ITHS flfl'AtRSTOLLECTIO'' THE WEEEffFERA ............ - nam . .:z.cujrJTYji'rjoa nHTATeL&vu r ill". WM. M. BROWN ANAGEn. 77 ""nnfiw es or .Vt!VCrtIi.ltjrrT ih J 9 tit ! niu lelsiHO i netiue,j , tfi sr H1 if ttkJLtK Ir-llM One square, one titae, Kates or ufcwptiou s DAiLT--One year, inlvance,. f -'.ft 00 .. sai in: "ii ii " W.iii.jK mx monttis. m aavance t. . 8 60 Three monJt in dranc- -2 00 'IT '1 . A square is the wldLh of cblnmn, and Tih-Wekklt OmA-ear, In adyance, f3 00 6 rrtrntas, in advance. 2 ,00 ,tc5nlrltfvcrf& 3iontns,in advance. 1 QOl lonth, in advance, , -..;;"& WKKKrcrr-Onyear, la advance, $1 00 Vol. 2. Professional Cards, . not s, in auvance, ; 50 f r. square, wi IT ho pulillshet'l oiio year for lli. N II i CJ LA . 71 lifii-' : " THE WEEKLY ERA.; TIlCltSDAY, OCTOBER l; 1872. V Get your Grant and Wilson tickets ready. Go to tho polk on election day and vnifn, r. n . . - :. Arnold's' address was - written at . . - W Democratic headquarters in Raleigh t - '-. - - . ' .. - - We must have twenty-five thousand majority for Grant in North Carolina. . Republicans Took out for the bom77 C"r:: tickets the Democrats have had printed to deceive you! , . The Greeley people say the country is in danger, Then gdto the polls and save it by voting for Grant and Wil . son. . J ', - 'i 2 Once more to the polls Republicans, and you have got,-the Ku Klux; you .are secure In. your persons, visukxtx.' anoijjiirjsuits-u--rr- . ' : - S f. - t ' The VJJibeal3,! and MDemocrats, are making no canvasr-can make none-7-but don't let this fact induce any. Re- pubucau .ta stay from the polls. Republicans'bf North Carolina! the future of your country, State and party will be materially influenced by the majority you give. Grant in this eiec tion. ;: - v"'- i ; . Have some leading Republican at everv tollinir place on the day or elec tion, to look out for the bogus tickets the Democrats will, try to put off on those ' Republican voters ' who can't read. . -. ; . The- "straiErht-outs" announce that . they have an electoral ticket complete In iSorth Carolina: ana they usrt that O'Conor and Adams will poll fif teen or twenty thousand votes in :he estate. j v ; Read the article headed "How the Democrats propose to deceive the Re publicans. Grant tickets to have Gree ley Electors on them. Bogus tickets already in the field. Republican vo ters be on your guard !" M '-Colored men, f beware of any man of your color, who supports Horace Gree ley. These men may be honest and weHimeaD!ng,;t)nttheyre deceived, if they are. Don't let them, or any man, white or colored, deceive 3011. '.Republicans ' remcmler that the Democrats are circulating Greeley elec toral . tickets with Grant's name at the head of them See that all, the-tickets have the Republican electors all on theml as well as Grant and. Wilson at thehead.. iw. -u f:i -.- Danger lies chicfl v in the apathy now pro- You had 110. apathy" in August. Where were you then? There was no " apathy " in j-our ranks in Verm6nt, Elaine, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Nebraska, where were you in those States? Why don't you come out and 41 confess the corn" that your coalition is badly beaten and your party sold and lets "clasp hands across the chasm" and call it square?. : : There are some intemperate presses nnvi fnrvmslrtprate' Dolitlcians, foolish nnnimh tr snfrmt the' re-election - of Grant as c-ause for another appeal to arms on the part of the boutn. ; rnir i-r nrotest amlnst such appeal: but If there is ever another "appeal to nrma" wo TTfint to all thOSO WhO nrwwi n nrms. CAfiHY. ABMS' Some Of our folks made a. mistake in . the last war; they thought the, pen mightier thtn tho etrrtrr! and the v exchanged thr iflttnr for the former. -Let there be no, mistake on the- occasion of another Tf ia ,r(,i fh'tt Tlafr "Dnrhami Esq.. of Cleaveland ccranty, ia to take charge nl 1 Ae llanuer, pnbUshed, at Shelby, IS. -C, and thnf ThA nnnner will suDDort O'Conor for thTresideifcy. Ilicttrry Tavern Eagle. '7 Rji crivea no authority for the above rumor. . There are various others of -similar import, but . very unliKeiy stories, afloat. .Is all this another trick of the opposition? Republicans, "stand from under"!' Distrust all rumors and statements that reach you from the side of the "Democrats'?, and Liberals.': We have nothing to do With the O'Con or movement, nor must we heed "Dem ocratic" rumors or "Liberal1' stories.