1 ' '" 1 "' -- i hi .in ii .i 111 . iii i. , .i i i i in i mil i i iP'i ii - . i n i " 'i ' .- - -. ' - - ; : . ., : v . . : : : ; : i n t: . t7 , ---.:'- . ----..- - - 'I- 'i PEOPLE OF NORTH CAROLINA. I . .-;- - I Following the crumple set by their po litical opponents, the Republican -farty hare instructed its Executive Committee ' " to address you in relation to tho proposed '-. Convention. ' ' '' ; I . It w very ranch ng&rast oar wudics1 that " yon have lwcn precipitated into a taun- r'paign upon this delicate and important , tmbieot. -The State dnrin tr the rmst ten l?'-jeaxs has born subjected to tho expert " f mcnts of various political doctors, land " what Seems most needed now, is repose and quiet, an opportunity for the oper ation of natnm's soothing and restorative lowers,rather than a resort to new nU and potions, however confidently rocommpnd 4iL On Una ' con trary, the Conservative Tarty produces in great plenty lancets, blisters, drugs IhjIIj emetical ami purga tive, potent modicii.es guaranteed I by many certificates, and a glitteriug array of surgical instruments, the upshot of all which is that North Carolina Is Juce more to be subjected to active treilaent. It seems that Conventions are to be come of ordinary occurrence in this State. Mr. Jefferson has been generally de nounced by conservative men for hating advised that State Conventions should be called once in every twenty years. Here, however, in about one-half of that space we have had (including that now pert ding) no less than five elections upon 'the subject of Conventions, ,and if the one' "now proposed . hllJjialxalled fwT"'V . Heaven- lozLki i) f rotrthsCJU have resulted four separate sovereign Conventions. It is obvious to askj If the three Conventions already encoun tered have reduced the State so what will become of her after she I6W, has leen submitted to the tender mercies VII a fourth! I It has occurred to all men who labor, whether with hands or head, now and then to find- themselves unaccountably , unfitted for work which ordinarily! is I easy. At times nothing goes right. brain and hand seem to have lost their cunning. Blunder follows blunder. Under such circumstances it becomes wisdom to withdraw the attention, and go about something else. By so doing we see ourselves in a short time restored to power, and are enable easily to triumph over the obstacles which just before had overcome us: we even wonder hqwj it was that they had given us trouble. May this not sometimes happen to whole com munities of men, as well, as to individu als? IIa3 not North Carolina, for pie last ten years, been in just such a condi tion! We ask this . question upon the Conservative theory. If it be true, I as saltl'by them, that nothing but blunders have followed all this ten years of en deavor by North Carolina to amend her fundamental institutions, had she not Utter lay the task aside, and await he' coming of a season in which her brain will be clearer,- her nerves more steady, her temper less ruffled, and her hind under better control! Such is the advice which we most I re spectfully tender to the People. As the State is most clearly out of $ortt for Con stitution making, let her for a while day this business aside ! , l To the same effect we would add, if (the .loud adverse; clamor upon this isub . it will Thermit us to be heard. that the present Constitution is by no means the monster which it is repre sented.. In very important respects it is an improvement upon any Constitution that we have ever had, and in no respect is it one that cannot be borne with ujntil tho community has reached a poriod more propitious for impartial consideration, f Vmra 'diner "that it needs amendment in substantial particulars, is such concession mftf iVao.t com - r. applicable to all our coitotiumoi: , atM ami cacrai, - and indeod to tverr political consuiuiioti thathAcxistcd in juy age or country) Before taking tho very cursory1 view of tlds instrument, which is all that the lim its of an address will permit, 'allow ui to remind you tliat the mighty political eio lenceto which we have been subjected since 1SG1, resulted in casting North Carolina so ciety,afterl86o,upona unhwtcn shore.'Er erything around is strange. Tho socialma chinery of our old forms of life does not suit here. . What was political wisdom 'there, in many respects, is not so here. jPer haps even the wise men of that condition of things are not the wise men of our present, and will not be so in our imme diate future. If the character for (wis dom in question were founded upon fa miliarity with the relations and proportions of the structure that has passed away, then if has perished along with them; and to to call the possessors of such a quality to the conduct of that complicated ma chinery which now bears our fortunes, were as prudent, as under other circumstances it might be to call upon one heretofore known as a trusty wagon driver, to become at once engineer for a Lightning Express Passenger Train. There is, . however, a An.i;v mnm worthv of the sacred name of wisdom, which would, on such occa sions,' prove to be most valuable. (If a citizen had studied, and been inspired by the great theme of human Liberty, divest ed of all such circumstances as are merely technical, accidental and transitory, if, whilst i jealous for his .own ownpeaeeand freedom, he prized aright the peace and freedom of all other citizens of whatever color or lineage, if the beat ings of his heart had been taught to'keep time with that famous saying uttered by a dark skinned man in Athens two thousand v years ago, which, endued with greater vitality.and winged by a loftier eloquence than any other saying that had preceded it upon that renowned spot, has circled the Earth, and visited both Poles, gathering new strength with the lapse of ages; and bearing richer fruit with every returning reason, to-wit, that