n instructed the Judiciary Com 3:jj0. Va report a bill to prevent .i.... omoncr cattle? If so. he 317 -wt nt inn wis adontod. , rn"u " . . . ..Mimxnn rose to a Question nr . . , , ;ui ft1 Carolina Midland Hallway Com pany was taken up on it.- third routing. Various amendments wereoflTered. cdscusschi, voteu iiown ana adopted. Mr. Todd culled the previous question. On that Mr. Dunham demanded the yeas and nays. The benate refused to call the previous question. After much more discussion and explanations the bill was made a special order for 12 m. Monday. . A message was received from the IlnUSA fctfltinrr ita mnr-n rronoo In y . -if f. . o mnoct v Olid filPflnn I thp Sn!)fo rcMU-lllltinn In rfwro tr. WEEKIfY" ERA. "r stat" iso uourt will THURSDAY, X .. . 1 I FEB. O, 1873. 'r" ,K pe Witter, and an editorial .cwinrof vestt rday. and .La ' i thit the conduct of the colored was not such to call for h Lir"uae from DeWitter, and i7ul taste; that for one, he .,.11 . . . f..!i . 7 not intend 10 suuimt 10 e K induct on the part of any Left for Texas. ; ;. R. II. Kingsbury an 'old and influ ential merchant of , Ox ford, Granville county, is now at Uie Yarboro In this city with hi wife ahJ children, en route for a home in Texas.' Ob, the pity. any re- 1 ' ived from the Senate, and 'n-lcrred to the Judiciary Com X-ln- resolution concerning: the W' t Mint uf 'hyrhittl. rfmiPsU 1 -jI1C 1 "Votir lit-preventatives in Congress Fir their influence to have the ;Lt at Charlotte t-ontiriir'il and -'' -.,1 in u-sefulne-w. was udoo- 'liue bill to allow Commission ,,,Mi.aviI, county to levy ppe- ' tax. pa-cI second n-auing Vil-nnctt. a petition of citizens 1 1 .."mlioro Township. Anson Co., ?B'trr:iiiip the ale of liquors near t .it-ville. Mr. Mcfiehec was allowed to IkImv- a resolution introduced r him this morning concern ins ("ivate bill day. llou resolution in favor of f i Mine, .sheriff of Catawba, was .J luted. Il .u-o bill to allow Commission-frw-of IVrson county to levy special til, was taken up, and aiscd -,in-l muling yeas 00 nays 1. ii. ut' till relative to thu Western nr!.ike road was take up. The was adopted. X!i bill passed Hccond and third a.i.r-L's. j;v .Mr. Kllison, a resolution to jv.'us' the courtesy of the HousO to jacob DeWitter, a British .subject, rylin himself a rejorter of the ,utlic pn-s, who abused the mem frs f the lislature, and charged :i.-of them with falsehood in a anl, in the Sentinel of yesterday, ,3.J that the seat of DeWitter as rjrier, be vacated by the I) or K'r' Mr. Ellison urgetl the passage of Uie resolution. Jlr. Jones, of Caldwell, opposetl t!.e passage of the resolution. If K-Witter is a Iiritish subjexrt, we hall probably get ourxlves into a war if we ex pell him from this If ci-ie; that De Witter came into il)." House this morning as a repor ter of the Daily Senlin-l ; and was j-truik with terror when the gen tknun from Franklin, (Mr. Wil bmson,) roo to a question of rivilege, and left the Hall. We w::!.t iiot to interfere with the fTHilom of l'n-ss. ! Mr. Williamson thought the reso l'ion ought to pass. : Mr. (Jant opttosed the pa-sage tf the resolution. I Mr. (iorman ndvf-.t'atl the pas weofthe resolut:w:i. The House oa'ht to protect its members. Mr. Dudley supported the resolution. Mr. Abbott Siiul that this was a rv!ored question. Not being very (colored myself, it is my duty to pay smiethint? on this resolution. This wii DeWitter has been trying to .array the white against the blacks, and he ought to be expelled. The previous question was called ami sustained. The yeas and nays ucre ordered, and the resolution was adopted yeas Gl nays 31. ' Adjourned. bill to incorporate the town of Huntersville, Mecklenburg county. House bill to incorporate Eureka Lodge, 283, A. F. M. House bill to change the name of Franklinsvillc Township, 'Randolph county, to Cedar Falls. House bill authorizing Commis sioners of Mecklenburg county, to sell certain railroad stock. House bill to allow Commission ers of Currituck county to levy a special tax yeas 73. ' House bill to allow Commission ers of Lenoir county to levy a spe cial tax yeas G7 nays 1. House bill to amend act incorpo rating town of Boone, Watauga county. nouse bill to amend the charter of the city of Raleigh. House bill to allow Commission ers of Granville county to levy a special tax yeas 74. House bill to allow Commission ers of Harnett county to levy a special tax yeas 09. House concurred in the Senate amendments to House bill allow SENATE. roKTY-TlIIKI DAY. i SATtT.DAY, Feb. 1, 1S73. Senate met at 1 1 o'clock, s Lieut, (iovernor in the Chair, t Journal of yesterday read and approved. ; On motion of Mr. Long, Mr. IIolo moa was granted leave of absence tn account of sickness. ! Mr. Morehead, of Guilford, stated l!iat Senator Powell was absent on tivnunt of sickness. Mr. Grandy moved that the rules be suspended ami the bill in favor of Sheriff Ivce was ordered to bo rnroMed, so that it might be ratified tin mediately. t KETOKTS OF COMMITTEES. Ilojorts from standing commit" tes were presented by Messrs. Murray, Iove, Morehead of Rock iicham, Gudger, Welch, Ellis of Columbus, Todd and Merrimon. HILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. Norwood, a bill to allow cu mulative suffrage in the city of Raleigh for the election of Commis sioners. Referred. Mr. JIorton,a bill for the relief of Thus. II. Andrews, of Wilkes county. Referred. r Mr. Flemming, a bill to incorpo rate the Trustees of the Marion Baptist Church. Referred. : Mr. Ellis, of Columbus, a bill re quiring all voters to exhibit his jwll tux receipt before voting. Re ferred. RESOLUTIONS. Mr. Iove, a resolution in regard to the sale of books by the Secretary land Lodge 202, A ofbtate. Adopted under suspen- House bill to ino sion oi me rules. On motion of Mr. Cowles, the rules were suspended and the bill allowing entries of vacant lands further time to obtain grants in the State, passed its several readings, Was ordered to be engrossed and sent to the House. Mr. A vera introduced a resolu tion requiring the Senate to meet at 10 ai in., from and after Monday next. Adopted. 