I " '' ' i i iEEKLX ERA. WEEKBYrERA. . ITate f Advertising One square, one time, ."j. two times, ",j three times.5 A square is the width $1 00 1 60 ' a oo of a cojuuin, r - v..v One var. tn auvam-e, w 1 Ni months, in advance. 3 f0 and one inch deep, i i Three mouth, in advance, 'I OU gar" uontraet Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Professional Cards, not exceeding one 'trckKLT iw ver. in advance, ?2 00 Vol. 2. RALEIGH, X. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1873. 34 Six months. 1 00 60 square, will bo .published ono year for Three miiths. - I- - - - .-. , . . j THE 1 - '. - I 'jhs N. C. Legislature. SENATE. i rORTY-l'oUimi DAY. Monday, Feb. C, 1 873. I rwte met at 10 o'clock, i int. Governor in the Chair. Journal of yesterday read and ap- Senator Todd, a mil to reieal ! River Ferrv Comnanv. sub chanter one of chapter 113, laws . second and third readings. . ihis- G!. Referred. J Senate resolution .to raise a Joint Senator Todd, a bill concerning Committee I lo cancell vouchers in the establish in" and laying out ; Auditor's office, was adopted, and public highways, ltererrea. i bpker announced Messrs. a tson i passed j.rov td. gErwBTS OF 0MM IT- STAN DING TYir's fnni standing commit ..- were fori and Todd. i PETITION'S." Ellis of (.ominous, a )c!itiou iitizen of KolHon county presented bv Alev-r. t. Alorehead of Guil- On motion of Senator Kills of Columbus, the rules were suspended and the resolution looking to the further accommodation ol the in sane of the State, was taken up. This resolution provides for a com mitte" .whose duty it shall be to risit Charlotte and Wilming: to see visit ft hut and Co pel a ik as the House branch of the committee. House bi I authorizing Commis sioners of thj town of Lenoir to sell certain towit lots, passed second and third reading. . House bill authorizing Commis sioners of Pasquotank county to 3 w anangemeiits can be made ! Hubmit the? -question of levying a V .111 .r-iviii ' the prohibition of the salt i f';I.tiu-iting spirits within three L,ri-.Ol ai'' Dr.iiuii ixtiiuM viiuiui in I!-i--oii county. ivri-nvti. iiri modou of Mr. A vera, the L.Uoii bill was taken from calendar trt-J rvuned to the Judiciaiy Coin initti-e. f MESSAGE. I im-ssi'ge wa.- retvivtHl fnm the 5iae transmitting a ntimoer ol and resolutions which had -t4il that iKxly and asking the ?,..urrvnce of the Senate m the w4inf. which were rcfi rretl or other- viie (li-posed of. i ne ruics were suspended on mo tion of Mr. Cowlcs, and the resolu tion requesting our Iiepresenta jjvt- in l'ongn-s tn inquire into iiie Mtnt of Charlotte was taken Cjiai-d passinl. BILLS. Sii:ti"rl'wu., .t bill to amend the net ;ablihing a turnpike road f'..m Statesville t( Mt. Airy pro xilsfor the employment of con v from the l'enitentiary in its r:itruction. ! s-nator Ellis of Columbus a bill i prevent the sale of spirituous li cuurs widiin H miles of Cherry i'.ruve lkiptit Church in Columbus .junty. lU-ferretl. ! Aboabillto prevent the sale of irit' r.ear lig jsruucn liapiist Robeson county, lle- i.unh in I i;i iu ti'".l of Se iato"r E!ii-i of C 3' atlthe lI!!s now penting ' .i l.itiiiii to .a: ol spirituous h- .cs wri'.' ii(KTtti io ik.' reierr-ti )tiK 0in::atUe on l'ropositions JJr'.vVances. j x natiu- Wlkrr, a bill to prohibit thereof liquor within thecorpor limits il the town of Ruther l::oi. Rcferretl. t)u motion of Senator Eppes, the rits w. re suspeiub d and the bill avMi! theComiiiissioners of Ilal ux ounty to levy a special tax, tituken up and p;.--eil. n motion ol Sv-:tor Met'abe, tin-rules were siispeinlitl and tin blowing bills pasel their third r-uling: iiill ineorMrating the Edgccomle iYasale Seminary ; , l'.i;l f r the relief of certain tax fivers of Iy.-noir i-ounty ; and iiill to provide for the erection of a jail in the town of Haysville. Iby county. On motion of Senator Jlynian, the rules were suspended and the to inorjKirate the town of Jack s' n. in Northampton county, passed thinl n-.t'ling with a slight amend Beat. .;.ator Xorwtuxl cal'eil up bill intirir.ite the Caj 1-Var Water V.Vks Company, and it passed its Mural n a; lings. Ato the bill to iiu-orporate the (luju-l Hill Iron Mountain Uail ul (ompaiiy p:tss'."l its third rea-l- i::,'aner striking out tnai pari re Li:ng to changing its name. ?vnat'jr McCauley ca Weil up the " i.l in favor of John J. Hasty, Sher-;-ff Union county,and a sutstitute ':tles;une pas-Mtl its third read- looking to the purchase of suitable grounds und buildings for a branch asylum. senator Morehoad, or uuiiroru. oirennt an amendment making it the duty of said Committee to visit the tow'n of Thomasville, in David- son county, looKing to me ame purpose. tn-nator Welch pixstHt me res(- lutifn as one of errand swindling. and gave his reasons therefor. As the law now stood, idiots ana in sane were allowed $100 jer annum front their counties, and referred to the county of V l Ikes as having drawn $1,000 this year in addition to their insane in the Asylum, lie thought the presetit buildings were 4 A. f A 1- t - . " liiilMV sumcieut lor me iiisane oi the State, and if extra buildings