God has made of one Hood all nations of men; if, in fine, his les sons bad taught him to 'gaze with una bated delight upon that glorious j scene within this Republic, on which the curtain rises higfeer from day to day, bearing in his heart all parts of the assemblage, and irifted with an eyesight so purged and un- ' scaled as to be engrossed with the bril liance of the object rather than offended bv its spots, then, of such a one it may be said that there was not so much room, as " Was there in all our borders such a man If not, then,- without disparaging the just claims of our more distinguished fellow citizens. It was not of their assistance that our society had .most need. This new wme was not for their old bottles. J Our fundamental institutions required for sure laying, workmen who were not tram Sd by ideas peculiar to the former itateof things in korth Carolina. How eveV ch men might fail upon certain vA:.nrb- would not be affected "VMIIO. by thedeadly sia of a failure to correspond ij uie ucau j ,nt- uoon the other With the Situation; Vr . . lar II I M I T I III III HIT hand, however, slaltuimu o the details oltne rnrap?i bv men, it would mw x immaMnt(- lein2 unconfonnaoie " rW The i.in r r. n-it ii our ut" chrefS;. that tliediarties carieUaggers, scalawags and negroes, had some quaUties for ' ' e7j X Knrth Carolina, that were in advance of those possessed by ,7. A.ir.atiHlsnd mostdis- tineuished of our own citizens I it is nrohahu- th-f onr nosterity, ana nistwy, .will pronounce that the Constitution of 1868,- had less unsuitableness to the true condition of the people of North Carolina than any paperlhat would probably have been drafted by the best of our native citi 'zens. It will be said that it sympathized with the new social life that had sprung up and was to continue, whereas that nympathy tea Vie very ' jtoint 'of diagiut and ateruon with those whose theories had taken color and proportion from the former rnorth Carolina. i A consideration and digestion of such questions in the only wiso temper that of travelers will, we are pcrsuadod, enti tle tho constitution to a favorable judge ment, and render a consideration of its most important details light work. . TOWNSHIPS. Take, for instance, the new system of county government, including townships. It Ls generally supposed 1 that townships are a yankee invention,' imported into North Carolina as a badge of subjugation, and machinery for oppression. The truth is that they are a feature which for more than twelve centuries, as' all students of English law know, have marked that free society from which we have borf owed the substantial parts of our own. The most philosophic foreigner. who has yliscussed American institutions, one whose decis ion upon various portions of o-cr system seem, at the end of the forty years which have passed since he urote, posseSsed of proy heti?glar:'", 'TV" r?,-""'?ville,) re- j as in tht from wi uiUoaucou. It is khwn that alike subdivision of coun ties warf recommended by Mr. J efferson ; and it is remarkable that in the early set North Carolina the same ideas were carried out. They disappear ed before the Revolution, probably under the growing influence of our slave interest. It deserves consideration whether that in fluence did not naturally substitute the slave plantation in place of the township. The totenship, according to DeTocquetillc, is the germ of, and supplies vital force to the only free societies that have endured for, centuries. Is not the plantation its correl ative, slave societies i . The communion, free speech, and local self-control of the one, naturally grows, in the society at large, to a free Press, a Parliament, and the other noble institutions which mark the conscious presence and free movement of a self-governing People. .The isolation, restraint and combined independence and refinements a few, with the ignorance and constraint of the many, that distinguished the plantation, were, on the other hand, no less seen and felt to the extremities of the other society. What was peace in the one, in the other was mere solitude. Merely suggesting then that tlte totcn ship of 1871 was the proper substitute in North Carolina, for the plantation of 1861, ni-A Biibmit that its introduction here, jwhich in carpet-baggers was mere habit or instinotTin a-JSortn uarounian wouiu have been proof of profound refleci tion and wisdom. or tne rest, the Township is a small I and natural re public made up of neigltbors, of those who have great similarity of interest, and who ought to be, and generally are, friends. It controls matters in which they only are interested. Incidentally, it promotes pub lic spirit, prevents consolidation of coun ty matters at the court Lhousc, develops talent in rural communities, nnngs ior ward good material for public servants that would otherwise remain unknown; nrwT what observers of such things will not Underrate, it affords,? in the organized circle of its neighbors, that machinery lor forcing forward and upward local merit, in the absence of which promotion so much depends upon the reluctant favor of ennrt house cliaues .1 - J u preS8ea bv such .reflect! reflections. - wiucn. uo rloujjj - j - oR opponents, whilst specifying this town ship system as a main -objection 'to the present constitution, admit that, it works well in other parts of our country, adding that this is because they are populous, intel ligent and wealtlty, which we arc not! How very poor a shift this may be for an argu ment to countenance unfounded preju dices, appears by recalling the fact that they were adopted where they now flourish, at times when those countries were thinly set tled, grossly ignorant, aiul very poor! They have grown to their present pros perity under the influence of this institution. Long centuries ago, when thick darkness covered all people, before printing' was