1 The rules were suspended on potion of Mr. Troy, and resolution in favor of Jas. McQueen for killing the outlaw, Ross. Strong, was taken up. -ur. tiiis, of Columbus, explained the resolution and evidence of the killing. -4r Merrimon, opposed the reso lution on the grounds that Jas. Mc Queen did not comply with the act f the Legislature offering the re ward. . Messrs. Norwood, Troy and Hum phries favored the passage of the resolution. The resolution passed its several readings, Mr. Norwood, a memorial from Jne President of the Commercial ank of Wilmington concerning claims against the State. Referred. Mr Morehead, of Guilford, a bill to amend chapter 233, laws ISCS-'CO. deferred. ' printing, with certain amendments. Laes over. On motion of Mr. Gudger, 'Mr. Cramer was appointed on the Com mittee Internal Improvements. Adjourned until 11 o'clock Monday. HOUSE OF K K P l ES ENT ATI V ES. FORTY-THIRD DAY. Saturday, Feb. 1, 1873. RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. Waugh, a resolution in structing Committees on Salaries and Fees to report a bill to reduce salaries of Superior Court Judges to $2,000. By II r. Brown of Davidson, a resolution to abolish the oflice of State Geologist. By Mr. Preason. a resolution to authorize late Sheriff of Union to collect taxes. CALENDAR. The following bills and resolu tions passed several readings. House bill to prevent sale of li quor in Waynesville, Haywood county. Senate bill to prevent sale of li quor within two miles of Shelby, Cleaveland county. The bill to levy a special tax in the county of Swain. House bill to incorporate the Bell Cove Oyster Company. House bill incorporating the Trustees of the Stanley Creek Camp Ground. House bill to prevent the Side of liquor In the tjwn of Durlrdln, Orange county. House bill in favor of E. Murrill, of Onslow county was taken up and recommit teil to Committee on Fi nance. House bill to incorporate Stan tonsburg, Wilson county. House bill to prevent sale of li quor near Beauty Spot Church, Rolieson county. House bill to prevent sale of li quor within 1 miles ofMt. Horeb Church, Robeson, passed second reading. House bill to prevent the sale of liquor within three miles of Judson Female College, in town of Hen-tlersonville. House bill to prevent felling of trees in either fork of Horse Creek, Ashe county. . A message was received from the Senate transmitting a bill in refer ence to the printing and distribu tion of public documents, which was taken up and passed second and third readings. House bill to incorporate the town of Apex, Wake county. House bill to amend an act incor porating the town of Mt. Olive, Wayne county. House bill to suspend the writ of mandafnuA in Davidson county un til August, 1S74, was laid on the table. House bill to legalize the act of i the Commissioners of Polk county, relative to taking bonds from offi cers of that county, was laid on the table. bill to prevent felling of Stewart's Creek, Surry Fine Florida Oranges. Mr. R. G. Clark, o Philadelphia, is at the Yarboro, havingjust returned from a trip to Florida, and be has one of the largest oranges withihim we ever saw, that he picked from fa tree in Florida last Thursday week; It was weighed at our friend W. C. Stronaeh's, and pulled down om hound six ounces and a half. f Reconstructed, j Who says we ard ' not reconstruct ing down this way. 'x. Edward Anter, a worthy and industyiousyoung farmer from Tiago county ; (Pa.,) and who bought and settled near Milton, in Cas well county, Kome?!threc years since, has recently led to the altar Miss Jennie Allen, one of tho prettiest young girlsin that place. Come down, Northern men ; 1 -. t pii-nty more cere, tf ; Railroad Fever. I The citizens of Reason rg, a little town in Caswell, 12 riiles from a river and 24 miles each wayi from a railroad, woke up a with . a railroad lever the other day, and held la rousing meeting. The people of Ilillsbdrd also have caught it, and a meeting in contemplated in that place. This fever generally attack thpse sections about Vhis time ol year. All tho town orators 'go off in a splendid talk, and the boy swjfps out the tobacco quids. That's all. ; lie held in Nash county this Spring. : i 1 Miss Margaret Harper of Nash ville, with small pox, dead. m iKisiTY uouege young men hare organized a string band. ' Lumberton Is to have a steam sawmill and an iron foundry. A high grade of cotton sold in Charlotte Saturday for 191 cents. The ground in Fayetteville Thursday morning was covered with snow. j Bill Durham killed Bill Barber at Dunn's Shop ten miles west of Smithfield. . A nerve toner has come to Milton and professes to tune up nerves like people do pianos. Has changed his shirt. The editor of the Wilmington Post adver tises for a washerwoman. One hundred thousand pounds of tobacco sold at Henderson last week from $10 to $16 per hundred. Thirty-seven colored people re cently left Pea Ridge in Caswell county for Tennessee. Twenty-one were men. Kill that printer! Kill him. kill him. He's in the Milton Chronicle ollice, and he divides ed. it, this way, di- Enterprise in Cbncord. Cotton is King in Cabarrus and Con cord don't want for nioney. Every cit izen has got his bank account, and there are no people niofe independent of "hard times" than