--.We must vote the regular Grant ticket. TlieDaili eics, 'under the head of "calamities .threatened" -reproduces from a speech of Carl Schurz his declar ation that "the time will come when the Southern people mast light lire with fire, force with force." That time was hot; long ago, and right gallantly did our people try it ; .but Carl, he was ' on the other side of the rchasm." Wo should say he was a threatening calamity to . any country, party or people, whose territory his presence 'might encumber, or' whoso cause he might espouse. - We sympa thize with anybody so unfortunate as to 4draw" this Germau, elephant. ,He lea his Fader-land and the. Republican . party, for one und the same reason. ' Hon;1 John Po61: We have heard so much of ' the In fiimvnfMn Pvni v and his f enmity to the people of North . Carolina " from me opposition presses anu 6i that it is worth while to present here a short extract from a speech of Jus in the Senate, April 5, 1871, for which he was so generally denounced and. misrepre sented by.the opposition presses : ' . It was intimated herd that I had bused the State, "maligned". :it I thinks was the word tne Senator from aiissou" ,; I haire.expre&sed ladignatiou:.anl4 ,hay denounced the misefalilo organization oi cutthroats and assassins "who havo banaea tnTh.. ji.t.i. it.. &v nf rav .oxaie and that endangers ita future prosperity ana J inreatens to bring. bloodshed ana. rum the whole people. Is It true that I cannot denounce a murderer, and. assassin, or a band of murderers and assasstas' without bcin rhanypd -with lenounclns the tttaier maugn tne State or ortn v;aru"ua " .r ; did ferer say againit. that glorious State ! WhntiHM t .a- .rjnst ber.peopieT hat f Renouncing Greeley.' ; Colonel Oscar Eastmond, .who caml into . the state last Summer iiLthe in lerest of the Greeley-Merrimori cam paign, publishes a letter in The Ashe- vUle Pioneer of Tuesday; 22d instl. nt- I terlv 'reDudiatinir And nnMniviiv r renouncing Greeley., I - . Z ' Look out for Traitors. ti lt is ascertained that Georcre M. I Ar nold, while pretending to be ior Grant, t a rnntlxr xxmrlrirtc canrafltr " 'ft .1 7" , 1 . vmmmng a direct attack on Supervisor Perry. The; Democratic headquarters in this city. . r , " .". . , rS: , Another Senatorial Richmond in tv;t v .-' . "rtlib" FielcL; Robert Rtrn nf?. Tcrf rme 1 in" --- rr fc'tate, and among the most popular men of me tjape jr ear secuon, is assuming a prominence in the Senatorial "contest not dreamed of by the party ; wire pulf- ers and political combinationists at their meeting in this city; last week. Strange things sometimes happen, even In po litical movements. - , v-iU Independent Democratic . nals. : j Jour- Among the organs of the Independent Democracy, who prefer Grant to Gree ley in this - contest are Tlie Buffalo Evening Post, Brockport (iV. 31) Demo crat, Weschester County Journal, Alli ance (Ohio) Local, and New York jZr'a; There are others, but these are'hright examples of Independent: J)einocratic journals who dare speak out, and care not for the party machinery so much as they do for their country. . ' J Tlic Infamy of tho Gerrymander. - -. 4 ... - ,.5 The attention of the reader is invited to the table of Senatorial Distrtcts pub lished in this issue of The Era. v We shall keep this matter standing as a reference table , to what jwe shall have to'say on the palpable unfairness, and even criminality, which character ized the conduct of the last Legislature in re-arranging the Senatorial Districts. We shall also publish a table showing the Congressional Gerrymander, as a part of the history of a partisan Legis laturei which smothered t one section of h& fitatn In rrivincr ih( nthpr R rpnrfi- . . a y x &UlllUhlUll ill Hi, UJcili vyil ito Luimiimuii l 'jenjUIe ft tru- Ilumors. .TJic JlicJco'ry Tavern Eagle rumors that Hon. Plato Durham, who has as sumed control of The Shelby Banner, will, with that paper, support O'Conor and Adams. Other rumors are floating about to the effect that. several Greeley papers of tho State are going to haul down their present colors, and thst some of our prominent gentlemen, hitherto deep in tho Greeley move ment, are going 1 to unfurl the O'Conor banner : 1 which rumors however we wholly discredit. t" ; ', ' . ; "u ..'... t , , i .We feel sure that Grant will carry the State, by twenty or twenty-five thousand, and so these political rumors, flying about,' neither disturb nor inter est US.. t;l,: ..:h' :; , .'.