invented, when people who could read were as rare as in this coun try now are men who own their million of dollars, the Township took form. What iU splendid story has since been history tells ! What, the bright consummate flower that now adorns it in i the spot where it sprun up, is seen and known by all men ! It is natural that there should be some yearning after the plantation, throughout North Carolina. Many virtuous people no doubt struggle with the forbidden . ap petite. One step towards its restoration nrnnwlv 1 the abolition of the township. We enter our protest against it ! Under our Constitution the township 'isverV much under the control oi tne J - '- 1 Ti !1 -nra General Assemoiy . xis powers, j umn t become more used to the new county ma chinery, may be clipped very close by the Assembly, and then by degrees new functions may le added, until at last all merely local affairs be entrusted to its control. Such is our I proposal, instead of its abolishment ty a. Convention. . The other county machinery is so ob viously an improvement' upon former methods, that its consideration j need not detain us. The difference between be ing taxed by our representatites, those whom we voted for, and who have to come before us again, and render an ac count, as is the case with county com missionere is, beyond I all .measure, an improvement uoon the former system of county taxation, by an irresponsible and partially distributed bench t rates. " I f .. of mains- It was to beexpected that a number of shrewd lawyers, rendered skilful in such matters by old experience, in the defence of criminals, would be able to say someth ing worthv of their reputation In defence of the old system of Law and Equity, of Trespass, Case and Detinue, and other caitiffs. as against, the system recently introduced. Let it be remembered that the Code is no part of i the Constitution. T7mt mav be altered as the General Assem- iw Khali think best. What the Constitu tion provides, is only the abolishment of two ets of courts. Law and iuiuity, ana f h different forms of action. That it has done so, is a mighty stride in civiliza tion ! It is an improvement already auopi 1 " in a dozen of the most intelligent, wealthv and populous States of the Union. No one that has tried tne cnange, uas guue ..... . i 1 1- A. llin fwmA condition of things, iZ ; TnUnd the rraxlle of the old MU Vfc. LIlLi A VTA auw w -w j-i ...v-. . --a - amend oien ts, (although unon an enormous scale,) had been tried with shYrht effect for forty Years : the Lord I mii-i,a ;n rhnrtr with the Chancellor has in charge, with the sane tiom of the crovernment. bills to effect this very purpose : and, what is more, to adopt tne svstem ui uiuutiijjt;' U1 xt Code ! The chance is a very great ameli oration, and in the course of a few years,1 iii nniversallv be so regarded. The lnenta which the People receive from the Constitution of 18C8 in this one item, might well float thai instrument, even if loaded with objections ten-fold greater than any which can be ascribed. It mat be pronounced, .with great cer tainty that thi change in the law as well as that of townships for plantations, are in more duuger tf being annulled now.thau, if they escapd this assanft, they can ever be Rsrain It unchanged within the next ten years, thefy will remain permanent tri butes, to the jinstinctivo wisdom of the convention 6t 18C8. Meanwhile, no oue will wonder i( all middle aged and more advanced lawyers, much of whoso capital consisted of familiarity with tho hooks and crooks of that rusty, mnsty, dnsty Iabyrfnth.--hooks and crooks that con cern jmlice otherwise that by often serv-, ing t pLigneiand defeat it, are keenly sensible bf tho mighty loss that has been sustained, or should mdidge in nev ba- nientations therealonts. i H GENERAL OBJECTION. We greatly biarvol that the Conserva tive party shoiild have urged, m a ganeral and most iotent objection to the Consti-v tntiou, that, .ith regard to many of its provisions important ones at that no Ixxly could teJl what they signified until they had received judicial ' construction ; when the very same remark is no less tmo of the Constitution of the United States, and of every other Constitution that has been formed npon the continent Have they not, each and all, been a themei.fbr.doi. bite ever sinebey wenjnl:rte?I not . . ii, te iJoino tret years, beoause' one or other side (perhaps both) did! not understand provisions in that Constitution? Were not there pas sages in lit that seemed, contradictory, and required judicicial construction, oe f ore any! mm could say what was meant upon the whole? Is it not true that. the. Convention which formed it did not understand how it was to work in many important: particulars, and indeed did Lot realize what part of it would be most prominent W I the newsociety which it was to create! i No Convention can remedy such de fects. A new Constitution may abolish er rors in the one now existing, but; it will le at the expense of , creating new ones, i It may safely be foretold that a ereat harvest for the legal profession will ' follow the; work of another Convention. Nobody will know where he stands. . All the questions now at rest, will be renewed. Other fees! will be to pay. An unbloody revolution (such as we hope the approach ins? one will, !bc) is necessarily a great feast tor lawyers, auw ihu uugm, w. be in favor of such: Whether the inter ests of the People in general, are the same, j is not so clear ! ! Upon this; topic it may be added, that whilst the1 Conservative Party are fluent upon the ',- matter of the want of perspicuity, Simplicity and logic j in the : present S constitution, and upon jthe doubt ; and confusion necessarily iltinTherefrom. they have not en larged upon theTfleasureLpfUie doubt and confusion to! arise from acPnstitution, however worded, which is the offspring o an