were to le had. Ilaleigh was the place to build them. Senator Kills, ol Columbus, re- nlhil that he supported the reso lutions on account of its immediate necessity. He wished a vote on it to-day. The houses in Wilmington and Charlotte cou Id Ikj made ready in .JO days, when it would take months to enlarge the present one. Senator orth thought the whole thing had taken the wrong direc tion. hat we needed was a cura tive institution. The present build ings wereampiy large ior inatciass. He favored a kind of a s-cond class management. He would vote agaiust evervthing until the Com mittee brought forth a plan to rid the Asvium of the incurables. Senator Murphy said it was late iii the day. He would like to speak half an hour on this subject, lie replied lo several of the objections i brought lorth. He thought some means should ie adopteu looKing lo tiie saie-keeping ami care of the unfortunates. He said arrange ments could be made by which convict labor could be profitably employed. senator Miller advocate1, the pas sage of the resolutions as one of great beneiit to the State. cut" legislation should be correct ii before any more appropriations were made, and moved to lay the resolutions on the table. Adopted. . Leave of absence was granted Mr. McCabe on account of sickness in his family by motion of Mr. Cowlcs. Mr. J randy announced that ilr, King was still absent on account ol sickness.' On motion, the Senate adjourned until 10 o'chx-k to-morrow. sjxx-ial tax tq ra is $25,000 to build misdemeanor to fait to pay poll tax. Keferreu. Senator Cowles, a bill to repeal sections 2, 3, 4, o and 6, of an act in relation to public administrators. Referred. Senator Morehead, of Guilford a bill to provide for and regulate the adoption of minor children. Re ferred. CALENDAR. Senate' resolutions in regard io the census takers of 1800, failedJo Senate resolution in favor of tl. Adams authorizes the Treasurer a Court llotfse, or .issue Ixtmls in J to pay him the sum of213.00. uinr uiserijuioii, iu uit; pepte 01 that eountyj yeas bo. -j Air. Snee the vote wh requesting assed second reading Ij moved to reconsider reby Senate resolution ilur ltepresentatives in to I fuse their influence to t . secure the; passage ; of a bid t:ow pendinglri file U. S. Senate donat ing public funds for educational was laid on the. table. Congress This resolution was explained as the amount of a bond against one of his clerks who had forfeited it by running away. His crime was for Stry. ' On motion of Senator Love tX resolution . was ...postponed until Friday week. HILLS ON THIRD READING. The bill for the promotion of Ik! I PIiiuih: Air. Heatoh favored the motion i agriculture of the State-provides to reconsider! Thw bill before the ' he appointment of two commis sioners to visit every county in tne U. S. Senate Hs an jmixirtant one : if it becomes 51 law, will add greatly to the school fund of this State; anil therefore, the resolution should be adopted.' j Mr. Aloring supported the motion to reconsider. : . ' Air. Jones, of Caldwell, opposed the motion to reconsider. Mr. Waugh favrtred the motion to recon-Mer, and; hoped the reso lution would be unanimously adop ted. Air. Gudger opposed the motion to reconsider. Air. Bean supported the motion to reconsider. ! j favored the motion to ! reconsider the resolution p re-was e:iatorScott introduced a bill to f-ttmt the charter of the town of iS--tuf.rt. Rcferretl. Senator Smith offered a memorial "ni the citiiens of UranviHtOCo. " relation to the formation or the county of Gilliam. Referred. S'nainr Morehead, of Guilford, Jseiihd the rcort from the Com 2:;;tH un Constitutional Amend-B't-ats, which was read and made a ;rial order for every day at 11 V!'njk until it is disfxised of. SPECIAL OUDER. The'uill !iicororatiug the North laroiina Mi,lland Railway Compa ny vvs taken up on its third read- ir.;. Messrs. Alurphy and Norwood itiitlMc all their objection to the -ill and wi re satisfied that it meant rdt- the State and would siq i' rtthe bill heartily. Mr. Love still regarded the bill i one granting extraordinary jmw , Lat withdrew all hostility he towards the bill. Ktlis, of Columbus, still op-?-l the bill. I 'r. Aver.i t-alltl the previous i ". i m, when the bill passed its I -I reading by a vote of 30 to 3, j - crd-. red to be engrossed and ! v; ttoilu House. i . - i:is;ige was received from the -;n transmitting a number of '""Hliich I: id n:Ki il thnt bole. i , - i 7"i n were lVsied of. Mowks, by leave, iutro'dueed flutioii of regret and indigna--'flatthe fraudulent practices of "fctin inrnibiTs of Congress. Lies nruntltr the rules. v Kl'LES SUSPENDED. n ,.,Kius f Catawba, called up itliU to , incorporate Horseford inufit1uring Company, when it R its several readings. ,lr.Avtra railed up the bill to ,nratethe town of S'Ima, in ''laston county, when a substitute adopted therefor. lr; Mcholsun called up the bill rn,nSthe powewand duties of aty surveyors, and it passed its - --ksW referred or otherwise yuaior Long called a bill to IIOUSK OF UEIMiESEXTATIVES. rORTY-FOURTII DAY. AIonday, Feb. 3, 1873. Mr. Settle was granted leave of absence on account of sickness. PETITIONS. By Air. Blythe, a petition from citizens of Henderson county pro- testhiir airainst any interierence with the sale of the.W. N. C. Rail road. Bv Air. Gudger, a petition simi lar to tl.at presented by Mr. Blythe, from certain citizens of Spring Cn-ek Township, Aladison county. By Mr. Gorman, a petition from citizens of Wake county protesting against the passage of a prohibitory liquor law. Mr. Winslow was announced as being sick. Air. Wiley from Joint Commit tee on Constitutional Amendments rejorted that the proposed amend ments would be submitted to each 1 louse separately. It EVOLUTIONS. By Air. Heaton, a resolution to provide for the speedy returns of - elections. 