-! Jefferson, Madison and Grant. ' We lie re resurrect some of the railings of the 14 Reformers and Reconcilia tors" ' during Jefferson and Madison's time, ; to see. how . they compare with thes; slanderous, attacks on, 'resident Grant. , - - - " "':!'-" 'j During the administration of James Madison the United Stales was engaged" In a second war , with the. most power- ful nation , on earth, as J Great Britain then was. : The war was eminently justj 'and had been postponed; as long, as our national honor could suffer it without stain., -It was so recognized by a large majority of the people, and under such Circumstances even : dissentients, who wished for their country 's success, help ed to sustain tho hands of. the govern ment. But never was man abused more. bv his opponents than Madison Resist ance of the fiercest; kind was constant and rebellion and revolution were not only txeatened bat almost executed. The same spirit of hatred and .opposition which caused tho slave-holders or the South to secede, then nearly produced the rebellion of New England. : -J ' The Federal Republican for November, 7,1814, says: .r:-:.HUi 1 r r Knfora the 4th of July.', if James' nrx;aMi iknot out of office, a new , for nv of irovcrnmlBnt will be in operation in the pas tern section of the Union; f Mr. Ifadi-i son cannot 'complete his term of service ir tlie war 'continues.' It is not possible, and If he Jaiew human nature he would see It." The Boston uazeue aiso saia z . ; Is "there a federalist or patriot in AmerK Jefferson, and' that host of ruffians In Con eress. who have set their faces against us for ears T Shall we then any longer be held in iiaverv bv such a graceless faction T Heaven forbidV' ' C fVEBICAIi DENUNCIATION 'OP MADISON' a Welnigb t fill a folio :' volume with ex-, tracts of th same character and viru lence, and from . sermons; delivered by the Rev. J. S. J. Gardiner, A M.jiiee torof Trinity Chuch, Boston; the Rev; David Osgood, D. .D., Pastor of the Church at Medford; the Rov Elijah BmarPDJtiajid.jrtheiYincg jUsq mem lrs of the Church -militant,' o denotlced -Jenerson-adminiltratiorf as ' afiiabolicalr7rrinity,-composed of Thom.Jeffern7 -Tom -Paine and the" Devil ! 1 We shall omit them and shall only aci a piece of grim; but neverthe lesarlau Jhable,Thumor on tho part of a clegynin in the State of Mafnewhosa hatred the Devil; was mild "in com parlson kith that, which he entertained for Jeiftjson When in the act of pub He pra5'k hesaid:- . -- i, :" Oh Lbxl 1 'Uictxx cominandcsti na to love Ourcnemjea, to do "pood, to tthose who perse cute us'art J ;Ae9pitefuIly use us, afd Uj pray for wretches who are full tut wickednefjaand lrnquitr.) In obedienee tcrthr commands. oh God I Id I no'w-at this lime. - nrafor Thomai JTeffetsson Fremdent of theae United Slates.", i-I "t,y Siuificarrt.v na y ou-will observe that Jt contains not alemgle aprintment 'iStlafty. one of the in ul ti tude of Dem I ocratic ordtora :who"are usually- fraropooRing',kth'eBt4tG sind orailf'vehemently oil the jgye of an election, -straws show, wmcnw.ay thje'Wind Is blowing. iTpplcsliafp andffn a fej7ysou'lBe' some of the patriotic editor. of?(ini feervattve-Demcraticpapersiiauldown jtffe Grreeley flag and run up'someptfter buntipg in its placeBy the way, rwhat aias become of thqrtwo -Greolc and pBrown flags, which a ;shortl tinio rago flapped so defiantly across Faj;etteyille L A A C - T 1 " A. 1 ' V 1 V ' . ' Bireet ( xiu tne irennsyivania,xqrnaao waft them tbsome "' genial clime. and. are they "H now fluttering in the breeze-' at", Macon Georgia ? Oh 'My ! What will become , of thejfcOiintry ? Boo-hoo f - Boo-hpo ; ; Boo-rinctum-popr py-diddle-boodle," 1,, Tnu Era Is henceforth a Daily ;. price sey en dollars. " . - -i v f Subscribers to the TriWeekly, desir ing to change the iDAil will notify the'Mahager j otherwise the paper will be seat them -three times a - week , as heretofore. - tj The Itepublican party of North Car olina has, : for ? nearly two years, de manded a Daily 'at the Capital of the State. is at Jast complied tWith. -It'remains for those 'who have demanded; a Daily 1 tO '-sustaiu TrtE pAIIiYJElLA.... ;-n'Mt"t -.m; Mil ? The paper rests) its claims - upon ; its merits,! and whetherto Republicans, 1 - - f - ""1 J A, i r . M m y . .iiwi w v-r w V j . y I "mi 1 A nl..n-4f c',,-.r i.ue. suusuiuuun uuu uu ci uoins rates are the same as those of The Daily News. We have adopted those : jFirst, Because we don't propose to do an undercutting business. jlSecondlWe think our japer worth as much as the Democratic organ of Raleigh; "' - Independent Democracy a pbr. established in i860, 'advocates" the election' of Grant and AVilsbn, and heads1 the ticket "The choice of the In dependent ' pemocracy. The motto oif The Era is In the. words' of General Gratit tU General Lee at Appomattox twin r i ' ; 111 " l ' - J '. m a ' i J ' i l 1 -T A ;xpii your poys iney can iaKe uieir horses home with , them to help raise their crop." , .'