irregular! assembly, called in a revolu lntiopary manner. In connexion with the method in which the next Convention is to be called the People have some inter est in thisrview. That a vendor of land V liaviog ito tdlc to convey the lann : ; -I! I' TAXATION. ; One other I topic urged for ii cull of a Convention demand partictilar consider ation. It is that which is most strenuOtis- ly urged in this councxiO!i: the matter dI;.L r4"mino'5raxatioutrhicb, it-is tirgcd.'can tip avoidctl only by s Conten tion that; ih.ll strike out the obnoxious clause-. ThnnrreMnt Constitutioii retmires (Art. 5, Sec. 4,');Uhat the General Assembly shall provide for the prompt payment of the interest upon the public debt, "by apiropriat& legislation and cul&juate tava tion." It i,V admitted tliat no one j can compel thq General Assembly to impose such taxation, but the point is made. that, as the Constitution requires that members j of the Assembly shall swear to suppoH it, they are biind in conscience to do so.J - It seeing that this provwion applies only: to the 6VJ'$tate debt, i. c to that- which was in existence when the Constitution was mloplfld. The debt to arise after the Constitutiou.was provided for in the next section. I he method of providing for tV interest w fmarked out there. This rids us of the great bugbear con nected with the many millians of the(nj, extravagait and fraudulent debt The obligation! of conscience in question, (does not extend to that. That there should ap pear, as upon the face of both the Address es bf the Conservative Party to the People this year,there does, a suggestion j that the conscientious obligation extends to lw.th shows how uncertain a thing the conscience of a politician may be. Prob ably somd Irass might be digged out bf an Address which insinuates a threat that if the people do not call a Convention, the signers of the Aaaress, wnoare aisso uicux ir nf tlip Tfrioiature. will be constrain ed by thr consciences whatever'imder the circumstances- this may mean, tcj levy a tax to pay the interest upon m w uoic debt ? whether Swepson;or Littlefield's, or whosoever. I- J Ttnt thn. as to the old debt : ttowmoes that stand i Is there an obligation in; cpn-U science,1 unaer tne uhui iu 4uv-i',j - lay, 1 adequate taxes to meet its. interest promptly? " ..I . The answer is this: The provision in question" is of no force for any purpose ! If we were not under the Constitution of the United States it might have effect. Bui it adds no force to the obligation al ready imposed by the Constitution of the United States. Members are sworn to supportithe Constitution of the United States, as well as that of the State. ! iThe Constitution of the United States recogni zes the Existence of the obligation of a contraci,iiot only by forbidding the States to impair it, but ; also by enforc ing it J itself. It j enforces it in various ways, according to the character bf the person it deals with. As to most people it enforces this obligation through Us courts:' sometimes by ordinary j! exe cution? against goods and chattels1 and sometitnes by mandamus against officers -who are charged with official duties in levying taxes (say in counties and towns) for such: purpose. There are other classes of officers whom it reaches only through their official oaths; . e., operates only up on their consciences. Such are members of the i Legislature. All of such are sworn to support that constitution. That con stitution applies itself to the details of all contracts, and imposes an obligation of like quality, manner, form and condition. What is the character of its obligation in in. Mnscienee in rcsard to officers who can not be sued, is evidenced by its operation on those who con he. If county coupons are payable semi-annually, ft imndamus may be had for the identical payment con trol for ! If State coupons are payable, the obligation in conscience enforced by ; the official oath, is the same, jxuere may, in the case of the members bf the General Assembly.be some play of discretion allowed by the United States Constitution, j ho. nnt iTnrosp his nieas m eiesrant lan- m 1 A w I lll&O V. " d l . : ;.;1t- AnftM in n lppd. State guagu, vutuv , " " i' i uoon but after ail, is not one to wmwicu r;,. with jthe trouble which arises from) his uiference to ;'vir$ of a : they are to taxes; for iie want, r the, appro; u ion ;it3ap ?ay, l. e,,q r ml thv fxi- astry, and I y; delicate ed how- man who Vouldbe ,-ilowever this may be decided in -.regard t the Con stitution of the United Stat .vit isyery plain that the State Constitu tion binds ; nobody's conscience who i . leves that a tax bill for payment of the I ircst.onthe public debt is, under the ciicumstancesof the community, ijuxpproprioie legislation; He is required to jdo it only ly "appro priate legislation." Let any gentleman, who threatens the people with, such'a law' be asked whether he regards fucli lcgisla-. tion as appropriate to the pre cnt circum stances of the times.- If be say, yes, then he is bound even in tl .n absence of such a provision as this, to iery the tax. If he say, no, then the pre. '3 section is without enect. - i i t - Two oaths,, to the" :t.'Jiadho COliiBiuoidji a a duty akeadyyCOim. rrtWAoi! comprcuensiver i tin. Ommnk U lis too, in ' HOMKSTKAD, ? Indeed, the tactics resorted to upon the ivkint. lust discussed, bv the supiwrters of tho rVkTiv-Antion. hriner forcibly to mind thcH celebrated hunting expedition of the lion and the jackass, in which these tactics orig inated. TliejaeKass was to. set up an nu braying, and thereupon the affrighted game would escape from such jaws as he had,and fail into those of the lion lying in ambush. tfrre this section about taxation is to play the part of the ass, whilst the affrighted oeoDle run off and fall into the trap upon the subject of Homestead, which has been nrottiivsfltforthat ouroose. This trap la ominer