'i By Mr. Watson, a resolution rela tive to the counties of Orange and Chatham, requesting the Congress to transfer these counties to the Eas tern Judicial District for this State. By Air. Richardson, a resolution of instruction to the Committee on Asylum lor Deaf, Dumb and Blind, relative to public printing. By Mr. Blackwell, a resolution that the House meet every night except Saturday night, at 7 p. m. BILLS. By Air. Carter, a bill making ap propriation for Asylum for Deaf, Dumb and Blind. By Mr. Corson, a bill fixing olfice hours for Siqvrior Court Clerks. Bv Mr. Craige, a bill to amend Chapter Xll, Code Civil Pnxedure, entitled "Masters and Apprentices." calendar. -The calendar was placed at the disiKj&il of the Speaker, bills anil resolutions were taken up and dis posed of a5 follows : Senate resolution ordering an in vestigation into the affairs of the W. C. & R. Railroad, and request ing information of the Governor, was adopted. Senate resolution requesting in formation jjie Governor and At torney General as to what steps had been taken under a resolution rati fied February, 187:1, ordering an in vestigation into the affairs of the W. N. C. Railroad, was adopted. Senate resolution requesting our Representatives in Congress to use their influence to secure the passage of the bill donating public lands lor Educational purposes, was laid on the table. Senate bill to amend section 1, chapter 152, laws of 1872, relative to levy sp eadiijg- Ij'..the Scotch Fair near Laurel taking fish in waters of Cumberland Wehmond county, and it pass- and Samiwon, passed second and SeVl'r-l I Oi!k1 Morlinira Wi r -nurray, by leave, intro fcrE?. .resolution in relation to iUuZf LUJ-raaklng Friday ar tion r y lhe ti,,,e for the consider a of private bills. Adopted. , and ra- Senate bin to extend the time for the redemntion of nromTty soid lor taxes, passed second and third read- . i-s- ' j Senate bill to incorporate NeuSj .Mr. Lindsay to reconsider. Air. McNeill favored the motion to reconsider. The motion vailed, and adopted. House hill to prevent sale of li quor within 3 iniiesjof Alt. Pleasant Academy, Cherokee county, passed second and third readings. House bill to make Reedy Fork Cnt'k, Guilford county," a lawful fence, passed second and third read ings. ' Hou.se bill to amend act to estab lish a turnpike road from Alarion to Asheville, was laid on the table. House: bilito change time of the meeting, of the Board of Commis sioners and Board of Education of Carteret county, passed second and third readings. House bili to empower Board of Commissioners of Caswell county to meet on" first Monday of every month, and continue in' session un til all business before them is dis posed of, was laid on the table. House bill to incorporate the Trustees of El bethel Al. E. Church, Cleaveland county,: passed second and third readings. , House bill to prohibit the sale of liquor within 2 miles of the Court House in the town ol Morganton, passed second and third readings. Bv Air. Wheeler, a bill for the re lief of the citizens of Forsythe county. ; House bill to prevent sale of li quor within 1 mile of any Church on days in which religious worship is held, was laid on the table. House bill to allow Commission ers of Caldwell county to levy spe cial tax. passed second re yeas 88. House bill to allow Commission ers of Currituck county to levy spe cial tax. passed third reading yeas 79 naVs 2. House bill to allow Commisssion- ers of Swain county county to levy special tax, passed third reading yeas 74. ... ; ? House Dili to allow commission ers of Person county to levy special tax passed third, reading yeas 80 House resolution relative to the contested seat from Martin county, giving the Committee power to send for x?rsons and papers, was adonted. House resolution authorizing tne Treasurer to pay Samuel Reeves, Jr., John Beard and David L. Brin gle, the capturers of one John Allen Ketchy, the sum - of ?l,000, was read. 1'he Committee to whom the res olution was referred, recommended that the sum be reduced to $300. Air. Waugh moved to strike out $300 and instrt .$200. Lost. The amendment of the Committee was adopted, and the resolution passed second and third readings. ii ... i :ii .1 ... M. ; ..; r. j louse out itn.iiimi v-iim-ii.iii and Wiccohon Creeks a lawful fence, passed second and third read ings. House bill to allow Commission ers of Aloore county to levy special tax, passed second reading yeas i navs l. House bill prohibiting the sale of liquor in town of Carthage IVloore county, passed second and tnird readings. Adjourned. SENATE. FOKTY-F1FTII DAY. Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1S73. Senate met at 10 o'clock. Lieut. Governor in the chair. . Journal of yesterday read and ap pro veil. PETITIONS. Senator Smith, a petition front the citizens of Granville county, irotesting against the division of .said county. Filed with other pa pers relating to the new county of Gilliam. Senator G randy, a petition from he Board of Commissioners of Camden county, relating to levying a special tax. Referred. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- .. . TEES. Reports from standing commit tees were nresented by Messrs. Love, Alurray and Flemming. Senator Resixss reixr ted that Senator King was still absent on account of sickness. BILLS. Senator M Her, a bill for the pro motio o s tck raising. Referred. . Senator A vera, a bill making it a State and deliver addresses tfec, on the subject was taken up on its third reading. Senator Norwood said the passage of this bill could do-but very little harm, and might be the entering wedge of a great deal of good, and advocated the bill at wine length iu an able manner. Senator Alerrimon disliked to op pose a bill advocated by such an able and distinguished a ge;itleman as the Senator from Orange, and cited where he thought the bill would do no good. He liked some features of the bill however. Senator Worth felt a great interest in the bill, and concurred with the views of Senator Norwood On motion the special order, the Constitutional Amendments,, was .postponed until 11 o'clock to-morrow. Senator Alerrimon offered to amend by fixing the salary of the commissioners appointed by taking the same from the State Geologist. Senator Alorehead, of .Rocking ham, said. he would support the bill if Senator Merrimon's amendment was not adopted. lie said to adopt it. would be robbing Paul to pay Peter, and 'advocated the necessity and importance of the State Geolo gist in a forcible speech. Senator Love proceeded to make a speech, when the President an nounced the arrival of the time for the .special order. Senator Humphrey, by leave, in troduced a bill providing for two addit.onal terms of the Superior Courts of Edgecombe. Referred'. Senator Harris, a resolution re lieving W. W. Holden of the disa bilities -.imposed uion him b the impeachment trial. Lies over. SPECIAL ORDER. The bill establishing a newcountv by the name of Gilliam out of the counties of Granville, franklin and Warren, was taken up on its third reading. Senator A vera offered a substitute for the bill which had been handed him by the friends of the bill. Senator Grandy moved that the whole subject matter be referred to the Judiciary Committee. Senator Cunningham moved that the whole matter be postponed for the present, and proceeded to give his reasons therefor. He said the formation of new counties were at tended with a good deal of expense and confusion, but if the wants of those concerned demanded it, he would vote for the bill. Senator Cunningham demanded the yeas and nays on his motion and it prevailed -by a vote of 25 to 11. The agriculture bill was then re sumed. Mr. Love proceeded with his speech and advocated the amend ment of Senator Alerrimon. Senator Flemmingspokeat length concurring in the views of the Sen ator from Rockingham. Senator Men imon advocated the adoption of his amendment. Senator A vera favored the amend ment if the bill had to pass, but was opposed to the bill as one of useless expense. Senator Morehead of Guilford, opposed the amendment. Ho thought the state ueologist had done great good to this State and advocated his claims at considera ble length. Senator Merrimon aain spoke advocating his -amendment and characterized the speech of Senator Alorehead of Guillord as one ot good argument for the adoption of his amendment and the bill. Senator Alurphy spoke in great earnestness in opposition to the amendment and paid a high com pliment to Prof. Kerr. He favored die bill in conjunction with tne State Geologist. Senator Gudger moved to lay the whole matter on the table. Lost. Senator Alurphy moved that it bo recommitted. Senator Respess thought it should be acted on to-day, and he was in ravorolthe amendment. He was in favor of abolishing the ofiice of State Geologist, not that he had any prejudice against him, lor person ally he liked him. Senator Harris advocated the of fice of the State Geologist as one of importance to North Carolina. He favored a recommittal. senator Cunningham called the previous question. Senator juoreneaa oi uuuiora moved to adjourn. On that motion, Senator Cun ningham called the yeas and nays. The Senate refused to adjourn. Mr. Cunningham withdrew the call for the previous question. On motion of senator Morehead ofGuilford, the Senate adjourned. petitions. . By Air. Mitchell, a petitionvfrom a portion of citizens ol stones coun ty praying a change of the name of . . M. I I I-V I ineoouniy seat, which