the treaty.- President Grant and the .entire Cabinet have been from the first desirous that the great-treaty' of amity and roeoncilation should be publicly discussed, , but- the Senate, clinging to its preposterous ideas of dignity, rshut out Irom the' chamber not only the pe but Uut pure, sweet air as wen. These Swiss are a curioqs -people. Nj sooner jwere W,000 French soldiers thrown on their hands thaii 'they soemj ed instinctively to know how 'best to. jirovide for them. In someylaces the more uncleaan, were first '4(itetl to a .bath;. of-lye- or soda, clothing oDAall kinds, provisions and hospital stores so sadly required at Once, all "made their appeanmcc? as if, by magics instant I v.. Ladies ; immediately oitencnl classes in all -barracks 'for (such aslcould hot real and write, while teachers and profes sors took turns in delivering daily lec tures on . subjects calculated to interest the French or prove-useful to thein. I am tiite surprised at the readiness )f these people1, 'and 'wonder if it is really, their republican institutions that make them alike prepared toajman to deTeud their fatherland or to (to good t their , neighbors I muse an'd 'raise the ques tion, what country in Europe, has most earned in the war of '7o-'71 thetitleof -L" Leader of, civilization "-.-the ' great nionarchies of the continent, or our brave and noble little xister Heiublie ensconced among " the Alps ? Lelfrf sc.,,,.. r 1 The Etlinburgh Jfrrieic wasj first pub lished in 1802.. The plan was suggest ed by the celebratcl Sydney Smith, at a, ineeiiii oi niemn, -in tne e'lgntli of ninth flat or story in Buccleugh Place, Edinburgh, then the elevated lodging of Jeffrey. - The motto Jiumormisly roposed for the new review by it pn j-. jector iis r " Tenui musam nieHlitaniur avena" i. e., We cultivate literature upon a little oatmeal. But this being 'too nearly the- truth to be publicly ac knowledged, the more gravei dictimi of "Judex damnaturcum n(Kens absolvi tur," (the judge is found guilty when a criminal is acquitted) wasadopted.from PubliusSirius, of whom, Syelney Smith aflirnis, "None of us, I am stirej wr read a single line!" Eorel Bvron, in his fifth CMlition of 44 English Bards anji Scotch Reviewers," refers" to the n - vievers as an 44 oat-fed phlaiix." 1MPORTAXCK OF AlKlXtfV HHPS. ' -.1 w The desire ef an energetic, -'houseke'ep-er to have her work done at an "early hour in, the --morning, causes he?r to leave one.' of -the most important items of neatness undejne. The most e ffect ual purifying of beMl anl bedclothes cannot take place if the proper tiine is not allowed for the free circulation or lure air to remove all human impuri ties which have collected during tlie hours of slumber: At least .two -or three hours shemlel be alloweel for the complete removal of atoms of insensii": ble perspiration which are absorbed by the bed. Jivery day this ajiiiiir sliouhl be done; and occasiemally T bed-. ding e'onstantly used should be carritfd into the open air, and when pra tic' ble, Jort exi)oseel to the sun and hid for half a day. t . " ; i , John Saxton, of Canton, Ohio, the oldc-st editor in the United State-si UM on Satqrelay last," aged' 81 vears.l IU: commencel thepublic-ation of the Stark County (Ohio) Uejxmton abemt the year 1K14, and has published it conse u? tively for fifty-Keren years: . During all thisperiexl he has worked at thecjise. as well as written editorials and selevt-i ed matter for his paiicr. lie has hee o in My circumstances lor many yars,; but. from sheer force of habit. to wt type and do other manual ibor on the Tiaper. almost to the (lav ofiis1 death. lie was a man of exceenlinglvi temperate habits, and enjoyed suclt vx ee! lent health that he liarelly knew! wpat it was to be sick. lhe Democratic new departure ut the party in .tlie way of wroirress.! It! begins by ..adohtinsr the lleimbliean! incisures of the l st ten years. If it! kcvpi on in this glorious path Of pn gress, next year it . will adopt theku- kiux bill ; the year after, , anything the Republican nartv biw nramUislHiL-i will Ii'in thn linonf ft. itontj And the Republican party wl.i have . that ainendir vvliir.i tm nnnN: had, .a long taU. t r v ....v. vua iumu"-i . Substitute fok Cream is Ooffke. ' ir-Beat the "white of an egg to a frotli ; put, to it a small lump of butter, and A- A 9 A m . tliat it inay not curdle. . It is ditlicult to distinguish tho taste , from fresh cream. Am. Rural Home. '"" ' ' """''.-'.- 'W6 confess out" faults in tne nluralA wim uuuj- iuviu m uie singular, i THE CUMULATIVE VOTE- IN 1 .ft i "I i -:' 1 71 if 1 - " i i ; if - ') ' . i - t ; - - ' "4 i ' j $ 1 I I' 5 ! 1 i ? i i - I. A 1 : ii'rf V. A ''; .1

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