. Under pthe ; head Is 'f Anybody Ifurt?' : We take the following from TheNew tiwkEra:' ;Uj " ' '" " ' ' ifheother' day a number.of gentjlemen, Democrats in their political faith, quietly met in conference in this city,. , and con-' elided, from convictions support Gou. Grant for President' as against Horace Greeley. ; . Other gentlemen who were pres ent "in spirit", and by., letter, coincided in theso views. Whereupon the sluices and sewer-pi pear of the'' Greeley organs' partiC nlarlyjTAe Sun i'aud? 2Vt6unar a opened wth a flood , of ? abuse,, misrepresentation, and calmunyand" these gentlemen are de nounced and ridiculed, day after day, with out stint and without .cause.,. If( they- bad co'ncluded to support preeley, it would have been" all right i they Would have been "Pa triots and ' Christiana now. they 'aro.neith-? ' ery according to tne Greeley scnool ot jour nalism. But' they are alj goid men, and cn standit; : They .will do 'tlieir; duty, nevertheless, earnestly. and .w elU ni :t " ,We are sate in saying from the manner in which the Greeley r journals . gnash ; their teeth, thsrt somebody 'has been" 'rece'ntlr hurt! ' ' ' ' ;- ' - 4 ; t '-;.;, . , M Mrs. 'Aji'droW 1 Joyncr 1 . 4: " t X)n tlie death of this. lady.t of whom itSvasvritteji-7- she t was 'phe of the loveliest women of her age "Tha Wilr tmnglon i Journal says, and we endorse tlie sentiment of ihbrticle 7; f' ller "maiden naine.w'as Jones.", !n these fefr words we find tlie only reference to her distinsruishedl 'parentafce.' contained ih the obituary notice fTtho- widow of 'AkPnEWJ Joyneb,. iwnose aeatn a few aays ago -destroyed oneof.the last .link thfiA bosnd the olden time to ,theitiew,t?vrimeTis pldiand hath forgot itself" tin. very; deed wpen the Vttxi3 J6XES ttirs iap1 norther 'hiemoty pf byrgohd days than the fact that her maid en -name was Jones.? V - Ljf .t !(i U-yn-.' ... -Mrs. Jbyner was lhe daughter-of Nrth'revoluU6n ; theffir3t Governor of the ,people?suc ceeding'th'e Royal Governor Jklartiri, 'as President rthe'toram aadhdeserye a piaceaionglhQ heroes and . statesmen rNorth Carolina Jias, so. Jong neglected, and whom her sxaatoaveiapparentiyfo A Art The' Journal quoted ' not Inaptly.- " Time ii old and hath forgot itself j while Our- people seem: to enjoy the 6b-1 llvion slnto'Which ttevhkve suffered 4 their cast the noblest rac of men any age of the world has everseen-rteQl4-time North, Onrofinian. ' vy X The Saxatmahewone of therfire- eating journals In the. interest of Mr. Greeleyt h&twas " veryj much am used. fat the f summary -inariner in jyhicli f lid miHjfe...werc uri vvu ironr iuu pons, leav ing their dead, eu tha Heldf;afterHlios elcipjanPuiiD3yl van ia , , Indiana and Qhio, tlniarepi ne- and ? prognbstfeates ri view pf die recent" elections twliere the jkrgta permit tejdjd droptheigame on -the streets': Jjrheresnit cannot fail to hama depress ing effect noon their hpes cf success m the approachingTi sidentiii contest, as all cal culation's ' agree t hat withoutMho vote of at kast one of thesq States itill bo Impossible to defeat GrantJ If the Llhcratst oouUl not f-earry either of theui - in tha election,which rijU3C caKen. piacesureiy-tnero can o no Treasonable-, expectation oi 001112-eo tn-si' -. it OUCf Vlinout tne aHlltrf Uxe.VQ.xe9 oi, umb otaies AVbat is to b6 th feffect of these elections- -n ,ine JtTesiaentiai eanvass a tew aays vm ueyeKjpjjLjiaa very possioie - wv.uio nsa ui trrese Htates win Kive a new. jtnpeius o -o StraightJbijt i movement,' and that-hou- sanaa oLXeniocrats who naanaae up tneir minds tathe expediency of iristainiilg the Cincinnati nomineea,twil! XallbaeX upon tho principles w hiclv they, liayo never aban doned, and either, vote the Straight-out ijeketor take no interest in the cosiest.