Concord. We learn that the citizens of dxis little town are n Set now taking stock ina; horse railway to run about a' mile, Concord. They sayi freight alone from town is worth ten year. 3, jfrom the depot to the depot to that thousand dollars a Haw River Tljfc Holt Factory. The Granite Cotton Factory at Haw River is now running sixty looms and works over one hundred hands. Several outhouses have just been completed for tho hands and more are soon to be put up. This factory turns out from three to four thousand bunches per day of Cotton Yarns and two to throe thousand of plaids and sheeting. The plaids are fast taking tho place of prints for ladies wear, and they also manufacture cot tonades for summer wear for gentlemen. House trees in County. House A Foolish Leap, p lle stood on the steps ol" the platform Saturday night, as the cars ran twenty miles to the hour, the other side of Dur ham, and he remarked, pretty full of whiskey, "That woman will be the death of me, yet," aud off he leaped. A nice little slope steod just there, in the quiet beams of asmiling moonlight, and as we looked from the window he was bouncing like a trabball down it, his Jso. 9's straight in the air and his head playing "somerset" over them. We havn't heard whether he was hurt. Frank Turner (colored) of Ire dell countv died while "riding behind" on ahoi.se with Mr. Stikeleather of that county. The fire began in the bath room of Mr. Bagwell's House in Halifax, and his dwelling house is to the ground. Loss $1,500. The infant child of the editor of the Greenville Spectator died on board the Steamer Olive while she was load ing at Washington. By the robbery of the Plymouth post ollice the post master lost $140; Joe Griffin $100; Bush Gaylord $74; and J. B. Cherson several registered letters. The county of Tyrrell is the most law abiding in the State. There is no one in the countv jail, and have been only lour prisoners since toe war. Court never holds more than 2 da3's. It is with "unfeigned admira tion " the Ashevillo Expositor (first issue) calls attention to the "cards" of an advertiser." By tho way, the Ex poailor is a handsomely printed paper. From the Charlotte Observer we learn that Itufus Johnston, young man of twenty, at Centre Depot, Statesville Railroad, out hunting, gun hung on a rail, went off, hit him in right side, and he'll die. Who says they can't take care of themselves? Listen to the Battleboro Advance. A colored man, named Jack Bellamy, has bought a plantation in Nash county for 200 bales of cotton, worth at the present prices, about 14, 000. Found dead with her head in the fire. The Winston Sentinel tells of Miss Anna Bynum, favorite with everybody, daughter of Ben. Bj-num of Stokes, who M as found dead with her head in fire. Supposed she fell dead whilo reading. The Chicago Post says of Settle Up. Those of you who are in arrears for this paper will have an opportunity to pay up in a few days. It is just that you have forgotten it no doubt, and it is our fault in yot having sent the account to you sooner. You . see we are just agonizing to please you, for we know vou are smart, and . what you don't know about "how", to run a news paper, you can make up for, by cross legged conversational talent of unusual brilliancy. You are' all right. Just settle the little account wo send you, please. --' - Important to the 'Census Takers oflSCO. I Census takers of 18G0. attention. If you have not received all or any part of the pay due for your services, you had best send your claims to Marshal Carrow of this city, who is in direct communication with the Department, and will collect yourclaims without the need of an attoi ney,! and for simply a small compensation towards defraying clerk hire Ac. Wherever the census our Legislature: North Carolina's Liberal legislature is so only in name. A bill has been introduced into the Senate to grant complete amnesty and pardon to all members of the White Brotherhood, Invisible Empire, and all branches of the Ku Klux organization. The am nesty and pardon covers all violations of the law, including murder and arson Fell at Gettysburg in Longstreet's charge that third day of July. A. 11. Small writes it to the Richmond Enquir er: One poor fellow, about twenty-five years of age, was shot through the body. His wants were few "Only a drink of cool water ; I am so cold so cold ! Won't you coyer me up?" And then his mind wandered murmuring some thing about "Dear mother." "So glad 'tis all over." Then a cloar sense of his condition, and would I write to his father and tell him how he died; how he loved them at home. "Tell them all about it, won't you ?" "Father's name is Robert Jenkins. I belong to the Sev enth Xorth Carolina Troops came from Chatham county. My name is Will " and tearfully I covered his face. Per haps he was this mother's boy, perhaps not ; but he was somebody's boy. Twigs. i Barn urn's gorilla is reported to have said to a stander by, recently, I'm cussed tired wearin this bar hide for ten dollars a week." j The exportation of eel from France (says the Ravenate) has this year sur passed all expectation, Jtnd seems likely to be recorded as an event.