to be very well understood, and Venires no elaboration : The delegates ard. to be sworn not to toucn tne iiomesieaia provision.and all the while, vows have been . . if registerea to ciean out, mc auprtrun; This will answer quite as well! The '.neat result will be that at the next Christmas many a present of homesteads will be niadt to honest creditors who now sit behind long suffering judgments waiting to be let slip The exceeding tenderness of Conservative consciences in regard to the oath upon "ad equate taxation"! fcc., required the com pensatipn of some indulgence. This has probably been allowed upon the Homesteac question, where a certain anticipation o f sales of that sort of property, coexist with solemn vows not to touch tlte words in th ; Constitution which guarantee them ! If you take the conscience in too tightly in some quarters, you necessarily let it out too xar in others! ilKVOLUTIOX. - We have iiot said anything in regard t the method in which it is proposed to ea 1 this Convention. : The point has been thor oughly discussed recently, as well as foj -. lerly, about itsy. we susu not tiawiaiu it here. Itjis enough to repeat, mat uie mothml i. e a call under a vote of a nii- i iority of tho Assembly has been condennk- . i . ..i.i : 4-:.iiAi unj.t eu by tne VTenerai Assumuiy m timoa as being revolut io nary, r that this doctrine was affirmed by resolutions of State-Con- ,-entions of the Democratic party in mps before the late war ; that it vwas acteu in 1JSGA m reference to Hie can oi uie .-on tion: of February, which did not sit : timt !iintriiaofi so extensivel v and notoriously discussed and construed, .was adopted with out change into the present Constituton; ai)d . .,1 1 t .1.1,1 I li n i 1 1 mat retienuy uuvcmui, . prome Court of the State, have pronounced Such a call to be unconstitutional ami rev j lutionary. f Those who wish for other a i thority upon this question than can be lu d from persons triw now, or irum ouwi ek llie tlioaL .iUliadtcrf'' a Convention, we refer to tMruTfJuiEF .1 1 f tice RuFFiN.the greatesiawyer we rF.vo at any time had in North i arolw le w :is so convinced that such nf Vhods;. te pit s: cut are revolutionary, JLhltrJio vJHuntoc'.'cd, upon a memorable occasbfl, to ooine oAt ot; retirement; and, in an Elaborate parcr, jso. adviso his fellow-citwcn4 t We quote his language j " Two modes of ameiJmrtlie Const uu tion are provided: One UTough the agen y of the General Assembly, proposing inj amendment for ratification by a vote ot t?iej People, which need not ht considered hoej the other, by a Conventioi, calletl in am jn- ner prescribetl in the Constitution. It is obvious that in prescribng tliese two, p other modes aro excluded by irresistible inference. I In respect toi Convention, he lu-nnla rpJ " Xo CoilVeilUOll Of the 00016 shall be called by tho General Assembly inio&a iw tho conciirrenre or two tiiirasmi nil the Membei-s of each House of the ien priil Assemblv.'' Letter bf Jjiht Id, mm to ff ffnninlnttd. ' i ! . " r ThnaA who disres-ard sneh an array of Warning voices, appear to be regardless of ial dntv. and fatallv bent upon mischief. We trust tliat the wisdom of the ieople at .the election now at hand, will dissipate tne cloud of ! apprehension: which naturally arises in view of what Sms to le, at :iiiy rate, such recklessness. :j ' ! ' If otherwise, it is well tor sober, men to 'consider what may bo tie result If any of the present officials of the State relying upon Chief Justice Ruftn's opinion, be dieve their removal under elections held by virtue of the proposed Convention, to be revolutionary and illegal, they may reg ird : themselves bound by, their oaths of ortiee to resist the same. In such event tne i-res- i.i ant of tho United States is bound by his oath of office, supposing lam to be equ uiy deferential to that as well as the oiher opinions quoted above, to interfere wit i a strong hand and suppress all the coi lse- 7uenees of the contemplated moveinent. t was done in the ease of a Northern ftate (Rhode Island) by a Southern Presidont, Mr. Tyler ; it may be done again in the jase of a Southern State, by a Northern Presi dent. Does anybody doubt it ? Who . iocs not feel that if it occur, it will not only shock, but shake down public coniid mee in the stability of everything that pronl otts prosperity in, or that atti acts capital pto North Carolina? The 'very mildest form in which the ques tion can be put, is, canorth Carolina jus tify herself in resorting to doubtful expedi ents under such ' circnaistanees, will she trace her path upon the very edge of dan ger when all know that another inaugura tion nf t violence witldn her- limits will necessarily result in so much confusion, and so irretrievable ruin ? She could hot so justify herself, even if the purposes profoospd were more clearly.right than nowtheviseem to be. But when it is added, that thbre is, ot out no need for the constitutional re form suggested, that, standing alone, Imany of these suggestions deserve condemnation rather than endorsement, it is a wanton thing to call such Convention! Improper ends by violent means, is simply preposter ous ! I ' The Republican party of orth Carolina have the same interest in the general Eeace and prosperity that their opponents ave. They desire to see no public trouble revived : thev wish to aid in raising ! and recovering tne exhausted energies, bf j the State. They prefer that all disorder fn the State, if possible, shaU be put down by i the powers of the. State, and, in the fij-st; in stance, inasmuch as an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, they desiife that the people shall forbid this threatening measure. 1 i ' : r M;l It Ls in this interest, tliat representatives of the Republican party from every section of the State, at two different meetihgs; in Raleigh unanimously adopted the follow ing resolution: j , . 