- ' 0T!e result of these elections haa demon strated one of two-things: either theLaberal alliance has brough t no ' strength to, the Democratic partypr " the v most gigantid frauds'have been pern trated by the Kadical party." In either case the, friends of constiJ tutionai , govenmient nnc liuie to give en courasrement Or hope forHhe future. If Ldberalism -is so weak, we harenoLlope from that 'Quarter ; if tho people are so,de-J generate and corrupt we may wen aespair of the Republic v ? Tha.Ittt Klux; Going toMlile. AjJistinguished nd ; leadiflgtpouti: cian of North" Carolina;-hs; recently iven the National Democratic 'Coni- mittee the assurance that the Ku Klux of this State willVide for two or three nights, . . preceding the Presidential election. He based on this-factrandJn-formationf his assurance-tothe" Com- mittehat , the. State would ,;gp. for .The. programme, as. 4 aeveiopea ,py this gentleman, is, for the Ku Klux to TideiththwrisyulBeffnm the country, without, molesting .any-, body or committing any outrage what-, ever; they are(simpiy to viae w(,n (H$. guises on, thoxsilUimiCating the Re- publicans,the,ir terrible prpseice being deemed sufncientl'to carry consterna tion among the colored voters deter ring them from the polls and- thereby giving the State t Ghseley.-j J i . That if anv; Rep'Xivowtr3 uiciul Klux riding abontthe country, to pay no attention ' whatever 'thereto, but keep out of any ' difficulty with; them lot them "pass ibn'; unnIested out go to the polls on Tuesday. , tjie 5th day of November, vand vote - for Grant .and Wilson; for unless Grant 13 re-elected the Kti Klux will ride every 'night', and the outrages; hitherto perpetrated by, the Kan in this State will be, repeated with ten fold severity, on the poor and defenceless of the Republican party. - For this' present ' occasion - ttie havp announced ,that .'thyVsnall ('idcti i 4 spirit .of i Junfot.t Jove, of, (idv&ifarctit merely for a liUlharmfess- amusement, hence they are not to be -feared and wo advertise their intentions and move ments' that' nri :Repubiicanf":' White f br colored, may be deterred frbm thejpolls' on account of 'the iridnfght'Mdihg of these' "misguided youths' but'fun lov inggerttlcm6nlJ H" wiil,:a i'-s. lUi "to ?ti h . .I VI'-."-.; " Tho Best Phase of ftheAOerryman-i ' -vA',-fv.,.- iv v'lder. .vfvv-H Vj.i " Districts b.v't'he last' iesrislature, '' alk-' The population of the State, by. the Census reports under which the Sena torial Districts ,were"artanged. is 1,07V 4dl V souls; l' Tli3 population divided among Pifty' Senatbfs ! would giy'ati average population tb cach Sen-' ' ' ! . atorof- ! - VM "- ,;21,429 But to theTinf1yttwoConsr'a-; Ii - "l tiv& Senatorial Districts- the,,;,; ki r Legislature' idlotted aii -aver' r n A age of- ,.;V.".,?'' ir ioJ'20,99 Kr i 1 " ' .-. ', :!' Short to each Democratic Sena-,- -tor.--, f I .nv :h,lmpHi -.nit n-pJo3Q Now to each Itepublican Senato--j w: t t rial District this- pame Iiegis-v:-fnt--:i laturq allotted a.l3ppulation pfj -2271; J proper lveragotljL it.Hi( titf? t-t m rr 1 jAn excess over proper average, t,r ... , a opulatfott Weacn'Repubii1 JJ t pop can LSenatbiTor H jm Hlu 'M, Him average -poilujatidil "fV;; Takiti allotted rfal"DisS itnd!,!substractih the average populations in the ' Conservative Districts " . ,f.20,S99 -'. .!! i u r .! ml n Ill JI This we say, is the very best, light the matter can be placed in It is the wif vi4 rVii' va " ask the public to examine into it Close- i ly and prepare their' minds Jfor the e3c-1 hihitiou'brtnfambus gefryhiandngJ4t a .Mil lllit getner, py our,stanuing laoie, wo iy-uay. put it in theyery "best , light 'for; the "Democrats,' It. is susceptible pf being ator representing a pepuia-4, I mentjapu .service wen perigruivA,wa I tiorV'off v'Jt, : " T. VVr Vif tott kwinningeiementinthexnobgrel Ure ffian"the,LegislatilreJ na ferparty '- ,1 -l. -V. ""ife led its' Conservative Senators toVepJ-e-.j, t "Ransom and Vanco combined,t tlie- we shall, proceed -to gi?hemjrwxry followers enough to elect liimi time to time, reference vbelng -ateaySl iiad 'to the facts andfigptes cpnTRined inandsugjrested by the tAble-standiut elsewhere. 