- We are as sured that business to the amount of 400,000f. has been transacted. The following letter, verbatim et literatim, was received by an under taker, recently, from an afflicted wid ower: "Sur my Wiaf is ded and wonts to be buried to-morrow, At woner klok. U noise wair to dig the Hole bi the side of my toe Other wiafs Let it be deep!" We can't understand it, for our life. Here is a case, from the Columbia Union of a fashionable white lady, a Mrs. Ward, who has been helping her self to kid gloves and such from the different stores, and they call it klepto mania: Let a poor white woman steal a pair of shoes for her barefooted boy, and they call her a thief and jug her. Barnum is receiving his second shipment of animals. Among the rare animals is a large-eared dwarf elephant, from the East Indies, which weighs only 140 pounds. A man can easily carry it upon his shoulders. There are also two icthyosau ruses, very tame and dead ; a beautiful cundurango, that sings in two languages ; several new gnus ; a very choice specimen of tho wooden- legged gorilla. This great showman has three giraffes now in England, of a new species, whose legs are so long that they will not be sent by vessel, but will wade the Atlantic, under tho charge of competent v&tive riders. The vernacular of some of the New York murderers, about the time they took their fellow man's life. Tho Herald gives the following: Judge, you can have this (pistol). James C. King, November 1872. I told you I'd shoot you, and I did it, didn't I? Marshall Magruder, Jan. 20, 1S73. Kill you ! I'd kill you a dozen times if I could. John E. Simmons, December 16, 1872. I can kill any one that dares to cross my path. John Scannell, November 2, 1S72. There's a man shot at the ladies' entrance. Edward Stokes, January 6, 1872. I am going as far as you do, and when you get off I'll give you hell. William Foster, April 26, 1871. We have a case over there. James McGaw ley, August 28, 1871. I shot him and I could not help it. I knew that some thing was going to happen. I dreamt I was a Prussian soldier and a lot of French were after me. Valentine Reckel, Sept. 10, 1870. Fists. " " v ;. Z2 At West Point (Va.) on an ancient tombstone is the following in- scription: j , "Thomas , of Liverpool, England, Mariner, .died March 31, 1773. " Tho' Boreas' blasts and Neptune's sea . Has toss'd me to and fro ; In spite of both, by God's decree, - i nar oour cere below, Here now I do at acehor lie, w ltn many or onr fleet ; Yet once again we must set sail, Our Savior, Christ to meet." The true man. Nine times out ot ten the true soldier is the true man. Read this of President Grant. 833-8 the Swiss . Times of Januarr 9 : " Some time ago two youths of Berne addressed a letter to President Grant, asking him to aid them in gathering a collection of J American postage stamps. A few days' ago the said youths unexpectedly re ceived through the American envoy at Berne a fine assortment of United States stamps, accompanied by a letter in which the President said that his many duties had preven(ed him undertaking the collection himself, and that there ore Lis youngest son had taken the matter in hand." - j Markets. Liverpool, Noon, Feb. 3. Cotton quiet; Uplands 1010J; Orleans 101 102. ! New York, Feb. 3. Stocks steady. Gold dull at 13. Money firm at 7. Exchange long 9 ; short, 101. Government bonds dull, steady. State bonds dull, steady. Cotton dull, isales 90 bales ; Uplands 211 Orleans 21 1. 1 Flour quiet,! firm. Wheat firm. , Corn quiet. i; Pork firm 14 25. Lard steady Western steam 8. Turpentine dull 66Q,06"i. Rosin dull, $3 65a 70 strained. Freights quiet. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ing enterers of vacant land further taker has died, his executor or adminis- lime uniii uuiy 1, ioo, iu uuwhi grants. , House bill to enable Commission ers of ISurry county to consolidate; and nav the debt of that county, and to sell lands yeas 44 nays 25. 1 House bill to allow Commission ers of Montgomery county to levy special tax yeas 51 nays 13. HOUSO lull 10 incorporate v,it;u.c- F. JU. cori)orate Monatan Lodge 318, A. F. M. Adjourned. trator, duly qualified by law, can pres ent the claims of the deceased. SPECIAL ORDER. The bill incorporating the North Supreme Court. Amos Ladd and wife vs Henry Cham bers et al, Wilkes; Bailey, Batchelor A Son for pl'ff, Smith A Strong and Armfield for deft. Left open. James Harper, Ex'r, vs John Sudderth et al, Caldwell; Moore A Gatliug and Folk for prff, Phillips A Merrimon fordefts. Left open. Stato vs Lafayette Parker, Wilkes; Attorney General for pl'ff, Battle A Son. DuDre for deft. Put off cost vs County. Wyatt Perry vs Jno F. Grear et al, Ashe; G N Folk for pl'ff, Armfield A Todd for defts. Left open. G W Long vs Wni Pool A J W Miller, Alexander ; W P Caldwell and Folk for pl'ff, Armfield for def"ts; ( Ar gued. James Duvall vs II II Robbins, Ashe; Todd A Caldwell for pl'ff, Folk for deft. Argued. Mary Porter vs Lewis Jones, Alleghany ; Todd for pl'lT, Folk A Armfield for deft. Argued. State vs George Graham, Wilkes ; At torney General for pl'ff, Furches for deft. Argued. R J McDowell vs Al exander Clark, Iredell ; Caldwell for pl'ff, Armfield for deft. Left open. Sam C Waugh vs George Blevins, Ashe ; Todd A Folk for pl'ff, Trivett, Furches, Hargrove for defL Left open. State ts John Ellen et al, Ashe; Attorney General for pl'ff, Todd for deft. Ar- gued. The Vienna Exhibition The ship carrying goods intended for the Vienna Exhibition will leave New York on the first of -March next. All goods designed for the Exhibition must bo sent to the navy yard, Brooklyn, within three weeks. Blanks will be sent, on roqucst, by return mail. The articles should ber properly marked, and packed in strict accordance with the directions contained in the pamphlet sent from this office, and await the order of shipment to Ne York which will be shortly issued and published. Parties interested can address Thomas B. Van Buren, U. S. Commissioner General, 51 Chambers street, New York. Ex. The Era in Ncav York. A letter written jby'a prominent gen tleman in New York, and signed "W," to the worthy proprietor of the Era newspaper, reads j as follows: "Dear Sir: I have