is iwcioury. Mr. Alitchell also presented cmnter petition protesting against the change of the name or DaiiDury. amnesty bill. ' Air. Bennett from Committee on Judiciary, presented a majority re port recommending the passage of the Senate Amnesty bill. Air. Badger presented a minority report from the Judiciary Commit tee protesting against the passage ot the bill. BILLS INTRODUCED. By Air. Whisnant, a bill to settle the accounts of the two divisions of the W. C. & R. Railroad, and for other purposes., By'Mr. Shackelford, a bid to in corporate the Onslow Agricultural society. CALENDAR. Bills and resolutions on the cal endar were taken up and disposed of as follows : Senate bill to incorporate the N. C. Steel Rail Company, passed second and third readings. Senate bill to amend an Act in corporating the N. C. Spoke and Handle Factory, passed second and third readings. House bill appropriating 4-,000 to defray the expenses of the Asy lum for the Deaf, Dumb and j Blind, passed second and third readings. House bill to incorporate the N. C. Alica Alining Company passed second and third readings. Senate bill to repeal act incorpor ating the Cape Fear Building Asso ciation, was postponed and made special order for AIonday next at 11 a. m. House bill concerning survey of lands in Graham county, passed second and third readings. House bill incorporating the Car olina Central Railway Company was read. Air. Whisnant moved to postpone the bill and make it special order for Thursday next at 11 a. m. Lost. I Air. Vv hisnant oflered an amend ment forbidding the construction of any branch road until the main line is completed to Charlotte and from Charlotte to Asheville. Air. Bennett opposed theadoption of the amendment. Air. Johnston urged the adop tion of the amendment. Air. Bowman opposed the amend ment. The amendment was lost. Air. Whisnant offered an amend ment compelling 'the Company to build the road from Wilmington to Charlotte and from Charlotte to Asheville, according to the charter of the Wilmintm, Charlotte fc Rutherford Railroad Company. Lost. Air. Johnston offered an amend ment that the Company shall not be allowed to build any branch road east of the Blue Ridge. Lost. The bill passed second and third readings. House bill allowing Commission ers of Harnett county to levy spe cial tax, passed second reading yeas 88 nays 1. On motion of Air. Heaton, the motion Whereby Senate bill to re peal an act incorporating the Cape Fear Building Association, was made special order for AIonday next, was reconsidered, and the bill was made special order for Tuesday next at 11 a. m. House bill to enable Commission ers of Surry county to consolidate their debt, was referred to Judiciary Committee. House bill to allow Commission ers of Lenoir to levy special tax, passed third reading yeas 73, nays 16. . House bill to authorize Commis- missioners of Pasquotank county to lew special tax or issue bonds to build a Court House, passed third reading yeas 87 nays 7. House resolution authorizing the Treasurer to pay Henry Smith $20 for services as page to the House, was referred to the Committee on Claims. House bill to allow Commission ers of Caldwell county to levy spe cial tax, passed third reading yeas 71 nays 23. House bill to allow Commission ers of Aloore county to levy special tax, passed third reading yeas 70 nays 18. House bill to exchange the stocks of the State for bonds with which such stocks were obtained, was in definitely postponed. : 1 Another bill of similar import was indefinitely postponed. These bills were postponed for the reason that a bill embracing the same pro visions has been introduced into the Senate. House bill to re-enact an act in corporating the French Broad Turn pike Company, paased second and third readings. House bid to repeal chapter 189, laws 1871-'72, and to re-enact chap. 237,-laws 170-'71, was indefinitely postponed. House bill to require Executors to give bond, was indefinitely post poned. House bill for the better protec tion of the mortgagee of personal propertj', was indefinitely fxistpon ed. Adjourned. House transmitting a number : of bills which had passed that body and asking concurrence of the same. Read, referred or otherwise dis posed of. The chair appointed Air. Cramer as committee on enrolled bills in the placeof Mr. Stilley, resigned. uu motion of Senator Cunning ham, the school bill was recommit ted to the committee on education. On motion of Senator Hyman, the vote was reconsidered by which the new county of Gilliam failed to pass, arid also that motion was laid on the table.v On motion of Senator Gudger, a committee of two was appointed to separate the private bills from the public now on the calendar. The chair apjxjinted Messrs. -Norwood and Grandy said committee. Senator Chamberlain on account of sickness in his family. . The bill for the improvement of hSSrlSY, agriculture oi the state was taken BILLS INTRODUCED By Senator McCaulev a bill to amend the charter of the town of Alonroein Union county. Referred. By the same, a bill to declare cer tain acts of State officers misde meanors. Referred. By Stnator