4 . rVN n- . t - j - - j.ueriie:aua uoatcnipvwivH : 7 " Mr. Greeley, iu- his Litter daysJl mfikinV:. himself fts "dikiHIq and i .con- O' . "T Y" - - 4 - Z ' he' was formerly ferocious bn -Jrotec- uMfiml vlnd!etive'r,dn;"l the South- , " . , - ff infamous insults tov f,tirtdgros3l t wanted d ! devastatcl- uth.VAa - SS'" went SD for ps' tq up!oftBatle-m,4ii ori bur 'noble "Sutndri? women. ; In'iJCZt&&. Tribune otxv Confederate soldiers. It is an pflmira bie jaiece.of ; English -composiUbn, ex- cited the applause of the, whoieTNorih ahd is now a splendid (?) : reason why: the Confederate sofdiers should YPte" for Greelevi . Read the article Confederate soldiersv-MI j Z But nevertheless we mean: to conquer them -not merely to defeat,1 but to epnquer; to subjugate .them and wdtshalls do this tlie most mereifnllvv the more'fipedJilv we do it. rBxfT when the BEBEtiiods TSXl-fl fORS ABE4OVEKWHEX.MED tN'THJ! iTIELD, ajSD SCATTEBEO LIKE LEAVES ,FpKE AN Vla Lf IX MUST NOX. JiJS liysiUKfl TO IPEACEFUI. AND . CO NTEN TEl ItOMES. JThet must find povebtx at thkib fibe BIDES, AND SEE PBlVATION-IN THE 1 AltXIOUS feTES OF MOTHERS AND THE BAGS dCHIIi- dben." Editorial article headed " No Half Measures, inuwie. May liliSbi, p. 4, cot. 4. But they liayepteailed on Mr. Greeley to say that" he did not write it. 'lie admits that it appeared in his pa per; but it- stalT-editor.;wrote it I We believe Greeley wrote Itpptwithstand ing. v It has the Greeley -ring and is of Greeley--tnspiration. But it matters not whether Mr. Greeley actually penned these words; whether liedict tated them to an amanuensis; or .an understrapper wrote it for the master's approval) .Jt is nil the same. The ar ticle appeared in the paper NvbiChiMr Greeley controlled and was responsible for. If we should admit that Mr. Gree- lece, i appeared ml ins paper,? with his ap proval, for he never has rebuked its spirit; or disclaimed the authorship of ineariicie,oruisavoweu il?uuiii pruiujjt ed tb do so by his supporters' fdr 4he Presidency more than eleviHMdrsei the publication of 5 the articMaThis disdlaimer bf: Mr. Greeley '' tB8 late for the Confederate J Army.' ' If ii other than' the disgust of ;tho'se ment who, 'for four years, earnestly, bravy, honorably and ' heroically V 5 struggled ior tne cause oi xneir secuon iney deemedright, and' who, moved' by .'the spirit and impulse of '70, braved hun ger, co, starvation and death inHtf$ name of COUNTRY, GOD and MBi ERTY. ! Fishy-Records. " None so blind as those; ycho &euU - iNo one can get honor at the hands of the present Democratic ; party-, in i&lje South, unless he has a .satisfactory war record. This is exemplified Gn,all hands, not only in this State, but in all the Southern States But fdne'ortrie" m'dsfe striking instances'1.!. 'the-case of Judire MerrimoiiV1 ' There ia'harclly' ai man Iti the0 State; ' oiit knows Khtf In comparably ' super i6r he ; is'.Mnoint bf real ubility and ! merit, to Rknsbm and VtJMfe T While the ' are all tarktid" show', or idf ranecdote and'- 'suatoy Merrimoh-is knoWn!t0 be asohd man" of 'Work-and brains,5 who 'epttid db fill1 State and his Dart V tenfold 'hibfd ser-! vice-hi'ariy position, Hhahlootfrjhi som and Vance combined. VBuruntor- tunately his war record is fisiiy 0 Vance, evenWim"Tirsabllity onjhim, found-' no greai trouble irt -Dertrlng off tjie Seuatorial. t.palmT from - jhands- tiat were fishy 'ou'the war qucstion..Jnithe. stf'drul race, Ransdin' repeated iive sm.e and Vance combination. also, that it was managed to defeahm,, while the Legislature was, earned R?a 1Jf 4 -rnx te -"f;i-yr 5 t 141 ator oi a nsn y r u frinWmft ambitious, arfnlly .ious ofTiis if great and .superior aijity jandraerjts U . . -1 le reiuses to avail nirasen oi iricy gehtent'tand imarieriveHPIie miffnt nave 'ciiiiuiiit-a'wfcii-'wi3 uuo records But he vainly supposed that; one to take theEat,r Utid the other the ; West 'end pf , tliegood tllngs, and: by see-sawing for each othdr hold jtheWf long as they Aiypat keep;thjevv?th?r t dogs out, of the cup-board. -AS;r-yanjCfi was ; under disability and could not 1 take ihehi-.he,lwas;-ltp go for.Raiispmjarid Now, 'VahcenWill easily enough J dd it, over again " for that same record. -By, all1 party usage and jusceeriipouj & entitled' to the ? Senator pXaotv' Ju& inade a i'nost laDdnous and able panVass of .the .whole State,.. andwasf'fcea.ten.' But he carried the Legislature rfor his , It is true .4Mernmon was . iioininated fAr-rSnvvrnnr in wtuf of the liansom -' TTTf ' X Z. "A 1 record man,5 and ' insisted UtfT&H jdjf- vlsioWof .'thelil Ramsom was supposed ' to havoinflu ence With Pool, and so Vance was td ne rcieYed from disability. The bacid f lli " "V wjvwea-ima Vance havd i i ii ii Ti'A' if. irri l v. v. tr J ti "uuu anu nx up ininirs vvna it airworked. Van "f.CnW ; POO! t mdrljxxJ hence r fCml Tianiittiz4tt7TJ ?n;fH V WMPN - i com,antUiiAxu-p5PTvrT;?;r m is td "t-IJinliWMng'.