1 itrxnlve'd. That the Republican party of North Carolina, hereby protesting tjhat the nail for a Convention is unconstitu tional, reeozniae that it will be mostJ for the ocaee of the State that the people i 1 so decide at the ballot-box, and therelbre 'Such persons may claim that ' : their condition, as set jover r quasi sovereign, requires tj t have some discretion as to 1 ' ; instance, in times of grca t p fcc., that they are to cor k! priateness of the proposed !. , ; ' proprijteness all arouiul, so t ) the wants of the ereditors," : geflcies of the State. i t lye do not know how this v.. 'are discassing a question of cc such questions are pro ver I ' and deceptive. It may be y ever, that the conscience i f was in fear of hisconstitr.i . apt to take; soniclmclu-turn. ; Upon ail points oi uiw tv maj "w,.r'T 1 EGGS IK'l r , - - - i i i Ot Cniei justice nuinu, wiai 10 wuauw ia!a, VT.OUK uei' xfVt nu t f ii if' i:u i 1 1 ii i iu i in i iitj liiu JJl ct-v. w i i.imil'u commend that an appeal be made them for that ' purpose, and that' such appeal be prosecuted in the usual wav, by a Cam paign, and Candidates, . nit is in this interest that we have been directed to address them. We trust that our designs herein mav prove to be effec I In several important respects tho Con stitution is a great eain upon: all that have preceded L In the large majority of us provisions it is a good Uonstitution, in Hii, Jfc ih toieraoie. ' - ! The , State is: in" . an untrietl eon ditioii : in that jrondition it is not easy to sav what coiistitutionai provisions in some respects may be best. An, experi ment nas teeii set on root at great expeiine, Let us give it a fair and full trial the rath er that if we were now under eompulsion to mako a cvnstitutiou. no eonsKlerate man could be sanruiud that such as we should adopt would answer even tlve purposeH that we -have in: view. Iet us walk, eareruilv forward to bur-plaee in the future, avoiding, so rar as we can all risks or tailing to secure for our posterity a fair chance in the race now leing made nn for : the. fortunate men who are to come after us. Above all things, let us trcal no step backward, upon pain of receiving the maledictions of future'genera ttons, as those who,., with great, opportuni ties for escape, fell under condemnation meet for such as are not diseemers of the times. - ; With liearty goml wishes for this Htate of ours, new jyorth Carolina, and for all .our fellow citizens, of every race in this ; hour of danger to all, we earnestly ask that every ian who wishes to avoid civil confusion, and every man w'ho has not buried his en ergies and affections who has not vowed is davs over a dead encft"xmventQJiti. anil jc(xi'uffrym& i -i : ?r 1 JlilJjlI' VK Chairman, c, MARRIAGES t; ; j Maukied, on the morning of the 12th inst., at the residence of the Bride's fath ?r, iiii Edgecombe county, by Rev. CV B. Rid diek, Mr. A. J.' Daniel, to Miss BettJe, only daughter of Col. Klisha and Marge : et C; om well, all of tliat county, sd cards. 'Married, in Grace Church, WoodviDe, Bertie county, X. C., on the 6th inst., py the : Rev. Edward Wooten, Mr. Burues Cuqhart to Miss Mary B. Thompson, daughter of Tewis Thompson deceased, dl bf Bertie. . Married, iu .Gaston county, on the $th inst., by Dr. Morrison, Mr. W. Friday, of Charlotte, to Miss Eliza HenUkrsn; daughter of James Ifenderson,, Esq.,fof Gaston. . : ' I DEATHS : Die d, at his residence, in Forsythe cofii ty, on Saturday night, the 10th inst., Mr. John Reich, aged 76 years. j Died, suddenly, at the residence of Dr. Wi II. Wheeler,, in Forsythe county, jon Sunday evening, the 11th hist., Mrs. Eliza beth Hunt, aged (2 yearsi i Raleigh Markets. Wliolesale I3riee, CO R R EC T ED TRI-AVEEKLY 11 Y j POOL. Ac MORING, Gi'fjeer (aid Commission Merchants, Comer Wilmington and Martin Sts. COTTON per lt., - -CORN per bushel, - - PEASEr-icr busliel, - - ' -OATS per hundred, FIjOUR North Carolina Family. FLOUR Baltimore Family, B ACON per lb;, " - - - SATr perWuk, - -BA(i(iIN( J - -MOLASSES Cuba, new, - - ?i iu 1MK) - slrQ -104,11 : IV 17 44 ... Sugar House, - :$5 CORN MEAL per bushel; 1." lit T K I) T 11 1 - W E K K U Y It V .-MAUCOM An ALFORD trfoccrs and Coiamision Jfrrciouits, llargctt Street. APPLES dried, - ; - -green, BACON Baltimore smoked, 44 .- uusinokeil, 44 strips, - - -. 44 shoulders, " N. C. Hams, -BUlTER--per.nJ., -BEESWAX per it)., -BEEF on hoof, - . -COFFEE per tt., -CHEESE per lt., COTTON YARN per bale, CORN per bushel, - 31 05 IK) 15 , 12i 00 11 20 00 25 10 1 00 (cfell 12 11 15 10 10 2o 20 07 20 i (a) 22i(j 10 ! 15 (d; 25 15 :i0 20 ClIICKENS-per piece, - dozen, - bbl., S 00 fa. S o0 per lou lbs., - 1 M to 00 HAY per lOO fts., -HIDES green, per lb., - 7o (j ori(i 121 (ay 00 00 15 44 ! dry, per n., -HERRINGS, N. C per bbl. 8 50 (d i) 00 MULLETS por bbl., -LEATHER per lt., -LARD per lb.-, MOLASSES per gallon, -MEAL per bushel, OATS per bushel, -per 100 lbs., PEASE stock, - - - I 44 ! white, -. -POTATOES irish, per bush PEACHES dried, peeled, SUGAR crushed, 44 ! extra C., -' ! " j P. R., - - - ; 44 i common, SALT per sack, -TA LLO W per H., VINEGAR per gallon, - 0 00 feO 00 ,lo (a) 10 ( 33 () 40 20 50 - 1 10 tol 20 03 (it) to 50 W (ail tO (ail 50 00 50 10 00 16 00 00 50 (m 40 to! Cotton lYIa.vket's, -non U K C T ED TRI-WKKK Ta Y GEORGK rr. .STRONACjll, . ; ,i . . . Dealer' in Cotton and Karat Stores, Market and Martin Streets. ! Receipts at Raleigh, - - -For ' shipment fi-om Raleigh, For storage, - - . -Sales, yesterday, - - d ; i o.votation's:. " . brdinarj', - - - -Good ordinary, - 15 15 41 00 lales. 141i(15 17(3,171 lTStolfS Low middling, - -Middling, - - - -j Market active, cotton scarce. 