Dunham, a bid to in corporate the Cape Fear and Peo ples' Steamboat Company. Re ferred. ' By Senator Merrimon, a bill to prevent1 the sale of liquor within one mile of Newton Academy in Buncombe county. Passed second reading under a suspension of the rules and referred. up. j j The question recurring on the adoption! of the amendment of the Senator from Randolph, to fill the blank by inserting $1,200.00 was adopted, j Senator Alerrimon said, in his re marks on yesterday, he did not in tend to reflect in the least to the discredit of the State Geologist. Senator j Alurphy occupied the floor sonic j time impressing upon the minds of the Senators the im portance of the office of State Geol ogist and thought the proposition to cut down his already too small salary was doing a great injustice to tne state. lie lavored any meas ure looking to the promotion of agriculture. He thought theamend ment wrong and hoped it would not pass. Senator Cunningham, by leave, introduced! a bill to amend the charter of the town of Alilton. Re ferred, j Senator Love proceeded to speak in favor of the amendment of Air. Alerrimon,! when the Senate ad journed.:, ! Air.- Heaton ws adopted Wills- HOUSE' OF REPRESENTATIVES. FORTY-SIXTH DAY. lebruary 5, 1873. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FORTY-FIFTH DAY. Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1873.' Air. Lindsay was announced as being sick. Aiessrs. Harden and Sharpe were err nted leave oi absence ior nve da s on i.ccount of bickness in their families. . SENATE. FORTY SIXTH DAY. "Wednesday, Eeb. o, 1S73. Senate met at 10 o'clock. Lieut. Governor in the Chair. Journal of yesterday read and approved. PETITION". Senator Cramer presented a pe tition from the citizens of the town of Thomasville, in relation to sell ing liquor to minors. Referred. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Report from standing commit tees were submitted by Messrs. A vera, Cowles, Welch, Hill, Love and Alurray. messages. ) A message was received from the calendar. Senate resolution removing the disabilities of W. W. Holden, im posed upon him by the High Court of impeachment was taken up. Senator Alurphy moved that it be referred to the Judiciary Commit tee. : Senator Love called the previous question. Senator A vera demanded the yeas and nays. The call for the previous question failed by a vote of 11 to 24. After some debate Senator Mur phy's motion prevailed. special order. The bill to alter the Constitution ofthe State, was taken up on its second reading. Air. Grandy took the floor and gave his views and position on this all important subject. He said he had been reporttd as opposed in toto to.' the amendments, but he was incorrectly reported, bethought at this tmie it would bp best not to interfere with the Constitution. He thought some amendments were necessary however, and the Consti tution provided bow they should be made. It requires a bill to be parsed by three-fifths of the whole number of members of each House o;' the General Assembly and pub lished six months previous to a new election of members of the General Assembly, after such publication, the alteration proposed by the pre ceding General Assembly shall be agreed to in the first session there after by two-thirds of the whole number of members in each House of the General Assembly, then the amendments may be submitted to the qualified voters ol the State. The proposition here was not to submit: to the people the bill passed at last session, but to submit six teen bills. What right had we to do so? I lie was willing that one or two amendments should bo incor porated into the Constitution if it were done so in accordance with law. This had been his course be fore his constituents and he adhered to the same. Senator Alorehead of Guilford, said if this was a pure party ques tion nothing would have pleased him more than the remarks of the Senator from Pasquotank but t was not. He thought the Senator had taken entirely the wrong position in re gard to what the Constitution said about altering the same, and read from the book that part relating to it. lie gave his opinion in regard to it, and said it was the same held by the best lawyer in the Republi can party, Samuel F. Phillips. He Sidd there was not a Republican on this floor that would ever come back to this Legislature if he voted against all these amendments. As a partizan he hoped they would. He contended that it was not a party question but simply a propo sition to change the law. Senator Grandy said he did not know, what book the Senator from Guilford read from, but suppose his Constitution was alike his; he did not understand it in that light. He informed the Senator that he did not come here to make party capi tal in order to come back There two hears Jience: if his return depended upon the sacrifice of principle and corne before us the State the violation of the Constitution of Mr. AIcGehee said theC North Carolina, it is better that he remain home. He would stand here and defend the . Constitution and the principle of free government as long as he had the honor to a