-g'-' """" 1 wj iubltteil' jcr i JShetlSth SenatorialDlstrictil) ' of Wake cb.thas of 617, and Chas hut'ohe filter this joritylThe .JUHtt'; SenatorialDisirict, composed of ihe counties of Wayne and dupip, lsfipppulation of 33,6S6, near ly 2000 less than wake, but has two Senators this District isJDoiffffgratic by about 800 majority; -S-.r"" Again : The 1st Diitrtctcpm posed of Currituck, Camden, Pasqptank, Hertford, Gates. tOWiuider quimans, has "qpuiatl0n-o070'l5, and is given two niltict being Repjlican vhrfeLtho '8CtlTDIs triet,exhpcCCaldwel Mc Dowell, Mitchell and Yancey, has a populationof 36459, being' 13,550 less than the 1st District-and is entitled to two Senators, the District being Demo cratic. ."CJJi s AQAiSffS2d District, composed lrajp3wS2i-and Bertie, has a pop ulation of 27,G9'97and is Republican, with one Senator, while the 23d Dis trict, composed of Rockingham, with a opAilatlon'o? 19' be'mg-?Il9i less than the 3d, has also one Senator ; but g&i&iDajnJsJe parison, so damning to the last Demo cratiIslaltotriigt be1 teuennite- and enough to makjtoseeaderf ng their heads in ypry Bhamp People of North Carolinranyou.irepose any confidence in such-men ?. We do not A Greeley; Eleci6rt J Declares for ,n . . .. I.. . .: 1 i ?v :n S. Ashp nnnnty, announced ip The Daily News, pf tliis city and other an e would " suggesttp, anft j .4 j & . ii:ii i,i v Trivett. Other changes in the 4 Democratic 1 and 4 r Libdfal eleytorKr'tKKetTor this Staitissaidi Viitt jke. placjefpre o P tt erfyj Uis ra tt: -- ... i -i qrgaiedr Fhatj , WlU, becomiil vthe; DemQcratia1mrty4V-a,Pe ask e4last .upprfqsed withjafldruiped-Tj the .Wreeieyi-atnurora pinawpp l n 1 1 v H lt;'?Ui:Iv!.!vAi,i?;.'!i : h....-.od.f l-ti ' .Why i a Jiian, that can't mow ilo.url"? Hficjiiisfi Im is nn rnnwor. The voung hnv-wtth' tpt akinir eyes nan Tlie proof-reader nl Ji:.,Vsgooti .v Jt. s i3 a greal traveler Jh fe'oter the Atlan tic, monthly. "T . , A comment Soeech n silve?. bat si- 1 ep?f i pyadrm T Hjetnoe.. the ex pa esIon; ."hush money." ft rfemii cause it is i;oueraUy a'u ")' erdrayi'i .svtvj dftm.- "4" 'Bid:: vt vk.i ?i !! imith.f.--, rivvinI.fiiJer. ti.,Jf 5rjnKW riunen t is tho sureriiitMidencv.i' ..tho her 'sfeffuf-ytfatf.m afrike'. leaS'tVliIcli istou;tnthNNf:wI eot'-tUvW tho .feetf i i 'iiodv -oal 3:yoift n-tuiq san'Hi, j A 1 wfio liony'ht a lliij:isa.iia Hkv.uia 1 cia.irfeeptl, vUlUeiii3-iTfckddj ?ht Ihori lectures U be given 1y hia wifiIJ' 0,1 A California doctor lakl a rrv l;ra infant. niR. nn a stovfi t warm and I'nnrnt. The child was oveitf6h&5RHaijtlM 'u tor. is in jail. ' " ': .... thafailbitiJf)itingaU tlfedgl Ihfts dlYsebiW eEeatnat.i nnatnmL-aPiiCf ite. r! ve cAred bVfeeding to the rowlgroupd .oyster, sbeilsilo miJiTo i; jssijilha'i .1 ui ? amkn? lately Waffe k'wSger'that1 ne"d' -.:- . 1 Beesewax, come to snQPtxi ilT IVJTK'ff Tne trial oi Mi-sEnewaarton, on me 1-S. El- U..,U' Harton, 0:1 tin - .- , j i char; ifu'nei J gan & kriBapeWOhi th&VttV fnst? 1 E rofes-' prosecniioii. I! CKi CHI! t Messrs John f "i "'---" oidiftttd lnrj ?xi nn-ju 1ms vd ' A ininin&GrenioVita iif Predriekrfmrfi tVict. comes out in TheAsh&viltePwwer;. Messrs., jiarringer ana luason mat iny revise and correct the ticket as to Mr. '.i '( vli-?l'! . llarcTup says the report of a debut always ldSL-uimt Df a! rebnl.fttrtHu .infc'Wa-i snjajfto'ccgaiihissai pcujatxl t a dog .sitting on J14S tail, and, strange -as it mav seem, herwonrbutthfi'ddir "sat oil nisi what did she say ?" "She Baid;'trfe!lWa!f Va.hving.advertisedtha.he .w.ou.u Lcxi1n9Jxwo Ir JSi.elQn, regards four thousand pounds "orsalted. beef, sound! as Certain'-, ., i . ', aL to 'iioWWcliitv'eijrlitll "fflATi .11r,iaY-l fVt'TQ "M M-'d pouna, luimwoe.- xvfien elected President, "Dr te t Fredrieksbargi unds of lcef ofl tue, ; took4 Wo ( thousand1 letobe soVnitciVvyoar friend,'or Ah ir''h r i What fthtel 'Gkiiiictf iYT Indiana. .ever Indiana. Thespare so ml oft Ik repub"li(sui triunrpw. over -which they' -2. -We h'ay9g,aineifOopgressmen, viz: Williams aritLOrth, members-at- 1 and TCason in the fourtli. , , , , -3. AehaveMefeaatxliDni'Voorhee8 tics from the disgrace of fostering ono. of the frtt'wscy 'poll trchl rdstiid-. tion ever knowh',"'"'"And this pas b,een acclinifrshW Inth'eface df a db hi ocratic " innjorwfof l?42 tAVOyar ago." H;, ; 4i WJjaA'eiCVldftaimest.iiroaping IblBe deiriocrarifc majority m eight, anw;T:ft rft -trtflr h'i einf Irt f(ft ft Vrrn- eleetibh T Oli ver lv. Morton to the UnltrtlWatlBbifttWhVsrtne'aDka a uuhftt-Mn3i)iM b'bwt taJmsedstates- mnn in thw fnnntfv.