00 J-JOORS, ; ! SASHES, BLINDS, I Wood Mouldings, Stair Rails, Newels, tc, KXAMELLEI), EMBOSSED, GROUND AND CUT GLASS. t A large j and well assorted stock f the al)Ove gooils constantly on hand at the low est rates. Order work promptly attended to. Builders and owners will find it to. their ad vantage to get our estimate before purchas ing. Special attention given to Black Walnut and other Fiust-Cuass work. Estimates and Friee Lists nimlslicd on eel!,: application. WHlTLOCK'& !5 1 aUc i2SO CoJitil fcstreiet, it : SEW VOKK. re- June 8, 1871. 2 wly. I A. V aJ X JL-J V 0a to! 20 (i 15 (ad 121(31 t 10 to H 25 7 (a I 12J 40 .to! .50 BIT Wt War.' M. Brow??, as Business Clerk, is author ized to make contracts, and give receipt, Ac, All letters relating tq raWriptions or adver tisements must be aduressed to Win. M. Brows, Communications ami , jiohtical ngviiiou will be aildretMod Kditok or JKra, ltaleijch, X ,q. Itjtleislt, N. j C?., t June , t8Sid t : -TT r rr -rr-f 7-.- WAKE. COUNTY CONVENTION. A t-kmvention of citizens of, Wake County opposed to f he Convention measure of the, late general Assembly will be held in the; Curt House in Raleigh on Maturday, July) 1, 1871; for the1 purpose 'of hominatihg can-j didates to ' canvass Wake ; county against said measure. -At :A. r-, i I Kach township iu the county is requested to hold meetings aiid send delegates tb the County Convention. '-;Kaeh 1 township will ' send live delegates, and each ward of the city tive. ... f , - :r, r . : , STATE NEWS. , I Ion . WiiiV, AS m Ltlt is, J U Maj. A. M. .Envin for Convention. ' . Dr. Jas. W. Blount and Isaac B. Kelley have leen nominated by the Duplin Dem. ocrats. - . j . ' ; j 1 . J. F. Wooten Democratic lawyer, has luii iiominfltprl bv -the Conventionists of Ijenior. . v - v Col. J. A Gilmer will deliver an address at the Kernersville High School on the 23rd instant..:''-. :'...:..;:)-: ;j lion. C. L. Vallandigham, of Ohio, accl dentally shot and kiiled himself on Satur day last. - . I - There will be a Grand: Mass. Meeting against Convention 4th of July next. at Greensboro' on the T. B. Kingsbury, Esq., proposes to pubf lish a paper in Oxford, tb be called Southern Appeal. ' : the Jaiucs B. Shepard, for many years as lead ing citizen of North Carolina, died ,in this city on Staurday last. Mr. Frederick urger, of Bremen, Ger- manV. has nurchased the late l-esideiice of Gov. Worth in this city. - The Republicans of Pasquotank will hold a meetinfir on Julv 1st. when an anti Con- vention candidate will be nominated - m r Granville county Conservatives have nominated Col. J. S. Amis, Alex. S. P earce and Wm. M. Snead, for Convention. If a man docs not advertise, it is safe po presume that he is afraid to let the public know how small and poor his stock is. Col. S. M. Hughes has been nominated as tho candidate for delegate to the State Coji vention for Stokes county, by the Demo crats. , 3T- iWanoTfcsqlrna boelif nom--pito inated by the Denio'cratlc-Conservati ves of ISeaufort county to represent them n t ic State Convention. The wheat crop in Montgomery A A ouiity is represented us an entire iaiiure. Corn and cotton aro promising, crop will be very line. i and the. ieach Mr. A. L. Ixiugoe having resigned as one of the Commissioners of the Middle jWad K. P. Battle, Esq., has lieefi ehosen Board to fill his vacancy. f by the - titv romicil F. of T.. Will celebrate its 4th anniversary on the 17th ot July, tr Tritrh!ird and others will )o inyi ted to sjeak on that occasion. AtV, MSA- m M. M. . The Conservative-Democrats of de conntv. met in' Convention on Saturday last, aiid nominated Wm. S. Carter, FWq. for delegate to the Convention. i v.nil at Tit.tloro'- Chatham countv, on the 10th inst., Hon. John Man ning, Jr., and, George W. Fooshee, were nominated as candidates for tne v on enu m. i ti,u rMiarlottn Observer understands iat John Scheuck, .colored, of that city, has eeived the appointment, of Mail' Agent a i. A. . re- on, the A. T. & O. Railroad, to taite enet-ion the 1st of Julv. J; ' Til KoliMsonian learns that Daniel L. Rnssel. Sr.. Esq.. who is now in Philadel " 7 ' trAalment for a cancer, is very low and is not expected to survive lliim, uiuili""b much longer. ; Mr. Georee Z. French is now busily en gaged in shipping peaches i rom ins eelsior plantation, in New j Hanover coun ty. Up to! Friday he had shipped .three hundred bushels. ; , j; t -1 : r,M. !tui Titrift is infornietl thati XUU vjijicvk"-'" ,. f Mr. John A. RatlifT, of Itockingjmncmmty, raised 7,000 pounds of JobacW' -of km. and sold the crop at i .... ,..-tM3 all round, amounting to ws.iM. , Wo am informed that CoL Charles C. ar- Jmifts Jr.: late Lt. of Artillery in the mies of, the Confederacy, in premring roster of General Officers, te.. in jthe Oow- federate serv ice during the w ar. The Carolinian loams through a reliable source, that the prospect of Uie' Edenton and Suffolk Railroad we brightening. we ;ntrrut iivthis MitervrW and are KTl c ..- - , . gratified in hearing such good news. The remains of the Right Reverend IGcn. Poik are to lie removed from the church yard of St. Paul's in Augusta, Ga., where they now lie.unnWked, to Louisiana, Where . il Vv ofoi-fn-f nvpr them. a uioii-m-1"' " - - r- The JtobesonUin says : 44 We are pained to learn that the turpentine; distillery ; of Mr; S B. Tolar, at St. Paul's, was consuuved by tire on Tueslay last. Tho lire was accl: deiital, and the loss is reported heavy. ! , , ; ;, . We learn from the nillsboro'. Recorder tliat'a son of Mr. John Stoekard aged about rr.rtvdiAd rf inncer at his home .ill Ala nonoA vnntv i last Monday,, The cancer a a---''w -w j had eaten up the lower portion of his chin. I James Broner, one of the., first settlers of Washington, N. C.,. wtoso pody has been resting under the pavement of one of the; streets, of that place, has been recently dis interred and buried in the Episcopal Ceme tery,.' - ' . - ; . ; .: ' ' ' : . . . i . John Bich, au old and reHpoctablq citizen of our country died at his residence, two milea South of Saleiu on last Saturday night. Mr. Rich represented tliat county I in the Legislature before it was divided, o says, the fientinrl. y The Elizabeth City C,it rot i nob says that the most of the M-heat in that section has' been cut. Tliat which was sown early and ; on groiMid that was pojWrly cultivated good the balance has lccii ladly daiuagel by the rust. . UAKK CotTV KxfcCUTlVK COMillT- ii tkk. What is tins committee doing? It seems to us that it is time that a bounty Convention hnl Ikh ii cuIUh! for the purMse r nominating candidates opixysedlto the Convention. . The annual meeting of the IahhI. Minis ters! Association of North Carolina jvill le held at Hit kory Tavern, eomiiicneing July 12th, and continuing 'four tlays. A Grand Mass meeting (jf Sunday Schools .