seat in the Senate. He should vote against these sixteen bills to alter the Constitution because they are illegal and unconstitutional and are not the same as were passed by the last General Assembly. Senator Gudger spoke in favor of the amendments and said lie was prepared to vote for the amend ments one and all. Senator Harris said he was in favor of certain amendments to the Constitution but thought it dan gerous to tamper with the funda mental law of this government. He was willing to vote for any thing that was consistent to him and his constituents. He wished to have the bill printed in order that every Senator could vote on it under standing. Senator Welch called the previ ous question on the passage. Not sustained. On motion of Senator Alorehead, ofGuilford, the further considera tion of the amendments was post poned until 11 o'clock to-morrow. A message was received from the House transmitting a number of bills which were referred cr other wise disposed of. Senator Grandy asked and obtain cbftn indefinite leave of absence for Prayer by the Kev. Dr. Alason. j PETITIONS. By Air. Reid, of Alecklcnburg, a petition from citizens of Mecklen burg protesting against any amend ment of the charter of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad Com pany. 1 j 1 ' Air. Lindsay was granted indefi nite leave on account. of sickness. BILLS. By Air. Turner, a bill to prevent the sale of liquor within one. mile of Turnersburg, Iredell county. By Mr. Dickey, a bill to regulate the salary of Superintendent of In sane Asylum.' By Air. Guyther, a bill to allow the Commissioners of Washington county to levy special tax. By Mr. Gorman, a bill to incor porate Raleigh Bucket Co. No. 1. By Mr. Rhodes, a bill to create a mechanics lien. By Air. Anderson, of Clay, a bill to repeal chapter 30, laws 18G8-?CD. By Air. Jones, of Tyrrell, a reso lution of instruction to North Caro lina Representatives iu Congress. calendar. Bills and resolutions were taken up on Calendar and disposed of as follows i Senate bill relative to Amnesty and Pardon was postponed until Wednesday next at 12 m. Senate bill to amend the charter of Cape Fear Iron and Steel Com pany, passed second and third readings. House resolution appointing W. B. Rowe .Keeper of the Caiitol was postponed for a week. On motion of Air. Heaton House resolution authorizing the Treasurer to pay James C. AIcGowan $50, was taken up. A sub-titute of the Committee on Claims giving AIcGowan $35 instead of $00, was adopted and the resolu tion passed several readings. On motion of Air. Bowman the Senate resolution fixing the 17th of Feb'y as the day of adjournment, was taken up. Air. Gudger moved, to strike out 17th and insert loth. Air. Badger supported the-resolu-tion as! it came from the Senate. The Legislature should adjourn as soon as the school bill and the rev enue bill are finally acted upon by the Senate. Other bills upon the Calendars are of small importance compared with the enormous ex pense we are to the people every day. i . !, Air. Alorf ison moved to strike out 6 a. m. and insert 12 m. Mr. Dudley opposed the adoption ofhe resolution. He did not think the Legislature could get through with the public business by that time. I The resolution was passed by the Senate for " buncombe," and nothing els?. It ought to be laid on the table. Mr. 'Jones, of Caldwell, opposed the passage of the resolution. The Legislature cannot possibly get through the business before the General Assembly. Mr. S Bryan, of Alleghany, sup ported the resolution. Mr. Alitchell moved to postpone the resolution until AIonday next. Air. j Watson opposed the resolu tion. We have taken no action upon the most vital question that can debt. Committee on the State debt had had many con sultations rlative to the State debt, but had not yet arrived at any solu tion of that stupenduous question. Mr. Reid, of Alecklenburg, oppos ed the; passage of the resolution. Air. .Williamson moved to indefi nitely! postpone the reolution. Lost yeas 20 nays 81. The- amendment of Air. Alorrison was adopted. MrJBowman supported the reso lution. ! Alr.j Johnston said that the reso lution was introduced in the Senate by Senator Merrimon. It was not introduced for " buncombe;" and should be adopted just as it came from the Senate. We have done nothing since we have been here but pass private bills. Pass this resolution, and then the Legislature will begin to j take action upon the state debt, Constitutional Amend ments, school bill and llevenue bill. I When these bills have been acted upon finally, then we will be ready to adjourn sine dieon the2Gth February. J ..." ' ' Air.' Bowman called the previous question. The. call was' sustained. The amendment of Air. Gudger to strikeout 17th and insert 15th, was adopted yeas 5 1 nays 16. The substitute offered buy Air. Heaton was lost yeas 18 nays Go. The resolution was adopted yeas 88 nays 10, Bv Mr Hous met at 10 A. ! AIJ and adjourn at 2 P. M., and meet at 7 P. M. each day of the week, excepting Satur- lyanusunuay Senate resolution anihorizlng tho Treasurer to pay James McQueen the full rewards offered