tarefullyread such copies of the Era as have come into my possession, and I feeh impressed to pnt on paper an expression of ', my senti ments and to givejk word, not simply of encouragement, qut advice,. Of course you can take it fot wh3t it is worth, or throw this in the nre, as may seem best. Whether one Editor U responsible for what appears, or whether you have a corps of Editors, jinakes no difference. I say, aboveboard; and because I mean it, that you do ibt want to make any change. Thero is!; no paper in the State of North Carolina, that I know any thing' about, that U edited in a style to meet the populaij want, to match the Era' And under its present manage ment, it should sopn become the leading Baptist Educational Convention. This meeting is exciting much in terest among our public men. Gov. Graham. Judge Kerr, Hon. C. C. Clarke and not a few of our leading citizens, regardless of church relations, are ex pected to attend and take part in the deliberations of the Convention. Education is at a low ebb in this State, we are sorry to say, and the cause of Boston now is the cause of the whole country. We learn that this Convention will be largely attended by teachers and preachers from all parts of the State, and we hope it will inaugurate an era of new interest in this most important work. Dr. Barnabas Sears, Agent of the Peabody Fund, will be here, and Drs. Curry, Broadus, Cutting and other gen tlemen have been invited. We are requested by Dr. Pritchard to state that tho delegates will be charged but half fare on railroads apd to. request all who propose to come to notify him or Maj. A. M. Lewis at once. lied, In this City, on Saturday evening last, Mrs. Grace Pickabd, wife of John W: Pickard, aged 43 years. She was for many years a member of the Presby terian church, and died a happy chris tian. But a short while before her death, she sang the hymn : "Jesus washed mo white as snow," In this City on Thursday evening, Jan. 30th, 1873, Mr. Joseph Woodard, in the 80th year of his age. Tho Little Pistol. The . little pistol has again gone off. We learn that the young man with the bandaged hand is a ' clerk in either organ in the State and be made a 00m- I Weils or Einsteins store in Goldsboro. pleto success." ;-3 lie was handling u carelessly. Farm-Yard. Scraps. To Gardeners : It will soon be time for gardening. Where to get your seed may bo of good advice to a few garden ers in every district. Lawyer Parrish of Ilillsboro has shown us sixteen pack ages of seeds of all kinds thai he has just received from Commissioner Watts of the Agricultural Bureau in Washing ton city. He wrote on to him and re ceived by mail, bags of corn and peas and beans, and papers f onion seed, beets, parsnips, and vegetables of every description. Among them the "Gen. Grant tomato." The. commissioner wrote a very polite letter and requested to be informed of the result of the planting. That was all he charged. M. Houzeau says the mule is suppos ed to be able to count as far as five at least, and this is considered to be estab lished by the following observation : There is a short branch line of omni buses in New Orleans, where each mule makes the journey five times success ively before being changed. The vet erinary surgeon of these animals called attention to the fact that at the end of each of tho first four journeys they are silent, but as they approach tho end of the fifth they neigh. But this is not satisfactory. The end of the fifth trip may bo marked by preparations for feeding the animals, which they hear or smell at a distance, and these may have produced responsive neighs. Scribner's for Februarg. Read about the good cow: Perfect Number and condition of Teats. If one teat is wanting, about a fourth less milk will be the result. A cow's udder is not, as some suppose, a barrel with four taps, but is divided into four different compartments, called " milk glands," each of which has its own tap or teat. It is not only important that the full number of teats be present and in work ing order, but it is desirable that they be well placed, not crowded together, but pretty far and uniformly apart ; rather long and tapering ; all pointing out and downward, equal in size and even in appearance. Docility and Quietness of Disposition. These are indicated by large, mild and clear eyes, and an air of contentment generally. A cow ; that is quiet and contented feeds at ease, chews her' cud .with entire satisfaction, and will secrete and yield more milk than any restless and turbulent animal having similar milking chdracteristics iu other re spects. Brilliant White Wash : Many have heard of the brilliant stucco white-wash on the east end of the President's house at Washington. The following is a re ceipt for it : Take i bushel nice unslaked lime, slake it with boiling water, cover it during the process to keep in the steam. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve or strainer, and add to it a peck of salt, previously well dissolved in warm wa ter, 3 pounds of ground rice, boiled to a thin paste, and stirred in boiling hot, J. pound powdered Spanish writtingand a pound of clean glue which has been previously dissolved by soaking it well, and then hanging it over a slow fire, in Ffftetf town was it ? lie find the following in the Chicago Post : Just at the conclusion of a recent circus per formance in a North Carolina town, the clown stepped forward and informed the vast assembly that they had taken in about 600 that day more money, he ventured to say, than any minister of the Gospel in that county would receive for a j-ear's service. He then plainly tjld them that a large portion of the audienc were church members, who would plead their poverty when asked for nioney to support the Gospol, and severely exposed their inconsistency. A few Sundays after he preached in the same community, and made a strong appeal lor mission, w was taken up amounting to 313S. D011H call a man a 44 beast,''1 who acts like this : While the bill giving pensions to soldiers of tho war of 1812, who resided in t4e rebellious States during the late civil war, was being considered in the House this afternoon, Gen. Butler made a brief but eloquent speech in advocacy of the measure. He said these old veterans should have their dues, even if during the rebellion they were led by circumstances to sympa thize with treason. They had won the right to be wrong once in their lives, and the government should deal gener ously with them. He ended by hoping that the time was near when the New Orleans of 1S12 would be remembered and the New Orleans of 1SG2 forgotten. He was loudly applauded several times by the members who gathered around him, and the Speaker made no attempt to suppress tho demonstration. figg" Rtilroadmen, we bet on you. Read this : John Wilson is a brakeman on a Minnesota railway. Theother day ho heard of a train snowed in seven miles distant, and, not being on duty, procured a large quantity of crackers and cheese, enveloped himself in a cloak with a hood, and with the wind blowing a ga!o and the thermometer twenty seven degrees below zero, started out a foot to relieve the hungry passengers. Although ho felt his face and ears freez ing, he trudged on until he reached the train almost exhausted and unable to speak distinctly. The grateful passen gers thawed him out as well as they were able, and one of them, John Law lor, Esq., of Prairie du Chien, who had some ladies under his care, took from his own neck a massive gold chain, and putting it around Wilson's neck, re marked : " It's a pretty good man that has worn that chain, but I've found a better, and lis shall have it." Tlie monkey and the crab: A playful assistant to a fish-monger, with a basket of crabs on his arm, took it into his head while passing the mon keys' house in the Jardin des Plantes, Paris the other day, that it would be amusing to give a crab to one of the monkeys which held out its "hand" NATIONAL HOTEL, IJalciRh, N. C, XT AS BEEN RE-OPENED for the I 1. reception' of tho traveling public A. J. Parti n. General Manager, R. L. Hortox, Offlco Clerk, W. II. Billing?, Caterer: J. T. Harrison-, in charge of Bar and Billiard Room. Visitors may be assured that the past reputation of the "National" will be maintained; without regard to expense. omnibuses always at Depot. j ;W. 11. BAG LEY A CO. F. J. HAYWOOD, M. D. W. II. BAG LEY. January 1st, 1873. 115 d Awl m BRIGGS & BROTHER'S ILLU.STIiATED Floral Wort! FOR JANUARY, 1S73, NOW OUT. Issued as a Quarterly. Ihe lour numbers sent to any address, by mail, for 'Mi Cfiits. Tho richest and most Instructive Illustrated and Descriptive Floral Gnido ever published. Those of our patrons whoordered Heeds last year and were credited with 25 cents, will receive the four Quarterlies for 1S!7;. Those who order Seeds this year will be credited hrn a pnllnetinn with a subscription for 1S74. The January nen a collection number contains 4m Exgbavixos, Two Superb Colored Plates, suitable for framing, & also Tinted Plates of our gor geous Floral Chromos; information relative to Flowers, Vegetables, &c., & their cultiva tion, & all sueli matter as was formerly found in our Annual Catalogue. You will miss it if vou order SKKDS iK'fore seeing IJimggs & lino's. QUARTERLY. We chal lenge comparison on quality of Seed and prices aud sizes of packets. Our "Calen dar Advance Sheet and Price List fob lS7;i," sent free. Address, BISICGS Oc BltOTHEH, Seedsmen and -'loritN, 4w KOCHIiSTi:it, JY. Y. HUTCHESON A CO.,OF GRAHAM, N. C, are now manufacturing about seventy gallons per day of the purest and best old-fashioned copper distilled ryo and corn whiskey. They have for their distiller Mr. Henry Holt, son of Col. Jere Holt, whoso whiskey was so well and favorably known as the best made in the South. Henry is a "chip of the old block," and can make it juwt like his father. Wholesale price, 1.50 per gallon, de livered at Graham depot, Orders so licited by all level's of pure whiske3r. jan 0 'lv wlim NEW APVI3RTISE3IENTS. MflMFV Easily made with bur Sten mUlXL.1 cll an(i key-Check Outfit. ,T-T- Circulars Free. 13(1 Iw Stafford M'f g Co. CG Fulton fejt. N Y. TO BOOK CANVASSERS. ANEW WAY of running a book. Can sell thousands per week. Ad dress MURRAY HILL PUBLISH ING CO., 1-J East 2th-t.f Now York City. i lMAw 1 1 Hll I II JJ - BUY A (, SEWING MACHINE for family usf, or act as a c t 1NG i :v;iiress WASHINGTON SEW- T"o M ACHINE CO., Boston, Mass. Tin: wfliiiUMu C'Iasm male or lemalc. SCO a week! guaranteed. Respectable euiDlovment at homo, dav or evening; no capital rpjuircd; full instructions and valuable pack ago of goods to start with sent free by mail. Address, with 6 cent return stamp, M. YOUNG A CO., l(i Courtlandt-sL. Now York. I 13o lw ' " "PSYCIIOMANCY or SOUL, JL CIIAII.1IIXF." Mow either sex mav fascinato and train tho lovo and affections of any person! they choose instantly. T his simple mental acquire ment all can possess, free, by mail, for 25c., together with a niarriatro uuido. Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt. Ac. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM; A CO.. Pubs., rhila. j I3tJ Iw frrjTi lie deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore inroai, noarsoness ana bronchial dilll- culties, uso only ( WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. "Wort lilos . Imitation are on the market, but the only scientific prepara tion of Carbolic Acid for Lunir diseases is when chemically combined with oth er well known remedies, as in these Tablets, and all parties are cautioned against using any other. In all cases of irritation of tho mucous membrane thesoTablots should Ikj free ly used, their cleansing and healing properties are astonishing. : lie wanted, never 'Acnleet a cold, it is easily curod in its incipient utato, when it becomes chronic tho euro is exceed ingly dillicult, uso Wolls' Carbolic Tab lets as a spec inc. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, I 18 l'latt St., N. Y Sole Agent for the U. S. I Send for Circular. Price 25c. per Box. 1M lw Tho immense sale, 10,000 IS OXC MOXTII our 1 LIVINGSTONE AFRICA is having, PROVES it above all others tho book the MASSES WANT. It goesliko WILDFIRE. Over (Jo) paires. .only $2.50. MOllE AGENTS WANT- EM. NOTICE. Be not deceived by mis representations made to palm oil high- priced lnierlor works, but send forcir- uiars and see Piioop of statements and great success of our agents. Pocket companion, worth I $10, mailed freo. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers. 723 San.som-st., Phila. j 130 lw A PROCLAMATION 1 Uy to (Governor of JVortli Carolina EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, i lULEiGH, Jan. 14, 1S73. Whereas official information has been received at this Department that one James Alexander alias James Brad shaw, lato of Rowan county, stands charged with tho murder of Caleb Hen rv in said! county : and whereas the said James Alexander alias James Bradshaw, has lied or so conceals him self that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him. Now, therefore, I TodR. Caldwell. Oovernor ol the State ol North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by law, do issue tnis my proclamation, offering a reward of Two Hundred Dolla us for the arrest and delivery of said James Alexander, alias James Bradshaw, ; to the Sheriff of Rowan county, and; I do enjoin all ollicors of the law and all good citizens, to aid in bringing said Alexander to justice. Done at our City of Raleigh, the 14th r, i day Lot January, A. D 1873. L ' "J and in the y7th year of American Independence. TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor : J. B. Neatiiery, Private Secreta'r. through the wires of its cage. The ani mal, we are told, looked at it curiously, then raised it to his mouth. The crab hitherto inert now recovered its self possession, aud took hold of the mon key's nose between the large claws. The other, with a piercing cry, rushed to the roof of the building, clinging to a cord. The crab continued to maintain its hold, the monkey frantically endeavor ing to tear it away. Weary of the struggle, he suspended himself to a bar by the tail, and swung violently to and fro, hoping thus to throw off his enemy? the other apes sitting below on the ground, looking on with astonishment at the strange spectacle. Suddenly the poor animal became motionless. He was, an eye-witness suggests, thinking, and his reflections, we are told, were of a melancholy character, as they ended in a suicide. He let go the bar to which he had been suspended, and falling head foremost was killed instantly, his nose still in the claws of his persecutor." DESCRIPTION: James Alexander, alias James Brad shaw, is about thirty years of age, but looks older; is about five feet seven inches high, quite black in color, rather oval face, teeth good but a little wide apart, and ;is inclined ,to smile when spoken to, but has a down-cast look ; weight about loo pounds ; is quite intel ligent and inclined to arguo for his opinions. jnlo-4w. CAROLINA. 1 Superior v JLI FRANLIN COUNTY. J Court. XfORTH J I Agent Wanted for ' God's & Work Or, SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE. This book gives tho very cream of Science, making its thrilling realiUes, beauties, wonders, and sparkling gems a hundred-fold more interesting than fiction. Everyman, woman, nnd child wants to road it. It is endorsed by tho Press, A Ministers of all denominations. Sales immense Agents report 52 1." .40 SO 87 and 1)0 copies per week. Great inducements to Agents. Employment for Young Men, Ladies, Teachers and Clergymen in every county. Send for Circular. Also, agents wanted for tho PEOPLE'S' STAXn.tilD EDITION OF THE HOLY IIIIIEE. Over 550 Illutrntiou. All our own Agents for other books, and many 1 Agents for other Publishers, are selling this Biblo with wonderful success, be cause it is tho niu.st valuablo, and popu lar edition now in tho market, and is sold at a very low prico. Canvassing books free to working A gens. Add res ZIEGLERA M'CURDY, 513 Arch-st Philadelphia, Pa., j llUiivr a Ni:w cakpj:t. The Great . WozfbER. Tho New- England Carpet Co., established over a quarter of a century ago, having ex pended much time, talent, nnd money, ' to produce a styiisn aud durable cartet at a low prico, aftor years of oxtHjri- mcnting with the best artizans, have brou r lit out a carnct which thev have named and will be known as ii E 1171.151 , TAPESTKV, being an exact imjtation of Solid Brussels, the first thousand ' pieces of which, in order to Introduce them, will be sold for 371 cents per yard. Sample sent by mail on receipt of 10- cents, or 5 different patterns 50 cents. new em;lano C'AIIPET CO., . 