-.will le held Saturday. nMiy4thr last Statesvilie ana caiarioue, h h ( i .ii mmm wilt be laid and the last pike driven, Wednesday of this week. A: W. Fuller, Esq., ha been elec ted Mayor of - Lumberton to All the yacancy occasioned by the resignation of O. 0. Nor- ment, Esq. He beat hia competitor E. K. -Pwwm- Rnnblieaii. bv 10 VOtes. So W6 learn from the Robesonian. The people of Chatham county want to establish the Haywood ana canej cree Railroad, chartered by the last Legislature, to run from Haywood, on Deep River, via Pittsboro', to a point in Alamance county. BooTcs of subscription have been oppned. : The Statesvilie A merican learns that the North-Western N. C. Railroad lacks only three miles of being finished through to Statesvilie, and that on the 24th there will be a grand festival, public speaking, Ac., at Shepherd's Crow Roads, 12 miles this side of Statesvilie. The Annual Commencement of ake Forrest College takes place on the 2st, 22nd and 23rd inst. The address berorehe . Lit- j erary Societies will be delivered by the Rev. f J. L. Curry, of Richmond ; Ta., and the ser- j mon before the graduating clasaby the Rev. J. D. Hufham, of Warsaw,' N. C. V The Asheville Citizen says': 44 The cheese factory near this place is now thriving. We are informed tliat Mr. Patton is man- ufacturing a quantity of cheese, which is of the best quality. We are pleased io know this, and hope ho will bo encouraged and supported in his enterprise." j ; i J The Statesvilie A merican says : The wheat harvest has commenced in this section, and I. the prospect is very gratifying to our farm ers. The yield will be good. , cjjrn crqp doing well and oats improving. There is a very largo amount of old corn andfwlieat in our midst. (Emigrants to .that e tion can lie assured of abundant adpplicH at inoler- urt,-r , . -vJ i ':' The Address leforc the Alumni Aksik-Li-tion will be delivered at the Annual Coin ineuccmeut of Davidson, College by Rev. Froutis Johnston, of Lexington at 3 P. M., oil the "28th.- Business ofj unusual imiortance will claim the attention of the AxsTM-iation. and if is earnestly Hoped lliai the members will generally attend. The cars are now runhingto the College. i We learn from the Sentinel tliat jat the last regular communication of Winston Lodge,' No. 167, the following officers were elected for the ensuing Masonic year ; if, P. Mast, Wni-uliiitful Master! A. Wilsdn, Senior Warden; G. M Mathes, Junior N. W. Nadiiig,jTresisurer;-vV,1IOi Warden : landj Se'- retary. . A Installation of offices vVill tak place on Saturday, the 24th of J line.. We regret to learn from tho North CYtroi nam that Timothy Morg-an, of Perquimans,! diet! at his home in that county on the 7tli inst. of congestion of the brain. The'AorA. Carolinian says : Timothy ; Morgan was piore than an ordinary man. To- know him was to respect and love him. His prover bial honesty of intention, his sterling com mon sense and his many amiable qualities gave him the eontidence oTidl. poring the war he was a Ixdd, steadfast, out-spoken friend of the Union,, and since then he has ever been a zealous advm-ato of the funda mental doctrines of the Republican jMirty. Previous to the war he resided in Pasquo auk county, and at one time represented 'tt in Uie House of Commons. In 1806 he wa-t elected to rcresent PasiUotanH ana rer quimans in not learnetl. the Senate. Ilw age we have Wejudgehe was about CO." LwrrcRic Hon. R. iicK Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, delivered a Iecture at Temperance Hall in ihis city on" Wednesday last. In its notice of the lc. ture, the Sentinel of this city yjs: It In seldtiiu that our citizens have an op- portunlty to enjoy such a "literary produc tion as that delivered by Judge Dick at Temperance Hall, pri Wednesday night last. His subject was Helirew Poetry. Judge Dick' lias shown himself, in several lectures to which we have had the pleasure of listening, to iosse-s; a masterly literary niind, as well as much tliat partakes of true poetry. In his lecture Wednesilny a mm I Mil 1VP ' A. night ho did himself eminent JusUce, pre-, venting tlie subje-t in a manner most in teresting and instructive. He presentofi in beautiful and elegant utterances,-the poetry which characterizes the languago of that historic race; and hia allusiona to sev eral of the l-ooka of tho Old Testament, which were first written in the Hebrew, tongue, as containing the highest type of true poetry, were strikingly impressive, ... and clothed in words themselves poetieallv eloquent. It would have pleased us eould ' the whole of Raleigh, who are capable of appreciating such an effort, have liceii pres ent It is to bo hoped that more of our lai dies and gentlemen can appreciate 7 real, high-toned, literary eloquence; than were present the other night, though the audi ence was complimentary in f intelligence and character, if not in numbers . and all were niost delightfully pleased. May the , davsoon come when literary genius can command at least the same respeet and consideration that would be bestowed upon an immoral exhibition of personal develop ment in theatrical entertainments. 4 III i . " j F!