- .d fT Wd havcmlff-o by the1 fiimelflumph secured a fair. redisricting of i the btato futiure.O'oijgriooai.Mic- and prevented the,1foisting ..of a .debt ,pf ders of the Wabash canal bonds'.' -i-:;i,p WnlortYv' of overOO on the Concrrcs- bnhlrb1.M,Hcftdrfc1:s frYifj?6f Ity 3 -leas thy sewerali hundreds than tho-ma- can State ticket was elected. ?efefbWf., -we" hitVo ja! ftMoiild- tl iin g. lik& 3 , itiXM v cxtee vrtheia.rfe! JwKiWihn , the d.ocrAfe ,catricd tho estate oy j;,oucs majority. vLjr gii;u,vj bVerB,U00;' reckoning it dn the Congrcs- c?rnol .it'! sional vote. Pr-Thcicfuic: "wtr havu ' ijmrredtho jfl fJeeAi f electoral: votes of Mlndlana' for nerGrantbyja- majpry qt over 10. We have, in additidii'toMtlcso and various llllilUf "beUeTTts, convinced thecouptryj ip-spite, of ihef lies: of the .Griey.presarrn th,a,t IhoVpst inot Tdoled by 'the Illusory pronnses of Cin cinnati and Baltimore, but'on the. con trary stands ax firm u DVer for liberty I if all we could ask. Indianal'is'dtir;tcnl times over. Lret those crow who'wki I Hurrah far Indiana WesUM IVLpcr. . . . . . . " WorH.l; World? Worlfc! '?J ti-; n I In the natural exultation of the hour wfe-'miiatr hot fbrgbt'thht' JdtHoUgTi' vic tory.seems dureid t is iiotr' yetAvpnvTIW) object of the; .Republican '.(Jampaigtt in not only thA rP-r Action of the Presi dent, but'thp disbanding of theppppsi tlbrii -ltH6 Wiobtf' result4! dtid trtthp most:constantfmdv strenuousdxortiOTV Both partiesjiave contested e.yyncb ofthpfipifi. Tvnu omio umph has been, trained. ; 3C is1 always question, whetJier 4nybody;chapges his, j mind in cdhsequerice pf a PCQC", and ! whether the missionary Is1 hot generally I . - i .1 m t-- --y.l'l )l 1 ..i 11...,. preacning 10 1110 convei ten. xut uicio is,no'' doubt? Ahat;Tthcenthusiasm31of meetings is inspiring,, vnd tbt Jthe ud-j vantage of canvassing , house .by house, ahd voter by' ' V'qteF'f Is 1 hcalcuhinie. There is a very'nercenVfietldrf th'at the Republicairmnjuiity in Ohio would have been very, much,iarger had thoro been ah earlier . and , inorp 'ihorougii Wdrkfrig 'force in' the 1 field.'1 'And 'If dvery:Kepublican7 will - make hirfiself AI committee to jeeec tnau ihiinoigiiDorai vote correctly, the victory all along the, line will bo such ai to show, the real feeling of the country. . r r i We. Nnv'-Ynrk' ifrtbithe 1 trul v'rb- ;inarks', wo nrU thd home stretch dmeboUy i4, 'with ou t an jt dotibt j unili iWrUPHy .rqacneq ine , jii 11: IthereV As we beliov.e .that it, U Mr,. Greeley who is .stretching' lwiihVward, ttetustako ainrnTToTTn'.'iirC? his arrival" jsure-.'IptJjing idou tintil-alllisrionb. iNd.yictory. vas evr won, by, chqering, except that (AT tho nomiiatio:VQf U. ihznraltyi hi1ari(lns;'tTyliru4 reserve ' 5t e.prebsn)ns s;)inevtiuti4ntll IheOth'; hf Noem ler, Jrt hrii rt.y effort should i.luUi' in .mere eiilhL'Hiu.sui. J , , r ; 'Ontfe'W6ufrfothd,'lifWch jfyJerids-fnor I Imv until rho whole' . ; I ; r Abiiridon ing tho; FieJd.,i. n ; j The! Dv 51 ' rat's are everywh Cfl ;lrrifc;oyidli-',.idiv?iigUrrt,,n' , s .o'h fT.iVie .fii iiui'.iv, places in.u -lte k lonetiic i( .s- e!!Vi-ui;tl, KilofPUtlI,"i?l. kvorlhy of :.i :nnn Ai ioil as It be tame h J).v.Ji 1 iiaj, Jucky U '-M'AvasJiari. td the re drt ' fiV, "iiits BuckniqWKo- evdMjci-aU1n-dkQ uw t ll'n?anlxa-0 ia&nati Uf Attl'd 1 1 om iorch utl rri t he ilttx 1 had put in .sttn:U.'v mid - .sljuu on hapd ir tpe ittWftiurpoev?)Utifjrpt uivy, 4y.itheU disufctera tb thefanurexf DenWK Ocrats ,to;, cpptrjbuQ ,fhei? phWPJWl worK qi urn uu p. i. a ecut.uiuju. . up bf thebhtleratiohr seiVfsi t6' bd 4 liiiiniiuini. .MrJ1'KttollMnistcrotoIMexf6. fi."ak m enuiuiast Mpm pmt t ".- . - .-v-tv vs4.' h rA w4 fiT 1 1 r t 'i nn irriwr nnff h - can,, "iv, ll4V v- n sugaf ? iTfid that of aqftallt fcujrcYfeMtP8. t.liftt.if diha iL J ts tiffoen MarninrTrci.' l) . l i ? H 5x1 !.. II trii'A mrwf, siiimlifvl mini h.iirniu . u- I Uttiteu States','fdr 'Which- vvllV'tkl re-!i turnejd'tnQ-Utld and nehWl J-'.ilt n rrI oM;ivrt-n a a jbMl WVW tfl (V0l!:t,if1J1ti'VV1tft I , The lumber JtrfihOUvmcrats1 I - Jiorate, untuy its- s JU 'vJ!c.-.5!.L vn Ivjitwn-.taif 1 ' ; terms -pnnpoaedii)-thyoar enemy, as yourself. v j . t Si I Y-H' r; S' I V f S ir i. '' ' (i v -- - ; ' "i J I

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