for the ap prv i.v ...... j of Boss j Strong, an out law of Robes in county was taken "P. I i Mr. Heaton moved to strikeout the words "in lull" and insert the words "one-half. V The previous question was or dered. I K II The amendment iof was lost. The resolution yeas Go nays 31. I Alessrsi Badger, Bowman, nant, CopeJand, and Blythe, enter o protest against the passage of the resolution. I i Mr. Joyncr moved Ho reconsider the vote whereby aj bill to protect mortgages of personal property, failed to pass second reading on yesterday. . On motion of Mr. Brown, of Da- . . : . i .1.. a. t l viuson, i no motion was laid on the table. House bill to amend ating a Mechanics' read. I Tho substitute recommended by the Judiciary Committee was adop ted. I. J The bill passed reading. The-bill -was read third time, or dered printed, and made special or der for Tnesday next at 12 m. . House bill tpTtmend the election and registration act of 1871-72, was to allow electors to vpte any w hero in the county where) they reside, was read. I Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, moved to lay the bill on tho table. The yeas and nays were called, and the .motion was (lost yeas 21), nays G8. I j I - The bill was postponed 'until to morrow week. ; House bill to prevent fraud and corrupt legislation, Was indefinitely postponed. Adjournid. o reconsider an act ere- cn law. was Our State. Hog cholera in 1 1 ill Cary needs a teleg sboro ' aph office. gcnt in Mr. Hatcher, Express Wilmington, has renignrd. : AIr. James Fleet of Wilmington has lijul his broken leg Wot and is bettor. T i A. B. Scott ha$ (just paid his CUlli year's suliscrq)ti'i to tho f Jrccns boro Patriot.i fPi t ? i..' 1 w. ' .1 ti iititii.i lY.if.Ti b.ff.i in X i l i.J.I. JO till UJUiiUII.IU.W III tha Iliehniond (Va.) wstofiioo for (J, Wayne county, W. Pollock, Mt. Olive1, X. C. Fire at WadcsboJro. Postoflieo and Gales and Crorisnn's stores and Hutchinson's cabinet ptliop in ashes. No particulars. j j The steamer Cornjmerce that left Baltimore for Wilmington last Friday was brought back by, in ico lxat badly cut by ic and is wharf in that city. A WOMAN kills now at Jcnkin's an eaglo with a board. The Danbury IStokos) Reporter says: Nancy M. Law since, killed a very la pieco of board. Tho 0; an attempt to catch a c tho dwelling houso duor. It measured four and a half feet fro Cotton burned. j Observer says : As tho renco, a few daya go caglo with a glo was making iiickcn in or near n tip to tip. Tho Charlotte mail train on. tho C, C. & A.! Railroad wjas going south on Saturday night, a load of cotton caught tire from sparks thrown from1 tho en gine. Tho load consisted of 27 bales, and all efforts to extinguish tho Haines were utterly futilo. The loss of thoi Icot ton and box-car was complete. , I New Depot on thej Raleigh & Gas ton Road. Tho Weld on News say : Tlie Ilaleigh and (Jaston Iiailroad Company has recent'ly opend a. depot, ten mi 1cm this silo"of tho Capitol, to bo called Neuse, formerly ' II uritsville, and ap pointed our clever young friend, Mr. Johnnie Carver, of Porestvllle, as Agent, wno, we fuel confident, will Katisfaetori- i ly execute the requirements of the com pany. j . .- :j ' '' How they stuffed a Greensboro merchant.! The JTattiot ays: One it our merchants purchased a nice lot of butter a few days agoJ dono up in pound balls. .It was sjileiitljid ; he paid a nice price for it and wll it at a small ad vance; bui imagine Ids dugust when his customer returned it, und ho found that all that nico butter was nothing more nor Jess than Jineal dough and coanso salt j plastered pver. This ttconn as near the) wooden njutmeg business as anything we have heard of, of late. ' A grubworm In a brick. Tho Surry Visitor says : A few days ago we were told)by Mr. Y. II. Lewis, who resides soiuo six mile's from this jlace, a man of undoubted veracity, that he, . a short timi ago, while removing the brick frofn'jLlio ttem ef an old chhnney, -which had! jiceh standi ng about seventy Ave yeanyjijroko open ono of tho bricks taken from iicir the top of tho chimney, in which ho found a fall grown, living grubuorhi ! j Tho brl ck was . perfectly, sound and solid, and.fhe cavity contain in tho worm- had the appearance ; of mwaro, We don't propose .. to solve the mystery, but ry much if some one eh o glazed eartl to undertak wonld like would. ' Badger, a resolution that An Iredell postmaster 1 in i bad luck. Tho Cl arlotto Observer says : "We learned yes'erday that , one day last week, while Mr. William Wilson, the postmaster al Moorearville, Iredell coun ty, was ridin ; in the country near C-, lumbia, S. CJ, he was assaulted, knock ed from his horse, and robbed of$2001n ' money. Air. Wilson! arrived in Char- ' lotte yesterday andl was taken to his home on the Htatesfillo' train. ' Thee 1 are the facts as we heard tbem yetr- day. The Cblumbi&j Union,' however, I states that Mr. Wilson was thrown by his hors-e, and pronoiincas tho robbery pan untruej We have our version of the story from a gentleman" whom "W aeqai aiiogeuer rename.

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