373 Wafcliiiigtoii-St., UfeNton, .11am. 130 IW J. Young and W. 11. Summons Relief. for RALEIGH Baptist Female Seminary. F. P. Hobgood, A. P., Principal. Rev. A. F. Redd, A. M., Associate Principal. F. A. BoHLMAJfN, Professor of Music. THE SPRING SESSION WILL open onthe lrtli of FEBKCAKY, 1873. The building, having been enlarged, is spacious, commodious and handsome. The Literary Department is provided with a select Library, a large collection of Geological Specimens and a fine Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. The Music Department is provided with a large number of good Pianos, two Organs and a Harp. Williard,! Plaintiffs, against A. T. Johnston and another, Defendants, In this cause application having been made by the plaintills to obtain an order for publication, and it appearing by affidavit filed on their behalf that the defendant A- T. Johnston resides beyond the limits of this State, and that his place of residence is unknown to the plaintiffs; it is therefore ordered that publication be made onco a week for six weeks in the Era, a newspaper pub lished in the City of Raleigh,! notifying tho defendant A, T. Johnston to be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the county of Franklin, at the Court House in the 1 own ol Jjouisourg, on tne lourtli Monday after the second Monday in February, 1873, then and there to answer the complaint ot the plaintiff hied in this cause, (for the payment of $1,000, with interest from October 1st, 1870, and 82.000 with interest Irom the same date. due on notes executed by defendant to Allen 1 oung, which were assigned by said Young to plaintiffs, and for the foreclosure of the mortgage executed by defendant to secure the payment of said notes,) and let the said defendant take notice that il he lail to appear and answer said complaint, tho plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. Witness, R. H. Timberlake, Clerk of our said Superior Court, at ollice in the Town of Louisburg, the 4th day of January, A. 1)., 183, R. II. TIMBERLAKE, Clerk of Superior Court of jan 13 w6w Franklin county. NOTICE to Parties of tho Namo of DALLAS, M'KERROLL, and ! WILKINSON. The lad v teachers employed are all a small kettle within a large one! filled I first class. Boarding pupils are re- with water. Add 5 gallons of hot water qed to wear uniiorm dress to the mixture, stir it well, and let it stand a few days, covered from the dirt. It should be put on right hot for this pur pose : It can be kept in a kettle on a portable furnace. It is said that about a pint of this mixture will cover a square yard upon the outside of a house, if pro perly applied. It answers as well as oUt paint for wood, brick, or stone, and is cheaper. It retains its brilliancy for many years. There is nothing of the kind that will compare with it, either for inside or outside wall. Coloring- matter may be put in, and made of any . shape you like. Board and English tuition 100 per session of 5 months. For particulars, apply for circular. , Dec. 30. 113 dlawCwAw6t CITY HOTEL, Corner Wilmington and Davie streets, Raleigh, X. C. I have prepared more rooms, bought more furniture, and in every respect made my house more desirable for t TRANSIENT GUESTS. Good accommodations at' moderate prices shall be my motto. $2.00 per day. or $30.00 per month. J. B. BRYANT, Proprietor. Dec. 30, 1872. 113 lmdAw. "T7ANTED, full Particulars of the - TT Children or Descendants of AL EXANDER and WILLIAM DALLAS, DUNCAN M'KERROLL by his Wife Isabella Dallas, and of JOHN WIL KINSON (by bis Wife Janet Dallas all of whom are entitled to Share in the Succession of the late Peter Dallas, of Glasgow, in Scotland Brother of the above-named who Died, Unmarried and Intestate, on 2d June, 1872. The Parties were all Natives of Islay, in Scotland, and tho Families of the three first-named aro supposed to be in North Carolina, and of John Wilkin son in Canada. Affidavits and Evidence of Pedigree, Authenticated by a British Consul, to be lodged with James Gait, of 08 West Nile Street, Glasgow, Scotland, the i udicial Factor on Mr. Dallas' Estate. 1 December 17, 1872. 27-w3m is unequalled by any known remedy. It will eradicate, extirpate and thorough ly destroy all poisonous substances in the Blood and will effectually dispel all predisposition to billious derangement. Ik there want of action In your Liver ana Spleen 1 Unless relieved the blood becomes Impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, nmples, AC, &c. lave vou a Drspeptic Stomacl 7 Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with poverty of tho Ijlood, jjropsicai icnaency, gunurj Weakness and inertia. Have yon weakiie of the Intefc tinea ? You are in danger or Chronic Diarrheal or Inflammation of the Bow els. I - Have vou wcakncniof the Uter ine or Urinary Organ You are ex posed tosufferinginits most aggravated form. i Are von delected, drowsy, dull. sluggish or depressed in spirits, with head ache, back ache, coated tongue and bad tasting mouth ? For a certain remedy for all of til oho diseases, weaknesses and troubles) for cleansing and purifying the vitiated II 1 1 J Al A 1 A I uiooa ana imparling vigor 10 au ino vital forces; for buildingup and restor ing the weakened constitution USE : JUKUBEBA which is pronounced by the leading medical authorities or London and l'aris "the most powerful tonic and altorativo known to the medical world." This is no new and untried discovery but has . been long used by .the leading physi cians of mother countries with wonderful remedial results. ' , , ; Don't weaken and: Impair I tho digestive organs by cathartics and phys ics, they give only temporary relief Indigestion, liatulencv and dyspepsia with piles and kindred diseases are suro to follow their use.i 1 Keen the blood pure aud health is assured. ; JNO. Q. KELLOGG,! , 18 Piatt St., Now York., , Solo Agent for the United States.' Price One Dollar per Bottle. - ! jan 23 133 4w. f Send for Circular, i

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